Home Grape How to cook frozen lingonberry juice. Lingonberry juice. Recipe for lingonberry drink made from frozen berries. Lingonberry juice for the winter

How to cook frozen lingonberry juice. Lingonberry juice. Recipe for lingonberry drink made from frozen berries. Lingonberry juice for the winter

Once upon a time, in the distant past, a man put a handful of berries in a bowl, mashed them with a stone, poured them with water, and a few days later, returning from hunting, he quenched his thirst with a tasty drink.

Archaeologists, based on facts, believe that such a drink could well have appeared 2.5 million years ago. Morse is a drink with berries and honey. This is the ancient meaning of the word – “water with honey”. In Russian literature, the preparation of fruit juice is described in the book “Domostroy,” dating back to the 16th century.

A tasty and aromatic lingonberry variation of the drink has been prepared in Rus' for a long time and was in every home. This fruit drink is stored for a long time thanks to the natural preservative (benzoic acid) contained in the red berries.

The Slavs drank lingonberry water not only to quench their thirst, but also for medicinal purposes. Residents of Western Europe did not lag behind them. For example, the Dutch nicknamed the healthy berry “red pearl.”

From ripe berries

  1. For 3 liters of water take 500 g of lingonberries. The berries must be washed with running water, then immersed in warm water for a few minutes, and then in cool water.
  2. Extract the juice using a juicer. Fresh lingonberries can also be rubbed through a sieve. Metal utensils should not be used during the process, otherwise the sour berry juice will react with the metal.
  3. The pomace is poured with water, put on fire and boiled. Turn off immediately after boiling.
  4. The liquid is cooled and then filtered.
  5. Add honey to the warm drink to taste (can be replaced with sugar), pour in the previously prepared juice and stir well.

Fresh lingonberry juice is ready.

Recipe without boiling

  1. To prepare fruit juice without boiling, it is better to take a glass jar.
  2. The berries fall asleep until half or a little more.
  3. Pour cooled boiled water, add honey or sugar to taste, mix well.
  4. They insist for several days. As you use the fruit drink, you can add water.

This drink keeps well even at room temperature. If desired, place the jar of fruit juice in a cool place.

From frozen berries

Fruit juice is also prepared from frozen lingonberries.

  1. The berries are passed through a blender.
  2. Pour warm boiled water, sweeten to taste and let it brew.
  3. Then the drink is filtered through cheesecloth.

Berries lose some of their beneficial vitamins when heated, and honey even becomes a carcinogen. Therefore, no matter what recipe for making fruit juice you choose, try not to boil the lingonberry water.

To obtain additional flavor notes and beneficial properties, the drink is infused with mint, cinnamon, cloves, a slice of orange or lemon zest are added.

Hot fruit drink warms you up in cold weather, and cold fruit drink refreshes you in the summer on especially hot days.

Why is it useful?

100 g of unsweetened fruit drink can contain up to 40 kcal, but more sugar or honey increases the calorie content of the drink.

  • glucose;
  • fructose;
  • vitamin C;
  • tannins;
  • organic acids;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • silver;
  • sodium;
  • chromium.

The beneficial properties of lingonberry water have been known for hundreds of years. In ancient times, it was prepared like this: the collected ripe berries were poured into barrels, filled with spring water, and pressed down under pressure. The soaked lingonberries were stored in cold cellars until the next harvest. The water was saturated with useful substances, microelements, and turned into a healing drink.

In each settlement, the healer knew unique recipes for lingonberry water for various diseases.

The Baltic people prepared medicinal “virintas” by boiling honey and lingonberry water. In a feverish state, one glass of drink, drunk in one gulp, relieved painful symptoms: fever, headache, etc.

If you have a prolonged cold, you should drink hot fruit drink with honey in small sips so that the cough subsides, shortness of breath and hoarseness stop.

Quenching thirst for colds and relieving fever, a drink made from brusyanaya berries normalizes intestinal function and increases the body's resistance.

Separately, it should be noted the benefits of lingonberry water for women's health:

  • smoothes out small wrinkles;
  • relieves menstrual pain;
  • relieves nervous tension.

