Home Vegetables You can take food at any time. What foods can be eaten at any time and in any quantity? Sweets and flour products for weight loss

You can take food at any time. What foods can be eaten at any time and in any quantity? Sweets and flour products for weight loss

All foods contain calories, but there are some foods that you can enjoy as much as you like without worrying about the possibility of gaining weight. For the most part, these are starch-free fruits and vegetables that are safe for the figure for three reasons:

  • consist mainly of water;
  • low-calorie;
  • contain dietary fiber that makes you feel full.

These fruits do not have too much protein, but they are full of vitamins, antioxidants and other beneficial nutrients.

So, here are 14 foods that you can eat without restrictions.


The health benefits of blackberries are many and varied. Like many other berries, it is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants known as bioflavonoids. In addition, eating blackberries improves digestion and focus, improves tissue elasticity, making the skin look younger. One serving of blackberries contains about 62 kcal.


Blueberries contain more antioxidants than any other fruit. In addition, a glass of blueberries contains 14% of the daily dietary fiber and only about 85 kcal.


Broccoli is most healthy raw or steamed. This super vegetable contains sulforaphane, an anti-carcinogen that destroys cancer-causing chemicals. In addition to vitamins A, C, E and K, one serving of steamed broccoli contains approximately 20% of the daily value of dietary fiber and only 31 kcal.

Cantaloupe (cantaloupe)

Cantaloupe contains more beta-carotene than many other similar fruits. In one glass of such a melon, there will be more than 100% of the daily value of vitamins A and C, as well as potassium and only 55 kcal.


It's hard to imagine, but this pale vegetable is a source of folate, fiber, and vitamins C and K. Cauliflower contains antioxidants and phytochemicals that help fight chronic diseases. 25 kcal per serving.

Celery stalks

Celery is almost 95% water, but the remaining 5% contains potassium, folate, fiber and 30% of the daily value of vitamin K. And only 6 kcal per serving. However, celery should be eaten fresh. Within 5-7 days, it loses its beneficial properties.


Consisting mostly of water, this vegetable contains only 16 kcal per serving. The main nutrients (dietary fiber and beta-carotene) are concentrated in the skin and seeds, so it is better not to peel cucumbers.

nutmeg melon

Nutmeg contains natural sugar, as well as vitamin C and copper, which are essential for skin health. The calorie content of melon is also low - about 64 Kcal per serving.

curly cabbage

A cup of this plant contains about 33 kcal, but at the same time almost three grams of protein and 2.5 grams of dietary fiber. It is one of the relatively few foods containing omega-3 fatty acids. Like other types of salads, kale is rich in vitamins and folate.


Studies have shown that eating grapefruit promotes weight loss, making it considered a dietary staple. Grapefruit is rich in dietary fiber, which helps you feel full longer and stabilizes your blood sugar levels. Half a grapefruit has about 50 calories.


One serving of strawberries contains more vitamin C than an orange. In addition, strawberries are literally bursting with polyphenols, which are antioxidants. Strawberries are rich in potassium and fiber, which is good for the heart. A glass of berries contains about 50 kcal.


Tomatoes are popular due to their content of lycopene, a carotenoid that helps in the fight against many serious diseases, as well as giving the fruits their bright color. In addition to lycopene, tomatoes are rich in vitamins A, C, B2, as well as folate, chromium, potassium and fiber. One medium-sized tomato contains about 25 kcal.

There are no foods that have absolutely no calories, but there are those that you can eat without any fear. As a rule, these are fruits or vegetables without starch. If you eat them, you won't gain weight because they are water, low in calories, and have enough fiber to keep you full. These foods do not contain a lot of protein, but they do contain vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutrients. Check out these products!


You will get the most antioxidants if you eat fresh celery. At 95% it consists of water, but this does not mean that it is not useful. Celery contains potassium, folic acid, fiber and a third of the daily intake of vitamin K. Calories are not to be feared - there are only six of them in a serving. If you store celery for a long time, it loses its beneficial properties, so it is best to consume it as soon as possible after purchase.

cabbage kale

Kale is a product that contains healthy omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, such cabbage has few calories, almost three grams of protein and two and a half grams of fiber. Omega-3 acids make cabbage extremely useful.


Blueberries have more antioxidants than any other berry. This is what makes it so useful. In addition, one cup of berries contains 14% of the recommended daily fiber and only eighty-five calories!


Most of the nutritional value of a cucumber comes from the peel and seeds. The rest of the cucumber consists of water and contains only sixteen calories. The peel and seeds contain fiber and vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene, which is good for the eyes. Add cucumbers to salads and sandwiches, eat them just like that - they bring only benefits and no extra weight!


