Home Helpful Hints Is it difficult to get pregnant if different Rh factors. Spouses with different Rh factor: is it possible to have children? If Rhesus is incompatible with the husband

Is it difficult to get pregnant if different Rh factors. Spouses with different Rh factor: is it possible to have children? If Rhesus is incompatible with the husband

Not so long ago, a negative Rh blood factor during pregnancy was a serious threat to its course. Doctors predicted a future mother, especially if she is pregnant with a second or third child, a whole range of negative consequences for the baby. If a woman, having a negative Rh factor, for some reason decided on an artificial interruption of gestation, an abortion could cause further childlessness.

Today the situation has changed dramatically. Modern diagnostic and therapeutic methods make it possible to minimize the risks of having negative indicators of this parameter in the mother.

What is the Rh factor?

The blood of humans and animals contains red blood cells, on the surface of which there is an antigen or protein called the Rh factor. This is a constant indicator and it cannot change during life. Sometimes there is evidence that after medical manipulations in a person, this blood parameter changes. But scientifically proven that its change is impossible. The answer to the question why such information appears is the erroneous results of determining the presence of an antigen before or after a medical manipulation.

If a person's red blood cells have this antigen, the Rh factor is called positive, if it is not, it is negative. More than 85% of the world's population are Rh positive carriers. Information about whether a person has an antigen or not is necessary for blood transfusion, emergency medical care, and surgical intervention. These parameters are sometimes used to determine the sex of an unborn child, but there are no data confirming the accuracy of such methods.

It is reliably known that the detection of a negative Rh factor du in a patient means that, if necessary, he is given a blood transfusion only with a negative indicator.

During pregnancy, the Rh factor is very important. If the mother is negative and the husband is positive, the baby can inherit the paternal antigen. This is fraught with the development of a Rh conflict, with which the mother's body will fight with the active production of antibodies, perceiving the growing baby as a foreign body. If you do not take action, the course of such a pregnancy will end negatively.

The compatibility of Rh factors and blood groups with each other is determined by a special table.

(Table figure)

When both spouses are the same Rh positive or negative, they have nothing to worry about. It is only necessary to take measures during the bearing of a baby with different values ​​\u200b\u200bof this indicator in young parents.

Features of pregnancy with negative Rh

If the parents have different antigen indicators, and there is a possibility of a Rh conflict when carrying a fetus, this is not a reason for the disorder. Sensitive supervision of specialists and regular testing, as well as knowledge of how to give birth with a negative Rh, will help to pass this stage without risks to the child.

During the first pregnancy

It is only during pregnancy that a woman encounters unfamiliar, foreign antigens for the first time. There is a high probability that the production of antibodies against antigens will not start at all. In the first pregnancy, the process of their production (if it has begun) proceeds slowly. A decrease in immunity due to a change in the hormonal background and the slowness of white blood cells contribute to the fact that the Rh conflict either does not start at all, or is mild.

Second and subsequent pregnancies

Faced with foreign antigens, the body acquires "cellular memory". This means that the next time she encounters a foreign antigen, the formation of antibodies in the female body will occur much faster. With each subsequent time, the speed of the process increases, increasing the inevitability of the development of the Rhesus conflict.

Memorization occurs not only after the successful bearing of the baby, but also after a miscarriage, abortion, medical intervention associated with blood transfusion.

If the Rhesus conflict in the body of a young mother has developed, modern medical methods are able to correct the situation in time. She is advised to constantly be under the supervision of specialists.

Consequences of a negative Rh factor during pregnancy

A pregnant woman with a negative Rh is required to take an antibody test every month. The obstetrician-gynecologist pays close attention to accompanying a pregnancy with such an anamnesis. Until the thirty-second week, a venous blood test for the presence of antibodies is performed every month. After the thirty-second week, it should be taken every couple of weeks. From 35 weeks - weekly.

Otherwise, the bearing of a baby by a mother with a negative Rh does not differ from the course of a normal pregnancy. The rapidity of the development of antibodies depends on whether it is necessary to administer immunoglobulin to the expectant mother.

