Home Berries A sample template for writing an individual psychological report on a doe pupil. PMPK (psychological-medical-pedagogical commission): what is it in kindergarten and school Conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical council PMPK sample

A sample template for writing an individual psychological report on a doe pupil. PMPK (psychological-medical-pedagogical commission): what is it in kindergarten and school Conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical council PMPK sample

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Inclusion in questions and answers: all about PMPC

  • 27146
  • 17.12.2017

We continue to publish answers to questions raised at the Autumn School on Inclusion of the All-Russian Internet Pedagogical Council. Today’s article is entirely devoted to the PMPK - a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, at which a comprehensive diagnosis of the child by various specialists takes place for diagnoses (mental retardation, mental retardation, etc.), as well as determining the possibility of studying in a comprehensive school. Preschoolers and school-age children, usually elementary school students, are referred for PMPK examination. There is no need to be afraid of the PMPC, experts say, because the conclusion of the PMPC is not a sentence, but a guide to action.

How to prepare parents for PMPC?

Examination of children for PMPK can be carried out at the initiative and application of parents (legal representatives), or at the direction of an educational organization, an organization providing social services, a medical organization, or another organization (clause 15c of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 20, 2013 No. 1082 “On approval of the regulations on the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission”).

Examination of children is carried out only in the presence of parents (legal representatives), preferably the presence of the mother, since she is the one who will be able to answer questions from specialists about the course of pregnancy, childbirth and the period of early development of the child. In exceptional cases (the parent is in hospital or on a long business trip), a power of attorney of the established form is issued to the closest relative or employee of the educational organization (for example, a social teacher).

The examination is carried out only if all the necessary documents are available, which are provided to the PMPC in advance. When undergoing examination for PMPK, the child must be somatically healthy. Poor health may affect the results of the examination. If your child is sick, be sure to report your child’s illness and cancel your visit to the PMPK that day.

Create a positive attitude in your child (student) for examination, communication with teachers and doctors.

Before and during the PMPK examination, remain calm. Remember that your anxiety can be passed on to your child.

The duration of the examination of each child depends on his individual (age, psychophysical, etc.) characteristics, so the appointment time may deviate from the originally scheduled time.

During the examination, do not prompt the child, do not distract him with comments and remarks. If necessary, the child will be assisted by a specialist conducting the examination.

In front of your child, do not say the phrases “he (she) is shy”, “he (she) doesn’t like to learn poetry or tell stories”, “he (she) doesn’t know how to do this”, “he (she) doesn’t answer in front of strangers”, “he (she) doesn’t read well,” because you are setting up such behavior.

After the examination, praise the child, even if he did not answer exactly as you expected.

How to prepare a child for the PMPK and what is asked at the PMPK?

At PMPK they ask questions that are quite normal for a child of preschool or school age. It is possible to prepare for the PMPK, it is important that the child does not worry, knows the types of tasks and what will be expected of him. All the questions are ordinary, and an ordinary child, who is taught and developed, will be able to answer them. For example, at PMPC they ask:

Tell about yourself, your family and friends, about your activities and the activities of your friends, about home. Names of teachers and educators. Information about pets.

Talk about the world around you: morning-night, weekend-weekdays, lunch-dinner, daily routine, differences. Orientation in concepts: more - less, longer - shorter, living - inanimate, in colors, shapes of objects and their location (on the table, under the table, etc.).

Show some action, check coordination of movements and development of motor skills: catch a ball, kick, stand on one leg, etc.

They test the ability to generalize and logic - the ability to combine objects based on attributes (soup, tomatoes, candy - food). Body parts, professions.

They test their memory: they name words by ear and ask them to repeat them, lay out pictures or objects, then rearrange them and ask them to explain what has changed.

They check the child’s speech: whether he constructs sentences correctly, whether he pronounces all sounds, whether he correctly changes the endings of words depending on the gender of nouns. They assess whether the child understands the difference between words that sound similar (barrel - daughter - kidney). They are asked to write a short story based on the pictures. Check understanding of spoken language.

PMPC results

Based on the results of the examination, the commission prepares a PMPK protocol, which parents must read and sign. The signature on the protocol is placed as confirmation of the fact that the commission has passed in the presence of parents (legal representatives).

Will the child be able to study in a regular school?

Does the child need additional educational classes, classes with a speech therapist, treatment and observation by doctors and psychologists?

The school sends the child to PMPK, but the mother categorically refuses to conduct a comprehensive examination. Who is responsible?

According to the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273 of December 29, 2012, Art. 44 clause 4. parents (legal representatives) of minor students are obliged to:

Ensure that children receive general education;

For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of duties established by this Federal Law and other federal laws, parents (legal representatives) of minor students bear responsibility under the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Federal Law “On Education” No. 273 of December 29, 2012, all children have the right to education. Parents are responsible for respecting the rights of the child.

In an agreement with parents who have children with disabilities, the educational organization must set out provisions establishing mutual responsibility for providing special educational conditions (timely diagnosis, support by specialists). On the part of parents - compliance with and support of uniform pedagogical requirements for the child in the process of support.

The PMPK includes a psychiatrist. Does this mean that the child will be registered with a psychiatrist and “treated”?

No, you will not be registered with a psychiatrist after visiting the PMPK. Don’t be afraid of a visit to a child psychiatrist, don’t be afraid of the word “psychiatry,” don’t be shy to ask about what worries you about your child, what seems “wrong” to you, don’t turn a blind eye to any peculiarities in your child’s behavior and development, convincing yourself that “it just seems.”

