Home Berries Craft - paper tulip: master class, diagram, templates, photo, video. How to make a volumetric tulip flower from paper, origami, from crepe, corrugated paper and sweets: step by step instructions. How to fold a tulip out of paper in stages: photo. Tulips from pla

Craft - paper tulip: master class, diagram, templates, photo, video. How to make a volumetric tulip flower from paper, origami, from crepe, corrugated paper and sweets: step by step instructions. How to fold a tulip out of paper in stages: photo. Tulips from pla

You can create beautiful and original products from almost any material. The main thing for this is the desire to create beauty with your own hands.

Ordinary plastic spoons are perfect for home creativity. From standard and unremarkable items of disposable tableware, you can make bright, interesting, creative compositions.

This exciting activity will appeal to both adults and children.

What can be made from spoons

We invite everyone who wants to please themselves and their loved ones with the results of their creativity to the master class "Crafts from spoons".

You will see step by step the whole process of forming crafts from plastic spoons.


In order to make a charming bouquet of tulips, we need:

  • spoons (5 pieces for each flower);
  • colored corrugated paper;
  • glue with a brush;
  • scissors;
  • green tape.

Cut out squares from red paper. We wrap spoons in each square and glue it.

Then we collect the tulip. To do this, we fasten 2 spoons, add 3 more to them and fix the resulting flower with electrical tape. Cut out leaves from green paper, attach to the stem and tie with ribbon.

We make a bouquet and put it in a beautiful vase.

Water lily

To create a plastic water lily, you need to prepare:

  • spoons of different sizes
  • glue gun;
  • ordinary glue;
  • paints;
  • scissors;
  • green plastic bottle.

After cutting off the handles of the spoons, fasten the future petals with a glue gun. You should end up with an inner layer of petals.

Make the outer layer of the flower in the same way. Cut a 12x3 cm strip from the bottle and make a fringe along one of its edges. Roll up the strip and fix it with glue.

Dye the fringe yellow and let it dry.

Make leaves from the bottle, as shown in the photo.

Attach the dried strip to the petals from the inside - this will be the middle of the flower. Gorgeous snow-white water lily is ready!

flower garland

A bright flower garland will look very impressive, for the manufacture of which you will need:

  • 18 multi-colored spoons;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • thick thread;
  • dye;
  • pompoms;
  • thick cardboard.

Cut out 3 triangles of the same size from cardboard and color them.


Cut off the handles of the spoons. Mark the middle in the triangles and stick petals around it (6 pieces per flower). Place a pom-pom in the center of each flower.

Make 2 holes in each triangle and thread a thread through them, thus connecting the flowers into a garland.

flower vase

Making a pretty vase for flowers will require you to have:

  • spoons;
  • tin cans;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • paints.

Paint the jar in your favorite color. Cut off the handles of the spoons. Paint the rounded parts of the spoons in the desired colors.

Glue the spoons to the jar, placing them in even rows.



You can make a cute ladybug out of spoons using:

  • spoons;
  • glue;
  • large voluminous buttons;
  • paints;
  • scissors.

After cutting off the handles of the spoons, paint the oval part of each of them. Glue the wings together. Attach a head button at the top.


To create a sterile original candlestick, you only need the spoons themselves and glue.

By gluing the spoons as shown in the photo and attaching a candle to the top of the structure, you will get a stylish decor element that will decorate any holiday.

decorative frame

You can also use disposable spoons to create original frames that decorate various interior items.


For this you will need:

  • spoons in large quantities;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • polystyrene or thick cardboard;
  • a watch, a small round mirror, a photograph, or another item of value to you.

After measuring the diameter of the desired object, cut out a circle of the appropriate size in cardboard or foam.

Place a clock, photo or mirror in the resulting frame and secure it. Cut off the handles of the spoons. Glue the rounded parts of the spoons to the frame in rows in a circle, from the edge to the center.

Color the finished fruit of your creativity the way you want.

Christmas tree

Among crafts from disposable spoons, picturesque Christmas trees are very popular, for the manufacture of which you will need:

  • paper cone;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • dye.

We cut, as usual, spoons into 2 parts;

We glue the oval part of the spoons to the cone in a checkerboard pattern.

We paint the resulting Christmas tree in any color or leave it white and admire our creation.

Maracas (musical instrument)

Creating this unusual tool will take you quite a bit of time, but is guaranteed to delight your children.

Prepare the following materials for this:

  • 2 spoons;
  • plastic egg;
  • scotch;

Place a small amount of rice in the egg and seal.

Pinch the sides of the egg with spoons.

Tape the resulting model with tape.


To make a large bright pumpkin out of spoons, you need to cook:

  • spoons of yellow or orange in large quantities;
  • foam ball.

Cut off the handles from the spoons.

Attach the rounded part of the spoons to the ball in a checkerboard pattern from the bottom up.

The top of the resulting pumpkin can be decorated with a small branch.

The process of creating all the described compositions is reflected in the photo of crafts from spoons. We talked about the most popular and beautiful products made from this material and shared secrets on how to make crafts from spoons with your own hands.

We hope that our master class has been useful and aesthetically pleasing to you.

