Home Useful tips Bullfinch bird template for cutting. DIY paper bullfinches. Winter picture made from plain paper and napkins

Bullfinch bird template for cutting. DIY paper bullfinches. Winter picture made from plain paper and napkins

The “Bullfinch” applique will help decorate a baby’s clothes, a sofa cushion, a case for a phone or glasses, wallpaper on the walls of a children’s room, and even make a postcard for any winter holiday. After all, this beautiful bird delights the eye with its red breast in the harsh winter, bringing great joy to both adults and children. And the “Bullfinch” applique is quite simple. This will be discussed in this article.

The third version of the applique is gluing the full contour figure of a bird in black so that the red breast, beak, eyes and wings are already placed on it.

There is a fourth option for doing this job. It consists of making an applique of geometric shapes. The body itself is made from half a red circle and a gray triangle.

Then a black circle is glued on - the head, and a small triangle is attached to it - the beak.

A larger black triangle will imitate the tail of a bullfinch.

The wing is made from half a black circle, inside which part of a gray circle is placed. The eyes are made from two circles - white and gray.

The twig can be drawn with a brown felt-tip pen, or you can also cut it out of paper and stick it on. Red or orange circles will represent rowan berries.

Cool bullfinch made of geometric shapes

The “Bullfinches on a Branch” applique is perfect for a winter card. It can be done without a template using geometric shapes. True, the bird will turn out to be symbolic and quite cool. By the way, this applique “Bullfinches on a branch” can be used both for clothing and for decorating wallpaper. Here are step-by-step instructions for performing one bullfinch. The second bird can be made in a similar way, placing it asymmetrically so that they look at each other.

  1. Select the background for the postcard.

  2. A black circle is glued - the body of a bullfinch.

  3. There is a red oval on it - the breast of a bird.

  4. You can make cheeks out of two red circles, but this is not necessary.

  5. The eyes are made of white paper. They can be either round or oval; they can be the same size and shape, or they can differ from each other.

  6. The pupils can be drawn with a felt-tip pen. But even if desired, sticking black circles inside the eye whites will not spoil the work at all.

Walking along the winter streets, probably everyone, both children and adults, have seen beautiful birds with a reddish breast pecking at rowan trees. It was bullfinches! So why not, sitting in a warm room, recreate what you saw? An excellent option for this purpose would be the applique “Bullfinch on a Rowan Branch”.

Creating an application: who is interested?

Even the smallest child can make a winter-themed applique, although he will need the help of an adult. But such an activity will not require too much effort from the student, and the time will be spent interestingly. It is worth noting that making an applique on this topic can be interesting for adults as well - the main thing is to correctly determine the goals and select the materials.

So, with the help of fabric applique you can decorate a pillowcase, children's pajamas or any other thing. And from paper of various textures and colors you can create a whole picture called “Bullfinches in winter on a rowan tree,” which will be an excellent addition to the interior of a child’s room, living room or kitchen. However, no matter what kind of applique you decide to make, the ideal option is for a child and an adult to work together.

Preparation of materials and tools

Work on creating any application, be it fabric, paper or any other, begins with organizing and collecting materials. This case is no exception. The paper “Bullfinch” applique requires the following materials and tools: cardboard, colored paper, standard white sheets, napkins, or the favorite glue stick of little craftsmen, scissors, a simple pencil, and a ruler. You will also need felt-tip pens if you plan to finish drawing some elements of the applique (for example, the eyes of a bird, paws).

If you are going to make a fabric applique, then you need to stock up on fabric of the required colors, a needle, thread and scissors. As for the colors of the main material, you can deviate a little from the usual image of a bullfinch and use not red fabric for making its abdomen, but, for example, white polka dots, orange or pink. As for the wings and head, it is better to leave them black with small accents of gray, so the bird will be more similar to its prototype.

Creating templates for the applique “Bullfinch on a mountain ash”

So, you have decided that your craft will be a bullfinch - a paper applique. Templates for creating this bird should be made immediately after all the materials and tools for the work have been collected. After all, thanks to them, all further work on the applique, be it fabric or paper, will be significantly simplified. As for making templates, the easiest way is to use those given below. However, if you are good at drawing, you can create unique patterns yourself.

If the decision is made to use the submitted option, then the sheet will need to be printed, transferred to thick cardboard, traced with a simple pencil and cut out. It is worth noting that the denser the templates are, the more convenient it will be to work with them. Next, the resulting blanks must be installed on paper or fabric of suitable colors, outlined, cut out, placed in the right places, and soon you will have the applique “Bullfinch on a Rowan Branch”. You can also use bullfinch to create templates, but more on that below. As for the details for the rowan branch, they will be small circles that will replace the berries, and long narrow rectangles to create the branch itself. By the way, rectangles can be cut out of brown paper without any templates - it’s more convenient and faster, but you’ll have to tinker a little with the berries.

