Home Vegetables Recipe for homemade candies on a stick. Recipes for a sweet tooth or how to make healthy homemade candies. Treats for kids - the best gift from mom

Recipe for homemade candies on a stick. Recipes for a sweet tooth or how to make healthy homemade candies. Treats for kids - the best gift from mom


Homemade lollipops- a sweet delicacy loved by everyone, without exception, from early childhood. Usually they are made in the form of cockerels, but at home you can make candies of any shape.

In today's step-by-step recipe with a photo, we propose to give homemade candies the shape of hearts, because Valentine's Day is coming soon, and the heart is its main symbol. To prepare this themed dessert, no special efforts or complex products are required. The ingredients in it are the simplest, and the cooking process is simple. You just need to carefully monitor the caramel so that it does not burn and does not get on your hand (melted sugar burns very strongly). The rest you should be able to handle without difficulty.

We believe that these sweet hearts on a stick will soon become a romantic component of any celebration for you.

Let's start cooking!


  • (250 g)

  • (100 g)

  • (1/2 tsp)

  • (of necessity)

Cooking steps

    We measure and put on the table all the necessary ingredients.

    Pour water into a saucepan or saucepan and add granulated sugar. We warm the resulting mixture to 130 degrees. We check the temperature with a food thermometer, but if it is not there, we take a little syrup and drip it into a container with cold water: the resulting droplet should be formed, but soft.

    We put natural flavoring (in our case it is raspberries in syrup) and red food coloring. We mix everything well and heat it up to 150 (a little more) degrees (this time a drop of syrup in cold water should become solid). Mix citric acid with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and add to the syrup. We mix again.

    On a silicone mat or baking parchment (flatten the latter so that it does not roll up and spread lightly with vegetable oil), spread the caramel with a large spoon first in a circle, but when it begins to harden, give it a heart shape. If the caramel begins to thicken quickly in the saucepan, put it back on the fire for a few seconds - and it will melt (this can be done a couple of times).

    Do not lay out the caramel mass on the parchment all at once. It will be enough for two rounds, to each of which a wooden skewer should be attached.

    Keep in mind that just attaching a skewer is not enough. You also need to rotate it around the axis by 360 degrees so that the stick gently sinks into the caramel (this is very important, almost the main secret!).

    Leave the finished lollipops to harden. And do not forget in the process to give them the desired shape.

    Bon appetit and sweet Valentine's Day!

Irina Gulevskaya

In Soviet times, almost every family prepared homemade lollipops - “petushki”. The special shape and simple recipe made it possible to quickly prepare sweets. Over time, this "tradition" was lost and many began to buy sweets in the store.

Unfortunately, the quality of such sweets is in great doubt, since many manufacturers use dyes, a lot of sugar and other substances that are unhealthy for the body.

How to cook "cockerel" lollipops at home?

We suggest to start with the classic recipe that was used earlier. For cooking, you need to have a special form, which used to be made of iron, but today, you can find more modern options.


  • 10 st. spoons of granulated sugar;
  • 10 st. spoons of water;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of apple cider vinegar;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Take an enamel pan and mix water, vinegar and sugar in it. Put on fire and warm up well;
  2. When the sugar begins to dissolve, then the fire should be reduced to a minimum and the syrup should be boiled until golden brown. It is important to constantly stir the mass so that it does not burn;
  3. To check the readiness of the syrup, it is necessary to periodically drip it into a container of cold water. If it hardens immediately, then the syrup is ready. Another way to check the readiness of such caramel is the absence of a vinegar smell;
  4. Lubricate the form with oil and pour the prepared mixture into it. Be sure to insert sticks into each hole. When everything cools down, you can open the form and enjoy the finished sweets;
  5. A little secret - to make the lollipops shine, they need to be moistened in warm water.

How to make lollipops at home without vinegar?

To prepare sweets according to this recipe, you do not need to have special forms, so everyone can use it. Plus, it only takes 20 minutes to prepare.

Ingredients :

  • 250 g of granulated sugar;
  • 100 g of water;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of citric acid;
  • a couple of drops of natural flavor.

