Home Helpful Hints How much will a mining farm earn. Farm for mining - how much you can earn. What is more profitable: building a mining farm for self-extraction or mining in a pool

How much will a mining farm earn. Farm for mining - how much you can earn. What is more profitable: building a mining farm for self-extraction or mining in a pool

Bitcoin mining farm or any other cryptocurrency is a real business. Today it has become available to many. Its profitability is much higher than in the classical sense of business, just a few months.

Yes, and investments are much lower than in other areas, in order to create a farm for the extraction of cryptocurrency with your own hands, you need only 1000-2000 dollars, which at the current rate is about 60,000 - 120,000 rubles.

In a little more detail, what is the process of mining digital currency, we said in the article -.

What is a mining farm

The first cryptocurrency mining farm appeared almost immediately with the advent of the first digital currency - . At the presentation of this particular altcoin, it was first shown how new bitcoin coins can be mined using computer power.

Satoshi Nakamoto came out with a report and immediately made the first coins on his computer. His farm brought him a million BTC. Of course, this is only well-known information, no one knows the true numbers, since even Satoshi is just an official.

What is a mining farm in simple words? First of all, this is a room, it can occupy only a few rooms of an apartment if it is industrial production or a small section of a room if the farm has a low cost. In fact, it contains racks with video cards installed on them and additional elements for their operation, or special devices called ASICs. Asics were developed directly for the extraction of cryptocoins and simply cannot perform other functions.

By the way, the speed of creating new video cards for mining and asics is simply impressive. They appear almost every month and have more and more capacities - hashrates.

How a mining farm works

Bitcoin, like any other cryptocurrency, does not have a single center, to better understand this, read the article:. All processes that take place, transfers, payments, settlements, are recorded in chains and stored on multiple computers. In order to maintain the performance of such a system and be able to quickly process subsequent transactions, such powerful farms are needed. They check every trade and get new coins as a reward.

As mentioned above, for one day, only 3600 bitcoins are paid out and each participant receives a share for the invested power.

How a mining farm works in simple words: Data on all transactions is stored in separate chains. Each computer collects its own chain, and if it is correct and it manages to finish it first, then it receives a fixed reward for the work done.

Mining farm today is increasingly an assembly of ASICs on racks. Since it is ASIC that allows you to optimize costs and income. Firstly, asics give out more hashrates, as they were created specifically for mining. Secondly, the cost of one asic is lower than the number of video cards of equal power. And thirdly, the cost of electricity is also lower.

Farm for mining bitcoins: how to collect

You can assemble a mining farm for the extraction of cryptocurrency at home yourself. To start with, you can buy only a few graphics cards and gradually add them. I assembled my first farm of two video cards. Where and what equipment to buy, read at the end of the article.

How to build a farm yourself step by step instructions for beginners:

  1. You need to purchase multiple graphics cards. Prerequisites: good performance, reasonable price.
  2. We select the power supply for the farm. Keep in mind that each card consumes about 300 watts (see the packaging for more details) and plus the system itself will absorb another 100 watts.
  3. We make a stand. Usually assembled from wooden blocks or metal dies, but you can purchase a rack. Everything depends on the plans.
  4. Prepare for cooling. Additional coolers and fans for the overall design. Additionally, consider ideal circulation so that the air does not stagnate.
  5. We connect the video card to a computer or to a special system that we will prepare.
  6. We connect to one of the cryptocurrency mining pools.
  7. Let's start mining.
  8. We follow the system. Power, cooling, regular cleaning.

An important point: connecting to the pool allows you to compete with large mining farms. In essence, you are teaming up with other small farms and making a profit equal to your investment. Of course, the pool will take a small commission from you, but for solo mining you need a farm for several thousand video cards.

Equipment for rig: turnkey mining farm

Mining farm assembly for 110,000 rubles. Income from 850 rubles. in a day. Now we will analyze in detail what equipment we need, how much it costs and where it can be purchased.

I recommend the online store computeruniverse.ru. There are several reasons for this, firstly, ordinary stores do not always have the equipment we need, secondly, there are no extra extra charges, and thirdly, when ordering, enter the promo code: FWB7W4S and get a discount. Plus you get a 3 year warranty!

