Home Diseases and pests If you dreamed that I got married to a guy. The dream book will tell you what a wedding means in a dream - what is it for? Why do you dream of a wedding with your husband - Vanga’s dream book

If you dreamed that I got married to a guy. The dream book will tell you what a wedding means in a dream - what is it for? Why do you dream of a wedding with your husband - Vanga’s dream book

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Why do you dream about a Wedding in a dream according to 20 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Wedding” symbol from 20 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Get married- to divorce.

Get married to the kingdom- to death.

Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

Wedding - this dream suggests that you cannot have sex without love for your partner. For you, feelings come first and only then intimate relationships.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see a wedding in a dream?

A dream in which you are present at a wedding in a church- a harbinger of imminent recognition of your merits, but sad events in the lives of your friends.

If you are among the guests at the ceremony and are dressed in white- this means that in reality you will experience the joy of some kind of discovery.

If you're dressed in black and serving guests- you will have to take care of yourself first.

See yourself as a bride- a harbinger of disappointment in love.

Seeing a friend as the bride- have a great time with your boyfriend.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Getting married is a difficult task.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Wedding in dreams- is a kind of test of your feelings for your loved one.

If this was your wedding- it predicts you not only a carnal, but also a spiritual union with a worthy person with whom you will go through life together, share troubles and joys.

If you dreamed that you were present at the wedding of a young couple- in reality you will again experience a strong feeling of closeness and kinship with your other half.

In a dream, act as a priest performing a wedding ceremony- means in reality to feel a premonition of trouble hanging over a loved one. Such a dream warns: do not interfere in current events. They are not under your control because they are under the control of God.

Solomon's Dream Book

Getting married means heavy responsibilities, troubles, troubles.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

You dreamed that you were getting married- Be careful, you are in serious danger.

If you dreamed that you watched someone get married- know: serious danger threatens one of your loved ones.

Freud's Dream Book

If you dream about a wedding ceremony- this indicates that you cannot imagine a sexual relationship without love for a person. You can't go to bed with him even for pleasure. His feelings towards you are important to you. And yours - to him.

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

Seeing a wedding is a new acquaintance.

Getting married is a joy.

Ukrainian dream book

Wedding is a new, strong, useful acquaintance; a joyful occasion.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Wedding according to the dream book?

Get married in a dream- in the near future, the author of the dream expects joyful changes in life.

More interpretations

If you are getting married yourself- the dream promises you a good spouse, and if you see someone you know getting married, a promotion at work will soon await you.

When you don’t get to this church sacrament in a dream- means that in reality you will have a very good and close-knit family.

I dreamed about how you yourself acted as your future husband at this ceremony- expect sudden risks and huge confusion.

In a dream you are invited to a wedding ceremony- the dream book promises you some kind of fun feast soon.

Video: Why do you dream about a wedding?

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Did you dream about a wedding, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about a Wedding in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I dreamed of a wedding with my boyfriend, the initiative came from him. In church they asked us for rings, and as it turned out, he forgot to buy them... Then my dad came up and started wrapping wire around our fingers, there was only one wire, and it turned out that we were kind of tied to each other. In life, he is not a believer, and at the wedding I thought about this, that for him it’s all not serious, rather than for me. In general, I wanted to leave and give up the wedding, but I never did.

    I had a dream today that my husband and I got married in church and a woman I know is going to bless us with an ancient icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, but I don’t see my husband, we are cleaning some apartment, as if we are preparing to celebrate the wedding. We have been married for 6.5 years. Please tell me why I dreamed about all this. Thanks for the injury.

    I dreamed that my husband and I were getting ready to get married and came to the church. But before entering the church they changed their minds. I remember my thoughts on this matter, that my husband and I do not have such an ideal relationship, there is no special understanding to take such responsibility upon ourselves before God. My husband agreed with me. They still went to the church, were present there for some time, there were still some couples there, but they never got married. At the same time, in a dream, there is a feeling of disappointment that the relationship is not ready for further spiritual development.

    Please tell me what such a dream could mean.

    My husband and I have been married for 2 years, expecting a child, but not married. The relationship is not very good now, with varying degrees of success.

    Thanks in advance for your answer!

    I had a dream as if my husband and I were getting married in a church, and in the dream another couple asked why we don’t have crowns over our heads, I was told that you don’t need it. Why could this be? and recently we baptized our son in this church.

    zadravstvuite!videla vo sne chto v cerkvi dogovarivaius o venchanii smuzem,s kotorim zenati 11 let,so mnoi sotrudniki po rabote,dogovarivaius ob ugosheniax,o stolax,ia v belom kostiume,no v konce peredumala i vse otmenila.zaranee spasibo za otvet

    I dreamed that I was going to get married!!! and I came to pay and the woman told me that everything was busy for today! I say how so! She told me, okay, your number is 10 and I see a piece of paper with the number 10! I go outside the gates of the temple there is a couple standing there! I I asked them what you are - they are the 5th! and I keep thinking, but without a veil and dress, what should I do!

    I dreamed that I was getting married to my husband, it was raining outside, I had a white dress, and a veil almost to the floor, and I walked into the rain, sad, got wet, and I went to give the dress back to the wedding salon (supposedly I rented a dress ), could this dream be a harbinger of something?, thanks in advance.

    I dreamed that I was in a large church, surrounded by brides and I was watching, for some reason I was waiting in line, at that moment I was talking with some bride, she was also waiting in line, she took out cards and began to repeat the same fortune-telling, I was interested, but I I know that you can’t tell fortunes in church, she starts telling fortunes for me, then my relatives come and I say that I don’t want to get married at all, much less get married, and only at that moment I notice that I’m wearing a white dress and 3 or 4 cards in my hand, a suit or diamonds or hearts, for some reason I feel ashamed, but according to fortune telling, the girl came up with a bunch of cards with hearts, she is surprised and says that this is very good

    My parent dreamed of a wedding. We are all children and grandchildren sitting and waiting for them to get ready. Mommy even went to the hairdresser to get her hair done. But the strangest thing about this dream was that the wedding was supposed to take place at 2 am, there was a line at the temple. And what’s also strange is that my dad died 2.5 years ago.

