Home Vegetables Who is called the king of birds. Quiz “This wonderful world of birds. Outdoor game "Starlings and a cat"

Who is called the king of birds. Quiz “This wonderful world of birds. Outdoor game "Starlings and a cat"

Galina Nikolaevna Toropkina
Quiz "This wonderful world of birds"

Target: generalization of children's knowledge about migratory and wintering birds.

Program tasks:

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the distinctive features of birds, the way of life.

To develop the ability of children to guess riddles about birds.

Develop attention, thinking, memory.

Foster a desire to care for birds.

Material: pictures of migratory and wintering birds, a hat - cats, sticks.

Quiz progress:


Wonderful creatures live on our planet.

They fly birds and sing, and sacredly cherish the land.

Tell me, children, is it possible to live without birds in the world?

What happens if the birds on the ground suddenly disappear?

Bugs, bugs, worms will attack trees.

And they will eat bark, leaves, gnaw branches, buds -

This is what will happen if, if the birds,

All will disappear - disappear!

And there will be no chirping, wondrous trills of a nightingale,

And magpies chirping, chik-chirp of a sparrow….

It will be boring, children know, life without birds in this world!

Children, today we have gathered to conduct a quiz "This wonderful world of birds". Let's split up into teams. Since we will talk about birds, then the names of the teams should be associated with birds. You have parts of the pictures in your hands, they need to be assembled into whole, and then we will find out the name of the teams.

Didactic game "Collect the picture"

Educator: Well, now we have two teams "Swallows" and "Bullfinches".

Let's start our quiz. Be careful. Raise your hand if you're ready to answer questions. For each correct answer, the team receives such birds (silhouettes of cardboard birds). At the end of the quiz, we will determine the winner.

1 task "Quick question - quick answer"

Questions to the team "Swallow"

What do the names of these birds have in common? Starling, nightingale, stork, crane. (They are migratory)

What birds are called migratory? (Which fly away for the winter to warm lands.)

Why do they fly away? (It's getting cold and it's hard to get food)

Which birds are the last to fly away? Why? (Waterfowl, because water bodies freeze)

Questions to the Snegiri team

What do the names of these birds have in common? Magpie, crow, tit, dove. (They are wintering)

Why are they called that? (Wintering)

Where do wintering birds live? (Near human dwellings)

Educator: Now we will see how well you distinguish between wintering and migratory birds. The "Swallows" team will select all the pictures with the images of migratory birds, and the "Bullfinches" team - the birds that stay with us for the winter.

2 task "Bird questions".

To the Swallows team:

a) What is the largest bird in the world? (Ostrich)

b) what birds can't fly? (penguin, ostrich, kiwi);

c) name a mother bird that does not take care of its chicks? (cuckoo);

d) At Alyonushka's - the sisters took the brother away by the birds. Name them and the fairy tale ("Geese-Swans").

e) Which bird flies the fastest? (Swift)

f) Which birds have a special nursery? (At the penguins)

g) Who sleeps during the day, flies at night, scares passers-by? (Owl, owl).

h) What bird is nesting on the roof of the house? (stork)

f) Why can't you touch the eggs in the nests with your hands? (Because a bird throws a nest, if you touch it with your hands, birds have a good sense of smell.)

For the Snegiri team:

a) What is the smallest bird? (Hummingbird)

b) Which birds are the last to fly to warmer regions? (waterfowl);

c) Favorite delicacy of tits (bacon);

d) What birds lived with the grandmother? (geese);

e) Which bird has a very long tail? (Magpie.)

f) Which bird's beak is the real bag? (Pelican)

g) Which bird has the longest tongue? (At the woodpecker)

h) Which bird flies the highest? (Eagle)

i) What's inside the bird bones? (Air.)

j) Why do they say: "Like water off a duck's back"? (The plumage of a goose is always covered with fat, so the water does not wet the feathers and rolls off them in drops.)

3 task "Cozy nest"

Educator: You need to build a nest from twigs and blades of grass and put the bird in the nest. We work with the whole team (Who will build faster)

Was it difficult to build? But birds build nests with beaks and paws. Would you like to try again - with beaks? (Children carry chopsticks in their mouths)

4 task "Riddles"

1) Black-winged, red-breasted, 2) On one leg,

He is not afraid of a cold, And he warms another.

And in winter she will find shelter - I did not buy boots,

With the first snow right there. (Bullfinch) And now he regrets. (Heron)

3) This is a fidget bird, 4) You will recognize him immediately:

One color with birch. Black-billed, black-eyed,

Vereshunya, white-sided, He walks importantly on arable land,

And her name is ... (Forty) Worms, beetles finds. (Rook)

5) On claws on a pine trunk 6) Flies all night -

The red-headed fixer climbed in. Extracts mice.

He worked on weight, And it will become light -

But no light flashed in the forest. (Woodpecker) Sleep flies into the hollow. (Owl)

7) The color is grayish, 8) In a gray feather coat,

The gait is thieving. And in cold weather he is a hero.

Famous person, Rides, frolic on the fly,

Who is she? (Crow.) Not an eagle, but still a bird. (Sparrow)

5 task "Connoisseurs of birds"

Teams receive envelopes with a set of pictures and blank paper squares, on which they must write the first letters of words - the names of objects. Then, from the letters, add the word - the name of the bird and find a picture with its image.


An outdoor game "Starlings and a cat".

Starlings fly around the hall to the music, and the cat slumbers on the sidelines. At the end of the music, the cat catches the starlings, and they fly to the hooped houses, but occupy the houses only by two. There are two more starlings, they are caught by a cat. The game repeats itself.

6 task "Fairy-tale characters"

Educator: You need to recognize birds from different fairy tales.

What birds took your brother away from sister Alyonushka? (Swan geese.)

What bird helped Thumbelina get to the land of the elves? (Martin.)

A magical bird with golden plumage? (Firebird.)

Who was the wife of Prince Guidon in the fairy tale "About Tsar Saltan?" (The swan princess.)

The bird that laid the golden eggs? (Ryaba Chicken.)