It removes poisons from the body, so its use can be recommended for cancer patients to alleviate the condition after courses of chemotherapy and radiation.

This is a potent drug for lowering blood pressure due to its diuretic effect. But for chronic hypotensive patients, lingonberry juice is contraindicated.

Scientists note the benefits of regular drinking in reducing appetite and vitality.

Stops diarrhea and helps the liver flush excess bile.

Lingonberry juice, once ingested by a nursing mother, will not cause allergies in the baby, but will help cope with tummy pain.

This drink is also irreplaceable in a Russian bath. Just one glass will help avoid overheating and burnout.

Other beneficial properties of fruit drink:

  • anti-inflammatory agent;
  • has antipyretic properties;
  • helps with sunstroke and hypothermia;
  • reduces blood sugar levels;
  • assists in the treatment of pancreatitis;
  • treats poisoning;
  • fights nervous excitement;
  • has diuretic properties;
  • neutralizes alcohol;
  • eliminates fungal infections;
  • increases hemoglobin;
  • the drink has no serious contraindications during breastfeeding;
  • helps cope with pain from rheumatoid arthritis;
  • improves the condition of the oral cavity, including periodontal disease;
  • helps remove excess fluid from the body.

Are there any contraindications

Let's not forget about the potential harm of lingonberry juice, which:

  • contraindicated for hypotensive patients;
  • should be drunk with caution in case of increased stomach acidity.
  • enhances the diuretic effect of drugs;
  • when consumed in large quantities, it causes dehydration and headaches;
  • has laxative properties;
  • It is recommended to use no more than 3 weeks so as not to cause severe stress on the kidneys;
  • Children under one year of age are not allowed to drink.

The benefits of lingonberry juice make this homemade drink a harmless alternative to medications and industrial lemonades containing unwanted food colorings and other dubious additives.

Nature itself provides humanity with the necessary minerals, vitamins and microelements in the form of various gifts - fruits, berries, vegetables and dairy products. But it’s not enough to know what each ingredient contains - you need to be able to prepare it correctly so that it does not lose its beneficial qualities. Lingonberries are one of the healthiest berries. It contains substances that help fight cancer, actively improve immunity and lower body temperature.

The effect of lingonberries on the body cannot be compared with any modern drug, be it powder or tablet. It is worth eating berries not only during illness, but also as a preventive measure - in some periods the body requires outside help and it can be provided, making a drink from lingonberries.

It is worth noting that doctors recommend lingonberry juice for consumption by pregnant women. Iron deficiency anemia is one of the diseases that accompany a girl expecting a child. But it is the drink that can help the body with missing substances, strengthen the immune system and even stabilize presence of the “hormone of joy” - endorphin. In addition to the above beneficial factors affecting the body, lingonberry drink can help cope with pressure changes, prevent diarrhea and constipation, and protect against edema. But before you include a berry drink in your daily diet, you should consult with your doctor who is managing your pregnancy.

There are also contraindications for consumption - some types of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers). The fact is that lingonberries can increase the acid-base balance and cause some discomfort.

Making a healthy drink from lingonberries called “mors” is quite simple, but it’s worth knowing all the intricacies of this process.

Fruit drink recipes

Recipe for lingonberry juice

  • Berries - half a kilogram
  • Water - about three liters
  • Sugar - to taste

In this recipe, you should use fresh lingonberries, not frozen. You need to squeeze the juice out of it, and put all the juice remaining after this process in a separate pan in which the fruit juice will be cooked. Water is also poured there - as much as you want to get the finished product in the end. It is worth noting that the saturation of the finished fruit drink can be adjusted by the number of berries for the same amount of water.

Add sugar to a saucepan with water and pomace and put on fire - you should add a little Boil the berries and only then remove from the stove. As soon as the resulting liquid has cooled thoroughly, it needs to be filtered, add lingonberry juice and mix. A healthy and tasty drink is ready!

Recipe for cranberry and lingonberry juice

To prepare this drink you will need not only lingonberries, but also cranberries.