    I dreamed that I was looking for my wife for a long time. It was winter. night of snow for generations. cold and I was very cold. then I go into the temple, rather a church, I see my wife under the altar, getting married to another man, and how beautiful and happy she is, and such a warm light pours on her from above and it feels good for her, and I was so offended that the wife is not mine but someone else’s forever, and I felt cold and so bad in my soul, - tears flowed and everything inside sank here and I woke up with tears and there was some kind of stone in my chest and bitterness in my throat

    Today I dreamed that I was getting married to a young man, but suddenly my father intervened and started talking some nonsense. Then my godmother deliberately stains my wedding dress. I run away in tears. The continuation of the dream passes some time after this; by pure chance, I and the same young man appear at the same place where the wedding took place. Well, actually we go through the whole ceremony

    I dreamed that I was getting married to a friend of mine (we only met once), church ministers were holding crowns over us, and we were holding candles in our hands. No faces are visible, but I know for sure that it is us (I see myself from the outside). The colors are warm, the sleep impression is positive

    I dreamed that my husband was organizing our wedding, inviting all our relatives, booking a restaurant, a church, but not telling anyone except me that it would be a wedding. Before the wedding itself, I woke up. In real life, my husband and I are not married.

    I dreamed of my own wedding, we got married secretly. And then they went and showed everyone the rings. Friends found out that we shouldn’t have done it, our parents were happy for us.

    They didn’t want to register the marriage, they considered only the wedding to be true!

    Good evening! I imagined that we were getting ready for a wedding with my husband, for some reason it was 12,000 rubles, we find this money, I put on a beautiful dress, dress up, put on makeup, something doesn’t work with my makeup, my husband comes up, hugs me, kisses me , we laugh happily, wake up in a very good mood, with very warm feelings

    Hello, I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend brought me to his parents and announced that we were getting married. I was very surprised, because I understood that we had parted a long time ago. He insistently told me that we would get married. what is this for?

    I dreamed that I was getting ready for a wedding. It was as if I found out about him three days before the wedding. I don’t see my husband, I’m just discussing it with my mother, trying on a dress, very beautiful, but uncomfortable, as if a little tight.

    In reality, I am married, but the thought of getting married has never occurred to me.

    I dreamed that I was going to get married to my husband in some small church. I see myself in a wedding dress and veil, only our parents are present at the wedding. My husband's sister makes a scandal, she wants everything to be her way. I quarrel with her, saying that this is my wedding and it’s up to me to decide how to dress and who to invite. I end up running away from the church in tears.

    I dreamed that I was marrying my husband. I'm wearing a beautiful wedding dress and veil. There are very beautiful blue flowers on the dress. But there was no wedding itself, but a wedding. Only unusual: I stood in front of the priest with a candle in my hands, and my husband and best man with his groomsmen behind me.

    I broke up with a guy with whom I had a relationship for 1 year and 6 months, but during the relationship there were quite a few quarrels and misunderstandings. We often broke up but after a while we made up. The maximum period for breaking up was a month. Now I feel that we are no longer together we will, but I often remember him and compare guys with him. Today I had a dream that I was in a wedding dress, he was in a suit and we were near the clerk. Then in moments it came up that I was a bride, so happy, next to him.

    I dreamed that I was standing with my boyfriend in a church, we were getting married, I saw that I was in a white dress, in our hands we had white candles, they were short and smoldered quickly. After we went outside it was raining

    We weren’t married to our first husband, we had a common son (he died very young from cancer, he was 1 year and two months old). About 6 months ago, my first husband died and today I had a dream, we got married and then got married, in a dream everything was perfect, there was a feeling of love for each other. It’s almost 11 years since my dad died, maybe this is a reminder so that I don’t forget this date? I don’t understand what this is at all.

    I was in the temple and ate prosphora and after I started going through the contents of the box there were cucumbers, candies and wormy apricots, and when I left the temple on the street I saw a priest marrying a couple

    I dreamed of a wedding... that is, me and my boyfriend in the dream (who is a real guy) wanted to marry my parents’ godson, but couldn’t because... they themselves are not married and not married (in real life he is only my boyfriend, although a common future is planned and we do not live together)

    Hello Tatiana. I saw in a dream that I was in the church on business and a man whom I had previously met was getting married there. His woman had white hair. He turned to me, but the woman did not. I went outside and the man too and began to make excuses. I sincerely wished him happiness. But she very rudely told him not to touch me when he tried to take my hand.

    Hello, I didn’t dream about the wedding itself, but about the fact that my boyfriend and I wanted to get married, but we didn’t have an appointment. We went to churches to find out where this could be done. And at the end I said that in order to get married, you must first sign. He agreed and we went home.

    I dreamed that my husband proposed marriage to me. And supposedly we are standing in the church and the wedding ceremony is about to begin, and I take it and run away. My father runs after me, and I tell him that I’m not ready for the wedding.

    good afternoon.. I’m 21 years old, I’m not married, I don’t have a boyfriend, I go to church only when necessary.
    In the dream, I was in some kind of wooden hut; in the middle of the room there was a square wooden table. On the other side of the table was my deceased grandmother. I myself was in a white wedding dress (it didn’t seem fluffy), I was holding a candle and next to me was some guy or man (I don’t remember). My grandmother married us. I can’t remember exactly, but it seems she married me to some dead man. there were no conversations. The dream is not colorful. But this is a very strange dream for me.