What bird sat on the spoke of Tsar Dodon? (Cockerel.)

What birds carried the traveling frog on a twig? (Ducks.)

Who has become the "ugly duckling"? (Into a beautiful swan.)

Who is the fairy tale "Gray Neck" about? (About the duck.)

7 task "Artists"

Educator: Our next competition is drawing. Teams are invited to start. Please stand in line one after the other. On a sheet of paper you need to draw a bird, but not all at once, but in parts, one person - 1 fragment. The teams will recognize these birds from each other.

Educator: And now - a game of attention. I will only name the birds, but if you hear that something other than birds has appeared, let me know. You can stomp and clap.

Birds have arrived: Pigeons, tits, flies and swifts ... (Children stomp.)

What's wrong? (Children: "Flies!")

And who are the flies? (Children: "Insects!")

Birds arrived: Pigeons, tits, Storks, crows, Jackdaws, pasta. (Children stomp.)

Now who's in the way? ("Pasta")

Birds have arrived: Pigeons, martens ... (Martens)

Birds have arrived: Pigeons, tits, lapwings, siskins, Jackdaws and swifts, Mosquitoes, cuckoos ... (Children stomp)

Birds have arrived: Pigeons, tits, jackdaws and swifts, lapwings, siskins, storks, cuckoos, swans and ducks - and thanks for the joke!

Educator: The quiz is over. Well done! You know birds well. Do not forget them, treat them with seeds, millet and do not offend, and then they will delight you with their singing.

Summarizing. Rewarding teams.

Birds are our friends, take care of the birds. Help them in difficult times. Don't kill birds. They are very useful.

1. Introduction to the quiz

Spring has come. The birds are returning to their homeland. Soon their spring singing will be heard here and there. We are glad to the arrival of birds. They returned - which means spring, and “the meadow laughs again,” and life goes on as usual. At the beginning of the quiz - a wonderful verse by Georgy Skrebitsky.

What a morning, what a breadth!
Hazy and distant villages ...
Everything around and hides, sparkles,
Meeting the first spring day.

The sky is turning blue, the sun is shining
Snow beams burned.
There is no happier day in the world
Than the birthday of spring!

2. The first block of questions

What do we call birds that go to warmer regions in winter and fly back in spring?
Answer: migratory birds

What do we call the birds that stay in their homeland for the winter?
Answer: wintering birds

Have you heard the blackbirds sing? And not only blackbirds, but also larks, nightingales, orioles? What are the names of the birds that sing better than others?
Answer: songbirds

Why did the birds sing?
Answer: Because spring has come, it has become warm, you need to have offspring, try to please each other and find a mate.

3.Second block of questions

Which migratory birds are familiar to you?
Answer: A - stork, B - shorebird, C - bittern, G - tie, rook, D - thrush, F - lark, H - finch, I - oriole, K - sandpiper, cuckoo, L - swallow, blue tit, M - flycatcher, P - quail, P - fieldfare, C - swift, starling, nightingale, T - wagtail, C - heron, H - lapwing, lake gull, U - duck.

Why do birds fly away to warm lands?
Answer: the main reason is inadequate nutrition during the winter months

When do storks and herons fly south?
Answer: when water pools freeze

What migratory birds fly at night?
Answer: cranes, robins

What kinds of birds travel “on foot” to the wintering place?
Answer: corncrake, quail

How do migratory birds navigate?
Answer: landmarks are: seashores, mountain ranges, river valleys, sun

4 Riddles About Migratory Birds

In the summer he goes after the plowman, and in the winter he leaves with a cry. ( Rook)

All day gallop across the arable land, and the bird is called ... ( rook).

On the pole is the palace, in the palace is the singer. ( Starling)

5. Starling

“Start serenading, starling!
Through the timpani and tambourines of history,
You are our first spring singer
From the Birch Conservatory. "

In what calendar periods does the starling have a shiny black plumage with a greenish tint, and in which speckled (with white spots), with a characteristic metallic sheen?
Answer: black - in spring and summer, speckled - in autumn and winter.

When does the starling arrive?
Answer: in March

How many generations of chicks do starlings have per season?
Answer: two generations

Where does the starling winter?
Answer: in Europe, Africa, Central Asia, the Caucasus

6. Rook

“Rook over a birch thicket.
Light and dusk conspiracy.
Always silent about something
A taciturn country. "

Where does the rook winter?
Answer: in North Africa, Central Asia, on the Black Sea coast

What does a rook eat?
Answer: insects, field mice, snails, (can catch a young hare)

When does the rook arrive?
Answer: during the period from February to April

What family does the rook belong to?
Answer: to the raven family

7 swallow

“The grass turns green,
The sun is shining;
Swallow with spring
In the canopy flies to us. "

Why is a swallow sometimes called a killer whale?
Answer: because the barn swallow belongs to the genus of killer whales

Who is the enemy of the swallow?
Answer: Sparrow. He often attacks and captures swallow's nests, throwing out tiny chicks from there.

When does the swallow arrive?
Answer: in the middle of May

What does the swallow eat?
Answer: exclusively flying insects - flies, grasshoppers, dragonflies, butterflies, bugs.

How many generations of chicks do swallows have per season?
Answer: two generations

MCOU "Cheremshanskaya OOSh"

Ecological competition program "In the world of birds" dedicated to the Day of Birds.

Teacher: O.S. Shelikhova

Event progress

Leading: Hello guys! Guess the riddle:
Dreams of a spider at night

Wonderful yudo on a bitch.

Long beak and two wings ...

If he arrives, things are bad.

Who is the spider afraid of?

Have you guessed? It… (Bird)

That's right guys, it's a bird. On April 1, a holiday is celebrated - International Bird Day. This holiday began in 1906, when the International Convention for the Protection of Birds was signed. In Russia, Bird Day appeared in 1926 at the initiative of young naturalists. In the 40s, this good tradition was interrupted, and in 1996 it was restored.