A consultation with a child psychiatrist will not oblige parents to do anything, and at the same time, often timely contact with a psychiatrist with your child prevents the development of severe mental disorders at a later age and enables your child to live a full, healthy life in the future.

Is it necessary to obtain a PMPC conclusion when re-registering a disability?

The category of disabled children includes children under 18 years of age who have significant limitations in their life activities, leading to social maladjustment due to disturbances in the child’s development and growth, abilities for self-care, movement, orientation, control over their behavior, learning, communication, future work, status which are established by medical and social examination institutions.

Part 16 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Education) for the first time in Russian legislative practice enshrines the concept of “student with disabilities,” which defines an individual having deficiencies in physical and (or) psychological development, confirmed by the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission (hereinafter referred to as PMPK) and preventing the receipt of education without the creation of special conditions.

What is the validity period of the PMPC conclusion? In what cases is it necessary to undergo the PMPC again?

According to clause 23 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 20, 2013 No. 1082 “On approval of the regulations on the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission,” the commission’s conclusion is advisory in nature for parents (legal representatives) of children.

The conclusion of the commission submitted by the parents (legal representatives) of children is the basis for the creation by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, exercising public administration in the field of education, and local government bodies, exercising administration in the field of education, educational organizations, other bodies and organizations in accordance with their competence conditions recommended in the conclusion for the education and upbringing of children.

The commission's conclusion is valid for submission to the specified bodies and organizations within a calendar year from the date of its signing.

Thus, there is no need to undergo PMPK every year. If the parents provided the conclusion to the educational institution before the end of the year, then it is valid, at most, for the level of study, or for the period specified in the conclusion (For example: “Control after a year”).

If, in the opinion of teachers, specialists and parents, at the end of a stage, for example, primary general education (before 5th grade), the child does not need to continue education according to an adapted program, that is, mental retardation has been compensated, PMP(k) notes this fact in the dynamic chart observation and does not refer again to PMPC.

It is necessary to undergo the PMPK again if the previous conclusion indicates a diagnostic period (For example: “Control in a year”), or, by decision of the council, the child needs to continue education according to an adapted program when moving to the next level of education.

Also, if the child is transferred to individual training (according to the decision of the medical commission), it is necessary to contact the PMPK so that this special condition of training is reflected in the conclusion. (According to Article 79 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ, special conditions for obtaining an education by students with disabilities in this Federal Law are understood as training conditions and other conditions without which it is impossible or it is difficult for students with disabilities to master educational programs).

The psychological, medical and pedagogical council refers to PMPK if the child:

Has features in physical and (or) mental development and (or) behavioral disorders (Article 79, paragraph 5 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”) that interfere with obtaining an education without the creation of special conditions;

Experiences difficulties in mastering the program when moving to the next level of education (Article 58, clause 9 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”);

Is on individual training (has a resolution from the medical commission indicating the validity period);

Has a PMPC conclusion, studied according to an adapted program and needs to create special conditions when passing the State Examination;

Has a chronic disease, is observed by a specialist doctor (not for individual training) and needs to create special conditions when passing the State Exam.

Who gives recommendations on the provision of assistant (assistant) services and tutor support for the education of persons with disabilities and people with disabilities?

In accordance with parts 2, 3 of Article 79 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Law), the general education of students with disabilities is carried out in organizations engaged in educational activities, when they create special conditions for obtaining education by these students. The Law defines special conditions for students with disabilities to receive education as conditions without which it is impossible or difficult for students with disabilities to master educational programs. One of these conditions is the provision of the services of an assistant (assistant) who provides students with the necessary technical assistance.

In accordance with paragraph 32 of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 30, 2013 No. 1015 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic general education programs - educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education” when organizing educational activities and correctional classes for persons with disabilities, taking into account the characteristics of students, are entitled to one full-time position of tutor, assistant (assistant) for every 1-6 students with disabilities.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 20, 2013 No. 1082 “On approval of the Regulations on the Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission”, which regulates the activities of the Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission (hereinafter referred to as PMPC), PMPC is created for the purpose of conducting comprehensive psychological -medical and pedagogical examination of children with special needs in physical and (or) mental development and (or) behavioral deviations and preparation, based on its results, of recommendations for providing them with psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance and organizing their training and education.

Also, one of the activities of the PMPC is to provide assistance to federal institutions of medical and social expertise (hereinafter referred to as MSE) in the development of an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled child (hereinafter referred to as IPR).

According to the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 10, 2013 No. 723 “On organizing work on interdepartmental interaction of federal state institutions of medical and social examination with psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions” in order to coordinate actions during the examination of children in order to establish disability for a decision, including Among the tasks in terms of developing optimal IPRs for children with disabilities, ITU managers need to interact with PMPC through:

Sending requests for information from protocols and conclusions of psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions (with the consent of the child’s legal representative);

Invitations to participate in a medical and social examination of a representative of the PMPC with the right of an advisory vote in order to assist in the development of the IPR of a disabled child.

Thus, recommendations on the need to provide the services of an assistant (assistant), tutor to a student with disabilities are formulated by the PMPC, and for a student who has the status of a disabled person - by the PMPC and (or) MSE based on the recommendations of the PMPC.

> Examples of conclusions, characteristics and presentations on PMPC

Examples, forms and samples of psychological conclusions, characteristics, presentations of a teacher-psychologist at the PMPK

One of the important areas of work of a teacher-psychologist in an educational institution is psychological diagnostics, which is carried out to determine the level of development of a child’s mental processes, characteristics of the emotional-volitional and personal sphere, and interpersonal relationships.

