Home Diseases and pests Fortune telling by color online lumen. Color fortune telling. How to tell love fortunes by colors

Fortune telling by color online lumen. Color fortune telling. How to tell love fortunes by colors

One of the most common “flower” wish fortune telling is fortune telling using lilac flowers. You make a wish and then look for flowers in a bouquet of lilacs that have five, not four, as usual, petals. If you are lucky and you find such a flower, it means that your wish will come true, but if you come across only four-petaled flowers, then, alas, it is not fate that your plans will come true.

One condition needs to be specified here - the lilac must be ordinary, where the flower, as a rule, has four petals, and not eight or nine, like double lilacs; it is not recommended to guess with such lilacs. In addition, to find out whether your wish will come true, you can pick a chamomile flower and count whether it has an even number of petals. If you come across a chamomile with an even number, it means your wish is destined to come true. Naturally, you should not count the number of petals in advance, otherwise all the charm of this fortune-telling disappears.

Second way:

Here's another way to determine whether what you wished for will come true. To do this, pick a rosehip flower, make a wish and throw it up. Look how it fell to the ground - up or down with its stalk. If the flower lies with its back side up, it means that the wish will not come true. And if the flower fell with its receptacle up, then everything you wished for will come true.

Third way:

Find chicory in a field or meadow, make a wish and pick one flower. Tearing off one petal at a time, say: “it will come true - it will not come true” until the petals run out. Whatever word they end on is what will happen. You can determine the fate of your wish with the help of strawberries or wild strawberries when they bloom. Think of something and pick one small flower, then throw it above you and see where it falls. If a flower falls to your right, it means that what you want will come true without much difficulty. If you find it on the left or behind, then the wish is not destined to come true; and what you want will come true with significant difficulties when the strawberry flower is right in front of you.

Fourth way:

In the summer, when sunflowers bloom, go to the field and, having made a wish in advance, take out ten sunflower seeds one at a time. If among them you come across at least one empty one, then you will need to try hard to fulfill your wish. In the case when there are more than one empty seeds in your sample, it means that what you wished for is impossible. And finally, it may happen that all ten seeds are full, therefore, expect the fulfillment of your plans soon.

Fifth way:

At a time when the dandelion has already bloomed, you can also use it to find out whether your wish will come true or not. In windy weather, pick one such dandelion and raise it above your head, but not very high; look where the parachutes will fly and whether at least one of them will hit you. If you managed to “catch” at least one, then everything is in order - everything that you wished for should come true in the near future. Well, if all the dried flowers flew past you without hitting you, then, sad as it may be, you will have to refuse to fulfill your wish.

Sixth method:

If calendula grows in your garden plot or at your friends’ dacha, then with its help you can also find out the fate of your wish. Choose two from the whole variety of colors and make a wish on one that your wish will come true, and on the other that it will not. Just don't forget to mark them so you don't get confused later. And fortune telling is this: you must carefully monitor during the day - which of the flowers “closes” first at night will come true for you.

Fortune telling for wish fulfillment:

You will need a lily of the valley for it, and you don’t even have to pick it. To find out whether your wish will come true, find a lily of the valley in the forest and, tearing off one flower after another, say accordingly: “it will come true soon, it will not come true soon, it will never come true.” At which phrase the flowers end, then you need to wait.

Fortune telling by color

Before you start fortune telling, you need to prepare several small pieces of colored paper (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, cyan, purple, black and white).

After this, you should mentally ask the question you are interested in and, without looking, take out one of the pieces of paper.

In order to clarify the answer to the question, you can pull out another card - information about its color will be a comment on the main answer.

Color meaning:

White. White color may indicate that there is no answer to the question asked. Most likely, you were in a hurry - the situation you are asking about has not yet developed. Take a short break from business and actions and repeat the fortune telling after a while.

Black. If you pulled out a black card, then the answer to the question asked is “no.” This color symbolizes complete denial. You should not play with fate and take decisive action after fortune telling. It is also undesirable to start new businesses - in most cases they will end in ruin and failure. Be prepared for the fact that the romantic relationship that brought you only joy will change dramatically for the worse. In general, a course of obstacles awaits you, overcoming which you will achieve happiness and prosperity.

Red. Red color warns of danger. Be prepared for conflict situations, aggression from others, and obstacles on the way to achieving your goal. Interference is created by rivals and ill-wishers. Be patient and firmly follow your chosen path.

Orange. If, after making a wish, you pull out an orange card, this means that the path to achieving the goal is open, but for a positive result you need to make every effort. If you asked a question regarding illness, orange gives faith in healing. This color is also favorable for romantic relationships. Don't take risks - orange warns that there is a possibility of major losses and troubles.

Yellow. Yellow indicates that you need to focus solely on the mind and be consistent in your actions. If the question asked concerns a romantic relationship, then you should not try to create a stable union - there is no such possibility now. For business people, yellow symbolizes caution. Avoid any conflicts. You will achieve success in matters that are in one way or another related to travel, exchange and trade.

Green. If you pull out a green card, expect serious changes in your life. You will have opportunities to realize your plans regarding romantic relationships and family. Green also supports all endeavors. In matters of business and career growth, this color does not promise anything serious and stable. Be prepared for the fact that business partners may deceive you, and the profit will be minimal.

Blue. If you choose a blue card, a successful period in life awaits you. Everything you undertake in the near future will bring success and profit. The risk is worth it. If you have asked a question about a wedding, then you can rest assured: the answer is yes. The only question to which blue will give a negative answer is the question of new love - it is not even on the horizon.

