Home Vegetables Intention to fast Ramadan. How to make the right intention for fasting in the month of Ramadan? Pregnant and breastfeeding women

Intention to fast Ramadan. How to make the right intention for fasting in the month of Ramadan? Pregnant and breastfeeding women

The time of suhoor and iftar (the latter corresponds to the maghreb prayer time) for the cities of Russia for the current year is presented in the table available for download.

Fasting (uraza, ruza) is one of the pillars of Islam, therefore, its observance is mandatory for Muslims.

Usually, under the Muslim fast, the layman understands abstinence from eating and drinking during daylight hours. In fact, this concept is much broader: it includes a voluntary refusal not only from eating, but also from committing any sins committed by the eyes, hands and tongue, as well as from some actions. Being in a state of keeping the uraza, the believer must be clearly aware that he is doing this for the sake of his Creator, and not have any other intentions.

In the Islamic doctrine, depending on the time of observance and significance, two types of fasting are distinguished: obligatory (fard) and desirable (sunnat).

The first is massively observed by Muslims during the Holy month of Ramadan, which has incomparable benefits for the people. In His Scripture, Allah advises us:

“In the month of Ramadan, the Qur'an was revealed - the correct guidance for people, clear evidence of correct leadership and discernment. Anyone of you who is found this month must fast ”(2: 185)

Those who adhere to the Uraza in the blessed month of Muslims will receive a huge reward, and for leaving it, without a good reason, will certainly follow severe punishment. This is evidenced by the following statement of the Grace of the worlds of Muhammad (sgv): “Whoever observes fasting during Ramadan with faith and hope for the reward of the Almighty will be forgiven for his former sins” (hadith quoted by Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

However, the Lord made it compulsory to observe the uraza not for all people.

Who doesn't need to fast:

1. Non-Muslims

An important condition for observing the uraza is the person's confession of Islam. For the rest, the post is optional. At the same time, this does not mean that for the days spent without fasting in the months of Ramadan, each person, regardless of his religion, will not have to bear an answer to the Almighty on the Day of the Great Judgment.

2. Minors

Uraza is imputed as mandatory for adults. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that adulthood is meant from the Islamic point of view, which does not come at the age of 18, as is customary in most countries of the world, but during puberty, which occurs differently for each person.

3. Mentally disabled

Mental capacity is listed among the conditions for compulsory fasting. In other words, a person who is not sane has the right to refrain from observing this pillar of Islam.

4. To everyone who is on the way

It is not necessary for those people who are on the road, that is, travelers, to keep the uraza. It should be noted that, according to the Sharia, people are considered travelers who have retired more than 83 km from their home and their journey lasts no more than 15 days.

5. Physically sick people

People who suffer from any disease that requires constant medication, or threatens with severe ailments and pain, up to a threat to life if the uraza is observed, are exempted from its necessity.

6. Pregnant

Women who are carrying a child and fear for the life of their future child have the right not to fast in the month of Ramadan.

7. Nursing women

Women who breastfeed their babies may also not fast.

8. For women on the days of menstruation and bleeding caused by childbirth

In the menstrual period and during postpartum bleeding, women, according to the Shariah, are in a position of ritual desecration, which is why it is permissible for them to fail to observe the uraza and, moreover, it is necessary. If pregnant and lactating women have the right to fast, then it is better for women to abstain on these days.

9. People who are unconscious

Believers who have been in an unconscious state for a long time, for example, in a coma, for obvious reasons are also freed from the urazu.

In situations where a person misses one or several days of fasting for the reasons listed above, he should make up for them later, when the reason that gives the right to non-fasting is eliminated, for example, when the traveler returns home or the person comes out of a coma. Believers who are unable to keep the uraz during the year, for example, due to illness, should feed one needy person for each of the missing days. If this is also difficult for a person in material terms, because he himself is one of those in need, then he is completely freed from this obligation.

Desirable post- this is the one, the observance of which is desirable, but is not imputed to Muslims as mandatory. For the observance of such a fast, the believer is entitled to a reward, but there is no sin for his forgiveness.

Days when it is advisable to keep uraza:

  • Araf day- for fasting on this day, the Lord can forgive a person for the sins he has committed in 2 years. Prophet Muhammad (sgv) explained: "Fasting on the Day of Araf serves as an atonement for sins committed in the past and future years" (hadith from Ibn Maji and Nasai).
  • Day of Ashura- for those who fast on the tenth day of the month of Muharram, all sins for the previous 12 months are erased. The Messenger of Allah (sgv) admonished his ummah: "Fasting serves as an atonement for the sins of the last year" (hadith quoted by Muslim). However, Shiite theologians assure that it is undesirable to keep the uraz on this day, since on this date the grandson of the Final Prophet (s.g.v.) was martyred, Imam Hussein, who is especially revered among Shiite Muslims.
  • The first 9 days of the month of Zul-Hijja- one can find a mention of this in the hadith: "Fasting in the first days of the month of Zul-Hijjah is equal to one year of fasting" (Ibn Majah).
  • The month of Muharram- Uraza in this forbidden month is considered a Sunnat. After all, the Prophet Muhammad himself once said: “After Ramadan, the best month for fasting is the month of Allah - Muharram” (hadith quoted by Muslim).
  • The month of Shaaban- one more month during which it is advisable to fast. In the lunar calendar, he goes before Ramadan. In the hadiths from Bukhari, there is a mention that the Final Messenger of the Most High (s.g.v.) was zealous in observing uraza in the month of Sha'ban, except for some days.
  • 6 days of Shawwal- are also desirable for the post. Shawwal follows the holy month of Ramadan. “If someone completes fasting in Ramadan and adds six days of fasting to it in the month of Shawwal, he will receive such a reward as if he had fasted all year” (hadith from Muslim).
  • Uraza in a day, or the fast of the Prophet Daoud (as), who kept the uraz every other day and which, as the Grace of the Worlds Muhammad (sgv) said, “is the most beloved fast for Allah” (in accordance with the hadith from Muslim).
  • 3 days in the middle of each month- The Prophet (sgv) instructed: "If you want to fast in the middle of the month, then fast on the 13th, 14th and 15th days" (at-Tirmidhi).
  • Every Monday and Thursday- it was on these days that the Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.v.) regularly observed the uraz. “The affairs of people are presented to Allah on Monday and Thursday,” he said. “And I want my cases to be presented at the time when I observe the fast” (hadith quoted at-Tirmidhi).

Fasting time in Islam

It is known that in Islam, fasting is observed during daylight hours. The countdown begins with the onset of dawn. In the Holy Book of Muslims you can find the verse:

“Eat and drink until you can tell the white thread at dawn from the black one, and then fast until night” (2: 187)

The fasting person should stop the morning meal (suhur) before the time of the Fajr prayer (usually 30 minutes).

Once one of the ascetics asked the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.v.) about the time interval between suhoor and azan for the morning prayer, to which he replied: “As much as is necessary to read fifty verses” (hadith from Bukhari and Muslim).

The end of the fasting time (iftar) comes with sunset and coincides with the time of the evening prayer. In this case, the believer after fasting should first break his fast, and then proceed to prayer.

At the end of the suhoor, the next dua is recited. (niyat):

نَوَيْتُ أَنْ أَصُومَ صَوْمَ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ مِنَ الْفَجْرِ إِلَى الْمَغْرِبِ خَالِصًا لِلَّهِ تَعَالَى

Transcription:"Nawaytu al-assumma sauma shahri Ramadaan min al-fajri il al-magribi haalisan lilLyahi ta'aala"

Translation:"I intended to keep the fast of the month of Ramadan from dawn to dusk sincerely for the sake of Allah."

Immediately after breaking the fast - with iftar - say dua:

اللَهُمَّ لَكَ صُمْتُ وَ بِكَ آمَنْتُ وَ عَلَيْكَ تَوَكَلْت وَ عَلَى رِزْقِكَ اَفْطَرْتُ فَاغْفِرْلِى يَا غَفَّارُ مَا قَدَّمْتُ وَ مَأ اَخَّرْتُ

Transcription:"Allahumma lyakya sumtu wa bikya amantu wa alaykya tavakkaltu wa‘ ala rizkyykya aftartu fagfirli ya gaffaru ma kaddyamtu wa ma akhartu "

Translation:“O Allah! For your sake, I kept fasting, I believed in you and I only trust in you, I break the fast with what you sent me. Forgive me, O Forgiving my sins, past and future! "

Actions that violate the utterance

1. Intentional receptionm food and smoking

If the fasting person consciously ate or drank something, lit a cigarette, then his uraza will not be accepted on that day. But if he did not eat something deliberately, for example, out of forgetfulness, then in this case the person should stop absorbing food or drink as soon as he remembered his fast, and he can continue to keep the uraza - such a fast will be considered valid.

2. Intimacy

After intercourse, the fast is broken. Lip-to-lip kissing has similar effects, as well as ejaculation due to conscious stimulation (masturbation).

3. Instillation of medicine in the nose and ears

Uraza becomes invalid as soon as a person uses special medications used for instillation into the nose and ear canal, if they enter the larynx. At the same time, injections that are made into a vein or muscle, as well as eye drops, do not break the fast.

4. Swallowing liquid while gargling

While fasting, you must be careful when gargling for medicinal purposes or simply to wet yourself, as water will make your fast invalid. Swimming in a pond and taking a bath in a state of uraza is permissible, but one should beware of the penetration of liquid through the nasal sinuses, pharynx and ears.

5. Use of medical inhalers

During fasting, the use of inhalers should be avoided if possible.

