Home Vegetables Patronymics in Ukrainian. Ukrainian names. History and meaning. Funny Ukrainian surnames

Patronymics in Ukrainian. Ukrainian names. History and meaning. Funny Ukrainian surnames

Ukrainian names belong to the group of East Slavic names, they are similar to Russian and Belarusian names.

The modern Ukrainian name book is divided into several groups:

Slavic names

Names from the Orthodox calendar (associated with religious tradition)

European names.

Ukrainian female names





















































Blast furnace



































































Mar "yana































































































Our new book "Name Energy"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Ukrainian names. Ukrainian female names


Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters use our name, our email addresses for their mailing lists, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they drag people into various magical forums and deceive (give advice and recommendations that can harm, or lure out money for magical rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

On our sites, we do not provide links to magical forums or sites of magical healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations by phone, we do not have time for this.

Note! We are not engaged in healing and magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in writing, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that on some sites they saw information that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander, not true. In all our lives, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our site, in the materials of the club, we always write that you need to be an honest decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The time has come when slander pays well. Now many are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to engage in slandering decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience, about faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, he will never engage in deceit, slander, and fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor, hungry for money. The police and other regulatory agencies are not yet able to cope with the increasing influx of "Cheat for profit" insanity.

So please be careful!

Sincerely, Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Ukrainian names are very common, not to mention family names. When Kievan Rus converted to Christianity, beautiful words began to emerge, which later became Ukrainian. The Christian church calendar says that it is the basis of all data. So what is the magic of the Ukrainian language?

Ukrainian names and surnames

The origin of Ukrainian surnames is a long story that goes back several centuries. There is one very curious fact: Ukrainian data came into use much earlier than Russian or English. The first surnames were with the suffix -enko-, which is now already known and even familiar. But few people know that this is one of the most ancient suffixes, which dates back to the 16th century.

Each word was given to people for a reason, it meant something. So, for example, the common surname Maistrenko has the translation “freedom”, i.e. someone in the family was not a serf, but had the right to be a master. An ethnic Ukrainian may belong to a group with a long history, due to the presence of some specific signs of the formation of a surname.


Ukrainian surnames for men depend on endings and suffixes - this is the most important indicator of construction. They were formed for a long time, based on the nicknames of people, their professions, appearance and region of residence, so they could receive them based on the specifics of their activities. Common alphabetical suffixes that play a major role in the formation of data are:

  • -eyk-;
  • -ko-;
  • -points-;
  • -nickname-;
  • -ar (ar) -;
  • -shin-;
  • -ba-.


Ukrainian surnames for women are formed in the same way as for men. Here the endings change a little, they have a declination, but only thanks to this it can be understood that we have a woman in front of us. Also, forms for girls do not exist for everyone. There is also data that does not change, i.e. suitable for both sexes at once. The examples of suffixes are the same as given above. But it is best to disassemble in a visual version.

  1. Pilipenko. It applies equally to both men and women.
  2. Serdyukov - by the mention in this case, it is clearly visible that this is a man. Serdyukov - the declension with the addition of the letter "a" can no longer be thought that this is the male sex. For a woman, this consonance is much more suitable.

Funny Ukrainian surnames

The dictionary of Ukrainian surnames is replete with unusual, funny data, which are even strange to consider as names. No, it's not about ridicule. It's just that they are really very funny, funny, few people will have the courage to give their child a similar name. Although, for Ukraine, such names are considered the best of all:

  • Ladle;
  • Golka;
  • Do not shoot;
  • Nedaikhleb;
  • Thinness;
  • chicken coop;
  • Fear;
  • Pipko the Possessed;
  • Cattle;
  • Kochmarik;
  • Grivul;
  • Gurragcha;
  • Surdul;
  • Bochard;
  • Zhovna.

The list is endless, there are not the most successful options that do not sound very aesthetically pleasing. But what to do, such is the Ukrainian language, and we must respect it.

Beautiful Ukrainian surnames

Beautiful Ukrainian surnames, the list of which is extensive. There is familiar data here that is often encountered. The data is really very interesting, well-known, and most importantly, consonant.

