Home Berries A flight attendant's cap is a headdress. Do-it-yourself fabric cap: getting ready for a big holiday How to sew a flight attendant cap with your own

A flight attendant's cap is a headdress. Do-it-yourself fabric cap: getting ready for a big holiday How to sew a flight attendant cap with your own

Hats emphasize a stylish image, give it a finished look, and sometimes completely change it. Hats, caps, caps, bandanas, scarves and many other various accessories have been firmly established in the closets of fashionistas and fashionistas for centuries. Some hats involuntarily evoke certain associations in people, becoming a uniform for certain groups of people, for example, a cap. You immediately imagine pioneers, flight attendants or soldiers. Our master class today is devoted to the topic of how to make a cap from high-quality fabric quickly and easily with your own hands, but what it will be like is up to you to decide, step-by-step instructions with photo accompaniment will help you figure it out.

We study the description of how to sew a cap from fabric with your own hands

The design of the cap is quite simple and easy to manufacture; it consists of two side panels connected at the top by a single or double insert. To create it, it is not necessary to have extensive experience in sewing clothes or any special skills; it is enough to make the pattern correctly and spend a little more than an hour making this headdress.

In order to sew a cap, the first step is to draw out a pattern; it is more convenient and easier to do this on graph paper, for example, with a cell size of 5x5 mm. To do this, two main measurements are taken: cap height and head circumference. On graph paper, a segment equal to half the circumference of the head is drawn horizontally, and a line for the height of the cap is drawn vertically. The ends of the segments are connected by a smooth line, and the required seam allowances are added to them so that the finished product does not squeeze the head.

  • The second part of the pattern is drawn in the same way as the first, but its height should be a third shorter, this will be the inner fold of the headdress.
  • For the third part, which will be on top, first draw a segment equal to half the circumference of the head, then draw two parabolas above it, forming something like an ellipse with sharp corners.
  • Now let’s look at the questions of what fabric a cap is made from and how much fabric is needed for this. For an accessory such as a cap, you will not need much dense fabric that holds its shape well, a piece of approximately 30x50 cm. The color of the fabric depends on the purpose of the finished product. For a military cap, take dense camouflage fabric or khaki color, for a Pioneer cap, carrot-red or scarlet; for a simple cap, which will be an accessory for a specific image, you can use fabric of a neutral or, on the contrary, a very bright, defiant color.
  • A pattern cut from graph paper is attached to the fabric with safety pins, outlined with chalk, and then cut out along the outline. The sides are sewn together with the wrong side on the outside.
  • After this, the upper part is pinned onto them, straightened so that it is free of folds and wrinkles, and then sewn on.
  • On the top part, in the center, a line is started, along which the hat will then be folded. Then this entire structure is carefully ironed until clear, pronounced lines are obtained.

That's all, the basis for the future stylish accessory is ready.

You can leave the basic cap in its original condition if it was made for a specific themed event, be it a Pioneer rally or Halloween. By the way, for Halloween, a flight attendant's cap or a sailor's cap in the female version, decorated with pom-poms, ribbons, a bow or, for example, badges, is ideal. A badge in the shape of a star and a crescent can be used to decorate a military-themed camouflage cap.

If you sew such a cap from expensive, beautiful fabric, it will become a wonderful finishing touch to your look, even if you are not a fan of the military style. For example, when cutting the material, make one of the sidewalls elongated with a pointed end, which is then overlapped to the first sidewall. You can also decorate this sewn pointed end with a shiny metal button or snap.

A cap, sewn from thick felt and decorated with a colorful, bright lapel, can be an excellent alternative to a festive winter headdress.

A cap made of thin fur, astrakhan or velor fabric can also warm and decorate your head in winter; don’t forget about a thick lining for such decoration.

You can decorate your cap with beads, lace, mesh, feathers, and ribbons. A small, modest applique will transform a simple cap into an original summer headdress for a child, which will protect the head from solar overheating.

A cap decorated with a multilayer fabric feather, which is attached to the headdress with a beautiful pin or brooch, will significantly enliven and diversify a boring business style. The feather can be made either from a plain fabric or from a fabric contrasting in color and texture.