You also need to prepare a silicone mat or food paper, and also sticks.

Cooking method:

  1. Take a saucepan and combine water and granulated sugar in it.
  2. Bring everything to a boil, but not higher than 130 degrees. Keep in mind that if the caramel boils for a long time, then it will become bitter.
  3. If you don't have a cooking thermometer, just drop a little syrup into cold water, which should form a ball.
  4. After that, add any food coloring and flavoring.
  5. Mix everything and raise the temperature to 160 degrees.
  6. This time the syrup should immediately harden in the water and become very hard.
  7. It remains to add citric acid and mix again.
  8. Grease a rug or paper with oil, but do not overdo it.
  9. Use a spoon to pour the caramel into small drops.
  10. Place a stick in each of them and turn it so that it is in the center. Wait for the caramel to harden.

How to make caramel lollipops at home?

Another popular type of sweets with a creamy flavor. They are liked by lovers of tender and milky treats. The cooking process is also simple and affordable.


  • 1 st. Sahara;
  • 40 g butter or 100 ml cream;
  • vanilla.

Cooking method:

  1. Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and cook them over low heat. The result should be a homogeneous mass of coffee color;
  2. You can use molds, or you can just use a regular dish. Lubricate everything with a little oil and pour the prepared mass. After hardening, either remove the lollipops, or cut the layer into individual candies.

How to make candy from fruit juice?

Thanks to this recipe, sweets will turn out fruity. This option is healthier and, given the variety of juices, different flavors are obtained. Lollipops prepared according to this recipe will replace completely unhealthy store-bought options.


  • 1 st. freshly squeezed juice;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • cinnamon.
  • vanilla.

The brightest are sweets made from raspberry, cherry or strawberry juice.


  1. Take a deep metal saucepan. Pour sugar into it and pour in fruit juice. Put everything on minimum fire. Stirring constantly, cook until the mass becomes homogeneous;
  2. When the consistency begins to change color, add vanilla and cinnamon to taste. When bubbles begin to rise from the bottom, turn off the fire;
  3. Pour the syrup into greased molds, after a while insert the sticks and leave until completely solidified.

How to make sugar candy with chocolate?

Another original recipe for making delicious sweets that are in no way inferior to store-bought options in taste, but their benefits are much higher. The cooking process is not more complicated than the above options.

Ingredients :

  • 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa;
  • 50 g of water;
  • 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine all the ingredients in a deep saucepan and put on a small fire. Boil, stirring constantly;
  2. You can check if the caramel is ready in the way we already know - drop a little into cold water. If a solid ball has formed, then everything is ready;
  3. Divide the mixture into shapes and insert sticks. If desired, chopped nuts or candied fruits can be added to sweets.

Burnt sugar lollipop recipe

Do-it-yourself sweets have advantages, as they do not contain flavor enhancers, flavors and dyes. Consider a recipe for adults, since the list of ingredients will include alcohol.


  • 250 g sugar;
  • 50 ml brandy;
  • vanilla sachet.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine ingredients in saucepan and stir. Put on fire, bring to a boil and reduce heat to a minimum;
  2. Simmer for 3 minutes, stirring constantly, and remove the saucepan from the heat. Divide the syrup into buttered molds. Insert sticks and wait for everything to harden.

How to make cough drops at home?

In every pharmacy you can buy lozenges that help get rid of a sore throat. Today, each person has the opportunity to cook them at home, using only natural ingredients.


  • 1 st. water;
  • 2 tbsp. granulated sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of honey;
  • 1/4 st. cough herbs.

Remember your childhood. The favorite delicacy of all the children of the USSR was lollipops. Various shapes, bright colors and their original taste are engraved in our memory for a long time. If you want to pamper your household with such a dessert today, then you just need to brush up on the recipe for roosters on a stick at home.

Lollipops: remembering childhood

As a rule, at that time, mothers and grandmothers cooked sugar cockerels at home. Sugar in the process of cooking acquired a brownish tint and caramel flavor. Such sweets are made from natural ingredients and are absolutely harmless. Cockerels, airplanes, butterflies, sun, etc. How many different forms does this dessert have? Modern housewives instead of old cast-iron molds began to use silicone ones. In principle, it does not matter which form you choose, because the main thing is the taste of the candy.

