Home Vegetables The fact that the Koran. Scientists "rejuvenated" the holy Koran. What did Muhammad borrow from Judaism?

The fact that the Koran. Scientists "rejuvenated" the holy Koran. What did Muhammad borrow from Judaism?

Thousands of people have studied the connection between the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad. Islamic scholars have discussed this issue in detail and have provided hundreds of proofs that the Qur'an is a creation of divine origin. Here are some facts below.

The prophet was illiterate

First, among the early Arabs of Mecca, those who surrounded the prophet, the fact was known that he was illiterate and could neither read nor write. The Qur'an says this and none of his ill-wishers tried to argue with it:

“Say: “O people! I am the Messenger of Allah to all of you. To Him belongs dominion over the heavens and the earth. There is no god but Him. He resurrects and kills. Believe in Allah and in His Messenger, the illiterate (not able to read and write) Prophet, who believed in Allah and His Words. Follow him so that you follow the straight path.", Quran (7:158)

As recorded in the biography of the prophet, when the archangel Gabriel came to him for the first time at the age of 40 and showed him the first words of the Koran - “Read!” The prophet replied that he could not read. Thus, even at the beginning of the revelation, the prophet was unable to write the book.

“You have never read a single Scripture before and copied it with your right hand. Otherwise, the adherents of lies would fall into doubt., - says the Koran (29:48).

Secondly, whenever a problem arose during the prophet's lifetime, he could not find a solution to it until God's revelation "came down" to him. If the prophet himself made decisions, then why did he need to wait for revelation?

Here are a few examples: One day, a group of people accused the beloved wife of the prophet Aisha of adultery. Critical accusations shocked the Muslim community, and the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, parted from his wife for a while. It was a very difficult test for him, he didn't know what to do. Finally, a revelation was sent down, which said that Aisha was innocent, and where Allah rebuked those who built false accusations against Aisha.

Somehow, the leaders of the Quraysh tribe once asked a few questions to the prophet in order to make sure that he was really the messenger of Allah. A week passed, and Muhammad did not give any answer, because he did not know what to say. As a result, he was accused of lying by his tribe. After that, the prophet, peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him, received as a revelation a whole chapter of the Koran, Surah “The Cave”, there were answers to all the questions that the Quraysh asked the prophet.

In the early days of the prophecy, Muslims stood in prayer facing Jerusalem. The Prophet, on the other hand, wanted to change this direction towards Mecca, but he could not do it arbitrarily, and therefore he was waiting for a command from his Lord, raising his head to the sky in anticipation. The Qur'an says about this: “We saw how you turned your face to the sky, and We will turn you to Qiybla, with which you will be satisfied. Turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque. Wherever you are, turn your faces in her direction. Indeed, those who have been given the Scripture know that this is the truth from their Lord. Allah is not ignorant of what they do.” Qur'an (2:144). After that, the direction of prayer was changed, all prayers began to be performed in the mosque in the direction of Mecca, from north to south. And in this case, and in all others, the prophet did not begin to act until a revelation from God or His command came to him. This was even the case when the prophet was accused of false prophecy. Think for yourself, if the Qur'an was written by Muhammad, he would have shown the "verses" earlier, and would not have waited for revelation while he was reproached and slandered. All this indicates that the Qur'an is a revelation from God and not from the imagination of Muhammad.

Quran Language

Another important point is the huge difference between the language style of the Qur'an and the style of the presentation of the prophet's speech. The Qur'an is very different from hadith (sayings of the prophet). Even when translated into other languages, one can see a tangible difference between the Hadith and the Qur'an.

Thirdly, there is a marked difference between the surviving statements of the prophet and the Qur'anic verses. The revelations were also different in that they spoke about some global issues that were never known to the prophet. When the verses of God were sent to Muhammad, he sweated, even on cold days, his face turned red, he began to breathe heavily, etc. How could he have initiated this for 23 years! Of course not.

Fourth, a significant portion of the Qur'an includes stories about previous Prophets and their peoples. The Prophet knew absolutely nothing about their history, at least the historical events of that time, especially in the smallest detail. For example, the story concerning the Pharaoh: “You were not on the western slope when We entrusted our orders to Musa (Moses), and you were not among those present. But We created generations after Musa (Moses), and the time was long for them. You were not among the inhabitants of Madyan, and you did not recite Our verses to them, but We sent messengers”, Koran (28:44,45).

The Quran also says about Jesus and Maryam: “This is part of the stories about the hidden, which We tell you in revelation. You were not with them when they threw down their writing sticks to decide which of them would take care of Maryam (Mary). You weren't with them when they bickered.", Quran (3:44).

After that, the story of Yusuf: “What We told you, O prophet, from the news of the distant past, became known to you only by Our suggestion. After all, you were not with Yusuf's brothers when they plotted against him. You learned about it only through Our suggestion., Koran (12:102).

There are a lot of historical facts in the Koran, and if the prophet could learn about them from Jews and Christians, then why did he then attribute them to God? This truth would eventually be revealed anyway, and his "teachers" would "float" out.