6. Intentional induction of vomiting

If a person holding the uraza intentionally induces vomiting, then his fast is considered broken. If the vomiting did not occur at the will of the person, then the fast remains valid.

7. Menstruation

In a situation when a woman comes during daylight hours, she should stop fasting. She will need to replenish this day after the end of her period.

Benefits of Fasting

This pillar of Islam carries many virtues for its observant believers.

Firstly, uraza is able to lead a person into the Gardens of Eden, which can be confirmed in the life of the Prophet (sgv): “Indeed, there is a gate in Paradise, called“ Ar-Rayyan, ”through which on the Day of Judgment they will enter fasting. And no one will enter through these gates except them ”(hadith from Bukhari and Muslim).

Secondly, fasting will serve as the intercessor of the Muslim on the Day of Judgment: "Fasting and the Qur'an on the Day of Judgment will intercede for the servant of Allah" (hadith from Ahmad).

Thirdly, the uraza entails what was said earlier.

In addition, all requests of a believer who is fasting will be accepted by God. The Prophet Muhammad (sgv) said: "A fasting person never rejects dua during breaking the fast" (Ibn Majah).

The ninth month of the Muslim calendar Ramadan is one of the four holy months of the year. Men and women at this time keep the strict fast of Uraz, which is one of the main pillars of Islam. The main specificity of this fasting is that the quantitative composition of food is not regulated - everything is allowed to eat, and only the timing of the meal plays an important role. Let's figure out how a woman needs to keep Uraza correctly so that long-term abstinence benefits the body. Indeed, in addition to spiritual cleansing, Muslims keep fasting in order to heal the body.

Why keep Uraza in the month of Ramadan

Fasting in Uraz helps to atone for sins that have been committed during the year. Ramadan is 30 or 29 days (depending on the lunar month) of strict fasting. During this period, Muslims should set aside time for donations, alms, reflection, contemplation and all kinds of good deeds. However, the main task of every believer is not to drink water or eat food from dawn to dusk. Unlike the Orthodox fast (Assumption or Great), in which it is forbidden to eat meat, fish, eggs and dairy products, during Uraza it is allowed to eat any food in moderation.

The main activity of Muslims in Ramadan is prayer. Before sunrise, each believer makes a niyat (intention) to observe Uraza, and then takes food 30 minutes before dawn and prays. Namaz during the holy month are held in mosques, where Muslims come with their children or at home with relatives and neighbors. If a believer is in other latitudes in the month of Ramadan, then, according to the Hanafi madhhab (teaching), he reads the obligatory morning prayer according to Meccan time.

How to hold Uraz to a woman

During Uraza, Muslim women, like men, are prohibited from intimate life during daylight hours, and some especially believers prefer complete abstinence from sexual intercourse throughout the thirty-day fast. By tradition, after sunset, large families gather together to have meals after a day's fast. Women prepare food during the daytime, so they are allowed to sample the food while it is being prepared. It is strictly forbidden for men.

How to eat properly

In the early days of Ramadan, it takes about 20 hours to starve, so imams (Muslim priests) advise eating foods with a lot of fiber: oats, millet, barley, lentils, brown rice, wholemeal flour, millet, and legumes. The morning menu of a Muslim woman must necessarily consist of fruits, berries, vegetables, meat, fish, bread and dairy products.

It is better not to complicate your menu in Ramadan with culinary delights, but to give preference to light salads flavored with yogurt or vegetable oil. Such food does not irritate the stomach, improving digestion. To make it easier to fast, broths made from lean beef, chicken, lean fish or vegetables are useful. During Ramadan, women should refrain from fried foods, replacing them entirely with steamed or stewed foods. In the process of preparing food, the following products should be dosed, stimulating the production of hydrochloric acid, which irritates the stomach wall:

  • spices;
  • garlic;
  • caraway;
  • cilantro;
  • mustard.

For dinner, Muslims are advised to cook low-calorie meals and not get too carried away with meat. During the day during Uraza it is forbidden to drink water, but after sunset it is advisable to drink 2 to 3 liters of water to replenish the water balance. Nutritionists, while observing the Uraza, urge to exclude carbonated drinks, replacing them with natural juices, mineral water, herbal teas.


An obligatory prayer for all Muslims who hold the Uraz is the Taraweeh prayer. Its time comes after the night Isha prayer and ends shortly before dawn. It is better to read Namaz Taraweeh together with other believers, but if this is not possible, then it is permissible to read the prayer individually. In general, Islam is a religion that welcomed the attendance of collective prayers, and the mosque promotes communication when joint prayers are performed that praise Allah and the Prophet Muhammad while reading the Koran.

What not to do - prohibitions

Prohibitions during the Uraza period are divided into strict and undesirable. Strict prohibitions refer to actions that break the fast, and require mandatory compensation for one day of Ramadan 60 days of continuous fasting at any other time. These include deliberate eating, vomiting, and intercourse. Also, during Uraza, you cannot take potions, capsules, tablets, injections, drink alcohol and smoke. Undesirable actions in Ramadan that only require replenishment (1 day of fasting for one violation) include:

  1. Eating for forgetfulness.
  2. Involuntary vomiting.
  3. Swallowing something that is not medicine or food.
  4. Touching the husband, kisses that do not lead to sexual intercourse.

At what age do girls begin to adhere to the fast

The girl begins to hold the post from her majority. A Muslim child becomes sexually mature when he reaches the age of 15. It is allowed for girls to fast before, if menstruation has come or if they have their own desire. If all of the above signs are absent, then according to Muslim customs, a girl should not fast.

It is difficult now to overestimate the importance of a 30-day fast for human health. Even science has proven that by starving, the human body is cleared of excess weight, salts, bile, under-oxidized metabolic products, and respiration is normalized. The experience of centuries shows that Uraza is the most effective method to get rid of various chronic diseases: allergies, gallstones, osteochondrosis and migraines. During fasting, defense mechanisms are increased, the immune system is stimulated, and the aging process is delayed.

Beginners need to know that all sorts of excesses are excluded this month, and there are special rules for eating and drinking. Immediately after sunset, the fasting person eats only light food, and a couple of hours before dawn - solid food. Such food is considered godly, therefore, it serves for the forgiveness of sins. At the evening meal, it is desirable that a mullah or a person who knows the Koran well be present, he will read the suras and talk about the deeds of the Lord. During the evening fasting and small talk are not prohibited.

Is it possible to fast for pregnant and lactating women

Women in the postpartum period or during menstruation do not observe the Uraz - this is confirmed by the corresponding Sunnah. As for pregnant and lactating mothers, they can completely or selectively abandon fasting at their discretion, especially if they are afraid for their health or their child's. As for the filling of the missed post, the woman makes such a decision on her own.

Without complete ablution

Sometimes, for some independent reason, a woman does not have complete ablution, and the fast has already begun. For example, menstruation ended at night, or there was marital intimacy, or the couple slept through their morning meal. This should not bother a woman in any way, because complete ablution and observance of Uraza are not interrelated with each other. Ritual purity is needed only for performing namaz.

When are your periods

According to the rules of Islam, during menstruation, Uraza should be interrupted in any case, regardless of marital status and age. Namaz prayers are not performed either, since a woman does not have ritual purity. According to the rules, the days of fasting missed at the end of Ramadan must be made up one to one in a row or in a breakdown at the discretion of the Muslim woman. But the woman does not make up for the missed prayers.

What to do if it's hard to keep Uraz in the heat

When the month of Ramadan falls in the summer heat, it is very difficult for Muslims to keep the Uraz, because on hot days, thirst increases, and refusal of water can negatively affect human health. Moreover, during a 30-day fast, it is forbidden not only to drink, but even to rinse your mouth, because drops of water can get into the stomach. In this case, Islam gives some concessions for pregnant women, children, travelers, the elderly and seriously ill people.

Fast one day or intermittently every other day

If a Muslim woman is diagnosed with serious diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis and others, then she can hold the Uraz not every day, but every other day. Fasting is not so much abstinence from food and water, but the promotion of spiritual growth, the purification of thoughts. But if a woman can hold Uraz with such diseases, then she should eat fresh raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, do not overeat, do not pounce on food at the Uraz-Bairam fasting holiday, when Ramadan ends.


When a woman holds the Uraza for the first time, long before the onset of Ramadan, she needs to adjust herself to the fact that this is not a hunger strike, but a great joyful holiday, so that a feeling of a cheerful event arises. It should be remembered that the fasting person receives a reward, which in Ramadan multiplies all the good deeds of a person. And for violation of Uraza without a good reason, a Muslim woman will have to pay a certain amount to the needy and make up for the missed day with any day of fasting. See the video tips for women who are starting to hold the Uraza:

Fasting for Muslim women and men in 2019

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar, the date of which changes every year. In 2019, Muslims begin to keep it on May 16, and on June 15, Muslim men and women around the world celebrate the greatest holiday of Eid al-Adha. On this day, they give alms, remember relatives and friends, visit the graves of deceased relatives.


The time of the pre-dawn meal (suhoor) ends before the onset of the morning prayer (Fajr) in 10 minutes. At the end of the evening prayer (Maghreb), one should break the fast, preferably with water and dates, having previously uttered an appeal to Allah. The night prayer is Isha, after which 20 rak'ahs (cycles) of the Taraweeh prayer are performed for men, followed by the Vitr prayer.

Audio version of this article:

1. What is Muslim fasting?

Muslim fasting in Ramadan- this is abstinence from food, drink and sexual intercourse from the beginning of the morning dawn until sunset, immediately after which all this becomes permissible. At the same time, you need to take a responsible attitude to the spiritual content of fasting - the temporary deprivation of certain benefits, as a form of worshiping the Lord and fulfilling His orders.