Before we remember the classic homemade sugar cockerel recipe on sticks, let's talk about some of the nuances of making these fragrant candies:

  • Traditionally, lollipops are made from filtered water, granulated sugar and citric acid. Some recipes involve the addition of table vinegar with a 3% concentration.
  • Sugar is brewed in water over moderate heat until it acquires a brownish tint.
  • Caramel must be handled quickly and very carefully, because after cooking its temperature reaches 160 °.
  • To give the candies an unusual taste, you can add ginger powder, cocoa, melted chocolate, chewing gum, chopped nut kernels, candied fruits or dried fruits to the caramel.
  • If water is replaced with fruit or berry juice, then you will get candies with an interesting taste.
  • Use food coloring to make colorful lollipops.
  • A lollipop made from honey will be very useful. Such sweets will help your baby cope with a cold quickly and tasty.
  • Jam or jam can be taken as the basis for cooking cockerels. Chopped cloves add flavor to this delicacy.
  • A toothpick or skewer will serve as a lollipop stick. Even ice cream sticks will do.
  • After cooling, the molds are placed in a refrigerator until completely solidified. Depending on the recipe, lollipops can harden from a few minutes to 2-3 hours.
  • During the formation of lollipops, the caramel in the bowl will solidify. Warm it up a bit and pour it back into the molds.
  • Don't boil the caramel for too long or it will taste bitter.

Treats for kids - the best gift from mom

If you have silicone or cast iron molds in your kitchen arsenal, then you can safely use them to make lollipops. But the lack of necessary utensils is not a reason to deny yourself gastronomic pleasure. Now you will learn how to make delicious, bright and inexpensive lollipops without the use of special forms.

Please note that the syrup for them should reach a temperature mark of 130-140 °. How to determine the temperature without a special device? Pour some syrup into a bowl of cold water. If the mixture is cooked correctly, then a ball is formed from the drop.


  • 250 g of granulated sugar;
  • 100 ml filtered water;
  • ½ tsp citric acid;
  • 2-3 drops of flavor;
  • food coloring.


  1. Now add the selected dye and a few drops of flavoring syrup.
  2. Next, boil the mixture.
  3. Then add citric acid, previously diluted with filtered water in equal proportions.
  4. Lay parchment or silicone mat on a horizontal surface.
  5. Using a spoon, spread the caramel on the prepared surface. By the way, parchment should be evenly greased with refined vegetable oil.

  6. It is not necessary to form more than two lollipops at the same time.
  7. As soon as the syrup thickens slightly, insert a stick in the middle.
  8. So that the skewer is inside the candy, gently rotate it around the axis.
  9. As soon as the lollipops have cooled, we will send them to the refrigerator for half an hour.
  10. That's all: the original, simple and extremely tasty delicacy is ready.
  11. By the way, at the stage of solidification, figures can be made from syrup, for example, hearts or bears.

Sweet world of our childhood

Despite the fact that the modern confectionery industry never ceases to amaze its admirers with a variety of choices, cockerels on a stick remain a popular delicacy for children. Their recipe at home in molds is very simple, and now you will see it. So that the lollipops, after solidification, lag well behind the molds, first grease all the cells with sunflower or refined olive oil.


  • 0.3 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 1 st. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice or table vinegar with 3% concentration;
  • vanilla essence to taste;
  • 60 g filtered water.


Recipes for your favorite sugar cockerels at home.

Lollipop is a sweet treat whose main ingredient is sugar.
For most sweet tooth, this is a great way to diversify your menu.
Using all kinds of flavors, you can enjoy a popular delicacy with each new recipe without bothering.
This candy can be easily made at home.

How to make lollipops at home?