Blue. Blue color favors the development of new romantic relationships. Commercial activities will lead to success and profit. In matters of business, family and health, you can count on the help of others. If you pull out a blue card, try not to take risks - this may lead to luck turning away from you.

Violet. The color purple indicates that a period has come in your life when you should lie low and not be active. It is advisable to postpone all undertakings to a later time. Don't take the initiative.

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"We invite you to take a look at this wonderful book Ekaterina Alekseevna Andreeva “The best New Year and Christmas fortune telling”. Lots of interesting information! If anyone takes this topic seriously and can indulge in such an activity from time to time in good company, we highly recommend turning to this work. We liked fortune telling by color.

Before you begin the process itself, you need to prepare cards of the same small size, but different colors. Fortune telling by color begins like this: you need to make a wish or formulate a problem of interest and, without looking, pull out one of the cards. The meanings of the colors are deciphered as follows:

Symbolizes complete denial. Therefore, if you pulled out a black sheet, then the answer to the question asked is “no.” You shouldn’t play with fate, take decisive action, or start a business. Ahead of you lies an obstacle course, a deterioration in the state of affairs, collapse and ruin. But, do not forget that even after prolonged bad weather, good weather always comes.

Oddly enough, this color also means a negative answer. Perhaps the situation simply has not yet developed, and you are rushing things. Take a break in your affairs, do not rush to draw conclusions. Return to fortune telling a little later.

As you know, this is the color of danger. On the way to the goal, you may encounter obstacles in the form of conflict situations, ill-wishers, envious people, rivals, and an aggressive environment. Be patient and stay the course.

If your choice fell on the color orange, know: the path to the goal is open, but it is worth making a lot of effort to successfully complete things. Don’t take risks, don’t rush, the likelihood of troubles and losses still remains high. The color is more favorable for desires related to health, healing and romantic relationships.

For business people, the color remains somewhat unstable. Be careful, avoid conflicts, be consistent, especially in love affairs. Desires related to trade, exchange, and travel will be more successful.

Green color symbolizes serious changes in life. Opportunities regarding romantic, love, and family relationships will begin to appear. Initiatives made in the near future will yield results. But in business, this color does not promise anything stable and serious. Be attentive to the documents being signed, to organizational issues, and financial issues.

Congratulations! If this color falls out, a successful period in your life awaits you. Get down to business, finish old ones, the risk is justified in both cases. Accept marriage proposals, declare your love, plan a wedding. The only thing you shouldn’t do is make new love acquaintances.

A very good choice. Blue color is favorable for romantic relationships and commercial activities. In matters of health, family, and business, you can count on outside help. But try not to take unnecessary risks, otherwise your luck may run out.

The color of peace and silence, meaning that a period of peace has begun in your life. Accept this moment with gratitude as an opportunity to reconsider your plans and adjust your goals. Don't start new projects, don't try to swim against the current. Relax and calmly wait for a new round of success.

For me personally, fortune telling by color once coincided with the purchase of two things. The color of the new items I selected exactly matched the color of the selected card. Apparently, the mood and attitude at that moment in life were attracted by the corresponding color. Miracles, and that’s all!

We guess with pleasure:

  • "Card reading"

Before you start fortune telling, you need to prepare several small pieces of colored paper (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, cyan, purple, black and white).

After this, you should mentally ask the question you are interested in and, without looking, pull out one of the pieces of paper.

In order to clarify the answer to the question, you can pull out another card - information about its color will be a comment on the main answer.

Meaning of colors


White color may indicate that there is no answer to the question asked. Most likely, you were in a hurry - the situation you are asking about has not yet developed. Take a short break from business and action and repeat the fortune telling after a while.


If you pulled out a black card, then the answer to the question asked is “no.” This color symbolizes complete denial. You should not play with fate and take decisive action after fortune telling. It is also undesirable to start new businesses - in most cases they will end in ruin and failure. Be prepared for the fact that the romantic relationship that brought you only joy will change dramatically for the worse. In general, a course of obstacles awaits you, overcoming which you will achieve happiness and prosperity.


Red color warns of danger. Be prepared for conflict situations, aggression from others, and obstacles on the way to achieving your goal. Interference is created by rivals and ill-wishers. Be patient and firmly follow your chosen path.


If, after making a wish, you pull out an orange card, this means that the path to achieving the goal is open, but for a positive result you need to make every effort. If you asked a question regarding illnesses, then orange gives faith in healing. This color is also favorable for romantic relationships. Don't take risks - orange warns that there is a possibility of major losses and troubles.


Yellow indicates that you need to focus solely on the mind and be consistent in your actions. If the question asked concerns a romantic relationship, then you should not try to create a stable union - there is no such possibility now. For business people, yellow symbolizes caution. Avoid any conflicts. You will achieve success in matters that are in one way or another related to travel, exchange and trade.


If you pull out a green card, expect serious changes in your life. You will have opportunities to realize your plans regarding romantic relationships and family. Green also supports all endeavors. In matters of business and career growth, this color does not promise anything serious and stable. Be prepared for the fact that business partners may deceive you, and the profit will be minimal.


If you choose a blue card, a successful period in your life awaits you. Everything you undertake in the near future will bring success and profit. The risk is worth it. If you have asked a question about a wedding, then you can rest assured: the answer is yes. The only question to which blue will give a negative answer is the question of new love - it is not even on the horizon.


Blue color favors the development of new romantic relationships. Commercial activities will lead to success and profit. In matters of business, family and health, you can count on the help of others. If you pull out a blue card, try not to take risks - this may lead to luck turning away from you.


The color purple indicates that a period has come in your life when you should lie low and not be active. It is advisable to postpone all undertakings to a later time. Don't take the initiative.

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