Based on the results of the psychodiagnostic examination, the educational psychologist draws up psychological report, which should reflect all the features of the child’s cognitive, emotional, personal and communicative development, an analysis of compliance with age levels and stages of mental development, as well as the need for correctional, developmental or preventive work.

If a psychological examination was carried out at the request of a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission (consilium), then based on the diagnostic results, the teacher-psychologist draws up presentation at PMPC, in which also in a generalized form, analyzing the data obtained, describes the psychological characteristics of the child’s development.

Below you will find examples and samples of drawing up a psychological report, characteristics and presentation of an educational psychologist at the PMPK.


Referred by whom, reason for referral ________________________________________________________________________________

Commission conclusion:



Classes with a psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist:

  • Teaching communication and social interaction skills
  • Correction of problem behavior
  • Development of adaptive and social skills
  • Development of pre-academic and pre-school skills
  • Development of deficit functions


Composition of the commission:


Central Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission

Protocol No.___________ dated _____________20____

FULL NAME. child_______________________________________________________________

Date of Birth________________________________________________

Commission conclusion:

Based on the results of a comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical examination, the status of the child with disabilities was established. Difficulties in learning caused by


The child needs special educational conditions.

  1. Education and training in a preschool kindergarten for children with mental retardation; ZPR; speech impairment; hearing; vision.
  2. Repeated application for PMPK at 7 years of age or if it is necessary to clarify the recommendations.
  3. The likely prognosis for a child’s development is favorable if the following special educational conditions are created in the organization:

Dynamic support by PMP(k) specialists

educational institution;

Organization of the educational process taking into account psycho-

physical characteristics of the child;

Special pedagogical methods of training and education

for children with mental retardation; ZPR; speech impairment; hearing;

Development of deficit functions.

Composition of the commission:

Psychiatrist ______________________________________________________________

Teacher - defectologist ______________________________________________________________

Teacher speech therapist ___________________________________________________________

Teacher - psychologist_________________________________________________________________

Social teacher _________________________________________________________

Secretary __________________________________________________________________

Head of CPMPK_____________________/SYCHEVA Y.I./



Central Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission

Protocol No.___________ dated _____________20____

FULL NAME. child_______________________________________________________________

Date of Birth________________________________________________

Referred by whom, reason for referral ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Commission conclusion:

Based on the results of a comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical examination, the status of the child with disabilities was established. Difficulties in learning caused by


The child needs special educational conditions.

1. Type of educational program

Education in an educational institution according to an adapted basic educational program for children with _________________________________________________________


2. Form and conditions for receiving education

Effective face-to-face training in an educational institution ________________________


3. Monitoring the child’s developmental status

Dynamic observation, support by a council of an educational institution.

4. Corrective and developmental work

Classes with a psychologist, speech therapist, speech pathologist - audiologist, defectologist, typhology teacher, social educator.

5. Timing of re-examination at PMPK

Repeated application to the PMPC if it is necessary to clarify the recommendations.


6. Special events or environmental conditions

In accordance with the needs of the child, develop an individual educational program, an individual curriculum. Flexible mode of educational and emotional stress.

7. Forecast of child development if the above recommendations are followed

Favorable, relatively favorable.

Composition of the commission:

Psychiatrist ______________________________________________________________

Teacher - defectologist ______________________________________________________________

Teacher speech therapist ___________________________________________________________

Teacher - psychologist_________________________________________________________________

Social teacher _________________________________________________________

Secretary __________________________________________________________________

Head of CPMPK_____________________/SYCHEVA Y.I./

A pedagogical council is a body for planning and developing psychological and pedagogical support for students, classes, groups of students or entire parallels, in which all members of the teaching staff take part. The association has information about children, classes or classes received from teachers, nurses, class teachers, staff psychologists and social educators, and representatives of the administration, in order to develop an education and training strategy based on it.

Job psychological-medical-pedagogical council at school, issuing the corresponding conclusion, there are three key stages:

  1. Information and preparatory. All participants in the event collect information about the student, use testing and research, and draw their own conclusions. It is important to emphasize that in order to maintain transparency and impartiality of the consultation, all specialists prepare for it separately, drawing up a list of recommendations based on their own vision of the situation and ways to solve it, outlining methods and forms of working with the student. The Chairman of the PMPK is responsible for preparing the meeting, preparatory and research work.
  2. The meeting itself. Members of the commission hear the results of the preparatory work, adopting a strategy and general recommendations for supporting the student. Filling out sample conclusion of the school's psychological-medical-pedagogical council, it prescribes the form and degree of participation of each specialist, distributes areas of responsibility, stipulates deadlines for completing assigned tasks and forms of control over these processes, and draws up the necessary documentation.
  3. Implementation of the decision of the council with mandatory control of execution. Correctional and educational work is carried out by one or several specialists in accordance with the approved strategy. The chairman of the PMPk monitors the implementation of the plan, and its participants advise parents on further tactics of interaction with children, give recommendations regarding children with disabilities and difficulties in mastering the program. The strategy, which was developed by the council and formalized in conclusion, is voiced to the student’s parents in a form understandable to them, and all recommendations put forward can be implemented only after receiving parental consent.
If the diagnostic hypothesis is confirmed by the first examination, there will be no need for others. Since the diagnosis of developmental disorders and limited health capabilities of children is multifaceted, the objectives of the examination are differentiated in each individual case. For a long time, medical diagnosis was considered dominant, but recently it was found that understanding the mechanisms of developmental disorders is given on the basis of socio-pedagogical or psychological-pedagogical support for the student. In this context, it is of great importance:
  • psychological diagnostics - an examination of ontogenetic development with an emphasis on the logic of natural development according to the student’s age (the specialist concentrates on indicators that correspond to the norm, and not those that do not correspond to it, assesses the abilities, interests and driving forces of the student’s development).
  • pedagogical examination - assessment of learning ability and development of social, everyday and academic skills, abilities and knowledge (the teacher diagnoses the child’s ability to adapt, the degree of his socialization, the level of education).
Thus, the PMPk regulates the principles of interaction between teachers, support service specialists, and parents for effective correctional and developmental support for children.

is compiled based on the principles of complex influence, an individual approach corresponding to the speech and mental development of children, and a ban on the disclosure of confidential information.

