Home Mushrooms Rose from maple leaves with their own hands. DIY autumn bouquet: roses from maple leaves. Watch videos and study master classes. Procurement of natural material

Rose from maple leaves with their own hands. DIY autumn bouquet: roses from maple leaves. Watch videos and study master classes. Procurement of natural material

Roses from maple leaves. Master class with step by step photos

Needlework master class: in the technique of "working with natural materials".
Master class title:"Flowers from autumn leaves".
Author of the work: Nikolaeva Natalya Anatolyevna, teacher of additional education, MBOU DOD "House of Children's Creativity", Osinniki, Kemerovo region.
The master class is calculated for children and teachers of additional education.
Purpose of the master class: with the onset of autumn, I want to show and tell how you can make a bouquet of roses from bright autumn leaves. I am ready to tell you how you can enjoy not only a walk in the park, when you collect autumn leaves of extraordinary beauty, but also aesthetic pleasure from the resulting bouquet of the same leaves. This unusual decor will decorate your home, and most importantly - will remind you of a pleasant outdoor recreation.
Target: decoration of a wicker basket with roses from autumn hazel leaves.
- to acquaint with the possibility of using fallen leaves to create roses with your own hands;
- educate love for creativity, creative work.

Materials and tools:
- natural material (hazel leaves),
- jute rope
- scissors,
- scotch,

Wicker basket.
- oasis.

Step by step manufacturing process:
1. We take a yellow or even green hazel leaf and fold it in half (across, not along!)

2. We turn it into a tube (roll)

3. We take the second sheet of hazel and lay the first one on it - folded

4. We wrap the second sheet in the third sheet

5. We take the fourth sheet and as in paragraphs 3.4

6. We wrap the base of the resulting rose with a thread or jute rope and tighten it tightly

7. And here is our first rose! Thus, we make the quantity we want

8. In the same way we make a few more roses (preferably an odd number)

9. To decorate the basket, take a maple leaf and lay the base

10. We lay a floral brick, and insert roses from leaves into it

11. When all the buds are ready, we connect them together, and then everything depends only on your imagination. You can “wrap” them with the same maple leaves, you can take chestnut, hazel leaves.
This is how the eco-composition turned out.

Advice for crafters:
Flowers from autumn leaves will stand and please the eye, but after a couple of days the leaves will begin to dry. They will take on a different look, no less beautiful, but different. Therefore, for those who want to keep the flowers in almost their original form, there is a tip: once you make your roses from leaves, cover them with varnish (only do not use nail or hair spray in any case). Parquet lacquer or plastic lacquer is well suited. You can also paint the roses with acrylic varnish and then they will always be the way you want.

Olga Strebnyak

What a beautiful autumn time! It was sung by poets, composers in their works, artists painted many paintings - after all, autumn is truly a magical time. In my work with children, I try to use every day of this enchanting time of the year to show the bright colors of autumn, listen to beautiful music, read poems by great poets, and, of course, I do not miss the opportunity to make all kinds of crafts from natural materials.

After all, the rose is the queen of flowers.

There is nothing more tender and beautiful in the world,

Than this bundle of scarlet petals,

Opened with a fragrant cup.

S. Ya. Marshak

The ancient Greeks considered roses a gift from the gods, and the Romans considered them a symbol of courage and carved her image on their battle shields.

I love roses very much and I try to master all kinds of ways to make them from fabric, ribbons, paper, orange peel, and of course from autumn leaves.

By right, maple leaves are considered the most beautiful leaves in autumn. The guys and I have already made many arrangements of roses made from maple leaves. But I think that other leaves can be great for making them, for example, birch.

I want to offer to your court one of the ways to make roses from birch leaves.

We select leaves of different sizes, about 7 - 8 pieces of small, medium and large

Cut off the sharp top of the leaf to give it a rounded shape.

We fold several of the smallest petals so that one slightly covers the other.

Roll them up into a roll. This will be the center of the flower.