  • Cranberries - 200 grams
  • Lingonberries - 300 grams
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Drinking water - 3 liters

Lingonberries and cranberries need to be whipped in a blender or rubbed through a sieve. The juice obtained as a result of this process must be placed in the refrigerator for a while, and then the berry squeezes must be used.

The cake is placed in a saucepan, adding water and sugar. As soon as the resulting mass boils, remove from heat and let cool. After that it's worth strain the fruit drink to remove excess pulp. As soon as the fruit drink has cooled completely, you need to add juice from the refrigerator and stir.

Recipe for fruit drink made from frozen lingonberries and mint

Even those in whose region lingonberries do not grow and have no opportunity to buy fresh berries can prepare a tasty and invigorating drink. To complete the recipe you need frozen boletus. The ingredients for fruit drink are simple:

  • Lingonberries - about 300 grams
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Water - one and a half liters
  • Mint (fresh or frozen) - 2 sprigs

First you need to measure out all the necessary components of the future drink. It is best to remove frozen berries and mint from the freezer ahead of time and allow them to thaw a little. Grind the lingonberries into puree using any suitable kitchen equipment, and then put the resulting puree in a saucepan with a fairly thick bottom.

Add water to the lingonberry pulp and leave to boil over medium heat. You don’t want the fruit drink to boil for too long - this will waste all the beneficial substances. Next, turn off the heat and add sugar, stir until it is completely dissolved.

A still hot drink is better add mint to add flavor to the finished dish. If desired, the finished fruit drink can be strained through a sieve to remove the pulp, but this is just a matter of taste. It is worth noting that lingonberry juice or fruit drink should only be poured into a glass or ceramic container in which it will remain for a long time. Metal products may react directly with the juice.

Recipe for fruit drink made from berries and beets

One simple, but very effective and tasty ingredient can diversify the traditional recipe for making fruit juice - beet. She will be able to color the finished drink bright red, and will also give her share of nutrients to the finished dish. The ingredients are simple:

  • Beets - about two hundred grams
  • Sugar - two tablespoons
  • Lingonberry - three hundred grams
  • Water - about three liters

Lingonberries need to be ground through a sieve or beat until smooth using a food processor. Grate the beets on a fine grater and mix with the berries, and place the resulting mass in a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil. It is clear from the recipe that it is not at all necessary to boil the beets for further preparation. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, remove the drink from the heat and strain, adding sugar to taste. A bright and healthy fruit drink made from an unusual combination of products is ready!

Since long ago, brewed and infused drinks with berries have been prepared not only for special occasions, but also as an elixir that imparts strength. Many years have passed since then, but the traditional recipe laid down by the people on how to cook fruit drink from frozen lingonberries is still relevant and in demand. And this fact is easily explained, because no newfangled powders and tablets are capable of getting a patient out of bed in a matter of days, but vitamin juice can do this.

From childhood, many probably remember that with our first sneeze, mothers took out soaked red berries in three-liter jars and made delicious fruit drinks from them, which, by the way, helped to defeat any cold sore simply magically. It was impossible to avoid school, thanks to cranberries and lingonberries, but the immune system worked like clockwork, and for that we thank them even more!

That is why it is not necessary to wait for the onset of the disease, because as a preventive measure during the winter-spring period of vitamin deficiencies and weakened body defenses, instead of chemical vitamin complexes, it is recommended that both children and adults drink lingonberry and cranberry drinks on a regular basis.

Make it a rule to make fruit juice from both frozen and soaked lingonberries at least 1-2 times a week. Such a tasty and healthy measure is guaranteed to protect your entire family from colds.

And now we have reached the most important point, how to make lingonberry juice with your own hands at home. We assure you, there is absolutely nothing complicated here. Just 10-20 minutes and the healing drink is ready to delight you with its taste.

You just have to take note of the fact that lingonberries are a little bitter, and we can’t do without a sweetener in our fruit drink. But for those who don’t really like sugar, this problem can be easily solved - instead of sweet powder, you can use honey or stevia herb.

