Home Vegetables Riddles about vitamins for children in foods. Poems about vitamins for children. Vitamins for health

Riddles about vitamins for children in foods. Poems about vitamins for children. Vitamins for health

Funny riddles for kids in verse.

Children love to solve riddles. If you offer a riddle-solving game for two or more children, then a competitive incentive will also come into play. Someone will solve the riddles faster and more accurately.

Riddles about animals for children with answers

All children love animals, some will not part with animal toys day or night, and kids always solve riddles about animals with pleasure.

  • The prickly ball is sitting in the grass, move away a little, it will soon disappear into the foliage, snorting like a cat (Hedgehog)
  • In the morning, near the stream, he washes his tail, washes his mouth, striped (Raccoon)
  • She buried her little snout in the mud and fell on her back into a puddle, but you can’t scold her because it’s (Piggy)
  • I hear Australian kangaroos in the room and see, it’s not a fairy tale or a dream - it’s included (TV)
  • Huge ears and a long trunk, looks like a huge house, he lives in Africa and in the zoo. And it's called (Elephant)
  • In winter he sleeps in a den and can roar, he picks raspberries, his name is (Bear)
  • He sits in the tall grass and chews leaves, is afraid, looks around, what if a wolf comes towards him? (Hare)
  • She is horned and bearded, she gives tasty milk to children, she is friends with the children and easily jumps over pebbles (Goat)

VIDEO: Children's riddles about animals

Riddles about plants for children with answers

Riddles about plants will help kids remember the properties of plants: how they bloom, what they smell and what they are called.

  • In the spring it blossomed in a clearing and a bunny ate its leaves. He is yellow and then fluffy, his name is (Dandelion)
  • The branches do not have leaves at all, but prickly needles. What is beautifully decorated in the house? This is a tree (Christmas tree)
  • This flower looks like the sun, both bees and insects love it. White is its petal, this flower (Chamomile)
  • It has a green skin and a green tail, it hides in the leaves, it’s cunning. You will find it in any garden, it is strong (Cucumber)
  • This beautiful flower leaves splinters on the skin. It blooms magnificently and smells fabulous, the name of this flower is (Rose)

Riddles about sports for children with answers

Riddles about different sports will help to interest your child in these useful activities.

  • On the big field everyone is running, the stands are shouting: “Goal!!!” What is this game called? Of course it is (Football)
  • Gliding gracefully across ice is not an easy competition. This beautiful sport is on ice (Figure skating)
  • You need to drive the puck into the goal with your stick faster and more accurately. This game for strong men is called the word (Hockey)
  • One two three four five! Jump under the counter. Jump count fun (Jump rope)
  • I drive my poles into the snow and see two stripes behind them. I'm flying down a hill like the wind, because I'm on (Skiing)

Riddles based on fairy tales for children with answers

Reading fairy tales is very exciting for children. They are transported to the world of fantasy and in their imagination they themselves become fairy-tale characters. Riddles on these topics bring children back to the fairy tale.

  • It was a hard life to work from morning to evening, but she went to the ball in a new elegant dress (Cinderella)
  • Rolled along the path, reddened his side in the oven, met the Fox, the Wolf, who is it? (Kolobok)
  • She is cold and insidious, she has a lot of malice and anger, but still she melted (The Snow Queen)
  • The fox carried him over the mountains, over the forests, but the cat helped him and returned home (Cockerel)
  • That girl hid in the forest out of sadness, seven little gnomes guarded her. They cared for her faithfully and tenderly, they called her (Snow White)
  • She got lost in the forest and cooked porridge for the bear, but she returned home, this girl’s name was (Masha)

Trick riddles for children with answers

Solving tricks for children is fun and interesting at the same time. The answer to the riddle, which fits the rhyme, does not fit the meaning at all, so you need to think a little before saying it.

  • He sits in a booth and the yard is guarded, an uninvited guest will not pass, he happily wags his tail at you and that’s of course (Not a cat, but a dog)
  • There wheat ripens in the endless expanse and this land is called (Not the sea, but the field)
  • A cow will go out into the field, eat a dandelion and eat some milkweed, and in the evening the owner of the steam room will milk (Not tea, but milk)
  • We take clothes from it in the morning when the alarm clock rings. Together with my mother we name this place (Closet, not refrigerator)

Riddles about vitamins for children with answers

  • To see well, to jump very deftly, I ate, with vitamin A, a delicious bunny (Carrot)
  • If the doll has a cold, she needs vitamin C. Get well soon, eat, doll (Orange)
  • Vitamin D enters the children's body easily if children drink it in the morning and at dinner (Milk)

Riddles about tools for children with answers

Riddles about tools will help children remember their names and the purpose of each of them.