Impact on baby's health

If preventive measures are not taken, dangerous pathological processes are triggered:

  1. A decrease in the number of red blood cells in the fetus, which are responsible for transporting oxygen, from which oxygen starvation gradually develops. First of all, it affects the development of the heart and brain.
  2. The amount of bilirubin increases. It is produced when red blood cells are destroyed. The increasing number of bilirubin causes serious intoxication of the fetus.
  3. Increased production of red blood cells by the spleen and liver of the child, causing an increase in these organs and their pathological development.
  4. The development of an imbalance in the composition of the blood, a violation of the production of blood particles, the development of pathologies in the development of the spinal cord, congenital hemolytic anemia. Hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) is manifested by pallor of the skin, general weakness.

Methods for diagnosing problems with a negative Rh factor during pregnancy

The presence of antibodies in a young mother is determined at the very beginning of gestation. Many women know about their Rh long before conception and the onset of an “interesting situation”. The obstetrician-gynecologist puts such a mother on a special account. Having revealed a negative antibody test result, the doctor prescribes a monthly venous blood donation to the expectant mother to control the rate of antibody formation. The closer the date of birth, the more often a young mother has to take tests to control the situation.

In addition to a blood test, a pregnant woman is assigned scheduled ultrasound examinations, in which close attention is paid to the condition of the liver and spleen of the baby, as well as the state of the placenta.

If any pathologies are detected, cardiotocography (CTG) is additionally performed, as well as dopplerometry. These studies allow you to evaluate the work of the cardiovascular system of the child, as well as whether a sufficient amount of oxygen is supplied to him through the uteroplacental blood flow.

If the analysis for anti-Rhesus bodies shows their rapid growth, invasive diagnostic methods are used. This method of diagnosis is dangerous due to the leakage of water surrounding the fetus, the risk of infection, the formation of a hematoma on the umbilical cord.

The analysis of amniotic fluid is the most reliable study, which indicates the exact amount of bilirubin produced by the baby, which makes it possible to assess the condition of the fetus. The sampling of material from the umbilical cord also provides reliable information about the composition of the blood of the fetus.

The specifics of childbirth

If the incompatibility of the Rh factors did not lead to the rapid formation of antibodies and the pregnancy proceeded normally, without pathologies, the baby can be born naturally. In the process of delivery in the mother's body, the production of antibodies may be activated due to the loss of some amount of blood. To do this, in the delivery room, the obstetrician-gynecologist should have a portion of blood of the same group and Rhesus at hand as the woman in labor. To eliminate the risk of pathologies during the birth process, a woman in labor is allowed to administer an injection of immunoglobulin.

In cases where the child inherited not the maternal Rh, but men, and when carrying the baby, a Rh conflict arose, a decision is made on delivery by caesarean section. A problematic pregnancy is supported and maintained up to 37-38 weeks, and upon reaching this period, a planned operation is performed.

In difficult situations, a newborn baby is given a blood transfusion of the same group and Rh as the mother. In the early days, a newborn is fed not with breast milk, but with mixtures. This is due to the fact that breast milk still contains antibodies. If they enter the baby's body, they will begin to destroy the red blood cells of his blood.

Immunoglobulin is injected into the body of a young mother within 72 hours after childbirth. This will prevent conflict from developing in subsequent pregnancies. The same measures should be taken after an abortion or miscarriage. It is extremely important with the introduction of the injection to meet the three-day period.

Even if the first birth and the period of gestation passed without complications and the woman is planning the next pregnancy from a man with a positive Rh, memory cells will still be produced in her body, therefore, for the next birth, the drug for injection will either need to be purchased independently, or its presence in the maternity hospital should be clarified. home.

You can learn more about what a Rh conflict is, how bad it is, and how a pregnancy proceeds with such a history, from the video:


A negative RH in a mother is not a reason to abandon motherhood, and the incompatibility of Rhesus with a beloved man is not a reason to part with him. In the vast majority of cases, the bearing of a baby under this circumstance proceeds without pathologies. Rhesus conflict occurs in only ten percent of pregnant women. Serious developmental and health problems are observed in only two or three babies out of a thousand.