Tomatoes are widely known for their lycopene content, a substance that helps fight chronic disease and provides a red color. In addition to lycopene, tomatoes contain vitamins A, C, B 2, as well as folic acid, chromium, potassium and fiber. For one medium tomato - only twenty-five calories!


Grapefruit has long been known as a weight loss fruit. Studies have shown that the use of this product stimulates weight loss. This is because grapefruits are high in fiber. So they provide a feeling of satiety. Vitamin C helps reduce the likelihood of developing many diseases.


Broccoli contains sulforaphane, an anti-cancer substance. Plus, vitamins A, C, E, and K, plus 20 percent of your daily fiber per serving—and only 31 calories!


Melons are rich in beta-carotene, which is good for the eyes. In addition, one serving of melon guarantees you the daily requirement of potassium, vitamins A and C. Water makes up ninety percent of the melon, so there are only fifty-five calories per serving.


Cauliflower is an incredibly versatile and nutritious vegetable. It contains antioxidants that help fight chronic diseases. This product is also an excellent source of folic acid, fiber, vitamins C and K. One serving contains about twenty-five calories.


Blackberries are extremely beneficial for health. These berries are rich in vitamin C and bioflavonoids. Among other things, eating blackberries can help digestion and alertness, and the skin will look younger. One serving contains about sixty-two calories.


Greens have very few calories, but a huge amount of vitamins, iron and folic acid. Make green salads more often to improve your health.


Everyone knows that oranges are high in vitamin C, but this fruit has other benefits as well. For example, low calorie content, high fiber content. All this ensures a long feeling of fullness, combined with huge health benefits.


Strawberries have more vitamin C than oranges and are rich in antioxidants. They also contain folic acid and fiber. There are fifty calories in one cup of berries, so you can eat without any fear for your figure.

honey melon

Honey melon contains fourteen grams of sugar per serving and sixty-four calories. In addition, such a melon contains a large amount of vitamin C and copper, which is extremely important for the beauty of the skin.

“And even after six in the evening?” my constantly dieting friend looks at me imploringly. Why not? “Again about porridge and muesli?” - again upset girlfriend. No! Today, not a word about cereals. Everyone already knows their merits. I'm talking about fun, colorful and boring food!

pickled cucumbers
This is an ideal dietary product. They quickly cause a feeling of fullness, but at the same time contain almost no calories.

There are only 39 calories in 100 grams of this exotic fruit! In addition, papaya contains vitamins (A and C), potassium and magnesium. And imagine: such a low-calorie product is able to give strength and energize, and also cleanses the intestines well.

Freshly squeezed juices from green vegetables
By the way, very tasty. Especially in the heat. The leader in the field of slimming and cleansing drinks is green apple and celery juice. Or pure celery juice. It dulls the feeling of hunger for a long time and perfectly restores.

Brown sugar
Well, of course, it is better to do without sugar at all. But if unbearable, allow yourself brown. The motto “eat and lose weight” does not apply to it, you need to be more careful with it, but you can save a few calories. Brown sugar is somewhat less caloric than white sugar.

It does not contain any fat or extra calories, but it has a lot of potassium, which neutralizes excess salt and helps to avoid swelling. Only 100 grams of celery fully replenish the daily requirement of potassium. In addition, celery normalizes blood pressure due to the phthalides contained in it. Just eat crunchy celery stalks whenever you want: it's not only a good side dish, but also a complete snack.

Only not in the form of jams, juices, and not even freshly picked. Dried cherries are what you need! You can chew it like that, but it’s better to brew it with boiling water and drink such a vitamin and low-calorie cocktail.

Always use seeds instead of nuts. Add to salads, use as a breading for cutlets. The fact is that they have much fewer calories than nuts, but much more vitamins. Seeds can have a beneficial effect on almost all functions of our body: they normalize the functioning of the brain, liver, kidneys, lungs, stomach and joints, and stabilize the circulatory system. This is a source of iodine, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc ... In general, stock up, this is really a storehouse of everything useful, and it is unlikely that you will be able to get fat from them.

Both onion and green are equally useful. Believe it or not, onion in the right amount is able even for old people to maintain joint mobility, strengthen bones, and make blood “run” through the vessels. And it has practically no calories. Only when cooking or frying, it loses a large number of its useful properties. Therefore, eat fresh onions, onions and greens. A wonderful and low-calorie side dish is pickled or baked onions.

Yes, it is high in calories, it contains protein! someone will exclaim. Yes, there is protein in it, and it is as much as in beef, for example. But the calories in beans are two times less than in the same beef. In addition, vegetable protein is absorbed much better than animal protein. Beans are better digested with vegetables. And you can really eat it quite a lot - it's not as scary as it seems.