  • She gnaws the board with iron teeth, her assistant will help saw the logs (Saw)
  • Who is not afraid of blows? Who is used to working all day? He will hammer all the nails on time, hardworking (Hammer)
  • If a castle is being built in a sandbox, it will be richly decorated so that the work can proceed quickly; you will need a bucket and (Shovel)

Riddles for school and about school for children with answers

Riddles about school will help children get used to new responsibilities and acquire useful skills.

  • Children will be taught to write beautifully and read at school gradually, and there is a place for them to play and run around at school. (Turn)
  • Children and toddlers use them to draw pictures; these magic wands are called (Pencils)
  • In that house they sit at their desks, they study in cheerful classes, the bell rings there and calls them to class, this house is called (School)
  • Will help children write letters beautifully and evenly (Notebook)
  • I put notebooks, books and candy there. This school bag is very convenient (Briefcase)
  • You need to run, you need to jump, do different figures. To get an A in class (Physical education)

Riddles about toys for children with answers

It is impossible to imagine children's play without toys. Children love their toys very much and sometimes consider them their living friends. Riddles about toys will surely appeal to kids.

  • You can dress her up in a dress, you can give her tea, you can leave her and leave. She won't cry, she will forgive you (Doll)
  • With a bicycle you can speed off to any distance, hold your steering wheel tighter and push harder (Pedal)
  • To pour tea for toys, to prepare a dish, young chefs need a real (Dishes)
  • To refuel the car, dad took gasoline and a watering can. And my machine just needs to insert (Battery)
  • This friend will not leave you in trouble and you can wear it under your armpit, it is warmer and softer than everyone else, your favorite plush (Bear)

Video: Riddles of Korney Chukovsky

Video: Riddles for kids

Mysteries of sunny love in the radiance of warmth and light
Give nights in moonlight among the bright stars
The breath is colorfully warmed by the soul and heart
Waves and foam of the ocean of days and wet tears.
And there in the south There on the sea You - and oh...


Health, emotional state, human performance, resistance to illness and sexual capabilities. Vitamins denoted by letters and numbers, for example, vitamin IN 1. Row vitamins represented by related compounds, denoted by a common letter for them, but different numbers, ... bones, curvature of the legs appears, a change in the shape of the chest, teething is delayed. a lack of vitamin A And it causes blurred vision at dusk (night blindness), patients adapt poorly to...


Fairy tales", which sound impeccable from a medical point of view, about the need to eat carrots (rich in precursors vitamin A) to see in the dark. Even in Egyptian papyri dating back to 1500 BC. e., there are references... as follows with the symptoms of intoxication given here, if you specifically take for any purpose vitamin A Very high doses vitamin A And lead to birth defects in laboratory animals, and in the medical literature there are five reports of...


It is found in significant quantities in low-fat dry milk, seafood (crabs, salmon, sardines) and egg yolk. Average quantities vitamin A found in beef, chicken, pork, fish, as well as in seafood products (tuna, haddock, scallops, flounder) and in... and the cells lining the intestines. Although its mechanism of action is not entirely clear, it is known that vitamin B12 plays a critical role in the formation of the covering of nerves (called the myelin sheath, because the protein itself...


In 1912, when the first vitamin- B1, or thiamine. Currently 13 are known vitamins, but science says that this is not all. Famous vitamins: vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), niacin, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B12 (cobalamin), folic acid, pantotheonic acid, biotin, vitamin WITH, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin TO. Vitamin A Another name vitamin A A - beta-carotene. Regardless of the name, vitamin And we all really need it. First of all...


Diseases that cause accelerated aging.” Scientists from the University of Copenhagen said that the craze for synthetic vitamins may increase the risk of premature death. According to research, people taking antioxidant complexes...), and subsequently cause the onset of kidney stones.” The main argument of opponents of excessive use of synthetic drugs vitamins- their violation of the body’s natural defense mechanism, which, in particular, is inherent in self-destruction by nature...

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Target: introduce children to the concept of vitamins.

Program tasks

  1. Introduce children to the concept of “vitamins” and vitamins A, B, C.
  2. to form in children an idea of ​​healthy foods that contain vitamins.
  3. Develop olfactory and taste analyzers.
  4. Development of fine motor skills of the hands.
  5. Practice solving riddles.
  6. To instill in children a sense of empathy and a desire to help.