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At the same time, the council members must recognize the student as a full-fledged person and bear responsibility for all decisions made by them that affect the student’s interests. The council obtains consent from the child’s parents to participate in the examination, and then provides all possible assistance, providing them with complete information about the teenager and reports on their activities.

Conclusion of the school’s psychological, medical and pedagogical council: survey results

Each specialist draws up the results of diagnostic procedures in a separate conclusion, which combines the structural features. The results of a psychological, speech therapy and socio-pedagogical examination must necessarily contain the complete data of the student (full name, date of birth and age, class name, diagnostic hypothesis), in other respects the structure of the text of the speech therapy or psychological report for a school council radically different.

Psychological report for PMPc

Schematically, the preparatory and diagnostic work of a psychologist looks like this:

  1. The psychologist evaluates the problem that the school council brought up for discussion. Plans work with it, selects material, studies the psychological characteristics of the hypothesis, systematizes and summarizes the data obtained.
  2. Stimulates the work of the consultation by providing scientifically based results of its diagnostic and analytical work, on which specialists will subsequently rely in adopting a strategy for accompanying the child.
The psychologist draws up a pathopsychological report in any form, reflecting in the text:
  • the specifics of the affective-personal sphere - the specialist must emphasize how the child makes contact, what he expresses interest in, how he reacts to situations of success and failure, how he perceives criticism, whether there are specific symptoms;
  • the student’s emotional response - what motives motivate the child, what mood prevails in him, whether he is capable of volitional effort;
  • dynamics of mental activity - rate of performance (duration of the stage of concentrated work), the student’s ability to extend the period of concentration, the presence of inertia of mental processes or their absence;
  • intellectual-mnestic manifestations - how much the child understands instructions, how he evaluates tasks of various levels of complexity, how capable he is of generalizing and systematizing information, verbalizing thoughts.
The survey results can be presented in the form of diagrams and tables. To summarize, the psychologist must characterize the degree to which the child lags behind the norm of development, formulating it in a language understandable to members of the council and parents. Psychological diagnostics will be useful for conclusions of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council for primary medical education, if, in addition to stating the fact of the presence of deviations and indicating nonspecific dysfunctions, the specialist develops the concept of rehabilitation measures and psychological and pedagogical support. However, the decision on the advisability of following the proposed recommendations is made by the PMPK.

Speech therapy report for the consultation

A teacher-speech therapist or defectologist in his conclusion for the psychological-medical-pedagogical council must indicate the methodological complex used by him to diagnose deviations. He conducts a full examination of speech, phonemic and articulatory processes, vocabulary, syllabic structure of speech and other things, assessing the student’s level of mastery of oral speech and readiness to master written language (and upon mastery, analyzes the presence and type of errors), characterizes reading and writing, state of thinking and other non-speech complexes.

An important criterion for speech therapy assessment is the child’s spatial orientation and coordination. The specialist determines to what extent the student has formed cause-and-effect relationships and visual-spatial representations, whether he can quickly identify the left and right sides, parts of the body, and arrange text on paper.
The speech therapist teacher gives a brief psychological and pedagogical description, assessing what causes errors in speech and writing, poor performance in subjects, and instability of attention. The specialist characterizes the predominant type of memory of the student (long-term or short-term), the need for repetition before completing a task, the ability to master knowledge of the Russian language and the presence of a general stock of knowledge.

Example speech therapy conclusions for the school’s psychological, medical and pedagogical council