Fifthly, the Qur'an also contains criticism of the prophet himself. The Prophet was once sitting and talking with the leaders of his tribe, when suddenly a blind man approached him. He was also a Muslim and approached the prophet by asking a few questions regarding Islam. But the prophet did not pay attention to him, as he was engaged in important people, calling them to Islam. After that, the Almighty addressed him: “(The Prophet) frowned and turned away because a blind man approached him. How do you know, Perhaps he wants to cleanse his soul?, Koran (80:1, 2, 3).

The Prophet was very fond of honey, but one day he refused it because the wives also did not like it. To which the Almighty said: “O Prophet, why do you forbid yourself what Allah has allowed you to please your wives? Allah is Forgiving, Merciful", Koran (66:1).

There are so many moments in the Qur'an when the Almighty shows that the prophet was wrong. Why would Muhammad write such things against himself? It's damaging his reputation, isn't it? Logical reflections and facts show that the prophet is not the author of the Qur'an.

And, finally, sixthly, the main idea that the Qur'an was sent down by God is indicated in the Qur'an: “If he attributed some words to Us, then We would grab his right hand (or grab him tightly), and then cut his aorta…”, Koran (69:44-46).

If the prophet really wrote the Qur'an, then why did he do all this? If this were revealed, the threat to his life would not be avoided. The Prophet was one of the most honest people, he never deceived anyone. Before his prophecy, even pagan idolaters spoke of him as a "reliable" and "truthful" person. Has he really changed at the age of 40 and started telling lies, especially against God? Logical reasoning and history refute this.

Translated specifically for "Info-Islam", onislam.net

In the name of Allah, the Gracious and the All-Merciful!

The Quran is the last divine message to humanity. It was sent down to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) for 23 years and has "survived" for 14 centuries. The Quran is full of wisdom. It contains reminders of the mercy and miracles of Allah, of His mercy and justice. This is not a book of history, not a scientific book, not a book of stories, although all this is in the Koran. This is the biggest gift to humanity, which has no equal in the world. The book about which the Almighty says: “This Scripture, in which there is no doubt, is a true guide for the God-fearing” (Sura “al Bakara”, “Cow”, ayat 2).

The Quran is the foundation of Islam. Without faith in him, a person cannot be considered a believer. “The Messenger and the believers believed in what was sent down to him from the Lord. They all believed in Allah, His angels, His Scriptures and His messengers. They say, "We make no distinction between His messengers." They say: “Listen and obey! We ask for Your forgiveness, our Lord, and we will arrive to You. (Sura "al Bakara", "Cow", ayat 285).

The Quran and the Sunnah are the two main Muslim guides. Allah Almighty says to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “We have sent down to you the Book so that you explain to them what they differed in opinions, and also as a guide to the straight path and mercy for the believers” (surah “al-Nahl "," Bees ", ayat 64).

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was charged with bringing the Qur'an to all mankind. It was not an easy mission. And even in his farewell sermon, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) asked for evidence that he had conveyed the message of the Almighty.

The Qur'an speaks of the attributes and qualities of Allah Almighty, explains what is forbidden and what is approved, the foundations of high morality and morality, the rules of worship. It contains the stories of the Prophets, peace be upon them, the righteous predecessors, and describes Paradise and Hell. The Qur'an is addressed to all mankind.

It is so unique in content and style that translators fail to convey the fullness of its meanings. Therefore, translations of the Quran are interpretations of its verses.

Each prophet or messenger appeared before the people to whom he was sent with those miracles that were relevant for this particular area. For example, during the time of the prophet Musa, peace be upon him, witchcraft was quite common, so Musa, peace be upon him, had the opportunity to demonstrate miracles that surpassed the abilities of sorcerers. In the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the Arabs were considered outstanding poets and writers, they were true masters of the word. Hearing the verses of the Qur'an, they were struck by its sublime tone and the extraordinary beauty of the words.

It was a miracle of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) granted to him by the Almighty. Since he could not read or write, the Arabs knew that he himself would not have been able to invent such eloquent texts. Therefore, in the Quran, the Almighty calls them to compose something similar to it, if they do not believe that this is the message of the Almighty: “If you doubt that We sent down to Our servant, then compose one similar sura and call your witnesses besides Allah, if you speak the truth” (surah “al-Baqarah”, “The Cow”, verse 23).

Of course, they couldn't come up with anything like that. Unlike those who doubted the origin of the Qur'an, many Arabs converted to Islam only after hearing it recited. They knew that such beauty of the word could only come from the Almighty. To this day, reading the Holy Book brings tears to many Muslims. And some, not even understanding its meaning, are impressed by its beauty.

It is important to understand that even being sent down in the 7th century, the Quran remains unchanged for 14 centuries. A Mus-haf held by an Arab is exactly the same as that held by a Muslim anywhere in the world. There are no differences, except maybe the design of the book. Because the Almighty promised to protect and keep His book:

“Indeed, We sent down the Reminder, and We protect it” (surah “al Hijr”, “Migration”, verse 9)

This means that this divine message has been and will be protected by the Creator from distortions.