  • Cheburashka toy;
  • Three easels with posters depicting vitamins A, B, C;
  • Fruits: apple, lemon, orange, peach, apricot;
  • Vegetables: tomato, carrots, onions, garlic, cabbage, potatoes;
  • Jars with scents: lemon, orange, garlic, onion, cabbage;
  • Cereals in two large cups: peas + buckwheat, beans + buckwheat;
  • Aroma lamp with mint oil;
  • Dummy fruits and vegetables in a basket;
  • Plates according to the number of children;
  • Tape recorder, cassette with audio recording of the song “Cheburashka”, “Classics for Kids”

Progress of the lesson

Introductory part

Children enter.

Educator: Look guys, how many guests came to visit us. Say hello. I am very glad to see you all so beautiful and healthy today. Tell me in what mood you came to class.

(Good, cheerful, smiling, perky, kind).

Share your good mood with each other. Smile at each other. Today you will find many exciting games and you will learn a lot of interesting things. I think that you will succeed, you will be attentive and active and you will get a good mood that we will share with everyone.

Educator:“Today we will go on a trip to an amazing country called Vitaminia.

Vitaminia is a magical country. And we go there on magical transport. What magical transport do you know?”

(Stupa, flying carpet, broom, magic running boots).

Educator:“Well done, you know a lot about magical transport. But you and I will fly on a magic carpet airplane.

Main part

Educator:“Oh, who’s that crying?”

Cheburashka music (“I was once a strange, nameless toy...”)

Educator:“Where did he hide? Let's find him! "

(children disperse in the group, looking)

Cheburashka is sitting sad.

Children greet Cheburashka.

Cheburashka greets the children.

Educator:“Cheburashka, why are you so sad? Let's feel sorry for him. Pet Cheburashka guys."

Cheburashka:“I had a problem, my beloved friend Gena fell ill. Doesn't eat, doesn't drink, doesn't have fun. Neither cake nor ice cream pleases him. Do you guys have a cure for Genya's disease?

You see everyone so beautiful, healthy and pink cheeks, you probably know some secret? Share your secret with me."

Educator: “Let’s share, we were just about to go on a trip to the country of Vitaminia, will you fly with us? Guys, make yourself comfortable and get ready to fly. Relax, close your eyes. We're flying high. The sun is pleasantly warming, the wind blows on our faces. We are flying. I now open your eyes.

We are in the country of Vitaminia. Cheburashka, sit down and listen carefully to our secrets. Vitamins are substances that help children grow strong and healthy. Both plants and animals can produce vitamins themselves, but humans cannot do so. Therefore, a person must receive vitamins from food. A lot of vitamins are found in fruits and vegetables, as well as in other foods that people eat. And if a child receives few of these vitamins, then he begins to get sick often, loses his appetite and grows poorly.”

Educator: Each vitamin has its own name. Do you want to meet them? (Yes)

Guys, let's get up and go to the easels.

This is vitamin A. Vitamin of growth and vision. I'll tell you a riddle now. And you will guess it and recognize a product that contains a lot of vitamin A.


Beauty grows - a green braid,
The whole redhead sits in the ground,
It crunches when you chew it.

Educator:“Now look and tell me where else vitamin A is located.”

(tomato, cherry, apple, sea buckthorn, carrot, peach, apricot, pumpkin).

Well done. Cheburashka, and our children know how to taste fruits and vegetables.”

Game "Taste"

(children are asked to guess vegetables with their eyes closed: tomato, apple, carrot)

Educator:“Today, I would like to introduce you to another group of vitamins - these are the B vitamins. They are very important for the functioning of the brain and the whole body. Now I’ll tell you a riddle, and you guess it, and Cheburashka will also help you.


In a brown caftan,
I'm sitting in the ground with friends.
Who digs with a shovel -
He will find me.

Educator:“Well done, right. Potatoes contain a lot of vitamin B, and this vitamin is also found in various cereals. Look and tell me where vitamin B is found

(Peas, buckwheat, oatmeal, cheese, potatoes, fish. Brown bread and walnuts).

Educator:“Oh, Cheburashka, why did you mix the cereal? You probably did it by accident. But don’t worry, we’ll fix everything for you now with the guys. We have very dexterous fingers and they will quickly pick through the cereal.