Today we are running an ecological competition program "In the world of birds". During the program, we will reveal which of the participants is an expert on the avian world, for this I ask the teams to come out. So, we meet the participants with friendly applause. The teams take the stage

1. "Sparrows" (Shchekina Nastya, Krivtsov Tolya, Fritz Olya, Elagin Egor, Anyuta)

2. "Hummingbird" (Belkina Alina, Novokreschenov Lesha, Semakina Alina, Khoroshev Dima, Sasha)

The teams are ready for the competition, we wish them no fluff, no feather, and good luck!

For the correct answer, the team receives a token. At the end of the program, tokens are counted and the result of the victory.

  1. Competition "Riddles about Birds"

  • Guess what kind of bird:
Dark little girl

White from the belly

The tail is spread apart into two tails. (Martin)

  • Stands on one leg
Stares into the water,

Pokes his beak at random

Looking for frogs in the river. (heron)

  • Long-tailed, she
Black-black from the back,

White belly and shoulders

Rumble instead of speech.

At least someone will see - in a moment

Raises a chirp-scream. (magpie)

  • I do not like to build nests,
And how will I fly from the south,

That, without opening its beak,

I scream louder than anyone in the forest. (cuckoo)

  1. Competition "Whose nose is better?"

Name whose beaks they are.

(1 - crow - very powerful and strong beak, eats different foods;2 – pelican - in the lower part of the beak there is a leathery bag in which the bird puts the fish).
(1 - eagle - a sharp curved beak, this is a bird of prey;2 - swan - waterfowl, feeds on animal and plant foods).

3.Competition "Who Flies How?"

From the pictures, determine the name of the bird in flight. (Children perform tasks on cards).

Name who is flying.

(1 - duck; 2 - swallow).

Name who is flying.

(1 - forty; 2 - heron).

Name who is flying.

(1 - crow; 2 - goose).

While the teams are completing the task, we will take part in the game with the audience.

Let's laugh.

Can a rooster call itself a bird? (No, he can't speak)

Why does the cow lie down? (Since he cannot sit down)

What tree does the hare sit under in the rain? (Under wet)

Can a thrush freeze its tail? (No. He hibernates in the south)

Can a badger climb on a branch for a bump (No)

Can a sandpiper bite its tongue? (He has no language)

Can a seal lie on its side all day? (Yes, and not only him)

Can a titmouse settle on a roof? (Yes)

Can a bee sting a donkey? (Yes, and not only him)

Can a bear dance and sing? (Yes)
Test "Interesting about birds"

Looking for food)

- Which bird animates the wall clock? (woodpecker. Cuckoo. bullfinch)

- Which secretary eats snakes? ( Bird - secretary)

- What candies can you buy in the store? (Mouse tails, crow's feet,

duck beaks)

- What bird exists? (Bagelchek, Loafers, Gingerbread)

- What kind of fruit bird is there in nature? (Orange, Pear, Mandarin duck)

- Layers are (housewives carrying heavy bags from stores. Chickens laying eggs.

Ladies rushing at high speed in foreign cars)

- Turkey is (Indian wife, Indian wife,

large poultry of the chicken family)

4.Competition "What fairy tale are we from?"

Birds are a source of inspiration for writers, poets, musicians. Many writers and poets have works dedicated to our feathered friends. Now we will remember some of them. Guys, you need to answer the questions, as well as name the author and title of the book in question.

1. Who laid the egg, not a simple one, but a golden one? (Russian folk tale "Ryaba Chicken").

2.Who was Niels traveling with? (With wild geese; S. Lagerlöf "Niels's journey with wild geese").

3.What birds did the traveler frog fly with? (With wild ducks; V. Garshin "The Traveling Frog").

4.What kind of bird did the minister of the underground kingdom turn into in the tale of Anthony Pogorelsky? (Into a black chicken; A. Pogorelsky "Black hen, or underground inhabitants").

5 What kind of bird did the ugly duckling become when it grew up? (Swan; G. H. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling").

6. In what birds did the evil queen transform the eleven brothers-princes in the tale of H. H. Andersen? (The Wild Swans; G. H. Andersen "Wild Swans").

7. What bird did Thumbelina save? (Swallow; G. H. Andersen "Thumbelina").

8. From whom did the fox steal the cheese in one of Ivan Krylov's fables? (At the crow; I. A. Krylov "The Crow and the Fox").

9. What bird, when knocking on the door, asked: "Who is there?" (Galchonok; E. Uspensky "Uncle Fyodor, Dog and Cat").

10. What is the name of the crow from the program "Good night, kids!". (Karkusha).

5. Competition "A proverb does not say for nothing".

In Russian folklore, there are many proverbs and sayings about birds. Let's remember some of them. I will name the first part of the proverb, and you will finish them.

  • On someone else's side ... (glad my funnel).

  • Better a tit in the hands ... (than pie in the sky).

  • Every bird has ... (own song).

  • Chickens in the fall ... (think).

  • The word is not a sparrow ... (you can't catch it).

  • The bird began to sing early ... (no matter how the cat ate it).

  • The old sparrow ... (you can't cheat on the chaff).

  • Every sandpiper is his ... (the swamp praises).

  • That bird is stupid ... (to which her nest is not cute).

  • One swallow ... (does not make spring).

  • The young crane flew high ... (yes, he sat down low).

  • The nightingale sings the month, and the crow ... (croaks all year round).

  • Goose pig ... (not a friend).

  • Like off a duck ... (water).
“Our smaller brothers” live in the forest: birds and animals. There are many of our faithful friends among them. Birds are the protectors of forests, fields, gardens. They preserve the harvest, destroying a huge number of harmful insects per day. Birds of prey catch rodents in the fields. Birds adorn our lives. In spring, many birds return to their native lands.

Guys, try to imagine our world without birds for a minute. Without a lark over arable land, and a nightingale in a grove, and a sandpiper in a swamp, and a woodpecker on a pine tree, without flocks of passerines. How our life would be impoverished! What else can happen if all the birds disappear? (Children answer).

