Home Vegetables Features of circumcision among Muslims and why is this rite done in Islam? Features of the memorial table for Muslims: signs, customs, traditions, obligatory dishes. Who is online now

Features of circumcision among Muslims and why is this rite done in Islam? Features of the memorial table for Muslims: signs, customs, traditions, obligatory dishes. Who is online now

Have my son has a friend Ramish, he is Azerbaijani by nationality. The boys study in the same class, go to a chess school and a judo section together. Ramish's parents and I take turns picking them up in the evenings from the Children's Art House and from the sports school. Therefore, we can say that we are also already friends.

A little over a month ago, a member of their family, the younger brother of Murad, Ramish's father, died in an accident. He was still very young, not married and lived in their house. Therefore, the funeral, and then funeral it was Murad and his wife Sevda who arranged it. This is how I visited Muslims for the first time in my life. commemoration(I did not participate in the funeral itself, because according to Islamic canons, women, and even more so of other faiths, are prohibited).

The grief at the Vekilovs happened unexpectedly, but I still managed to find some information about how Muslim funeral ... I really didn’t want to be trapped because of my own wrong behavior. Still culture at us are quite different. And I have not regretted what I did it, otherwise I would have gone to trouble somewhere. For example, she could speak for table during a meal or do something else wrong. And by the forties, I had already read a lot of literature about Muslims and their attitude to death, how they spend their last journey and remember the deceased according to Sharia.

How Muslims Commemorate Their Dead

First of all, I realized that muslim memorialevents are in many ways similar to ours, Christian ones. After all, the reason in both cases is the same: the death of a loved one. And she evokes a feeling in muslim , and in the same Christian, too, one thing - grief. In addition, about All religions treat the departure of a person in the same way. Both claim that the life of the soul is eternal, what after death, the soul is responsible to the Almighty for the earthly deeds of a person, etc. Therefore, what the living do in the name of the departed (including commemoration), at representatives of Islam and Christianity differ not in principle, but only in a number of customs.

Indeed, I cannot say that the Islamic version of commemoration seemed very exotic to me. Much was the same as ours. At first, prayers were also read (only Muslim, of course). At the end, they also handed out to those who came memorial gifts (these were handkerchiefs and tea). What was new to me was whatthe women sat apart from the men, and during the ritual meal, everyone was silent. They started talking about the poor deceased Nazir only after they got up from behind table ... However, in general, Muslim memorial traditions have a lot of nuances. Some are explained by the requirements of Sharia, others follow from national customs. From my conversations with Sevda and from various books, I understood what in different places the canon is modified in its own way. Only a few remain unshakable regulations which none of Muslims dare not violate.

Everythingmuslimsbe sure to remember their dead

on the 3rd, 7th, 40th days after death and a year later. After that, it is necessary to visit the cemetery and remember the departed with prayer and alms every year on the day of death and on some Islamic holidays (Ramazan-Bayram, Uraza-Bayram, Kurban-Bayram and Navruz). At the same time, as I understood, neither the Holy Quran, nor any hadiths explain why the dead are commemorated on these days. Prophet Muhammad, on the contrary, said that remembering your dead, visiting their graves is good literally at any time. This is Sunnah (path, tradition). Apparently specific dates The commemoration was established according to some old customs, and after the Shariah they simply did not declare it a sin - haram.

Moreover, often muslims even increase the number memorial activities. For example, in many families after the death of a loved one keep the doors of the house open every Thursday until the 40th day. On this day, all those who come are treated to tea with sweets. Some peoples there is a rule "to burn a Thursday candle" during the entire first posthumous year. In the early 2000s, I visited Abkhazia at acquaintances and she herself was a participant in such weekly Thursday meetings in a neighbor's house. There they lit a candle for the soul of the deceased aunt of the owner of the family and covered it for her. table ... This the custom of feeding the deceased is very important for the Abkhaz. The fire was supposed to burn from sunset until 12 o'clock in the morning. During this time, almost all neighbors had time to drop by for tea and blue figs (my aunt loved him very much during her lifetime), and sometimes men came.

Some believers (mainly Shiites) have special commemorationorganized on the 52nd day after death. Counts, what this is the period of complete decomposition of the body, when the bones are freed from the flesh. This process is described as very difficult and painful for the deceased, therefore the deceased must be supported by joint prayer and meals. Azerbaijanis also adhere to a similar custom. On the 52nd day (as well as on the 1st and 3rd), it is customary for them to apply for table halva and other sweets. And neighbors and acquaintances are served the same halva wrapped in thin lavash.

What are theregulations commemorationaccording to Sharia?

  1. First of all, we must remember what according to canon 3 days in the house of the deceased in general you cannot eat any food. This attitude was probably associated with the call to pray for the deceased as much as possible and think about him. After all, it is with pious memories and prayers that the posthumous fate of a loved one can be alleviated. And worries about how to feed someone only distract from the spiritual.
  2. To the house where death took place the family must call all relatives... Those, in turn, can refuse to participate in the funeral and commemoration only as a last resort.
  3. An important rule is considered expressing condolences to the family members of the deceased, it is required by the Qur'an. But you cannot condole on the same death twice.
  4. Be sure to go to the house on funeral you need to try to invite the imam. He will preach a sermon, give the necessary instructions.
  5. Equally important is reading the Quran. This can be done by the imam, and in his absence - the eldest man in the family. Surah Yasin, which is sometimes called the heart of the Qur'an, is usually recited first. It helps in all difficult circumstances, relieves hearts and transforms difficulties.
  6. Memorialthe meal should be modest. Dishes are preferable to the usual, from those that are typical for everyday table ... Sumptuous food is considered haram (sin).
  7. Men and women should not only remember the deceased for different tablesbut in general in different rooms.
  8. For a memorial meal you can't talk.
  9. After the commemoration it is required to offer prayers to the Almighty for the soul of the deceased, recall departed human kind words.
  10. In addition to reward in word and food, according to the canon, it follows in the name of the deceased distribute sadaka (go hayer)- alms. Previously, she was gifted to the poor and the poor, and part of the funds and things were due to the imam and the mosque. Now the sadaka is given in a circle to everyone sitting behind table , and also pass it on to absent relatives and neighbors.
  11. Can't be organized funeral at the expense of the deceased or at borrowed money.
  12. At the commemoration you can't cry, and even more so to lament or somehow still strongly express grief. After all, death is for muslim - this is a manifestation of the will of Allah and even a kind of joy. It allows the faithful to ascend to the Almighty.