  • Tkachenko;
  • Stepanenko;
  • Plushenko;
  • Leshchenko;
  • Skripko;
  • Goncharenko;
  • Sobchak;
  • Tishchenko;
  • Vinnichenko;
  • Timoshenko;
  • Romaniuk;
  • Onishchenko;
  • Gouzenko.

Western Ukrainian

Western Ukrainian surnames are the owners of the suffix -iv-, it is found absolutely everywhere. For example, Illiv, Ivaniv, Ivantsiv. In general, in Western Ukraine there are not so many endings and suffixes, so the people limited themselves to the main additions to the data, without declension: -vich-, -ych-, -ovich-, -evich- and -ich-. That's all diversity. If the word ends in one of these suffixes, then it should immediately be determined that this is exclusively Western Ukraine. So, for example, here are a number of well-known names that refer to the Western Ukrainian addition system:

  • Mishkevich;
  • Koganovich;
  • Mrych;
  • Enukovich;
  • Gorbatsevich;
  • Krivich;
  • Bekonovich;
  • Vinich;
  • Stroganovich;
  • Strarovoitovich;
  • Gudzevich;
  • Bykovich;
  • Kpekych.


There are also a dozen - the most common Ukrainian surnames, which are not only found on every corner, but are also considered the most popular of all. A large number of famous people have real surnames of Ukrainian origin, for example, astronauts, politicians, etc. List of Ukrainian surnames:

  1. Strelbitsky.
  2. Kravets.
  3. Kravchenko.
  4. Koval.
  5. Kravchuk.
  6. Kovalchuk.
  7. Pridius.
  8. Butko.
  9. Khrushchev.
  10. Matvienko.

How Ukrainian surnames are inclined

Do Ukrainian surnames decline? In general, the male surname will always fit this rule. But there is also another weighty rule: non-Russian surnames that end in a consonant are necessarily inclined, and foreign data related to non-Slavic traditions ending in a vowel remain unchanged. The feminine side is not as flexible as there are some suffixes that just fall out. So, women have to walk all their lives with male data, but this does not upset them in any way, because in most cases these surnames are very concise and beautiful.


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FIRST NAME, patronymic name, cf. (colloquial). Personal name with patronymic. What is your first name? Call by name. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

name and patronymic Spelling Dictionary

name and patronymic- patronymic name, patronymic name ... Russian spelling dictionary

name and patronymic- (2 s), R. and / meni o / tchestva ... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

name and patronymic- and/my o/tchestvo, and/meni o/tchestvo, pl. names / o / patronymics, names of o / patronymics ... merged. Apart. Through a hyphen.

SURNAME, NAME, PATRONYMID OF THE DRIVER- 1. SURNAME, NAME, PATRONYMID OF THE DRIVER 2. Daily report 3. from to 200 Source ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

anthroponymic formula surname and then name-patronymic- (our dear Pletnev Mikhail Dmitrievich, etc.) has a slight official formal connotation (before the revolution, this formula was not used with this particular order of members, but developed in Soviet times). It is better to say (in a table speech, in ... ... Culture of speech communication: Ethics. Pragmatics. Psychology

NAME- (legal) assigned to a child when registering his birth. Includes only the first name or the first name, patronymic and surname in the aggregate ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

NAME (at registration)- NAME (legal), assigned to the child when registering his birth. Includes only the first name or the first name, patronymic and surname in the aggregate ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Surname- (in specialized literature also a patronymic) part of the generic name, which is assigned to the child by the name of the father. Variations of patronymic names can connect their carriers with more distant ancestors, grandfathers, great-grandfathers ... ... Wikipedia

Name (jurisprudence)- This article should be wikified. Please, format it according to the rules for formatting articles. This term has other meanings, see Name (meanings). Name sign, sl ... Wikipedia


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  • Name and horoscope, Khigir Boris. A person changes throughout his life. Only his name, patronymic and date of birth remain unchanged - a kind of code of life. The day when the child was born is unique in the arrangement of stars and planets ...


When translating texts from Russian into Ukrainian, they use transcription rules, that is, they most accurately reproduce the sound of a foreign word. The general translation rules are the same as in other languages: surnames and geographical names are not translated, their pronunciation is transmitted by Ukrainian graphics with the closest approximation to the sound in Russian.

The problem is the translation of Russian personal names into Ukrainian in official documents. People often ask about the legality of the translation of their own name. The transfer of personal names by Ukrainian correspondences is caused by the proximity of the Slavic languages. With such a translation, the name itself retains its meaning, which is the main goal.

