Home Berries Austria country code alphabetic. Automobile codes of the countries of the world. dating israel karmiel

Austria country code alphabetic. Automobile codes of the countries of the world. dating israel karmiel

The existence of different country codes developed by different organizations can lead to confusion when exchanging goods or information in our more than integrated world. To be sure that the means of communication worked, it was necessary to adopt a modern standard for country codes.

ISO 3166 is such a globally accepted standard, and the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency (ISO 3166/MA) has been continuously updating it since 1974.

ISO 3166 is an international ISO standard that defines the code designations for states and dependent territories, as well as the main administrative entities within states.

ISO 3166-1 is part of the ISO 3166 standard, containing codes for the names of countries and subordinate territories. First published in 1974. Defines three different codes for each country:
ISO 3166-1 - State and Dependent Territory Codes
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 - two-letter
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 - three letter
ISO 3166-1 numeric

ISO 3166-2 - part of the ISO 3166 standard, containing codes for administrative entities within states (regions, states, provinces, etc.). First published in 1998.

ISO 3166-3 is a part of the ISO 3166 standard that contains codes for the names of states that no longer exist (unification, division, name change, etc.). First published in 1999.

If after 1974 countries:
- joined others (for example, the GDR to the FRG)
- disintegrated (for example, Czechoslovakia)
- changed their name (for example Upper Volta)
then their abbreviations are deleted from ISO 3166-1 and, with the addition of two additional letters, are entered in ISO 3166-3. The first two letters represent the old ISO 3166-1 code and the last two letters represent the new ISO 3166-1 code. If there is no one-to-one successor, then the last letters will be HH. For the Union of Serbia and Montenegro, which had the abbreviation CS, the abbreviation CSXX was defined in 2006 instead of CSHH, so as not to be confused with the CSHH code for the former Czechoslovakia.

The two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes are used by ICANN to assign country code top-level domain names.

250 countries and territories have their own codes. According to the ISO 3166/MA standards agency, a country or territory must be included in the UN Bulletin. Country names or to country and region codes for use in UN Statistics Division statistics. To be included on the ballot, a country or territory must meet any of the following conditions:
- to be a member of the UN
- be a member of any of the UN specialized agencies
- take part in the compilation of the Code of Laws of the International Court of Justice.

A country or region gets a new code when it changes its name, and the numeric code changes when the boundaries change. Some codes are reserved for different purposes, for example, obsolete codes become reserved.