If you are one of those expectant mothers who are very worried about their negative Rh factor, then find out what, in fact, is the danger, and not just be afraid. The chief doctor of the MAMA clinic, Victoria Viktorovna Zaletova, explains what women need to know in such a situation.

Rh factor is a substance (protein) in the blood that 85 percent of all people have, they are called "Rh-positive". The remaining 15 percent are Rh-negative. The Rh factor is found in the red blood cells of humans and rhesus monkeys (hence the name). Negative Rh factor usually does not manifest itself badly. Only Rh-negative women who want to have a baby require special attention.

When a “negative” wife and a “positive” husband are combined in a family, there is a danger of an Rhesus conflict, but fortunately, this does not happen to everyone. Rh conflict can only occur if the fetus inherits the father's Rh. Then the child's blood will be alien to the mother: the Rh factor of the fetus overcomes the placenta and enters the woman's blood, and her body, having taken this unfamiliar harmful substance, begins to develop protection - antibodies. The mother's antibodies cross the placenta to the baby and attack the red blood cells. A large amount of a substance called bilirubin appears in the blood. Because of him, the baby looks painted yellow. Since the fetal red blood cells are continuously destroyed, his liver and spleen try to work to the best of their ability, while increasing in size. In the end, they don't make it either. Anemia occurs (low levels of red blood cells, hemoglobin in the blood).

Thus, protecting the mother, antibodies pose a serious threat to her child. In a severe form of Rh-conflict, intrauterine fetal death and miscarriage are possible at any stage of pregnancy. It is also possible violations of the brain and the development of pathology of hearing and speech. In the most severe cases, the Rh conflict is manifested by congenital dropsy (edema) of the fetus, which can lead to its death.

In a newborn, blood replacement - transfusion helps. He is injected with single-group Rh-negative blood and placed in intensive care. This procedure is only effective for 36 hours after delivery.

It is possible and necessary to insure a child from such problems even before birth, when planning a pregnancy. First, you need to find out the blood type and Rh factor of both your own and your husband - take a blood test. In addition to the Rh factor, a conflict may develop if the blood of the future mother and child are incompatible in group. Group incompatibility develops if the mother has the first blood group - 0 (I), and the child has the second A (II) or the third B (III).

Everything is fine if both spouses are Rh positive, or both are negative. Then all their children will also be of the same Rhesus, and the conflict cannot arise. If the future dad has a positive Rh factor, and the mother has a negative one, then in 50 percent of cases it is necessary to take preventive measures.

The incompatibility of partners for the Rh factor is not a reason for frustration or abandoning the dream of a child. Those 15 percent of women whose Rh factor turns out to be negative are just as capable of becoming mothers. The prospect is as follows: a woman will have to donate blood from a vein quite often for the presence of antibodies. Up to thirty-two weeks of pregnancy - once a month, from the 32nd to the 35th week - twice a month, and then until childbirth weekly. This procedure, of course, is not the most pleasant, but absolutely necessary. According to the level of antibodies in the blood of a pregnant woman, the doctor can draw conclusions about the alleged Rh factor in the child and determine the beginning of the Rh conflict.

As a rule, during the first pregnancy, the Rh conflict rarely develops. With repeated pregnancies, the likelihood of problems increases. Indeed, in the blood of a woman giving birth, there may be protective antibodies (“memory cells”) left over from a previous pregnancy. They pass through the placenta to the baby and begin to destroy his red blood cells. Sometimes it is necessary to resort to childbirth before the term and replace the blood of the newborn.

Today, the development of the Rh conflict can also be prevented by introducing a special vaccine - anti-Rh immunoglobulin - immediately after the first birth and even after the termination of pregnancy. This drug binds aggressive antibodies formed in the mother's blood that threaten the unborn child, and removes them from the body. The introduction of the Rh antibody can be carried out during pregnancy. Immunoglobulin prophylaxis for Rh-negative women should be carried out within 72 hours after childbirth, placental abruption, amniocentesis, miscarriage, abortion, ectopic pregnancy, blood transfusion.

In our time, medicine successfully copes with the treatment of Rh-conflict.