Transliteration of personal names into Ukrainian

The established system of transcription of personal names into Ukrainian is still relevant. Transliteration, that is, the transfer of the letters of the name by the letters of the language into which the translation is being made, is not currently used in the case of Russian names.

The use of transliteration of names and surnames of famous Russian personalities (for example: Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin instead of the correct Volodymyr Volodymyrovich Putin), according to the rules of Ukrainian spelling, is regarded as a gross error.

Names of foreign origin such as John, Elton, Christopher and others are translated according to their sound.

Translation of names into Ukrainian

The established practice of selecting Ukrainian correspondences to Russian names is perceived by some people as a violation of the right to national self-determination and disrespect for the language. Foreign names are given as a sample, for example, Michael or Jean, which do not change in translation. At the same time, the Russian name Elena is replaced by the Ukrainian counterpart of Olena, and the Russian name Nikolai is replaced by the Ukrainian Mikola. However, the translation of names from Russian into Ukrainian has its own clear and understandable rules.

Such borrowed Christian names as Elena, Peter, Nikolai, etc. are widespread among the Slavs. Originally from Byzantium, they were originally used in their native or Old Slavonic form. Over time, each Slavic people received their own individual sound design with their own variants, which led to a difference in the spelling of these names. So the name of the name "Russian" or "Ukrainian" in this sense is conditional. The common origins of the Christian names of the Slavs lead to the fact that Nikolay, Peter realize that their names correspond to the Ukrainian Mykola, Petro, etc.

Therefore, traditionally all modern names common in Ukraine and Russia are translated into their correspondences.

In order to correctly reproduce personal names from Russian into Ukrainian, you should use special reference books - translation dictionaries of names.

Transcription from Russian into Ukrainian

Ukrainian transcription is designed to more accurately match sounds and letters when translating.

Three principles of practical transcription:

  1. the most accurate approximation of the translation to the original in sound;
  2. the closest correspondence of the translation to the original in terms of spelling;
  3. observance of established historical traditions in writing.

Ukrainian alphabet with transcription

The Ukrainian alphabet includes 33 letters. There are no Russians in it: “ё”, “ъ”, “ы”, “е”, but there are letters: “ґ”, “є”, “i”, “ї” and an apostrophe. Missing letters are replaced by Ukrainian letters or letter combinations similar in sound to Russian ones.

Ukrainian alphabet with transcription:

Basic rules for translating sounds into Ukrainian

The general rules for transcription from Russian into Ukrainian are described in the collection "Ukrainian spelling" approved by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 2015. The following paragraphs are of interest: §104 "Phonetic spelling rules for Slavic surnames", §109 "Geographical names of Slavic and other countries".

There are the following general rules for the translation of titles and proper names:

Russian letter



Applies under the condition

Russian sound [e]

after consonants

Lena, Mechislav, Neva

at the beginning of words

Egor, Evdokim, Yerevan

in the middle of words after a vowel

Basaev, Gundyaev

after consonants with separate pronunciation (for example, a soft sign)


when the Russian [e] in related Ukrainian roots answers "i"

Peshkov, Repin, Stoletov

in suffixes "-єв", "-єєв" after consonants (with the exception of hissing, "g" and "c")

Lazarev, Fadeev, Alfeev

Russian letter "ё"

at the beginning of a word, after vowels and after labial consonants

Vorobyov, Muravyov, Isayovich

after soft consonants

Vassov, Miss Dezhnova

after hissing under stress

Barkhachov, Khrushchev, Rogachovo

Russian sound [and]

at the beginning of words

Іsambaev, Іpatov, Igor, Іrtish

after consonants, except for hissing and "c"

Ganin, Moshkin

after vowels

with separate pronunciation

Zakhar'yn, Mar'ino

after hissing and "c"

Chichikov, Pushchin, Nizhyn

if a related word in Ukrainian has "and"

Kiselov, Kislovodsk, Lipetsk

in prefixes

Prishvin, Privalov, Primor'ya

in suffixes: "-ich", "-in", "-ik"

Golik, Kotelnikov, Gnidich

Russian sound [s]

Solzhenitsyn, Chernishevsky

Russian letter "b"

in suffixes "-sk", "-ck", "-zk":