There are several opinions about the origin of the name. According to the generally accepted version, it is derived from the verbal verb qaraʾa(قرأ ), "kara'a" ("read, reading"). It is also possible the origin from "kerian" ("reading of the sacred text", "edification")

The Qur'an itself uses various names for the last revelation, of which the most common are:

  • Furqan (distinguishing between good and evil, truth and falsehood, lawful and forbidden) (Quran, 25:1)
  • Kitab (Book) (Quran, 18:1)
  • Dhikr (Reminder) (Quran, 15:1)
  • Tanzil (Sending down) (Quran, 26:192)

Mushaf refers to individual copies of the Qur'an.

Significance in Islam

In Islam, the Holy Quran is a constitution that Allah sent down to His messenger so that each person could establish relationships with the Lord, with himself and the society in which he lives, and fulfill his life mission as the Lord of the worlds wished (Quran , 2:185). It is an eternal miracle that will not lose its importance and relevance until the Day of Resurrection.

The one who believes in him gets rid of slavery before the creatures and begins a new life, since his soul seems to be born again so that he can serve the Almighty and earn His mercy.

Muslims accept this grace, adhere to the divine guidance, follow its instructions, obey its commands, avoid its prohibitions and do not transgress its restrictions. Following the Qur'anic path is the key to happiness and prosperity, while moving away from it is the cause of misfortune (Quran, 6:155).

The Qur'an educates Muslims in the spirit of righteousness, piety and good manners

The Prophet Muhammad explained that the best of people is the one who studies the Qur'an and teaches other people this knowledge.

The Qur'an contains the basic principles and ideas of the dogma of Muhammad, according to Muslim tradition, were transmitted to him by Allah himself, through the angel Gabriel. This book contains many intersections with Judaism and Christianity. Islamic theologians explain this by the fact that Allah had already conveyed his precepts to Musa and Isa, but over time, these precepts became obsolete or distorted, and only Muhammad conveyed the true faith to the believers.

Surah researchers are divided into two groups - Meccan and Medina. The first group refers to the period when Muhammad was just beginning his path as a prophet. The second group refers to the time when the prophet received wide recognition and reverence. The later Medinan surahs pay less attention to vague reflections on the Last Judgment and the like, and concentrate more on formulating rules of conduct, evaluating historical events, and the like.

The text of the Qur'an is abrupt but not inconsistent. In his book, the Almighty invites unbelievers to find contradictions in their Scriptures, if they are so sure of His imperfection and untruth. Later, in addition to the Koran, oral traditions appeared, hadiths that tell about the life of the prophet. Shortly after the death of Muhammad, the hadith began to be collected by his followers, and in the ninth century six collections were formed, making up the so-called Sunnah.

The Qur'an was sent down not only to the Arabs, but to all mankind: "We sent you only as a mercy to the inhabitants of all the worlds" (Koran, 21:107) [ affiliate source?] .

Quran characters

About a quarter of the text of the Qur'an describes the life of various prophets, the descriptions of most of which coincide with biblical ones. The prophets included the Old Testament patriarchs Adam, Noah, kings David and Solomon, and others. The Qur'an also mentions kings and righteous people whose names were not mentioned in the Bible (Lukman, Zul-Qarnayn, etc.). The last in the list of prophets is the prophet Muhammad himself and it is argued that after him there will be no other prophets. At the same time, the Koran is more consistent in describing Jesus - he is neither God nor the son of God. Thus, the idea of ​​monotheism persists to a much greater extent than in Christianity. The theological and philosophical part is also full of borrowings from the Bible. However, none of this harmed the authority of the Qur'an. On the contrary, thanks to this similarity between the holy books, it was easier for Christians conquered by Muslims to accept the new faith.

Structure of the Quran

Surahs, with a few exceptions, are arranged in the Qur'an according to their size, not chronologically. First, there are long suras, then suras with a gradually decreasing number of verses.

The most important surahs and verses of the Qur'an

History of the Quran

Manuscript of the Koran, 7th c.

According to Islamic tradition, it is believed that the Quran descended into the world from Allah in its entirety on the night of Qadr, but the angel Jabrail passed it on to the prophet in parts for 23 years (Quran, 17:106).

During his public activities, Muhammad made many sayings and preached many sermons. At the same time, when he spoke on behalf of Allah, he used rhymed prose, which in ancient times was the traditional form of speech of oracles. These sayings, in which the prophet spoke on behalf of Allah, became the Koran. The rest of the sayings were included in the legends. Since Muhammad himself could neither read nor write, he ordered his secretary to write down sayings on scraps of paper, bones. However, part of his sayings was preserved not thanks to records, but thanks to the memory of pious people. As a result, the revelations formed 114 suras or 30 perikopes. In view of the arbitrariness of the order of the revelations, it is difficult for critics to discern their chronological order. However, there are several ways to sort them by time. So, for example, one reliable tradition divides the suras into Meccan and Medina. However, this method does not always work, since some of the suras are composed of revelations from different periods.