Video on the topic of the article

We offer you a small video collection that will show you step by step how to sew a cap.

Lightweight hats are comfortable to protect your head in a variety of conditions. This can be protection from sunlight to avoid overheating of the head, or as protection from various pollutants - dust, various small splashes of dirt, droplets of paint from a spray bottle during painting; when whitewashing the ceiling, walls at a level above the head.

If an ordinary Panama hat or cap is not available, or it is a shame to ruin them, then you can make a headdress from paper, for example, from a sheet of newspaper spread.

1. Let's make a cap from a newspaper.
You will need: newspaper sheet

1. Take one sheet of newspaper. Usually it is already folded in half, that is, it has a fold along which the newspaper is folded during production in the printing house. Place the sheet folded in half horizontally and further away from you along the fold line.

2. Take the upper right and left corners and fold them into right angles symmetrically to the center, about a third of the width of the newspaper. A kind of trapezoid is formed.

3. Fold the free top layer of the bottom edge in an upward direction so that it is folded evenly twice. The first time - in half to the bottom of the right angles formed from the previous fold. The second is to repeat the twist by the same amount even higher. The resulting strip will partially overlap the corner bends. The design itself will resemble a boat folded out of paper (see at the end of the post).

4. Without changing the top-bottom orientation, turn the newspaper over to the other side. This way, only the right and left sides will be swapped.

5. Bend the strips on the left and right, each by about a sixth of the width, so that vertical parallel fold lines are formed.

6. Fold the bottom edge horizontally 2 times away from you. First, in half, and during the second fold, insert the first fold of this step and insert it behind the pocket flaps from the similar two folds in the third step of this instruction. Assembly is complete.

7. Add volume to the cap and put it on. A step-by-step diagram of folding the cap is shown in the figure.

Video on the topic:

How to make a cap out of paper?

Paper is an easily accessible and easy-to-work material. It makes wonderful crafts. Why not make a paper cap with your little one? The time will pass profitably, and the craft will turn out amazing.

Remember: The seams must be even and neat, otherwise the craft will turn out ugly.
Helpful advice: To make a paper cap look more elegant and fun, ask your child to decorate his craft with watercolors and let it dry.

How to make a cap?

The cap is a necessary element of children's uniform. In some schools and children's sports camps, they still wear uniforms, which, as a mandatory element, include a cap.

You will need: thick cotton fabric, sewing accessories.

1. You can make a cap from various materials, but the easiest way is to sew a cap from thick fabric. It is better to use cotton fabric for making a cap.

Before sewing, you must carefully take measurements. Measure your head at the level of the forehead and back of the head. This will be the length of the cap. Measure your head from ear to ear - this will be the height of our product.

2. Then you need to make a drawing of the headdress pattern on paper. You need to draw a rectangle, where the long side is the length of the cap, and the short side is the height of the cap. You need to draw the pattern according to the measurements taken.

Then you can cut out the elements of the product from fabric. To do this, fold the fabric in half along the transverse thread. Place the pattern so that the long side of the rectangle coincides with the fold line of the fabric.

Pin the pattern with pins, cut it out with an allowance of 1.5 cm for the side seams and 4 cm for the bottom edge. Sew the side edges by machine, it is better to overcast the edges using an overlock machine.

3. Turn the cap inside out and iron the seams. Then fold the bottom edge by 1 cm, iron it, fold it again by 2 cm and stitch on a sewing machine.

If you need a cap for special occasions, before you start sewing, you can glue or embroider an emblem on the cut fabric, insert a tassel into the seam and stitch the bottom edge with a contrasting thread. You will get a more festive, elegant version of the cap.

How to sew a pioneer cap?

One of the most memorable moments of childhood are pioneer camps. Everyone was required to wear a pioneer uniform, the basis of which was a red cap.

You will need: brightly colored satin, sewing accessories, measuring tape, embroidery thread.