Photo of crafts from spoons

Alla Cat

Soon there will come a joyful spring holiday for all women - MARCH 8. Every child wants to congratulate his beloved mother, grandmother on this holiday. But how to help him in this? And here we offer to make him an unusual flower from spoons, and it will be a spring flower TULIP.

We will need: a stick for sushi, a thin green ribbon 60-65cm. , 4-5 spoons of any color (we took white, green or yellow plasticine, scissors, green double-sided paper 10-15 cm. , glue stick, gouache of any color (we took lilac, brush for painting.

Choose the spoons that you like best and get to work.

We cut off the "hold", we will not need it. From 4-5 "scooped" (of your choice) we will form a flower bud.

But first, let's prepare the stem. Take a stick for sushi and a ribbon. Glue the tip of the tape to the thick edge of the stick and twist the tape around the stick.

Now we form the middle of the flower from plasticine.

Now you can form a bud.

It remains to make strokes of paint on the bud.

Cut out and attach the leaf. Here is our tulip.

A proud look and a strict camp -

This is a sunny tulip.

He settled in the flowerbed

And blossomed in the spring

For my mother's favorite holiday.

How the carpet is full of flowers

A flowerbed right under the window.

I will bring a bouquet to the house.

Bright red tulips

My mother loves it very much.

Mom laughs out loud

Smiling bright sun.

G. Chehuta

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To make a flower you will need: 1. Fabric of different color and texture. 2. Gelatin. 3. Scissors. 4. Thread or hot glue gun.

I often make crafts from plastic spoons in the form of flowers. In particular, it is very easy to make tulips and crocuses from them, since disposable plastic spoons are almost ready-made petals.

Only in the case of tulips, you need to use large plastic spoons (so to speak, lunch), and for crocuses - small ones (tea, dessert).

To make one flower you will need:

  • Plastic spoons. Metal rod, hard wire for the stem. Ideally, pushing a plastic tube.
  • For fastening - glue or wire.
  • Bright color paint.

1. Use a knife to separate the long handles of the spoons. The knife must be very sharp, as the handles often break under pressure.

3. Glue/staple 3 tablespoons into the middle flower bud.

4. If you decide to glue the petals, choose a special glue for plastic: it contains a solvent for this material. As a result of its impact, the plastic, as it were, “melts”, it remains only to press the elements tightly against each other, and they will stick together very firmly, or rather, “weld”. Universal adhesives for this type of plastic are not suitable, as they give a not very strong, easier to say, fragile connection. If you don’t already have special glue for plastic, it’s better to use ordinary wire, threading it into the holes made with a heated (very strongly) nail or awl.

5. Glue the second layer on top of the bud, which already consists of four petals.

6. If you are making a tulip, that is, a flower on a long stem, heat the end of an iron rod and press it into the base of the flower. The rod can be painted green or wrapped with a strip of thin green plastic cut from a bottle. If the rod is then heated over a fire, the plastic will melt and be firmly welded to the metal.

Corrugated paper flowers are very beautiful. They look gentle and sophisticated, like real ones. Looking at photos of such flowers on the Internet, some of us think: "I can never do that." But who said that creating something beautiful is difficult? Corrugated paper tulips are very easy to make yourself! This will only take 10-15 minutes.
A bouquet of such flowers can be created with children. They will certainly be carried away by the process of work, especially since the excellent result of labor will not have to wait long. This is suitable for restless kids.

Materials and tools:

  • green and pink corrugated paper;
  • 5 disposable plastic spoons;
  • scotch;
  • scissors.

We cut pink corrugated paper into shreds of about 12 by 12 cm, and green - leaves in a shape resembling a triangle with convex sides. For 1 tulip you will need 5 spoons, 5 pink shreds and 3 green leaves.

We put each spoon diagonally on a pink sheet and carefully wrap it.

You will get 5 petals.

Next, fold the spoons in the following sequence: first, take 2 of them, fold them "face" to each other, as shown in the photo. We fold the remaining three petals around. We fix the bud with tape.

Carefully wrap the resulting blank with three green leaves, which can also be fastened with tape or tied with a small piece of corrugated paper.

Tatyana Kuznetsova

Master Class. "Plastic Tulips"

Materials and tools:

1. plastic spoons

2. Acrylic paints and brush or nail polish

3. yellow felt or paper

4. thread

5. adhesive tape

6. plastic cup

7. pebbles or sand (for cargo)

8. scissors

9. green paper.

For work

1. Paint the spoons (one flower will need 3 spoons). Let dry. You can immediately take colored spoons.

2. From yellow felt or paper, cut out rectangles about 11-4 cm in size. Make several cuts from one end.

3. Roll the yellow blanks into a roll and secure with tape.

4. We glue the resulting blank to the spoon with tape.

5. We add tulips from three spoons and wrap the handles with threads.

6. Cut out leaves from green paper and fix with tape around the stem of the flower. I made some tulips.

7. We decorate a plastic cup with threads.

8. We cut very thin strips of green paper and twist them into spirals.

Put the pebbles in the glass (so that the glass does not turn over).

9. We put tulips in a glass, and decorate with green grass.

Dear colleagues, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the upcoming


March 8.

I wish you happiness, success in all competitions, love, health and a peaceful sky above your head. Accept these gentle spring tulips for you!

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