Kerensky, Dostoyevsky, Kursk

after soft consonants at the end of words and before a consonant

Gogol, Gomel, Koltsov

after soft consonants, before "e" "I", "yu", "ї"

Tretyakov, Ilyushin

after labial, posterior lingual and "r" before "i", "u", "є", "ї"

Luk'yanov, Grigor'ev

Difficulties in translating geographical names

Another difficulty is the translation of the names of settlements and streets. For example: "the city of Nikolaev, Pobedy Avenue" in Ukrainian sounds like "the city of Mykolaiv, Peremohy Avenue." In this case, there is a well-established name of the city with a national phonetic form, and the street is translated from a closely related language according to its Ukrainian meaning. One-word names in the form of an adjective are transmitted using transcription, for example: Station Pregradna. According to these rules, other geographical names are also translated, with an eye to dictionaries and reference books. And what about the new names?

The recent renaming of the city of Dnepropetrovsk has baffled many. Philologists are divided. Some insisted that the name of the city was not translated from Ukrainian and was obliged to keep the sound as "Dnipro", because in English it is written "Dnipro". But the specialists of the Institute of the Ukrainian Language at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine explained that the correct translation into Russian would be "Dnipro". Only if the rules are changed at the legislative level, Dnipro will turn into Dnipro.

  1. Search for an established name: reference books, dictionaries.
  2. If not, then a direct translation of the name or part of it from dictionaries, or transcription, is applied.
  3. If not, then transliteration is used.

You can combine methods 2 and 3 if the name consists of several parts, for example: Northern Bug - Pivnichny Bug.


1. Here you will find almost 400 modern Ukrainian male names

(the table shows Russian passport names and their direct Ukrainian counterparts, as well as names for baptism in accordance with the calendar of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate, abbreviated as the UOC-KP).

2. Here you will also find information about the popularity of newborn names in Ukraine in 2018-2019(a note is given next to each name: Top 15, Top 30, Top 100 or ""very rare name"").

3. The materials in this section are based on official data from three profileinstitutions of Ukraine: Institute of Linguistics named after O.O. Potebnya of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Department of State Registration (Ukrderzhreestr) under the Ministry of Justice (as well as territorial departments of the registry office / DRACS); Publishing Department of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate // Institute of Education named after Oleksandr Opanasovich Potebnya of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; State Registration Department (Ukrderzhreєstr) - a detailed list of books, articles, documents and references is at the end of the section.

This page of the site contains about 400 Ukrainian male names, the most known to us from life, fiction and history. The list is large, but not all names from it can be found in today's newborns.According to the regional registry office / DRATS of Ukraine, only 100-120 male names are in active use.

The most popular names today are divided into three groups: Top 15 (this group includes the 15 most popular names among newborn boys throughout Ukraine), Top 30 (names that are in 16-30 places in the popularity rating, that is, names "included in the top thirty" popularity rating) and Top 100 (occupying 31-100 places, that is, names "included in the top hundred" of popular names among boys in Ukraine).

The remaining 300 names are classified as rare or very rare. "Rare names" are quite lively names, which, although not very often, are regularly registered in the registry offices / DRATS of Ukraine. BUT "very rare" names- these are names that have gone out of active use (if during the period from 2014 to 2016, not a single newborn with this name was registered by the registry offices / DRATSs throughout Ukraine, then we will consider it "very rare").

[ names from A to I ] , [ names from K to Z ]

Russian name

(passport forms)


Ukrainian names

(passport forms)


in Ukraine

in 2018-2019

church name

according to the calendar of the UOC-KP

(baptismal name)