1. To prepare a pattern for a cap, use a measuring tape to measure the circumference of your head and determine the depth of the headdress. The pattern should be slightly larger than the finished cap, since it should contain overlaps on the seams (about 1 centimeter for the sides and 3 centimeters for hemming the edges of the product). The drawn blank should be in the shape of a rectangle. The pattern can be made in several versions: caps with several seams on the sides within the range of 270 by 180 mm, or with a single seam at the top with dimensions of approximately 520 by 180 mm.

2. Carefully pin the pattern onto the fabric using pins and trace with chalk or a tailor's pencil. Cut out the material, taking into account seam allowances. Manually sweep the parts of the cap and try on the workpiece, if necessary, adjust its dimensions by decreasing or increasing them. Then carefully sew all the seams using a sewing machine. Finish the edges of the fabric with an overlock or zigzag stitch.

3. Often the emblem of a camp is embroidered on the cap. Her drawing is prepared in advance. Often, the best one is chosen through a competitive vote, and then I embroider it on all caps. This can be done using absolutely any seam: loop, stem or chain stitch. Transfer the design of the selected emblem onto the fabric using carbon paper and embroider it.

4. Even the simplest cap can be decorated with a thread border, either handmade or ready-made. Sewing techniques can vary depending on the skill of the master and his imagination. Hand baste the border or braid to the edge of the product or just above it, and then sew it on by machine. Iron the finished product thoroughly.

Cap pattern

Such a cap can be made as a military cap, a pioneer cap, a cap for children, or a cap for a flight attendant.

The cap can be sewn or knitted as in the photo below (hook, single crochet):

The pattern is simple:

The pattern is given for head sizes 56-57. For the rest, reduce or increase proportionally.
If desired, the height of the cap can be increased slightly. You can add a lapel.
There is a more complicated version of the cap:

In this case, you need to cut 4 small elements that are on the pattern and make them as if embedded in the main part. To do this, 2-3 cm of facings must be made at the top, to which the upper double element is sewn.

And as a bonus - how to make a children's boat out of paper. Remember?

Recently, photo shoots and themed matinees have become popular, where caps are an integral attribute. There is no need to run to the store and buy a stylish accessory. You can do it yourself with a minimum set of tools and materials. Today we will tell you how to make patterns and sew this accessory.

Whether it is a military cap or another theme, sewing them involves preparing a certain tool and consumables. Sewing caps for children does not require any special skills or special sewing gadgets.

You will need:

  1. Sewing machine. Of course, no tailoring is complete without a sewing machine. You can use any machine to sew caps; there are no special criteria. If you don't have a machine, you can make stitches by hand. This will slow down the process, but considering that a child’s head is small, you should not have any particular difficulties. Since a good sewing machine costs a lot of money, small hand-held machines have recently become especially popular among women for simple operations. A large selection of these is offered by Chinese trading platforms, where you do not overpay for the brand. One such platform is Aliexpress. How to choose and buy a sewing machine on Ali is described here: aliexpressin.ru/kak-kupit-shvejnuyu-mashinu.
  2. Ruler.
  3. Pattern template.
  4. Pencil or soap for drawing a drawing on fabric.
  5. Scissors.
  6. Threads in the color of the selected fabric.
  7. Centimeter tape.
  8. Fabric pins.
  9. Textile.

How to make a military cap pattern for a child, step by step with photos

To begin with, don’t be lazy to make a drawing of the product. Measure the baby's head with a centimeter. And according to the half-circumference of the head, draw the following drawings on paper, they will serve as templates for the pattern.

Drawing the first template. As mentioned above, the half-circumference of the child’s head is taken as the basis. On a sheet of paper, draw a rectangle measuring 27x8.5 cm (width and height, respectively). From the upper left edge we step aside 1.5 cm and down 2.5 cm, put a dot. On the right side we do exactly the same. On the upper side of the square we find the center and connect the center with the placed dots so that a semicircle emerges. This is the drawing you will end up with.

Drawing the second template. The dimensions of the template are 22x10.5 cm. Using the same principle as described above, we measure points on the right and left sides, retreating to the sides and down by 2.5 cm. Draw a semicircle.

Drawing the third template dimensions 23.5x8 cm. We measure the middle on each side and connect all sides in a semicircle.