Game “Sort the grains”

(children stand around the table in subgroups and sort the mixed cereal into 2 cups)

Educator:“Cheburashka, and also to be healthy and not get sick. The guys and I know a special acupressure, can we teach Cheburashka? (Yes)

Physical education minute.

" Acupressure"

1. First point on the chest,
Massage in front
1,2,3, 1,2,3 –
The cough will be behind you.
2. Put your fingers in the hole,
Let's start massaging
1.2,3, 1,2,3 –
Rubella, chickenpox
Don't come to us.
3. We will put our fingers on your neck,
And from top to bottom,
And from top to bottom -
Let's rock
We don't need whim.
4. So that your head doesn’t hurt
We massage with confidence
1,2,3, 1,2,3 –
All illnesses are behind us.
5. Massage near the ear,
Forget about illnesses
1,2,3, 4,5 –
We will hear again.
6. Magic dots
All children know
We'll do a massage.
This is useful for us.

Educator:“Guys, let's get back to our vitamins. I didn’t tell you about a very important vitamin.

These are vitamins of group “C”. These vitamins protect the body from various diseases, especially colds and flu.

Guess the riddle and find out where vitamin C is found.


Dressed in gold
Not a single fastener.
He is a healer, doctor and friend
He cures any ailment.

Educator:“There is a lot of vitamin C in all vegetables, fruits and berries. Look and tell me where vitamin “C” is located?

(Blackcurrant, rosehip, lemon, orange, garlic, onion, cabbage).

Educator: Cheburashka, and our children can identify vegetables and flavors not only by taste, but also by smell.”

Game "Recognize by smell"

(children are offered jars with the scent of lemon, orange, garlic, onion, cabbage)

Final part

Educator:“Our journey is coming to an end. In the country of Vitamins we saw and learned a lot of interesting things.

What vitamins did we meet today?

(With vitamins “A”, “B”, “C”).

What vitamin helps us see better?

(Vitamin A")

What vitamin helps us grow?

(Vitamin "B")

What vitamin fights colds and flu?

(Vitamin C")

Cheburashka, you remember which vitamins are useful and where they are found.”

Cheburashka:“Yes, I remember.”

Educator:“We, Cheburashka, will give you advice:

1 child:

Remember the simple truth
Only the one who sees better
Who chews raw carrots
Or drinks carrot juice.

2nd child:

For colds and sore throats
Oranges help
Well, it's better to eat lemon
Although it is very sour.


Never be discouraged
And a smile on your face
And of course accept
Vitamins “A”, “B”, “C”.

Educator:" Well done boys. They gave good advice to Cheburashka. I think if Gena is there and has vitamins, he will definitely recover. And so we will send a small gift for Gena - a basket of vegetables and fruits.”

We give a basket of fruits and vegetables.

Cheburashka says goodbye and thanks the children for their help.”

Educator:“And it’s time for us to return to the group, sit on the carpet - an airplane and let’s fly to the group.”

Musical accompaniment.

Riddles about fruits are created so that children learn about the variety of fruits in a playful way.

It is noteworthy that there are more than 7,500 varieties of apples in the world, their size ranges from the smallest (the size of a cherry) to large fruits. In our country, due to the unfavorable climate, a small amount of fruit grows - apples, pears, apricots. Exotic fruits (pomegranate, peach, nectarine, mango, papaya and others) are brought to us from abroad. Fruits are very tasty, so they often replace dessert. Plus, they contain a large amount of vitamins that have a beneficial effect on people's health. Each fruit has a specific effect on the human body, because the content of vitamins and minerals in them is not the same. Most fruits do not lose their properties, even if they are frozen, canned or dried.

Green striped ball
With scarlet filling like heat,
Lying in the garden like a load
Tell me what it is. (Watermelon)

With orange skin
Looks like a ball
But the center is not empty,
And juicy and tasty. (Orange)

It's almost like an orange
Thick skinned, juicy,
There is only one drawback -
Very, very sour. (Lemon)

Well, guess what?
It's very simple:
Orange, neither give nor take,
Just shorter. (Mandarin)

We all know him from childhood -
The most amazing fruit
Orange reminds
It's called - ... (Grapefruit)

This dinner is the best
I'm glad and Misha is glad,
After all, today our mother
She bought us... (grapes)

They look like cucumbers
They only grow in ligaments,
And these fruits for breakfast
They serve the monkeys. (bananas)

It's not very easy to guess -
This is the kind of fruit I know -
It's not about coconut
Not about the pear, not about the plum, -
There is also such a bird,
Also called - ... (kiwi)