    I dreamed that I was in church and had to get married to a stranger. I have flowers in my hands. He's in black, I'm in white. The church is Catholic. (But I’m Orthodox) But suddenly I realize that I’ve already done this with another man and I can’t do it a second time. Which is what I'm talking about, but he brushes off my words....I wake up

    A strange dream, I’m in church at a wedding, but the bride is wearing a black short dress above the knees, cut off at the waist, the skirt is even a little fluffy, near the neck there is a white round collar, like a schoolgirl’s, the sleeves are short and there are also white cuffs on the sleeves. I still think: why is this bride in a black dress, because the dress should be white?? I even woke up from this

    Hello Tatiana. First love, friend of youth. We broke up a long time ago, due to his fault. Our children have grown up. He is married, I am a widow. We live in different cities. I'm fine. For him, I don’t know. He found me on the Internet, according to me, he had been looking for me for many years, but I was not registered in Odnoklassniki. We talked on Skype for 6 hours. I remembered a lot, but I don’t have any intentions, I don’t think about empty things. Dream: (on Jonah the Baptist), daytime. We are together, everything is peaceful. but something is bothering me, something is not working out and I suggest he get married, citing the fact that his parents have been gone for a long time, there is no one to bless, let the priest do it. I don’t remember the answer, but there was no denial. Thank you.

    Hello! My name is Yulia, perhaps you can help me interpret the dream. I saw in a dream that I was getting married in a temple with my own husband. We were smartly dressed, I was in white. During the ceremony, I cried out of resentment towards my husband and prayed, and then my husband and I I had a personal conversation with the priest, I don’t remember the essence of it. Thank you!

    Hello. I dreamed that I was standing in a wedding dress on the seashore next to a rich merchant with a long black beard. The merchant is dressed in a long fur coat covered with a red silk belt. We are standing next to each other, the end of my dress touches the sea. The sea is calm, the sunlight of the day is reflected on it. The sea seems to sparkle in the sun. Soft pink flowers float near our feet! The merchant and I are married by a Catholic priest. Although I myself am Orthodox. I am 29 years old and not married yet. After the wedding, the merchant takes me to his home. In his house there are a huge number of books on shelves and a large leather chair. And on the floor lies the skin of a brown bear. There are many servants in the house, they bring me many beautiful evening dresses, all the dresses are long, of different colors, very beautiful and rich. The merchant asks me to choose dresses for the next days, as he wants to hold receptions all week in honor of our wedding.

    The dream was very vivid! Left a vivid impression.

    I will be very grateful to you if you can help me interpret my dream.

    Best regards, Sofina.

    Hello! My brother had a dream... as if I was getting married in a church... in a beautiful wedding dress embroidered with flowers... the man with whom I got married had actually been married for a long time... and his wife was present at the wedding.. and was very pleased with this event.

    I was at the wedding ceremony of several couples at once, but all the couples, with the exception of ours, were Korean. After that, my fiance grabbed my jaw and my teeth began to fall out without blood and without pain. I was surprised because 5 lower front teeth fell out and I then pulled out 1 upper tooth myself, also painlessly.

    Hello! I dreamed of my wedding with my husband, when I entered the church I fell with my back to the altar, and then I immediately saw a few of them, and my husband and I were sitting near the cradle and rocking it. And I said that you can’t rock an empty one and we put something there. And then immediately it’s like I’m at work.

    I dreamed that my friends were getting married. And now it all began, but the bride did not arrive, and a friend asked me to marry him, I agreed, and we got married, but in the end he refused to kiss me. In real life he is married.

    The dream began with the fact that my beloved and I went to Moscow and met friends there who urgently needed to return to our city S. My beloved and I arrived at my home, and in the morning for some reason I had to go to my own wedding. The lover stayed at home. I came to church, there were a lot of guests there, and for some reason another young man took the place of the groom, he is my friend and has had feelings for me for a very long time. But I understood that I didn’t love him, and they didn’t even ask me... Whether I wanted it or not... Then after the wedding I met my beloved’s dad, hugged him and said, but I love your son! And he told me that this is not how things are done, and that marriage is a terrible matter, since you agreed, then live. For some reason, after that I called my mother and told her about what had happened, she was surprised, because I couldn’t help but warn her about my own wedding. We didn't exchange rings, we just had a wedding ceremony. Tell me, what could such a dream mean?

    I saw a wedding with my husband (we were married to him). They ran to the ceremony and were late, like children. Like before in my youth. There were renewed feelings between us. The temple where we came to get married was like heaven. Some kind of heavenly beauty, white marble columns, red carpets on the floor. And so light and warm. We were dressed in milky colored outfits. We crossed our arms and waited for the ceremony to begin, then our friends came up and also crossed their arms and we all went up the stairs. I was still afraid to step on the dress (it was floor-length), but at the same time I walked confidently with my legs, as if they were carrying me. We got up and there was a corridor and many doors. At first I was confused, but my husband led me to an open door. They entered and there was a hall as before under the kings. Everything is made of marble and gold, and the carpets are red and light. And then the dream ended. I also remembered standing my dress, looking at my wedding dress, thinking how well it was preserved (I didn’t sell my dress, it was a wedding dress), but it was as if everything was exactly different. We were so cheerful, happy, carefree. And when she was going up the stairs she said the following phrase: “But for the third time I won’t go to get married again, it will be too much.” And they laughed.

    I dreamed of preparing for a wedding with a young man I don’t know…. church, the priest shows all the attributes for the ceremony. Two rings made of lemon gold, shirts made of gold threads... they were already shining. Then the priest said that there was also a separate necklace for me (it looked like a thick gold collar). Afterwards, the nun brought a large lump of wax and said that for the ritual the wax needs to be crushed. Mine was dark blue and very cold, but the young man’s was golden like regular wax. I began to knead and hair began to wrap around my fingers, I pulled it out... it was very similar to mine in color and length... I was very indignant at this, and the nun said, “Don’t worry, it’s not yours.” I ask why the wax is so strange and cold... she grinned and said... Well, I brought it from the cemetery itself... I said that I didn’t want to crush such wax... and she brought me the same one as the young man’s... After everything, we walked down the street and the thought couldn’t leave me that I absolutely didn’t want to get married... after which I fell with one foot into the asphalt and into the mud. Having taken out my leg, I told the young man... Well, I got hurt and we’ll probably postpone the wedding.