As I said, Sharia is Sharia, however, national subtleties and customs of the organization exist everywhere. commemoration ... They are especially strong at peoples in whose culture Islam is closely intertwined with ancient pagan beliefs. This can be said, for example, about some ethnic groups in our Caucasus. But even in the primordially Muslim countries, you can find all sorts of their own peculiarities of seeing off the soul to the Gardens of Allah.

Here in Turkey,
for example, funeral food is spent only after 40 days after death and even in years. In some regions of the country, six months are celebrated instead of the anniversary. Memorial food is usually extremely scarce. Nut halva is considered a must-have dish., and sometimes nothing is served besides her. But in Turkish villages it is still considered correct to cook pilaf as well. But in the same Azerbaijan on funeral so much is prepared that the half-eaten food afterwards has to be distributed to everyone. And themselves memorial days are pretty ruining the families of the dead, so what even the country's authorities want to legally prohibit crowded and abundant commemoration.


in different Muslim countries (and even in areas of these countries) it is rarely the same. But there are also dishes that are considered obligatory almost everywhere. For example, almost always to Islamic funeral prepare various kinds of sweets. As they say, in order for the deceased to be sweet to live with the Almighty. Usually with this dessert and tea commemoration always and begin. In most cases, it is served hot, mainly broth with homemade noodles(without potatoes). Counts, what the steam from such a soup helps the soul to ascend to Heaven.

All meat, NS it must be halal, that is, allowed by the canon. It is made from chicken, beef, lamb, but by no means from pork. Meat dishes usually vary from place to place. This can be dolma, goulash, fried chicken, and so on. In many places on funeral pilaf is prepared from meat or with dried fruits, sweet. Are not prohibited and various cereals, fish dishes and all kinds of seafood. All this is washed down with water with honey, juices, mineral water. But of course, in no way alcohol! It is strictly prohibited by Sharia.

By the way, I also learned about what nowadays many cafes and restaurants offer clients the organization of Muslim commemoration with strict adherence to all due canons. For such events, only those products are purchased, the halal nature of which is confirmed by special certificates. And they are usually cooked by chefs Muslims.

National customs

organization commemoration are also not the same. For example, in the same Turkey, women and men gather and stay in different rooms all the time. In Azerbaijan, they just sit at their tables - male and female. And in the countries of Central Asia, women, men and children often commemorate everything together. For such mass events, even in the courtyards of apartment buildings, special structures are provided in the form of stone perimeters, over which an awning is easily stretched. People gather there. Pilaf and tandoor cakes for funeral feast can be prepared here in cauldrons and ovens. While all this is ripening, tea and halva are taken out of the house, with which the meal begins. After refreshments and prayers, everyone goes to the cemetery.

In Azerbaijan to all participants commemoration necessary wash your hands with rose water. It is believed that this procedure will help the soul of the deceased get to Paradise. This is also facilitated by a special memorial meal, which is served in some parts of the country - semeni. These are sprouted grains of wheat, symbolizing rebirth, immortality.

The most unusual commemoration for yourselfI saw in Abkhazia. True, only from the outside, she herself was not on them. I was just visiting my friends when at their nearest neighbors son died. So I watched everything that happened directly from the gazebo in the courtyard of my owners.

These commemorations held on the 3rd day after the funeral are considered at Abkhazians are not too crowded. For 40s and anniversaries, usually from 250 to 500 people gather. At that time, I very approximately counted about 95. They said what there could have been more, but the situation there is delicate. The guy's body was brought from the Russian zone for criminals, where he ended up because of drugs. And before he thundered there, he quarreled with many in Gudauty (it was there). From here, there were so few people, mostly close relatives and neighbors (community members), few friends.

For memorial tables the men made a large canopy, which they covered with tarpaulins, and knocked the countertops and benches out of the boards. Men, on the other hand, cooked hominy over a fire in huge cauldrons. Other fireplaces were built by women - for cooking boiled beans and chicken kharcho. And the girls were assigned to make a special Abkhazian snack from grated hazelnuts. The members of the community brought chickens for the hot meal. Each family was supposed to have at least 2 carcasses, and preferably more. They were also supposed to take adjika, tomatoes, fruits, pita bread, herbs and homemade cheese with them. So table gathered by the whole team. I was later told what it is customary to bring sacrificial animals to the fortieth hour. If a woman died, then sheep and heifers, and for men, rams and bulls. They are slaughtered and butchered with special spells, and the meat is cooked in communal cauldrons.

I have learned that in the room where the coffin with the body stood, a separate table for the deceased, mostly all sorts of sweets. Then, at the beginning of the meal, they were taken out to the newcomers. After that, it was possible to begin to commemorate the deceased with all other food. To my surprise, they did it all quite lively, even cheerfully. If I didn't know what the people gathered for a mournful occasion, then they would have decided that this is some kind of holiday. Smart children were running and playing around the canopy, boys and girls were obviously flirting with each other, women were gossiping and men were talking sedately. People talked with might and main and on various topics. Funeral clearly became a good collective rest for them.

Perhaps this general revival was partly due to the fact that in Abkhaz commemorationdrinking is not forbidden. Their muslims do not get too hung up on the prohibition of Islam to drink alcohol. Both dry wine and chacha were on the tables, although the family was just faithful. And for tables no one was silent, and toasts, too, as far as I could see, were being spoken. By the way, women also took part in the common meal, though not all of them. Most of them served food, clean glasses and plates, and carried away dirty and empty dishes. After the end of the event, they together removed everything from tables and sat down to drink coffee, and the men scattered around the neighborhood, visiting friends.

Young people gathered in a large vacant lot nearby and organized national dances. By the way, as I later found out, in all these entertaining moments in the Abkhaz commemoration there was nothing disrespectful to the deceased or his family. JustatAbkhazians compete in dances, horse races, horse riding and other things in honor of the departed - this is an ancient custom. After all, they did not cry at the Slavic feasts either, but they saw off the soul of the deceased with worthy gaiety.

Everything I saw, heard, read and thought about tells me one thing: we are not that different from each other. Our customs and beliefs rather prove that what people are very similar, no matter what religion they profess. This commonality becomes especially noticeable in their tragic moments. That's funeral true believers (even if you mean regulations Sharia) practically nothing, except for minor discrepancies, do not differ from the Christian ones, organized according to church canons. By the way, the departure from strict religious norms for both of them leads to the same excesses and unpleasant moments.

Wedding traditions in Islam have remained unchanged for many centuries. The Koran, the holy book of Muslims, says that creating a family is one of the main commandments of the Almighty. To this day, young men and women are in awe of the most important marriage ritual - the wedding ceremony.

The traditional Muslim wedding ceremony is called "nikah". In accordance with religious traditions, all believers go through this ceremony when concluding a family union, otherwise the marriage will be considered invalid. This means that cohabitation of spouses without a nikah, from the point of view of Islam, is illegal, and children will be born in sin.