Yes, guys, huge hordes of pests will attack our gardens, orchards, fields and forests. Very quickly they will destroy vegetation, and death will come to man, to the entire animal world. Let's hope that such an ecological disaster will not happen on planet Earth. Let's remember what we must do with you so that such beautiful creatures as birds do not disappear? (Children answer).

That's right guys. Bird nests must be protected; do not shoot birds with slingshots. In addition, birdhouses should be installed in the spring, and feeders in the winter. And, of course, do not forget to fill these feeders and birdhouses ...

6. Competition "Further, further ..."

Answers are given very quickly within a minute.

  1. The largest bird in the world (weight up to 160 kg, height up to 3 m). (Ostrich).

  2. The smallest bird (weight 2 g). (Hummingbird).

  3. Which bird is considered the orderly of the forest? (Woodpecker).

  4. The fastest bird in the world (speed up to 1000 km / h) and at the same time the name of the city in the Vologda region. (Falcon).

  5. The bird is a symbol of peace. Since ancient times, she has been a reliable assistant to people in delivering letters, and now she is a permanent inhabitant of city streets. (Pigeon).

  6. A large flightless bird, eats fish, lives only in the southern hemisphere: in the south of Australia, Africa, South America and Antarctica. (Penguin).

  7. Amazon, macaw, cockatoo, kakapo, kea, cockatiel, lorikeet, lovebird, rosella. All this ... Who? (Parrot).

  8. A bird that can move up and down the trees. (Nuthatch).

  9. The name of this flightless bird, which lives only in New Zealand, coincides with the name of the sweet juicy berry. (Kiwi).

  10. People consider this bird one of the most beautiful and at the same time stupid birds. (Peacock).

  11. Which bird has a snowy name? (bullfinch)

  12. Which bird breeds chicks during the cold season? (crossbill)

  13. What do ducks swim from? (from the coast)

  14. What cage are not kept birds? (in the notebook)

  15. What birds sleep buried in the snow? (partridges, black grouse)

  16. What is more terrible for birds in winter: hunger or cold? (hunger)

  17. The cub has not yet been born, but has already been given to the upbringing of its stepmother. And who is the mother? (cuckoo)

  18. What bird is called a winged cat? (owl)

  19. Why does the bird lay eggs? (if he throws, they will break)

  20. Which bird is named the same as the porridge that the British love? (oatmeal)

While the teams are counting their earned tokens, we will listen to the guys performing.


1) I, guys, love birds.

I never catch them

No traps, no nets.

I don't keep them in a cage at home.

I will never touch the nests

No magpies, no crows,

Neither starling nor sparrow

I have not offended in my life.
2) Feed the birds in winter,

Let from all ends

They will flock to you like home,

Flocks on the porch.

3) Their food is not rich -

A handful of grain is needed

One handful -

And not scary

It will be winter.
4) How many of them die - do not count,

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And it's warm for the birds.

5) Is it possible to forget:

Could fly away

And they stayed for the winter

Along with people.

6) Train the birds in the cold

To your window

So that without songs you don't have to

We welcome spring.

Song "Lapwing by the road". Performed by children of the 3rd grade.
Now let's summarize the results of the contests.

At the end of the game, the number of tokens is counted and the winners are awarded.

All participants of the program are awarded certificates, diplomas to the winners.

Symbol of loyalty

People have composed many songs and legends about swan fidelity. These are beautiful, stately birds and, in fact, are very attached to each other. Married pairs of swans persist, if not all their lives, then for a very long time. There are cases when, after the death of one of the swans, the second rose into the air, folded its wings and fell like a stone to the ground, crashing to death.

Palamedea - Master of Caution

Palamedea is a recognized master of disguise: you can walk by her nest dozens of times and not notice it. What does she look like? These are large, turkey-sized, broad-winged birds with ash-gray plumage. They look very personable. Circling high in a friendly company of about a dozen birds, the Palamedeans announce the surroundings with ringing intermittent melodic sounds, similar to the sounds of a flute.

Little owl

The little owl is a scops owl. Her melodic whistle is very reminiscent of the word "sleeping". This is a funny bird. If you pass by during the day and pretend not to notice her, she will first stretch out into line and freeze, sitting on a branch near the trunk, and then, when you begin to move away from her, she will begin to bow, as if thanks for not caused her anxiety.

The largest of the owls

The largest of the owls are eagle owls. The body length of some species reaches 70 and even 80 centimeters. This is a beautiful, proud and strong bird, well adapted for hunting rodents - field and forest mice. But the owl also does not refuse to replenish its diet at the expense of small birds, and sometimes attacks black grouses, wood grouses, and hares. The predator tears its prey to pieces and swallows everything indiscriminately - meat, bones, feathers. In the stomach, like all owls, not everything that is swallowed is digested. Bones, feathers and hair remain undigested. Their predator periodically regurgitates in the form of oblong or round lumps. This waste is called pellet.

Peaceful life symbol

The stork is a very trusting bird. She usually does not avoid a person, but, on the contrary, looks for a neighborhood with him. Storks often nest their nests on the roofs of houses, sheds, or on tall trees growing near human habitation. It is a large white bird with a black border on its wings. People, whose houses are chosen by storks, are waiting for their arrival and joyfully meet white birds. People say that in the house that the stork has chosen, happiness must surely settle. The stork is one of the symbols of a peaceful life. It is difficult to imagine this bird on the roof of a bombed house.

Who throws chicks out of their nests?

Storks are extremely caring parents. They never leave their newly hatched chicks unattended and are ready to protect them from any enemies, using their strong beak. Only when the chicks grow up do both parents fly out to "hunt" and from morning till night provide food for their children. But when a drought sets in, storks commit a seemingly cruel and inexplicable act towards their children: they throw chicks out of the nest, leaving only one or two of the healthiest and largest. This brutality has a simple explanation: during a drought, there is a problem with food. In the name of saving the family, storks are forced to sacrifice their children.

Tiger-like relative of the stork

A bird with an unusual, catchy appearance. This is a tiger bittern. The main asset of the tiger bittern is its plumage. On a light green base, there are wonderful beauty orange and black spots and stripes, making the bird's plumage look like a tiger's skin. This relative of our stork lives in South America.