  1. Video card RX 470 —
  2. Motherboard -
  3. Processor -
  4. RAM -
  5. SSD -
  6. Raiser Molex -
  7. Monitor Emulator -
  8. watch dog
  9. Power Supply -
    Video cards that are available despite the status indicating their absence.
  • MSI GeForce GTX1080 Gaming X 8G inclusive Destiny 2 -
  • Palit GeForce GTX1080 Gamerock Premium Edition inclusive Destiny 2 -
  • MSI GeForce GTX1080 Armor 8G OC inclusive Destiny 2 -
  • ASUS GeForce GTX1080 STRIX-GTX1080-8G-GAMING incl. Destiny 2 and Assassins Creed Origins -
  • GIGABYTE Aorus GeForce GTX 1080 Ti inclusive Destiny 2 —
  • ASUS GeForce GTX 1080 Ti ROG-Strix-GTX1080TI-O11G-Gaming incl. Destiny 2 and Assassins Creed Origins -
  • ZOTAC GeForce GTX 1080Ti AMP! Edition inclusive Destiny 2 -
  • ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMP Extreme Core Edition inclusive Destiny 2 —
  • GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Gaming OC inclusive Destiny 2 —

How much does a mining farm bring per month

There is an eternal debate about the relevance and profitability of farms. Someone says that there is no income, someone vice versa. Now I will dispel your doubts. Almost anyone who has his own mining farm is in the black. Of course, if you have not bought outdated equipment and have not taken it from your hands, then what can fail in a month.

The warranty for video cards on the same computeruniverse.ru is three years, that is, the next 3 years, you do not need to worry that the equipment will fail. Farm payback from 7-8 months. It can be more or less, it all depends on the equipment and the complexity of the mined coin, but in any case, you will pay for the equipment and still be mining new coins.

Note, skeptics who say that the farm is working in the negative - they do not have their own farm! They keep counting, only on a calculator. Go to youtube and watch the video, type requests:

  • How much does a mining farm bring
  • Is mining alive
  • What is the income of a bitcoin farm
  • Profitable mining, etc.

All videos with real farms work as a plus. Naturally, you need to take into account electricity, exchange rates and the possibility of replacing parts, but what other business can pay off in half a year?

Today is perhaps the golden time for mining and it is simply stupid to miss it. The only thing I do not advise is to take a loan for a mining farm. You will be constantly in interest and debt, build a farm gradually. Start with 2 or 3 graphics cards and gradually increase the rpm. Now we will need.

Lifehack from NewCripto: an important point, for bitcoin, a mini farm may not pay off. But new currencies or those that have proven themselves, but do not yet have such complexity, farms work. Now it is profitable to mine Zcash.

How to assemble a farm and what wires to connect where in the following articles. In the meantime, you can read the article: and.

More and more users are connecting to cryptocurrency mining. Taking into account the rise in prices for digital money, the issue of the efficiency of their extraction becomes relevant for many. To determine earnings on the mining of cryptocurrencies, the factors affecting the receipt of income, their interdependence and the requirements for the extraction of digital money are distinguished.

What determines the daily earnings on mining?

Cryptocurrency mining earnings depend on the following factors:

  • production capacity - the number of video cards connected to the production directly affects the income received;
  • the exchange rate of the mined cryptocurrency - if the mined coins are not enough to cover the cost of electricity and make a profit at the current rate, there is no need to talk about earnings;
  • relevance - a high exchange rate usually gives rise to a rush in the production of cryptocurrency, connecting new users to mining increases the complexity of the algorithm and reduces production;
  • electricity - its high cost eliminates income.

A certain role in earning on cryptocurrency mining is also played by the technical training of the user. Overclocking graphics cards, flashing BIOS, setting up hardware, tracking down problems and fixing them all require knowledge and skills. Each downtime negatively affects the efficiency of earnings, and therefore monitoring of the system's performance should also be included in the risk factors.

How much can you earn on mining on 1 video card?

Mining on one video card allows you to earn cryptocurrency without investments. This method is relevant if you have a gaming computer with a powerful graphics processor. Mining the main cryptocurrencies - bitcoin, litecoin, ether - on one video card is inefficient.

To make money on a home computer with one video card, they are included in the mining of new cryptocurrencies. The algorithm is simple - the less users get digital money, the more income for the miner. To do this, follow a certain course of action:

  • receive information about the cryptocurrency - the algorithm for its production, the principle of block formation, relevance for users, prospects for growth in value;
  • download the appropriate software hosted on the developer's official resources;
  • over a certain period, tokens of a new cryptocurrency are mined - usually a couple of months, until a large number of users are involved in the process, reducing the efficiency of mining on 1 video card;
  • switch to a new cryptocurrency.