English name Russian name Alfa2 Alfa3 Num
Australia Australia AU AUS 036
Austria Austria AT AUT 040
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan AZ AZE 031
Albania Albania AL ALB 008
Algeria Algeria DZ DZA 012
Anguilla Anguilla about. (GB) AI AIA 660
Angola Angola AO AGO 024
Andorra Andorra AD AND 020
Antarctic Antarctic AQ ATA 010
Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda AG ATG 028
Netherlands` Antilles Antilles (NL) AN ANT 530
Argentina Argentina AR ARG 032
Armenia Armenia AM ARM 051
Aruba Aruba A.W. ABW 533
Afghanistan Afghanistan AF AFG 004
Bahamas Bahamas BS BHS 044
Bangladesh Bangladesh BD BGD 050
Barbados Barbados BB BRB 052
Bahrain Bahrain BH BHR 048
Belarus Belarus BY BLR 112
Belize Belize BZ BLZ 084
Belgium Belgium BE BEL 056
Benin Benin b.j. BEN 204
Bermuda Bermuda BM BMU 060
Bouvet Island Bove o. (NO) BV BVT 074
Bulgaria Bulgaria BG BGR 100
Bolivia Bolivia BO BOL 068
Bosnia & Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina BA BIH 070
Botswana Botswana b.w. BWA 072
Brazil Brazil BR BRA 076
Brunei Darussalam Brunei Darassalam BN BRN 096
Burkina Faso Burkina Faso bf BFA 854
Burundi Burundi BI BDI 108
Bhutan Butane BT BTN 064
Vanuatu Vanuatu VU VUT 548
Vatican (Holy See) Vatican VA VAT 336
Great Britain (United Kingdom) Great Britain GB GBR 826
Hungary Hungary HU HUN 348
Venezuela Venezuela VE VEN 862
Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands (GB) VG VGB 092
Virgin Islands, US Virgin Islands (US) VI VIR 850
American Samoa Eastern Samoa (US) AS ASM 016
East Timor East Timor TP TMP 626
Viet Nam Vietnam VN VNM 704
Gabon Gabon GA GAB 266
haiti Haiti HT HTI 332
Guyana Guyana GY GUI 328
Gambia Gambia GM GMB 270
Ghana Ghana GH GHA 288
Guadeloupe Guadeloupe GP GLP 312
Guatemala Guatemala GT GTM 320
Guinea Guinea GN GIN 324
Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau GW GNB 624
Germany Germany DE DEU 276
Gibraltar Gibraltar GI GIB 292
Honduras Honduras HN HND 340
Hong Kong Hong Kong (CN) HK HKG 344
Grenada Grenada GD GRD 308
Greenland Greenland (DK) GL GRL 304
Greece Greece GR GRC 300
Georgia Georgia G.E. GEO 268
Guam Guam GU GUM 316
Denmark Denmark DK DNA 208
Democratic Republic of the Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo CD COD 180
Djibouti Djibouti DJ DJI 262
Dominica Dominica DM DMA 212
Dominican Republic Dominican Republic DO DOM 214
Egypt Egypt EG EGY 818
Zambia Zambia ZM ZMB 894
Western Sahara West Sahara EH ESH 732
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe ZW ZWE 716
Israel Israel IL ISR 376
India India IN IND 356
Indonesia Indonesia ID IDN 360
Jordan Jordan JO JOR 400
Iraq Iraq IQ IRQ 368
Iran Iran IR IRN 364
Ireland Ireland IE IRL 372
Iceland Iceland IS ISL 352
Spain Spain ES ESP 724
Italy Italy IT I.T.A. 380
Yemen Yemen YE YEM 887
Cape Verde Cape Verde CV CPV 132
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan KZ KAZ 398
Cayman Islands Cayman Islands (GB) KY CYM 136
Cambodia Cambodia KH KHM 116
Cameroon Cameroon CM CMR 120
Canada Canada CA CAN 124
Qatar Qatar QA QAT 634
Kenya Kenya KE KEN 404
Cyprus Cyprus CY CYP 196
Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan KG KGZ 417
Kiribati Kiribati KI KIR 296
China China CN CHN 156
Cocos (Keeling) Islands Cocos (Keeling) Islands (AU) CC CCK 166
Colombia Colombia CO COL 170
Comoros Comoros KM COM 174
Congo Congo CG COG 178
Costa Rica Costa Rica CR CRI 188
Cote d'Ivoire Ivory Coast CI IV 384
Cuba Cuba CU CUB 192
Kuwait Kuwait KW KWT 414
Cook Islands Cook Islands (NZ) CK COK 184
Lao People's Democratic Republic Laos LA LAO 418
Latvia Latvia LV LVA 428
Lesotho Lesotho LS LSO 426
Liberia Liberia LR LBR 430
lebanon Lebanon LB LBN 422
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Libya LY LBY 434
Lithuania Lithuania LT LTU 440
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein LI LIE 438
Luxembourg Luxembourg LU LUX 442
Mauritius Mauritius MU MUS 480
Mauritania Mauritania MR MRT 478
Madagascar Madagascar MG MDG 450
Mayotte Mayotte about. (KM) YT MYT 175
Macau (Macao) Macau (PT) MO MAC 446
Macedonia Macedonia MK MKD 807
Malawi Malawi MW MWI 454
Malaysia Malaysia MY MYS 458
Mali Mali ML MLI 466
Maldives Maldives MV MDV 462
Malta Malta MT MLT 470
Morocco Morocco MA MAR 504
Martinique Martinique MQ MTQ 474
Marshall Islands Marshall Islands MH MHL 584
Mexico Mexico MX MEX 484
Federated States of Micronesia Micronesia (US) FM FSM 583
Mozambique Mozambique MZ MOZ 508