During the life of the prophet, there was no need for the Koran - any unclear questions could be explained by Muhammad himself. However, after his death, the rapidly spreading Islam needed a clearly articulated written law, backed up by the name of the prophet. In this regard, Abu Bekr and Omar instructed the former secretary of the prophet, Zayd ibn Thabit, to form an initial summary of the existing records of the words of the prophet. Zeid quickly completed his work and presented the initial version of the Qur'an. In parallel with him, other people were engaged in the same work. Thanks to this, four more collections of the commandments of Allah appeared. Zeid was instructed to bring all five editions together, and upon completion of this work, the original drafts were destroyed. The result of Zeid's work was recognized as the canonical version of the Qur'an. The legend says that Caliph Osman himself liked to read this version and it was he who read it at the moment when he was killed by the crowd. There are even old manuscripts of the Koran, which are allegedly stained with the blood of the caliph.

Already in the first decades after the death of Muhammad, disagreements between the followers of Islam were revealed. These followers began to be divided into the first directions and sects - Sunnis, Kharijites and Shiites. Among them, the attitude to the canonical Qur'an was different. The Sunnis unreservedly accepted Zeid's text. The Kharijites, who had puritanical views, began to object to Sura 12, which tells about Joseph being sold by his brothers into slavery, to Egypt. From the point of view of the Kharijites, the sura loosely described the attempts of the wife of an Egyptian nobleman to seduce Joseph. The Shiites, on the other hand, believed that on the orders of Osman, all places telling about Ali and the attitude of the prophet towards him were removed from the Koran. However, all those who were dissatisfied were forced to use Zeid's version.

As its name suggests, the Quran was meant to be read aloud. Over time, it turned into a whole art - the Koran should be read like the Torah in the synagogue, recitative and in a singsong voice. Also, everyone had to remember a significant part of the text by heart. As in the past, so now there are people who remember the entire Quran by heart. Because of this, the Qur'an plays an important role in public education, sometimes being the only teaching material. Since the teaching of the language is based on it, along with Islam, the Arabic language also spreads. And all literature related to Islam, regardless of its language, is full of references to the Koran.

Quran and science

Quran, 9th century

Muslim theologians declare that the Quran is certainly not a scientific work, however, the facts mentioned in it, related to various fields of knowledge, indicate that the scientific potential of the Quran many times exceeded the level of knowledge that mankind had reached by the time the Quran appeared. This question has been and remains the object of research by scientists.

This concordism seeks to harmonize the Qur'anic legend about the creation of the world with the data of modern science. Through some, often poetic and vague, verses, supporters of this concept “predict” plate tectonics, the speed of light, etc. However, it should be emphasized that most of these verses can also describe observable facts known already at the time of the creation of the Koran or widespread theories ( e.g. Galen's theory).

The most popular proponent of Qur'anic concordism is the Turkish publicist Adnan Oktar, better known by his pseudonym Harun Yahya. In his books, he unequivocally rejects the theory of evolution, thereby remaining on the positions of creationism.

There is a widespread belief in the modern Islamic world that the Qur'an predicted many scientific theories and discoveries. The Muslim preacher Idris Galyautdin, in one of his books, listed the names of modern scientists who converted to Islam after making another discovery, they saw that it was reflected in the Koran 14 centuries ago. One of them was the academician Maurice Bucaille, a member of the French Academy of Medicine. However, such lists can be considered with caution: contrary to what is often stated, M. Bukay apparently was not a member of the French Medical Academy. Other listings also include Jacques-Yves Cousteau, although a retraction of his conversion was published by his foundation as early as 1991.

Studying the Quran

Sources of Quran stories

The source of the stories of the Koran, according to Islam, is only the Almighty. This is indicated by many suras of the holy book: “We sent down the Qur'an on the night of Power” (Koran, 97: 1), “If people and genies gathered to make something similar to this Koran, they would not create something like this, even if one of them were other helpers" (Quran, 17:90).

Muslims believe that the Qur'an was given to the prophet Muhammad by the Almighty to correct the distortions that were made by people in the early divine writings - the Torah and the Gospel. In the Quran there is the final version of the Divine law (Quran, 2:135) .

The first and last chapters of the Qur'an together

Literary structure

There is a consensus among Arab scholars to use the Qur'an as the standard by which other Arabic literature is judged. Muslims claim that the Qur'an is unparalleled in content and style.