To receive income from earned digital money, their exchange rate is monitored. Sometimes it is worth holding the mined tokens for several months in order to exchange them at a higher price. During this time, other cryptocurrencies are mined, securing investments in several directions at once.

Determining the amount of earnings in this situation is not easy. Certain cryptocurrencies may disappear or not rise in price. Others will increase in value tenfold. However, taking into account the fact that such mining is carried out without investments, any earnings will actually become net profit.

On 2 video cards?

Earnings on mining with two video cards are not much more profitable than one. However, with powerful GPUs specifically designed for cryptocurrency mining, as well as low electricity prices, it is possible to mine Ethereum (Ethereum) and ZCASH (ZEC).

For ether, AMD video cards from 3 GB will be the best option, there are also requirements for RAM - from 4 GB. For mining ZCASH, a 1 GB GPU is enough, the latest Nvidia models are a priority.

Taking into account the increased relevance of these cryptocurrencies, earnings on 2 video cards will be 1-2 dollars a day. For more accurate forecasts, they turn to online calculators, for example, WhatToMine. Based on the characteristics introduced, this service allows you to identify earnings on selected video cards with a certain accuracy, taking into account the current rate.

How much does a mining farm bring in a month?

The organization of a farm for mining requires certain investments - for effective earnings, the bill starts from a thousand dollars. You can assemble a small farm of 500, but this is no longer relevant for obtaining a large income.

There is an opinion that the most promising assembly is for 4 video cards. Such a farm is not expensive, easy to maintain, can be placed in residential areas, although their heating will still be strong.

Connecting more GPUs comes with some inconvenience - it's harder to set up the hardware and troubleshoot. There is also a need for additional cooling - a fan or an air conditioner.

Building a farm for 6-8 video cards gives on air up to $20 per day. Taking into account the cost of electricity, the monthly income of such mining is up to 25 thousand rubles. However, these figures are arbitrary - it all depends on the exchange rate, as well as the complexity of the decryption algorithm.

Many miners are already declaring that there is no benefit in mining ether. The return on investment is up to 5 months, during which time the network capacity increases, which reduces the farm's earnings. As a result, having barely paid back the costs, the miner has to upgrade equipment, switch to another cryptocurrency, or receive insignificant income.

Mining earnings per month

Monthly earnings in mining ultimately depend on the selected equipment, cryptocurrency and its exchange rate. Given the sharp jumps in cost, even a small profit can provide a good monthly income. However, if the rate goes into a correction, earnings from mining on video cards will barely cover the cost of electricity.

The extraction of digital money, already established on the exchanges, less and less allows the opportunity to earn. It is no longer profitable to mine bitcoins and lightcoins because of ASIC devices, the ether is still in question - it all depends on the power of video cards and its rate.

Individual mining is gradually moving to new cryptocurrencies. Their monthly income is low. up to 10 thousand rubles with a good exchange rate. However, they can be exchanged for bitcoins and ether - that is, invest the mined digital money in the most promising cryptocurrency. In this situation, earnings are guided by the growth of its value.

Earnings on the Internet has become a common and quite popular thing for a long time. From time to time, new types and methods of it appear, which are immediately successfully mastered by network users.

This is what happened with the mining of cryptocurrencies. It was only necessary to appear on the market, as they immediately found those who were engaged in its production. By the way, one of the first to do this was the creator of the first crypt, who generated about a million new blocks back in those days when the cost of BTC did not particularly impress anyone. But looking at the current rate of this digital currency, you understand that a person provided for himself until the end of his life. He also became the first owner of the mining farm.

Virtual currencies are now heard even by those who, in principle, have never been interested in this topic. They talk and write a lot about them, they call them the future of the global financial system, so it is not surprising that many people far from this area began to show interest in it. And, of course, such people have a lot of questions, which we, as far as possible, try to answer in our materials. We will talk about what a mining farm is in today's article.

Indeed, there will be very little of it, since the topic of digital money mining is not rooted in the depths of centuries, but only in the recent 2009, when a certain Satoshi Nakamoto revealed Bitcoin to the world.

As soon as the cue ball was born, some users began to mine it, at first, rather out of curiosity, since the cost of BTC at that time was low. But with the growth in the cost of the crypt, the interest of people in its production also grew, which, in turn, provoked not only a further rise in the price of the coin, but also the complication of the process of generating new blocks.