    Hello Tatiana. Thanks for the offer!
    Such a dream.
    I’m standing in the churchyard, in a white dress, next to the groom, wearing a veil. There is a long bench, my housemates are sitting on it, I can see them very clearly. I look at the groom and understand that he looks like his (young) father-in-law and I leave. Another man in a KAMAZ takes me from there to the field. The field is green, I go out and through this field I leave with my daughter.

    In a dream, I got married to my husband’s brother, at first I wanted to buy a black dress, but I bought a white one, and my late mother helped me choose shoes. The shoes were all bad, cheap, scary. She offered to buy low blue ones, but I didn’t like them, and in my mind I thought that I needed something light, but in the end I don’t remember which ones I bought. The priest married us very quickly and somehow indifferently. I didn’t like him. But in the dream I didn’t care, because my brother wanted to get married, not me. My late mother was sad in her dream.

    I dreamed that my mother decided to arrange my wedding with my loved one, I was prepared for this wedding and there was a ceremony, but the guy did not come to it because he was in the army and the train did not have time to arrive before the ceremony.

    I dreamed of three dark-haired women. one was sad, the second was aggressive, and the third was sleeping soundly, as if she was waiting for something. In the dream, I felt myself in these three women. Then it was as if two of them (sad and aggressive) changed, as if their wishes had come true. The third one woke up. I saw her in a beautiful long wedding dress, she had a wreath of freshly cut flowers on her head (red roses and daisies), I saw her profile, on the other side of the woman there was a man walking her by the arm (his face was not visible, but definitely a stately brunette ). They were going to church for a wedding, and the bells were heard ringing. The woman was happy and so was I.

    Good evening. I got married to my ex-husband. I clearly saw the church inside. It was light, cozy, beautiful. I got married for the second time. Even though I understood that we were already married. I was in a beautiful white wedding dress with a veil. he’s in a suit (everything was decently beautiful, like at our wedding) I got married without joy, realizing that it was necessary. Family, common child... Please answer me. Sleep from Thursday to Friday. THANK YOU.

    I got married, without a dress in ordinary clothes, I married my ex-boyfriend along with his brother and wife, I didn’t like the wedding ring and I said that I wouldn’t wear it, then I gave birth to a child, knowing that he was divorced and had two children, I ended up leaving him with the child.

    Hello! I dreamed that I was going to get married to my boyfriend, but for some reason, either in a Muslim or Catholic church, early in the morning, and before entering I changed my mind and we left without quarreling

    It was some kind of madman, or a person possessing magic, witchcraft. For some reason, I didn’t just get married to him - it was a wedding ceremony, but in known religions there is no such thing. We looked out of some huge window, and he said something about how all this is now mine
    Moreover, I was an observer from the outside, but not myself. And the connecting moment is how I change clothes for some holiday or trip at home, and at my request he holds the door so that it does not open.

    Before going to bed, I looked at an old friend’s Instagram; she was present at someone’s wedding. Then she apparently fell into sleep unnoticed. I ended up at the same wedding. True, the bride had her back turned. My old friend was also at the wedding, although they don’t even know the bride. They called the groom and it turned out to be an acquaintance of mine, then the bride turns around and it’s my friend, with whom we quarreled and, in principle, have not communicated for about 3 months now. Considering that, in principle, I don’t really care that we don’t communicate. Allegedly, the groom is really her boyfriend in life.

    I was at home and guests came to us. There was a young man with them and this young man and I went to get married. At the wedding there were only parents and I had a very beautiful big chic crown on my head

    I saw the full wedding ceremony, I was the bride, the groom, the priest, was definitely a clergyman, since he was dressed in a cassock, they changed me before the wedding, the lace dress in the old style, like a princess with a covered head, was blue, they didn’t show the groom’s face, they said it was not the time

    Hello Tatiana! I dreamed of my wedding with my beloved man, everything in the cathedral was in gold and white, I saw a priest in a white and gold cassock. A close friend clearly saw herself in a white long dress, holding a crown above her head. The man did not see who was holding him; he was dressed in dark blue trousers and a white shirt with blue cuffs. I heard the priest singing, saw rings on our fingers with stones. We were very happy in the dream. There were a lot of people, but the only person I saw was my friend who was holding my crown.

    I dreamed that a young man was trying to figure out how I felt for him. I didn’t say anything to him, because I was afraid of being rejected. After which I went to the school class, and after the bell rang, I tried to leave unnoticed. I exited and found myself in a crowd of people carrying small svitilniki. They tell me that I’m not going with those, to which I answer: “What’s the difference? All these roads lead to one place!” I go out into a large room, very similar to a church,
    This young man is standing there with another girl, upset, I turn around and start to leave, but two of them suddenly grab me (girls I know in my life, in cream lace dresses) and lead me to the young man (the girl who was next to him earlier runs away ) I get tired of resisting the guy, after which the priest begins to ask us a series of questions, to which we answer in the affirmative. THE END)

    In the dream there was a large white church, with golden domes, it stood on a high hill.
    Then I see the first room, it is richly decorated with gold, I don’t see who is standing on the side of me, but I think that it is my husband who is standing at the turning point, my mother, it was she who brought me to the church and she is the initiator of the wedding. I’m not in a wedding dress, but in a gold-colored silk with a motley pattern. The dress is knee-length, the sleeve is below the elbow, there is no scarf on the head. I'm talking to the priest, he's in gold. The ritual begins, it lasts for many hours, and we move to different rooms. We are doused with holy water. But in the third room, which is the smallest, but located above all the others, I see that it is not my husband who is nearby, but my ex-fiancé. I get scared and wake up

    Getting married to a man whom I have loved for more than 20 years, but he and I are not free. In a dream, he gives me a marriage certificate and says that our dream has finally come true and calls me his wife.