Moldova Moldova MD MDA 498
Monaco Monaco MC MCO 492
Mongolia Mongolia MN MNG 496
Montserrat Montserrat about. (GB) MS MSR 500
Myanmar Myanmar MM MMR 104
Namibia Namibia NA NAM 516
Nauru Nauru NR NRU 520
Nepal Nepal NP NPL 524
Nigeria Niger NE NER 562
Nigeria Nigeria NG NGA 566
Netherlands (Holland) Netherlands NL NLD 528
Nicaragua Nicaragua N.I. NIC 558
Niue Niue (NZ) N.U. NIU 570
New Zealand New Zealand NZ NZL 554
New Caledonia New Caledonia about. (FR) NC NCL 540
Norway Norway NO NOR 578
Norfolk Island Norfolk about. (AU) NF NFK 574
United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates AE ARE 784
Oman Oman OM OMN 512
Pakistan Pakistan PK PAK 586
Palau Palau (US) PW PLW 585
Palestinian Territory (occupied) Palestinian Authority PS ? ?
Panama Panama PA PAN 591
Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea PG PNG 598
Paraguay Paraguay PY PRY 600
Peru Peru PE PER 604
Pitcairn Pitcairn Islands (GB) PN PCN 612
Poland Poland PL POL 616
Portugal Portugal PT PRT 620
Puerto Rico Puerto Rico (US) PR PRI 630
Reunion Reunion about. (FR) RE REU 638
Christmas Island Christmas about. (AU) CX CXR 162
Russia (Russian Federation) Russia EN ENG 643
Rwanda Rwanda RW RWA 646
Romania Romania RO ROM 642
El Salvador Salvador SV SLV 222
Samoa Samoa WS WSM 882
San Marino San Marino SM SMR 674
Sao Tomea and Principe Sao Tome and Principe ST STP 678
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia SA SAU 682
Swaziland Swaziland SZ SWZ 748
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands (NO) SJ SJM 744
St. Helena Saint Helena Fr. (GB) SH SHN 654
Korea (North) North Korea (DPRK) KP PRK 408
Northern Mariana Islands Northern Mariana Islands (US) MP MNP 580
Seychelles Seychelles SC SYC 690
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VC VCT 670
St. Pierre and Miquelon Saint Pierre and Miquelon (FR) PM SPM 666
Senegal Senegal SN SEN 686
Saint Kitts (Christopher) and Nevis Saint Christopher and Nevis KN KNA 659
saint lucia Saint Lucia LC LCA 662
Singapore Singapore SG SGP 702
Syria Syria SY SYR 760
Slovak Republic Slovakia SK SVK 703
Slovenia Slovenia SI SVN 705
United States of America USA US USA 840
Solomon Islands Solomon Islands SB SLB 090
Somalia Somalia SO SOM 706
Sudan Sudan SD SDN 736
Suriname Suriname SR SUR 740
Sierra Leone Sierra Leone SL SLE 694
Tajikistan Tajikistan TJ TJK 762
Thailand Thailand TH THA 764
Taiwan Taiwan TW TWN 158
Tanzania Tanzania TZ TZA 834
Turks and Caicos Islands Turks and Caicos Islands (GB) TC TCA 796
Togo Togo TG TGO 768
Tokelau Tokelau Islands (NZ) TK TKL 772
Tonga Tonga TO TON 776
Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago TT TTO 780
Tuvalu Tuvalu TV TUV 798
Tunisia Tunisia TN TUN 788
Turkmenistan Turkmenistan TM TKM 795
Turkey Turkey TR TUR 792
Uganda Uganda UG UGA 800
Uzbekistan Uzbekistan USD USD 860
Ukraine Ukraine U.A. UKR 804
Wallis and Futuna Islands Wallis and Futuna Islands (FR) WF WLF 876
Uruguay Uruguay UY URY 858
Faroe Islands Faroe Islands (DK) FO FRO 234
Fiji Fiji FJ FJI 242
Philippines Philippines PH PHL 608
Finland Finland FI FIN 246
Falkland (Malvinas) Islands Falkland (Malvinas) Islands (GB/AR) FK FLK 238
France France FR FRA 250
French Guyana French Guiana (FR) GF GUF 254
French Polynesia French polynesia PF PYF 258
Heard and McDonald Islands Heard and MacDonald Islands (AU) HM hmd 334
Croatia Croatia HR HRV 191
Central African Republic Central African Republic CF CAF 140
Chad Chad TD TCD 148
Czech Republic Czech cz CZE 203
Chili Chile CL CHL 152
Switzerland Switzerland CH CH 756
Sweden Sweden SE SWE 752
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka LK LKA 144
Ecuador Ecuador EU ECU 218
Equatorial Guinea Equatorial Guinea GQ GNQ 226
Eritrea Eritria ER ERI 232
Estonia Estonia EE EST 233
Ethiopia Ethiopia ET ETH 231
Yugoslavia Yugoslavia YU YUG 891
South Africa South Africa ZA ZAF 710
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands GS SGS 239
Korea (South) South Korea (Republic of Korea) KR Kor 410
Jamaica Jamaica JM JAM 388
Japan Japan JP JPN 392
French Southern Territories French Southern and Antarctic Territories TF ATF 260
British Indian Ocean Territory British Indian Ocean Territory IO IOT 086
United States Minor Outlying Islands Minor Outlying Islands (USA) UM UMI 581
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba** Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba (Caribbean Netherlands) BQ BES 599