The most romantic creature

South Asia is home to an amazing bird in many ways. This is a hanging parrot. He sleeps, hanging upside down on a branch, and often clings to a twig with one leg. Loriculus, slightly larger than a tit. In conditions of captivity, he quickly dies, cannot stand imprisonment. Laurie can be safely attributed to the most romantic creatures in the world. Taking care of each other, the male and the female do not caress each other with their beaks, as is customary with parrots, but give each other flowers or pieces of fruit.

A symbol of peace

The dove is perceived by people from different countries as a symbol of peace. Among birds, he is considered the first person to be tamed. The ancient Persians used pigeons extensively as a postman. Ancient Egyptian sailors, setting off on long journeys, took them with them to communicate with the land. Opening the Olympiads, the ancient Greeks used pigeons as an attribute. In wartime, these brought news of victories won.

The bird that is no more

Despite the kinship with pigeons, the dodo, in contrast, were very large (about 20 kilograms). These large wingless birds, unfortunately, did not know how to run quickly and became easy prey for people. The people themselves did not eat meat because it was too tough. But it was eaten with pleasure by pets. The most terrible enemy for them was the pigs. The last birds became extinct in the 18th century.

Not frozen birds

Most penguins live in Antarctica. And it is unusually cold there. How do these birds manage not to freeze? What saves them from the cold? It turns out thick plumage and a thick subcutaneous layer of fat. But the birds stand for a long time in the snow with their bare feet and do not catch colds. It turns out that penguins stand on their heels and lift their toes. They use their short tail to maintain balance. Since it is tough, it is quite possible to rely on it. And the soles of the feet of penguins are also adapted to the harsh climate: they are very thick.

Dancing antigon

Antigonus attracts the mating dance of the cranes with its uniqueness and grace. One of the loving cranes "takes a twig or bunch of grass with its beak and, raising its wings, stepping importantly with long thin legs, turns, jumps, jumps, throws the twig up." The second - attentively observes the ongoing action and now and then nods. This is probably how she approves of her partner's dance.

Building islands

The horned coot creates land on the water - builds islands. Either in turn, or at the same time the male and the female dive to the bottom of the lake, take a large pebble with their beak, and then swim with it to shallow water. Here, 20-30 meters from the shore, the birds are piling up stones. The hard work continues for several days. As a result of their persistent efforts, an island appears from the water. Its height reaches 1 meter. And the length of the base at the bottom of the lake is about 4 meters. To take out this artificial island, you need a one and a half ton truck. It’s hard to believe that two birds did it. By erecting a stone island, birds build a solid foundation for a future nest. The dwelling built on the island is out of reach of predators.

What does a banana eater eat?

Giant banana eaters are one of the most beautiful birds in the African rainforest. Their bodies are covered with shiny green feathers, and their heads are adorned with curved tufts. When banana eaters spread their tails. It seems that richly colored fans brought from the countries of the East have opened. These birds amaze with their manners. Like squirrels, turaco jump from branch to branch and run through trees. They do all this surprisingly quickly, dexterously and easily. They are so energetic. That they only stop for a short time to have a snack. But they do it somehow in a hurry. Yes, so what do they eat? Bananas? Oddly enough, no. These birds do not feed weakness for bananas. This is the case when the name is not true. Turaco feed on fruits and berries of other plants.

Ill-bred birds

A rhinoceros can fly under one condition: if it is a bird. The hornbill lives in the tropical forests of Africa and South Asia. The relatives of these birds are the hoopoes and kingfishers. The first thing that catches your eye is their huge beaks and large ridges. These rainforest dwellers are not well-mannered. They scream, sob hysterically, constantly nod their heads, open their huge beaks wide! Even they fly somehow indecently. In flight, their wings produce very loud, abrupt sounds, audible at a distance of at least a kilometer. In addition, these ill-bred birds constantly impose their society on monkeys: wherever the herd is, sooner or later hornbills will join it.

How is chicken protein different from rattlesnake venom?

Oddly enough, but the composition of the chemical elements of chicken egg white and rattlesnake venom is the same. Scientists have come to this conclusion. Then the question arises: "Why do people remain alive and healthy after eaten chicken eggs, but they get seriously ill from the bite of a rattlesnake and even die?" It turns out that the same substances that make up the egg white and snake venom are so different in their effect on the human body that the atoms in their molecules are located differently and are connected with each other.

Snake neck or ankhinga

The serpentine is an inhabitant of the tropics. She lives in fresh water. The body length of this bird reaches 90 cm. Its plumage is painted in a dark brown color, which seems black from afar. The bird has a small head and a rather long neck curved in the shape of the letter S. The bird often dives into the water, appearing in the most unexpected places. In this case, only curved necks and small heads are shown above the water. It seems that snakes are swimming. Therefore, the bird got its name. But it is also called ankhinga.

Bird with a tricolor beak

The body of the bird is covered with black and white plumage, rests on short legs. But it seems unusual and even fantastic thanks to its unusual beak. It seems that this long beak pulls the whole body of the bird. However, it amazes not only with its size, but also with its coloring and shape. The huge beak is colored yellow, black and red. The shape of the beak is striking: its lower part is much longer than the upper one. The bird flies with an open beak above the water itself and, in the literal sense of the word, rips the surface of the water, cuts it. Hence the name of the unusual bird - the water cutter. Dipping the lower part of the beak into the water, the bird scoops up fish fry and other living creatures that make up its food.

Legs or wings?

Like the ostrich, the rhea cannot fly, but it runs very well. It follows that the legs are much more important for the rhea than the wings. During the run, the legs of the nandu move with such speed that for observers from the side, they merge into blurry spots. You can distinguish them only at the moment when they touch the ground and the bird makes a push forward. When the rhea runs on solid ground, the blows of its legs are clearly audible. During the run, the bird's neck is extended in an almost straight line, and the wings are slightly set aside and lowered.