    I dream that I’m getting ready for a wedding, I’m worried about what the dress will be like and how everything will happen, then as if from the outside I see people getting married in a church and I understand that it’s me and my boyfriend, but I only see silhouettes. Then I’m already at home looking at my wedding ring and I notice that my engagement ring is not what I have now, I turn to my boyfriend and see his wedding ring (I see them for the first time) and for some reason he has my engagement ring on his finger. I begin to demand that he give it back me because it’s mine, to which he replied, what are you doing?! It’s my grandmother’s ring (my grandmother died a long time ago and I didn’t know her, and I don’t have any jewelry from her)

    I am standing in a church, there are several guests around, and the groom appears next to me (he is actually my groom). He is wearing a beautiful deep blue suit. At that moment I was embarrassed and thought that the groom should not see the bride in a wedding dress before the wedding. Then we stood side by side, I stood on the right side, the priest was preparing for the ceremony. At this moment I notice that there is no photographer or cameraman. I fussed and started looking for them. Then the photographer appeared, he was wearing a bright blue T-shirt with white inscriptions. He took a couple of pictures of me while I was standing on the groom's left side. Then I moved again to the right side. And then I found myself in some room with a photographer and tried to find out from him why there was no cameraman.

    I'm standing in a church in a wedding dress, with several guests around. Suddenly the groom appears in a beautiful suit. The suit is deep blue. At that moment I was embarrassed and thought that the groom should not see the bride in a wedding dress before the wedding. Then we stood side by side, I was on the right side, the priest was preparing for the ceremony. At this time I notice that there is no photographer or cameraman. I started fussing and started looking for them, then the photographer appeared. He was wearing a bright blue T-shirt with white lettering. He took a couple of pictures of me while I was standing on the left side of the groom. Then I moved again to the right side. Then I found myself in some room with a photographer and tried to find out from him why there was no cameraman.

    The dream occurred from Thursday to Friday. I got married to my husband in some half-deserted dilapidated church. There were two godparents of our child. Moreover, the godfather was in the guise of my ex-boyfriend who cheated on me, although I understood that he was not in front of me. It was also strange that in my dream I was cooking soup, and for some reason it was made from plantains.

    Hello. She got married in a white dress, not with her husband, but with a man with whom she had a relationship in real life. There were some grandmothers, church workers, at the wedding. Considering that I am married, I was confused and did not know how to react to the situation. Then I saw my husband’s father (in real life my father-in-law), and my fiance says that he explained everything to him and he understood that we were in love and didn’t seem to mind. My father had long hair and was bald. He came up, said that this fiance of mine was seduced by bodily passions, as if I had attracted him physically, and not as if this was not love, and left. And then I don’t remember.

Why do you dream about a wedding?

Freud's Dream Book

If you dream of a wedding ceremony, this indicates that you cannot imagine a sexual relationship without love for a person. You can't go to bed with him even for pleasure. His feelings towards you are important to you. And yours - to him.

Why do you dream about a wedding?

Vanga's Dream Book

A wedding in dreams is like a test of your feelings for your loved one.

In a dream, being present at the wedding of a young couple means in reality once again experiencing a heightened sense of closeness and kinship with your other half.

If you dreamed that you were getting married, this predicts not so much a legal and carnal union, but a spiritual union with a worthy person with whom you will walk a common path together, share troubles and joys.

In a dream, acting as a priest performing a wedding ceremony means in reality experiencing a shock associated with the premonition of trouble threatening a loved one. Such a dream warns: do not interfere in current events. They are not under your control because they are under the control of God.

Why do you dream about a wedding?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

A wedding means a major quarrel with your loved one.

Why do you dream about a wedding?

Spring dream book

Getting married means divorce.

To marry into a kingdom means death.

Why do you dream about a wedding?

Summer dream book

If you see a couple getting married in church and watch the entire wedding ceremony, it means that in life you will not find your match and you will remain lonely.

Why do you dream about a wedding?

Autumn dream book

Getting married in a church means a long married life.

Why do you dream about a wedding?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you are present at a wedding in a church is a harbinger of imminent recognition of your merits, but sad events in the lives of your friends.

If you are among those invited to the ceremony and are dressed in white, it means that in reality you will experience the joy of some kind of discovery.

If you are dressed in black and serving guests, you will have to take care of yourself first.

Seeing yourself in the role of a bride is a harbinger of disappointment in love.

Seeing a friend as a bride means you will have a great time with your young man.

Why do you dream about a wedding?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Getting married is a difficult task.

Why do you dream about a wedding?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

You dreamed that you were getting married - be careful, you are in serious danger.

If you dreamed that you were watching someone get married, you should know: serious danger threatens one of your loved ones.

Why do you dream about a wedding?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

A wedding in dreams is a kind of test of your feelings for your loved one.

If this was your wedding, it predicts not only a carnal, but also a spiritual union with a worthy person with whom you will go through life together, share troubles and joys.

If you dreamed that you were present at the wedding of a young couple, in reality you will again experience a strong feeling of closeness and kinship with your other half.

In a dream, acting as a priest performing a wedding ceremony means in reality feeling a premonition of trouble looming over your loved one. Such a dream warns: do not interfere in current events. They are not under your control because they are under the control of God.

Why do you dream about a wedding?

Modern dream book

Getting married means heavy responsibilities, troubles and difficulties.

Seeing a wedding in a dream means that happy changes will soon occur in your life.

If a young girl dreams that she is getting married, it means that her dreams of a young man will come true.

But if she gets married, hiding it from her loved ones, this foreshadows a break in relations with her beloved.

Seeing yourself as a groom at a wedding is a harbinger of unexpected danger and big misunderstandings.