In modern society, the fact of committing a nikah is confirmed by a document that has no legal force. Despite this, Muslims continue to sacredly honor and observe the custom of their ancestors.

Nikah is a ritual prescribed by the Sharia (a set of rules concerning the life of Muslims and based on the observance of the Koran). It symbolizes the sacred conclusion of marriage between a man and a woman. Its essence is not only in acquiring the right to legal family relations, cohabitation, life and the birth of children, but also in taking mutual obligations.

They are seriously preparing for the nikah. First of all, young people inform their parents about their intention to marry in order to receive their blessing. Future spouses, long before the wedding ceremony, discuss the most important moments of life together and their expectations from each other. So, a girl can warn her future husband that she intends to get an education, and only after that consider the issue of having children.

Muslims believe that all important issues, even the most intimate ones, are worth discussing before marriage. to get rid of unpleasant surprises in the future. Modern youth does not consider it immodest to come on their own nicknames with a marriage contract in their hands, which during the ceremony is read out in front of witnesses, in the presence of a clergyman.

Conditions for Nikakh

In Islam, there are clear rules and conditions for entering into a religious marriage:

  • nikah is solely by mutual consent of a man and a woman;
  • future spouses must be of marriageable age;
  • it is unacceptable that they be closely related;
  • the ceremony must be attended by a man from among the bride's closest relatives, who plays the role of guardian: father, brother or uncle. When this is not possible, other Muslim male adults are invited;
  • the ceremony always takes place in front of male witnesses from each of the future spouses;
  • the groom must pay the mahr (money as a wedding present) to the bride. The amount depends on her wishes. Modern Muslims often replace money with expensive jewelry, valuable property or real estate.

Interesting! According to Islamic tradition, mahr should not be excessive or too small.

The conditions for the conclusion of a nikah are in many ways similar to those that are customarily observed during secular registration of marriage. This suggests that they have passed the test of time and have repeatedly confirmed their worth.

The ideal wife for a Muslim

Muslim men are extremely responsible when choosing a future wife. For them it is important that the girl:

  • was healthy and pious;
  • received a highly moral upbringing;
  • well versed in matters of the Islamic religion.

It is desirable that she was still beautiful and rich. However, the faithful honor the Prophet's warnings that it is wrong to make a woman's physical attractiveness and the level of her prosperity the main criteria. The Prophet warned that external beauty can adversely affect the mental qualities in the future, and wealth can cause rebellion.

The criteria for choosing a future wife are based on the goals of creating a family, because marriage is concluded for:

  • creating a harmonious union of loving people;
  • birth and proper upbringing of children.

From this point of view, the parameters that Muslim men are guided by when choosing a life partner look quite logical.

Henna night

An Islamic woman has the right to marry more than once, but henna night happens only once., 1-2 days before the first Nikah. It symbolizes the separation of the girl from her stepfather's house and unmarried girlfriends, and also means the beginning of a new life in the status of a wife, a married lady. Essentially, henna night is a bachelorette party.

Traditionally, the gathered women sing sad songs, and the bride cries. It is generally accepted that the more tears are shed that night, the more successful and happy the upcoming marriage will be. In the old days, marriage really gave rise to sobbing, because a young woman was separated from her family for a long time (sometimes forever). She was worried about moving to the family of the groom, with whom she might even be unfamiliar.

Much has changed now. Brides are no longer sad, but frankly rejoice, sings and dances. Quite often “henna night” is held in a restaurant with cheerful music, held for the bride and her bridesmaids.

The traditional Muslim ritual opens with the “lighting of henna”. The groom's mother brings in a beautiful tray of henna and burning candles. This symbolizes the ardent mutual love of the future newlyweds. The event is attended by the bride's friends and relatives - smart, with beautiful hairstyles. The hero of the occasion, as expected, is dressed in a luxurious red dress, and her head is covered with an elegant red veil. Guests sing songs and dance.

The future mother-in-law puts a gold coin into the palm of her son's bride and clamps it tightly. At this moment, the girl must make a wish. The hand is painted with henna and a special red bag is put on it.

Then all the women present are decorated with patterns from a mixture of henna. An ornate pattern is usually applied to the hands. It is believed that this contributes to a happy marriage and a long family life. Unmarried young girls prefer a small ornament, often applying paint only to their fingertips - this way they emphasize their modesty and innocence. Older women and those who already have a family, richly paint palms, hands, and sometimes feet.

The nikakha rite can take place in any language. The main thing is that the groom, the bride and the witnesses understand the meaning of what is said and what is happening.

At the beginning of the ceremony, the mullah reads out a sermon:

  • the importance of the marriage union and the mutual responsibility of the spouses to each other;
  • about the importance of a decent upbringing of offspring.

Traditionally, a relative of the bride during the ceremony asks her consent to the marriage. At the same time, the bride's silence does not mean that she objects. Spiritual traditions admit that being a virgin, the future wife may simply be ashamed to express her “yes” out loud.

If a woman does not want to marry, no one has the right to force her to do so. This applies to both relatives and the groom himself or representatives of the clergy. Forcing marriage is considered a great sin in Islam. When the bride and groom express mutual consent, the imam or mullah announces that the marriage has been concluded. After that, excerpts from the Koran are read and prayers are offered for the happiness and well-being of the young family.

Important! In accordance with spiritual tradition, it is recommended to end nikah with a holiday, to which many guests are invited and abundant treats are served.

Weddings for Muslims are not just a beautiful custom. In accordance with the will of the Prophet, men who are able and willing to marry must do so. Opportunity includes:

  • normal physical and mental health;
  • awareness of moral responsibility for the family and the willingness to accept it;
  • the required level of material security;
  • literacy in matters of religion.

It is not without reason that Muslims believe that adherence to these rules is a sine qua non for happiness and harmony in marriage.

Nikah with a Christian

Islam does not prohibit Muslim men from marrying Christians and Jews. At the same time, a woman is not obliged to change her faith, and forcing her to do this is considered a sin. However, it is advisable that in the future, family members adhere to the same religion. This will allow you to avoid many disagreements in living together, including in matters of raising children.

Nikah with a girl of a different faith is carried out in compliance with all traditions, but at the same time there is a number of features:

  • Muslims must be witnesses on the part of the bride, since the presence of representatives of other religions during the ceremony is unacceptable;
  • the girl must be dressed in accordance with Islamic rules;
  • when performing nikah, the bride utters a special prayer - shahadah - and receives a second (Muslim) name.

Interesting! Islamic women are only allowed to marry Muslims. They can create a family with representatives of other confessions only if the future husband converts to Islam.