In the MAMA clinic you can undergo a complete examination to find out the causes of infertility or clarify the diagnosis. You can discuss the required scope of the examination with the clinic doctor at the initial appointment. Remember that during the examination, circumstances may be revealed that require additional analyzes. That is why it is not always possible to talk about the exact timing and scope of the survey.

You can make an appointment with the doctor about a week before the expected visit on any business day. Registration is made by phone in Moscow +7 495 921-34-26

Take the first step - make an appointment!

Every woman dreams of getting pregnant and giving birth to a healthy child, but this process is preceded by multiple tests, checks on the health of the mother and father. A separate and especially important topic is different Rh factors in parents during pregnancy. When conception has occurred, then parents have to take care of not only their health, but also the development of their baby.

Pregnancy test

Both the expectant mother and her husband should know about their Rh. The probability that the fetus can inherit the Rh factor of one of the parents is 50%. Of course, we are not talking about cases where both the husband and wife have the same (Rh-) or (Rh+) blood.

The danger arises only when the wife is Rh negative and the husband is Rh positive. Only then does the likelihood of incompatibility of the blood of the child and the mother increase. This condition is called a Rh conflict, but with the capabilities of modern medicine, even this problem can be solved with timely diagnosis.

What is rhesus?

Not all expectant mothers know how the Rh factor can affect pregnancy, so many women find out about their blood type and Rh only at the stage of testing.

Important! The blood group throughout life is not able to change, as well as the Rh factor. These are two inherited characteristics that are formed in the womb.

Rh blood is a protein or antigen found on red blood cells. They are called erythrocytes. If this protein is present, then the blood of such people is called Rh-positive, and if it is not - negative. The presence or absence of Rhesus does not affect a person in any way. This fact becomes important at a time when a woman and a man want to conceive a child.

blood donation

As statistics show, only some women are at risk of developing an Rhesus conflict, since only 15% of the total population of the Earth have negative blood, the remaining 85% have positive blood.

Rh factor during pregnancy

The future child, which is planned by both parents, is often born strong and healthy, as his mother and father do everything possible to protect the health of the baby. To do this, some couples even undergo genetic research to minimize the likelihood of developing an inherited pathology in a child. However, not everyone approaches the issue of conceiving a new life so responsibly.

The very first stage of preparation should be to check the Rh factors of the mother and father. The consequences of a possible blood conflict are too severe for both the woman and the child. In some cases, with untimely treatment, the child may die. It is because of the Rh conflict that the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and placental abruption increases.

Attention! To exclude the possibility of blood incompatibility, it is recommended to check the blood for Rh to both partners.

In what cases does the risk of developing a Rh conflict increase?

The Rh factor and the time of pregnancy are two interrelated concepts that can directly affect the health of the woman and the fetus. By itself, this protein on erythrocytes throughout life is in no way capable of changing a person’s well-being. When fertilization has already occurred, it is not always possible to check the Rh and blood type of a baby in the womb of the mother accurately - a 100% result is possible only after birth.

Blood incompatibility

There is only one dangerous option when a conflict or incompatibility of the blood of the fetus and mother is possible. If a woman has blood with Rh-, and the father has Rh +. A child can get Rh from the father, which leads to Rh incompatibility.

If the husband is Rh negative and the wife is Rh positive, then there will be no conflict. All women with blood (Rh+) are not predisposed to conflict with the baby's blood. A positive Rh factor in a woman and a negative one in a man is a safe situation.

Read also: - the consequences that can cause Rhesus conflict

What processes take place in the body of the child and the mother at the time of the Rhesus conflict?

It is good if both the father and mother are aware of the likelihood of developing blood incompatibility due to different Rhesus, but often the partners do not even know about the degree of risk. They plan pregnancy in the standard mode, without any additional tests and diagnostics.

When the doctor is sure that a conflicting rhesus is possible, he must warn the parents in advance. This must be done at the planning stage of conception. The negligence of a doctor or ignorance of the patient's Rh can lead to disastrous results.

