Home Vegetables Summary of Odoevsky's story: a town in a snuffbox. "Town in a Snuff Box" main characters. This is the city of Tinkerbell

Summary of Odoevsky's story: a town in a snuffbox. "Town in a Snuff Box" main characters. This is the city of Tinkerbell

The work “Town in a Snuffbox” belongs to the pen of Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky. This is one of the first Russian writers who can be counted among the founders of the Russian

Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky

Prince, senator, Russian writer, thinker and philosopher, translator, art critic - this is not a complete list of titles, titles, and professional skills that Vladimir Fedorovich possessed.

Odoevsky's literary creativity is characterized by innovative ideas and research. This was immediately noticed by the writer’s contemporaries and highly appreciated by his descendants.
Odoevsky’s works make you think; they allow you to look differently at the usual phenomena of life, moving the reader forward in his development. Everything that has been said fully applies to what was created by the writer specifically for children. The fairy tale “Town in a Snuff Box” is considered to be the writer’s unsurpassed work. Its author is still among the best children's writers in world literature to this day.

Works for children

In 1833, the first ones for children were published. The collection was called "Motley Tales". In 1834, “The Town in a Snuff Box” was published as a separate edition. The genre of this work was also defined as a fairy tale.

N.V. Gogol gave a high assessment to literary fairy tales for children written by Odoevsky. He believed that the imagery of the language, tonality and melodiousness are unparalleled not only in Russian, but also in world children's literature. Perhaps, only the works of the great storyteller Hans Christian Andersen can be compared.
Over the subsequent years of working on writing works intended for children's reading circles, Odoevsky tried to maintain the bar he set. A true connoisseur of literature, V. Dal, showed great interest in the writer’s work, who considered the language of his works to be the standard of Russian literature.

In 1838, “Fairy Tales and Stories for the Children of Grandfather Irenaeus” was published. Many works from the collection immediately entered the list of textbooks and remain so 177 years later. It is this fact that is an indicator of the literary talent of V. F. Odoevsky.

Odoevsky successfully used the mask of Uncle Irenaeus (and later grandfather) throughout the entire period when he was engaged in children's literature. Thanks to a well-chosen image that children loved, the author was able to talk about the complex phenomena of life with the children in a language they could understand.

"Town in a snuffbox" Genre of the work

The cycle under the general title “Tales of Grandfather Irenaeus” includes several works for children. "Town in a Snuff Box" is also included here. The genre of the essay is defined as an educational fairy tale.

While reading the work, the child not only gets acquainted with the fabulous inhabitants of the musical snuffbox, but also learns about the mechanism of its work. The process is described absolutely accurately without distortion of facts, the work contains a large amount of educational material. The entertaining form of description that Odoevsky uses allows us to classify the work as a fairy tale.

The combination in one work of scientific encyclopedic information and magic, fiction, inherent only in fairy tales, was unusual for the literature of the first half of the 19th century. V.F. Odoevsky managed to put this together. The reception turned out to be very successful; it was appreciated not only by young readers and their parents, but also by literary critics.

The main characters of the work

The main character of the fairy tale is the boy Misha, to whom his father gave a musical snuffbox. At the beginning of the story, the boy's father talks about how to use the box. Misha learns that the thing is very complex and requires careful treatment.

Like any other boy his age, Misha wants to understand the secrets that are hidden inside the snuff box. From this moment miracles begin. Thanks to them, the boy meets the unusual inhabitants of a magical land, which the author calls the Town in a Snuff Box.

The fairy tale, its magic captivates not only Misha, but also every reader. There are more and more heroes in the work - these are the inhabitants of a fairy-tale country. Each of them has their own responsibilities that they must strictly fulfill, otherwise the way of life of the town will be destroyed.

Fairy tale idea

Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky, understanding the important role literature plays in people’s lives, sought to develop the best character traits of young readers through his works written for children. “Town in a Snuff Box” fully meets this task.

The genre of educational fairy tales is the best way to develop a child’s curiosity and provide an opportunity to acquire new knowledge. For example, Misha, traveling around the city, learns some laws of fine art and perspective. He understands how the box works, where music is born.