Rite in the mosque

It is advisable to schedule the wedding ceremony on a Friday evening. Usually Muslims perform nikah a few days before the secular marriage registration procedure.


It all starts with the fact that each of the future spouses, while still at home, completely washes the body and puts on solemn outfits. At the same time, it is long, closed and not tight-fitting, and the headdress (veil or scarf) completely covers the hair. For this reason, Muslim brides are spared the need to spend long hours at the hairdresser's on the eve of the ceremony.

As for the groom's suit, modern men do not attach special importance to it, often choosing the usual "two". Recently, there has been a tendency to order a special frock coat, under which classic trousers and shoes are selected.

In the parental home, prayer is offered, the young ask and receive the blessing of the father and mother, after which the bride and groom, each accompanied by their parents, go to the ceremony. Traditionally, the nikakha ceremony takes place in the mosque, but it is not forbidden to get married at home, where a representative of the clergy is specially invited.


The ceremony begins with a sermon delivered by a mullah or imam.


  • followed by prayers for the happiness and well-being of the new family;
  • makhr is voiced, which the girl often receives right there;
  • the groom prays for the good for the future wife and her protection from evil forces.

Having received mutual consent from the newlyweds, the mullah announces the marriage, after which the spouses exchange wedding rings. At the end of the ceremony, they are given a special certificate.


Important! In accordance with the rules of Sharia, Muslim wedding rings must be only silver, without precious stones. For men, this condition is mandatory today, but women are allowed gold.

Jewelry firms offer a variety of wedding rings for nikah, the main decoration of which are words and phrases praising Allah. They can be inscribed on both the inner and outer surface of the decoration. Small, “modest” diamonds sparkle on women's rings more and more often.

Muslim banquet

After the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds and their guests go to a festive dinner. Wedding tables are served in a rich and varied manner. To create a special atmosphere of celebration, musicians are invited to the event. People are having fun and dancing with all their hearts.

It is allowed to invite friends and relatives to the wedding banquet, regardless of religion. Before the start of the feast, the guests give gifts to the newlyweds. Mostly money, special gold coins and expensive jewelry are presented as gifts.

According to Muslim tradition, there should be no alcohol or pork on the table. But sweets, fruits, juices and popular sodas are welcome. At the end of the festive dinner, the newly-made husband and wife leave for home.

Useful video

Regardless of religion, it is a sacred ceremony that gives a husband and wife a church blessing for a happy family life, the birth of children. How the Muslim wedding is going in the video:


Muslims hold sacred customs. The modern nikakha ritual may differ among the Turks and Arabs, Adygs and Tajiks, representatives of other peoples and nationalities. But it remains unchanged that this ceremony is considered almost the most important in the life of every Muslim, because it gives rise to a new and happy family life.

what is the name of prayer among Muslims

What is the name of Muslim prayer

In chapter Religion, Faith to the question What is the name of the Muslim prayer worn around the neck? given by the author Maxim Urumov the best answer is Generally it is shirk. It's a sin to wear that. I had one. It was very curious and I opened it. There is a surah from the Koran inside, but I only recognized the verse of Al-Kursi. Then she was still small. And now they generally cheat: they just stick 2 prayers on both sides and that's it) but earlier it was in the form of a booklet. But in Islam, these types of "amulets" are prohibited - prayer should be in the heart.

No way for the faithful to make or wear amulets and talismans). You understand paganism).

Small, written idol.

there seems to be not just a prayer, but a small Koran that they wear ... I heard something like that.

This is called "Tumar". This is a talisman that is written personally to this person. If lost. Then you can make a new one. You just need to go to the mosque.

And they hang them on the keys, to the cars in the salons). Broad believers). Oh shirk).

In general, this is shirk. It's a sin to wear that. I had one. It was very curious and I opened it. There is a surah from the Koran inside, but I only recognized the verse of Al-Kursi. Then she was still small. And now they generally cheat: they just stick 2 prayers on both sides and that's it)

The main prayers of Muslims

The doctrine of Islam is based on some aspects according to which there is an Orthodox Muslim. There are only five such aspects (about them a little later), and every person who has accepted the teachings of Muslims is obliged to adhere to them. Many Muslim prayers are also dedicated to them.

The main concept of Islam is the commandments that call to honor Allah and worship him as the only and almighty. And the last prophet Muhammad gives the correct instructions to the believer on how to strictly observe them. Surahs from the Koran - help to the faithful, there he can find the answer to any of his questions. The reward for the work of the believer will be presented by paradise, which is also described in detail by Islam.

Muslim prayers: types and rules

Many people know that Islam is hung up on five pillars: shahad (the testimony of Allah), namaz (an obligatory prayer of Muslims), zakat (donation), saum (observance of the holy fast of Ramadan) and hajj (pilgrimage to holy Mecca). And a devout Muslim is simply obliged to adhere to the fulfillment of each of these pillars. And if the faithful perform Shahadah or Hajj only once in their lives, prayer must be observed every day to the fullest extent of the prescriptions.

Islamic namaz is called a daily obligatory five-fold prayer, which is recited by every devout Muslim at a certain time of the day in a mosque or at home. The ceremony can be performed both in a team and independently.

During namaz, the believer reads suras from the Koran and dua.

They can have a different purpose, for example, to protect the believer from the machinations of the shaitans, or simply to praise Allah.

Before each prayer, the believer performs a series of unswerving actions, namely, washing his face, hands and feet, cleansing the place of prayer, clothes, thoughts and soul.

All Muslim prayers always begin with the call "Azan", which foreshadows every legitimate Muslim that the time has come for prayer. When Islamic prayer is performed, believers pray on a special prayer rug with a qibla facing the Kaaba and Mecca. All major prayers are performed exclusively in Arabic.

As the Muslim custom shows, the fivefold daily Islamic prayer was established by the merciful Allah before the great Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven. He embodied the main sign of faith and the main condition for the success of a Muslim.

If a devout Muslim willfully and unjustifiably ignore namaz, he will be severely punished, since this is a fundamental and immutable principle of Islam.

Only after correctly reading the five-fold prayer of Muslims, a person has the right to enter into direct communication with God, renewing his will with Him.

Because of this, the Quran has a certain prayer cycle, which includes the prayers "al-Subh" (morning), "al-Zuhr" (midday), "al-Asr" (evening), "al-Maghrib" (evening ) and "al-Isha" (night).

All of these prayers are recited in accordance with a specific time of day.

For all devout Muslims, prayer is very significant, and the fivefold prayer is deeply revered by all who represent Islam and its movements throughout the world. Every five-fold prayer bequeathed by the Muslim Koran itself is deeply honored by all followers of Islam.