How to sew a military cap for a child with your own hands, master class

After you have sketched out a drawing of your future cap, it’s time to begin the process of making it. Pin the design to the fabric and apply the design to the fabric (with soap or pencil, whichever is convenient for you). You need to prepare 4 parts under No. 1, 2 parts under No. 2 and 1 part under No. 3.

For convenience, put a distinctive sign on the back of each part. Let's take part No. 3 and 2 parts No. 2. We chop off the parts face to face with pins from the middle to the edges.

We attach parts No. 2 to part No. 3. After this, you need to make a line on the wrong side of part No. 3 in the center, departing 1 mm from the edge. The central line is needed so that the top of the cap does not come out.

Front side.

Now you need to stitch the side parts of parts No. 2.

We turn the cap onto the face and iron all the seams well. This needs to be done in order to later go through the finishing stitch along the edge of the cap.

We take parts No. 1 and fold 2 parts face to face, after which we stitch on the sides. The seams need to be ironed in different directions.

We turn the part inside out, iron the seams, and then use a finishing stitch along the top edge.

We put the upper part of the cap inside out inside out into the lower one. We pin and stitch the bottom edge of the blanks.

To prevent the wrong side from sliding outwards from the head, you need to secure the seam by running a machine stitch along the inside edge.

We remove all the threads, iron them thoroughly and our first cap is ready.

How to make a pattern for a flight attendant cap, step by step with photos

Flight attendants from different countries dress completely differently, and caps, which come in different shapes and types, are also different. We suggest making you a cap for a little flight attendant on the same principle as a military cap. The only difference will be in the height of the product. Please note that the pattern is made for a 52 cm head. We make a drawing on a sheet of paper of 3 parts.

How to sew a flight attendant cap with your own hands, step by step with photos

We attach the drawing to the fabric and cut out the blanks. This is what they should look like.

We sew part C to parts B. You can first fasten the parts with pins or sew them with large stitches.

We turn the resulting (central) part of the cap inside out and iron it.
We take parts A and sew them in pairs face to face along their rounded part.

We turn the resulting parts inside out and iron them.
We sew paired parts A to the central part of the cap so that the seams end up in the folds of the cap. Iron the seams.

We sew on the side parts of the future cap.

We remove the excess strings, turn inside out and iron the flight attendant's cap.

Pattern of a sailor's cap with your own hands, step by step with photos

Before you start sewing a sailor's visor, you need to prepare a pattern. Take a tailor's tape and measure the circumference of your child's head (in our example the circumference is 54 cm). Draw a rectangle on paper measuring 10x54 cm (head circumference). This rectangle will serve as the band (the part that will be adjacent to the head) of our future cap. Let's denote the length of the strip, or head circumference, by the letter Q. Now we need to make a pattern for the two upper parts. We calculate the internal radius: r=Q/2π; r=54/2*3.14= 8.6 cm. Calculate the outer radius: R=r+7cm; R=8.6+7=15.6 cm. It is not necessary to make 2 patterns, it is enough to make only one, the second is cut out according to the same outer diameter. These are the blanks you should get.

How to sew a sailor's cap with your own hands, master class

1. We cut out all the prepared blanks from dublerin. Choose dublerin that is very dense, otherwise the shape will not hold.

9. Carefully sew the band. The joint on the band is sewn with one line.

10. Take a satin ribbon 2.5 cm wide and cut 2 pieces 40 cm long. We melt the edges of the ribbon with a lighter or candle. We apply the ribbons to the joint of the band and sew the ribbons to the peak with a “forward needle” seam.

You can optionally sew an applique onto the front of the cap. The nautical cap is ready.

As you can see, sewing caps and caps with your own hands is not a difficult and interesting process. Arm yourself with inspiration and you will succeed!

One of the most interesting components of a flight attendant's costume has always been and remains a cap. Flight attendants from different countries may be dressed completely differently, but the cap is universal. This element has long taken root in the world of aviation and consistently appears here and there.