Around it, we alternately lay the following petals, small, then medium, and large.

To prevent the rose from falling apart, do not forget to fix it more often with a thread at the base of the flower.

Here is our rose. The outer petals can be slightly bent to give a more natural look. For the "greenery" framing the flower, any beautiful leaves are suitable. I borrowed them from the roses themselves.

(If you need a bud, then use fewer petals).

This is the composition I got

To make our flowers last longer, you can sprinkle them with hairspray or open them with sunflower oil with a few drops of any essential oil.

Happy creativity. I would be glad if this material is useful to someone.

Autumn is an underestimated season. Not everyone is happy with her.

On the other hand, this is a plus, as you can make many discoveries that will make you look at this time of year in a new way.

Here we will be helped by ordinary maples, which are valued in ornamental gardening. And our discovery is maple leaf roses.

Let's look at a few step-by-step instructions for making these "autumn flowers" with your own hands.

Method one:

To make a bouquet you will need.

  1. Maple leaves of different colors.
  2. Threads.
  3. Iron.
  4. Newspaper sheets.
  5. Yellow masking tape (optional)

When collecting leaves, do not try to collect only the same ones. Multi-colored leaves will be better. But dry, damaged or diseased are excluded.

Small leaves are also a bad option as they will be difficult to work with. Then separate the collected colors.

For a single bud, use leaves of the same color. Let the bouquet be colorful, but it is better for the flower to be monophonic.

So, take a sheet and fold it in two. Bend line across the rachis (vein located in the middle). Moreover, the front side should be outside. Screw this bent “petal” into a roll. It should be bent parallel to the rachis. This roll should turn out to be dense; this is the core of our workpiece.

Now you need to lay out the leaves around the core. Take the first one and place the roll in the center of this sheet, with its outer side being placed inward. Next, fold the sheet in two halves outward. See that the edge of this fold is a centimeter or a half higher than the core of the flower. The bend should be smoothed out. Bend the edge that protrudes above the core outward. There is nothing to smooth out here. Wrap the sheet in this state around the roll on both sides.

For a new petal, take another sheet, the algorithm of actions is the same, although from the very beginning, place this sheet opposite to the first one. And so the same type, collect the petals in a bud. Determine the number of petals according to your desire.

Use threads to tie the bud at the base, thereby securing the flower. The number of flowers is also determined at your discretion.

Part two making “leaves” from leaves. To do this, as already mentioned, take the most colorful of them.

First, make sure that the leaves do not curl up when dry. This can be prevented if ironed before work, placed between newspaper sheets, with an iron. Here another problem arises - the leaves become brittle. But beauty requires precision. Place the leaves under the buds in a circle.

Make sure they are evenly spaced. Fix everything in the same way with threads. For beauty, it is recommended to hide the knot. Do this with yellow masking tape. You will receive a neat and complete product.

Method two.

Here you need:

  1. Maple leaves of different colors (must be green among them)
  2. Threads
  3. Twine wire
  4. wooden sticks
  5. Sunflower oil

Regarding the assembly of leaves, the rules here are the same as in the previous method. But pay attention to the fact that you must also have green leaves. Just as in the first case, divide the leaves by color.

Fold the first sheet across the rachis. Then twist the folded sheet, but so that the core is not compressed, but voluminous.

Arrange the cuttings parallel to each other. Then form a cuff from green (and partially yellow) leaves. Fasten the cuff, buds and their cuttings with twine wire.

In order to decorate the leg, use several wooden sticks, inserting them between the cuttings.

The bouquet is ready.

But in order for it to retain its brightness and brilliance. Lubricate it with regular sunflower oil. This brings a few more positives.

When the oil is absorbed in two days, the leaves will become soft, they will be protected from drying out and will not lose their attractive shape. If you want, you can go further, spray your bouquet with varnish, or treat with special leaf glue, which, when dry, will make the entire texture of the leaf clear, all the veins will be visible to you, and the “petals” and “leaves” will play with color.