If at the initial stages for mining there was enough CPU power of a more or less modern computer, then over time it became sorely lacking, and miners began to use graphics processors (video cards) for their own purposes, the power of which was dozens of times higher. For some time, GPUs became leaders among all possible mining options, they formed entire complexes called farms, consisting of several video cards. But even this method of mining gradually lost its relevance, as it began to bring less and less income due to the continuously growing complexity of the process.

And in 2012, the GPU era was replaced by the era of ASIC equipment specially sharpened for mining. These devices give a result incomparable with the previous ones, they are high-performance and energy efficient, so the extraction of crypto coins with the help of ASICs is still relevant today.

True, for home use, some miners still collect farms from video cards, since they are much cheaper than ASICs, however, they bring less profit.

As you probably already guessed, a mining farm is a large amount of special equipment concentrated in one room and designed exclusively for cryptocurrency mining. This, as they say, in general terms.

This equipment is designed specifically for computing work. It's not important that you have a very productive CPU, the size of the hard drive does not matter much either. The main elements are powerful video cards (GPU) and corresponding power supplies that are able to provide energy to the system you have created. If a home mining farm has good computing power, then you can easily set up the extraction of digital coins and will have a constant, fairly decent additional income. And with a good combination of circumstances, such income can eventually develop into the main one.

But you, of course, understand that it is only on paper that everything turns out smoothly and smoothly. In reality, before setting up a mining system, you need to take into account a lot of details and subtleties, since this type of wallet replenishment is quite complicated and requires a lot of money to be invested.

So start by calculating the cost of your enterprise, including here both the cost of equipment and the cost of electricity. Take care in advance about the room where you place all this "hardware", as it heats up quickly and requires constant cooling and ventilation. If you do not provide the necessary conditions, then your components will simply fail from overheating, and instead of making money, you will only have losses.

The mining of digital currencies can be individual, when the user works alone and all the money earned goes to him alone (it is called solo mining), and it can be collective, as part of a pool, when the block is generated by joint efforts and the reward is divided among all members of the pool.

We will consider several types of mining farms for working alone:

  1. Firstly, farms can be assembled from several video cards (up to 6 pieces). The profitability of such a system is directly dependent on the total power of the GPUs used, that is, the greater the power of your system, the more profit you can count on.
  2. Secondly, there were attempts to create farms on FPGA modules. However, they stopped quite quickly, since in all respects, except for energy efficiency, such systems lost to their counterparts on the GPU. So this practice has not received due development.
  3. And farms created from ASIC miners are leading today. They are quite expensive, but their performance, payback periods and profitability leave far behind those of the options described above.

To imagine how a mining farm functions, you need to understand that, in fact, this entire system is a computing device. Calculations are made in the blockchain, in accordance with certain algorithms and programs. Miners track and process new blocks of transactions, and each such block brings a certain reward to the “miner” who discovered it.

You can search for a block for 10 minutes, or for several days or months. The timing depends on certain factors, among which the 2 most significant ones can be distinguished - the capacity of the equipment and the complexity of production.

Now let's talk about mining difficulty or network complexity. The activity of the blockchain chain is provided by users-miners, and the more there are, the more difficult it is to search for a new block and the lower its cost. The profitability and relative simplicity of this type of earnings attracted a very large number of users, which means that the complexity of the network has increased significantly over the years of the existence of cryptocurrencies, and the profitability of this business has decreased accordingly.

If you have a more budget mining farm, namely on a GPU, then you should not even talk about Bitcoin mining, since the complexity of the network is so high that you will only work at a loss. Hence the conclusion - you need to mine altcoins like Ether, Monero, etc.

If you want to get exactly the cue ball, then here, as they say, there are options:

  1. You can buy ASIC devices specifically designed for mining it, but in this case, get ready to shell out a tidy sum, and then wait several months for your investment to pay off.
  2. The second option is mining altcoins on the GPU, and their instant conversion into BTC on special services. You can’t call this method very profitable, but your income will be in cue balls.
  3. And finally, you can do cloud mining. You may not earn very much, but you will not have to invest a lot of money, your costs will pay off quickly, and problems with setting up and maintaining equipment will not affect you at all.

So, if you are determined and no arguments can shake your desire to get your own system for mining crypto, then you need special equipment and software. The second one is easier - go to the Internet, look for the right option and download it for free.