Fasting is not a diet, but first of all worship of God and education of the spirit. But along with the intention to worship the Almighty, you can have a specific and measurable intention to lose those extra pounds and improve your health. Improving the body is a charitable cause.

Read about the essence of the post in a special article.

Additionally, in the month of fasting, believers collectively read the Taraweeh prayer. Every day they read the Qur'an or a translation of its meanings, during the month they try to pay zakat, read more, build relationships with people, forgive others, pray more, go to visit, treat, help others, etc. This is all desirable, unlike compulsory abstinence from food, drink and conjugal sexual intercourse.

Read about how to perform the Taraweeh prayer.

2. When does fasting and Ramadan start in 2019?

Ramadan begins in the evening with sunset - the day is specified.

First Taraweeh - to be confirmed.

The first day of fasting is to be confirmed.

The last day of fasting is to be confirmed.

The last Taraweeh - to be confirmed.

The day before the start of Ramadan, there may be adjustments in the start date of the new lunar month. One should be guided by the opinion of the local mufti, the local centralized religious organization.

Ramadan usually lasts 29 days, there is even a mention of this in the Sunnah. The lunar year is shorter than the solar year by almost 11 days!

3. Who is required to fast?

There are conditions under which fasting becomes canonically binding:

The physical ability to fast.

4. How to fast during Ramadan?

Each fasting day consists of 2 periods.

Abstinence period- from dawn (the time of the beginning of the morning Fajr prayer) to sunset (before the beginning of the 4th prayer of the Maghreb). During this time, you cannot drink, eat and have sexual relations with your spouse. You can kiss and hug your wife (husband). This does not break the fast. Only sexual intercourse is prohibited.

The Period When Eating, Drinking, and Sexual Intercourse Is Permissible- from sunset (with the beginning of the 4th prayer of the Maghreb) to dawn (the beginning of the morning Fajr prayer), that is, the night period of the day. Traditionally, this period begins with breaking the fast (drinking clean water and consuming, for example, dates).

For example: on the first day of fasting in your city, dawn (not sunrise, but dawn, which appears about an hour and a half before sunrise) starts at 3:40, and sunset at 22:50, that is, you fast (abstain) with 3:40 am to 10:50 pm. And between 10:50 pm until the next dawn, everything becomes permissible.

You can (1) talk about the intention of fasting to yourself, out loud, or (2) just think about it in your mind in the evening or immediately after eating before dawn. Read about how to do this below.

5. Suhoor and intention to fast

Suhoor- This is a pre-dawn meal during fasting during the month of Ramadan.

Suhoor and the intention to fast are related to each other in that they are essentially two actions before the onset of the period of abstinence.

Example: if the Fajr prayer starts at 5:40, then the Suhur lasts until 5:40. And nothing more. And the fact that some leave time "in reserve" and stop eating at 5:20 am has no canonical justification. There is no such need, especially when there are long days and short nights.

Intention(niyat)- the presence in the heart of the desire and determination to fast, following the command of the Lord. The location of the intention is the heart, but you can verbally pronounce the text of the intention.

An example of intent per post:


"Navaitu an asuma savma fard minal-fajri ilal-magribi khalisan lil-lyakhi taikoyala"

نَوَيْتُ أَنْ أَصُومَ صَوْمَ فَرْضٍ مِنَ الْفَجْرِ إِلَى الْمَغْرِبِ خَالِصًا ِللهِ تَعَالَى


"I intend to observe the obligatory fast from dawn to sunset, doing it sincerely for the sake of the Most High."

Niyat should be “asked” before dawn (the intention to fast can be present in the thoughts, the heart even after sunset in the evening, on the eve of the day of fasting). From the ‘Aisha it is narrated:" The fasting of one who does not define it [in the heart] until the morning dawn is invalid. "

After pronouncing the intention and with the beginning of the Fajr prayer (dawn), you enter the state of fasting.

If I forgot my intention in the morning?

For more on intent and practical issues related to it, see the dedicated advanced article. .

After the sun sets (the time of the 4th prayer of the Maghreb comes), there comes a period when drinking, eating and intimate relations with a spouse (spouse) are allowed.

6. Iftar. What to say in the evening before meals?

The period when everything is allowed begins with iftar (breaking the fast).

Iftar- This is an evening meal during the fasting period during the month of Ramadan.

Dua No. 1

اَللَّهُمَّ لَكَ صُمْتُ، وَ عَلَى رِزْقِكَ أَفْطَرْتُ

وَ عَلَيْكَ تَوَكَّلْتُ وَ بِكَ آمَنْتُ .

ذَهَبَ الظَّمَأُ وَ ابْتَلَّتِ الْعُرُوقُ

وَ ثَبَتَ الْأَجْرُ إِنْ شَاءَ اللهُ تَعَالىَ .

يَا وَاسِعَ الْفَضْلِ اغْفِرْ لِي

اَلْحَمْدُ لِلهِ الَّذِي أَعَانَنِي فَصُمْتُ ،

وَ رَزَقَنِي فَأَفْطَرْتُ .


Allaahumma lyakya sumtu wa ‘alaiya rizkykya aftartu wa’ ‘alaykya tavakkyaltu wa bikya aamantu. Zehebe zzomeu vabtellatil-‘uruuku wa sebetal-ajru in sheeallaahu tauralahu. Ya vaasial-fadligfir lii. Alhamdu lillayahill-lazii e'ananii fa sumtu wa razakanie fa aftartu.


“O Supreme, I fasted for Your sake [in order for You to be pleased with me]. I ended the post with what You have endowed me with. I trusted in You and believed in You. The thirst is gone, the veins are filled with moisture, and the reward is established, if you wish. O Owner of unlimited mercy, forgive my sins. Praise be to the Lord, who helped me to fast and endowed me with what I made breaking the fast. "

Dua number 2


“Allaahumma lyakya sumtu va’ aliaya rizkykya aftartu va ’alaykya tavakkyaltu wa bikya aamant. Ya vaasi 'al-fadli-gfir liy. Al-hamdu lil-layahill-lyazi e'man'aanani fa sumtu wa razakani fa aftart. "

اَللَّهُمَّ لَكَ صُمْتُ وَ عَلَى رِزْقِكَ أَفْطَرْتُ وَ عَلَيْكَ تَوَكَّلْتُ وَ بِكَ آمَنْتُ. يَا وَاسِعَ الْفَضْلِ اغْفِرْ لِي. اَلْحَمْدُ ِللهِ الَّذِي أَعَانَنِي فَصُمْتُ وَ رَزَقَنِي فَأَفْطَرْتُ


“O Lord, I fasted for You (for the sake of Your pleasure with me) and, using Your benefits, I broke my fast. I hope in You and believe in You. Forgive me, O One, Whose mercy is limitless. Praise be to the Almighty, Who helped me to fast and fed me when I broke my fast. "

Dua number 3


“Allaahumma lyakya sumtu wa bikya aamantu wa aleikya tavakkyaltu wa‘ ala rizkykya aftartu. Fagfirli yay ghaffaru ma kaddamtu wa ma akhhartu ".

اَللَّهُمَّ لَكَ صُمْتُ

وَ بِكَ آمَنْتُ

وَ عَلَيْكَ تَوَكَّلْتُ

وَ عَلَى رِزْقِكَ أَفْطَرْتُ.

فَاغْفِرْ لِي يَا غَفَّارُ مَا قَدَّمْتُ

وَ مَا أَخَّرْتُ

Translation: “O Lord, I fasted for You (for the sake of Your pleasure with me), believed in You, relied on You and made the break of the fast using Your gifts. Forgive me past and subsequent sins, O All-Forgiving! "

7. What is the preferred diet for the fasting person?

Everything is individual. Some fasting people work physically, others intellectually, and some generally avoid work (not an option for a believer). For this reason, you should choose a diet based on the benefits for the body, physical activity and daily routine during the fast.

It is necessary in the evening and during the morning meal to drink more water, eat fruits and only after that vegetables, cereals, dried fruits, fish, etc. meals) - which takes longer to digest, for example, nuts and protein foods (eggs, fish or meat). Try to focus on water at least 30 minutes before meals, so as not to dilute gastric juice with it immediately before meals. After eating, it is also advisable to wait for the obvious feeling of thirst (about 40 minutes after eating), thereby facilitating and speeding up digestion.

At night, it is necessary to replenish the body's water balance. Try to drink up to 2 liters of clean water between evening and morning meals. We recommend Trillionaire water. It is glacial and does not contain artificial impurities.

Keep in mind that fasting is healing in that during fasting the body burns (utilizes) the remnants of reserves. Water is the main source of waste from this process from the body. If you don't have enough water, all the recycled toxins will accumulate inside you and poison your body.

Suhoor (pre-dawn meal). On suhoor, it is better to eat something that takes longer to digest, for example, cereals, nuts and protein foods (eggs, fish or meat). Emphasis on being high in fiber and protein. Fiber prevents the early appearance of hunger, nourishes the body and cleanses the intestines, which is 70% responsible for our immune system, and protein is the building material of our body, very important and necessary. But do not mix protein with fruit and do not drink a lot of water. Try to focus on water at least 30 minutes before meals, so as not to dilute gastric juice with it immediately before meals. I also recommend eating your favorite "live" fermented milk product, for example, yogurt, kefir or yogurt. One glass. It is helpful to mix it with one clove of garlic, chopped into medium-sized chunks that are easy to swallow. If the garlic is not chewed and chopped too finely, there will be no smell. But there are very, very many benefits from it for our body. A fermented milk product must certainly contain live bacteria. It may cost a little more, but such a product is useful.