Frozen lingonberry juice


  • Frozen lingonberries- 1 kg + -
  • — 3 l + -
  • 2 cups or to taste + -
  • Cardamom - 2/3 tsp. + -
  • Cinnamon – 1 stick + -

Making homemade lingonberry juice

  1. It is not necessary to defrost the berries to prepare fruit juice. Pour the lingonberries into a saucepan, fill with water, add granulated sugar, cinnamon, cardamom and turn on the heat to medium.
  2. As soon as the water starts to boil, turn off the heat, remove the pan from the stove and cool slightly at room temperature.
  3. After this, pour the broth through a sieve into another container, and grind the scalded berries so that the pureed pulp comes out and the skins remain in the sieve. Mix the pulp with the broth and the fruit drink is ready.

You can drink this drink both hot and cold. But it is worth remembering that if you decide to choose honey as a sweetener, then before adding it to the drink, the fruit drink must be cooled to at least 40°C.

Frozen cranberry and lingonberry juice

Opinion about the most useful option for preparing fruit drinks among traditional healers is divided in two. Some people believe that only mono fruit drinks have increased benefits and only when whole berries are gradually heated in water are they able to maximize all their hidden healing resources.

Others claim that only the combined tandem of cranberries and lingonberries has the maximum effect, provided that the crushed fruits are brewed in boiling water. And if we have already reviewed the instructions for the first case, then the step-by-step recipe on how to prepare lingonberry juice from cranberries in a blender is eligible for implementation.


  • Frozen lingonberries – 150 g;
  • Frozen cranberries – 150 g;
  • Granulated sugar – 1 tbsp.;
  • Boiling water – 1 l;
  • Vanilla sugar – 10 g;

How to make lingonberry and cranberry juice

  1. First, you need to defrost the berries a little; to do this, pour them into a plate and leave them at room temperature for 20 minutes.
  2. After the allotted time, transfer the lingonberries and cranberries into a blender and grind to a puree, after which we pass the resulting pulp through a strainer, separating the pulp from the skin and seeds.
  3. Transfer the resulting pulp into a thermos, fill it with boiling water and leave for 3 hours. If you don’t have a thermos at hand, then pour boiling water over the berries in a jar or pan, wrap the closed container in a blanket and let it sit for 3 hours.
  4. After this, strain the lingonberry-cranberry infusion into a saucepan through a sieve, mix it with berry pulp, plain and vanilla granulated sugar, bring to a boil and turn off.

Frozen lingonberry and cranberry fruit drink according to this recipe turns out incredibly tasty and very healthy. You can diversify the taste of the drink by using citrus fruits and their zest: lemon or lime, orange, bergamot or tangerine, as well as various spices: cinnamon and vanilla, cardamom and anise, ginger and clove inflorescences.

Generous harvests of wild berries are best stored frozen. Cold helps preserve vitamins and other beneficial substances in the berries, and thanks to their integrity and original taste and aroma, even in the middle of winter, the berries can be used to make juices, fruit drinks, fresh desserts, add them to porridges, dairy snacks and decorate baked goods. Lingonberry juice will help you improve your health and protect your body from colds in winter, and read our article on how to prepare it at home.

What are the benefits of lingonberry juice?

Much is known about the beneficial properties of lingonberries: it helps strengthen the immune system, overcome colds and ARVI, improve digestion and cure the body in case of poisoning. Lingonberries treat joints and liver, and in addition, they are good at maintaining skin elasticity.

For those who do not like sugary desserts, such as jams and marmalades, and do not drink alcohol, there remains the option of storing lingonberries frozen. In winter, you can make a fresh, juicy fruit drink from a whole berry, which is in no way inferior in taste and healing properties to a drink made from only picked berries.

Lingonberry juice keeps the body in good shape and helps fight ailments:

  1. Gives strength, invigorates, increases performance.
  2. Strengthens the body's resistance to viruses and negative environmental influences.
  3. Removes toxins, helps cleanse the blood and liver.
  4. Increases hemoglobin levels.
  5. Accelerates the healing process, relieves inflammation, relieves muscle fatigue during illness and long-term training.
  6. Increases the elasticity of skin and hair, which is especially useful in the cold season, when there are fewer vitamins in food and bad weather has an intense effect on the body.
  7. It has a mild diuretic effect, so it will help eliminate swelling and restore the body after colds.
  8. Improves appetite, discourages cravings for junk food.
  9. Promotes better absorption of nutrients and much more.