Name: All-Russian classification of countries of the world Abbreviation: OKSM Designation: OK (MK (ISO 3166) 004-97) 025-2001 In English: Russian classification of countries of the world Responsible: Rostekhregulirovanie Reason: Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2001 No. 529 -st Introduction date: 07/01/2002 End date: not established (there is no order to cancel the classifier or replace it with a new one) Last change: No. 24, effective May 1, 2019 Reason for change: Order of Rosstandart dated February 20, 2019 N 45-st Adopted to replace the old classifier OKSM - OK (MK (ISO 3166) 004-97) 025-95.

Development and appointment

The All-Russian classifier of countries of the world was developed by the All-Russian Research Institute for Classification, Terminology and Information on Standardization and Quality (VNIIKI) of the State Standard of Russia and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia). Introduced by the Scientific and Technical Department of the State Standard of Russia.

Purpose: identification of countries of the world, used in the exchange of information at the international level.
International standards: brought into line with the International Standard ISO 3166-97 "Codes for the Representation of Country Names", Interstate Classification of World Countries MK (ISO 3166) 004-97.
Note: OKSM is part of the Unified System for Classifying and Coding Technical, Economic and Social Information.

Classifier structure

The structure of OKSM is 3 blocks:

  • Digital identification - a three-digit digital code of the country of the world;
  • Name - short and full name of the country of the world;
  • Letter identification - two-digit (alpha-2) and three-digit (alpha-3) alphabetic codes, consisting of letters of the Latin alphabet.

If the full name is missing, this means that it is the same as the short name. Letter codes have a visual association (similarity in spelling) with the generally accepted name of the country of the world. Two-digit codes are recommended for international exchanges. Three-digit codes are used for the exchange of information in exceptional cases. Changing the name of the country of the world may entail changing the alphabetic codes, but this does not affect the numeric code.

Recording example

RUSSIA Russian Federation 643 RU RUS in this entry: RUSSIA - short name of the country Russian Federation - full official name of the country 643 - numeric country code RU - alpha-2 alphabetic code RUS - alpha-3 alphabetic code

It should be taken into account that the dictionaries and maps published by Rosreestr use names of countries that differ from the names in OKSM.


  • Countries of the world
  • Appendix A. Names of the countries of the world in alphabetical order
  • Appendix B. List of Alpha-2 Codes and Abbreviations of World Countries
  • Appendix B. List of Alpha-3 Codes and Abbreviations of World Countries
  • Annex D. Territories not included in ISO 3166-97. (Ruled out)
  • Appendix D. Short names and codes of the countries of the world, distributed by macrogeographic regions

Today, all states use specialized license plates for cars. An important feature is that they differ significantly. This applies in particular to European countries.

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What do they look like

The use of vehicles for personal purposes, their possession is allowed on the territory of all states without exception.

In European and others, special state numbers are used that carry individual identification information. It must be remembered that these numbers differ significantly in all EU countries without exception.

Previously, in all countries that were part of the EU, various registration marks were used. However, they all had the same purpose. But relatively long ago, uniform standards were introduced for this kind of registration plates.

They are established by the EU Council Regulation No. 2411/98 of 03.11.98. This regulation entered into force on November 11.

The signs of the following states were used as a model when creating uniform standards:

  • Ireland (1991);
  • Portugal (1992);
  • Germany (1994).

Years are indicated in order to understand the format of the numbers. Since during the entire XX century the format of this type of numbers has changed quite significantly in all countries without exception.

It is important to keep in mind the large number of nuances associated with the standards used. If possible, you should familiarize yourself with all of them in advance.

The following main elements are applied to the registration plate itself:

  • on the left side - a star ring on a blue background with the Latin letter "D";
  • then there is a set of letters and numbers - an individual registration number of a particular car registered in the European Union.

The overall dimensions of the considered type of sign are standard. That is why, usually, after transporting cars from the countries of the European Union, there are no difficulties with subsequent installation.

To get an idea of ​​what the numbers of European countries look like, you should read the examples.

They look like this:

  • Austria:
  • Ireland:

  • Portugal:

  • Germany:

    Deciphering European car numbers

    It is enough to simply decipher the car numbers that are installed on cars in the EU countries. At the moment, on the Internet, you can easily find a complete set of symbols for various kinds of countries.

    A complete list of designations on EU numbers is reflected in the following regulatory documents:

    • the Geneva Convention on Road Traffic, 1949;
    • – 1968.

    At the same time, a fairly large number of codes coincide with those indicated in the international normative document ISO 3166-1. It is also important to remember that there are a fairly large number of unofficial codes.

    Similar ones are not used in the EU countries, but are used by various unrecognized republics and other territorial associations.

    Each country is assigned its own individual number. At the same time, it should be remembered that when traveling to the EU countries in your own car, on which the number of the Russian Federation is installed, it is necessary to stick a sticker with the corresponding letter designation (RUS) on the car body.

    At the same time, traveling abroad itself has a large number of nuances and features. All of them will need to be familiarized in advance. This way you can avoid the occurrence of a variety of difficulties.

    European car codes

    Car European numbers are supplied with special codes - depending on the country in which the registration of a particular car was carried out.

