Home Agriculture How to make small three-dimensional flowers from mastic. Sugar floristry: do-it-yourself sweet flowers from mastic. How to create lilies from mastic

How to make small three-dimensional flowers from mastic. Sugar floristry: do-it-yourself sweet flowers from mastic. How to create lilies from mastic

Confectionery products should not only be tasty, but also aesthetically attractive. Professionals use special mastic to decorate sweet products, from which they create beads, flowers, letters or garlands. You can create this kind of cake elements yourself. For example, making flowers from mastic with your own hands, following the classic recipe step by step, can be made even by those who rarely deal with making sweets.

What is confectionery mastic made from?

Decorating mastic is a plastic paste that is made from powdered sugar, potato starch, crushed almonds with sugar, egg white, gelatin powder or marshmallows. But if sugar is a mandatory ingredient, then the rest are added depending on the type of mastic. This plasticine-shaped decoration first appeared in the 16th century. However, at that time, mastic was used as a raw material for candies. And only in the 20th century they began to make original sweet decorations from it. Due to the fact that mastic is very plastic, it can be used to make any decoration elements for confectionery products.

Types of mastic

Confectionery mastic differs in composition and, accordingly, in types:

How to choose mastic?

The choice of mastic type depends on 2 factors:

  • your level of proficiency in creating jewelry from mastic;
  • elements that you are going to make from this material.

As for the first condition, of course, for beginners it is better to start with universal, industrial mastic. After all, it is suitable for any finishing details: both for fitting and for creating three-dimensional elements.

If you already have some skills in working with mastic, then decide on the parts that you plan to make from it and select the most suitable type. However, remember that if you are planning to make a cake with flowers from fondant, it is better to choose a floral one. You can also use it to cover the cakes.

Tools for working with mastic

To facilitate and simplify the process of sculpting decorations from mastic, special tools are used to work with this confectionery material:

If you want to do all the stages of preparing and decorating the cake yourself, then you can’t do without a mastic recipe.


  • 2 tsp. gelatin (or 200 g of white marshmallows);
  • 500 g sugar (preferably powder);
  • ¼ glass of water.


The marshmallow recipe does not use gelatin. The marshmallow thickener is pre-melted with water - the mastic turns out softer. The material for confectionery finishing should be stored in the refrigerator.

Flowers are rightfully considered the most festive, elegant elements of cake design, among which roses occupy a special place. A variety of shapes and shades allows you to create original, luxurious compositions. The master class will help you make such flowers from mastic.


  • pink mastic;
  • powdered sugar;
  • silicone mat;
  • cutting and modeling sticks;
  • washcloth;
  • rolling pin;
  • water;
  • paint brush;
  • toothpick;
  • a few dessert spoons.


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No less interesting are cakes decorated with lilies made from pastry fondant.


  • mastic;
  • sugar;
  • water;
  • paint brush;
  • rolling pin;
  • felling;
  • modeling sticks;
  • toothpicks.


  1. Squeeze lily petals onto a rolled out layer of mastic.
  2. Using a stick, we make a ruffle-like edging for each petal. We lay out the workpieces to dry.
  3. We wrap a piece of mastic around a toothpick - this is the pistil of a lily.
  4. Using the same pattern, we make stamens.
  5. We connect the parts of the flower, wetting the contact areas with water.
  6. Leave the finished mastic lily to dry for 2-3 hours.

Secrets of working with mastic

If you decide to decorate a confectionery product with figures from homemade mastic, then it will be useful to learn some tricks of working with this material. Knowing the nuances, you will make a cake with mastic flowers that you can rightfully be proud of.

  • If you are preparing colored mastic, add the food coloring while mixing the ingredients, otherwise you won’t get a uniform color.
  • Beetroot or carrot juice works well as a dye.
  • The mastic is stored for about 3 months, but at a temperature of 10 to 20 degrees.
  • To make it easier to roll out the mastic into a layer, you can heat it up a little.
  • Three-dimensional figures stand more firmly on a base of thick cream or marzipan.

Flowers made from sugar mastic are difficult to distinguish from living buds plucked from a flowerbed. Do you want to learn how to create such beauty? There is nothing impossible about this!

Have you ever admired a gorgeous wedding or birthday cake decorated with incredibly beautiful and realistic flowers? Sometimes it even seems that these roses and orchids have really just been plucked from the bush. But in fact, these are flowers made from sweet mastic made by skilled craftsmen, and any passionate woman can master the art of sugar floristry.