Diagnostic criterion Possible answers (the speech therapist selects one or more)
The nature of speech development
  • without features and according to age;
  • prelingual/early psychomotor development was delayed;
  • started talking late;
  • at a preschool educational institution attended classes on sound pronunciation correction;
  • phrasal speech - from 3 years.
Characteristics of the articulatory apparatus
  • facial structure without anomalies/disturbed;
  • facial muscles normal/disturbed (hypomimia, tremor, hyperkinesis)
  • able to maintain correct articulatory position;
  • unable to keep mouth closed;
  • performs basic movements of the lips and tongue;
  • the tongue is flaccid/massive/narrow/wide, its movements are difficult, slow, the range of movements is incomplete;
  • the tip of the tongue is not active enough;
  • lips are inactive/mobile/narrow/thick;
  • switchability or replacement of movements is impaired;
  • activity of movements and tone are normal;
  • precision of movements is maintained;
  • hard palate of gothic form, high;
  • soft palate short/long/sedentary/mobile;
  • there is a violation of the dentition/teeth are frequent/sparse/large/small
Fine motor skills
  • moves his hands chaotically and imprecisely;
  • movements are performed accurately;
  • voluntary motor skills are not formed;
  • motor skills of small muscles are underdeveloped/muscle tone is increased;
  • performs Head's tests correctly/with errors;
  • has not mastered enough/does not have self-service skills at all;
  • leading hand left/right;
  • there are difficulties in writing;
  • writing pace is slow
Gross motor skills
  • body movements are slow and awkward;
  • the range of active movements is insufficient;
  • accompanying movements are characteristic;
  • switchability of movements is slow, there is a lag in rhythm/tempo;
  • unable to imitate movement as described;
  • during functional loads, increased muscle fatigue is observed;
  • motor restlessness noted
Speech understanding
  • difficulty understanding speech/instructions needs to be repeated;
  • is able to perform actions according to verbal instructions;
  • understands oral speech within the framework of his intellectual development;
  • understands speech inaccurately/selectively;
  • responds to requests with a delay;
  • biological hearing is normal, speech perception is within normal limits
Pronunciation of sounds
  • pronunciation is impaired/voiced consonants are deafened;
  • individual sounds are pronounced with errors;
  • individually, all sounds are pronounced correctly, but in the overall speech flow there is blurriness;
  • sounds are shifted/distorted/replaced/missed;
  • voice is hoarse/dull/ringing/strong/choked;
  • breathing at the time of speech is uneven/difficult/free/shallow
Phonemic processes
  • phonemic hearing is insufficiently/correctly formed;
  • highlights sounds against the background of a word;
  • determines the presence/absence of sound in a word;
  • correctly/with errors determines the number and sequence of sounds in a word;
  • correctly/not always correctly determines the position of a sound in a word;
  • rearranges syllables;
  • correctly/with errors calculates the number of syllables in complex words;
  • the student cannot come up with a word for the selected sound;
  • pronounces words with complex sounds/makes mistakes in them;
  • when vowels overlap, they will find it difficult to pronounce the syllabic structure of words;
  • is able to come up with a word for a selected sound, choose a picture;
  • incorrectly distinguishes words with similar sounds and oppositional phonemes;
  • phonemic analysis is formed/difficulties arise at the stages of complex phonemic analysis;
  • sound-letter analysis is formed/difficulties are observed
  • vocabulary corresponds to age development/poor/limited to everyday vocabulary;
  • uses words correctly/not always correctly;
  • may use words inappropriately/is not aware of the meaning of words;
  • finds it difficult to select synonyms/antonyms/cognates;
  • replaces words based on acoustic similarity and meaning;
  • verbs, pronouns and nouns prevail in speech; adverbs, adjectives and derivatives from them are used less often
Grammatical structure
  • formed/not appropriate for age;
  • complex syntactic structures are not used;
  • mistakes are made in simple syntactic structures;
  • cases and prepositions are used incorrectly, there is inconsistency of words, errors in the formation of the plural;
  • has difficulty agreeing nouns and adjectives in indirect cases
Connected speech
  • coherent speech developed/not developed in accordance with age;
  • coherent speech is limited to one or two sentences;
  • the oral form of speech is not sufficiently formed;
  • high/low level of speech development;
  • finds it difficult to express his thoughts;
  • distorts the meaning, breaks the sequence or skips semantic blocks in retellings;
  • predominantly uses simple phrases and grammatical structures;
  • has little experience in verbal communication
  • makes various mistakes;
  • when copying, allows only isolated inaccuracies;
  • makes numerous graphical errors when taking dictation;
  • finds it difficult to navigate on a notebook sheet and to keep a line;
  • uses different angles, changes the size of letters;
  • cannot check words, does not distinguish individual words in the speech stream
  • practices letter-syllable/syllable/letter-by-letter/word reading;
  • understands what is read with errors/understands individual words correctly;
  • stammers/makes various mistakes in polysyllabic words;
  • does not pronounce words clearly when reading;
  • cannot answer questions based on text
Speech development results
  • speech development has insignificant dynamics/no dynamics are observed;
  • Speech therapy exercises and sessions with a specialist are recommended

Assessing the causes of difficulties in mastering knowledge, the speech therapist analyzes (if any) increased fatigue or hyperactivity, impaired motor skills and coordination, difficulties in adaptation, immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere and lack of self-control, the presence of neurotic conditions, insufficient development of coherent speech and verbal communication. logical thinking, limited vocabulary, pedagogical neglect and parental overprotection.
In his conclusion, the speech therapist must determine the primary or secondary nature of the speech disorder, draw a general conclusion and propose a set of measures aimed at eliminating the disorder, assessing the student’s need to create special learning conditions. The specialist recommends classes for the student at a speech center, the appropriateness of which is often dictated by phonemic, lexico-grammatical, general underdevelopment of speech, the presence of dysgraphia or dyslexia, complex disorders of sound pronunciation and phonemic perception.

Social and pedagogical conclusion for PMPK

The teacher or social teacher of an educational institution draws up sample socio-pedagogical conclusion of the school council at the PMPK. Diagnostics are carried out primarily at the student’s place of residence if health problems are identified in the child, difficulties in communicating with peers, in socialization, or in mastering the program.