A cheerful disposition with a sad name

This is a widow bird living in Africa. It is about the size of a canary, but it seems larger because of its tail, which is several times longer than its body. The female's outfit consists of a dull rusty-brown plumage. And her tail is the most ordinary. These cheerful birds lead a very active lifestyle. They named her because of the presence of black in the outfit and a long tail.

Bird Designer

A very unusual bird lives in Australia - the bowerbird. Her name is so because she builds her dwelling in the form of a hut. Before entering the house, he arranges a flat area, decorating with flowers, leaves, shells. Having built a hut, the bird begins to decorate its own home. To do this, she paints the walls of the house. He prepares the paint on his own, for which he chews blue berries in the most thorough way. After that, he takes up the manufacture of a brush. The material is the bast fibers of some trees. By the way, eyewitnesses claim that the brushes made by the bowerbird are a miniature paint brush. Armed with paint and a brush, the bird begins to create beauty: first, holding a brush in its beak, dips it in paint and paints the walls of his house, and then decorates it with flowers. Of all colors, he prefers blue. After a while, the owner changes the design of the dwelling, rearranging everything in a new way and adding new elements. As for the flowers, the bowerhouse changes them every day, taking away the wilted ones and bringing fresh ones.

World famous singer

People have dedicated many musical and poetic works to this small bird with a very modest appearance. Much has been written about her unsurpassed art. The concert season does not last long, only one and a half to two months a year. Drawing out its wonderful trills, the nightingale informs the neighbors that the site is busy and attracting the attention of a friend. This world-famous singer lives everywhere, except for the desert zone and the Far North. The nightingale hibernates in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.

Bald magpie

This is the rarest bird. Lives in Africa, Guinea and Cameroon. It is considered sacred by local tribes. Very beautiful plumage: the back and rather long tail seem to be sprinkled with dark gray powder, and the yellow breast has a delicate creamy tint. There is a black border along the edges of the wings, which makes the bird's outfit even more sophisticated. The bald head looks amazing: the back of the head is painted in hot pink, the temples and cheeks are in black, and the crown and forehead are in sky blue. It seems that the head of this bird is adorned with a crown of rare beauty. The voice is the harsh bark of a Chinese pug, only much more plaintive. It moves in huge, very strange jumps that do not look like birds.


Chubata jay is a resident of America. What is most impressive about her is her hairstyle. On the forehead there are short black fluffy feathers, looking at which one might think that the bird has just been specially trimmed with a "hedgehog". The bird is a big fan of chatting with her girlfriends. Birds' conversations are very emotional. They consist of yapping, clucking, coughing, shrill screams, ringing trills, wheezing and hiss of all sounds that can be heard nearby. It seems that these talkers are exchanging impressions of what they have heard with each other. Two loose forelock jays may well replace two or even three dozen birds.

Why do storks and cranes fly like a wedge?

During such a flight, each bird seems to support the other, and this helps to significantly save energy and increase the flight range. An ascending air stream is created at the tip of the bird's wing. The bird following it strives to occupy such a position in order to make the most of this flow.

Why is the cuckoo considered an invaluable friend of the forest?

It exterminates the gluttonous caterpillars of the pine silkworm and the nun butterfly, which devour pine and spruce needles. These caterpillars, covered with brittle, poisonous hairs, are not touched by other birds.

Can storks sleep on a long flight?

Yes. Their "sleeping places" are in the middle of the triangle. When a bird closes its eyes, its hearing instinctively sharpens. In front and behind, she hears sounds that determine the direction and height of the flight of the flock. To gain strength, a ten-minute sleep is enough, after which the rested bird flies to the head or tail of the line, and the other takes its place.

Many birds bring wormwood to their nests: ticks and fleas cannot stand its pungent odor. And shrikes even build nests from wormwood. Starlings "disinfect" nests with mint, wormwood, and onions.

On whose plumage did the goddess Hera place all 100 eyes of Argus?

In Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, each god had a favorite bird. Zeus has an eagle, Hera has a peacock and a cuckoo, Athena has an owl and a rooster. And Aphrodite?

Dove and swan.

What bird is popularly called a thief?

Why is a nutcracker called a nutcracker?

She feeds on pine nuts and stores them, which contributes to the spread of pine nuts.

How many grams of eider down go to a polar explorer's jacket?

Why don't birds choke in flight?

They have double breathing with the participation of the pulmonary sacs.

Why does a goose come out dry?

The feathers of the bird are smeared with the fat of the coccygeal gland.

What is the largest bird in the world?

African ostrich.

Why is the penguin's tongue covered with spines?

To hold the fish.

What bird in the sky "bleats like a lamb"?

Kulik snipe.

What kind of birds mate for life?

Cranes, geese, jackdaws.

Why is the capercaillie called that?

During the current, he hears nothing.

What is the nuthatch crawling on?


How many times is an ostrich egg heavier than a chicken egg: 10, 35, 100?

Why do birds swallow pebbles?

Grind solid food in the stomach.

Which country does the titmouse fly to for the winter?

It doesn't fly away.

What does the field thrush feed their chicks?


What is the smallest bird in our forests?

Kinglet, it weighs 6-7 g.

What bird was declared "unclean" by the church in the Middle Ages?

Some peoples exalted the owl, others cursed. In China, she was considered a symbol of prosperity, the Polynesians - a nightly evil god, among the ancient Greeks - the personification of wisdom.

What bird according to legend is canonized?

The legend says. When Christ was on the cross, the crossbills flew in and pulled out the nails with their beak. For this, God granted them crossing beaks and canonized. Indeed, dead birds do not decompose and, preserving the beauty of their plumage, can lie for many years.

What is the name of the largest flying bird?

Some bustards, especially large males, can weigh 16 or even 18 kg. The bustard takes off with a running start, heavily raising and lowering its huge wings, but, having risen into the air, flies easily and quickly, making uniform and deep flaps.

What is the name of the largest waterfowl?