It is very important for all Muslims to read Muslim prayers correctly. Communication with Allah should give a person courage and lead him to a righteous life. Prayer Islam is one of the five foundations of Islam, therefore it is extremely important to read prayers in Tatar or Arabic.

It is necessary to pray in a clean space, this also applies to the purity of the body and clothing. Therefore, every time before the prayer reading, both in Russian and in Arabic, perform the ritual of ablution. The body should be covered appropriately. In men, nudity in Islam is represented by nakedness of the body from the navel to the knees, and in women the whole body, except for the face and palms.

This sacred mosque is the main shrine of Muslims around the world.

Always choose the right time for prayer. And offer every prayer at the right time. A certain short time is allotted for the reading of each of the prayers, which is determined by the position of the sun. In terms of time, reciting namaz from beginning to end does not take more than ten minutes. And these five daily prayers are called Fadj, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha.

Muslim prayers: comments

Comments - 2,

Every self-respecting Muslim observes namaz every day wherever he is. Not every city has mosques, but this is not a hindrance to a true believer. In Russia, many companies meet halfway to Muslims, giving them the opportunity to freely perform namaz.

I believe that it is very correct to cleanse the body, soul and thoughts before prayer. This makes it possible to open up before the Almighty and appear before him as you are.

Why 2.2 billion Christians do not require special attention when praying in the army, on trips. Do not show off, faith is inside everyone.

Muslim prayers

Muslim prayers are the foundation of every believer's life. With their help, any believer maintains contact with the Almighty. The Muslim tradition provides not only obligatory five-fold daily prayers, but also personal appeals to God at any time, through the recitation of dua. For a pious Muslim, praying in both joy and sorrow is a characteristic feature of a righteous life. No matter what difficulties a believer faces, he knows that Allah always remembers him and will protect him if he prays to him and glorifies the Almighty.

The Quran is the holy book of the Muslim people

The Koran is the main book in the Muslim religion, it is the basis of the Muslim faith. The name of the holy book comes from the Arabic word "reading aloud", it can also be translated as "edification". Muslims are very sensitive to the Quran and believe that the holy book is the direct speech of Allah, and it has existed forever. According to the law of Islam, the Koran can only be taken into clean hands.

The faithful believe that the Quran was written by Muhammad's disciples from the words of the prophet himself. And the transmission of the Koran to believers was carried out through the angel Jabrail. Muhammad received his first revelation when he was 40 years old. After that, for 23 years, he received other revelations at different times and in different places. The latter was received by him in the year of his death. All suras were written down by the companions of the prophet, but for the first time they were collected together after the death of Muhammad - during the reign of the first caliph Abu Bakr.

For some time, Muslims have used separate suras to pray to Allah. Only after Osman became the third caliph, he ordered to systematize separate records and create a single book (644-656). All the suras collected together made up the canonical text of the holy book, which has survived unchanged to this day. The systematization was carried out in the first place, according to the records of the satellite of Muhammad - Zayed. According to legend, it was in this order that the prophet bequeathed the suras to use.

Every Muslim should pray five times during the day:

  • Morning prayer is performed from dawn to sunrise;
  • The midday prayer is performed during the period when the sun is at its zenith until the moment when the length of the shadows reaches their height;
  • The evening prayer is read from the moment when the length of the shadows reaches their height until sunset;
  • Prayer at sunset is performed from sunset to the moment when the evening dawn goes out;
  • Prayers at dusk are read between evening and dawn.

This five-fold prayer is called namaz. In addition, there are other prayers in the Quran that the faithful can recite at any time as needed. Islam offers prayers for all occasions. For example, Muslims often use prayer to repent of sins. Special prayers are read before eating and when leaving or entering the house.

The Quran consists of 114 chapters, which are revelations from God and are called suras. Each surah includes separate short sayings that reveal an aspect of divine wisdom - ayah. There are 6500 of them in the Qur'an. The second sura is the longest, it has 286 verses. On average, each individual verse contains from 1 to 68 words.

Suras are very diverse in meaning. There are biblical stories, mythological plots and descriptions of certain historical events. The Koran pays great attention to the foundations of Islamic law.

For ease of reading, the holy book is divided as follows:

  • Thirty parts of approximately the same size - juz;
  • Sixty smaller units are Hizb.

To simplify the reading of the Qur'an during the week, there is also a conditional division into seven manazil.

The Koran, as a sacred scripture of one of the most significant world religions, contains advice and instructions necessary for a believer. The Quran allows everyone to communicate directly with God. But despite this, people sometimes forget what they should do and how they should live correctly. Therefore, the Qur'an prescribes obedience to divine laws and the will of God himself.

How to read Muslim prayers correctly

It is recommended to perform namaz in a place specially designated for prayer. But this condition must be met only if there is such a possibility. Men and women pray separately. If this is not possible, then the woman should not say prayer words out loud so as not to distract the man.

A prerequisite for prayer is ritual purity, therefore, before prayer, ablution is required. The person praying should be dressed in clean clothes and face the Muslim shrine of the Kaaba. He must have a sincere intention to pray.

Muslim prayer is performed on your knees on a special rug. It is in Islam that much attention is paid to the visual design of the prayer. For example, while pronouncing sacred words, the feet should be held so that the socks are not pointed in different directions. The arms should be crossed over the chest. It is necessary to bow so that the legs do not bend, and the feet remain standing straight.

Bowing to the ground should be done as follows:

  • Get on your knees;
  • Bend over;
  • Kiss the floor;
  • Freeze for a certain time in this position.

Any prayer - an appeal to Allah, should sound confident. But at the same time, it should be understood that the solution of all your problems depends on God.

Muslim prayers can only be used by the faithful. But if you need to pray for a Muslim, then you can do it with the help of Orthodox prayer. But it should be remembered that this can only be done at home.

But even in this case, it is necessary to add the words at the end of the prayer:

You need to perform namaz only in Arabic, but all other prayers are allowed to be read in translation.

Below is an example of performing the morning prayer in Arabic and translated into Russian:

  • The praying person turns towards Mecca and begins the prayer with the words: "Allahu Akbar", which in translation means: "Allah is the Greatest." This phrase is called "takbir". After that, the prayer folds his hands on his chest, while the right hand should be on top of the left.
  • Further, the Arabic words “A'uzqu3 billaḣi mina-sshaitani-rrajim” are pronounced, which means “I appeal to Allah for protection from the damned shaitan”.
  • Then the surah "Al-Fatiha" is read:

You should know that if any Muslim prayer is read in Russian, then you definitely need to delve into the meaning of the phrases being spoken. It is very useful to listen to audio recordings of Muslim prayers in the original, downloading them for free from the Internet. This will help you learn how to pronounce prayers correctly with the right intonation.