Children's applique "Bullfinch on a rowan branch"

It is advisable that an adult prepare the templates described above in advance. The applique “Bullfinch on a Rowan Branch” may seem a little difficult to complete for a preschool child. Next, you will need to cut out the body of the bird and rowan berries from red paper, the wing and eyes from black paper, the paws and beak from gray paper, and the branches of a bush from brown paper. The most suitable background for the applique will be blue or white paper, but you can use any other.

When all the parts are ready, you just need to glue them in place. First, the body of the bird should be placed in the middle of the sheet, then the wing, beak and eye. Then glue the main branch a little lower and only after that attach the bird’s legs slightly overlapping. This procedure is needed to create the impression that the bullfinch is sitting on a bush. Lastly, you will need to “assemble” a rowan branch from parts prepared in advance.

Fabric applique

The applique “Bullfinch on a Rowan Tree”, made of fabric or felt, can be an excellent decoration for children’s clothing or To make it, you can use the templates provided above, however, this time you will need to cut out the parts from fabric. This application is much easier to make than it might seem at first glance.

First, you need to cut out all the necessary parts from a suitable fabric and use a needle to sew them in the same order as a paper applique is made to the product. And if you also own a sewing machine, then this one will take you very little time. It is worth noting that entire pictures can be made from fabric to decorate the interior or to give to someone as a gift; all you need to do is place them in a frame.

Winter applique - paper mosaic

Very easy to make, but no less interesting in appearance, and perhaps even more so, is the winter applique in the form of a mosaic. To make it, you can use the same template, or you can draw a bullfinch on a sheet of white paper using the diagram below.

Regardless of whether you use a ready-made template or draw the bird yourself, it is important that it is in the center of the sheet. Next you will need to create a winter background. To do this, you need to tear or cut many small pieces of paper of different textures, white, blue, etc. This can be standard sheets, corrugated, colored or wallpaper paper.

It is worth noting that this work does not require great care, which, of course, appeals to little craftsmen. The fact is that the prepared pieces do not need any orderly and even gluing. They can be attached in any position, side by side or overlapping, gluing them completely or leaving protruding ends - this will only make the finished applique “Bullfinch on a Rowan Branch” more interesting.

When the background is completely ready, you can move on to making the bird itself. The area of ​​the wings, tail and legs must be covered with black and gray pieces of paper, the abdomen with red and pink, and the branches with brown. The fully finished application must be left for several hours to dry.

Bullfinch made of geometric shapes: interesting applique

Another interesting one could be a bullfinch made from geometric shapes. By the way, it is an excellent way to introduce a child to geometry. Of course, such a bird will look more like a cartoon character, but children will definitely love this bullfinch (paper applique). It is not necessary to prepare the templates in advance; you can draw the necessary shapes immediately on the sheets of color you need.

So, you will need a large black circle for the body, a red oval for the chest, 2 small red circles for the cheeks, 2 white ovals for the eyes, 2 small black circles for the pupils, a small orange triangle for the beak, 3-5 narrow black ones ellipses - for a shaggy hairstyle, 3 black ovals - for the tail, 2 gray ovals - for the wings. When all the parts are cut out, you just need to assemble them. It is more convenient to draw a rowan branch and a bird’s legs with a brown felt-tip pen, but you can also cut it out of paper.

Winter picture made from plain paper and napkins

If you need to keep several children busy at home or in kindergarten, you can invite them to create a whole applique painting on a winter theme. By the way, there is also something for adults to do in this matter, because someone needs to coordinate the actions of children, as well as make parts that are too complex for them.

You can make a bullfinch stencil for applique yourself using the template provided above, or you can try to buy a ready-made one. Since it is planned to create a whole picture, there should be several birds. They can either sit on a bush with rowan trees, or jump on snowdrifts, or peck grain in a feeder - it all depends on the wishes and imagination of the children.

The bullfinches' bodies must be cut out of black paper, and the breasts must be made from small lumps of red napkins, which will take children a lot of time to make. When the lumps are ready, they need to be glued onto a black template in the abdomen area; in a similar way, you can create snow, however, from white or blue napkins, rowan - from orange, branches - from brown. This winter applique will help children spend their leisure time in an interesting way and will be an excellent decoration for any room!

Dear friends, today we bring to your attention a description of how a three-dimensional paper applique for children called “Bullfinches on a Rowan Tree” is made. If you like the master class, then take note of it for your children, grandchildren or nephews.

Applications occupy a special place in the entire range of children's activities. They are interesting for a child not only by the process itself, but also by the fact that an extraordinary work can be presented to a loved one for a birthday, March 8, or any other holiday. You can also decorate your house with these for Easter. Agree that any masterpiece made by a loved one especially for you is doubly valuable.