The emperor penguin inhabiting the shores of Antarctica up to 78 S. The growth of this beautiful bird sometimes reaches 122 cm, the wingspan of the pectoral fins is 1.3 m, and the weight is 45 kg. Emperor penguins also hold the record for diving depth. They are capable of diving for prey to a depth of 265 m.

What is the name of the largest bird of prey?

Condor is a scavenger in the Andes. Its body weight reaches 12 kg, and its wingspan is 2.8 m. The condor's lifespan is one of the longest. One individual of this species lived in captivity for 72 years.

Which bird has the fastest flight?

The fastest flight of the barbed-tailed swift is up to 170 km / h. Swifts in general spend almost their entire life in the air, on the fly they not only feed, but even sleep. During sleep, birds rise to a great height and reduce their speed to 30-40 km / h.

Spiny tailed swift

What is the future of the world's avian population due to the growing anthropogenic impact?

At least 10% of birds will die out. Some species, the most beautiful and unable to put up with the presence of man, will perish, others, less attractive, will prevail.

What is the name of one of the smartest birds?

The crow is able to distinguish people at a distance. It distinguishes a person with a gun from a person with a stick. Gradually, she stopped being afraid of people in cities. It is interesting that, having got hold of a stale crust of bread, she flies with it to the nearest puddle and soaks it.

Is a crow different from a crow?

A raven and a crow are different birds. The crow is gray and black. The raven is not the "husband" of a raven, neither gray nor black. Both the female and the male of the crow are distinguished by considerable size, black plumage with a bluish metallic sheen, a powerful beak and a wedge-shaped tail. The raven's voice - a loud guttural croak - is more reminiscent of the phrase "kruk-kruk" than the crow's "kar-kar".

What bird does a person recognize first in his life? What bird are the boy hooligans aiming at with their slingshot?

There is no other bird that follows people so relentlessly: where there are people, there she is. People left, left, moved to new places, and almost immediately the sparrows move to a new place of residence. For a long time, man illegally considered these birds harmful and tried to destroy by any means, taking revenge for the pecked grain, for raids on millet fields.

What is the difference between a brownie sparrow and a field sparrow?

In the male house sparrow, the top of the head is gray, and the plumage of the female is more or less monochromatic; in the field sparrow, both in the male and in the female, the “cap” is brown, and on the light cheeks a dark spot is clearly visible at a distance. And one more difference: the male house sparrow has one transverse white stripe on the folded wing, while the male field sparrow has two such light stripes on the wing.

What is the name of the bird, thanks to which oak trees grow among birch and spruce forests, far from fruit-bearing oaks?

The jay has fantastic mimicry abilities. She is subject not only to all the sounds of living nature, but also to an infinite variety of mechanical ones. Sometimes you can witness the collective singing of birds. Singing stops when the nest appears. In our forests, it is also the main oak spreader.

What birdie likes to feast on wild apples, juniper berries, rowan berries?

You will immediately distinguish this bird from all our other wintering birds. The waxwing is dressed in an elegant pink-gray fluffy coat with black wide stripes-wings. Also notice the bright yellow stripe at the end of the tail. A tall crest will help to recognize her. When the crest is raised, the bird looks very solemn.

What kind of bird is called the "fast water child"?

She feels herself on the river in her native element. Dean can swim, dive, run busily ... along the bottom! Here at the bottom, she is looking for food - aquatic insects. Its behavior does not change even in winter: it will find a wormwood, an unfrozen rapids - and directly from the edge of the ice it will jump into the water, it will stay there for some time, and as if nothing had happened, it would jump out with a cork, holding a caddis fly in its beak. And in between dives he will perform a pure silver trill.

Which bird has the longest tongue?

What bird can fly tail first?

Which of our songbirds skillfully imitates the voices of many birds?

What bird is called a "water bull"?

Which bird digs holes for a nest?

Coastal swallow.

What little forest bird is capable of gouging a nut with its beak?


Which bird hisses like a snake?

The turntable will be able to protect its offspring in case of danger. She stretches her neck and hisses like a snake, so that those who want to get to know her better lose all hunting.

What is the role of crows in cities?

Ravens perform the role of orderlies, as they feed on garbage and animal corpses.

The record holder for laying the largest eggs?

Kiwi. This original flightless bird, which lives in New Zealand, has an egg of 25% of its weight and weighs 450 g.

Do birds have intelligence?

British scientists have conducted observations of captive birds. Here's what they found out. When access to food requires some action, 1-2 birds out of the whole flock do it. The rest use the fruits of the "activity" of smart leaders. The picture changes if the birds of the same flock are placed in separate cages. In this case, each bird begins to open the feeder on its own, using previously gained experience. Is this a sign of bird intelligence? There is no answer to this question yet.

How many feathers do birds have?

The number of feathers in a bird depends, as you know, on its size. So the hummingbird has 950 feathers, the swan - 25 thousand, and the king penguins - 30 thousand. Penguins have a very high "density" of feathers - 46 per centimeter of body.

Can eggs be green?

To the surprise of the inhabitants of the French village of Plan de la Tour, their chickens began to lay eggs with green yolks. But the shell and protein are of normal color - white. An explanation for this phenomenon was soon found. The fact is that grasshoppers multiplied unprecedentedly in the vicinity of the village, which became tasty food for chickens. And in the body of grasshoppers, green pigment is present in large quantities.

The record holder for the frequency of drum sounds?

The record holder among 214 species of woodpeckers known in the world in terms of the frequency of drum sounds emitted by beak strikes into a tree trunk is one of the California woodpeckers. The bird hits a tree with a frequency of up to 28 blows per second, its shot is more like shooting from a machine gun.

What bird of prey is a great angler?

Osprey. It catches fish, falling on it from a height and grabbing it with its paws. The paws of the osprey have a peculiar structure: on the pads of the fingers there are sharp spines that serve to keep slippery prey. This bird nests on the tops of old pines. From a distance, its nest resembles a mushroom. Listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Which eagle is considered the largest in our country?

Golden eagle. In nature, its prey is animals the size of a hare, but the golden eagle can be used by humans to hunt deer and wolves. It is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Eagle-golden eagle

Why does the burial eagle have such a name?