Iftar (evening meal). On an empty stomach, water, plenty of water and fruits. And only forty minutes after that - a meal. During this time, you can calmly pray by completing the Maghreb prayer and read the du'a or a few pages from a useful book. During iftar (evening meal), focus on fruits, green salads, vegetables. That is, something that contains a lot of fiber and is easily digested. After eating, it is also advisable to wait for an obvious feeling of thirst (about 40 minutes after eating), thereby facilitating and accelerating digestion.

Between evening and morning meals, sleep is a must!

After a pre-dawn meal, you should also sleep, especially if you then go to work. When you wake up, dispel imaginary fatigue and drowsiness with exercise and contrast shower. Use pleasantly scented gels and shampoos.

Use perfume on fast days (more on using alcohol perfume). Pleasant aromas and smells activate the work of the brain, add conviviality, inspiration, set you up for an active and productive day.

8. What can break my fast during the day?

If you understand the essence of fasting (see the answer to the first question), then, according to the canonical rules, fasting violates: deliberate consumption of food, water and sexual intercourse during daylight hours (during the period of abstinence).

It is important for those who are fasting for the first time to know that a lot of far-fetched bans are published on the Internet.

Fasting is abstaining from food, drink and sexual intercourse from the beginning of the morning dawn until sunset, immediately after which all this becomes permissible.

You can swallow saliva.

10. Fasting a woman. What are the features?

In the postpartum period and during regular periods (menstruation), fasting by women is prohibited (haram), regardless of age and marital status. Missing days are replenished one-to-one at the end of Ramadan, either broken down or in a row. More details .

While fasting, you can kiss your wife (husband) and hug. The Prophet Muhammad himself (peace and blessings be upon him) kissed his wife ‘Aisha in Ramadan and hugged him in the daytime, which, according to her, is narrated in several authentic hadiths.

It is important to understand: only sexual intercourse breaks the fast. Hugs with your wife (husband), caresses and kisses do not affect the validity of the fast. The husband-wife relationship should bloom any month and any day of the year. Ramadan is no exception. The only thing that is prohibited during the daytime during fasting is sexual intercourse.

Of course, if a husband and wife have reasonable fears that kissing and hugging can lead to sexual intercourse, then they refrain even from this during the hours of fasting. But in this case, they should compensate for this abstinence from kissing and hugging with an abundance of them at night. As modern family practice shows, without this, the relationship grows cold, coarse, stale and eventually die after a few years of marriage. It is not religion that leads to this, but its misunderstanding and the lack of elementary skills to live with joy, happiness and a deep, living feeling of gratitude to each other and to God.

12. Should water and dates be consumed before or after du'ing?

The first step is water and 1-3 dates.

The Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and greet him) did this: while breaking the fast, he first drank water and could eat a few dates, then he performed the evening prayer-namaz and after that he ate.

13. Can I brush my teeth during the day?

Do not break the fast by brushing your teeth with a miswak or a toothbrush. It is better to refrain from using toothpaste during fasting or use it in small quantities. If a person uses it, then you need to be careful not to swallow.

‘Amir ibn Rabbi'iyah said:“ I saw how the Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and greet him) constantly and repeatedly used the miswak during fasting. ” The lack of concretization in the hadith suggests that miswak could have been both fresh and dried. This was the opinion of al-Bukhari and those who agreed with him on this. Fresh miswak has both taste and aroma.

“Ibn Sirin said that you can brush your teeth with fresh (wet) miswak. He was asked: "But he has a taste?" He replied: "And the water has a taste, but you will rinse your mouth with it during fasting [which does not in any way affect its reality]."

14. How to deal with bad breath during the day?

When a person does not eat for a long time, the mouth sometimes starts to smell bad. Note that if it smells really bad, then these are problems with the intestines and digestion, which need to be solved in consultation with a doctor, and fasting has nothing to do with it. Here are some simple guidelines on how to minimize bad breath:

Thoroughly brush your teeth with a special floss and a brush with paste after a pre-dawn meal (suhora);

After sleeping during the period of abstinence (fasting), brush your teeth with a miswak or a brush with a very small amount of paste on it. With a brush or a special device, clean the tongue, the root of the tongue from microbes. The main cause of bad breath is precisely the accumulation of microbes on the root of the tongue;

Use scented oils or perfumes throughout the day, especially after your morning shower. Applying a quality oil or perfume to the abdomen or chest area suppresses the unpleasant smell for almost the whole day.

15. Can I taste food while cooking?

Without swallowing it does not break the fast. Imam al-Bukhari, in his collection of hadiths, quotes the words of a famous associate of the Prophet Muhammad Ibn ‘Abbas:“ There is nothing wrong with tasting food [during its preparation] while fasting. ”

16. How to respond to criticism from others?

Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and welcome him) said: “Fasting is protection [from committing sins in mortal life and the fire of Hell in eternal]. If any of you is fasting, then do not scold or shout. And if he is insulted or hit, he will say: "Truly, I am fasting, I am fasting."

It is important to minimize negative emotions and maximize positive ones, to be able to direct the released energy to useful things (in the first half of the day - an emphasis on intellectual work, in the second - on physical work). And the most important thing is the psychological attitude. Twirl all your thoughts, words and deeds around priority goals and projects. When you learn this in practice, there will be no time and energy left for resentment and negative emotions.

17. Is fasting accepted if a person does not perform namaz?

Fasting (if the conditions necessary for it are present) is accepted as an independent separate form of worshiping God. The performance or non-performance of prayer by a person does not affect this.

It is useful to know that if a person denies the fivefold prayer, but fasts, then his faith is questionable. If a person agrees with the obligation of namaz, but first decided to practice only fasting, then he needs to start praying as soon as possible. These are two important pillars of religious practice, but each is distinct in its own right.

It is also important to take into account that some do not yet perform namaz, since they have recently converted to Islam. Someone starts with fasting, someone with namaz. In any case, this approach cannot be condemned. Any Muslim started with something and gradually introduced himself to all the obligatory rituals (,).

18. How to determine the time when you can eat and when you can't eat according to the prayer schedule?

You can eat and drink before the Fajr prayer begins (this is about an hour and a half before sunrise). But the ban on everything is in effect with the onset of Fajr before the onset of the Maghreb prayer, which begins immediately after sunset.

20. Is it possible during the fast to wash in the shower, swim in the pool or in the sea?

Yes, you can. There are no restrictions on the use of water during fasting, except for drinking.

Fasting is about abstaining from food, drink, and sexual intercourse during the daytime. Swimming or washing without swallowing water does not break your fast during the day.

The opinions that you can find on the Internet about restrictions on bathing during fasting have been from the very beginning of the formation of Muslim theology. But! These are just speculations, they have no basis, much less reliable canonical substantiation (Koran and Sunnah).

For example, in the collection of hadiths of Imam al-Bukhari there is a separate topic "Full body washing (bathing) for those who observe the fast", where he collected, among other things, the opinions of his companions that it is possible to rinse your mouth during fasting, taste food, use miswak, wash, swim, visit the bathhouse, etc.

22. Is fasting valid if I overslept suhoor (morning meal)?

The importance of the morning meal is evidenced, for example, by the following words of the Prophet Muhammad (may God bless and greet him): “Eat before dawn [on the days of fasting]! Indeed, in suhoor (morning meal) - God's grace (barakat)! " ... Morning food intake is highly desirable.

If you overslept, but even before sleep you planned (had the intention) to fast for the coming day, then after sleep you continue to fast as usual.

And do not be afraid that you did not eat or drink on suhoor. At the end of the day, you will be genuinely surprised at how easy it all went.

23. Some beginners say that you need to sleep during Ramadan, because when you sleep, you will not eat something by accident, you will not use foul language.

So say lazy people and parasites who endure "for the sake of Allah" and live at someone else's expense: their elder brother (sister), parents or on "kafir" social benefits.

The Qur'an says:

“For those who make efforts (diligent, persistent, purposeful), and do it for the sake of the Almighty [with a prayer for His mercy and forgiveness; makes before Him, His power, for the benefit of faith and spirituality, for the triumph of the Word of God and eternal values, and not for the sake of passions, base desires; not out of revenge or to spite someone; without proving to others that he is smarter, more influential and richer ... efforts before God], for those people the Almighty will open the blessed ways [of achieving all-round success in the temporal and eternal; will provide a way out of desperate situations; will lead from the darkness of hopelessness to the brightly lit "track" of hope and confidence in the future]. [Know] there is no doubt that Allah (God, Lord) is together with those who are noble in deeds and actions ”(see).

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: "[The best are those] who do not become a burden (burden) for others."

Diligence and hard work are an integral part of the daily life of a Muslim. He believes in the inevitability of the Day of Judgment not in language, but in deed, he read many times in the Koran that it will be announced there did". For idleness and parasitism, you will have to bear the answer.

24. How many people can survive without food and water? Can he die if he does not drink water in the summer for 17-18 hours?

Maybe if he has serious health problems and for him water is an important factor affecting the functioning of the body (for example, who has kidney problems or diabetes mellitus).

If a person is healthy, then replenishing the water balance at night will compensate for daytime abstinence. You need to drink up to 2 liters of clean water at night.

Tea, coffee, compotes, soft drinks and juices do not belong to the concept of water. Clean drinking water is essential.