Abacum, Avvakum Abacus u m, Awaku m very rare Avakum
Abram (see Abram) abr a m very rare
Abraham, Abraham
Abrosim (see Ambrose)
August, Augustine A August, Augusti very rare Augustine
Avdey Avd i th; less often - Ovdi rare Avdiy
Abel A vel rare Abel
avenir Aven i p rare Avenir
Averky Ov e rkіy; less often - Ove rko and Aver rkіy very rare Averky
Averyan (see Valerian) Over" i n, aver "i n very rare Valerian
Auxentius (see Axentius)
Avram, Abraham, Abraham Avr a m, Ovra m, Avraa m Avr a m, Avraa m - rare names; Ovra m - very rare Abraham, Abraham
Agap, Agapius Ag a pij very rare Agapy
Agathon Agaf o n, Agap o n very rare Agathon
Aggai, Agay Og і th, ogе th very rare Haggai
Adam Hell a m Hell a m - Top 100 Adam
Adrian Adri a n rare Adrian
Azar, Azariy Az a riy, Aza r rare Azaria
Akim Ak i m; less often - Yaki m Ak i m - Top 100; Yaki m - very rare Joachim
Akinf, Akinfy Ak i nf, Akі nfіy, Yaki nf very rare Iakinf, Iakinf
Aksenty, Aksen Oks e ntіy, Ovkse n, Okse n very rare Auxentius
Alexander Oleks and ndr, Ole s, Le s Oleks and ndr - Top 15; Ole s - Top 100; Les - very rare Oleksandr
Alexei Oleks i th Oleks і th - Top 30 Oleksiy
Alfer, Alferius Olef i p very rare Elefferij
Albert Alb e rt Alb e rt - Top 100 / borrowed name
Albin Alb i n very rare / borrowed name
Alfred Alfr e e very rare / borrowed name
Ambrose (see Abrosim) Amvr o sіy, Ambro sіy very rare Ambrose
Anastas, Anastas Anast a s, Anasta siy, Nasta s very rare Anastasiy
Anatoly Anat oh liy very rare Anatoly
Andrei Andr i th Andr і th - Top 15 Andriy
Andrian, Andrian (see Adrian) Andri a n, Andriya n very rare Adrian
Andronicus, Andron Andr oh nick, andro n very rare Andronicus
Anikey, Anikiy He and cuy; less often Ani kіy very rare John
Anisim (see Onesimus) He and sim, oni sko very rare Onisius
Antip Ant and n very rare Antipas
Anton, Anthony Ant is he; Antі n and Anto nіy Ant o n - Top 100 Anthony
Antonin Anton i n very rare Antonin
Anufry (see Onufry) He oh priy, onu priy very rare Onufry
Apollinaris Apollon a riy very rare Apollinary
Apollo, Apollonius Apollo o n, Apollonius Apollo about n - rare; Apollonius - very rare Apollo, Apollonius
Arephius, Aretha Or e fiy, Ore fa very rare arefa
Arian Ari a n rare arian
Aristarch Arist a rx, Aristarchus rare Aristarch
Arkady Ark a diy rare Arkady
Arnold arn oh ice rare / borrowed name
aron Ar o n, Aaro n rare Aronos
Arseny, Arsenty, Arsen Ars e n; less often - Arseny; even less often - Arse ntіy Ars e n i Arseny - Top 30 Arseniy
Artamon Artem is he rare Artemon
Artem, Artemy Art eat; less often - Artemiy Art e m - Top 15; Artemiy - Top 100 Artema, Artemiy
Arthur Art y r Art y r - Top 100 / borrowed name
Arkhip Arch and n Arch and n - Top 100 Arkhip
Asya os and I very rare Osiya
Askold Ask oh ice rare // name of the Kyiv prince
Astafius (see Eustathius)
Athanasius Pan a s, Opana s, Tana s, Afana siy Pan a s, Afana siy - rare; Opana s, Tana s - very rare Athanasius
Athenogen Afinog e n very rare Afinogen
African Africa a n very rare African
Bazhen Bage e n, Bazha n rare // common Slavic name
Benedict (see Benedict) Bened and ct very rare Benedict
Bernard Berne a rd very rare / borrowed name
Bogdan, Dan Bogd a n, yes n Bogd a n - Top 15; Yes n - Top 100 Theodotus
Bogolep Bogol i p very rare Theoprepius
Bogumil, Boguslav Bohum and l, Bogusla in rare // common Slavic names
Boleslav Bolesl and in rare // common Slavic name
Bonifat, Bonifatius Bonif а tіy, Vonіfa tіy very rare Bonifatiy