Being invited to a wedding means a noisy feast.

Why do you dream about a wedding?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

You see someone’s wedding in a dream - the dream foretells you quick changes for the better; Perhaps one of the next days you will find your long-awaited happiness. A man sees himself getting married - this dream brings great joy. If a girl sees herself getting married, then she should be ready for the meeting she has dreamed of for a long time; she and her betrothed will finally find each other; most likely, the long-awaited meeting will take place in an ordinary situation, but it will still be filled with romanticism; the girl will see the world around her (perhaps a gray cloudy day) in pink. The girl sees herself getting married in secret - in real life, her relationship with her lover is in danger; a rupture is possible due to some little thing; will find a scythe on a stone; and in a day both will regret it, but will maintain their character; they can only hope for a happy accident or for friends who will do something to reconcile them.

Why do you dream about a wedding?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Wedding is a new acquaintance.

Getting married is a joy.

Why do you dream about a wedding?

Dream book of healer Akulina

The dream foretells a long and happy marriage, many children and the health of all loved ones. Try to remember all the details of the dream about the wedding, it is advisable to even sketch some of its details.

Why do you dream about a wedding?

Star dream book

Wedding - to difficulties, acceptance of difficult obligations. Libra, 7th house of the horoscope.

Why do you dream about a wedding?

Christian dream book

A dream in which you are present at a wedding in a church is a harbinger of imminent recognition of your merits, but sad events in the lives of your friends. If you are among those invited to the ceremony and are dressed in white, it means that in reality you will experience the joy of some kind of discovery. If you are dressed in black and serving guests, you will have to take care of yourself first. Seeing yourself in the role of a bride is a harbinger of disappointment in love. Seeing a friend as a bride means you will have a great time with your young man.

Why do you dream about a wedding?

Intelligent dream book

Why see a wedding - Seeing is a new acquaintance.

Why do you dream about a wedding?

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

A wedding means a long and happy marriage with many children. Imagine that you are entering a temple where a wedding is taking place. You come closer to look at the faces of the bride and groom and see all the details of the ceremony. There is a solemn atmosphere in the temple, the singers sing beautifully, and you tune into the most sublime mood.

Why do you dream about a wedding?

Home dream book

Seeing a wedding ceremony in a dream is a favorable sign. For a young woman, a dream in which she gets married herself promises her a good husband. If she sees that one of her loved ones is getting married, then in real life good luck will smile on her in the professional field. A dream in which you are supposed to get married, but for some reason you are late, promises you a wonderful family. A dream in which you see your own wedding foretells that you will definitely marry a wonderful person. If in a dream you are at the wedding of someone close to you, career growth awaits you. If you dream that you are late for your own wedding, it means that you will be able to create a wonderful, friendly family.

A wedding is a test of feelings for a loved one; spiritual harmony.

Why do you dream about a wedding?

Women's dream book

Wedding - A wedding in dreams is a kind of test of your feelings for your loved one. If this was your wedding, it predicts not only a carnal, but also a spiritual union with a worthy person with whom you will go through life together, share troubles and joys. If you dreamed that you were present at the wedding of a young couple, in reality you will again experience a strong feeling of closeness and kinship with your other half. In a dream, acting as a priest performing a wedding ceremony means in reality feeling a premonition of trouble looming over your loved one. Such a dream warns: do not interfere in current events. They are not under your control because they are under the control of God.

Why do you dream about a wedding?

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Seeing a wedding is a new acquaintance.

Why do you dream about a wedding?

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

Seeing a wedding is a new acquaintance.

Getting married is a joy.

Why do you dream about a wedding?

Dream book of relationships

Wedding - this dream suggests that you cannot have sex without love for your partner. For you, feelings come first and only then intimate relationships.

Why do you dream about a wedding?

Online dream book

If you are getting married yourself, the dream promises you a good spouse, and if you see someone you know getting married

Not getting to this church sacrament in a dream means that in reality you will have a very good and close-knit family.

If you dreamed about yourself acting as a future husband at this ceremony, expect sudden risks and enormous confusion.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

To see that you are present at a wedding in a church means that recognition of your merits, honors, and celebrations will soon await you.

See also: why do you dream about a wedding, why do you dream about a church, why do you dream about a priest.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Why do you dream about a Wedding, how to understand the dream:

If you dreamed of someone’s wedding, minor but pleasant changes in life await you, the fulfillment of a long-standing desire.

For a man to get married in a dream means joy. For a girl to get married in a dream - then in the most banal situation (perhaps in cloudy weather) she will meet a person who will make her the happiness of her whole life.

If a girl dreams that she is getting married in secret, then this means for her a trivial quarrel with her lover, which can lead to a serious quarrel if friends do not fit in and do not reconcile the lovers.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Why do you dream about a wedding?

If you dreamed of a wedding, this means difficulties and difficult obligations.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream of a Wedding in a night dream?

Seeing that you are present at a wedding in a church is a harbinger of imminent recognition of your merits, but sad events in the lives of your friends.

To see that you are among those invited to the ceremony and dressed in white - then you will experience the joy of some kind of discovery.

To see that at a wedding you are dressed in black and serving guests, then you will have to take care of yourself first.

Seeing yourself in the role of a bride is a harbinger of disappointment in love.

Seeing yourself in a dream as a bridesmaid means you will have a great time with your young man.

Big dream book

Why do you dream about a Wedding - dream analysis:

If you dreamed of a wedding, then you clearly cannot imagine a sexual relationship without love. For you, feelings are higher than carnal pleasure.

To see that you were present at the wedding of a young couple - then you will experience a heightened sense of intimacy with your lover.

Lunar dream book

Why do you dream about a wedding?

to difficulties, accepting difficult obligations. Libra, 7th house of the horoscope.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about a Wedding, what does it mean:

A dream in which you see your own wedding foretells that you will definitely connect your life with a wonderful person.