Qur'anic sciences


Both the contradictions in the text of the Qur'an and the increased demands of the gigantic caliphate created an urgent need for constant commentary on the contents of the Qur'an. This process was called "tafsir" - "interpretation", "exegetics". The beginning of this process was laid by Muhammad himself, who justified the contradictions in his sermons by referring to the changed will of Allah. This subsequently grew into the institution of naskh. Naskh (cancellation) was used when it was known for certain that two passages of the Qur'an contradicted each other. In order to avoid ambiguity in the reading of the text, within the naskh it was established which text should be considered true and which should be considered obsolete. The first was called "nasikh", the second was called "mansukh". According to some sources, there are 225 such contradictions in the Koran, and in more than 40 sutras there are canceled verses.

In addition to the institution of naskh, tafsir also includes commenting on texts. First of all, such comments are necessary for those places that are too vague or, like the 12th sutra about Joseph, are too frivolous. Interpretations of such places were given depending on the circumstances. As is often the case with ancient religious texts, references to allegories played a significant role in such interpretations. It was stated that such a text should not be interpreted literally, and it is only intended to demonstrate this or that idea. Also, when interpreting the Qur'an, materials from the hadiths of the Sunnah were often used.

The doctrine of the interpretation of the Qur'an began to take shape as an independent field of science in the 10th century, when the efforts of the famous theologian Muhammad al-Tabari and commentators of his generation, such as Ibn Abu Hatim, summed up the early period of the interpretation of the Qur'an.

Following them, fundamental works in this area were made by Ibn Abu Hatim, Ibn Maja, al-Hakim and other commentators.

The science of the pronunciation of the Qur'an

The Arabic word "qiraat" means "reading the Qur'an". The most famous are the 10 ways to read the Quran. Ten kurras, imams of qiraat:

  1. Nafi" al-Madani (died 169 AH)
  2. Abdullah b. Qasir al-Makki (died 125 AH). But do not confuse him with mufassir Ismail b. Qasir who died in 774 AH.
  3. Abu Amr b. Ala al-Basri (died 154 AH)
  4. Abdullah b. Amr ash-Shami (died 118 AH)
  5. Asim b. Abi an-Najud al-Kufi (died 127 AH)
  6. Hamza b. Khubaib al-Kufi (died 156 AH)
  7. Ali b. Hamza al-Kisai al-Kufi (died 187 AH)
  8. Abu Ja'far Yazid b. Al-Qa'qa" al-Madani (died 130 AH)
  9. Yakub b. Ishaq al-Hadrami al-Basri (died 205 AH)
  10. Khalaf b. Hisham al-Basri (died 229 AH)

The book "Manarul Huda" says: "The truth is that when people from different tribes came to Muhammad, he explained the Koran in their dialect, that is, he pulled one, two or three alifs, pronounced it firmly or softly." Seven qiraats and there are seven types of Arabic dialect (lugat).

In the book "An-neshr" 1/46, Imam Ibn al-Jazari citing from Imam Abul Abbas Ahmad b. Al-Mahdani says: “Basically, the inhabitants of large cities read according to the imams: Nafi”, Ibn Kathir, Abu Amr, Asim, Ibni Amir, Hamza and Kisai. Subsequently, people began to be content with one qiraat, it even reached the point that those reading on other qiraats were considered guilty, and sometimes they made takfir (accused of disbelief). But Ibni Mujahid adhered to the opinion of seven kurras and managed to bring the rest of the qiraats to the rest. We are not aware of any work where at least one qiraat was mentioned except for the seven known to us, and that is why we say - seven qiraats.

Each of the ten qurrahs, regarding their type of reading, has reliable evidence that their qiraat reaches the Messenger of Allah himself. Here are all seven authentic (sahih) qiraat:

In culture

Page from the Quran


Quran with Persian translation

Theologians believe that the translation of the meanings of the Koran should be based on reliable hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad, consistent with the principles of the Arabic language and the generally accepted provisions of the Muslim Sharia. Some thought that when publishing a translation, it is necessary to indicate that it is a simple explanation of the meanings of the Qur'an. Translation cannot serve as a substitute for the Qur'an during prayers.

Experts divide translations of the Koran into two large groups: literal and semantic. Due to the complexity of translating from Arabic into other languages ​​(in particular, into Russian) and the ambiguity of the interpretation of many words and phrases, semantic translations are considered the most preferable. However, one must understand that the interpreter can make mistakes, as well as the author of the translation.

Quran in Russia

Main article: Quran in Russia

The first translation of the Quran was published by decree of Peter I in 1716. This translation was attributed to P.V. Postnikov for a long time, but recent archival research has shown that the translation actually made by Postnikov remained in two manuscripts, one of which is marked with his name, and the translation printed in 1716, which has nothing to do with Postnikov’s and much worse in quality, must be considered anonymous. In modern Russia, the translations of four authors are the most popular, these are the translations of I. Yu. Krachkovsky, V. M. Porokhova, M.-N. O. Osmanov and E. R. Kuliev. Over the past three centuries, more than a dozen translations of the Koran and tafsirs have been written in Russia.