Variants of Arabic prayers

In the Quran, Allah says to the faithful: "Call to Me with dua - and I will help you." Dua means "supplication" in translation. And this way is one of the types of worship of Allah. With the help of dua, the faithful appeal to Allah and turn to God with certain requests, both for themselves and for their loved ones. For any Muslim, dua is considered a very powerful weapon. But at the same time, it is very important that any prayer comes from the heart.

Dua from damage and evil eye

Islam completely denies magic, so witchcraft is considered a sin. Dua from damage and evil eye is perhaps the only way to protect yourself from negativity. It is necessary to read such appeals to Allah at night, from midnight to dawn.

The best place to turn to Allah with dua from corruption and evil eye is the desert. But, it is clear that this is not a prerequisite. This is generally accepted, because in such a place the believer can absolutely retire and no one and nothing will interfere with communication with God. For reading dua from damage and the evil eye, a separate room in the house is quite suitable, into which no one will enter.

An important condition: this type of dua should only be read if you are sure that you are negatively affected. If you are haunted by minor failures, then you should not pay attention to them, since they can be sent to you from heaven, as retribution for any wrongdoing.

The evil eye and corruption will help to overcome effective dua:

  • The first surah of the Qur'an, Al-Fatih, consisting of 7 verses;
  • 112 surah of the Koran Al-Ihlas, consisting of 4 verses;
  • 113 surahs of the Koran Al-Falyak, consisting of 5 verses;
  • 114 surah of the Quran An-Nas.

Conditions for reading dua from damage and the evil eye:

  • The text must be read in the original language;
  • You should hold the Koran in your hands during the action;
  • During prayer, you need to be in a sound and sober mind, in no case, before you start praying, do not drink alcohol;
  • Thoughts during the prayer ritual should be pure, and the attitude should be positive. You need to give up the desire to take revenge on your offenders;
  • It is impossible to change the places of the above-mentioned suras;
  • It is necessary to carry out the ritual of getting rid of spoilage at night during the week.

The first surah is revealing. It glorifies God:

The text of the prayer reads as follows:

Surah "Al-Ikhlyas" talks about human sincerity, eternity, as well as the power and superiority of Allah over everything on a sinful earth.

112 surah of the Qur'an Al-Ikhlas:

The words of the dua are as follows:

In surah Al-Falyak, the believer asks Allah to bestow the dawn on the whole world, which will be salvation from everything dashing. Prayer words help to get rid of all negativity and drive out evil spirits.

113 surahs of the Quran Al-Falyak:

The words of the prayer are:

Surah "An-Nas" contains prayer words for all people. Saying them, the believer begs for protection from Allah for himself and his relatives.

114 surah of the Quran An-Nas:

The words of the prayer are as follows:

Dua for home cleansing

In the life of every person, the house takes a significant place. Therefore, housing always needs reliable protection at all levels. There are certain suras in the Quran that will allow you to do this.

The Quran contains a very powerful universal prayer-amulet from the Prophet Muhammad, which must be recited in the morning and evening every day. It can be conditionally considered a preventive measure, since it will protect the believer and his house from shaitans and other evil spirits.

Listening to dua for cleansing at home:

In Arabic, the prayer is as follows:

In translation, this prayer sounds like this:

The strongest for protecting the house is considered to be ayah 255 "Al-Kursi" of the surah "Al-Bakara". His text has a deep meaning with a mystical orientation. In this verse, in accessible words, the Lord tells people about Himself, he points out that He cannot be compared with anything, and with anyone in the world he created. Reading this verse, a person reflects on its meaning and comprehends its meaning. When pronouncing the prayer words, the believer's heart is filled with sincere conviction and faith that Allah will help him resist the evil machinations of Satan and protect his home.

The words of the prayer are as follows:

Translation into Russian sounds like this:

Muslim prayer for good luck

The Quran contains a lot of suras that are used as prayers for good luck. They can be used every day. In this way, you can protect yourself from all kinds of everyday troubles. There is a sign that you should cover your mouth during a yawn. Otherwise, the shaitan can penetrate you and begin to harm you. In addition, one should remember the advice of the Prophet Muhammad - in order for adversity to bypass a person, you need to keep your own body in ritual purity. It is believed that a pure person is protected by an Angel and asks for mercy from Allah.

Before reading the next prayer, it is imperative to carry out a ritual ablution.

The text of the prayer in Arabic reads as follows:

This prayer will help you cope with any difficulties and bring good luck into the life of the believer.

Its text, translated into Russian, reads as follows:

You can choose suras from the Koran according to their content, listening to your own intuition. It is important to pray in full concentration, realizing that the will of Allah must be obeyed.

A Muslim wedding is a unique and colorful celebration filled with beautiful traditions and customs. Of course, each country has its own characteristics of the wedding, but there are common features that are characteristic of all Muslims. The portal Svadebka.ws will tell you about them.

A traditional Muslim wedding consists of the following stages:

Let's find out what Muslim newlyweds and their relatives do at each of these stages of the wedding.


Like many nationalities, Muslim weddings begin with matchmaking. Most often, modern guys get to know girls themselves, choosing a mate for themselves, and his family already approves or does not approve of this union. However, there are also families in which the mother or sister of a young man is looking for a bride. When the choice is made, the groom comes with his family members to get acquainted with the bride, presenting her gifts. 7 days after such a visit, the girl must agree to the marriage or refuse the guy, returning all the gifts to him.

If the bride answers in the affirmative, the groom's relatives visit her again. On this day, a married relative of the guy puts a ring on her ring finger, thereby showing that now this girl will soon become a wife. The bride's family is preparing a festive dinner, the main dish of which is the national shurpa.

After the matchmaking, representatives from each family are gathered to discuss the details of the wedding: from the date and place of its holding to the number of guests and the menu. According to the traditions and customs of Muslims, the groom's side pays for everything, as in the case of a Turkish wedding. Typically, such an event costs from $ 5,000, excluding gifts for the bride and her relatives. Therefore, although polygamy is allowed in Muslim countries, not all men decide on it, because you have to not only pay for the wedding, but also adequately support your wife and common children.

Newlyweds can see each other before the wedding only in the presence of other people. They cannot hold hands and touch each other, they can communicate, but only on important topics. The girl should be dressed in a closed dress so that the groom can see only her face and hands, judging by which the guy and his relatives add up their opinion about her appearance and health.