Boris, Borislav Bor and s, Borisla in rare Boris
Boromir Borom and p rare // common Slavic name
Bronislav Bronisl and in rare // common Slavic name
Budimir wake up and p very rare // common Slavic name
Vavila, Vavila wav and lo, wavi l very rare Vavila
Vadim In hell them In hell and m - Top 30 Vadim
Valentine Valens and n rare Valentine
Valerian, Valerian Valeri a n, Valer "i n Valeri a n - rare; Valerie "I n - very rare Valerian
Valery Shaft e riy rare Valery
Valdemar (see Vladimir) Waldem a r very rare / borrowed name
Varlaam, Varlam Varl a m rare Varlaam
Barsanuphius, Varsonof Warson oh fiy very rare Barsanuphius
Bartholomew Barthol і th, Bartholomew th Barthol і й - rare; Bartholomew - very rare Bartholomew
Vasiliy You and le; rarely - Vasily You and le - Top 100; Vasily - rare Vasily
Benedict Wend and ct, Benedy ct very rare Benedict
Benjamin Veniam i n Veniam i n - Top 100 Veniamin
Veroslav Virosl and in very rare // common Slavic name
Vincent Vik e ntіy very rare Vikentiy
Victor AT and ctor rare Victor
Vikul, Vikula Wack at la very rare Vukol
Wil, Wil AT i l very rare Vil
William Vilg e lm very rare / borrowed name
Vissarion Vіssari is he rare Vissarion
Vitaly Vit a liy Vit a liy - Top 100 Vitaliy
Vitold, Vitovt Vit oh ice very rare / borrowed name
Vladimir Volod and peace Volod and world - Top 30 Volodymyr
Vladislav Vladisl a in; very rare - Volodisla in Vladisl a c - Top 15 Vladislav
Vlas, Vlasiy Vl a c; rarely - Ula s, Vla siy Vl a c - Top 100; rarely - Ula s, Vla siy Vlasiy
Vlastimil power and l rare // common Slavic name
Volodar Volod a r rare // common Slavic name
Vsevolod Sun e volod Sun e volod - Top 100 Vsevolod
Vseslav Vsesl and in very rare // common Slavic name
Vyacheslav, Vatslav In "cells a c, Vaclav In "cells and c - Top 100 In "yacheslav
Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel Le Havre and lo, Gavri ї l, Gabrielle Le Havre and lo, Gavri ї l, Gabriel l - there are all options, though rarely Gabriel
Galaction Galaxy is he very rare Galaction
Gennady Genn a diy rare Gennady
Henry G e nrіh rare / borrowed name
George Ge about rіy rare George
Gerasim Geras and m, Garasi m very rare Gerasim
Hermann G e rman G e rman - Top 100 Hermann
Hermogenes Hermog e n very rare Ermogen
Gleb Ch i b; rarely - Gle b Ch i b - Top 100 Glib
Gordey proud i th proud і th - Top 100 Proud
Gregory Grieg o riy; rarely - Grigo r, Gri gir Grieg o riy and Grigo r - rare names; Gri gir - very rare Gregory
Gury, Guryan G at riy very rare Gury
Gustav (see August) Gust and in very rare Augustine
David, David dove and d dove and d - Top 30 David
Dalim i r, Dalemi r Dalim and r, Dalim і R rare name // common Slavic name
Damir ladies i p ladies i p - Top 100 // international name (Ukrainians, Tatars, ...)
Dan (see Bogdan)
Daniel, Daniel, Daniel Dan and lo, Daniї l, Danіe l, Dani l Dan i lo and daniї l - Top 15 (Danilo a little more often than Daniї l); Denmark - Top 30; Dani l - rare Daniel
Danislav Danisl and in Danisl and c - Top 100 // common Slavic name
Darimir, Daromir, Daroslav We give and r, Daromi r, Darosla v very rare // common Slavic names
Darius D a riy D a riy - Top 100 // name gaining popularity
Dementy Dem e ntіy very rare Dometij, Dometian
Demid Dem and d; obsolete form - Diom and d Dem and e - Top 100 Diomide
Demyan Dem" I n, Damia n Dem" I n and Damia n - Top 100 Damian
Denis Den and with Den and c - Top 15 Dionysius