When a woman becomes pregnant, she gradually forms a separate, placental circle of blood circulation, which works directly on the development of the baby. The larger the fetus becomes, the higher the likelihood of developing incompatibility.

If fetal antibodies enter the mother’s bloodstream, then her body begins to actively fight against the “strangers”. Her blood cells destroy the baby's red blood cells, which leads to the development of various diseases. In the body of the fetus, the level of bilirubin begins to rise, which is extremely toxic and negatively affects brain development.

Important! The amount of antibodies can actively increase from the third month of pregnancy.

As a result of a massive attack of maternal immunity on the fetus, hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) develops.


Her symptoms are as follows:

  • Enlarged spleen and liver;
  • Increased lethargy of the child;
  • Weakness;
  • Significantly reduced amount of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • Development of microcytosis and anisocytosis;
  • Yellowness and pallor of the skin;
  • Decreased activity of reflexes;
  • Puffiness, the face takes on a moon-shaped shape, accumulation of fluid in the pericardium, bleeding (in severe form).

It is because of HDN that a child can be born dead or premature. Only adequate and correct therapy can save his life. To prevent this from happening, mothers need to take blood tests on time to determine antibodies. The impact of timely diagnosis and treatment is often underestimated.

What should mothers do in case of Rh conflict?

It is worth repeating that if the husband has a negative blood type, and the wife has a positive one, then there is nothing to be afraid of. The risk arises only if the mother has negative blood and the husband is positive. In this case, the presence of a different Rh factor in parents should be diagnosed even when planning a pregnancy.

The dangerous period in such a situation begins as early as the 3rd month of pregnancy, when the number of antibodies begins to grow.

A woman needs to remember a few simple rules for testing:

  1. Up to 32 weeks, take an antibody test every month;
  2. From 32 to 35 weeks - 2 times a month;
  3. From 35 weeks to childbirth - 1 time per week.

With this approach, the complication due to Rhesus incompatibility is minimal. When labor activity passes, it is important for the woman in labor to inject anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin on time. This serum will prevent the risk of conflict in the next pregnancy. The main thing is to administer the serum within 72 hours after delivery.

It is important to consider that anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin is administered to a woman with blood incompatibility if she has undergone:

  • Abortion;
  • Placental abruption;
  • Various operations on the membranes;
  • Miscarriage;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • Transfusion of platelets.

Bleeding in such cases can lead to complications. The consequence of the negligent attitude of doctors to such a woman is even a fatal outcome.

How should the treatment take place?

The main thing is to find a good and qualified doctor in a timely manner, who will professionally approach the solution of this issue.

Treatment in the perinatal center

If the husband has a negative Rh factor, and the wife is diagnosed with a positive Rh factor, then there is absolutely no need to worry. This is important to remember. Only women with Rh- are at risk. Treatment primarily consists of:

  1. Complete examination of a woman;
  2. Redirecting her to a specialized perinatal center, where they will monitor the health of both the mother and the child;
  3. The introduction during pregnancy for prophylactic purposes of anti-rhesus serum;
  4. Stimulation of labor activity in order to quickly carry out a blood transfusion to the fetus.
  5. Immunoglobulin administered within 72 hours postpartum.

When a doctor sees a woman's negative blood and a father's positive blood in the test table, then this is not as dangerous as it used to be. Modern medicine has stepped forward so much that even such couples now have a high chance of giving birth to a healthy baby, like everyone else.

A negative Rh factor in a woman during pregnancy is a serious reason for doctors to worry about the health of an unborn baby. Rhesus conflict can provoke the development of various pathologies in crumbs. However, modern medicine is already able to prevent the dangerous consequences of this phenomenon. Why is the conflict between the Rh factors of mother and child dangerous? When can it occur and what precautions should be taken so that the baby is born healthy?

Rh factor

Over the course of long studies, scientists have found that more than 80% of people have specific antibodies in their blood. This is a special kind of protein called agglutinogen. And only 20% of the world's population does not have this protein in the blood. Thus, the Rh factor is an indicator of the presence of D antibodies in the body. Those who have it are Rh positive and vice versa.