Henna night: Muslim traditions the day before the wedding

Before the wedding, according to Muslim customs, a bachelorette party is held, which is called "Night of Henna", during which beautiful henna patterns are applied to the bride's legs and arms, each of which has a symbolic meaning. This can only be done by a woman who is happily married. A correctly applied drawing promises the newlyweds happiness, peace and prosperity. Moreover, the longer the patterns on the bride's hands last, the better, because during this time she is freed from any household work.

The bride is dressed in a Muslim wedding dress, decorated with numerous ornaments and patterns, and her face is covered with a veil or a traditional headscarf, the hijab, is put on her head. Traditionally, a Muslim wedding dress should cover the girl's silhouette, shoulders, ears and forearms. Moreover, it does not have to be white, but on the contrary: in Muslim countries, wedding dresses are most often colored.

The bridesmaids sing sad Islamic songs, mourning her departure from her nest. The groom also spends a bachelor party with his friends on the night before the wedding, saying goodbye to his bachelorhood.

Rite of nikah - wedding for Muslims

An obligatory stage of the wedding celebration is the marriage ceremony in the mosque. Muslim weddings are called nikah. The imam or mullah conducts it, reading prayers, during which the young and all those present sit in silence, with their eyes lowered. It is important that a Muslim wedding can only be performed if the following conditions are met:

  • Newlyweds are not close relatives.
  • Marriage is not limited in time.
  • The consent of the bride and groom is required for marriage.
  • The marriage union is publicly announced.
  • The groom pays the mahr to the bride.
  • A wedding in Islam is impossible without the presence of at least two witnesses from a number of pious Muslims (two men or a man and two women).
  • During the ceremony, the bride's guardian (father, paternal uncle, brother), as well as the parents of both families, must be present in the mosque. If they fail, they must notify the mullah of this in advance of the wedding and give their consent to the marriage.

Nikah lasts about an hour. In conclusion, the newlyweds exchange rings, most often, not gold, but silver. Why is this metal used for the manufacture of wedding rings among Muslims? According to Islamic laws, a man cannot wear gold, thereby decorating himself, this is considered a sin. He must show his worth in a different way, so his wedding ring can only be made of silver or platinum. But a Muslim woman can wear jewelry made of gold, which her husband gives her in abundance during family life.

One of the most unusual wedding traditions is that during a Muslim wedding, the groom must announce the amount of the gift to the bride - makhra (jewelry, real estate, etc.), which he will have to pay to her during her life or in the event of a divorce. Thus, he shows that his intentions are serious.

At the end of the nikah, the young are given a certificate in which the names of the bride and groom are recorded, as well as the size of the marriage makhr.

In addition to the traditional wedding, which is held in the mosque, modern newlyweds still register their marriage with officials and even conclude a marriage contract that regulates the financial aspects of the family union in the event of a divorce.

How do Muslim weddings go? On a big scale! Traditionally, the banquet begins with a ceremony called "walim" - the setting of a festive table, which contains only halal products permitted by the norms of Islam. From the abundance of treats, your eyes just run up! The only thing that is prohibited at the celebrations is alcohol and pork dishes. But there are more than enough oriental sweets at the wedding! And the decor of the event itself is striking in luxury and showiness!

All relatives, neighbors and friends from among the pious are invited to the feast. In addition, unlike a wedding, you can invite friends of other faiths on a holiday. According to Muslim customs, men and women at a wedding should sit in separate rooms, but modern couples do not always adhere to this rule. Guests sing and dance a lot, so the Muslim celebration is fun and noisy!

The www.site portal told you about the traditions and customs of the Muslim wedding, in particular, what is the name of the wedding among Muslims and how it is carried out. Although now many newlyweds play celebrations in a modern way, the main ceremonies are strictly carried out, because they have great meaning for most Muslim couples! Therefore, when preparing an oriental-style wedding, if one of the newlyweds is an adherent of the Islamic religion, you should definitely take these points into account!

    In the modern world, there are many different religions that differ from each other in their content and have certain characteristics. The confessions of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism and Hinduism, Sikhism and Confucianism, Taoism, Jainism and Shintoism are the most popular. All religions have their own rules and customs.

    Some features of religions

    So, for example, Christianity - in Greek it means "anointed one", "messiah". It combines three areas: Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism. All of them are united by faith in a triune God, while Jesus Christ is presented as the God-man who saves the world. Religion is based on love for a person, mercy for suffering people. Christian teaching claims that this religion was not created by people, but given to human society as a ready, complete teaching.

    The Jewish national religion, Judaism, recognizes only one and the messiah (savior). The oldest teaching (1 millennium BC), which arose in Palestine, is based on the chosenness of the Jewish people. It rejects Jesus Christ.

    In the 5-6 centuries. BC NS. in India, a religion is emerging, which is aimed at striving to achieve the highest peace and bliss (nirvana) as a result of the rejection of all desires and moral perfection (in Buddhism), etc.

    One of the most widespread religions is Islam, which originated on the Arabian Peninsula (early 7th century BC).

    The essence of religion

    Islam (from Arabic - "monotheism") is a religion that recognizes one God. It is believed that before the appearance of people on earth, the Angels confessed it. All the Prophets sent by the Most High called to her and addressed all nations in different languages. The last scriptures are presented in Arabic, since the last Prophet was an Arab. Therefore, religious terms sound in Arabic (Islam is faith in God and his Prophets, Allah is the Arabic name of God, Muslim is a believer).

    The basic rule of Islam is belief in one God, the revealed Koran, as well as in the predestination of fate, life after death (resurrection), in hell for the “infidels” and prosperity in paradise for believers. Everything that happens in the life of a Muslim is created by God (good, evil, etc.).

    The essence of the rules

    The set of rules in Islam should be known to every adherent of religion. The manifestation of reverence, respect and devotion to Allah Almighty is carried out by citizens throughout their lives. The rules of life in Islam are the basis of life values ​​for Muslims. All their actions and actions, thoughts are aimed at getting as close as possible to God, to deserve prosperity in paradise with their pious life.

    There are rules in Islam. Five of them are obligatory for all Muslims. Each of them requires an inner spiritual dedication. Correct completion of each of the rules is required.


    Let's take a look at the golden rules of Islam:

    1. Belief in one God, recognition of the Prophet Muhammad, his mission (shahada).
    2. Daily prayers at a specific time: five times / day (namaz).
    3. Observance of the fast during the month - Ramadan (uraza).
    4. Pay regularly a religious tax (a tax for needy people, zakat).
    5. Walking to Mecca and Medina (pilgrimage, hajj).

    The sixth rule of Muslims in modern society can be noted jihad, which from the point of view of theology means waging a struggle with their own passions.