A simpler option is regular hairspray. You can also use water-diluted glycerin (may cause unpredictable discoloration) and plain liquid silicone to maintain softness and shine.

Get creative with your bouquet to make it look perfect. Try one of the suggested ways, supplement the second.

, natural leather and other improvised materials for making crafts, from which we learned to make beautiful artificial flowers.

Autumn has long come into its own and painted the world around us with bright multi-colored colors. Autumn gave us wonderful natural materials for making unique DIY crafts - fallen from trees

autumn leaves different sizes and with bizarre shapes, as well as numerous flowers and inflorescences that we will use to make beautiful flowers, cute lamps , graceful bouquets with artificial roses, original compositions of vegetables and fruits for interior decoration.

And children will be happy to help their parents create amazing crafts from improvised, absolutely waste natural material . Such joint leisure is very useful for the development of imagination, fine motor skills of hands, sensory abilities of small children and elementary school students.

From autumn natural materials, you can make not only simple crafts, children's educational toys, applications and herbaria. Interior designers have long adopted the unique beauty and indescribable sophistication of autumn gifts. The walls of the rooms can decorate with exquisite panels and paintings with compositions in the form of flowers from autumn fallen leaves (maple, oak, chestnut), folded with their own hands in a special way. In order to use the fallen leaves of trees and dry flowers for making crafts , bouquets and compositions with your own hands, it is important to properly prepare these natural materials before work. You probably already know that autumn leaves can be laid between the sheets of albums (books, magazines, newspapers) and a load can be placed on top. This harvesting method is suitable for forming a herbarium, children's appliqué or collage.from dried leaves.

But for the manufacture of voluminous crafts and bouquets with flowers from autumn leaves fallen from trees, this method is not suitable. Before you start twisting such flowers from fallen leaves from trees (for example, roses from red maple leaves), it is important to process them correctly in order to crafts retained their original appearance long time. We will tell you about this in detail later in this article. In addition to tips and useful ideas for creating bouquets and compositions from natural materials, you will find here video lessons , as well as master classes with which you can quickly make simple compositions with your own hands (children's crafts from leaves, applications, figurines, collages), as well as complex bouquets and objects for interior decoration in the form of bouquets with flowers from autumn leaves topiary ) or compositions of dried flowers (see photo).

You will learn how to properly process and preserve maple leaves and autumn flowers so that they are made from them. beautiful crafts did not turn into brittle, shapeless and twisted objects. And you can make any of these natural autumn gifts of a wide variety of colors and with surprisingly different bizarre shapes. artificial flowers - big roses , small cornflowers, graceful chrysanthemums, cute daisies, chic water lilies . The color of these homemade flowers can be very different (not only yellow or red) - after all, dried autumn leaves can be painted with an acrylic primer with the addition of a color scheme of the desired color (and then coated with a colorless varnish). With the help of helium pens, you can apply different patterns and geometric shapes on the surface. artificial flowers autumn theme.

Ideas for creativity:

- Application.
Great idea for spending time with a child! Have you already collected a lot of beautiful fallen leaves and autumn flowers in the yard, dried them, made a colorful herbarium? Let's not stop there! We spread a large sheet of thick paper or cardboard on the table, spread out our "harvest" on it and put together an original composition, combining colors and different forms of natural materials . You can glue the details of the autumn composition on the base with PVA glue (but it is better to use photo glue or gum arabic);

- Collage.
You can fold together with your child a multi-layered bright collage under the frame. The lower layer is large dark and brown leaves, then greenish, the upper layers are small bright contrasting leaves of red and yellow. We add dry autumn flowers to the collage, adding different shapes from them and we get a beautiful three-dimensional composition.
And you can add letters or words (as well as figures) to the collage - press a sheet of cardboard with cut out letters tightly to the glued composition and carefully cut it out according to the letter pattern with a clerical knife (of course, with the hands of the parents, not the child);