These indicators are extremely important for any person throughout life. This analysis is carried out at birth and then as needed. This is especially important when an emergency blood infusion is needed, because if a person is injected with a biomaterial with an excellent Rh factor, a conflict can occur, which sometimes even leads to death.

Conflict of indicators

What is rhesus conflict? This is the incompatibility of blood counts in a woman and her unborn baby. This phenomenon occurs only if the expectant mother has Rhesus with a minus, and the biological father of the baby has a plus. However, the conflict arises only if the baby inherits the father's indicators. In such a situation, the development of a Rh conflict in mother and child is not unlikely.

What is happening at this moment? When a baby develops its own circulatory system, its blood cells can enter the mother's bloodstream. At the same time, the woman's immune system begins to perceive the baby's blood as an enemy. The immune system is actively fighting this enemy. Thus, maternal blood cells begin to actively destroy the unborn baby. Getting through the placenta into the blood of the crumbs, the mother's antibodies kill the baby's blood cells. As a result of this struggle, the baby can develop various dangerous pathologies.

Also, this situation can cause premature birth or miscarriage.

However, rhesus conflict is observed in only 10% of all pregnancies with a negative mother's rhesus. In most cases, doctors manage to avoid dangerous consequences, and the child is born completely healthy. Negative blood type and pregnancy, today this is not a ban, but only an excuse for more careful monitoring of a woman and her baby.


When placed for observation in the gynecologist's office, each woman is tested for the Rh factor and blood type. This is necessary in order to take timely preventive measures if a woman suddenly has a negative blood group during pregnancy. In such situations, the woman's sexual partner also needs to donate blood for research.

It is worth noting that during the first pregnancy, the occurrence of a Rh-conflict between mother and child is quite rare. The thing is that antibodies have not yet been developed in the mother's body and the child practically does not suffer. Subsequent pregnancies may already be complicated.

There are several factors that can increase the risk of conflict, namely:

  • Past abortions.
  • Risk of miscarriage.
  • Severe previous childbirth.
  • Infusion of blood with the opposite Rh.

A negative Rh factor during pregnancy should be detected in a woman as early as possible. A future mother with such a phenomenon should be put on a special account. During the entire period of bearing the baby, she will have to take a blood test for antibodies. It is worth noting that in the case of a negative blood group in women during pregnancy, abortion is categorically contraindicated, especially if the husband is Rh positive. Termination of the first pregnancy can put an end to future motherhood.

To give birth or not

Many girls with a negative Rh factor are simply afraid of becoming pregnant and having children. However, modern gynecologists insist that negative consequences can be completely avoided and a healthy child can be born. Yes, of course there is a risk of Rhesus conflict, but these are isolated cases. Firstly, you should not worry when a man is negative and a woman is positive. In such couples, there are no problems with bearing a baby. If both partners have a negative Rh, for example, the wife has the first negative, and the husband has the third negative blood type, the pregnancy also passes without complications, because the child will inherit the same Rh as the parents.

However, the presence of a negative Rh factor only in a woman is not a reason to abandon the happiness of motherhood. Today, such women only have to more carefully follow all the recommendations of doctors and regularly donate blood to detect antibodies. Modern drugs allow you to quickly cleanse the mother's blood of harmful cells, and the child grows and develops normally.

Also in the arsenal of doctors today there are other methods to protect the child from the development of pathologies. This is an infusion of blood with a negative Rh to the baby, and protecting the baby from biological exchange with the mother.

These measures are used in extreme cases, only when the crumbs are really in serious danger.

In some cases, monitoring of pregnancy with a negative Rh factor must take place in a hospital. If you are scheduled for hospitalization, in no case do not refuse. After all, your baby's health depends on it.

Most mysterious group

Most of the controversy among doctors is about the fourth negative blood type. Until recently, it was believed that the 4th blood group with a negative Rh factor was incompatible with bearing a child. However, recent studies have shown that patients give birth to healthy babies perfectly. At the same time, an amazing fact was discovered, people in whom the fourth group can be transfused with any blood, the main thing is that the Rh matches.