A little delicious flower history

The first flowers made from sugar mastic appeared in England at the end of the 19th century. They, like , were invented by confectioners, who previously had to decorate cakes for palace events with live vegetation from flower beds. Natural bouquets quickly withered; moreover, some flowers were poisonous, which could threaten the masters with accusations of trying to poison important people. So they had to look for a way out of the situation, which quickly degenerated into an entire art.

In 1981, English admirers of sugar floristry united into the country's first British Guild of Craftsmen. In modern Britain, perhaps the most famous representative of the guild is pastry chef Alan Dunn. His master classes are now very popular all over the world. Partly thanks to him, sweet art turned into a separate one.

How to learn to make sugar bouquets

At first glance at skillfully made bouquets, it may seem that this hobby requires some special artistic knowledge and skills. But this is a deep misconception. Despite the fact that the elegant products look like small masterpieces of a talented sculptor, it is quite possible to make flowers from sugar mastic with your own hands. True, you will have to stock up on patience, special tools and materials, and also carefully watch several master classes from professionals.

At first, you should learn how to sculpt flowers using store-bought mastic. And only when your hands become dexterous enough can you switch to homemade ones. It is better to start mastering basic skills by making simple flowers consisting of just a few parts, for example, sweet pea inflorescences.

Tools and materials for creating sugar flowers

It should be said that without special tools it will not be possible to make high-quality flowers from sugar. In principle, the tools used are exactly the same as those used to work with, and they are also very similar to stacks for modeling plasticine. So, if you have any of this at home, you can safely use it. If there is nothing, then you need to look for something suitable in specialized confectionery stores.

A set of necessary tools

The required set of tools consists of:

  • boards for rolling out mastic;
  • plastic rolling pin;
  • rubber pad to shape the petals;
  • cutters and stacks for molding;
  • artistic brushes for touching up details;
  • floral tape for fastening flowers and leaves;
  • floral wire.

For work you will also need patterns of petals and leaves of different colors. Over time, if your hobby develops into a serious activity, you can purchase special metal cuttings, but a thick cardboard pattern will do for starters. You can download it from the Internet or draw it yourself. In the latter case, it is better to disassemble the living flower you like “for parts” and trace its details on paper.

Two types of food coloring are used to color sugar flowers: gel and powder (also called colored powder or pollen). Gels are added to mastic to give the overall tone to the product. Before assembly, the finished parts of the flower are tinted with dry paints, giving maximum resemblance to its natural counterpart.

Secrets and recipe for making sugar mastic yourself

The composition of the mastic from which sugar flowers are made for a cake is very different from that from which various figures are sculpted or covered on the cake itself. This mastic should be very elastic, sway subtly, harden fairly quickly and hold its shape well.

There are a huge number of recipes. It’s worth trying several to find the one that’s most comfortable for you.

Ready-made mastic in different colors

Confectioner Alan Dunn has developed his own recipe for sugar mastic, for which you will need:

  • 500 g powdered sugar;
  • 11 g CMC (food grade carboxyl methylcellulose);
  • 10 g gelatin;
  • 35 g cold
  • 50 g edible glucose syrup;
  • 40 g egg white;
  • 2 teaspoons cooking oil;
  • 5-10 drops of lemon juice.

The powder is mixed with SMS powder. Gelatin is poured with cold water, allowed to swell and heated in a water bath, stirring until completely dissolved. Add cooking fat and glucose to a slightly warm gelatin solution, mix and pour it into the powder. Lemon juice and protein are also added there. First, mix the mixture with a spoon and then with your hands. Knead until you get a homogeneous elastic mass that slightly sticks to your hands. The mastic is placed in a bag, the air is released from it and left for 6-8 hours in a cool place.

Show a little perseverance and imagination - and you can always surprise your guests with real confectionery masterpieces on the festive table. If you successfully master all the secrets of sugar floristry, then your hobby can easily turn into a fairly profitable activity.

Today we have prepared another pleasant surprise for you and want to tell you about how we create flowers made from mastic step by step . A selection of clear and accessible master classes on how to quickly and easily sculpt beautiful edible cake decorations will help us with this.

Mastic figures and other cake decorations are something without which we can no longer imagine the aesthetic appeal of a festive confectionery product. Seeing the results of the work of professionals, many of us come to the conclusion that decorate the cake with your own hands also beautiful and impressive at home - an impossible task.