In addition, throughout the entire work the author points out important qualities of Misha’s character. The boy is persistent, inquisitive, obedient, polite. Odoevsky appreciates this in a child. The author also draws attention to the fact that everything in life is interconnected. Only with coordinated work and complete mutual understanding can you achieve certain successes in life.

Modern edition of the work

Perhaps none of Odoevsky’s fairy tales had such a large number of publications as “Town in a Snuff Box.”

Cartoons, filmstrips based on the fairy tale, and illustrated editions of the book are still very popular among children today. That is why the fairy tale is included in many literary collections, and it is also published as a separate book.

Some authors of modern literature textbooks have included V. F. Odoevsky’s fairy tale “Town in a Snuff Box” in the list of works intended for compulsory study in school lessons. When working together on a fairy tale, children learn about the world around them, learn to understand the beauty of their native language, and express their attitude to what they read.

In 1834, Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky’s story “Town in a Snuff Box” was published. The summary of the work, which the reader will find in this article, will help you quickly become familiar with the interesting story. Although Odoevsky wrote his story for children, it will also be interesting for adults.

Papa and Misha

The story begins with the father calling his son Misha to him. The boy was very obedient, so he immediately put his toys aside and came over. Dad showed him a very beautiful music box-snuffbox. The child liked the little thing. He saw a real town in a snuff box. The summary of the work can be continued with a description of an unusual thing that was made from a turtle, and on the lid there were turrets, houses, and gates. The trees, like the houses, were golden and sparkled with silver leaves. There was also the sun with pink rays. Misha really wanted to get to this town in a snuff box. The short narrative smoothly approaches the most interesting part - how the boy will end up in this amazing city.

Bell Boys

Dad said that the snuff box was small and Misha wouldn’t be able to get into it, but the child managed to do it. He looked closer and saw a little boy beckoning him out. Misha was not afraid, but went to the call. Surprisingly, he seemed to be shrinking in size. Misha not only ended up in the town, but was also able to walk around it with a new friend, overcoming the low arches. The guide was a bell boy. Then Misha saw several more of the same children, also bell boys. They spoke and made sounds: “Ding-ding.”

Such were the inhabitants and the town itself in a snuffbox. The summary moves on to a somewhat sad moment. At first, Misha was jealous of his new friends, because they didn’t have to learn lessons or do homework. The children objected to this, saying that it would be better if they worked, because without it they are so bored. In addition, the bells are very annoyed by evil guys who periodically knock on their heads. These are hammers.

Hammers, roller, spring

This is what the town in the snuffbox was like. The summary will introduce the reader to other

Misha asked his uncles why they treat bells like that? The hammers replied that the warden, Mr. Valik, told them to do so. The brave boy went to him. The roller lay on the sofa and did nothing but roll over from side to side. He had many hooks and pins attached to his robe. As soon as Valik came across a hammer, he hooked it, lowered it and the hammer hit the bell. At that time, children at school were also looked after by guards. Misha compared them with Valik and thought that the real guards were much kinder.

These are the heroes invented by Vladimir Odoevsky. “Town in a Snuff Box” helps children understand how music boxes work. It turned out that Misha had only dreamed all this. His father told him about this and praised the boy for his curiosity, glad that he would understand the mechanisms even better when he began to take mechanics.

The story begins with the father calling his son Misha to him. The boy was very obedient, so he immediately put his toys aside and came over. Dad showed him a very beautiful music box-snuffbox. The child liked the little thing. He saw a real town in a snuff box. It was an unusual thing, made of a turtle, and on the lid there were turrets, houses, and gates. The trees, like the houses, were golden and sparkled with silver leaves. There was also the sun with pink rays. Misha really wanted to get to this town in a snuff box.

Dad said that the snuff box was small and Misha wouldn’t be able to get into it, but the child managed to do it. He looked closer and saw a little boy beckoning him from a music box. Misha was not afraid, but went to the call. Surprisingly, he seemed to be shrinking in size. Misha not only ended up in the town, but was also able to walk around it with a new friend, overcoming the low arches. The guide was a bell boy. Then Misha saw several more of the same children, also bell boys. They spoke and made sounds: “Ding-ding.” Such were the inhabitants and the town itself in a snuffbox.