If you fast, you will feel that even on long summer days for our latitude, difficulties with depriving yourself of food and drink may arise only in the first 3-4 days, or may not arise at all. The following days will show that even without water a person can live for such a number of hours, receiving many benefits, including for health, as well as great pleasure.

25. When can you skip a post?

- The man is seriously ill,

- gone crazy,

- went on a journey, and fasting is difficult for him,

- the woman got pregnant,

- the woman started her period.

26. What if the person did not make up for the missed days from the last post?

Fasting is routinely observed in the month of Ramadan. At the end of Ramadan, she will schedule herself to make up for the missed time, for example, for the winter period.

27. I'm 50 years old. This year the post is for the first time. What to do with the previous missed posts?

If you were not a Muslim before the age of 50 (there was no awareness of religious beliefs), then, starting to perform a religious practice, just like a neophyte, you do not restore anything.

If you had conscious religious convictions, were familiar with the postulates of faith and religious practice, one of the five pillars of which is the obligatory fasting in the month of Ramadan, but still did not fast, then you need to replenish everything, starting with puberty or after it, when you have realized your religious beliefs, you have consciously believed.

28. Is Taraweeh obligatory?

No, it is not required. This is Sunnah. More about this prayer .

29. I want to read Taraweeh in the mosque, but I can't. How to be?

This is not an insurmountable obstacle. Come to the mosque in a state of ritual purity (ablution and), pronounce the intention to pray with the imam and repeat all the movements behind him.

You should, of course, start memorizing the prayer formulas required for prayer right away. The book "Muslim Prayer Practice" or on the website will help you with this. But having not yet learned anything from the prayer formulas, you can still safely join the imam of the mosque during his prayer-namaz. Do not be afraid of anything during the training. Learn, make mistakes, but don't stop. For every step you take, you will receive a reward from God.

30. Reading Taraweeh prayer at home.

The believer can perform the Taraweeh prayer at home, alone or with family members. This is possible and canonically complete.

31. Pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Fasting should not be observed during pregnancy and lactation. This can cause irreparable harm to the fetus (newborn baby) and ultimately turn out to be a serious sin before God. This is not only practically, but canonically prohibited. We have materials on this topic with a detailed explanation and a way out of the situation when a woman every two years and.

32. How to combine fasting and work?

Take a vacation

Take a vacation for the last 10 days of fasting.

Agree to work from home,

Sleep in the afternoon instead of lunch

A minimum of stupid activities in your free time after work,

Eat properly and only healthy food,

Get enough sleep on weekends.

Should a fasting person change his work schedule for the period of Ramadan, say, go on vacation, or does life continue in its usual rhythm?

I can’t say unequivocally, because, for example, in the summer, many people have holidays and can be combined. At the same time, staying in the usual work rhythm, you can seriously overfulfill the monthly plan, since there are no breaks for tea, coffee, breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and empty conversations. My experience of fasting in Ramadan (since 1987) confirms that productivity and efficiency increase dramatically during this time. Strict self-discipline and daily routine are essential for this, as well as proper nutrition and timely sleep. And of course - the goals, "packed" in time!

I myself was fasting and attending a regular Moscow school in the 1980s, passing very difficult university exams in the 1990s, and conducting unusually energy-intensive Friday lectures and sermons since 1997, as well as speaking live on television and radio. transfers. Fasting did not bother me in all this, but helped. The main thing is (1) as soon as the opportunity arises, try to compensate for lack of sleep (more than five days of its accumulation can greatly harm health both during Ramadan and in any other month), (2) eat right and (3) move more (sports until fatigue and the cheerfulness that comes after it).

I took a week off for the first week of fasting. But now this is not necessary. The main thing is to get rid of inner fears. Armand.

12 of her 42 years have lived in South Korea. I kept a post there. I studied for 2 years. There was also a post during the examination period. She studied with foreigners. There were Japanese, Thai, Mongolian, Korean friends who did not understand how I could start the morning without coffee))). There were some students who argued with each other whether I could survive until the end of Ramadan without lunch. Then I got a job. She explained to the manager that in the month of Ramadan I will not go out with the team for lunch. I was even allowed to recite namaz in a separate room. Someone admired my patience, someone regretted it. One Buryat girl said: "Well, eat at least an apple, it's not food." And when I replied that you can't even drink water, she looked at me as if I was crazy. There was a funny incident when the Koreans invited me to dinner and explained to all the restaurant employees that I had to start eating at a certain time. And all the waiters looked at the clock in anticipation of the coming of the iftar time, and when it came, they all shouted in chorus: "You can-oh-oh!" It was very pleasant that everyone was understood and supported in a foreign non-Muslim country. Yana.

My son took exams at the university last year for the post. He did not notice any difficulties, he passed everything with the same excellent result, noting "freshness in his head." Thus, he also “infected” a friend from Kazakhstan to try to fast. My 90-year-old grandmother was worried last year that she would not have enough strength; by the end of the post, she “just flew”. Much depends on the mood and belief in the great benefits of fasting. Rashid.

I definitely spend Ramadan at work. I have an office work, it is more comfortable (quiet work, the air conditioner can always be turned on in hot weather). There really is more time. On the weekends, on the contrary, from the hustle and bustle of household chores and walks with children, you feel tired in the late afternoon. But nevertheless, closer to iftar, fatigue is forgotten))) Aydos.

Ramadan is the most blessed and fruitful month. The feeling of spiritual delight is indescribable, every breath is felt differently ... And this month is more fruitful than others, only during this period you understand how much time it takes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks)) Whether you are at work, in school, or in training, you often enter into a stream state. Who has not observed - try (all fears are far-fetched), and you will feel the beauty of spiritual, moral and all-round growth and delight! Anwar.

If the work is connected with constant meetings, stress, conflicts, where there is constant swearing, obscene curses and it is impossible to get away from this, then it is better to take a vacation for the time of the uraza. I personally try to do that. Taraweeh in uraza is something! The last ten days of Taraweeh and the night standing in prayer ... I think it's foolish to exchange this barrakat for something. I look forward to seeing you every year. An incomparable sensation. Ramil.

33. What else to do in Ramadan besides abstinence?

1. Focus on current goals and objectives (Trillionaire Ramadan).

2. Build good relationships with loved ones (forgive, visit, do something nice).

4. Read, for example, 10 pages of theological translation of meanings. Depending on your daily routine, you should choose a specific period of time and strictly devote it to reading every day. For those who do not need to get up early for work or school, I recommend reading for 30-60 minutes after the morning meal (suhur) and the Fajr prayer.

6. Exercise at least an hour a day, such as Pilates or yoga. Plan aerobic and strength training closer to the time of the evening meal (iftar), two to three hours before it.

7. Begin to hear yourself and understand your true desires, and for this, stop listening to news on television and read them on the Internet. Pay more attention to introspection, yourself and your life history - what you have achieved and what you intend to achieve in the near future; what gnaws and constantly bothers you, how to find peace of mind. In this context, I recommend reading both parts of my book Become the Smartest and Richest.

8. Daily Taraweeh prayer, at least at home, at least 8 rak'yats.

By the way, this year we will have another round of the Trillionaire Ramadan game on cel.one. See cel.one for details. In this creative race, we set goals for Ramadan and achieve them during the month of fasting.

34. Communication with the opposite sex

If you have recently converted to Islam, then you should understand that a Muslim (Muslim woman) cannot communicate closely and alone with the opposite sex. Ramadan is a great time to actually apply Muslim principles in this matter: communicate only with the one with whom you intend to start a family, become a husband and wife for life, and only in the presence of other people, in a public place, without hugs and kisses.

35. Sport in Ramadan

Moderate exercise on fast days is beneficial and relevant. Do not be afraid of physical activity! In the first half of the day, I recommend limiting yourself to light loads (jogging, stretching, exercises, planks, pull-ups and push-ups). The task of these light loads every hour or two is to activate the blood flow; by turning on the muscles (especially the muscles of the legs), relieve the heart and promote the flow of oxygen to the brain, which will give clarity of thought and activate emotional awakening. As a result, you will gain vigor and will maintain it until 14:00. After, for example, during your work lunch break, find an opportunity to take a nap for at least 20-40 minutes. This is a complete reboot of the brain, an energy charge for the evening and the next morning. Sleep during the day should be no more than an hour.

After waking up with renewed vigor, also continue light exercises every hour or two. But at the same time, two to three hours before iftar (evening fasting) it is useful to plan a daily serious hourly workload. As a result, every day, and especially at the end of the month of Ramadan, the body will be very, very grateful to you!

Can I run a marathon (21 kilometers) while fasting?

It is forbidden. Dehydration (as a result of this exercise) can seriously harm your health. Especially the cardiovascular system.

36. Sins in Ramadan

It should be remembered that the month of fasting is the education of the soul and body, and therefore it should be filled with self-discipline, good breeding, kindness and good manners. One should refrain from obvious sins, among which the top ten are sins of the tongue (scolding, gossip, slander, lies). And therefore - to be silent more. If you say, then only good.

Ramadan is a very favorable period for the growth and maturation of a person.

37. Important periods in the month of Ramadan.

During the fast, important events and periods can be highlighted. For example:

1. The first three to four days, the body gets used to a new diet and sleep.

2. Every day during the pre-dawn meal (suhur) and immediately after it, together with the intention to fast, pray to the Almighty for the concrete in the earthly perspective and eternal.

3. For the last ten evenings, try to perform Taraweeh in the mosque.

4. At night, devote attention to prayer and reading that enhances your sense of purpose and commitment, self-discipline and piety.