Quran translations and tafseers
Year Author Name Notes
1716 author unknown "Alkoran about Mohammed, or the Turkish Law" This translation was made from the translation of the French diplomat and orientalist André du Rieu.
1790 Veryovkin M.I. "The Book of Al-Quran of the Arabian Mohammed ..."
1792 Kolmakov A.V. "Al-Koran Magomedov ..." This translation was made from the English translation by J. Sale.
1859 Kazembek A.K. "Miftah Kunuz al-Quran"
1864 Nikolaev K. "Koran of Mohammed" The French translation by A. Bibirstein-Kazimirsky was taken as a basis.
1871 Boguslavsky D.N. "Quran" The first translation made by an orientalist.
1873 Sablukov G.S. "Quran, the legislative book of the Mohammedan creed" Made by an orientalist and missionary. It was repeatedly reprinted, including with a parallel Arabic text.
1963 Krachkovsky I. Yu. "Quran" The translation with comments by Krachkovsky in Russia is considered academic due to its high scientific significance, since Ignatius Yulianovich approached the Koran as a literary monument, which reflected the socio-political situation in Arabia during the time of Muhammad. Reprinted many times.
1995 Shumovsky T. A. "Quran" The first translation of the Quran from Arabic into Russian was in verse. Written by a student of Ignatius Krachkovsky, candidate of philology and doctor of historical sciences, Arabist Teodor Shumovsky. A distinctive feature of this translation is that the Arabic forms of the names of the Qur'anic characters (Ibrahim, Musa, Harun) are replaced by generally accepted ones (Abraham, Moses, Aaron, etc.).
Porokhova V. M. "Quran"
1995 Osmanov M.-N. O. "Quran"
1998 Ushakov V.D. "Quran"
2002 Kuliev E. R. "Quran"
2003 Shidfar B. Ya. "Al-Quran - translations and tafsir"
Al-Azhar University Al-Muntahab "Tafsir Al-Quran"
Abu Adel "Quran, translation of the meaning of the verses and their brief interpretation"
2011 Alyautdinov Sh. R. "The Holy Quran. Meanings» Translation of the meanings of the Koran in the context of modernity at the beginning of the 21st century and from the point of view of that part of the people who speak and think in Russian. This translation of the meanings of the Holy Quran is the first theological translation in Russian.

Overall assessment of translations

It is worth noting that when translating or conveying meanings into Russian, as in the case of any attempt to translate the Holy Scriptures, it was not possible to avoid inaccuracies and errors, including gross ones, since much depends on the taste and worldview of the translator, his upbringing, cultural environment, as well as from insufficient familiarity with the whole multitude of surviving sources and approaches of various scientific and theological schools. In addition, there is a different attitude of the Muslim community towards the possibility of translating the Koran from a sharply negative one, caused both by fears of a misunderstanding by the translator of the text due to a lack of educational level, and an emphasis on the exceptional truth of the Arabic original, to generally benevolent, relating with understanding to the linguistic differences of the peoples of the world. and a desire to emphasize that Islam is not exclusively an ethnic religion of the Arabs. That is why there is still no translation that would be unambiguously defined as exemplary and classical. Although some Muslim theologians even draw up memos that explain all the requirements that a translator and interpreter must meet. And a number of authors devoted their works to the presentation and understanding of errors in the translations of the Koran into Russian. For example, Elmir Kuliev devoted one of the chapters of his book “On the Way to the Koran” to a serious analysis of errors and inaccuracies in translations from distortions of the meaning of individual concepts to worldview issues when transmitting a text by one or another translator.

see also


  1. Rezvan E.A. Mirror of the Quran // "Star" 2008, No. 11
  2. Olga Bibikova Quran // Encyclopedia Krugosvet (P.1, P.2, P.3, P.4, P.5, P.6)
  3. Chapter 58 Koran, Tradition and Fic // Illustrated History of Religions in 2 vols. / Ed. Prof. D. L. Chantepie de la Saussay. Ed. 2nd. M.: ed. Department of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Valaam Monastery, 1992. Vol. 1 ISBN 5-7302-0783-2
  4. Ignatenko A. A. On Islam and the normative scarcity of the Koran // Otechestvennye zapiski, 2008. - No. 4 (43). - pp. 218-236
  5. Rezvan E. A. al-KUR'AN // Islam: An Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: The science, 1991 . - P.141.
  6. Abd ar-Rahman as-Saadi. Taysir al-Karim ar-Rahman. S. 708
  7. Alizade A.A. Koran // Islamic encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Ansar, 2007. - P.377 - 392(copy of the book)
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  17. Idris Galyautdin. Famous people who converted to Islam. - Kazan, 2006.
  18. An official letter from the Cousteau Foundation states: "We are absolutely sure that Commander Cousteau did not become a Mohammedan and the rumors that swirl have no basis."- Témoignage: La "conversion" du commandant Cousteau à l'Islam
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  21. An international contest for reading the Koran has begun in Kuwait //AhlylBaytNewsAgency, 04/14/2011
  22. Moscow will host the XI International Quran Recitation Competition // ANSAR Information and Analytical Channel, 10/22/2010.
  23. Ukrainian hafiz will represent the country at once at several international competitions for reading the Koran //Information and analytical project "Islam in Ukraine", 26.08.2009
  24. Competition of reciters of the Koran in the Islamic Republic of Iran //Information and educational portal MuslimEdu.ru., October 12, 2010

All religious teachings are based on books that tell followers about the rules of life. It is interesting that the authorship, the date of writing and the person who was involved in the translation, most often impossible to establish. The Quran is the basis of Islam and is based on absolutely reliable sources that are the foundation of faith. This is a guide to the right way of life, covering all aspects of activity. Everything is described there, from the moment of appearance to the Day of Judgment.