Favorite "icicles" from childhood

The first recipes for making lollipops appeared more than half a million years ago. And to this day they are very popular, both among children and adults.
And this is no coincidence.
After all, they:

  • They contain a minimum amount of simple and natural ingredients.
  • Prepare quickly and easily.
  • They have a light and pleasant taste.
  • Thanks to a variety of additives and fillings from jelly, caramel, chewing gum, fruit juices, coffee, vanillin, cinnamon and other products, they can change their taste to suit every taste.

basis basic recipe lozenges are: water, sugar, citric or acetic acid.
You can modify the composition of recipes in different ways to your taste, but the basis always remains standard.
For cooking roosters according to the classic recipe you will need:

  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Water - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • Table vinegar - 1 tbsp.
  • A little vegetable oil, for greasing the molds
  • In an enameled pan, mix all the products
  • Heat over medium heat until sugar dissolves, stirring constantly.
  • Reduce the heat, leave to languish while stirring, until the syrup is golden brown.
  • We check the readiness by dropping the mixture on a saucer - the drop freezes, it's time to remove it from the stove
  • Pour the finished syrup into an oiled form
  • Insert sticks (toothpick)
  • Cooling the sweets
  • Take out of the form
  • We eat with pleasure!

How to make mints at home?


  • Protein from one chicken egg
  • Cream -5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Mint essence - 2-3 drops
  • Green food coloring - 100 g
  • Sugar - 2.5 cups


  • Mix all ingredients in a thick saucepan
  • Heat over medium heat, stirring constantly, avoiding burning. If necessary, reduce the fire to a minimum
  • As soon as the mass begins to thicken, remove from the stove.
  • Let cool a little
  • We form balls with wet hands
  • We put it in any container for storage, shifting the layers with parchment

Video: Mints

Lollipops at home: a recipe without molds

Making roosters without shapes

Very colorful and fragrant wine sweets can be prepared without even having ready-made molds.

To prepare them you will need:

  • Sweet red wine - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 1/2 cup
  • Starch - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • toothpicks
  • Evaporate the wine over low heat for about 30 minutes, until the volume is reduced by about three times.
  • Cool down to room temperature
  • Mix with other products
  • Heat over medium heat until sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Let the syrup cool down a little.
  • We spread parchment paper and lay out portioned parts on it, scooping them up with a wet, teaspoon
  • Put toothpicks in the center of the lollipops
  • Cool in the refrigerator until completely solidified

Sugar-free lollipops at home: a recipe

For lovers of sweets who are watching their figure, cockerels based on honey, without added sugar, will be an ideal option.

  • Honey - 250 g
  • Butter - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Fruit syrup - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 5 tablespoons


  • Combine honey with water, bring to a boil
  • Add syrup and butter
  • Boil the mass over low heat until the volume is reduced by 2 times.
  • Pour into greased molds
  • After complete solidification, free from forms, remove in the cold

Homemade honey lozenges: recipe

honey roosters


  • Sugar - 400 g
  • Sour cream - 100 g
  • Honey - 100 g
  • Butter - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Walnuts - 40 g


  • Dissolve sugar, sour cream and honey over low heat
  • Put the butter, cook until a thick homogeneous mass
  • Remove from heat and beat until thick and dark in consistency.
  • Sprinkle with crushed nuts, pour into greased molds
  • Remove from molds after cooling.

How to make milk candies at home?

Making milk lollipops

A unique recipe based on dairy products and chocolate will appeal to true connoisseurs of sweet candy in terms of its taste.

  • Crystallized honey - 200 g
  • Sugar - 50 g
  • Sour cream or milk - 75 g
  • Chocolate - 50 g
  • Citric acid - 1 tsp
  • We mix and dissolve all the components on the average temperature of the plate.
  • Simmer over low heat until you get a thick syrup.
  • Spread on the forms, greased with oil
  • We send to harden in the refrigerator
  • Release from the form
  • Lollipops are ready

Recipe for cockerel lollipops at home

Do-it-yourself lollipop cockerels

Depending on the composition of the products, cockerels can be made from hard or soft caramel.
Let's take a look at these cooking options.