Flowers made from mastic for beginners: what is mastic and how can you make it at home

In decorating a cake with flowers and figures, it all starts with making the right and suitable material, that is, mastic - a sweet plastic mass with which the cakes are covered and from which decorative elements are formed.

What is included in this notorious mastic? Powdered sugar, egg white starch and gelatin or marshmallows, chopped almonds for aroma and taste.

To start creating flowers made from mastic step by step, you need to either purchase industrial mastic at a specialty store, or prepare it yourself.

DIY mastic for cakes:

  • 2 tsp. gelatin (you can take 200 g of white marshmallows instead);
  • 500 g powdered sugar;
  • a quarter glass of water.

Let the gelatin swell in cold water and place it in a steam bath. When the gelatin thickens, pour powdered sugar into it in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Afterwards, you can add very finely chopped almonds to the mass, cool slightly and roll the mastic into a ball. Then you can immediately use it to decorate the cake, or wrap it in cling film and use it later.

In the second recipe - where instead of gelatin we take marshmallows, the sequence of actions is slightly different. First we need to melt the marshmallows in water.

You will also need special tools for working with mastic. For example, plungers (ready-made molds for creating a variety of three-dimensional shapes, including flowers), all kinds of modeling sticks, stencils, molds, and so on.

It only makes sense to acquire a considerable arsenal of these tools if you are determined to engage in decorating cakes with fondant flowers on an ongoing basis. Otherwise, it’s easier to use available kitchen utensils.

Flowers made from mastic step by step: photo workshops on making

Today, cooking and creating stunning cakes at home is gaining more and more popularity. If a girl has artistic and culinary talent and also has a certain amount of time, she can create beautiful and extremely tasty cakes decorated with fondant with her own hands.

Such masterpieces can serve as a valuable gift for close friends or relatives, or become the basis for starting a business. Finally, any woman would be happy to prepare such a cake simply to please her family and treat them to a delicious treat while celebrating an important event for the family.

Cakes created using mastic can be decorated in various ways, among which one of the most popular is various flowers.

Floral motifs are suitable for almost any holiday, and besides, such decorations are absolutely easy to make with your own hands.

Why is mastic so popular?

First, let's talk about what culinary mastic is and why it is so popular. This material is very easy to make with your own hands from available components. Creating various elements of jewelry from it is reminiscent of modeling from plasticine, which is why both children and adults enjoy this process so much.

After you give your masterpiece the desired shape, it will quickly harden and harden, which is also an undoubted advantage of mastic. It is very easy to make any decoration, and especially flowers, from this material, and you do not need to have any special skills for this. Finally, in the end you will receive not only an original, but also an edible accessory that you won’t have to throw away.

How to make material for flowers from mastic?

To make flowers from mastic, you must first prepare the material itself.

The following detailed instructions will help you with this:

  • take 2 teaspoons of gelatin and fill them with 40 ml of clean water. Stir well and leave for 10 minutes;
  • Dissolve gelatin in a water bath and add a teaspoon of liquid glucose to the resulting solution, mix again;
  • Next you need to add 250 grams of powdered sugar. This should be done gradually, adding no more than one teaspoon of the product at a time, and constantly stir the mixture. Ultimately, you should have a homogeneous composition with a fairly thick consistency;
  • Sprinkle a thin layer of powdered sugar onto a clean, dry, large wooden board or other surface and place the prepared mixture on top. Stir this substance like dough, it should become a little sticky;
  • After this, transfer the composition to an airtight container with a lid and leave it for about 5 hours.

This material is not very easy to prepare, but its consistency is simply ideal for creating flowers and other decoration elements.

In some cases, a simpler recipe is used to prepare sugar mastic:

  • Place 50 grams of marshmallows in a plate, pour in a tablespoon of water and place this bowl in the microwave for about 30 seconds. During this time, the candies will melt;
  • Remove the plate from the microwave and mash the resulting mixture with a fork or your hands. Gradually add 200 grams of powdered sugar and, if necessary, food coloring.