Berry fruit drinks perfectly tone the body during sports, maintain vitamin balance during the cold season and promote recovery from many ailments.

Fruit drinks are drinks made from berries, which are prepared on the basis of natural concentrated puree or mousse. They differ from juices in the content of water and flavoring additives, and from compotes - in the proportion of the fruit part, which exceeds that in the compote, and in the absence of the need to brew the drink if it is not rolled into jars. Mors is a living berry nectar that preserves the active properties of plants and heals the body. That is why they are popular at any time of the year, and they are prepared both from fresh fruits and from frozen or ground berries with sugar.

Interesting fact: Fruit juice is useful not only in winter. In the spring, such a drink will save you from vitamin deficiency, and in the summer it will perfectly quench your thirst and replenish your supply of electrolytes. And since lingonberries are an autumn berry, they can be stored frozen until summer and combined in unexpected compositions with black and red currants, strawberries and blackberries.

Fruit drinks are prepared cold and warm. In the first case, berry puree, ground with sugar, honey or without sweetener, is added with water to obtain a drinking concentration. In the second option, whole berries are poured with boiling water so that they release their beneficial substances and are pounded into puree, and after that sugar and water are added to taste.

To regulate the taste, citric acid or lemon juice, cinnamon, cloves, mint leaves, ginger, nutmeg, elderflowers and other aromatic herbs are added to fruit drinks to make the taste truly foresty and rich.

To make a tasty and fragrant drink with ideal proportions of acid, sugar and fruit base, you need to follow the correct preparation technology and know a few secrets. Sometimes the taste of the drink depends more on the quality of processing of the berries than on the content of sweeteners and spices in it. Here are some healthy recipes.

Soft lingonberry juice with mint

One of the basic recipes that does not require much effort. For 0.5 kg of berries, take 3 liters of water and 3-4 mint leaves, and you will have to add sugar to taste, from 100-120 grams for a light fruit drink. The berries are defrosted naturally, ground with sugar, then poured with hot water and brought to a boil. Immediately after this, add mashed mint leaves and remove the juice from the heat. The drink is allowed to brew while it cools and filtered. You can store fruit juice in the refrigerator for about 5 days.

You will need half a kilogram of frozen berries, 3 liters of purified water, half a lemon, a couple of sprigs of tarragon and half a teaspoon of dried thyme.

The berries are thawed and pureed with sugar. After this, add herbs to the mixture and fill them with boiled water, cooled to 80 degrees. The drink is wrapped or poured into a thermos and left for 3-4 hours. Before serving, add lemon juice.

The drink quenches thirst and recalls the notes of tarragon and other herbal infusions from childhood.

Spicy fruit juice for the holiday table

For those who love sangria, mulled wine and other spicy berry drinks, there is a wonderful recipe for fruit drink, which is very easy to prepare and drink cold. Based on the drink, you can make a light alcoholic cocktail.

You will need 0.5 kg of frozen lingonberries, sugar to taste, 3 liters of filtered water, a cinnamon stick and 3 cardamom grains (0.5 tsp powder). Without defrosting, pour the berries into a saucepan, add warm water, add spices, add sugar before boiling and mix thoroughly, and immediately after boiling, grind the berries, pour the syrup onto a sieve so that the pulp gets into the drink, but the skins and remaining spices do not. . The drink is wrapped and allowed to brew.

Dessert juice

You will need 150 grams of frozen lingonberries and cranberries, a pinch of vanilla, a glass of sugar and 1 liter of water.

The berries are thawed, ground in a bowl and filtered through cheesecloth. The remaining cake is brewed with boiling water and infused in a thermos or under a blanket for 3-4 hours. Afterwards, the liquid is filtered, mixed with sugar, vanilla and live puree and heated over low heat, without bringing to a boil. You can add a little orange zest and grated ginger root (0.5 teaspoon each) to the warm liquid. After this, the fruit drink is allowed to cool and served cool or used for cocktails such as Cosmopolitan.

Video: how to prepare fruit drink from frozen lingonberries

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