Any applications made from colored paper for children are also useful because they provide an excellent opportunity not only to show imagination and individual style, but also help to practice the skill of handling scissors and applied materials (paper, glue), and allow you to feel and remember the harmony of colors.

There are many benefits from such activities. At the same time, more complex applications, for example, three-dimensional applications using scrap materials and various artistic techniques, are, of course, more interesting and more valuable.

The work described is just one of them. Children will most likely need the help of an adult who will tell, show and control difficult moments. Older children can do it on their own; they just need to explain the technique.

But before introducing you to doing this work, I want to recommend one wonderful book that contains interesting ideas, scenarios and descriptions of educational creative activities with children from 1.5 to 5 years old. The book is called "Baby's first crafts" , it is free and to receive it by email, just follow the link and place an order. I think that every concerned mother will find a lot of interesting and useful material there.

Paper applique “Bullfinches”

Necessary materials:

  • A3 sheet (drawing paper, watercolors or cardboard are suitable);
  • colored paper in blue and cyan shades (at least 2-3 close tones);
  • colored paper in red (or orange), black, brown and yellow.
  • red or orange napkins;
  • glue (PVA or glue stick);
  • gel paints with glitter;
  • black felt-tip pen;
  • scissors.

Background decoration

Bullfinches will sit against the background of the blue sky. To prepare it, colored paper in blue and blue tones needs to be torn into small pieces (2 to 4 cm in size). This should be done with your hands, and not with scissors, so that the overall background subsequently has a more mosaic-blurry appearance.

Glue the finished blue pieces onto a large sheet. It's better to start from one edge. Scraps of paper can be glued overlapping. Ideally, there should be no voids left, but this is ideal

The pieces do not have to be completely coated with glue, just the middle is enough. In this case, the free, unglued edges will create a slight sense of volume in the picture.

Harvesting bullfinches

On red or orange paper we draw two rounded abdomens for the birds. Their size can be from 7 to 10 cm. You can make bullfinches of the same size, you can make one larger, the other smaller.

Draw wings on black paper. Since the birds will be sitting in profile in our picture, only two wings will be needed. In addition to them, we also draw two heads and two tails on black paper. On yellow paper we outline two beaks. Young children can be helped with drawing all these details so that the proportions of the body are harmonious. We cut out the blanks with scissors.

Rowan decoration

We prepare thick and thin strips for branches from brown paper. We do this again with our hands, not with scissors. This will create a knotty feeling on the branch. At the bottom of the sheet we glue the strips into one branch.

We tear or cut the red napkins into small pieces (about 4 cm in size). Roll each into a ball - these will be rowan berries. For one bunch you will need from 15 to 25 pieces. Glue thin brown twigs vertically on top of the leaf and add red berry balls to them. We place them almost closely. Our applique fits 4 bunches.

Decoration of bullfinches

Glue the bellies of the bullfinches onto the finished brown branch, then the wings, tails, heads and beaks. Using a felt-tip pen, we draw the paws that hold the bullfinches on the branch.

The application can be left in this form. You can also use multi-colored sparkles to make the craft more elegant. Simple shiny patterns look good on the wings and tails of birds. And, of course, don’t forget to make the eyes of the bullfinches.

Paper appliqué is a not very fast activity, but it is useful and very interesting. The child develops patience, perseverance, understanding of the sequence of actions, and much more.

This is the picture with bullfinches that my daughter ended up with:

The theme for paper art can be very different. Fortunately, now you don’t have to reinvent the wheel—that is, you don’t have to come up with a plot or draw templates yourself. There are a huge number of ready-made applications for children. Simple, three-dimensional (they are also called 3D), with moving parts, etc. For those who find it difficult to look for such things in stores, I suggest using here

Let's make a “Bullfinch” applique from colored paper.

I am going to teach this topic to second graders and will be practicing and preparing as I write this article.

We don’t need a bullfinch in general, but a winter bullfinch – the one we are always happy to see on snow-covered trees. It is unclear where bullfinches disappear in the summer. The information is contradictory. Some say: they are flying to the North! Others report: to the South! Some say that bullfinches fly away to the mountains, and others say that they hide in holes... What scope for research by ornithologists!

But we need a beautiful bullfinch with snow.

How to make the Bullfinch applique

Last quarter, my second graders already glued together a beautiful mosaic background from scraps of black paper of varying degrees of blackness. Here we will apply it. While I’m training, I’ll put pictures on a black vinyl disc.

Let's think about the composition. You shouldn’t plant a bullfinch on the ground: that’s not his style. So, onto a branch. Of course, it would be necessary for the rowan tree, but... I still had some spruce branches left. Such wonderful decorations must be used!