hard candy caramel


  • Granulated sugar


  • Pour sugar into a dry heated pan. Its amount depends on the size of the pan: from 4-6 spoons - for a small one, from 80-10 - for a large one.
  • Stirring constantly, heat until sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Having received a viscous syrup of a pale brown color, pour the caramel into oiled molds
  • After complete cooling, remove

Sour cream candy caramel


  • Sour cream or cream - 100 g
  • Water - 2 tablespoons
  • Sugar -200 g


  • Heat a heavy-walled saucepan over high heat.
  • Pour water, add sugar
  • Bring the mixture to a boil
  • Cook, stirring, for 3 minutes, then remove the container from the heat
  • Gradually add sour cream, mix well.
  • Once again, heat the syrup over low heat, not letting it boil.
  • We remove the finished mass from the stove, pack it in forms
  • We store this sweet dish in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

How to make fruit candies at home?

Making lollipops at home

Thanks to the addition of various fruit juices to the classic recipe, healthy and different-tasting cockerels are obtained.
Caramels made from raspberry, strawberry and cherry juices are especially tasty.


  • Any freshly squeezed juice - 0.5 cups.
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • A little cinnamon and vanilla


  • Combine sugar with fruit juice, heat over low heat
  • Cook the mixture until smooth, stirring occasionally.
  • As soon as the syrup begins to darken, fall asleep vanilla and cinnamon
  • Bring to a boil, remove from stove
  • Divide into greased molds, insert sticks
  • Leave until solidified

Video: How to make fruit lollipops? Simple, inexpensive recipe

How to make colored homemade lollipops?

colorful caramel

You can diversify the color of cockerels using factory food colors or available improvised products: coffee - brown; red wine, pomegranate, raspberry juices - red; kiwi juice or mint infusion - green; lemon, orange juice - yellow; milk, cream, sour cream-white. In addition to the color scheme, these products will give an unusual taste of caramel.
For this it is enough in the base recipe replace water with the selected natural dye or add 0.5 teaspoon of fruit essence to the existing composition.
And by adding crushed or whole nuts, grated chocolate, coconut flakes to the finished syrup, or by combining different colors of syrup into a beautiful spiral or zebra pattern, you can create a whole “work of art”.

Ginger Lozenges: Recipe

Ginger cockerel to boost immunity


  • Dry lemongrass - 1 tbsp.
  • Twisted ginger root - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp.
  • Water - as needed
  • Lemon juice -1 tsp
  • Pour the herb and ginger with water so that the mixture is just covered
  • We send to the fire, bring to a boil
  • Remove from heat, insist 15 minutes
  • We filter the present mass and squeeze
  • Combine with the remaining products, cook for 20-25 minutes over low heat
  • Taking the syrup off the stove
  • Let cool a little
  • Pour into silicone molds to cool
  • Store in the refrigerator, sprinkled with powdered sugar

Video: Ginger Lozenges

Cough lozenges at home: recipe

Fight cough with lollipops

Recipe on mint leaves

  • Dry mint and chamomile leaves - 1 tbsp each
  • Ground cinnamon and ginger - 0.5 tsp each
  • A little boiling water - 1-2 tablespoons
  • Honey-0.5 tbsp.
  • Pour boiling water over herbs and spices
  • Cook over low heat for about 10 minutes
  • Remove from stove and leave for 30-40 minutes
  • Add honey to the squeezed infusion
  • Caramelize the syrup over low heat until tender.
  • After thickening, let the mixture cool slightly.
  • If desired, add mint or eucalyptus essential oil 3-5 drops
  • Pour into molds or spread with a teaspoon on a silicone mat
  • We store in a container, sprinkled with starch, in a cool place.