Secrets of working with mastic

To make flowers or other elements from mastic with your own hands, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • The powdered sugar used as the main ingredient should be very finely ground. If there are sugar crystals in it, you will not succeed, since the rolled out layers will tear;
  • be very careful when sculpting various elements - this material dissolves very quickly from moisture, so your hands, surface and all tools must be dry;
  • When gluing parts, on the contrary, the joining area should be slightly moistened with water. Often, egg white mixed with a small amount of powdered sugar is used to combine the elements;
  • It is better to add dyes during the preparation of the material, but if for some reason you did not do this, the finished elements can be coated on top with diluted food coloring;
  • To obtain the desired shade, use the color mixing table for mastic. This table is a confectionery palette that will always tell you which food coloring to use in a given case. In general, when working with this material, as a rule, only 3 shades of food coloring are used - red, yellow and blue. As a result of mixing these varieties, you can get a completely unexpected result. So, for example, if you want to make a purple flower, you will need to combine red and blue paint. If a terracotta shade has settled in your imagination, you will have to carry out the mixing procedure several times - first combine yellow and red to get orange, then red and green for brown, and only after that mix orange and brown to get the original terracotta shade.

How to make flowers from sugar mastic with your own hands?

So, we have prepared the material.

Now we will make flowers to decorate a cake or other confectionery with.

  1. Sprinkle a large wooden board or table with powdered sugar, place the mastic on it and roll it out with a rolling pin so that it is slightly translucent.
  2. Using a pre-prepared template, use a round knife to cut out the core, petals and, if necessary, leaves and stem.
  3. From the resulting petals, form a bud or an open flower. Pinch the edges of the petals with your fingers or trim if necessary. If necessary, attach all other elements.
  4. Place each collected mastic flower for cake decoration, along with leaves and stems, in a plastic bag and immediately proceed to the next one.
  5. When all the decoration elements are completed, they should be laid out on a curved surface, placed in a dry and cool place and left there for 2-3 days or a little longer.
  6. After the required time has passed, you can use the hardened flowers to decorate your confectionery masterpiece.

Peonies are especially often made from mastic, because absolutely everyone likes these large and unusually beautiful flowers.

To make a peony, you can use the instructions below:

  1. Roll out the material thinly and cut out the peony shape. Trim the edges of each petal.
  2. Using a special tool for creating veins, draw along each petal. Finish the edges with a ball.
  3. Place the two elements made in this way one above the other, connect them and let them dry.
  4. After this, roll each petal from the edge to the center, while pressing it downwards. If you can't do it, you can use a little glue.
  5. The other petals should be made in the same way, then collected into bunches and glued to the middle of the flower.
  6. Place several napkins between the bunches and layers to help them hold their shape while the peony dries.
  7. If necessary, straighten the petals and wait until they dry completely.

Be sure to try to make beautiful and original flowers, because it is not at all as difficult as it might seem.

Mastic is an extremely convenient material for creating voluminous flowers for decorating cakes and other confectionery products with your own hands. It is convenient because you can use it to make flowers from mastic - flower petals and leaves - of different thicknesses, to imitate the relief, structure, shape and other nuances. There are many ways to create flowers, all of which will help beginners master this difficult at first glance, but very exciting art - creating daisies, orchids, roses and other amazing flowers from mastic.

A master class on decorating cakes with your own hands offers different recipes for mastic: gelatin, from marzipan (almond), regular sugar, from ready-made marshmallows. The choice of the type of material depends on what kind of flower you want to make: marzipan is suitable for creating dense, voluminous flowers; thin openwork petals cannot be obtained from it. Gelatin hardens instantly, and you need to work with it quickly and carefully, but it is quite plastic, takes the shape given in the master class well, and follows the curves. The usual one made from powdered sugar or marshmallow is suitable for voluminous and flat flowers, universal, optimal for a novice pastry chef.

Flowers made from mastic are the most popular decoration for cakes, muffins, and pastries. Roses are a win-win option - they look elegant and unusual, they always add volume to the cake and visually increase it. There are 2 types of roses that you can create with your own hands:

  • flat - they are cut out of a layer of mastic, then the contours are drawn on the workpiece with liquid dye and a brush;
  • voluminous flowers from mastic - created from many petals of different sizes, placed on the cake using toothpicks or on cream, syrup, confectionery gel.

Step-by-step creation of a rose using video step by step:

  1. Make mastic, divide into 2 parts, paint in pink and green shades.
  2. Roll out a layer (no more than 1.5 mm in thickness) of the pink part, cut out ovals of different sizes with a thin knife.
  3. Place the petal on the mat, use a special stick with a ball at the end to roll out the edges without touching the lower part - it will be adjacent to the core.
  4. Place all the rolled out petals in a tablespoon so that the edges are slightly curled to create a natural curve.
  5. Glue one uncurled petal around a toothpick, moistening it with water. We attach the remaining petals - from smallest to largest.
  6. Using tweezers, bend the petals outward for the mastic flower.
  7. We cut out the leaves with a special die cutter or knife, also bend the edges, attach them under the bottom of the rose bud and let the whole product dry for 1-2 days.