    Rules of behavior

    There are rules of conduct in Islam and certain norms in everyday life. Start every morning with prayer, greet each other when you meet, thank Allah for food, for work, etc. There are certain rules for eating, wearing clothes, and maintaining hygiene. Also, the Koran gives ethical standards of conduct in society, at work and at home. Fulfilling these prescriptions, Muslims try to be pious and as close as possible to God, who gives them heavenly life after death.

    Clothing rules

    The rules in Islam establish the observance of clothing requirements for both men and women. The fairer sex should not wear men's clothing. However, guys are not allowed to wear women's outfits. Images of animals on clothes of both sexes are also excluded.

    The conditions for the manufacture of things are negotiated: only permitted material is allowed. For men, clothes should be modest, of simple types of fabrics, without gold trimmings. Its beauty is expressed in its simplicity and restraint. Silk or collar trims are allowed. Gold jewelry, cufflinks, rings or chains are also not permitted.

    Both in men's and women's clothing, human qualities are displayed above all. She should not resemble the outfits of the "infidels". Wearing clothes is not a material requirement for them. This is gratitude to the Most High God for the fact that a Muslim realizes himself as his slave.

    Rules for women

    What are the rules for women in Islam? An important feature of the religion of Islam is modesty. Believers are humble, patient, and courageous. Remaining in the shadows, they lead their righteous lifestyle. Ready for compassion and generosity.

    The rules in Islam urge a woman to be modest, chaste, not to show herself off. Women's clothing should hide the sex appeal of its owner from prying eyes. Such women are forced to wear hijab. It is believed that this is how the nobility and femininity of Muslim women is manifested.

    The hijab carries a specific message of a woman's submission to divine will in all aspects of her life. She wants to be understood and appreciated for her beautiful deeds, kindness and modesty, lack of desire for luxury. Clothing should be loose and not transparent. At the same time, the choice of style, colors and taste preferences is not limited. The behavior of the girl should also be modest.

    The decency of a Muslim woman, who wears modest clothing that symbolizes femininity and conceals sexuality, is respected by men. A woman has no right to demand more from her husband than she needs for life. This also manifests itself in modesty. She must obey her man always and in everything. It is also the responsibility of a Muslim woman to preserve her husband's honor both at home and outside. Do not look out of the windows of the house unnecessarily, do not talk to neighbors in vain. A woman should try to do everything so that her husband is pleased with her.

    In addition to all of the above, Muslim women should constantly pray, maintain order in the house, etc. The husband and obligations to him should always come first. The spouse should always be smart and attractive to her husband, in clean clothes, in a good mood. Rejoice at his return. It is unacceptable to contradict and raise your voice to your husband. If he is wrong, then guide him on the true path calmly, using the power of persuasion, calling on Allah. Treat children with kindness and patience, pity them, do only good for everyone.

    Sexual relationship

    An important task in the issue of sexual relations in Islam is to maintain the chastity of both sexes. The rules in Islam prescribe to "take care of your members and dull your eyes" for both Muslim women and believing men. If a man cannot marry due to financial insolvency, then he should refrain from sexual relations. Fasting and prayer can help relieve stress in this situation.

    The most important prescription for marriage is the virginity of the bride-to-be. This does not mean that you cannot marry women who were previously married. The very concept of "virginity" has the meaning of morality. Women's honor and dignity are protected by the Koran. The rules require a woman to be treated with respect. Sexual relationships are part of family life. And only a legal husband has the right to have an intimate relationship with his wife. A woman has the same right in relation to her husband. If the marriage is polygamous, then all wives have equal rights to their husband.

    Relationship management principles

    The rules of religion in Islam establish principles for regulating relationships between the sexes and control the sexual behavior of all believers:

    1. It is forbidden for men and women to communicate freely for fun or for the pleasure of communicating in a heterosexual company. To limit contact between the sexes, special women's and men's departments have been established in schools, colleges, hospitals and public transport.
    2. It is allowed to meet publicly for people who can theoretically get married, if there is a professional or educational need, in which working moments are resolved. If a man has an intention to marry, then he can communicate with a woman.
    3. If communication happens, then both the woman and the man must observe decency in everything (in views, speeches, behavior).
    4. If a guy and a girl are not blood relatives, then they cannot be together in the same room.
    5. Muslim women should strip their sexy body shapes behind their clothes. An attractive woman should only be for her husband.

    Wedding night

    The first wedding night in Islam, the rules of which we will consider further, is a special moment in the life of newlyweds. Young in beautiful clothes, perfumed with incense. The groom makes a gift to his young wife, treats him to sweets and speaks heart to heart. Then it is necessary for both of them to perform 2 rak'ah prayers and ask Allah for a happy life, full of abundance and prosperity. At the same time, the young are a little distracted and calm down under the influence of prayer (it has a powerful effect). Then the man should spend delicately and tenderly all aspects of the first wedding night, since their further relationship will depend on it. If the bride gets scared, and she has an aversion to intimacy, this will lead to a deterioration in life together. After all, this is the first time she sees a man so close to her.

    The girl must undress herself. In this case, the lighting should be muted. At this moment, long-term caresses and love games are important. After that, the bride will calm down and relax, she will have excitement and desire. Then the man can get closer together and carry out the act of defloration. With a gentle and delicate attitude, defloration is painless. A rude, persistent attitude can cause the development of vaginismus - a spasm of the genitals. And normal sexual intercourse is impossible.

    In the modern world, where there are no remnants of the past, the result of first sexual intercourse, where the presence of blood stains on the sheet is mandatory, is not paraded. This is a confirmation of the bride's innocence. Indeed, according to the law of the Quran, marriage between a man and a woman is a sacred sacrament. Therefore, everything that happens between two people remains a mystery.

    Divorce in Islam: the rules

    In the first place for Muslims is strong marriage. But there are situations that can lead to divorce. First, the spouses are given time to reconcile. The most compelling reasons for divorce are the renunciation of Islam and the immoral and non-Islamic behavior of the spouse. If the period of reconciliation did not give positive results, then divorce is inevitable.

    During the period of waiting for the dissolution of the marriage, intimate intimacy with honey is not provided for by the spouses. According to old customs, a married couple was considered divorced after the word talak (Arabic for divorce) was pronounced three times. Children stay with their mother: boys up to 7-8 years old, and girls up to 13-15 years old. At the same time, the father is obliged to support them until they come of age.

    Fundamental Rules of Islamic Conduct

    There is a rather important custom among Muslims, which refers to the male half. Circumcision (sunnet) is a big celebration in the life of boys. It is carried out at an early age: from 3 to 7 years. It is believed that after circumcision, a boy becomes a man. Girls from birth are Muslim, if their dad is Muslim. Islam for Muslims is the greatest gift from the Almighty, which gives everyone the true faith.

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