Those born in the USSR probably remember Soviet flight attendants dressed in red caps with an embroidered gold emblem of civil aviation. These small, stylish hats look beautiful on the neatly combed head of the sky swallow - so much so that they even excited famous producers.
In one of the famous videos of the group “Brilliant”, the singers perform wearing the caps of Aeroflot flight attendants.
By the way, the former country of the Soviets does not have an exclusive right to red caps. Italian flight attendants, whose uniform follows the colors of the national flag, also wear red caps.

The couturier Julian MacDonald dressed the British flight attendants in caps like caps - albeit dark blue. His goal was to make girls “sexy beauties” and men “real heroes.” There is definitely something in this cap! Even the designer appreciated it.

Many Chinese flight attendants wear caps that are very similar to Russian ones. Yes, and after 1991 Aeroflot did not abandon its previous decisions. Only the color of the uniform (and headdress) became much brighter. Some were even outraged by this, and they shouted about “fire in the sky.” However, there is no arguing about tastes: others liked the red-orange solution.

Favorite aviation colors are blue, red and light blue. Flight attendant hats are often made in these color options. Often, especially in Western countries, as well as in Arab countries, the classic cap is replaced by a felt hat of the pill type. In Muslim countries, flight attendants are required to wear a scarf under such a hat. The small hat looks perhaps less perky than a cap, but it is very elegant.

Dutch flight attendants wear red pillbox hats.

And UAE flight attendants, whose uniforms are considered by some experts to be one of the sexiest in the world (strange, right?), wear dark red caps with a white headscarf at the bottom. The girls themselves are dressed in beige and flesh-colored suits: thus, the red riding hood is what first catches the eye. Maybe the experts are right...
Pan-American Airlines flight attendants wear sky blue uniforms and caps. All this is beautifully complemented by white gloves and blouse collars peeking out from under the jacket.
The Brazilians wear the same blue uniform as the Americans, but they have a felt hat instead of a cap.

The costume of Jordanian flight attendants is somewhat reminiscent of the uniform of Dutch women, only their hats are not red, but dark in color.

And in South Korea, caps are generally two-colored, lilac-white: the edges are lilac-blue, and the middle is white. The solution completely matches the suit: it looks like an open flower.

A cap for a child is often made by mothers for matinees or photo sessions of their children. Sewing this headdress with your own hands is not at all difficult; besides, on the Internet you can find a lot of simple patterns for sewing caps of different sizes.

A cap for a child is often made by mothers for matinees or photo shoots.

Patterning a pelotka is not only not a difficult, but a very interesting process.

In order to get this beautiful hat, you need to prepare the following:

  • Fabric (it is important that it is dense, since thin soft fabric will not make a hat that will hold its shape).
  • Paper (for drawing the layout).
  • Scissors.
  • Chalk (for outlining the pattern on the fabric).
  • Sewing machine.

Of course, you can sew by hand, but it will be much more difficult. The fact is that the needle will have difficulty passing through thick fabric. You only need to use a thick needle, and it will be difficult for it to make neat small stitches with thread, therefore, if you have a sewing machine, then it is best to make a cap with its help, and not by hand.

DIY cap: master class (video)

How to sew a flight attendant cap with your own hands: instructions

This beautiful stewardess hat is very easy to make.

This beautiful stewardess hat is very easy to make.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take a piece of paper. It is necessary to lay a horizontal segment on it, which will be equal to the half-circumference of the head. And another segment is laid vertically, equal to the height of the desired product. You should not draw too large a vertical segment, as the cap will turn out to be too large. Its optimal height is 5 cm.
  2. The ends of the segments are connected by a rounded line at the top, an arc. An important point: before drawing the arc, it is worth determining in advance the segments for sewing the product, since if you do not take them into account, the hat will compress the head.
  3. After this, the same figure is drawn, but its size should be smaller by about a third. What is it for? This figure will be the inner fold of the product.
  4. Then the top fold is drawn in the same way.
  5. When you have managed to make a layout out of paper, it is placed on a fabric surface. You need to outline each shape and cut it out. You should end up with a lot of fabric patterns. Tip: to make cutting the fabric more convenient, it is recommended to attach the paper model with a pin.
  6. The side parts are turned inside out and sewn together. Be sure to turn them face down before sewing! This is done so that the seams are not visible.
  7. Then, using pins, the top part is attached. You should make sure that the edges of the top part are evenly adjacent to each other, otherwise the product will be uneven.
  8. At the last stage, all the parts are sewn together in the correct order.