The night of power (Laylatul-kad). At night, devote 10-15 minutes to the most intimate prayers-du'''a. See details .

The night before the Eid Prayer. Organize everything so that you will certainly attend the holiday prayer in the mosque. This applies to men. And women should contribute to creating a holiday mood at home for the whole family and loved ones, as well as neighbors.

Festive prayer. It is not required, but on this day, the mosques and the streets around them are overflowing with believers who have gathered to thank God for the past month of fasting. And so all over the world. About a billion people of different cultures, backgrounds and ages. A powerful and faith-strengthening sight. See details.

38. Sadaka in Ramadan.

It is important to highlight a special type of sadaka. This is akyatul-fitr- the tax of breaking the fast, paid from each family member before the beginning of the holiday of breaking the fast (‘Idul-fitr, Eid al-Adha), or rather, before the Eid prayer. It is the final condition for the Creator to accept the observed fast. It is paid primarily in favor of poor and indigent Muslims, and is also used in other charitable activities. Usually believers pass their zakatul fitr to local mosques. See details .

39. I could not stand the fast all day, interrupted. How to be?

If you have to interrupt, try not to disrupt your meal and sleep schedule. Interrupted - just drink water until iftar (evening fasting).

Immediately after the end of the month of fasting and the holiday, missed.

40. I still have questions about the post.

We have a whole project on our website about a post with detailed explanations, with quotations from the theological translation of the Koran, hadiths (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad) and with links to the works of authoritative Muslim scholars of the past.

Listen to a selection of audio .

Read the theological translation of the Quran .

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Intention (niyat) pronounced after suhoor (morning meal)

"I intend to fast the month of Ramadan from dawn to dusk sincerely for the sake of Allah."

Transliteration: Naaitu al-asuuma sauma shahri ramadaan minyal-fajri ilal-magribi haalisan lillayahi ta'aala

Dua after breaking the fast (iftar)

ذهب الظمأ وابتلت العروق وثبت الاجر إن شاء الله

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, after breaking the fast, said: "The thirst is gone, and the veins are filled with moisture, and the reward is already awaiting, if Allah wills" (Abu Dawood 2357, al-Bayhakyi 4/239).

Transliteration: Zahaba zzama-u uabtallatil-‘uruk, wa sabatal-ajru insha-Allah

Dua after breaking the fast (iftar)

“O Allah, for Your sake I fasted, I believed in You, I relied on You, I broke my fast with Your food. O Forgiving One, forgive me the sins that I have committed or will commit. "

Transliteration: Allahumma lyakya sumtu, wa bikya aamantu, wa ‘alaykya tavakkaltu, wa’ ala rizkykya aftartu, phagfirlii ya gaffaaru maa kaddamtu wa maa ahartu

Dua after breaking the fast (iftar)

اَللَّهُمَّ لَكَ صُمْتُ وَ عَلَى رِزْقِكَ أَفْطَرْتُ وَ عَلَيْكَ تَوَكَّلْتُ وَ بِكَ آمَنتُ ذَهَبَ الظَّمَأُ وَ ابْتَلَّتِ الْعُرُوقُ وَ ثَبَتَ الْأَجْرُ إِنْ شَاءَ اللهُ تَعَلَى يَا وَاسِعَ الْفَضْلِ اغْفِرْ لِي اَلْحَمْدُ لِلهِ الَّذِي أَعَانَنِي فَصُمْتُ وَ رَزَقَنِي فَأَفْطَرْتُ

Translation: O Supreme, I fasted for You [so that You may be pleased with me]. I ended the post with what You have endowed me with. I trusted in You and believed in You. The thirst is gone, the veins are filled with moisture, and the reward is established, if you wish. O Owner of unlimited mercy, forgive my sins. Praise the Lord, who helped me to fast and endowed me with what I broke the fast

Transliteration: Allaahumma lyakya sumtu wa ‘alaiya rizkykya aftartu wa’ alaykya tavakkyaltu wa bikya aamant. Zehebe zzomeu vabtellatil-‘uruuku wa sebetal-ajru in sheeallaahu tauralahu. Ya vaasial-fadligfir lii. Alhamdu lillyahill-lazii e'ananii fa sumtu wa razakaniy fa aftart

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The Holy Quran on the site is quoted from the Translation of the Meanings of E. Kuliyev (2013) Quran online

What prayer is read to uraz

‘Abdullah ibn’ Amr (may Allah be pleased with him) reports that the messenger

Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Indeed, the prayer

one who is fasting before breaking the fast is not rejected. " Ibn Majah 1753, al-Hakim

1/422. Hafiz Ibn Hajar, al-Busayri and Ahmad Shakir confirmed

Abu Dawood 2357, al-Bayhakyi 4/239. The credibility of the hadith

confirmed by Imam ad-Darakutni, al-Hakim, al-Zahabi, al-Albani.

ﺫﻫﺐ ﺍﻟﻈﻤﺄ ﻭﺍﺑﺘﻠﺖ ﺍﻟﻌﺮﻭﻕ ﻭﺛﺒﺖ ﺍﻻﺟﺮ ﺇﻥ ﺷﺎﺀ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ

/ Zahaba zzama-u uabtallatil-‘uruk, wa sabatal-ajru insha-Allah /.

“O Lord, I fasted for You (for the sake of Your pleasure with me), believed in You, relied on You and made the break of the fast using Your gifts. Forgive me past and subsequent sins, O All-Forgiving! "

What prayer is read to uraz

Ramadan is the month of Barakata (Grace).

Comments: The first category of people mentioned in the hadith are those who do not seek to receive the forgiveness of Allah in the month of Ramadan, those who, even in the most blessed month, do not care about their self-improvement and do not try to change their sinful lifestyle for a pious one. The second category is those who do not read Salavat when they hear the name of Allah's beloved creation - the Prophet Muhammad. For this reason, some of the Islamic scholars have said that it is wajib (mandatory requirement) to read salavat when mentioning the name of the Messenger of Allah. Moreover, in some hadiths such people are referred to as people who have lost their way to Paradise, as people who will not be honored to look in the face of the Messenger of Allah on the Day of Judgment. And how unreasonable such people act, especially considering the huge savab (reward from Allah) for reading salavat. Fiqh scholars said that to read Salavat at least once in a lifetime is fard, and to read Salavat every time after mentioning the name of the Prophet - wajib according to some scientists and mustahab(preferred, encouraged action) - according to others. The third category of people mentioned in the hadith are those who disobeyed their parents and treated them without due respect. It is said in the hadiths: “Paradise is under the feet of the mother” “The best of the doors leading to Paradise is your parent (your attitude towards him). So take care of this door. " One of the companions of the Messenger of Allah asked: "O Messenger of Allah, what are the rights of parents to be taken care of?" The Messenger of Allah (sellallahu "alayhi wa sallam) replied:" Parents are your Heaven or your Hell (if they are happy with you, this leads to Heaven, and their discontent pulls to Hell). " Hadith:“Parents have the right to have children visit their graves after their death.” “When an obedient child (regardless of age, even if he has been an adult for a long time) looks with care and love at his parents, then the Hajj will be his reward for such a look.” One of the Companions said to the Messenger of Allah, “I want to participate in Jihad *”. "Is your mother alive?" - asked the Messenger of Allah (sellallahu "alayhi wa sallam). And hearing an affirmative answer, he said," Take care of her, since Paradise is under the feet of the mother. "The hadith also explains that one of the best things that can be done after death father, is to treat his friends friendly (as the father himself treated them).

* Salavat - asking Allah about the gift of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Him, more honor and greatness and about the safety of the Prophet's community.

** Jihad is a fight on the path of Allah, there are 2 types: the Great Jihad - the fight against evil within oneself, - and the Small Jihad - the fight against external evil


A Muslim who possesses property sufficient to pay zakyat also pays Fitr alms. The obligation of a Muslim to pay Fitr, starting from the dawn of the first day of Eid al-Fitr (the holiday of Ramadan), until the beginning of the festive joint prayer is very close to the Obligatory Instruction - Wajib. According to the Hanif madhhab, Fitr can be paid both before and after that time. But the most preferred time when the payment of alms to Fitr is Wajib is from the dawn of the 1st day of the holiday to the beginning of the Eid prayer.

It should be noted that in order to fulfill this duty, it is enough for a Muslim to have a certain property for a given specific time (at the time of the beginning of the morning prayer time of the first day of the holiday), and not during the year, as is necessary when paying zakat. And the calculation of wealth is somewhat different than when paying zakyat. It also counts those things that are not intended for sale, but existing in stock in excess of what is most necessary.

If a Muslim falls into the category of "wealthy", then he is forbidden to receive this alms. If he is offered to receive Fitr alms, then he must explain the situation and politely refuse.

The head of the family pays this charity (if he is the owner of the property) for all family members in his care, including children born before dawn on the first day of Ramadan. The guest (musafir) is also obliged to pay alms to Fitr. Fitr is paid from the property of young orphans and incapacitated children by their trustees. If the trustees do not pay Fitr alms from their property, then the first after reaching the age of majority, and the second after recovery, will themselves have to give Fitr for all the past years.

Fitr alms can be paid to one poor Muslim, or it can be distributed among several poor people. Likewise, one poor Muslim can receive Fitr alms from several people.

As alms of Fitr, according to the Hanifa madhhab, 0.5 saa (1750 grams) of wheat or wheat flour is paid. Or 1 saa (3500 grams) to choose from: barley, dried grapes, or dates.