This guy is very strong
Naughty tooth
Split it first
And then eat. (nut)

Not in forests and not in gardens,
Not with you and not with us,
And in tropical fields
Grows... (pineapple)

From plant products,
From famous berries, fruits,
Of all that is sweet, juicy,
What is edible and not so much,
For all the children to eat,
Can we cook... (jam)

Among the melons are green balls.
The kids flew in - The balls are nothing but bark. (Watermelons)

Daddy's father
has many children
and dresses everyone,
and then leaves
(Oak and acorns)

The pear is hanging, you can’t eat it

It's red velvet inside,
smooth green outside (watermelon)

Golden and healthy
Vitamin, although sharp,
It has a bitter taste...
It burns... Not lemon.

Like in a garden bed under a leaf
The log rolled -
Remote greenery,
Delicious small vegetable.

Vegetable garden
Hidden in the basement
Bright yellow in color,
And the braid is like a bouquet.

Green fat woman
I wore a lot of skirts.
Stands like a ballerina
From pelerine leaves.

Red, kids, but not poppy.
In the garden - not beetroot.
Juicy tasty sir.
Did you guess it? (Tomato)

There is a yellow ball in the garden.
But he doesn't run at a gallop,
He's like the full moon.
The seeds in it are delicious.

On a winding path
The sun grows on a leg.
As the sun ripens,
There will be a handful of grains.

In a green tent
Koloboks sleep sweetly.
Lots of round crumbs!
What is this? (Peas)

He bites, only now,
There is a tooth, but where is the mouth?
White wears a frock coat.
What do you say, my friend? (Garlic)

Brown is not a bear,
In a hole - but not a mouse.

At least it grew in the garden,
Knows the notes "G" and "F".

In these yellow pyramids
Hundreds of delicious grains.

This is not a toy at all -
Fragrant... (Parsley)

Even though he didn’t see the ink,
Suddenly turned purple
They love vegetables Vanya, Jean...
So this is... (Eggplant)

What kind of trotter is this
Did you fall over on your side?
He's well-fed and lettuce-y.
That's right, kids... (Zucchini)

What kind of miracles are these?
There's a star lying on the grass!
Maybe this is a wonderful dream?
No, because this is... (Patisson)

Round, crumbly, white,
she came to the table from the fields.
You salt it a little,
because it’s really delicious……..

The old grandfather is dressed in a hundred fur coats.
Whoever undresses him sheds tears. (Onion)

Ermoshka is sitting,
On one leg
He has a hundred clothes on,
And all without fasteners. (cabbage)

There is green grass above the ground,
Under the ground there is a scarlet head. (beet)


    introduce children to the concept of vitamins;

    to cultivate a conscious attitude of students towards their own health;

    generate motivation for a healthy lifestyle.


    introduce children to the concept of “vitamins” and groups of vitamins;

    continue to develop in children an idea of ​​healthy foods that contain vitamins;

    To cultivate in children a sense of collectivism and the ability to work in a group.

Progress of the class hour:

1.Organizational and motivational moment

Hello, dear guys. I think that all of you guys know that saying “hello” first of all means wishing a person good health.

What does it mean to be healthy?

- You are all right, of course. To be healthy means to be strong, strong, resilient, agile, slim, beautiful.

Health is the main value in a person’s life. It’s not for nothing that people say: “If you lost money, you lost nothing, you lost time, you lost a lot, you lost your health, you lost everything.”

That is why we have dedicated today’s class hour to this greatest value, namely human health.

Tell me, does a person need to do something to be healthy?

2. Guessing riddles about vegetables and fruits.

Like in our garden
Riddles have grown
Juicy and large,
They're so round.
In summer they turn green,
By autumn they turn red.
Answer (Tomatoes)

Tanya came in a yellow sundress:
They began to undress Tanya,
Let's cry and sob.
Answer (Onion)

Unprepossessing, gnarly,
And she will come to the table,
The guys will say cheerfully:
“Well, it’s crumbly and delicious!”
Answer (Potato)

Although I am called sugar,
But I didn't get wet from the rain,
Large, round, sweet in taste,
Did you find out who I am? ...
Answer (beets)

Small and bitter, Luke's brother.
Answer (Garlic)

This fruit tastes good
And it looks like a light bulb.
Answer (Pear)

Bright, sweet, poured,
The cover is all gold.
Not from a candy factory -
From distant Africa.
Answer (Orange)

It's almost like an orange
Thick skinned, juicy,
There is only one drawback -
Very, very sour.
Answer (Lemon)

While I was small,
It didn't fall
But as it grew, it fell.
Isn't it funny?
Answer (Apple)

Round-sided, yellow-faced,
Can be compared to the sun.
And how fragrant
The pulp is so sweet!
We are fans from now on
Queens of the field...
Answer (Melon)

Why does a person need to consume vegetables and fruits?