The specialist evaluates:

  • family composition, living conditions and sanitary condition of housing;
  • relationships within the family, family budget;
  • the type of activity of the parents, their places of work;
  • interests and hobbies of the student, his school performance.
The following aspects are subject to scrupulous examination:
Aspect Possible answers
Family type
  • prosperous - morally stable parents who have created a positive emotional atmosphere in the family and master the culture of raising children;
  • pedagogically incompetent - teenagers are left without supervision, parents lack unity of requirements and culture of education, physical punishment and cruel treatment are used, parents do not know anything about the behavior of children outside of school, their interests and circle of friends;
  • conflict - an unfavorable emotional atmosphere reigns in the family, parents conflict with each other, show intolerance and cruelty;
  • morally dysfunctional - parents have criminal records, use illegal drugs or drink alcohol, lead an immoral lifestyle, and do not raise children
Features of the relationship between children and parents
  • family dictatorship - self-esteem is systematically suppressed, the interests of the child are not taken into account;
  • cooperation - adults and children interact on the principles of mutual respect and empathy;
  • overprotection - schoolchildren are protected from everyday and social difficulties, all their needs and desires are satisfied;
  • connivance - the child exists autonomously, parents abstract themselves from participation in the upbringing process and behave passively
Relationship between school and parents
  • parents deliberately ignore the requirements and recommendations of the school;
  • they are interested in cooperation and active participation in the life of the school (class);
  • demonstrate conflict behavior.
Social conditions
  • Housing conditions (rented housing, communal apartment, dorm room, private house, separate apartment) that meet (or not) the child’s age needs and sanitary standards.
  • Living conditions (clothing, food, availability of means for learning and games, conditions for hobbies and studies, an individual place to sleep)
Features of child development
  • Social status of the student (orphan, child with disabilities (disabled), uses psychoactive substances, is registered with the CDN, has been prosecuted for offenses.
  • Features of behavior, personal and emotional-volitional sphere (dominant mood, degree of emotional excitability, ability to exert volition, ability to comply with norms of behavior, initiative, attitude to criticism, relationships with peers)
  • Expression of interests (specifics of speech communication, contact and communication skills, attitude towards one’s illness (defect).

The social educator does not evaluate the health, development resources, skills and knowledge of the student. First of all, it reflects in conclusion the social status of the family and the child in it, determining how emotionally and financially prosperous the family is, what conditions have been created in it for the development of the child. It is within his competence to identify interpersonal problems related to adaptation at school, mastering the program, social institutions and norms of behavior. The specialist draws up a “social portrait” of the student’s personality, analyzing personal qualities, family conditions, and the degree of development of the disorder. Based on the diagnostic results, the social teacher not only makes a conclusion, but also draws up a list of recommendations for parents, assesses what help the student’s family and he himself need, and what help can be provided to them.

Conclusion of the school council

Text conclusions of the consultation at the PMPK at school is drawn up on the letterhead of the educational institution or on paper with the stamp of the educational institution and contains comprehensive, reliable information characterizing the educational and educational needs of the child. In progress filling out the PMPK conclusion of the school council according to established sample, the meeting participants must accept and acknowledge the responsibility that lies with them for the fate of the child. That is why documentation must be completed competently, thoughtfully and objectively. If conclusions or recommendations are formulated incorrectly, this may become a reason for parents to go to court.

All participants of the meeting put their signatures under the conclusion document; their presence and correctness are checked by the chairman of the PMPK, and after that he certifies the paper with the seal of the educational institution and the date. Text conclusions of the school council conditionally divided into two parts:

  • ascertaining - specialists describe the characteristics of the child’s physical and mental health, clarify the presence of developmental deviations and functional disorders;
  • recommendation - the meeting participants draw up brief conclusions on the state of the student’s development in the context of compliance with the age norm, the presence of problems in the development and mastery of the school curriculum, and make proposals for the implementation of the educational process based on the individual characteristics of the child.

Often, specialists make mistakes in filling out the report. The most common include:

  • the development of the situation is presented with distortion or incompleteness;
  • Special terminology is used incorrectly;
  • V completed conclusion of the school council at the PMPK there is no generalization and analysis, there are unnecessary details and information that violates confidentiality;
  • recommendations go beyond the boundaries of professional competence;
  • signatures of responsible persons on the document are forged or missing;
  • the consultation participant’s recommendations do not correspond to the problem or are missing.
  • Since the chairman is responsible for the work of his colleagues, he should carefully check the text of the conclusion and the information in it.

You can learn more about the work of the psychological-medical-pedagogical council at school in the articles.

Date of completion "______"______________________________

Last name, first name of the child

Date of Birth _____________________________________________________

Training program _____________________________________________________ Class (general education, correctional, compensatory)

Reasons for contacting TPMPC: _____________________________________________

Psychologist's conclusion ______________________________________________


Speech therapist’s report ______________________________________________


Conclusion of the social teacher _____________________________________________________


Teacher’s conclusions (whether the student masters or does not master the proposed program)_________________________________________________________


Conclusion of PMPk _________________________________________________



Head teacher ________________/_________________________________

M.P. Chairman of the PMPK _____________/_______________________

Educational psychologist ______________/_________________________________

Teacher speech therapist ______________/__________________________________

Teacher __________________/_________________________________________

Social teacher ________________/_________________________________________

At the stage of implementing the council's decisions, corrective measures are taken. They can be either extracurricular or included in the learning process. Take place individually or in groups.
6. Evaluating the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work.

At the stage ASSESSMENTS OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CORRECTIONAL AND DEVELOPMENTAL WORK The change in the child’s condition and the need for further work are studied. If the work continues, then it proceeds again according to this scheme.

For the full functioning of the PMPK, the school conducts documentation, allowing you to track all stages of the consultation:
PMPk documentation

  • Regulations on PMPk OU,

  • Order on the organization of PMPk;

  • PMPk work plan

  • Agreement with the superior PMPC

  • Agreement with parents on psychological, medical and pedagogical examination of the child.

  • Register of children's registration at the Consilium;

  • Minutes of the meetings of the Consilium;

  • Journal of registration of conclusions and recommendations of specialists;

  • Analytical report on the work of PMPC for the year

Additional functions of the school council.
1. Educational activities of school specialists.