Great product, as they say: eat as much as you want! In kiwi - a minimum of calories - only 46! But the maximum of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, which remove toxins and help to lose weight. This fruit not only combines the taste qualities of melon, gooseberry, strawberry, banana, watermelon, pineapple, but has also collected all their useful properties.

cabbage juice
A great drink that helps get rid of extra pounds, because it is one of the lowest calorie. It contains tartronic acid, which prevents the deposition of fat. It has a cleansing effect on the body, which is also very important for those who lose weight.

Reduced fat milk (0.5 – 1.5%)
It seems to be a high-calorie drink, but in a fat-free form, it only contributes to weight loss, as it is a source of calcium, which actively helps cells burn fat. It also keeps you feeling full for a long time.

Dried fruits
The most optimal is an infusion of dried fruits. They need to be poured with boiling water and kept warm, thus letting it brew, you can use a thermos for this. It turns out a favorite compote since childhood, but not boiled. Naturally without sugar, it is better to put more fruit for a richer taste. This drink can be drunk almost constantly and absolutely without harm to the figure.

A pineapple
Well, everyone has already heard about the pineapple addictions of many stars. And it’s not for nothing that they eat pineapple in large quantities every day. This fruit is pure gold, it not only has a vitamin and tonic effect, but also breaks down fats, which is very useful for losing weight girls. Plus it's delicious!

Hot chocolate
It can not be eaten as much as, for example, celery. But if you can’t do without chocolate, then hot chocolate is still preferable to ordinary chocolate. There is almost no fat in it (if you choose a special fat-free one, then in general there is zero grams of fat in it), and there are 100 fewer calories than in regular chocolate.

Fruit icecream
Only not dairy, and even more so not creamy! It is better to eat frozen berry juice or juice. Choose quality brands that do not use artificial colors or flavor enhancers. You can make such a delicacy yourself, then you will know exactly what is inside. Such a dessert is very light, contains many vitamins, and besides, it is an antidepressant.

Lovely girls! If you're on a diet, but you want to finally pamper yourself, choose something from this list. Any of these products can significantly diversify your menu, without giving a single chance to extra pounds (and even grams). These products can be taken with you to work, on a trip, to places where it is difficult to strictly follow a diet. But I want to eat. So eat! Only what will not affect your waist!

“ To eat this in order to lose weight"- a phrase that we pronounce without even thinking about the meaning. So, a list of foods that you can eat constantly and almost as much as you want.

Pickled cucumbers. It is an ideal dietary product. They quickly make you feel full, but contain almost no calories.

Papaya. There are only 39 calories in 100 grams of this exotic fruit! In addition, papaya contains vitamins (A and C), potassium and magnesium. And imagine: such a low-calorie product is able to give strength and energize, and also cleanses the intestines well.

Freshly squeezed juices from green vegetables. By the way, very tasty. Especially in the heat. The leader in the field of slimming and cleansing drinks is green apple and celery juice. Or pure celery juice. It dulls the feeling of hunger for a long time and perfectly restores metabolism.

Brown sugar. Well, of course, it is better to do without sugar at all. But if unbearable, allow yourself brown. You have to be careful with it, but here are a few calories you can save. Brown sugar is somewhat less caloric than white sugar.

Celery. It does not contain any fat or extra calories, but it has a lot of potassium, which neutralizes excess salt and helps to avoid swelling. Only 100 grams of celery fully replenish the daily requirement of potassium. In addition, celery normalizes blood pressure due to the phthalides contained in it. Just eat crunchy celery stalks whenever you want: it's not only a good side dish, but also a complete snack.

Cherry. Only not in the form of jams, juices, and not even freshly picked. Dried cherries are what you need! You can chew it like that, but it’s better to brew it with boiling water and drink such a vitamin and low-calorie cocktail.

Seeds. Always use seeds instead of nuts. Add to salads, use as a breading for cutlets. The fact is that they have much fewer calories than nuts, but much more vitamins. Seeds can have a beneficial effect on almost all functions of our body: they normalize the functioning of the brain, liver, kidneys, lungs, stomach and joints, and stabilize the circulatory system. It is a source of iodine, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc.

Kiwi. Great product, as they say: eat as much as you want! In kiwi - a minimum of calories - only 46! But the maximum of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, which remove toxins and help to lose weight.

Cabbage juice. A great drink that helps get rid of extra pounds, because it is one of the lowest calorie. It contains tartronic acid, which prevents the deposition of fat. It has a cleansing effect on the body, which is also very important for those who lose weight.

