Home Fertilizers Galloping across Europe game. Educational game for summer school camp

Galloping across Europe game. Educational game for summer school camp

Train ticket legendary game. It has several options: on a map of the USA, Switzerland, Germany, India, China, Scandinavian countries. But for our family I chose the travel option across Europe (Ticket to Ride: Europe).

It differs from all others in that the set includes stations that allow you to use another player’s train to travel through the city. In other words, this version of the game is the least conflicting.

At the beginning of the game, each participant receives several routes that run from one end of the map to the other.

In order to travel from one neighboring city to another, you need to collect the appropriate number of colored cards.

But while you are saving them, someone more nimble may overtake you in this area. Therefore, players keep all their routes secret and first of all strive to occupy key positions on the map.

For example, to travel along the green section of the route, you need to collect green cards. As a last resort, you can add a locomotive card; in normal sections it acts as a joker. When the required combination has been collected, you can place plastic trailers from your stock on the field.

But you have only 45 of these trailers at your disposal, so be economical and choose the shortest routes possible.

The problem is that only one or two trains can travel along one section of the route.

This means that everyone else will have to build detours, wasting time and trailers.

You will constantly have to keep the big picture in mind and quickly react to changing situations, figuring out on the fly how to get from point A to point B, despite the fact that it would seem that all paths are cut off.

This collective and creative game has become one of our family's favorites.

Age: from 8 years and older.
Quantity: from 2 to 5 players.
Game time: 30 - 60 minutes.

Some of the photos were found on the Internet, some from the family archive.

They die out in their pure original form. The player demands new, advanced entertainment. I'm not saying that the path of hybridization leads to nowhere. Not at all. I like Driver, World Scariest Police Chaise and I love GTA. There just needs to be a sense of taste in any business. And it is precisely this, ironically, that developers lack most often.
Genre: racing

Galloping across Europe
Europe Racer is a game that came out of nowhere. Unknown project, unknown European publisher. A game of a hackneyed genre and without high-profile licenses. The plot is simple. Cesar is a former racing driver, the king of the European highway and an underground millionaire, he organizes a series of illegal races on the autobahns of Europe. Only a select few are allowed to participate. Those who have the courage and skill to compete in a duel with the new chief of the European police and his brave guys. For what? Davilex did not give a clear answer. Although, for a race, the plot of Europe Racer is not so bad. The only surprise is why they decided to limit the development of the story to a splash video? Two-plus minutes of CGI is undeniably great. But I would like to see further development of the topic. Alas, all the Story menu allows is to select the type of car for each track (more on that later). And not a word about Caesar and the promised plot. Instead, Davilex decided to overwhelm the player with the versatility of the competition. Which, albeit with a certain stretch, the company succeeded in. Let's start with the fact that in Europe Racer the player has the chance to try his hand at driving three types of cars: Standart - an ordinary passenger car, ATV (All Terrain Vehicle) - an SUV and - accordingly, a sports car. Usually in such cases it is customary to write about the nuances of control, the uniqueness of the physical model, etc. and so on. There is nothing like that in Europe Racer - it's . However, you can easily distinguish between a hysterical sports car and a tank-like SUV. Otherwise, despite the apparent variety, the game is standard. Quick Race with submodes Single Race, Time and Nock Out The last Davilex took over from Need for Speed. The last player to reach the finish line is eliminated from the competition, etc.

Until there's only one left. There is a Championship, held in three classes, corresponding to the types of cars ATV, Standard and Sport. And finally, the notorious story mode, Story mode. Unlike the championship, the latter allows the player to independently choose the type of car for each track. Hmmm. This is the “story”.

About sad things, OR cities, cars and battles with a joypad
I've already said it, but I'll repeat it - Europe Racer is a natural, undisguised arcade game. Think,

Davilex wanted to make something like the first Need for Speed ​​or Road Rash on four wheels. And the company was close to the truth, but, alas, somewhere halfway it deviated from the course. Let's start with the good and the good. It's great to see the game world so interactive. An overclocked car can knock almost anything out of the way. Lampposts, benches and trash cans - beware your hour has struck. It’s gratifying that for your own car you can buy a new engine, tires, or strengthen its body. And then smash it all by carelessly driving through the city streets. And finally, we can only praise Davilex for filling the cities with cars, picky policemen and giving the player the chance to play for the auto hooligans of eight countries (including Russia).

And now about the bad. The meaning of the presence of guardians of the law in the game is not entirely clear. Virtual cops (even at the maximum difficulty level) not only stop the player, they simply don’t know how to do that, but they can’t even break his car. The strange behavior of local drivers is also surprising. I can still understand a jeep in the city center, but a madman in a sports convertible off-road?! It's strong. I won’t find fault with the money and repair kits lying around on the road, this is an arcade. But I will definitely kick the management. Because it is hysterical and wild. The slightest touch is enough for the car to skid. I confess, for the most part I used digital control. With analog it became a little easier. Of course, I know that Dual Shock and steering wheel are not uncommon today, but this is not a reason for such negligence.

Paris in digital
The graphics of Europe Racer leave a double impression. The racing tracks run along a kind of “Golden Ring” of Europe (fortunately, a license is not required for this). To visit Berlin, London, Paris and Madrid for a “symbolic” 25 pounds, when else will we get such a chance? Moreover, the cities have been recreated with eye-pleasing realism. Piccadilly Circus, Montmartre, Eiffel Tower, famous Amsterdam canals. They say that among the secret routes there is Moscow. Of course, a local resident or an inveterate tourist cannot be fooled. But for the game, the old-world flavor in Euro Racer is more than enough. But the car models let us down. Having devoted all its efforts to creating a virtual Europe, Davilex did not care at all about the machines. Angular monsters with a small number of polygons and disgusting animation. It’s even better that the company didn’t go broke purchasing licenses from automakers. Davilex would hardly be forgiven for such an insult.