Vegetables and fruits are very rich in vitamins. Who knows what vitamins are?

Vitamins- organic compounds with high biological activity necessary for normal life, which are not synthesized in the body and must be supplied with food. Vitamins are divided into two groups: water-soluble and fat-soluble.

In 1912, the term “vitamin” first appeared. It was introduced by the Polish scientist - biochemist Casimir Funk, who worked at the Lister Institute in London.

3. Division into groups

In order to find out what vitamins exist, the names of vitamins, and the foods that contain them, we need to divide into groups. (the division is based on the principle of choosing cards with the inscriptions “pediatricians” and “therapists”).

Today in class we will be doctors and try to understand the effect of vitamins on the human body.

What vitamins do you know?

How do you think vitamins are designated? (letters of the Latin alphabet)

4. Game “Find the symbol of the vitamin”

Students receive an envelope in which cards with the designation of vitamins and other Latin letters denoting mathematical quantities are mixed. It is necessary to find vitamins and give a name - what kind of vitamin it is.

Very good! The guys completed the task and already know the designation of vitamins.

5. Game “Which vitamin is hidden?”

Each group member comes out and takes a product from the box of vitamins. He must tell you what vitamin is hidden in this product.

Carrots – vitamin A (are means for the treatment and prevention of cancer)

Butter – vitaminD (ensuring the growth and development of bone tissue of the body (skeleton, teeth), giving strength to muscle mass)

Peanuts – vitamin E(prevents aging and cell death.)

Lemon – vitamin C(neutralizes allergy symptoms and relieves inflammation. This makes taking it indispensable in the prevention and treatment of infections.)

Halva – vitamin B 1 ( performs the function of a cleaner in the body, it breaks down acids, which are poison for our nervous system. )

Dry yeast – B2(production of red blood cells, hemoglobin)

Gelatin – PP(regulation of cholesterol in the blood)

Bay leaf – B6(Prevents the natural aging process and has a positive effect on hair, skin and overall appearance and healthy appearance.)

Ground black pepper – K (blood clotting, supplying cells with energy, building body tissues, strengthening and mineralization of bone tissue)

Chicken egg – N(by controlling the metabolism of fats, it influences their content in the skin, improving the structure and giving beauty to the hair.)

6. Physical exercise “Fun gymnastics”

7. Contest « 4th grade student menu"

Students, working in a group, create a menu for one day, taking into account the vitamins that the student should consume daily. Work in a group and defend your project

8. Sketch “Healthy lifestyle”

Music sounds (in every little child), a boy runs in and jumps and jumps in his hands with chips and Pepsi. Girls stand and sing

    Antoshka, Antoshka, have a little breakfast,

Antoshka, Antoshka, here’s the porridge, and here’s the spoon.

Tili tili, trawl wali,

You see they bought me chips

Do you see Pepsi Cola?

Param pam pam! Param pam pam!

    Antoshka, Antoshka, warm up a little,

Antoshka, Antoshka, warm up a little.

Tili tili, trawl wali,

You see the cartoon they turned on for me

I'll lie on the couch

Param pam pam! Param pam pam!

    Antoshka, Antoshka, let's run around a little,

Antoshka, Antoshka, let's run around a little.

Tili tili, trawl wali,

Somehow the brothers are exhausted

I can hardly run

Param pam pam! Param pam pam!

I was lying then sitting,

I drank Pepsi and ate chips

And I watched cartoons for half a day,

What made me weak?

What did the guys do that made the boy weak? How to get rid of exhaustion?

9. “Helpful - harmful”

Students write on a piece of paper 5 healthy foods and 5 unhealthy foods for a 4th grade student.

10. Summing up the class hour.

You can buy a lot:
Toy, computer,
funny bulldog
Fast scooter,
Coral island
(Even though it's difficult)
But only health
It is impossible to buy.
It's our life
Always useful.
Care must be taken
Treat him.

(A. Grishin)

I want to wish our guests and you guys good health, because this is the most important thing in our lives. Walk more, breathe fresh air, do exercises in the morning, play sports and most importantly, eat right, eat VITAMINS!

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