Acts De i n rare // common Slavic name
Dionysius (see Denis) Dion and this rare Dionysius
Dmitry Dmitry about ; rarely - Dmi triy, Dmi triy, Dimi triy Dmitry o - Top 15 (the forms Dmi triy, Dmi triy and Dimi triy are rare) Dimitri
Dobromir, Dobromysl, Dobroslav, Dobrynya Good and r, Dobromi sl, Dobrosla in, Dobrinya rare names // common Slavic names
Dominic Domin i k Domin i k - Top 100 Dominin
Donat Don a t very rare Donat
Dorotheus Dorof і th, To rosh Dorof і й - rare, Do rosh - very rare Dorotheus
Evgeny Єvg e nіy, Єvge n; equally often Єvg e niy and Єvge n - Top 30 Evgeniy
Evdokim Єvdok them very rare Evdokim
Yevsey, Yevsey Oats і th, Єvse viy Єvs е вій - rare, Овсі й - very rare Yevsevy
Evstafiy, Astafiy, Astakh Єvst a xіy, Єvsta fіy (colloquial forms: One hundred xіy, One hundred x), Osta p very rare names Eustafiy, Eustochіy
Evstigney Єvstign i th very rare Єvsignіy
Eustrat, Eustratius Єvstr a t very rare European
Evtikhy, Evtey Єvt and xii very rare Euthic
Egor, Egor Єg o r Єg o r - Top 30 George
Elizar, Eleazar Yeliz a r, Єlіz a r, Єleaza r Yeliz a r and Єliza r - rare names, Єleaza r - very rare Eleazar
Elisha Elis her; less often - Elise th Elis e y and Elise y - Top 100 Elisha
Emelyan mistletoe i n very rare Emilian
Epifan Єpіf a n very rare Epiphanius
Eremey Yerem i y, Veremi y, Yare ma Yar e ma - Top 100; Yeremi y - a rare name; Veremiy - very rare Jeremiah
Ermila, Ermil erm and l very rare Yermil
Ermolai, Ermol Yermol a th very rare Yermolai
Erofei Yerof i y, Єrofe y (colloquial Yarosh) very rare Yerofey
Efim, Efim yuh and m, Єfi m Єf and m - Top 100; rarely - Єfim, Єvfimіy; yuhi m not dating Euphemia
Ephraim Ocher i m, Єfre m very rare Ephraim
Zhdan Railway a n Railway a n - Top 100 // common Slavic name
Zakhar, Zachary Zach a r, Zakhary Zach a r, Zakha riy - Top 100 Zecharia
Zeno Zen is he very rare Zenon, Zinon, Zina
Sigmund W and gmund very rare / borrowed name
Zinovy Zin oh viy very rare Zіnovіy
Zlatomir gold and p rare
// common Slavic name
Zoreslav Zoresl and in rare // common Slavic name
Zoryan, Zaryan Zor i n Zor i n - Top 100 // common Slavic name
Zosima, Zosima W about sim very rare Zosima
Ivan IV a n IV a n - Top 15 John
Ignatius, Ignatius Ign a t, Ign a ty, gn a t Ign a t - Top 100; Ign a ty, gn a t - very rare Ignaty
Igor І mountains І mountains - Top 100 Igor
Jerome Iron і m very rare ЄRONIM
Izmail, Izmaila, Izmailo Izma ї l very rare Ismail
Izosim (see Zosim, Zosima) W about Sim very rare Zosima
Izot Іz about t very rare Zotik
Ilarius, Ilar Іl a riy rare Ilariy
Hilarion, Hilarion Ilari about n Ilari about n - Top 100 Ilarion
Ilya Ill I Ill I- Top 15 Іllya
Innocent Іnok e ntіy very rare Inokentij
John (see Ivan) Io a nn (occurs as a passport name) Io a nn - Top 100 John
Job, Job І about c, j about in І about c - rare; Y about c - very rare Job
And she І about on, y about on the very rare Iona
Jonathan (Jonathan) Yonath a n, Ionat a n Jonathan, Jonathan - rare Jonathan (Jonathan), biblical name
Joseph Y about sip, Y about sif, O vulture Y about sip, Y about sif, Joseph - rare; O vulture - very rare Joseph
Ipat, Ipatiy Ip a t, Ip a tiy very rare Ipatiy
Hippolyte Іpol and t very rare Ipolit
Heraclius Ір a adhesive very rare Іrakliy
Isaiah Іс a th very rare Isaiah
Isak, Isaac, Isaki Іс a to very rare Isaak, Isaac, Isaac
Isidore (see Sidor) With and dir very rare Isidore

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