Dried fruits. The most optimal is an infusion of dried fruits. Naturally without sugar, it is better to put more fruit for a richer taste. This drink can be drunk almost constantly and absolutely without harm to the figure.

A pineapple. Well, everyone has already heard about the pineapple addictions of many stars. And it’s not for nothing that they eat pineapple in large quantities every day. This fruit is pure gold, it not only has a vitamin and tonic effect, but also breaks down fats, which is very useful for losing weight girls. Plus it's delicious!

Onion. Both onion and green are equally useful. Believe it or not, onion in the right amount is able even for old people to maintain joint mobility, strengthen bones, and make blood “run” through the vessels. And it has practically no calories. Only when cooking or frying, it loses a large number of its useful properties. Therefore, eat fresh onions, onions and greens. A wonderful and low-calorie side dish is pickled or baked onions.

Beans. Yes, it is high in calories, it contains protein! someone will exclaim. Yes, there is protein in it, and it is as much as in beef, for example. But the calories in beans are two times less than in the same beef. In addition, vegetable protein is absorbed much better than animal protein. Beans are better digested with vegetables. And you can really eat it quite a lot - it's not as scary as it seems.

Hot chocolate. It can not be eaten as much as, for example, celery. But if you can’t do without chocolate, then hot chocolate is still preferable to ordinary chocolate. There is almost no fat in it (if you choose a special fat-free one, then in general there is zero grams of fat in it), and there are 100 fewer calories than in regular chocolate.

Fruit icecream. Only not dairy, and even more so not creamy! It is better to eat frozen berry juice or juice. Choose quality brands that do not use artificial colors or flavor enhancers. You can make such a delicacy yourself, then you will know exactly what is inside. Such a dessert is very light, contains many vitamins, and besides, it is an antidepressant.

There are foods that you can eat as much as you like, even if you are seriously concerned about the harmony of the figure - they are rich in fiber with a low calorie content. So, they saturate and improve digestion without the risk of growing sides.

We have compiled a list of such products. Please note - we do not say that you need to eat only these foods. Naturally, our diet should be balanced and include carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. But these products are able to saturate and maintain harmony without much effort.


Celery stalks are 95% water. It helps to lose weight and detoxify the body due to the diuretic effect.


You can feast on baked eggplant with its incomparable taste as much as you like without a twinge of conscience. After all, a serving of eggplant baked on a grill without oil contains only 24 kcal.

watermelon and melon

Only 60-70 kcal per slice (melon has a little more) - they can be eaten even for whole days. Watermelons and melons help to remove excess fluid from the body and saturate well.


Seaweed (kelp and others) is the richest source of iodine, which helps to establish the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, which means that the hormonal background will be in order and the weight will remain normal.


A serving of zucchini contains only 42 kcal. They normalize the water-salt balance in the body, and this is the most important factor for those who want to lose weight. Zucchini improves intestinal motility, as they contain a lot of fiber and fluid. In addition, with the help of zucchini, you can reduce the calorie content of second courses.


An indispensable vegetable for those who are planning to build weight - it helps fight puffiness and lose weight with health benefits.


Beets are an excellent source of trace elements, in particular manganese, which promotes fat burning, helps muscles work, and regulates blood sugar levels. It can be simply baked, put in salads in raw and boiled form and in juices. There are only 40 calories in an average serving.


They can be eaten at any time of the day, even at night, if you are tormented by hunger, and you will not gain a single gram. Of course, boiled is better than fried.

A pineapple

Delicious fruit is a true friend of those who want to lose weight. The bromelain contained in it actively breaks down fats and helps the digestion of proteins.

apples and plums

There are only 50 kcal in one apple, it gives a feeling of satiety and regulates bowel function. A plum is rich in vitamin C, as well as potassium, which supports the health of the heart and blood vessels.

Arugula and salad

Lettuce and arugula are excellent sources of folic acid that can be eaten by the kilo. There are only 3 calories in one leaf of lettuce.

Berries: currants, cranberries, strawberries

The high amount of vitamin C in currants and cranberries helps the body burn fat. Currant also has a diuretic property, which means it helps to get rid of excess water in the body, which allows you to forget about swelling and extra centimeters at the waist. Strawberries have excellent nutritional properties, improve digestion and keep the heart and blood vessels healthy.

cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower

Cabbage of all varieties and types is an ally of slim girls. There are only 7 kcal in a serving of chopped cabbage, and at the same time, many dishes can be prepared from it: soups, salads, main dishes, added to juice mixtures and smoothies. Of course, you should not, for example, lean only on cabbage and eat it 3 times a day, because the substances that it contains compete for absorption with iodine. And we need it for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. But you can include it in the menu several times a week.

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