Holy Bible

The Quran is the Word of Allah. The Lord, with the help of the angel Jibril, conveyed his words to the Prophet Muhammad. He, in turn, told about it to people who were able to reproduce everything in writing. The messages help many to live, healing the soul and protecting them from vices and temptations.

According to the followers, in the sky with Allah there is the original of the Koran on golden tablets, and the earthly scripture is its exact reflection. This book must be read only in the original version, since all translations are a simple semantic transmission of the text, and only aloud. At the moment, this is a whole art, the Koran is read like the Torah in the synagogue, in a singsong voice and recitative. Followers must know most of the text by heart, some have even memorized it completely. The book plays a significant role in public education, sometimes it is the only textbook, as it contains the basics of language learning.

Quran, history of creation

According to Islamic traditions, it is believed that the scripture was sent from Allah on the night of Qadr, and the angel Jibril divided it into parts and passed it on to the prophet for 23 years. During his life, Muhammad delivered many sermons and sayings. When speaking on behalf of the Lord, he used rhymed prose, the traditional form of oracle speech. Since the chosen one could neither write nor read, he gave tasks to his secretary to fix his sayings on bones and pieces of paper. Some of his stories have been preserved thanks to the memory of faithful people, and then 114 suras or 30 perekop appeared, which the Koran contains. No one thought that such a scripture would be necessary, since during the life of the prophet there was no need for it, he could personally answer any incomprehensible questions. But after the death of Muhammad, the widespread faith needed a clearly formulated law.

Therefore, Omar and Abu Bakr instructed the former secretary Zeid ibn Thabit to collect all the reports together. They completed the work very quickly and presented the resulting collection. Together with him, other people were engaged in this mission, thanks to this, four more collections of commandments appeared. Zeid had to collect all the books together and delete the drafts when he was done. The result was recognized as the canonical version of the Koran.

Principles of Religion

Scripture is the source of all dogmas for Muslims, as well as the guide that regulates both the material and spiritual spheres of life. According to religion, it is completely different from the sacred Talmuds of other faiths and has its own characteristics.

  1. This is the last Divine book, after which there will be no others. Allah protects it from various distortions and changes.
  2. Reading aloud, memorizing and teaching others are the most encouraged acts of worship.
  3. It contains laws, the implementation of which will guarantee prosperity, social stability and justice.
  4. The Koran is a book containing truthful information about the messengers and prophets, as well as their relationship with people.
  5. It was written for all mankind to help them get out of unbelief and darkness.

Significance in Islam

This is the constitution that Allah conveyed to his messenger so that everyone can establish a relationship with the Lord, with society and with oneself. All believers get rid of slavery and start a new life to serve the Almighty and receive his mercy. Muslims accept the teachings and adhere to the guidance, avoid prohibitions and do not overstep the restrictions, do what the scripture says.

Sermons bring up the spirit of righteousness, good manners and God-fearing. The best person, as Muhammad explained, is the one who teaches others and knows the Qur'an himself. What it is is known to representatives of many other faiths.


The Koran consists of 114 suras (chapters) of different lengths (from 3 to 286 verses, from 15 to 6144 words). All suras are divided into verses (verses), they are from 6204 to 6236. The Koran is the Bible for Muslims, which is divided into seven equal parts. This is done for ease of reading throughout the week. It also has 30 sections (juz) to pray evenly throughout the month. People believe that the content of the holy scripture cannot be changed, since the Almighty will protect it until the Day of Judgment.

The beginning of all suras, except for the ninth, sounds with the words "In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful." All parts of the sections are not arranged in chronological order, but depending on the size, at first longer, and then shorter and shorter.

Role in science

Today, it is becoming very popular to study the Quran. That such scripture has become so common should not be surprising. It's very simple, the book, which was written fourteen centuries ago, mentions the facts that were recently discovered and proven by scientists. They prove that Muhammad is a prophet who was sent by Allah the Great.

Some statements of the Qur'an:

  • the star Sirius is a double star (ayat 53:49);
  • indicates the presence of layers of the atmosphere (science says that there are five of them);
  • the existence of black holes is prophesied in the book (ayat 77:8);
  • the discovery of the layers of the earth is described (five have been proven to date);
  • the emergence of the Universe is described, it is said that it arose from non-existence;
  • indicated the division of earth and heaven, the world was at first in a state of singularity, and then Allah divided it into parts.