If in a dream you are at the wedding of someone close to you, career growth awaits you.

If you dream that you are late for your own wedding, it means that you will be able to create a wonderful, friendly family.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Why do you dream about a wedding according to the dream book:

Seeing a wedding ceremony in a dream is a favorable sign. For a young woman, a dream in which she gets married herself promises her a good husband. If she sees that one of her loved ones is getting married, then in real life she will be lucky in the love field. A dream in which you are supposed to get married, but for some reason you are late, promises you a wonderful family.

Dream Book of G. Miller

Why do you dream of a Wedding - psychological interpretation:

If a woman dreams that she is marrying an old, decrepit man, this means that illness will be added to all other troubles. If a woman dreams that during a marriage ceremony her lover in black will pass by, looking at her reproachfully, this portends a cooling of her friends towards her.

If you dreamed of a marriage ceremony, this means joy and pleasure, if only the guests are dressed in light clothes and are cheerful. If the guests are wearing black clothes in a dream, this promises sadness. Seeing that the officiant is at the wedding ceremony - then you will experience pleasure and self-care.

If you dreamed of an accident during a wedding, this portends suffering. If a young woman dreams that she is a bride, but not very happy, this portends her disappointment in love. This dream is favorable for a person who is happy in marriage. But for any married woman, the dream of her own wedding encourages her to abandon vanity and pettiness.

See also: why do you dream of a wedding, why do you dream of a groom, why do you dream of a bride.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Why do you dream about a wedding?

If a man dreams of the wedding process, this promises him success in all matters.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

If you dream about a Wedding, what is it for:

If a woman dreams that she is marrying an old man with a gray beard, she will face a serious illness and great difficulties. If a woman dreams that her lover, dressed in black, looks at her reproachfully during a marriage ceremony, she will face despair caused by indifference on the part of a loved one.

If you dreamed that beautifully dressed guests were having fun at a wedding, joy awaits you.

To see that at a wedding you are in the role of the groom (bride) - the care of loved ones and success in business await you. If a woman sees herself in a dream as a sad bride at a wedding, she will be disappointed in love, ill, or have an insidious enemy in her immediate circle.

If you dreamed of an unpleasant incident during a marriage ceremony, a bad mood, illness or death of a relative awaits you. For a woman, this means that her behavior will lead to a scandal.

If a married woman dreams of her own wedding, then gather your strength, big troubles, jealousy, a quarrel await you, soon you will have to accept obligations that will negatively affect your character and family life.

Dream interpretation wedding

A wedding is a basic part of the church’s blessing of those entering into marriage. This rite is a symbol of the sacrament, the blessing of the union of two in heaven.

Mysterious symbol of dreams

The general meaning of this ritual in dreams is associated with the concept of a spiritual tandem. Dreams where there was a vision of this process are mostly interpreted in a positive way, and call for not interfering in current events. Because they are beyond the dreamer’s control.

The Image of the Sacrament According to Popular Views

Soothsayers of past years interpret this ceremony, seen in a dream, as a spiritual uplift, a deepening of family ties and feelings. They believe that this ritual reflects a tendency towards empathy and the ability to share pain and joy in half.

Vanga's Dream Book

This ritual, seen in a dream, is a confirmation of the sleeping person’s feelings for his partner.

As the dream book indicates, a wedding performed on a dreamer is a harbinger of meeting a like-minded person with whom you will go through life, sharing troubles and joys.

If you dreamed of being present at a ceremony performed on a young couple, it means events will happen that will make you experience a deep sense of kinship with your lover.

To be a guest at a sacrament in a dream

When in a dream you see yourself as a priest performing this ritual, you are destined for shocks associated with a premonition that something is wrong with your loved one.

Freud's Dream Book

The dream of this process indicates that the dreamer is not inclined to enter into intimate relationships without experiencing true love feelings for his partner. Even for the sake of pleasure, he cannot take this step.

Modern soothsayers about wedding in a dream

Current scientists are confident that such a vision indicates harmonious relationships in the dreamer’s family. However, there are dream books that interpret such dreams as a fear of breaking up a relationship with a partner.

Noble dream book by Grishina

Seeing your own wedding is a guarantee of a new interesting and useful acquaintance.

Someone else's wedding in a dream speaks of joyful events.

Dream Interpretation of Ivanov

Seeing this church ceremony is a harbinger of an imminent quarrel with your lover.

If the dreamer observed the preparation for the ritual, then this indicates his fear of losing his loved one.

Why do you dream of a wedding ceremony?

Wedding ceremonies in dreams are often a favorable sign. However, depending on the plot, interpretations can radically change the essence. In a dream scenario, you can be a participant in the ritual, a witness, an outside observer. You can also conduct it yourself. The interpretation of the plot depends on what role you were assigned in the dream. Why do you dream about a wedding in the context of the following situations:

Important: location of the ceremony

  • on whom the ritual was performed;
  • preparation for the ceremony;
  • refusal to marry;
  • being late for the process;
  • got married to another person;
  • wedding place;
  • time of the ceremony.

Seeing yourself as a bride while performing the sacrament in a beautiful, richly equipped church? You are destined for useless worries, everyday routine.

If a young lady dreams of such a plot, then this guarantees the fulfillment of her hopes for a happy and profitable marriage with her loved one.

For a mature lady, this vision foreshadows a break in relations with her husband.

If in a dream you only watched the preparation for this process in the church, then in reality you will have to perform in front of the public. This could be a conference or a regular parent meeting.

Why do you dream about the wedding of one of your relatives or friends? This portends great success in the business sphere, financial growth.

If you dreamed that you refused this ceremony, it means that in reality you have doubts in your soul regarding your partner. And for good reason. He really doesn't tell you a lot. It is possible that he even leads a double life.

Why do you dream about a wedding that you are late for? This is a guarantee that relationships between household members will be strong and harmonious. The dreamer will build a good, friendly family.