According to the Hanifa madhhab, 1 Saa = 4th Myud = 728 Miskals = 1040 dirhams of lentils. (1 mud = 875 gr.)

Rather, 1-Saa is a container that holds 1040 dirhams of millet or lentils weighing 3494.4 grams. This figure is obtained as a result of simple calculations, based on the following data on the Hanif madhhab:

1 dirham = 3.36 grams. 1 Mud = 1 Mann = 2 Burrows. 1 Rytl = 130 dirhams (according to Sharia) or = 91 Miskals.

1 Sa'a according to the Hanifah madhhab is equal to rounded - 3500 grams. (1040 x 3.36 = 3494.4 gr.) 3500 grams is a little more than 1 Saa, and this is better for us, since a precaution has been taken. When you need to give 0.5 Saa, we make the following calculation: 364 miscal or 520 dirham multiplied by 3.36 gr. and we get 1747.2 gr. Therefore, we give in a rounded 1750 grams or, if desired, - 2 kg. wheat (or flour).

If there is no shortage of wheat, barley or flour in the area, then it is better to pay an adequate value in money instead. Moreover, it is more preferable to pay the cost of the most expensive product at the moment. In lean years, it is more appropriate to pay Fitr alms by the products themselves: wheat, barley or flour. This entire set of varieties and payment options suggests the greatest effect of Fitr alms for the poor, and consequently on receiving the greatest goodness for the giver, if it is the Will of Allah Subhana wa taal.

And according to the Hanif madhhab, it is recommended to give Fitr in the form of the product that is currently more appreciated. Or the value of this product in the form of money. If it is difficult to give Fitr in the form of wheat or flour, then you can pay in the form of bread or corn. This replacement is not made by weight, but according to the value of the product.

The recipient of "Fitr" according to the Hanifah madhhab does not have to be a Muslim. But to give alms "Fitr" to a co-religionist is much preferable, because in this case, if Allah gives Subhana wa ta'ala, the giver will have more goodness.

Along the madhhabs of Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanbali

According to the Shafi'i madhhab, Fitr is not paid earlier than the month of Ramadan, and according to the Maliki and Hanbali madhhabs, they are not paid earlier than the first holiday of Ramadan. The payment of Fitr alms is obligatory for all Muslims who have funds in excess of the cost of one day's food. Moreover, both wheat and barley must be paid in the amount of 1 saa.

In these madhhabs, one Sa'a is equal to 694 dirhams, and 1 dirham = 2.42 grams.

1 Saa = 694 x 2.42 = 1679.48 gr. or roughly equal to 1680 grams.

The Fitr alms are also paid by those Muslims who, for whatever reason, did not fast. According to the madhhabs of Maliki and Hanbali, it is preferable to give Fitr in the form of dates. According to the Shafi'i madhhab - in the form of wheat or wheat flour. According to this madhhab, replace wheat or barley

POST (SAUM; URAZA) The fourth pillar of Islam.

Fasting is the worship of Allah Almighty in the form of abstaining from food, water and sexual intercourse from the beginning of dawn to sunset.

Required conditions for fasting:

2) Knowledge of the beginning and end of the fasting time;

3) Abstaining from dawn until sunset from anything that might break the fast. The beginning of the fasting time is called imsak. Breaking up time is iftar.

There are six types of fasting:

1) Fard- Mandatory post;

2) Wajib- Fasting is very close to obligatory;

3) Sunnah- Highly desirable;

4) Mendoub- Desirable post;

5) Nawafil- Additional post;

6) Makrooh- Undesirable.

1) Obligatory fasting - This is a fast in the month of Ramadan, or reimbursement of a missed fast in this month.

2) Close to mandatory - An additional post that needs to be restored, since it was violated after accepting the intention.

3) Highly Desirable Fast - Fasting observed on the 9th and 10th days of the month of Muharram.

4) Desirable - a 3-day fast, observed on the 13th, 14th and 15th day of each month of the lunar calendar.

5) Additional post. This variety includes all other posts not mentioned above.

6) Unwanted post. These include: a) Fasting observed only on the 10th day of the month of Muharram (day of Ashura). That is, do not fast at the same time on the 9th or 11th days of this month. b) It is highly undesirable to fast on the first day of Ramadan and the first 3 days of Kurban. Those who fast on these days receive a small sin.

The post is divided into two parts:

2 - Fasting, before which it is not required to take intention on the night before. These include fasting in the month of Ramadan. Additional posts and posts by obligation, the time of which was predetermined. It is not necessary to accept intention before fasting, the time of which was determined earlier. In these cases, you can confirm your intention both the night before and before noon on the day of fasting. Fasting in the month of Ramadan, whatever your intention to fast the day before, will still be considered fasting this month.

Actions requiring the restoration of the post:

1) Remembering fasting, accidentally swallow something.

2) Water entering the throat when rinsing the mouth or nose.

3) Accept the intention after the allowed time. For example, take an intention in the afternoon.

4) In the case when, out of forgetfulness, you ate something and this did not break your fast, but you continued to eat, thinking that the fast was broken anyway.

5) Swallowing snow or raindrops in the mouth.

6) Medical injections.

7) Taking medicine in the nose.

8) Taking medicine in the ears.

9) Eating during dawn, thinking that it is still night.

10) Eating before sunset, mistakenly assuming that the sun has already gone below the horizon.

11) Swallow vomit caused by something instead of spitting it out.

12) Swallowing someone else's saliva (except for the wife).

13) Swallowing your own saliva again (after spitting).

14) Sticking a lubricated finger into shameless places.

15) Accidentally inhale smoke when burning odorous herbs.

16) Swallowing your own saliva with bleeding gums. (If the blood is half of the saliva or more).

Actions after which it is necessary to restore and atone for the broken fast:

1. Eat and drink, deliberately breaking the fast.

2. Knowing that you are fasting, consciously be in sexual intercourse.

3. Conscious smoking.

4. The habit of swallowing clay.

5. Conscious condemnation of someone behind the eye (goibet).

6. Swallowing saliva from your wife or other loved one. With the above violations, the fasting person must make up for the broken fast, and as an atonement, he must fast for another 60 days in a row without delay.

Undesirable actions when observing the fast:

1) Taste something unnecessarily.

2) Chew anything unnecessarily.

3) Chew previously chewed gum.

5) Hugs with a wife, with a husband.

6) Swallow your saliva previously accumulated in your mouth.

7) Donate blood.

Actions that do not break the fast.

1. Eat, drink and be in sexual intercourse due to forgetfulness.

2. The release of sperm only from a glance or thought (but not as a result of games, touches).

3. Emissions during sleep.

4. Kiss without sperm secretion.

5. Until the morning be in a state of madness.

6. Ingress of water into the ear.

7. Swallow the sputum that appears.

8. Swallow nasopharyngeal discharge.

9. Swallow anything less than a pea stuck between the teeth.

11. Apply antimony.

12. Prolonged vomiting.

13. Instillation of the medicine into the eye.

This article contains helpful tips to help you avoid some of the health problems commonly experienced by fasting people during the holy month of Ramadan. By following these tips, you can reduce your physical discomfort and focus fully on the spiritual essence of Ramadan. During the holy month of Ramadan, your food should not be very different from the usual and be as simple as possible. The diet should be such that our normal weight does not change. If you are overweight, then the month of Ramadan is the best time to normalize your weight. Because fasting takes a long time, we recommend eating slowly-digesting, coarse foods, which take about 8 hours to digest. Coarse foods include bran foods, whole wheat grains, cereals, vegetables, green legumes, peas, peppers, corn, zucchini, spinach, and other greens (beet leaves are rich in iron), peeled fruits, dried fruits, dried apricots, figs , prunes, almonds, etc. (i.e. everything that contains complex carbohydrates). The body quickly burns foods containing sugar, premium flour, etc. (refined carbohydrates). Meals should be well balanced and include foods from each group, such as vegetables, fruits, meat, poultry, fish, bread, grains and dairy products. Fried food is harmful to health and should be limited to consumption. Such food causes indigestion, heartburn, and is reflected in weight. Do not consume: fatty and fried foods; foods with excess sugar. Avoid: overeat during suhoor; drinking too much during suhoor (because of this, the mineral salts necessary to maintain tone during the day are excreted from the body). Eat during Suhoor: complex carbohydrates so that food is absorbed longer and you do not feel hungry during the day; dates are an excellent source of sugar, fiber, carbohydrates, potassium and magnesium; almonds - a source of proteins and fibrous matter with a low fat content; bananas are a source of potassium, magnesium and carbohydrates. Drink: As much water and juices as possible between Iftar and sleep to maintain normal fluid levels in the body.

Possible Health Problems Constipation: Constipation can cause hemorrhoids, painful cracks in the anus, and digestive problems with bloating. Causes of constipation: Eating too much refined foods, not drinking enough fluids and fiber Treatment: Cutting back on refined foods. increase your fluid intake, when baking bread products, use bran and wholemeal flour when baking pies.

Indigestion and (intestinal) gas: Causes: overeating, consuming large quantities of fried, fatty, spicy foods, as well as foods that cause flatulence (intestinal gas), such as eggs, cabbage, lentils, carbonated drinks, such as cola Treatment: do not overeat, drink fruit juices or whatever even better, distilled drinking water. Do not eat fried foods, add ajmor to gas-causing foods Lethargy (low blood pressure): Excessive sweating, lethargy, tiredness, lack of energy, dizziness (especially when standing up), pallor, feeling weak are symptoms associated with low blood pressure. They usually occur in the middle of the day. Causes: Inadequate fluid and salt intake Treatment: Avoid excessive heat, increase fluid and salt intake.