All these facts were presented to the world by the Quran. That such a presentation of facts has existed for 14 centuries, surprises scientists today.

Impact on the world

There are currently 1.5 billion Muslims who read and apply the teachings in their lives. It should be noted that the worshipers of the Holy Scriptures still praise God in prayers on any given day and bow down to the ground 5 times a day. The truth is that every fourth person on earth is an admirer of this faith. The Koran in Islam plays a very important role, it leaves a huge imprint in the hearts of billions of believers.

Difference from the Bible

In the revelations of Muhammad, posthumous messages for the faithful and punishment for sinners are described in detail and accurately. Paradise in the book is described in the smallest detail, it is told about golden palaces and sunbeds made of pearls. The display of torment in hell can amaze with its inhumanity, as if the text was written by a notorious sadist. There is no such information in the Bible, nor in the Torah, only the Koran reveals this information. What is scripture is known to many - not surprisingly, Islam has many followers.

The tradition of Islam says that the holy book of Muslims, the Koran, was written in the seventh century, and the teachings contained in it were spread by the prophet Muhammad. However, many researchers believe that many parts of the Koran appeared much later, not earlier than the middle of the 8th century. As an argument, scientists resorted to a proven method - carbon dating.

History of the Quran

In Arabic, the name is written as Al-Kuran, which means "reading aloud", "edification". According to Islamic beliefs, the Quran is a set of revelations set forth on behalf of Allah by the prophet Muhammad (Mohammed) and written down from the words of Muhammad by his companions. According to Muslim sources, the content of the Koran was transmitted to the prophet through the angel Jabrail (Gabriel) from 610 to 632.

The Qur'an consists of 114 chapters - suras of various size and content. In turn, the suras consist of separate verses - verses. There are 6236 of them in the holy book.

Soon after the compilation of the Koran, disagreements arose among the followers of Islam. This led to the emergence of different directions and sects - Sunnis, Kharijites and Shiites. Nevertheless, representatives of all Islamic branches were forced to use the canonical version.

Since there were many obscure places and contradictions in the Koran (this was discovered back in the time of Muhammad), there was a need to interpret the scripture - "tafsir".

Over time, the Institute naskha(this word means "cancellation"). If two places of the Koran contradicted each other, the interpreters established which text should be considered true and which should be considered obsolete (this was explained by the fact that the will of Allah in the process of transmission to Muhammad sometimes changed).

The "correct" text was called "nasikh", the wrong one - "mansukh". It is believed that there are 225 such contradictions in the Qur'an, and in more than 40 suras there are verses that have been canceled ...

Reading Rules

There are special rules for reading the Qur'an established by Sharia. So, it should be read aloud, recitative and in a singsong voice. In addition, every Muslim had to memorize a significant part of the text. And in our days there are people who know by heart the entire text of the Koran. Such a person bears the title of hafiz and is revered.

The Qur'an should be taken into hands only after ablution. It can only be read in clean places. Keep the Qur'an in high places, you can not put it on the floor.

When reading the Qur'an, Muslims should meditate on its meaning: this is the purpose of reading: "Are they not meditating on the Qur'an? Or are there locks on their hearts?" (Quran, 47:24).

Also, Muslims must strictly follow all the instructions of the Koran and build a life in accordance with the moral principles indicated there.

Main Book of Muslims

It was the Koran that for many centuries was the main, and sometimes the only teaching aid: it was used to study language, laws and philosophy. There are many references to the Quran in Islamic literature. Moreover, it is the style of the Qur'an that is the standard for judging other Arabic literary sources.

Islamic theologians are convinced that many scientific theories and discoveries are predicted in the Quran, such as plate tectonics or the speed of light. Although a number of researchers believe that many of the scientific facts mentioned in the book were already known at the time of its writing and compilation (say, Galen's theory).

age mysteries

Recently, a radiocarbon analysis of the earliest manuscript fragments of the Koran was carried out, in particular, those found in 1972 in Sana'a, the capital of the state of Yemen. It turned out that certain parts of the text were written only a few years after 650 AD, when the canonical version of the scripture was approved by Caliph Usman.

Meanwhile, in the collection of manuscripts of the University of Birmingham since 1936, there are two fragments of the Koran, written, according to the dating of specialists from Oxford University, during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad or a little later - in 568-645 AD. This is quite close to the generally accepted dates in Islam.

These facts may indicate that different parts of the Qur'an were written at different times and eras. Although there are many controversial points. The fact is that radiocarbon analysis is able to accurately determine the age of the material on which the text is written - for example, animal skins or papyrus, but not the date of application of the text itself.

So, the French researcher Francois Desroches in 2014 stated that, according to such dating, it turns out that the Koran appeared in 661-750 years of our era, in the era of the Umayyads, and this is too early a period - probably this is the age of the material, and not the records themselves . However, no matter how old this holy book is, we cannot deny that the Qur'an is one of the greatest literary and spiritual sources left by mankind.

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