But with the "iron" everything is much more complicated. And there are many types of this technique, go and figure out what is worth buying and what is not. And a lot of money will have to be spent. You can, of course, not very much, but then you can’t expect much income either. Well, and problems with assembly, configuration, maintenance. In general, there is enough trouble, and you need to have at least basic knowledge.

There is also such an option as buying a finished farm. Finding such offers is not a problem, but such an “easy” option will cost you almost half as much as a self-assembled system. Moreover, there will be no confidence in the quality and performance of the equipment, because, perhaps, the system has already been actively used, and there is nothing left for it to live. So the option with the purchase of individual components, and independent adjustment of production is still preferable.

  1. Look for the latest graphics cards from manufacturers like Nvidia or AMD. Which type of GPU to buy depends on what kind of crypto you intend to mine.
  2. Choose a motherboard in terms of having enough slots to connect all your video cards.
  3. Naturally, you need a computer and constant access to the network. Everything else in your machine (CPU power, RAM and other nuances) does not matter much. From the company you only need uninterrupted round-the-clock work.
  4. Of course, you need a hard drive.
  5. You also need power supplies, preferably of high quality and with a guarantee, in the quantity necessary for the mining farm to work stably.
  6. And you can’t do without a frame on which all this splendor will be mounted. The frame can be bought, or you can build it from what is at hand, the main thing is that it be reliable and convenient.

As for the assembly of all the listed components into a single whole and setting up this “whole”, it is better to find detailed instructions on the Internet and follow them exactly. But if you are a complete beginner and have little understanding of the computer, then we advise you to turn to a more experienced friend for help. Still, at least elementary knowledge and experience in this matter are necessary.

The advantages of this method of creating a farm, first of all, include cost savings, especially if you already have some components. The second plus is that you can show some flexibility in the selection of the necessary parts. Well, and most importantly, this is the pleasure that you will get in the process of work, as well as from the knowledge that you could do it!

But it can't be done without the downsides. You will have to spend a lot of time searching for and purchasing the necessary components, and it’s not a fact that you can buy everything, since, for example, powerful GPUs are in great short supply and it’s not so easy to purchase them.

Then, as we have already emphasized, for this work you need to have some special knowledge. However, they can be quickly purchased, the Internet is full of such information. And one more thing - you will be forced to put up with the lack of a guarantee for your product and do without after-sales service.

Naturally, before spending money on all the components for your own mining system, any sane person will ask himself the question - is the game worth the candle or, in other words, does it make sense from the point of view of profitability to invest in all this hardware?

Let's figure it out together. The first thing to consider is the increase in the payback period compared to the early years of mining popularity. 3-4 years ago, the period of “going to zero” fit plus or minus into six months. But time goes by, progress in the field of crypto mining is moving by leaps and bounds, and now such a period is rather a rarity than a rule. Even large companies include much longer time periods in their plans.

The second point is the amount of money spent. If you assemble a mid-level farm, then at least 150 thousand rubles will be spent on equipment, plus electricity costs and the amount is quite significant. This means that in order to quickly return your costs and start earning, you need to choose the “right” crypto and make allowances for fluctuations in its rate.

In the middle of this year, the top five most profitable digital currencies looked like this: Bitcoin led it, followed by Ethereum, followed by Dash, Monero and Ripple.

If we take the ratio of the profitability of a coin and the time required to mine it, then Ether looks the most tempting from this position. At its current cost and expenses of 150 thousand rubles for equipment, a mining farm for ETH will pay off somewhere in a year, even a little less. But you should not trust such forecasts too much, since they are made for the long term, and during this time any changes can occur, because in this sense the cryptosphere is very dynamic.

Let's summarize

To conclude our article, we would like to say some things that you may not like. But on reflection, you will understand that we are not doing this out of malice, but simply so that you do not lose your sense of reality.

Firstly, numerous articles about big earnings on cryptocurrency mining, as a rule, are 99% just an advertising ploy of interested manufacturers of the same mining equipment and others like them. And if one percent of users really managed to earn big money, then this does not mean at all that the same thing will happen to you (although it is possible that it will happen).

Secondly, mining Bitcoin on a home farm is futile (one wants to say “dead number”, but it’s impossible, education doesn’t allow), no matter what anyone tells you. Of course, you want to (of course, at such and such a rate), but take a better look at new, less popular currencies, visit a couple of forums, analyze the situation and choose a coin with potential and prospects. After all, not Bitcoin alone!

In a word, be patient, realistic and make only informed decisions before risking money and nerves. Good luck!