Uraza (Fasting)

Ramadan - month of fasting

Observance of the fast in the month of Ramadan is one of the main duties established for us by Allah. "O you who have believed! Fasting is prescribed for you, just as it was prescribed for those who came before you - perhaps you will be God-fearing." (2: 183)

Allah Almighty made it a duty of Muslims to observe fasting in the second year of the Hijra. In order to fulfill this duty, we, every day for the entire month the night before, until dawn the next day, take the intention (for the next day) in the name of Allah from dawn to full sunset not to eat, drink and not give vent to our passions, so as not to break the fast.

(You need to start fasting from dawn. Many people unknowingly fast from sunrise - this is not true, be careful!)

Intention first. Intending to fulfill the will of the Almighty, we hope for the blessings of Allah. It is this intention that fundamentally distinguishes fasting from diet. Fasting is one of the main forms of worship. One of the most powerful ways. If, when performing namaz, we use small segments of the day, then for fasting we use the entire daylight hours entirely. The companion of the Prophet of Allah Abu Umam three times in a row appealed to Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, with the words: "Messenger of Allah, give me some serious matter on the path of Allah." To which the messenger replied three times in a row: "You need to fast. Because in the form of worship there is no equal to fasting." Abu Umama was so imbued with these words of the prophet that after that, smoke from the hearth never appeared over his house in the daylight. Only guests will come.

Fasting Muslims receive many useful things. Most importantly, fasting is the reason for the forgiveness of sins. Allah Almighty obliged us to fast to make it easier to overcome our passions. With satiety, the possibility of spiritual growth decreases. With an empty stomach, some kind of glow emanates from the whole organism. The heart is cleansed of "rust", spiritual dirt disappears. With spiritual cleansing, a person is more deeply aware of his mistakes and it is easier for him to be in a state of pleading for the forgiveness of his sins. Prophet Muhammad (meib) said: "Past sins will be forgiven to those who intend to fast, believing with a sincere feeling in the obligation of fasting and hoping for the goodness of the Almighty." The hadith is quoted by Muslim and Bukhari.

Just as the Zakyaat we give to poor Muslims cleanses us, so fasting cleanses from our sins. We can say that fasting is the zakat of our body. The hadith cited by Muslim says: "Sins committed between two prayers are forgiven with another prayer; sins that are not forgiven with an ordinary prayer are forgiven with another Friday prayer; more serious sins, not forgiven this time, are forgiven during fasting in month of Ramadan ". However, major sins must be avoided.

People are, in a way, like angels. For example, both of them have intelligence. For this reason, people, like angels, are obliged to worship Allah. On the other hand, people have a lot in common with the animal world. Just like creatures have sex, eat, drink and have other natural needs. And, if people think only about food, only fill their stomachs, then in this case spirituality disappears, a person, moving away from the likeness of angels, approaches the likeness of animals.

Fasting is also the reason for Allah's acceptance of our dua (prayers). As you know, angels do not eat or drink. The fasting person, limiting himself in the intake of food and water, approaches the spirit of the angels and receives spiritual strength. In this state, his prayers are accepted faster, because passion is subdued, the soul is freer and more sincere from this prayer. Words spoken in this state have a higher level. Prayer in the evening, after the end of the day's fast, is especially powerful. It is said in the hadith: "Pray in the evening, at the end of the fast, your prayer will not be rejected."

One of the blessings of Allah to the fasting person is to open the road to Paradise and close it to Hell. As soon as a person, with the help of fasting, gains the upper hand over his passions, a pleasant light Paradise breeze will blow on him. From this gentle breeze, the fires of Hell will calm down and the gates will close. The hadith that has come down to us from Nasai and Bayhaqi says: "The holy month of Ramadan has come to you. Allah Almighty has prescribed you to fast in this month. In the month of Ramadan, the gates of heaven open and the gates of Hell are closed, satanic forces are connected. This month is night. Shot. This night of predestination is more important than a thousand others. Deprived of the goodness of this night (who does not fast) may completely lose the blessing of Allah. " For those who keep fasting to enter Paradise, there is a special gate - Ryyan, and others cannot enter this gate. It is said in the hadith: "All things have their own Zakyat (form of purification), while Zakyat of the body is fasting. Fasting is half of patience." And further: "Fast, Allah will give you health." Fasting is self-control, not just an empty stomach.

Fasting is worshiping Allah with all parts of your body, your entire body. In conclusion, let us turn your attention to the hadith cited by Bukhari and Abu Dawud: "Allah does not oblige him to fast who is deceitful and unscrupulous in his deeds."

The month of Ramadan is a time of spiritual cleansing and perfection of Muslims. Almighty Allah in the Holy Quran says: "O believers, fasting is obligatory for you, as it was obligatory for those that came before you, so that you were God-fearing."

The Islamic calendar is tied to the lunar cycle, so the beginning and end of fasting in the month of Ramadan fall on different dates each year. In 2019, Ramadan will begin at dawn on May 5, immediately after the morning prayer, and will end on the evening of June 3, after the evening prayer. Thus, the duration of fasting in 2019 will be exactly 30 days.

According to tradition, Muslims utter words of intent for fasting in the month of Ramadan. The following hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) testifies to the obligation of intention: "Acts are accepted and evaluated according to their intention ..." (Saheeh al-Bukhari, No. 1; Saheeh Muslim, No. 1907).

How is the fast of Ramadan observed?

There are many precepts that Muslims should follow during this holy month. From dawn to dusk, believers should not eat or drink, and they should also refrain from marital intimacy.

These bans are lifted only at night. During this period, it is possible to include in the diet halal products that do not contain parts of pork carcasses, and the slaughter of animals should be carried out in accordance with the prescriptions of Islam.

It is believed that the administration of drugs by injections (injections), donating blood and bloodletting (hijama), taking a full bath, taking a shower, staying in a bath for a short time, inhaling incense, and also some other actions of fasting do not break.

Fasting (Uraza) may not be observed only by sick and elderly people, travelers, children, nursing and pregnant women.

Elderly and terminally ill people should be given alms sufficient to feed one person for each missed day of fasting. The rest of the believers need to subsequently make up for all the missing days of fasting.

Why are such restrictions introduced? Restriction in food, sexual abstinence contribute to the liberation of believers from the domination of animal needs, allow them to indulge in reflections on spiritual values.

Compliance with all the precepts helps people better control their thoughts, emotions and actions, change their habits, and also strengthen their faith and become spiritually richer.

Please note that if a person observes only dietary restrictions, but his deeds and thoughts are impure and not pleasing to God, then fasting is considered invalid, for "Allah does not need to abstain from eating and drinking the one who has not left a lie."

During the entire fast, believers are prohibited from smoking; you cannot lie, slander anyone, conflict with people and use foul language. But the main thing at this time is spiritual development: Muslims need not only to abstain from sins, but to do as many good deeds as possible.

Before starting a fast, certain rules must be followed. According to tradition, on the eve of Ramadan, believers need to get up before sunset, take a bath and eat; at the same time, the menu includes, as a rule, high-calorie, that is, hearty food.

How is niyat pronounced for fasting Ramadan?

The month of Ramadan should begin with the words of intention for fasting, which are not necessary for Muslims, but it is advisable to say out loud. If the believer has not announced his intention, then abstinence in food, which he will adhere to, will not count as fasting in the name of Allah.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The fast of one who does not determine it [with a heartfelt intention] until the morning dawn is invalid."

So, it is with the niyat, performed first of all in the heart, that the morning of the first day of fasting should begin. Also, the words of intention should be pronounced separately for each subsequent day of fasting - in the evening or in the morning before dawn, before the time of morning prayer, otherwise the fast will be considered invalid, because one intention for the whole month for all fasts is not enough.

How to read intention correctly in Ramadan?

You have to say whether this intention is simply keeping the precepts of the fast or making up for a fast that was skipped earlier.

Words of intent might sound like this:
"Navaytu an asuma savma shahri Ramadaan min al-fajri ilal-magribi haalisan lillayahi taikoyala."

Niyat for fasting Ramadan in Russian:
"I set out to keep the fast of the month of Ramadan from dawn to sunset sincerely for the sake of Allah Almighty."

Let's say a few words about the regime and diet these days. Breakfast should end half an hour before dawn. This meal, called suhoor, can include fruits or dairy products on the menu.

After eating, the obligatory morning prayer follows - Fajra. The next meal takes place after the evening maghreb prayer. It is believed that at this time it is best to include dates in the diet.

If any of the believers, before dawn, forgot to pronounce their intention for fasting Ramadan, then his fast on that day will not be considered observed. Yet Muslims should observe all necessary restrictions on this day out of respect for Ramadan.

For a desirable fast, it is enough to pronounce the intention before lunch, since it is not a condition for it to pronounce the intention at night.

If someone intends to make up for a previously missed fast of two months of Ramadan, then niyat should include the words "... a compensatory fast of Ramadan" - and that will be enough. At the same time, there is no need to indicate what kind of Ramadan fast you are reimbursing.

Also, the one who observes the fast of various kaffarats (atonement for committing a sin, including breaking the fast), can say "... observe the fast of kaffarat" without specifying which particular kaffarat.

Also, in addition to the usual five prayers, every night you need to perform an additional prayer provided only for this month, which is called taraweeh. It is believed that after the end of Ramadan, people are renewed and receive blessings from above if they perform all the prayers prescribed by Islam.

Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam on which faith in Allah is based. Keep in mind that during this period, both the rewards for good deeds and the punishment for bad deeds increase manifold.

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