The burial eagle often looks out for prey, not hovering in the air, but from ancient burial mounds and gravestones. It is listed in the Red Book of Russia.


What is the largest falcon in our country?

Gyrfalcon hunts, like all other falcons, diving for prey and killing it in the air. Inhabits the north of our country. It is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

What is the name of the smallest eagle in Russia?

The dwarf eagle.

How does a hawk behave differently from other birds of prey?

The hawk has wide wings and a long tail. Unlike other birds of prey, it hunts not only in open spaces, but also in a dense forest, easily maneuvering between trees.

Is the name "steppe eagle" related to the steppe?

Yes, this eagle lives in the steppes and nests on the ground. It differs from the golden eagle and the burial ground in a lighter color. It is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Which falcons of our country do Arab sheikhs appreciate?

One of the best hunting birds appreciated in the United Arab Emirates is the Saker Falcon, where it is used for falconry. It is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Worst enemy of the wasps?

The wasp eater feeds on wasp larvae. The skin around the eyes and beak is protected from wasp bites by small feathers.

What is the most abundant bird of prey in our country?

This is a small falcon - a kestrel that nests even in human settlements.

How does a red kite differ from a black one?

They can be easily distinguished by their plumage color. Kites also differ from other predators in that they have a triangular notch on their tail. It is clearly visible when the vulture hovers.

A bird of prey with great speed?

This bird is a peregrine falcon. The registered dive speed of the bird is 188 km / h. The peregrine falcon is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

What bird of prey scares away crows at airfields?

They use the goshawk, which is not afraid to attack even a flock of crows.

A bird shedding in the rain?

This bird is found in West Africa, resembles our pigeon, but is painted in green, blue, yellow and bright red colors. However, as soon as she gets into the rain, the paint comes off. Therefore, churako looks completely different in the dry season and in the rainy season.

Why can't the birds, having fallen into a deep well, fly out of it?

Birds cannot fly up in a straight line.

A bird that can loosen nuts?

Parrot cockatoo. A strongly curved beak replaces a hammer, pliers, and a screwdriver. The bird, dexterously working with its beak, can unscrew screws and nuts, break steel wire, punch through thick boards and even sheets of iron.

Why do many birds of prey have all chicks of different ages?

This makes it easier for parents to feed the chicks.

How long should you cook an ostrich egg?

An average ostrich egg 15-20 cm long has a width of 10-15 cm and a weight of 1.65 - 1.78 kg. It will take 40 minutes to boil such an egg. The shell, 1.5 m thick, can withstand a person weighing 127 kg.

Birds quiz

Riddles .

1 scallop on the head

Two legs and two spurs

He's at the same hour

Wakes us up early in the morning.


2. Sleeps during the day, flies at night,
Ugly, frightens people.
Eyes are burning in the dark -
She is a thunderstorm for all mice.


3. Likes to jump and fly,
Peck bread and grains,
Instead of "Hello" I'm used to
Tell everyone "Chik-Chirik".


4) Frivolous motley,
Long-tailed bird,
Talkative bird
The most talkative.

5. The clothes are white, and the legs are

Shod in red boots

Go out of fashion - that's the problem!

He will never take them off


6. On the pole is the palace.

There is a singer in the palace.

And his name is ... (Starling)

7. All migratory birds are blacker,
Cleans arable land from worms.
Run up and down the arable land.
And the bird is called ...


8. I swam in the water, but stayed dry. (Goose)

9. Even though I'm not a hammer -
I knock on wood:
Every corner is in it
I want to examine.
I walk in a red hat
And the acrobat is beautiful.


10. This is an old friend of ours:
He lives on the roof of the house -
Long-legged, long-nosed,
Long-necked, voiceless.
He flies to hunt

Follow the frogs to the swamp.


11. The gray bird lives in the forest,
Everywhere he is reputed to be a wonderful singer.


12. I am the biggest bird

In the steppes, deserts I live

On the hottest continent.

I can't fly anymore

But if I see a predator,

I'm running (like an express train)

Close up - I defend myself with my feet,

Look, you, the enemy, don't go to me.



What is the smallest bird in our country? (Kinglet)

Which bird has a very long tail? (Magpie)

Which bird is the name of the dance? (Tap dance)

What bird has the name of the writer as its name? (Gogol)

What city can float in the air? (Eagle)

What bird is called a forest drummer? (Woodpecker)

Which bird bears the name of the ship? (Frigate)

What birds have botanical names? (Plantain, lentils)

What birds open up spring? (Rooks)

What bird's chicks don't know their mother? (Cuckoo)

What combs no one is combing (Petushin)

What birds can't fly (Penguins, ostriches)

Which bird is a symbol of peace (Dove)

What birds are a symbol of loyalty and love (Swan)

Thinking questions

During severe frosts, birds ruffle. Why is it easier

tolerate the cold. (The layer of air between the feathers increases,

due to poor thermal conductivity, delaying the transfer of heat from the body


In severe frost, birds often freeze on the fly than sitting still. How

can this be explained? (During flight, the plumage of the bird is compressed and

contains little air)

Why do starlings, jackdaws sit on horses, cows, sheep in the spring?

(Pluck wool from animals for bedding nests)

What bird secrets does leaf fall reveal? (The nests are clearly visible


Does the chicken breathe in the egg (Yeah)

Guess a fairy tale or a fable.

1. The tale of a nondescript chick that grew up and became a wonderful bird.

(G.H. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling"

2. Russian folk tale, where a flock of birds carried away brother Alyonushka

("Swan geese")

3. A fable about a bird that did not manage to have a hearty snack because of impudence

a sly red cheat (I.A.Krylov "The Crow and the Fox")

4. Russian folk tale about a poultry that could

serve as a good source of income for grandmother and grandfather

("Ryaba Hen")

5. A bird with a gold ornament on its head, which is in the service of the king

(A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel")

6. A fable in which three representatives of the animal world decided to move

from the place of the vehicle. (I.A.Krylov "Swan, Cancer and Pike")

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