You can see the exact step-by-step diagram for creating a voluminous mastic rose at . The video shows only the base, but you can increase the number of petals, creating huge voluminous buds, make two-color petals, after drying, decorate the edges of the rose, after moistening them with gel, powder or powder, and generally experiment.


Charming mastic flowers - bright red poppies - will become a real decoration for the cake. Although they are voluminous, they have only one row of petals, making them easier to make than the same rose. There are several nuances in creating poppies with your own hands:

  • you will need a lot of dye for the color to be rich and bright;
  • because of this, the mastic may “float”, so it is better to take a ready-made one in a bright scarlet shade;
  • or, alternatively, add powdered sugar at the same time as the dye.

Making poppy seeds on a cake with your own hands is not difficult, but a master class with a video that you will find will help you with this:

  • roll out the layer and cut out 4 “hearts” for poppy flowers from mastic;
  • make the edges wavy with a spoon or a special tool;
  • fold the hearts in the center with a cross and secure with gel;
  • so that the edges of the petals are bent upward, dry them on rounded surfaces, for example, shot glasses;
  • the poppy core is a flattened ball of black mastic, where the relief can be made with an ordinary grater;
  • place a white ball in the center;

on dry petals for mastic flowers, you can draw thin stripes with black paint and shade the edges with a more saturated red or burgundy dye.


Why are tulips good for decorating a cake? Diversity. You can make “classic” pink or yellow flowers from mastic, make selected varieties with wavy or torn edges of the petals, black or purple in color, and collect them in bouquets. The video will help you learn how to prepare the base, and then it’s a matter of skill and imagination:

  • Spread a layer of mastic on a skewer or toothpick and form a pestle;
  • we make flower petals from mastic - oval blanks of the same size (1 mm thick) are processed along the edges with a spoon to make them wavy, dried, and folded inward;
  • we collect around the pestle using a special gel;
  • We lighten the base of each petal from the outside with dye (powder) using the ombre technique;
  • collect several tulips in a bouquet and place them on the cake.

It is convenient to dry tulip buds collected together in a narrow glass. If you need blooming tulips for the cake, just carefully push the petals apart with your hands so that they don’t fall off. It is better to place tulips on the cake using toothpicks, since a liquid coating (not hardened glaze or cream) can ruin all your work and simply soften the buds. You can watch a detailed master class on making charming tulips for decorating a cake in the video.


It is easiest to make a bouquet of daisies from mastic; it is with this flower that you can begin your acquaintance with mastic and products made from it, using a master class. This flower is single-layered, almost flat, does not require special ones and is quickly made.

So, creating a chamomile from mastic is very simple:

  • roll out a layer of white mastic;
  • Use a special cutting tool to make a chamomile;
  • Use a knife to press grooves along the petals;
  • glue a circle of yellow mastic in the middle, make a relief;
  • below, if necessary, attach stems and leaves, like a real chamomile, but from mastic;
  • Collect several daisies into a common bouquet or “scatter” them over the cake.

The master class for flowers made from mastic (daisies) is very suitable for beginners; you can find out the details of creating this decor for the cake by going to. This flower is also convenient because it does not need to be attached to stems made of toothpicks or wire - just place the chamomile on the icing or cream on the surface of the cake and press it down a little with your fingers, forming a bouquet.


An orchid is an incredibly elegant flower, but the video on how to create it from mastic requires some skill in working with such material, which may not be possible for beginners. In any case, the master class will be useful for both beginners and experienced confectioners.

We make an orchid for a bouquet as follows:

  • Using a special cutting tool (as in the video) we make oval petals for a flower from mastic, round the edges, and give them wavy;
  • take the wire, attach a ball of mastic to the tip, put on the petal and round it inward;
  • we tint the petal for the mastic flower with pink dye using a brush;
  • collect the remaining petals on a wire, paint the entire orchid, dry it for about a day, and only after that attach it to the finished cake.

MK will help you correctly arrange the petals and paint them in the right shades, assembling them into a bouquet correctly, but the master class can be supplemented with a photograph of a real orchid if you want to achieve greater realism. Watch the full master class on creating an orchid by.

A master class on decorating a bouquet of mastic flowers is just a guide. You will need pastry tools for mastic flowers - stacks, cutters, knives - and a little patience and dexterity. To create a flower from mastic, the main thing is patience and accuracy.

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