At first, Misha was jealous of his new friends, because they didn’t have to learn lessons or do homework. The children objected to this, saying that it would be better if they worked, because without it they are so bored. In addition, the bells are very annoyed by evil guys who periodically knock on their heads. These are hammers.

Hammers, a roller, a spring - that’s what the town in the snuffbox was like.

Misha asked his uncles why they treat bells like that? The hammers replied that the warden, Mr. Valik, told them to do so. The brave boy went to him. The roller lay on the sofa and did nothing but roll over from side to side. He had many hooks and pins attached to his robe. As soon as Valik came across a hammer, he hooked it, lowered it and the hammer hit the bell. At that time, children at school were also looked after by guards. Misha compared them with Valik and thought that the real guards were much kinder. The boy went further and saw a beautiful golden tent. Beneath him lay Princess Spring. She turned around, then curled up and pushed the warden in the side.

Year: 1834 Genre: fairy tale

Main characters: Misha and his dad

The children's, educational fairy tale “Town in a Snuff Box” was invented by the Russian writer of the Romantic era, Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky. This is the first scientific and educational fairy tale for children, which tells about the structure of an amazing mechanism - a music box.

The story begins with the father showing his son Misha a beautiful musical snuffbox in which an entire miniature town is built. Misha admires the gift for a long time and really wants to get into this colorful and bright world. Later, the boy asks his father how it is that music plays from the box, but in response, his dad invites the inquisitive Misha to figure out the mechanism himself.

Misha looked at the snuff-box for a long time, when suddenly it seemed to him that a little man was looking at him from the snuff-box and beckoning him to follow him. The boy, without hesitation, followed and, as if by magic, shrank, finding himself in the middle of a beautiful town in a snuffbox.

Misha's new friend, the bell boy, took him around the city, introducing him to the inhabitants of the snuffbox. Mischievous bells of different sizes jump around Misha and constantly ring, each in its own way. At first, Misha is very jealous of the permanent residents of the town - they say that they have fun and it’s okay to live in such a beautiful town, but the bells admit that it is very boring, and then they complain that they are constantly being hit on the head by the hammer guys. Misha decides to help the bell boys.

After talking with the hammers, Misha learns that the warden, Mr. Valik, orders them to knock on the bells. He lies on the sofa, in a robe with hooks, and his body turns from side to side. But it turns out that he is not the main one here! And finally, Misha meets Princess Spring, who pushes the warden in the side and makes him spin. In bewilderment, the boy asks why she is doing this, to which the princess tells the boy about the interconnection of the mechanisms in the snuff box. Misha decides to see what happens if the spring stops pushing the roller, and presses it with his finger, and then, when the magic town begins to collapse, he remembers his father’s order - not to touch the spring!

At this moment the boy wakes up. He only dreamed of his entire journey. Misha became very interested in the structure of the box and fell asleep looking at it, but in his dream the boy realized how the simple mechanism worked.

Picture or drawing of a town in a snuff box

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Year of writing: 1834

Genre: fairy tale

Main characters: Misha, his dad


The father showed his son an unusual, elegant little thing - a snuff box that plays various melodies, made from a turtle shell. On the lid of this small box there were depictions of houses, fortresses, and turrets. The boy really wanted to visit this fairy-tale town. And he suddenly began to shrink and ended up in the desired city, where he met a musical boy with a bell on his head. There were many such guys in the town, and they all made beautiful sounds under the blows of their evil hammers.

When Misha asked why the guys were hurting the boys, they answered that it was on the orders of the overseer Valik. And Roller himself turned away from the blows of Princess Spring, who lived in a beautiful tent.

And then Misha woke up and realized that in a dream he had visited a fairy-tale city and met its amazing inhabitants.

Conclusion (my opinion)

In such an unconventional form, the children will better understand the structure of any mechanisms, and this will help them in studying physics and mechanics.

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