    Today, the EU includes countries with the following designations:

    Austria A
    Belgium B
    Bulgaria BG
    Great Britain GB
    Hungary H
    Germany D
    Greece GR
    Denmark DK
    Ireland IRL
    Spain E
    Italy I
    Cyprus CY
    Latvia LV
    Lithuania LT
    Luxembourg L
    Malta MT
    Netherlands NL
    Poland PL
    Slovakia SK
    Slovenia SLO
    Portugal P
    Romania RO
    Finland FIN
    France F
    Croatia HR
    Czech cz
    Sweden S
    Estonia EST

    European license plates by country must be provided with special numbers and letters. There is a fairly large number of various nuances associated with such designations.

    How are they attached

    The fastening of the number of the type in question is carried out in a standard way, almost completely corresponding to the process of fastening the number in the Russian Federation.

    Today, there are several methods for installing this kind of identification marks of the state type on a car:

    • with the help of bolts, on standard landing meta;
    • through drilling;
    • for self-tapping screws.

    The best solution would be to use just ordinary bolts for mounting the license plate. You can buy these hardware at any hardware store.

    Almost without exception, cars are equipped with standard pre-made holes in a specially adapted place on the bumper. It will be enough to arm yourself with a pair of keys and a screwdriver for installation.

    The bolt goes through the number plate, number frame, and a special mounting surface. After that, screwing is carried out on the reverse side with the help of a nut and washers.

    In the EU, there are also criminal elements associated with the theft of numbers. It is for this purpose that various special fastening methods are used. This allows you to reduce the likelihood of theft of the number to the very minimum.

    One such method is through-drilling the bumper. This will allow you to fix the number in such a way that in the absence of a lift, special tools and time, it will be virtually impossible to remove the number.

    Bulgarian is the only option. As practice shows, such tools are rarely carried by attackers.

    Also, a special tool for installing rivets is often used. It can be purchased independently for the implementation of the fastening procedure (its cost is low) or contact a specialized workshop.

    There are quite a number of different alternatives. It is possible to use long self-tapping screws as a hardware. But such fasteners are not reliable enough.

    Nylon clamps are often used. With the help of them, the frame of the number is fastened to the number itself.

    This kind of procedure reduces the likelihood of accidental loss of the number. But at the same time, this method of fastening will still not protect against scammers who steal license plates.

    There is a certain list of requirements for the license plate itself. A special standard does not allow changes to the construct.

    Currently in the EU it is prohibited:

    • change with the help of a license plate (as well as other structures) the overhangs of the front and rear corners of the car;
    • license plates themselves should in no case cover light and light-signal elements with their plane, protrude beyond the dimensions of the car;
    • the license plate itself must not be drilled, standard mounting holes must be used.

    The EU establishes certain standards for the location of the license plate within 4 planes.

    The following defined standards are established:

    In no case is it allowed to use various kinds of elements that cover the information reflected on the number. And this also applies to fasteners. The heads of self-tapping screws, bolts or other components must be colorless.

    The use of all kinds of reflective components is prohibited. A complete list of all actions prohibited by law is reflected in special documents of the European Union. It is important to remember that they are valid for almost all countries without exception.

    Old numbers that do not comply with EU standards are used only in the UK and some other EU entities. The reason for this is the special conditions for joining this conglomerate.

    The situation is similar with the standards that take place regarding the mounting of the number on the vehicle body. They differ for the UK and other countries that are in the same position with it.

    Liability in the EU and other European countries for missing numbers

    If you need to travel by your own car to the EU countries, you need to make sure that the number on the vehicle is available.

    Moreover, the very fact of his presence is important. After crossing the border of the Russian Federation, the features of the license plate fasteners and other points will not matter.

    It is only required that there are no problems with reading information directly from the number. Otherwise, the traffic inspector will issue a fine for an administrative offense.

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    Automotive country codes are required to identify the state of registration of the vehicle. Previously, a sticker was used for this purpose, on which the country code was indicated in capital letters. The distinctive sign of the country of registration must be attached to the rear of the vehicle near the license plate, and may also be included in the registration number of the vehicle. If the distinguishing sign is included in the registration number, it must also appear on the front registration plate of the vehicle.

    The distinctive sign may be supplemented by the flag or emblem of the nation state or the emblem of the regional economic integration organization to which the country belongs. The insignia must be displayed at the far left or far right of the registration plate. If a symbol/flag/emblem is present on the registration number, the distinctive sign must be placed in the far left position on the registration plate.

    Recently, countries are moving to the definition of ownership on registration plates. For example, in the EU countries, this code is displayed on the standard registration number of the car. In this case, the sticker is no longer required.

    Nevertheless, there were cases (for example, in Germany) when a fine was issued for her absence. To avoid misunderstandings, even if you do not want to stick it, it is better to carry a sticker with you and stick it on demand.

    According to the Convention on International Traffic, the sticker must be made in the form of an ellipse, the main axis of which is horizontal, and the letters must be black on a white background.

    Data in all tables can be sorted in ascending/descending order by clicking on the column heading.