1.1. Conducting consultations with teachers on issues of teaching and raising children with developmental problems.

  • hearing;

  • vision;

  • speeches;

  • musculoskeletal system;

  • mental retardation;

  • intelligence;

  • autism spectrum disorders;

  • multiple developmental disorders.
The range of differences in the development of children with disabilities is extremely large - from almost normally developing children experiencing temporary and relatively easily remediable difficulties, to children with irreversible severe damage to the central nervous system.

From a child who, with special support, can study on an equal basis with healthy peers, to children who need an individual educational program adapted to their capabilities.

Currently, there is still a practice: educators or teachers, narrow specialists (educational psychologist, speech therapist, speech therapist) who conduct correctional and developmental work with children, diagnose their narrowly focused parameters and use the data obtained in their activities. As a result, there is fragmentation of information, isolation in further actions and, as a consequence, lack of unity in achieving the goal. The question arises about comprehensive support for children with disabilities. Such an integrated approach is implemented through the activities of the school psychological, medical and pedagogical council, at the meetings of which a set of necessary correctional and developmental measures is developed, reflected in the student’s individual educational route.

Individual educational route– this is a document that regulates and determines the content or direction of correctional and developmental activities with a child who has problems in mental and physical development and the family raising such a child.

An individual educational route is developed taking into account psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, during which the individual personality characteristics of a preschooler or schoolchild are identified (health status, level of physical development, features of the development of mental processes, interests, inclinations, abilities, temperament, personality, level of mastering the program)

One of the most important tasks of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics is to distinguish mental retardation from similar conditions. The most difficult from a diagnostic point of view are children with mental retardation (MDD), who, like mentally retarded children, turn out to be unsuccessful already in the first years of education.

What developmental features can we observe in these children? We can answer this question practically working with the proposed table.

Comparative characteristics of students with mental retardation and mental retardation:

Characteristic features of children with mental retardation

Characteristics of children with mental retardation

Level of damage to brain structures

Impairments in cognitive activity are uneven; they are overcome during correctional and developmental work, since children do not have major lesions of brain structures.

Impairments in cognitive activity are irreversible and are caused by organic damage or underdevelopment of the cerebral cortex.

Ideas about the surrounding world. Motivation.

Characterized by insufficiency, limitedness, and fragmentation of knowledge about the world around us. Educational motivation is reduced, interests are gaming.

They have incomplete, sometimes distorted ideas about their surroundings, their experience is extremely poor. Interests, needs and motives are primitive.

Features of gaming activities

Presenting a task in a game increases productivity.

The playful presentation of a task can serve as a reason for the child’s attention to involuntarily slip from completing the task.

Play activities are more emotional in nature, but children get stuck at the level of story-based play.

They get stuck on objective play activities.

Peculiarities of perception

Slow pace of perception and processing of information. For a more complete perception, it requires visual and practical support and the utmost detail of instructions.

Slower pace of perception. It takes a lot of time to perceive the proposed material (picture, text). Need visual and practical support, step-by-step, clear and concise instructions

They experience difficulties in isolating individual elements from an object, which they perceive as a single whole; they find it difficult to complete or guess the object based on any part of it.

They have difficulty identifying the main thing, snatching out individual parts in an object or text without seeing or hearing important material, and do not understand the internal connection between parts and characters.

It is necessary to clarify spatial and temporal concepts: they confuse the left and right sides, seasons, months. It may be difficult to orientate on a sheet of paper.

Difficulties in perceiving space and time: they do not distinguish between the right and left sides, orientation is difficult indoors and outdoors. They have difficulty determining the seasons, days of the week, and distinguishing colors.

Features of thinking

Higher potential for the development of cognitive activity: thinking, generalization, comparison, analysis and synthesis

The formation of cognitive activity: thinking, generalization, comparison, analysis and synthesis is difficult.

Visual-effective thinking is normal. Visual-figurative thinking is not sufficiently formed: most require repeated repetition of the task and assistance. Verbal and logical thinking is not developed in most children.

The analysis of objects is carried out haphazardly: important properties are skipped, highlighting only the most noticeable ones (size, color). Due to imperfect analysis, the synthesis of objects is difficult: it is difficult to form an idea of ​​the objects as a whole.

Spasmodic dynamics of development of all forms of mental activity

The dynamics of development of forms of mental activity are low or absent.

Children are able to use the assistance provided to them and transfer it independently to new tasks.

Uses the assistance provided, but cannot transfer the independently learned method of action to new tasks.

They can evaluate their work critically. They admit their mistakes and worry about failures.

There is a lack of criticism and an inability to adequately evaluate one’s work. They often do not notice their mistakes, do not understand their failures, and are satisfied with themselves and their work.

Memory Features

Reduced memorization productivity, instability, greater preservation of involuntary memory than voluntary memory. The predominance of visual memory over verbal.

They remember external, sometimes random, visually perceived signs better. Internal logical connections are more difficult to recognize and perceive.

Low level of self-control in the process of memorization and reproduction, insufficient focus on memorization, rapid forgetting of material and low speed of memorization.

Memory weakness manifests itself in difficulties not so much in obtaining and storing information, but in reproducing it. Due to a lack of understanding of the logic of events, the reproduction is unsystematic. Verbal material is more difficult to reproduce.

Features of attention

Attention is unstable (distracted at the slightest irritant), volume, concentration, selectivity, distribution are reduced.

Attention is unstable, they have difficulty distributing attention, and slow switching is noted.

Lack of attention: absent-minded during lessons, cannot work for more than 15 minutes. This causes a reaction of irritation and reluctance to work.

The weakness of voluntary attention is manifested in frequent changes of objects of attention, the inability to concentrate on any one object or one type of activity. When difficulties arise, they do not try to overcome them; as a rule, they quit their jobs.