I arrange the branches as magnificently and beautifully as possible. Now I’ll also put strips of white paper under the branches - snow. There will be no snow on the branch where I plan to place the bullfinch: my bullfinch does not sit still, he has already managed to shake off the snow.

Now I cut out the red breast with a wheel and try it on. Everything would be fine, but the bullfinch’s head is black, and in this picture it will be against a black background.

WOOOT! - It’s good that I didn’t glue anything. You can replay it. I rearrange the branches so that the bullfinch’s head is against the background of the branches.

I'll make the head black and the beak gray. The tail is black, the wing is gray with a black stripe. I will designate the paws very conditionally: there is clearly no need to depict fingers among spruce needles.

Well, the bullfinch is beautiful, the composition is normal. I am ready to teach classes on the topic “Applique Bullfinch”.

However, my picture reminded me of one daaaaay incident. About ten years ago there was also a topic about Bullfinch on a branch. But for six-year-olds. And now, there are still 10 minutes left until the end of the lesson, everyone is working and trying, and one kid is already ready - he has done everything. We urgently need to occupy him with something useful... I say on a whim: the bullfinch did not live alone, he had a little bullfinch, and I hand the boy a piece of red paper.

I never expected such a reaction: the boy’s eyes sparkled, he grabbed a piece of paper and zealously began to make a small copy of a large bullfinch. And then he peeled off the wing of the bullfinch dad and placed his son under it. He sits and admires such a scene with tears of tenderness in his eyes.

I refrained from asking questions, but he himself turned to me: HOW did they live? Well, with the air of an expert, I answer: they lived very well, dad bullfinch got berries for his son, and I serve the cut-out berry. The kid picks up the theme: the son shared a berry with his dad!

So, now in the picture there are two bullfinches sitting in an embrace, buried in one berry. There was still time left, but the boy clearly wanted to continue this story and was ready to accept me into his game. And so he and I sat down and started preparing berries for the bullfinch family. The picture came out something like this.

Volumetric applique on the theme Winter

Master class “Bullfinches”

Work completed: Znachkova Margarita, student of the Center for Children's Creativity in Surazh, Bryansk Region.
Age: 8 years
Supervisor: Kaluga Elena Nikolaevna, teacher of additional education MBOU DOD Center for Children's Creativity in Surazh, Bryansk Region.
Product purpose: The panel is not difficult to make, but very positive. It can be used as a gift, to decorate the interior of an office or children's room.
Target: make panels using various materials.
- improve skills in working with various materials and the ability to combine various materials in one product;
- develop creativity and imagination;
- cultivate accuracy and independence.

And in winter it will find shelter:
He is not afraid of colds
The first snow is here!

Who doesn't know handsome bullfinches?!
Their red breasts, like a drop of blood, indicate that they are brave birds. In Ancient Rus' there was a belief that bullfinches saved travelers who got lost in endless snow-covered fields. Bullfinches showed them the way to residential buildings.

There is a sign that the bullfinch tweets when the weather is warm, clear and sunny.

Required materials and equipment:
- Velvet paper or remnants of velor in red, black and gray
- Polyethylene foam (packaging)
- Styrofoam
- Cardboard blue or light blue
- Branches of any shrub
- Wooden frame without glass
- Pencil
- Glue "Titan"
- Scissors

Our panel is made from various materials, almost all of them are waste. If you don’t have exactly these materials, I’ll tell you how you can easily replace them and not spoil the appearance of the product.

Work sequence
So, let's begin!
First, let's prepare the basis for our composition! Let's take blue or light blue cardboard. If you don’t have cardboard, you can draw a winter sky with paints on white paper or cover the backing with fabric, but this will be more labor-intensive.

From the polyethylene foam that remains from the packaging of various goods, we cut out snow-covered hills of arbitrary shape (depending on the size of the available pieces). It can be replaced with padding polyester or cotton wool. Glue the hills to the base. We begin gluing from the horizon, that is, from the middle of the sheet to the bottom of the picture. The main thing is to avoid any gaps in the background.

We cut out Christmas trees from thinner polyethylene foam using templates.

We glue them in the background of the picture.

The base for the panel is ready. We insert it into a frame without glass.

Glue branches of any shrub to the foreground.

Let's start making bullfinches. To do this, you can use velvet paper or pieces of fabric, such as velor or velvet, but they must first be glued to the paper and dried.
So, we trace the templates from the wrong side of the material and cut them out.

We connect the bullfinch parts using glue. Cut out an eye from paper and glue it to the bird. If it is very difficult to cut out such a small circle, you can draw it with a line corrector or white gouache. Using a black felt-tip pen, draw the pupil.

All that remains is to glue our bullfinches to the branches. Their number in the picture can be any, depending on your desire.

Let's add a foam snowball.
There you go! Creative success to everyone!

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