    European car codes

    European car codes
    The code Country Valid from Previous code Notes
    A Austria 1910
    ABH* Abkhazia 2006
    AL Albania 1934
    AM Armenia 1992 SU Formerly part of the USSR
    AND Andorra 1957
    AX* Åland Islands 2002 SF Official code - FIN
    AZ Azerbaijan 1993 SU Formerly part of the USSR
    B Belgium 1910
    BG Bulgaria 1910
    BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992 YU Formerly part of the SFRY
    BY Belarus 1992 SU Formerly part of the USSR
    BZH* Brittany Region in northwestern France
    CAT* Catalonia Autonomous community of Spain, located in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula
    CD* diplomatic corps
    CH Switzerland 1911 C onfoederatio H elvetica
    CY Cyprus 1932
    CYM* Wales 1932 Cym en
    cz Czech 1993 CS Formerly part of Czechoslovakia
    D Germany 1910 D euschland
    DK Denmark 1914
    E Spain 1910 E spana
    EH* French Basque Country Located in the southwestern part of the French department of Pyrenees-Atlantiques
    EIR Ireland 1938 GB − 1910
    SE − 1924
    Formerly part of Great Britain and the Irish Free State (1922-1937). Used in conjunction with the IRL code.
    ENG* England
    EST Estonia 1993 EW 1919–1940 & 1991–1993
    S.U. 1940–1991
    Formerly part of the USSR
    F France 1910
    FIN Finland 1993 SF Suomi Finland
    FIN Liechtenstein 1923 F urstentum L iechtenstein
    FO Faroe islands 1996 FR Fo royar
    GB Great Britain 1910
    GBA Alderney 1924 G reat B ritain- A lderney
    GBG guernsey 1924 G reat B ritain- G uernsey
    GBJ Jersey 1924 G reat B ritain- J ersey
    GBM Isle Of Man 1932 G reat B ritain- M an
    GBZ Gibraltar 1924 G reat B ritain - Gibraltar ( Z used as G is already used for Guernsey)
    G.E. Georgia 1992 SU Formerly part of the USSR
    GEO Georgia 1992 SU Formerly part of the USSR
    GR Greece 1913
    H Hungary 1910
    HR Croatia 1992 SHS 1919–1929
    Y 1929–1953
    YU 1953–1992
    HR watska. Formerly part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, then part of the SFRY
    I Italy 1919
    IRL Ireland 1962 GB − 1910
    SE − 1924
    Formerly part of Great Britain and the Irish Free State (1922-1937). Used in conjunction with the EIR code.
    IS Iceland 1936
    KN* Greenland 1910 GRO K alaallit N unat. Official code - DK
    L Luxembourg 1911
    LT Lithuania 1992 S.U. 1940–1991 Formerly part of the USSR
    LV Latvia 1992 LR 1927–1940
    S.U. 1940–1991
    Formerly part of the USSR
    M Malta 1966 GBY 1924–66
    MC Monaco 1910
    MD Moldova 1992 SU−1991 Formerly part of the USSR
    NMK North Macedonia 2019 YU-1992
    Formerly part of the SFRY.
    From 1992 to 2019 Macedonia.
    MNE Montenegro 2006 MN 1913–1919
    SHS 1919–1929
    Y 1929–1953
    YU 1953–2003
    SCG 2003–2006
    Independent nation until 1918. After that, part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, then part of the SFRY, and then Serbia and Montenegro (Serbia and Krna Gora - Serbian). Independence restored in 2006.
    N Norway 1922
    NIR* Northern Ireland N orthern Ir eland
    NL Netherlands 1910
    P Portugal 1910
    PL Poland 1921
    PMR* Transnistria 1990
    RKS Kosovo 2010 KS
    RO Romania 1981 R 1930–1981
    RSM San Marino 1932
    RSO* South Ossetia
    ENG Russia 1992 R 1910–1917
    S.U. 1917–1992
    S Sweden 1911
    SCO* Scotland
    SCV* Vatican
    SK Slovakia 1993 CS 1919–1939 & 1945–1992
    SQ 1939–1945
    Formerly part of Czechoslovakia
    SLO Slovenia 1992 SHS 1919–1929
    Y 1929–1953
    YU 1953–1992
    Formerly part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, then part of the SFRY
    SMOM Sovereign Order of Malta S overeign M ilitary O order of M alta
    SRB Serbia 2006 SB-1919
    SHS 1919–1929
    Y 1929–1953
    YU 1953–2003
    SCG 2003–2006
    Formerly part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, then part of the SFRY, and then Serbia and Montenegro (Serbia and Krna Gora - Serbian). Independence restored in 2006.
    TR Turkey 1923
    U.A. Ukraine 1992 SU Formerly part of the USSR
    V Vatican 1931 SCV (Stato della Città del Vaticano) is used as a prefix on the license plate itself
    VL* Flanders 1923 Historical region on the territory of modern France, Belgium and the Netherlands.