Lemon honey candy recipe

  • Honey-150 g
  • Butter - 1 tsp
  • 3 drops of essential oils of lemon, eucalyptus, sage or clove, eucalyptus, rosemary
  • Dissolve honey over low heat for 15-20 minutes
  • Mix with butter and
    essential oils
  • We spread it in molds or form portions with a coffee spoon on parchment
  • Dust each lollipop with powdered sugar.
    Recipe with coconut oil (no heat treatment)
  • Coconut oil and honey - 1/2 cup
  • Ground cinnamon - 1 tsp
  • Essential oils - 6-7 drops
  • Coconut oil and honey, at room temperature, beat with a mixer
  • Mix with cinnamon and essential oil
  • Laying out in forms
  • Cooling in the refrigerator
  • We take out the finished lollipops from the molds
  • Store in a cool place

Video: Cough drops for children and adults

The recipes are simple, and you can get the perfect lollipops when cooking for the first time using little secrets:

  1. To avoid the formation of lumps during heating, add a little essence or lemon juice. The mass will be smooth and strong.
  2. For transparency and giving volume to caramel, pour 3-5 tablespoons of hot water into the dissolved sugar. In the process of heating, a bubble forms from this liquid, which we catch and cool.
  3. To give a piquant taste, after removing from heat, add a drop of cognac or any citrus juice.

Video: Lollipops from childhood: we cook ourselves!

Lollipops, the main ingredient of which is granulated sugar, are an amazingly tasty delicacy from our childhood. They can be given any shape, color and flavor, but the sugar base has remained unshakable for several centuries. Transparent circles, hearts, cockerels on a stick are invariably popular and delight the sweet tooth of different generations.
Making lollipops at home is not difficult at all. Moreover, the possibilities of the modern hostess are very wide. It is worth making a little effort, showing a little imagination and delicious home-made lollipops will appear in a vase on your table.
Homemade lollipops have a number of advantages over store-bought ones:

  • have excellent taste, pleasant smell and original design;
  • are prepared with love by the best culinary specialist - the hostess of the house;
  • the composition of the delicacy includes only simple and affordable natural ingredients;
  • chemical additives, preservatives and flavors are not used.
For a classic recipe, you will need products that are always on hand:
  • granulated sugar 200 g
  • good water 5 tbsp. spoons.
  • lemon juice 2 dessert spoons or 1 tbsp. spoon of 9% vinegar.
  • a little vegetable oil to grease the paper.
If you want to deviate from the standard, you should stock up:
  • small dragees and pieces of marmalade to decorate lollipops;
  • vanilla sugar, honey, ginger or ground cinnamon for flavor.
Equipment and materials for the preparation of lollipops:
  • deep saucepan or small saucepan with a thick bottom;
  • a container with cold water for cooling the sugar mass;
  • sticks, skewers, toothpicks with cut ends or tubes;
  • baking paper or silicone board for dough.

Now you can get to work.

Step by step recipe for homemade lollipops

Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour in water. Bring to a boil over low heat. Boil, stirring, 5-7 minutes. At the end, add lemon juice or vinegar. Mix well. Vanilla, ginger or honey are also added at the final stage of the boil. The temperature of the finished caramel should be at least 170-175°C.
In the absence of a culinary thermometer in the arsenal of the hostess, the readiness of the syrup can be determined by the method of our grandmothers. If the hot drop in cold water becomes solid and does not stick to your hands, the caramel is ready.

Little secret. So that the syrup does not stick to the walls of the dishes, during the boil it must be “pushed” with a brush dipped in cold water. Thus, the loss of sugar mass can be avoided.

Act bolder, and then all the caramel will go into action.

When the syrup has boiled down and is ready for use, the stewpan must be removed from the heat, carefully placed in a container of cold water and cooled slightly.

Grease a baking paper or silicone board lightly with vegetable oil. Carefully pour the caramel into small circles, put the sticks.
Decorate with pieces of marmalade and dragee. In order to better secure the sticks and decorations, you can pour a little more syrup on top.

Everything is very simple, easy and pleasant.
If desired, you can insert cherries, pitted raisins, pieces of pineapple, apple or banana into the lollipop. It is worth introducing a couple of tablespoons of raspberry syrup, blackcurrant juice into the sugar mass, or instead of water, take 5-6 tbsp. spoons of milk, how the look, taste and color of a delicious treat will completely change.

Homemade lollipops are much tastier and more varied than those offered in the store. In addition, you can and should involve a child in their preparation. Cooking is a wide field for the development of creative abilities. Fantasizing together, you will always surprise guests, relatives, participants of a children's holiday with surprises and gifts.

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