The fourth blood group is the youngest. This means that it carries information about modern living conditions. It has been proven that people with this blood type are more resilient and can adapt perfectly to various living conditions. These facts indicate that women can successfully bear and give birth to children. All rumors about the danger of childbirth with a 4 negative group are common myths and misconceptions.

Features of childbirth

You can often hear rumors that the 3rd negative blood type is the cause of difficult births and complications. Yes, such blood is rare, but giving birth with it is no more difficult than, for example, if a woman has 1 negative. All women with negative blood, if their husband is Rh positive, should be under special supervision during pregnancy and childbirth.

If no complications were observed in a pregnant woman during the bearing of a child, childbirth is recommended to be carried out naturally. If there was a risk of developing a Rh conflict, it is recommended to perform an operative birth at the 38th week of pregnancy. At the same time, it is important that doctors have blood in reserve for emergency transfusion of a suitable group.

After childbirth, if antibodies are found in the mother's blood, breastfeeding is prohibited for several days. This is due to the fact that antigens, entering the baby's body, will destroy it, causing the development of pathologies. When the antibodies disappear, feeding is not prohibited. This applies only to those children who inherited a positive Rh father.

If the baby was born with the same blood as the mother, there are no prohibitions on feeding.

In order for a woman to become pregnant and give birth to a healthy child more than once, after the first birth, she needs to inject anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin within 3 days. Also, this measure should be applied in case of abortion or miscarriage. This will clear the mother's blood of antibodies that are dangerous for the baby, and subsequent pregnancy will proceed without complications.

If you are not sure that the maternity hospital has such an injection, it is better to purchase it yourself before the planned birth. This issue is best resolved with your gynecologist, he will give detailed recommendations so that you can still have children. Most often, children after birth do not suffer from serious diseases and do not need special care. Modern medicine allows women with negative blood to give birth as much as she wants.

Many women with negative blood consciously refuse a second pregnancy. They explain this by fear for the health and life of the unborn child. However, today doctors say that if all the recommendations of specialists are followed, the risk of complications is reduced to almost zero. Just in this case, you need to be a little more responsible, more attentive and accommodating. By performing all the prescribed tests and procedures, you will be able to give birth to many more healthy babies.

In contact with

Any conclusions should be sorted out, what is the Rh factor after all. It's really just a protein found on the surface of red blood cells called erythrocytes. Scientists have found that it is contained in the organisms of more than 85% of the people inhabiting the planet. They are called Rh-positive. The remaining 15% of the world's population does not have this protein on the surface of red blood cells, so they have a negative Rh factor.

It is worth noting that in everyday life, most people do not even think about which category they belong to. However, in cases such as blood transfusions, the Rh factor is of particular importance. We can only say unequivocally that a couple with different Rh factors can have children. Often the problem is not in itself, but in bearing a child. The fact is that the main danger for the unborn baby is the Rh conflict. This is the case when the mother and fetus have different Rh factors. The results of this phenomenon can be different, ranging from pathologies and ending with a miscarriage.

If you know that you have a negative Rh factor, then be extremely careful in choosing a partner. The ideal option is the father of a child with the same Rh factor as you. Otherwise, your chances of a comfortable pregnancy without complications are drastically reduced. Fortunately, science today has made significant progress. There are modern effective methods of dealing with Rhesus conflict. In order to control the processes of rejection of the fetus by the mother's body, she will have to regularly donate blood from a vein to determine the amount of antibodies. This is very important for the unborn child, because only under the constant supervision of specialists is it possible to overcome the Rh conflict by taking timely measures.

It is worth knowing that antibodies in the mother's body appear gradually. There is a high probability that the first pregnancy will not cause any complications and the baby will be born completely healthy. That is why with a negative Rh factor, in no case should you have abortions from a Rh-positive man, otherwise in the future she may have problems with bearing a child. Each subsequent pregnancy from a father with a positive Rh factor will have less and less chance of success. Remember that if you cannot get pregnant from an Rh-positive man, then this may not be entirely true. The fact is that in some cases, conception occurs, but the pregnancy is so short-lived that you simply do not notice it. If you suspect that this is your case, then you should take a break. Spending more than five years between pregnancies will greatly increase your chances of success.

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