At the beginning of 2016, the first news about cryptocurrencies and the way to earn money - mining - appeared. Investment resources gave forecasts that were not even close to reality. After 2.5 years, the number of "getters" has grown significantly, which allowed new projects to exist and develop. Due to the popularity of the topic of passive income, people became interested in how to get income from mining and how to do it efficiently, that is, without spending extra money.

Experts are sure that mining in 2019 is possible and still able to bring profit to users. The best option is to build an inexpensive but productive farm that will produce potentially profitable coins. Assemblies have not lost their relevance for a long time, thanks to which a bet is made on this. However, a mining farm running on 4 GTX 1060 video cards and generating income is not the only way to earn money.

The only advantage of ASICs is their low price and high mining speed. There is no talk of resale, since the service life of the device is a year or two.

What do miners earn from?

The “miners” receive income from cryptocurrency mining, but the question remains who transfers the tokens to the miners. Farm cards have the processing power needed to decipher the code. A lot of theories have lined up around cryptographic secrets, but there is still no consensus on what microprocessors count.

According to the miner's income:

  1. The cost of the video card is 20,000 rubles.
  2. The rest of the equipment (power supply, motherboard) - 10,000 rubles.
  3. The cost of electricity is 4 rubles per 1 kWh.
  4. Power consumption - 200 W.

The Bitcoin exchange rate is only $6,700, and the graphics card power is 19 Ghash/s. This guarantees an income of 100 rubles per day. The payback will take too long, not to mention the net profit. Therefore, you need many video cards for mining, and not just one.

In addition to mathematical calculations, other profitability factors are also taken into account. For example, prices for unlimited Internet with a stable connection. Yes, and overclocking the graphics adapter makes the board work at its limits, so the wear of the card will lead to large losses even before it “goes to zero”.

Let's imagine that you are a complete newbie in cryptocurrencies and are looking for an answer to your question: "How much can you earn on a mining farm in 2018?" At the same time, you understand a little how to install Windows, how to connect the power supply to your computer, and so on. Of course, this can be learned, you just have to be interested.

Mining farm cost

To get started, collect one mining rig to understand how it works and see the first money on your card. You can take popular cards and choose a cryptocurrency from this, but you can connect to the most popular coins Ethash for mining and not rack your brains about what to dig.

The choice of components also depends on your financial condition. You can start with a simple gaming computer with a good video card, preferably from AMD rx 550 or GTX 1050. For example, my friend heard about mining in the summer of 2017, and quite by chance he had Nvidia 1060 6Gb on his computer, played games before that. He connected Nicehash or Claymore, I don’t remember exactly, and in a week he earned 1200 rubles, then it was very profitable to mine. Now it has expanded a bit.

Therefore, we will take 1060 3GB, if we look at models with a memory of six gigabytes, then for such a price it is better to take Amdash 570-580 cards. By the way, I noticed that you can take the cheapest, most important graphics processor (GPU). For example, if you want to buy ten sixty, then take Palit or Inno3d, the main thing is that the video memory is Samsung.

I made a video about it once:

New components for Nvidia.

Rig with a capacity of 115 mh / s.
  1. 5*1060 = 95 000
  2. Processor = 3,000
  3. RAM 4GB = 1 800
  4. Power supply or two = from 8,000
  5. Hard disk = from 2,500
  6. Risers*5 = 1500-2000

As a result, we will slightly round up -115 thousand.


Rig with a capacity of 145-150 mh / s.

  1. Five videos 470-570-580 = 110,000
  2. Mother = 5,000
  3. Perc = 3,000
  4. Memory 4Gb = 1800
  5. BP = from 10,000
  6. HHD disk or SSD = 2,500
  7. Raisers = 2,000

It turns out 135 thousand.

Income and payback in 2018

For today, see the online mining profitability on the Whattomine website, while it is the first of its kind calculator where you can calculate the profitability of your investments.

Let's start with the first option on the GTX, which produces 115 megahash. As of May 10, income up to 6$ (360 rubles) per day, it is better to count from 5, since we cannot mine Ethereum on three gig cards.

Payback 10 - 11 months, but this is not accurate. After all, the complexity is constantly growing, and the price of Ether is unpredictable. If the price rises, then you will return the investment in five to six months.

The second version of the assembly from AMD at 145 mx. Per day you will earn with ETH - 8$(480 RUB). Payback in 9 months and one week. The difference is better by 40 days when compared with Nvidia.

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