- Educational game for the child.
A great idea that your preschooler will love! Glue a half of a fallen leaf onto a paper sheet (pre-cut the sheet vertically). The task of the child is to draw the missing half of the sheet with a pencil (felt-tip pen). Advise your child to choose the appropriate color of the pencil and carefully look at the shape of the half in order to accurately reproduce the mirror part of the composition. The most difficult option is a maple leaf, leave it for later and help the kid draw a little;

- Painted autumn leaves.
You can decorate both flat and voluminous crafts made of leaves with painting. For this work, use helium pens and felt-tip pens (with silver, gold, white and other colors). Bouquets with decorated artificial flowers will be fine and other interior objects;

- Bouquet of autumn leaves and dried flowers.
You will find information below on how to fold flowers from maple leaves with your own hands and collect a bouquet from them. If you decorate such a bouquet with dried flowers and put it in a small wide vase, you will get an excellent compositional center for your room;

- Tree or topiary from autumn materials.
Another great option for decorating the interior. From fallen branches, you can fold a small tree and decorate it with homemade flowers made from leaves. Or
make your own topiary (see photo), attaching a lot of such flowers to a floristic ball (option: on a foam ball);

Tree (photo):

- Volumetric picture of the gifts of autumn.
As a base, you can use a large photo frame or a wooden picture frame. background can be made
from cardboard painted in the right color . We make interesting compositions with our own hands from maple leaves, dried flowers, fallen pine needles and other natural materials, attaching them to the base with a wire.

Helpful Hints:

How to prepare autumn leaves for making crafts and applications at home.

- for voluminous crafts in the form of flowers and bouquets.
We will not be able to fold voluminous crafts from dried leaves, as they are too brittle. Therefore, we will specially process the collected leaves. We divide the solution - 200 ml. glycerin per 400 ml. pure water. In a tight plastic bag, carefully put the leaves that have fallen from the trees and level them, then fill them with the prepared solution. The package with the contents must be hermetically sealed (with a heated knife) or sealed with adhesive tape. Leave this bag in a dark closet for 3-4 days, and then spread the leaves on a paper towel to dry. From these flexible leaves that retain their original appearance for a long time, you can add a variety of flowers (below - MK: how to make beautiful roses from maple leaves with your own hands);

- for flat autumn compositions (applications, collages).

Leaves and flowers collected in autumn are best dried in massive magazines and reference books. The collected natural materials must be thoroughly pressed with a weighty load placed on top of the reference book.

How to dry autumn flowers for crafts and compositions:

- iron drying.
Autumn leaves and many small flowers can be dried with an iron. To do this, lay out natural materials on thick cardboard. , cover with a thin paper sheet on top and iron with a not very hot iron until all moisture has evaporated;

- natural drying.
Great for drying fall flowers. Tighten the rope in a dry room with good air circulation. We put the collected flowers in bunches and hang them on a rope with inflorescences down;

- drying in the oven.
a wonderful way to dry large single flowers (roses, tulips, peonies) for making arrangements. The temperature in the oven should not be very high - about 50-60 ° C. Carefully monitor the process so that the flowers do not turn brown during drying and do not lose their shape;

- bulk drying of flowers.

According to many seasoned florists, this method of drying autumn flowers preserves their natural shape and color. The cut flower is placed in calcined dry sand for 4 weeks. As a container, you can use a box with a fine mesh at the bottom and a retractable bottom. Flowers with terry and voluminous inflorescences (lilies, dahlias, roses) are placed in the sand with stems down, and with flat inflorescences-baskets (buttercups, daisies, asters, forget-me-nots) - with stems up.