Features of the development of speech function

Not all aspects of speech may be impaired. Difficulties in sound-letter analysis and synthesis and various types of writing disorders are observed. They may have difficulty mastering reading techniques, but they try to understand what they read by resorting to repeated reading.

All aspects of speech suffer. Difficulties in sound-letter analysis and synthesis, perception and understanding of speech. Various types of writing disorders, difficulties in mastering reading techniques. Some people have a reduced need for verbal communication.

Features of mathematical representations

There are difficulties in mastering the composition of numbers, counting by passing through ten, and in solving problems with indirect questions

It is significantly difficult to master the composition of numbers, counting by passing through ten, and they cannot solve problems with indirect questions or consisting of several actions. They have difficulty mastering the skills of working with a ruler, compass, etc.

Features of visual activity

Have sufficient knowledge of visual arts

Without special training, visual activity does not occur. The child remains at the level of scribbling (crooked houses, cephalopods, letters and numbers scattered chaotically on the paper)

Features of the emotional-volitional sphere

The causes of behavioral deviations are often weak adaptation mechanisms of the individual. Imbalance of excitation and inhibition processes.

There is underdevelopment of emotions, there are no shades of experiences. Their experiences are shallow and superficial.

For this child, conflict, refusal, lies are the simplest way to interact with the environment, this is a way of maintaining self-defense from outside influences.

Instability of emotions: a state of joy without any particular reason is replaced by sadness, laughter - by tears. There are cases of either increased emotional excitability or pronounced emotional decline.

An apparent similarity with mental retardation may also occur when the activity of the analyzers is disrupted. These disorders create certain difficulties in the cognitive activity of children, and in a school environment they give rise to poor performance. Therefore, distinguishing these disorders from mental retardation is also an urgent task.

Even minor dysfunctions of the analyzers (hearing, vision) can lead to an incomplete and sometimes distorted reflection of the outside world, to an impoverished range of ideas, inappropriate behavior, if the compensatory capabilities of the central nervous system and special technical means (hearing aids, glasses, etc.) .).

Thus, hearing loss can cause certain difficulties when a child is studying at school, especially when mastering literacy. Children with reduced vision do not see lines, confuse images that are similar in outline, etc. Inappropriate requirements quickly tire the child, make learning unsuccessful in normal school conditions, worsening his general condition.

Children with visual and hearing defects find themselves helpless in simple situations and give the impression of being mentally retarded. But if you offer a hearing-impaired person a task of a logical nature that does not require perfect hearing from him (classification, arranging pictures taking into account cause-and-effect relationships, etc.), and the visually impaired person is offered corresponding oral tasks, then they complete them.

In addition, it is very important to separate normal children with speech disorders from mentally retarded children, for whom speech disorders are one of the characteristic features.

There are different types of speech disorders that have varying degrees of severity depending on the strength and time of the lesion. These are children with normal intelligence, but who have difficulty mastering reading and writing, and some of them have general underdevelopment of speech. The preservation of the intelligence of children with speech impairments is clearly visible when performing tasks that do not require the participation of speech (visual techniques with “non-speech” instructions). These children have a lively reaction and adequate behavior. This is what primarily distinguishes them from the mentally retarded.

When building an individual educational route for a student with disabilities, the individual characteristics of the individual are taken into account. Depending on the identified violations, the degree of involvement of narrow specialists in the educational and correctional-developmental process is determined: speech therapist, speech pathologist, teacher-psychologist. If the child is on any type of registration (internal school registration, PDN, KDN), a ward child or a disabled child, a social teacher is included in the support work.

The individual educational route reflects:

1 . Information for students:

Full name, class, form of education

Date and number of the TMPK conclusion

2 . Features of the child’s development at the time of drawing up the route (diagnostic results): somatic state, attention, memory, thinking, speech development, features of educational activities, brief description.

3 . Participants in the implementation of the educational route.

4 . In the content part of the route, the table for each quarter indicates the teachers accompanying the child, the direction or content of their work; the form of work of the passed students and the results achieved over a given period of time.

If you are creating an individual educational route for a disabled child, then it is necessary to take into account the areas of psychological and pedagogical influence specified in the individual rehabilitation program for a disabled child (IRP).

5. Interaction with the student’s family is reflected in the table of advisory activities.

6 . At the end of the year, a psychological, medical and pedagogical council gathers, the participants of which make a conclusion about the work done and its further prospects for the next academic year.

Thus, an individual educational route is an integrated model of psychological, medical and pedagogical space, the organization of the most optimal learning conditions for a child in order to develop his potential and form the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.

The drawing up of approximate individual educational routes (IER) can be for the following categories of students: with mental retardation, mental retardation, general speech underdevelopment and intact intelligence (Appendix 1).

Annex 1

Individual educational route for the 2014 – 2015 academic year (approximate IOM form)

F.I..ABOUT _____________________ Class ___

Date and No. of the protocol of conclusion of the TMPK ___________________________


Characteristic: __________________________________________________



Somatic condition: ___________________________________________


Diagnostic results:

Attention __________________________________________________________


Memory ____________________________________________________________




Speech development_______________________________________________________________


Features of educational activities _____________________________________



Participants in the implementation of the educational route :





Areas of work

Forms of work

Result achieved

1st quarter (September – October 2014)

2nd quarter (November – December 2014)


Areas of work

Forms of work

Result achieved

3rd quarter (January – March 2015)


Areas of work

Forms of work

Result achieved

4th quarter (April – May 2015)


Areas of work

Forms of work

Result achieved

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