Pioneer cap: size, description, pattern

The pioneer hat is one of the most interesting symbols of the USSR era. If you urgently need it, then there is no need to run to look for it, because it is quite easy to make a pioneer cap yourself.

The pioneer hat is one of the most interesting symbols of the USSR era

You need to follow this plan:

  1. First you need to take measurements of the future product. The length of the arc is measured, going from the back of the head to the forehead. Next, the height of the cap is measured, or rather the arc going from one ear to the other. By taking these measurements you can make a rectangular pattern. All sides of the pattern must be equal to the above parameters.
  2. Now the resulting drawing must be transferred to red fabric. The Pioneers have red caps, so the fabric will need a corresponding red color. The drawing should be outlined with a pencil or chalk so that it is clearly visible. You also need to remember about allowances, because without them the product will sit very tightly on your head. Also, before pinning the fabric, it should be folded with the wrong side up.
  3. At the last stage, the product is stitched on each side. Then you need to try it on so that, if necessary, you can alter one side or the other. Each seam is sewn on a sewing machine; the edges can be finished by hand.
  4. The cap should be turned right side out and then ironed.

The bottom cut is also turned over and ironed.

Paper cap for a child

Children love origami, especially those that can be worn. Your little one will really like a paper cap, so why not please him with this simple craft?

Scheme of work:

  1. Take a square sheet of paper. Then it needs to be bent first along the length and then across the width.
  2. After this, the leaf is folded along two fold lines. All four edges are folded at the center fold line.
  3. The upper corners of the craft are bent inward and straightened.
  4. The resulting rectangle must be bent several times.
  5. After this, the edges are bent back and the figure is turned over.
  6. The resulting rectangle is bent again, but with curved edges.
  7. The pilot straightens out, after which it should be slightly flattened on top.

An important point: it is necessary to take into account the fact that the size of the paper cap depends on the size of the source material, that is, paper. If you are making a children's cap, then an A4 sheet will be enough, but if the product is being made for an adult, it is better to take A2 paper.

Military cap: how to sew

Making a military hat is as easy as all the others, the main thing is to cut it correctly. But there are several nuances that are worth considering.

A military hat is as easy to make as any other.

So, it is done as follows:

  1. An army cap is cut out in two parts, the main part and inserts.
  2. All details are first drawn on paper and then cut out according to the layout on a fabric surface. Alternatively, you can first draw a model of the part on the fabric with chalk.
  3. The two parts are placed face to face. They should be stitched along the edges. To prevent the seams from puffing up, an incision must be made at the bend.
  4. A star will be inserted into this cap, so the seam should be large, as it will be possible to squeeze it between the stitches.
  5. The product is bent and ironed. The edges of the cap should look in different directions.
  6. The same steps should be taken with other parts.
  7. When all the parts are sewn together, the base of the cap needs to be straightened.
  8. To make the seam less noticeable, it is recommended to sew along the short part of the product.
  9. After this, the hat is turned right side out. It needs to be shaped and ironed.

At the last stage, the inner insert is applied to the product and sewn along the contour.

  • All internal seams should be done when the product is turned inside out, since if you sew on the front side, each seam will be obvious. Sewing on the front side of the product is also not allowed because the threads will stick out. This kind of work looks ugly and unattractive.
  • Caps must be ironed after sewing. Before this they should be given shape.
  • Any cap can always be decorated with beads or buttons. It will be enough to sew them on and the product will become more beautiful.

Sewing a military cap (video)

There are such simple ways to create caps. Any craftswoman will be able to make this wonderful hat in a short time and please someone close to her. Why make them? Lots of ideas! You can organize a Soviet-style photo shoot, simulate wartime, or turn into a ship captain. Girls love this. Find a themed costume, and a cap will complement the chosen image.

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