What tools and materials can be useful for making autumn crafts:

- Scissors.
Small scissors with blunt ends for a child and sharp long ones for an adult;

Stationery knife and stacks.
With the help of a clerical knife, it is convenient to cut multi-layered parts of crafts. Plastic stacks are great tools for a child to cut individual leaves for appliqué;

- Shilo.
For convenience, choose a tool with a wide wooden handle (length - 5-6 cm) and a not very thick piercing part;

- Long tweezers and tweezers.
It is convenient to move small parts of handicrafts with tweezers. Tweezers with a flattened twisted front can be borrowed from a manicure set. It is very convenient to twist individual parts of the product and wire with such tweezers;

- Thin wire.
It is often used to form the frame of crafts and toys made from natural materials. For fastening individual parts, it is desirable to use a flexible and durable copper wire with a diameter of 0.35 mm;

- Foil and foil paper.
For decorating autumn crafts, for applications and collages;

- Sewing needle and thread.
To connect the individual parts of handicrafts, to form bouquets of leaves and dried flowers;

- Paper.
The more different types of paper (different in color, density, thickness), the better. For the manufacture of crafts, applications, bouquets, panels and wall compositions from natural materials, you can use corrugated, wallpaper, velvet, parchment, landscape, wrapping, copy and other types of paper;

- Plasticine and plastic (polymer clay).
For fastening, as well as for sculpting individual parts that complement products from leaves, dry flowers. Your child can work with plasticine and polymer clay;

- Glue.
A variety of brands of glue can be useful in the work. Often use PVA, BF, "Mars". The safest options for a child to use are PVA and glue stick.
For gluing individual parts of the craft, brushes with a hard bristle will come in handy;

- Paints and brushes.
To create applications and collages - watercolor and gouache paints. For coloring volumetric crafts from autumn leaves and dried flowers - acrylic paints. It is most convenient to draw with squirrel soft brushes.


It is very easy to make such an artificial flower with your own hands! For work, prepare autumn maple leaves, strong threads, golden paints and sunflower oil. You can treat the leaves with a solution of glycerin (see the recipe above) for the durability of the assembled craft.

For the manufacture of a single flower, it is best to choose plain maple leaves. The rosettes from the leaves will turn out to be quite large. 5-7 such crafts are enough to make a beautiful bouquet. As leaves for this bouquet with artificial homemade flowers, you can use all the same maple leaves. Make roses red and yellow.

So, let's get to work:

- take a maple leaf and bend it in half (front side outward);

We bend the very tip and twist the leaf into a roll;

We take the second maple leaf of the same color, put the already twisted bud at its base (see photo);

We form a maple rose petal by bending the leaf and wrapping it tightly around the bud;

We wrap the third maple leaf in the same way. The more such rose petals there are, the more voluminous and bigger the rose will turn out. Move a little down each subsequent row so that the flower looks blooming;

A little above the petioles of the leaves we fix the craft with a thread;

Similarly, we will make 5-7 more of the same roses (yellow, red, greenish);

Lubricate maple roses with sunflower oil so that the bouquet retains its original appearance for a long time. Now you can cover the crafts with golden paint;

It remains to lower a few maple leaves into a small vase, and then form a beautiful bouquet of artificial roses.


Master class number 1:


Master class number 2:


Master class number 3:


Autumn time ... For some, this is a time of despondency and sadness. Outside the window it starts to get dark earlier, and getting up in the morning becomes so difficult and lazy ... Winter is coming.

But for needlewomen, autumn is not the time for sadness. This is another reason and opportunity for creativity, inventing and bringing your unusual idea to life.

If you are also into handicrafts, you just need to read the article! It describes in the most detailed and understandable way how to create flowers from tree leaves.

Autumn is a charming time, nature paints the leaves in incredible red, yellow, crimson colors. Just imagine what wonderful roses or chrysanthemums from tree leaves will turn out of them!

A handmade item is the best gift!

Beautiful roses made from natural materials... They are quite easy to make. Don't believe? Just try it yourself! If you are a caring mother and make charming flowers from tree leaves with your child (especially if you have a daughter), you will not only get an original craft, but also spend time with your baby.

After all, doing something together is so wonderful! This helps to get closer, to understand each other. In family affairs, any joint work can work wonders.