Getting married to a stranger in a dream

Why dream of a wedding with a stranger, a complete stranger? The plot indicates that in life there is a person who secretly dreams of making you his beloved or loved one. His feelings are so strong that he is silent about it so as not to destroy your family.

If the whole action took place in a city church, with a large number of people during a church holiday, then this is a guarantee of recognition of creative talents and honors.

When the ceremony took place in a village church, dilapidated and dilapidated, this may be evidence that you are not being honest with your partner. You may not have serious feelings for him. Therefore, there is no need to deceive yourself and him. Decide to break the connection.

If this ceremony took place in a church at midnight, this plot serves as a call not to make hasty decisions regarding the business sphere. Calculate all the pros and cons to avoid mistakes. This may also apply to such a serious act as marriage.

When this ritual was performed early in the morning, this may be a warning that the dreamer is not ready for long-term, sincere relationships with members of the opposite sex. The culprit was the pain of breaking up with my former partner.

If you are getting married yourself, the dream promises you a good spouse, and if you see someone you know getting married

Not getting to this church sacrament in a dream means that in reality you will have a very good and close-knit family.

If you dreamed about yourself acting as a future husband at this ceremony, expect sudden risks and enormous confusion.

In a dream, you are invited to a wedding ceremony - the dream book promises you some kind of fun feast soon.

1 wedding by Phoebe's Great Dream Book

To a long and happy marriage with many children. Imagine that you are entering a temple where a wedding is taking place. You come closer to look at the faces of the bride and groom and see all the details of the ceremony. There is a solemn atmosphere in the temple, the singers sing beautifully, and you tune into the most sublime mood.

1 wedding according to Miller's dream book

See Wedding, Altar.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 wedding by Russian dream book

A dream with a wedding means:

Getting married in a dream means illness in reality.

1 wedding according to Freud's dream book

Wedding dream meaning:

If you dream of a wedding ceremony, this indicates that you cannot imagine a sexual relationship without love for a person. You can't go to bed with him even for pleasure. His feelings towards you are important to you. And yours - to him.

1 wedding by Solomon's dream book

Getting married means heavy responsibilities, troubles, troubles.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 wedding by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

You dreamed that you were getting married - be careful, you are in serious danger.

If you dreamed that you were watching someone get married, you should know: serious danger threatens one of your loved ones.

1 wedding by Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

Wedding in a dream means:

Getting married - a profitable acquaintance, a joyful occasion / quarrel with a friend, troubles, difficulties.

1 wedding by Slavic dream book

Seeing is a new acquaintance; getting married yourself is a joy; to marry a husband or wife is death.

1 wedding by Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

You see someone’s wedding in a dream - the dream foretells you quick changes for the better; Perhaps one of the next days you will find your long-awaited happiness. A man sees himself getting married - this dream brings great joy. If a girl sees herself getting married, then she should be ready for the meeting she has dreamed of for a long time; she and her betrothed will finally find each other; most likely, the long-awaited meeting will take place in an ordinary situation, but it will still be filled with romanticism; the girl will see the world around her (perhaps a gray cloudy day) in pink. The girl sees herself getting married in secret - in real life, her relationship with her lover is in danger; a rupture is possible due to some little thing; will find a scythe on a stone; and in a day both will regret it, but will maintain their character; they can only hope for a happy accident or for friends who will do something to reconcile them.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 wedding by ABC of dream interpretation

Why does a woman dream about a wedding?

Seeing a wedding is a new acquaintance.

Getting married is a joy.

1 wedding by ABC of dream interpretation

Seeing a wedding in a dream means:

1 wedding according to Vanga's dream book

A dream with a wedding is interpreted in the dream book as:

A wedding in dreams is like a test of your feelings for your loved one.

In a dream, being present at the wedding of a young couple means in reality once again experiencing a heightened sense of closeness and kinship with your other half.

If you dreamed that you were getting married, then this predicts not so much a legal and carnal union, but a spiritual union with a worthy person with whom you will walk a common path together, share troubles and joys.

In a dream, acting as a priest performing a wedding ceremony means in reality experiencing a shock associated with the premonition of trouble threatening a loved one. Such a dream warns: do not interfere in current events. They are not under your control because they are under the control of God.

1 wedding according to the Small Dream Book

A dream with a wedding means:

Seeing a wedding ceremony in a dream is a favorable sign. For a young woman, a dream in which she gets married herself promises her a good husband. If she sees that one of her loved ones is getting married, then in real life good luck will smile on her in the professional field. A dream in which you are supposed to get married, but for some reason you are late, promises you a wonderful family.

1 wedding by Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Wedding dream meaning:

Getting married means divorce.

To marry into a kingdom means death.

1 wedding by Modern dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a wedding:

Getting married means heavy responsibilities, troubles and difficulties.

Seeing a wedding in a dream means that happy changes will soon occur in your life.

If a young girl dreams that she is getting married, it means that her dreams of a young man will come true.

But if she gets married, hiding it from her loved ones, this foreshadows a break in relations with her beloved.

Seeing yourself as a groom at a wedding is a harbinger of unexpected danger and big misunderstandings.

Being invited to a wedding means a noisy feast.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 wedding by Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

What a wedding might mean in a dream:

Getting married in a church means a long married life.

1 wedding by Ukrainian dream book

Wedding in a dream means:

A new, strong, useful acquaintance; a joyful occasion.

1 wedding by To the newest dream book

If a girl dreams of a wedding, it means:

To a major quarrel with a loved one.

1 wedding by Dream interpretation of birthday people of May, June, July, August

Why does a woman dream about a wedding?

If you see a couple getting married in church and watch the entire wedding ceremony, it means that in life you will not find your match and you will remain lonely.

1 wedding by Women's dream book

Seeing a wedding in a dream means:

A dream in which you see your own wedding foretells that you will definitely marry a wonderful person.

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