    * - unofficial code

    America's car codes

    The code Country Valid from Previous code Notes
    AG* Antigua and Barbuda
    ARU* Aruba
    AXA* Anguilla
    bds Barbados 1956
    BH Belize 1938 B ritish H onduras. After gaining independence and changing the name, the state did not notify about the change of code
    BOL Bolivia 1967
    BR Brazil 1930
    BS Bahamas 1950
    BVI British Virgin Islands 1910
    C Cuba 1930
    CND Canada 1956 CA
    CO Colombia 1952
    CR Costa Rica 1956
    DOM Dominican Republic 1952
    EU Ecuador 1962
    ES Salvador 1978
    GCA Guatemala 1956
    GUI Guyana 1972 BRG Formerly British Guiana
    HN* Honduras
    JA Jamaica 1932
    KAN* Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint K itts a nd N evis
    MEX Mexico 1952
    NA Netherlands Antilles 1957
    NIC Nicaragua 1952
    PA Panama 1952
    PE Peru 1937
    PR* Puerto Rico
    PY Paraguay 1952
    RA Argentina 1927 R epublica A gentina
    RCH Chile 1930 R publica de Ch ile
    RH Haiti 1952
    SME Suriname 1936
    TT Trinidad and Tobago 1964 TD
    USA USA 1952 US
    UY Uruguay 2012 U 1930-1979
    ROU 1979-2012
    WD Dominica 1954
    WG Grenada 1932
    WL Saint Lucia 1932
    WV Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1932
    YV Venezuela 1955

    * - unofficial code

    Asia car codes

    Automotive Country Codes of the Americas
    The code Country Valid from Previous code Notes
    AFG Afghanistan 1971
    BD Bangladesh 1978 PAK Formerly East Pakistan
    BRN Bahrain 1954
    BRU Brunei 1956
    BRU Brunei 1956
    BT Butane BHT
    CL Sri Lanka 1961 Previously C ey l on
    CN* People's Republic of China
    HK* Hong Kong H ong K ong
    HKJ Jordan 1966 JOR H ashemite K indom of J order
    IL Israel 1952
    IND India 1947 BI 1930-1947 Formerly British India
    IR Iran 1936 PR 1930-1936 Formerly Persia
    IRQ Iraq 1930
    J Japan 1964
    K Cambodia 1956
    KG Kyrgyzstan 2016 SU−1991
    KS 1991-2016
    Formerly part of the USSR
    KGZ* Kyrgyzstan 1992 SU−1991
    KS 1991-2016
    Formerly part of the USSR
    KP* North Korea
    KSA Saudi Arabia 1973 SA K indom of S audi A rabia
    KWT Kuwait 1954
    KZ Kazakhstan 1992 SU−1991 Formerly part of the USSR
    LAO Laos 1959
    MAL Malaysia 1967 PRK-1957
    FM 1954-1957
    PTM 1957–1967
    Formerly Perak then Federated States of Malaya then Federation of Malaya
    MNG Mongolia 2002 MGL 1997–2002
    MV* Maldives
    MYA Myanmar 1989 B.U.R. 1956-1989
    NEP Nepal 1970
    OM Oman
    PK Pakistan 1947
    PS* Palestine
    Q Qatar 1972
    RC Republic of China (Taiwan) 1932
    R.I. Indonesia 1955 R epublik I ndonesia
    RL Lebanon 1952
    R.O.K. South Korea 1971
    RP Philippines 1975
    SGP Singapore 1952
    SYR Syria 1952
    T Thailand 1955
    TJ Tajikistan 1992 SU−1991 Formerly part of the USSR
    TL* East Timor P, RI T imor- L este
    TM Turkmenistan 1992 SU−1991, TMN Formerly part of the USSR
    UAE United Arab Emirates 1971
    USD Uzbekistan 1992 SU−1991 Formerly part of the USSR
    VN Vietnam 1953
    YEM Yemen 1990 YAR 1960-1990