In addition, then the two of you can give unusual roses from the leaves of trees, for example, for a birthday or on March 8 to a grandmother. She will like such a gift much more than a purchased postcard or a box of chocolates.

No wonder handmade products are so valued in the modern world. And for a grandmother, things made by her beloved granddaughter or grandson will be the most expensive and wonderful gifts you can imagine!

Where to begin?

So, you have decided to create an amazing craft - flowers from leaves dyed with autumn gold. But before you start translating the idea into reality, you should prepare a little.

To make flowers from tree leaves you will need:

  • liquid glycerin;

    dense package of small size;

    beautiful even branches (on which you will attach flowers from the leaves of trees);

    sewing threads (preferably red or brown so that they do not stand out on your craft).

Personally, you will need a little time, patience and a desire to create something original with your own hands!

leaf assembly

In order for flowers from tree leaves to turn out neat and beautiful, you should choose even, not wet or wrinkled leaves.

Also, do not take those that have already begun to rot. Believe me, this will not add charm to your bouquet. On the contrary, the craft will either come out crooked and ugly, or it will not work at all.

In addition, the size of the leaves also plays a very important role, so pay attention to it when assembling the material. The leaves should be about the same size. This will help you to easily and accurately make flowers from tree leaves with your own hands.

Leaf processing

So you collected and brought the leaves home. Is it possible now to build a bouquet of them? No, unfortunately it's time to wait.

If you want to make natural and graceful flowers from tree leaves, the instructions below must be followed without fail.

At the preparatory stage, the leaves should be thoroughly cleaned. And just washing them in hot water will not be enough.

To properly prepare the material for crafts, follow these steps:

    First, fill a small basin with warm (but not hot) water.

    Add some liquid soap there (the main thing is not powder, it will damage your leaves, as a result, the bouquet may not work out).

    Stir until the soap is completely dissolved in the water, and lay out the collected leaves.

    Wait a few minutes (5-7 will be enough), fish out the leaves and rinse them under the tap in slightly cool water.

    Now process the leaves by putting them in a tight bag filled with a solution of glycerin mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 2. Place your herbarium in this form in a cool dark place for 3-4 days. This procedure is necessary in order for the leaves to acquire elasticity, elasticity, and shine.

    After the required time has elapsed, remove the leaves from the bag, lay them carefully on a towel and let dry completely.

    We form the core of a rose from tree leaves

    It only at first glance seems that only professional and experienced needlewomen can build such beauty. Not at all!

    Believe me, following the instructions presented in the article, even a child can make almost any flowers from tree leaves!

    The master class is very detailed, the description of the process is described clearly in steps. Read it. You will certainly succeed!

    To form the core of a future rose, you must keep in mind the following:

    1. Do you remember that the core of a rose has small petals, and the bud of a rose is framed by lush and wide ones? When making your flower, you should be guided by the same principles. That is why you should start with the smallest leaf.

      Take it and gently bend it in half so that the outer side of the leaf is inside, and the top of the leaf and the tail (stick) are connected.

      Happened? Great! Now roll the resulting design into a tube. The heart of the rose is ready!

    How to make a bud of a future rose

    You are great! If now you have the middle of a rose in your hands, then you have practically mastered a simple technology. You have successfully figured out how to start making flowers from tree leaves with your own hands.

    Now you can begin to form the rose itself.

    To form a rose, you should:

      Take the next leaf a little larger.

      Do the above procedure with it.

      And, carefully attaching to the first tube, wrap once around it.

      Repeat manipulations with 3-4 more leaves.

      Gently fasten the tails (sticks) of your leaves with a thread.

    That's all, the rosebud is ready! Not difficult at all, right?

    A couple of turns - and the rose is ready!

    So, the rosebud is ready! Now you can begin to form the rose itself. This process is a little more complicated, but more interesting. Are you not afraid? So, get started!

    To make a rose, follow the important steps:

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