    * - unofficial code

    African car codes

    Automotive Country Codes of the Americas
    The code Country Valid from Previous code Notes
    ANG Angola 1975 P.A.N. 1932-1957
    P 1957-1975
    bf Burkina Faso 1990
    b.w. Botswana 2003 BP 1967-2003
    CAM Cameroon 1952
    CGO Democratic Republic of the Congo 1997 CB, RCL, CGO, ZR
    CI Ivory Coast 1961
    COM Comoros
    CV* Cape Verde 1975 P
    DJI* Djibouti F
    DY Benin 1910 F Before 1975 Dahomey
    DZ Algeria 1962 F−1911
    EAK Kenya 1938 E ast A Frica K enya
    EAT Tanzania 1938 E ast A Frica T anzania
    EAU Uganda 1938 E ast A Frica U ganda
    EAZ Zanzibar 1964 E ast A Frica Z anzibar
    ER Eritrea 1993 AOI Africa Orientale Italiana (Italian)
    ET Egypt 1927
    ETH Ethiopia 1964 AOI - 1941 A Frica O Rientale I taliana
    G Gabon 1974 ALEF - 1960 Afrique Equatoriale Française
    GH Ghana 1959 WAC - 1957 West Africa Gold Coast
    GQ* Equatorial Guinea G uinee E q uatoriale
    LAR Libya 1972 I-1949, LT L ibyan A slave R epublic
    LB Liberia 1967
    LS Lesotho 1967 BL
    MA Morocco 1924
    MOS Mozambique 1975 MOC 1932–1956
    P 1957–1975
    Formerly part of Portugal
    MS Mauritius 1938
    MW Malawi 1965 EA 1932–1938
    NP - 1938-1970
    RNY option 1960–1965
    NAM Namibia 1990 SWA Formerly South West Africa
    RCA Central African Republic 1962
    RCB Republic of the Congo 1962
    RG Guinea 1972
    R.I.M. Mauritania 1964
    RM Madagascar 1962 République de M adagascar
    RMM Mali 1962 AOF - 1960 Republique du Mali.
    RN Niger 1977 AOF - 1960 R epublique du N iger"
    Formerly part of French West Africa (Afrique Occidentale Française).
    EN Burundi 1962 R uanda- U rundi
    RWA Rwanda 1964 RU−1962 R uanda- U rundi
    SD Eswatini 1935 Formerly Swaziland until 2018
    SN Senegal 1962
    STP* Sao Tome and Principe 1975 P S o T home and P rincipe
    SUD Sudan 1963
    SY Seychelles 1938
    TCH Chad 1973
    TG Togo 1973
    TN Tunisia 1957 F−1956
    wag Gambia 1932 W est A Frica G ambia
    WAL Sierra Leone 1937 W est A Frica Sierra L one
    WAN Nigeria 1937 W est A Frica N igeria
    WSA* West Sahara 1932 W stern Sa hara
    Z Zambia 1964
    ZA South Africa 1936 Z uid- A frika
    ZW Zimbabwe 1980 SR - 1965
    RSR - 1980
    Formerly Southern Rhodesia, then Rhodesia

    * - unofficial code

    Automotive codes of Australia and Oceania

    Automotive Country Codes of the Americas
    The code Country Valid from Previous code Notes
    ARK* Antarctica
    AUS Australia 1954
    FJI Fiji 1971
    FSM* Federated States of Micronesia F ederated S tates of M micronesia
    KIR* Kiribati
    MH* Marshall Islands M ars h all Islands
    NAU Nauru 1968
    NC* New Caledonia 1968 N ouvelle- C aledonie
    NZ New Zealand 1958
    PAL* Palau
    PNG Papua New Guinea 1978
    SOL* Solomon islands
    TO* Tonga
    TUV* Tuvalu
    VU* Vanuatu
    WS Samoa 1962

    * - unofficial code

    Deprecated Codes

    Automotive Country Codes of the Americas
    The code Country Valid until Replaced by Notes
    ADN Aden 1980 Y 1938-1967 South Yemen
    1967-1980 People's Democratic Republic of Yemen
    AEF French Equatorial Africa 1960 G, TCH
    AOF French West Africa 1962 DY, RMM, RN
    AOI Italian East Africa 1964 ER, ETH
    BA Burma 1956 BUR
    BP bechuanaland 1966 b.w.
    CS Czechoslovakia 1992 CZ, SK
    DA Free City of Danzig 1939 D (1939–1945)
    PL (1945-...)
    DDR GDR 1990 D 1974-1990 German Democratic Republic
    GBY Malta 1966 M
    ew Estonia 1940 SU 1919-1940
    LR Latvia 1940 SU 1927-1940
    PR Persia 1936 IR 1930-1936
    R Russian empire 1917 SU 1910-1917
    RSR Southern Rhodesia 1917 SU 1910-1917
    SA Saar 1956 D 1926–1935, 1947–1956
    SHS Kingdom of Yugoslavia 1929 Y 1919–1929
    SM Siam 1939 T 1930–1939
    SU USSR 1991 EST, LT, LV, BY, MD, UA, TJ, TM, GE, KZ, UZ, KS, AZ, AM, RUS 1917-1991
    TS Free Territory of Trieste 1954 I
    Y Yugoslavia 1953 YU 1929-1953
    YU Yugoslavia 2003 BIH, HR, MK, MNE, SLO, SRB 1953–2003
    HV Upper Volta 1984 bf now Burkina Faso
    MK Macedonia 2019 NMK Now North Macedonia

    * - unofficial code

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