And a little about the sound - disgusting. That says it all. The only thing worthy of attention is the voices, and then only out of a sense of patriotism. A Russian participant in the competition speaks passable Russian - five points!

Educational and play hour "Galloping across Europe" for a summer school camp. Scenario

Author Lyapina Victoria Olegovna
Description This material can be used by educators, counselors and primary school teachers to conduct extracurricular activities and extracurricular activities in primary and secondary schools.
Preparatory work Children should get acquainted with material about the sights of European capitals. 2 teams or squads take part.
Target: Organization of educational leisure
- test students’ knowledge on this topic;
- expand children's horizons;
- introduce students to the sights of European capitals;
- develop logical thinking, cognitive abilities and memory of students.

Progress of the event

Greetings to the participants of our educational and game program! Today we will go on a trip to the Old World! That's what they call Europe.
Europa is named after the heroine of ancient Greek mythology Europa, a Phoenician princess abducted by Zeus and taken to Crete (the epithet Europa could also be associated with Hera and Demeter)

We are sitting on the plane
We'll fly all over Europe,
Let's take a look now,
What we have in the west.

Here in France, in Paris,
The tower of all buildings is higher!

And in Germany, in Berlin,
A wonderful menagerie.

Bern city in the mountains of Switzerland
Aare stands on the river.

People in Belgium, in Brussels,
They knew how to weave lace.

And in Britain, without a doubt,
London is the most important city.

Look to the west
And they flew north.

Danish city Copenhagen
Famous for the mermaid girl.

In Sweden, Stockholm is the capital
It looks into the waters of the Baltic.

The city of Helsinki among the Finns
Near the sea he lay down in the lowlands.

Tall Norwegian ships
They sail to the city of Oslo.

Time flies fast
Our path lies to the east.

Great country Russia,
This is where Moscow is most beautiful.

All Romania is proud
Bucharest as the capital.

In Poland the city is majestic
It's called Warsaw.

And in Bulgaria, in Sofia,
Temple of Wisdom Sophia.

Remembered in the Czech Republic and in Prague
Astronomer Tycho Brahe.

Budapest is Hungarian, know
The Danube looks blue.

And the Austrians certainly
They go to Vienna to listen to songs.

So that we can complete the circle,
We're heading south.

We soar over Italy,
We see the eternal city of Rome.

In warm Greece, in Athens,
There are many ancient statues.

The Portuguese is in love
To your port of Lisbon.

And in Spain Madrid
It stands in the center of the entire country.
I propose to start our competition program with a quiz.
1.This arch is located in the middle of Place Charles de Gaulle. Name the city and the name of the arch
City of Paris, Arc de Triomphe.

2.Who ordered the construction of this arch?
Napoleon ordered the construction in 1806 to commemorate his victories

3.Piccadilly Street is one of the old and famous streets of this capital.
City of London

It owes its name to tailor Robert Baker, who made his fortune selling fashionable lace Piccadilly collars. He built a mansion in 1612; later this street was inhabited by aristocrats and nobles, building it up with luxurious houses. Currently, there are many closed establishments here - clubs, where only a select few, people with relics, are allowed to enter. In Piccadilly Circus in the center there is a fountain with a lead statue of Eros, the god of lovers.
4.This capital received its name from the Goddess of Wisdom

5.What is the name of the hydraulic bridge in London that runs on steam pump engines?
Tower Bridge

6.As a sign of what was the “Plague Pillar” erected in Vienna?
Vienna's most famous plague-related monument is one of these plague columns called the Lezzoile. Residents of the city simply call it: “Plague Pillar” or Trinity Column. The reason for the creation of this column was a catastrophic epidemic in 1679, which claimed the lives of tens of thousands of people. The ruler at that time was Emperor Leopold I. Initially, the column was made of wood. Over the years it became increasingly flabby and in 1693 it was reconstructed and built of stone. The current appearance of the column is the prototype of all columns in Austria. Lestzoile has a beautiful view: near the column there are two fountains, which are named after saints - “Josefsbrunnen” and “Leopoldsbrunnen”. The construction of the fountains dates back to the 19th century.

7.Where is EuroDisney?
In Paris

8. In which capital is the Sistine Chapel located?

9.What is the name of the triumphal arch in the center of Berlin?
Brandenburg Gate

10.The oldest city in Europe after Athens?

11.Name the capital where the Nobel Peace Center is located

12.The youngest European capital?
Astana (Kazakhstan)

13.One-of-a-kind natural catacombs are located in this capital
Buda Labyrinth in Budapest

14.Capital with a traffic light tree

15. This cultural and entertainment center in Moscow, built in the late 90s - early 2000s, includes all kinds of entertainment in the Russian national style, designed for the widest audience.
Izmailovo Kremlin

16. In this capital there is a monument to the book

17. And this one has a fountain of books

2. Game "Whom shall we call what?"

I suggest the name of the country, and you must name a resident of this country.
England - Englishman - ... (Englishwoman)
Austria - Austrian - ... (Austrian)
Belgium - Belgian - ... (Belgian)
Hungary - Hungarian - ... (Hungarian)
Germany - German - ... (German)
Holland - Dutch - ... (Dutch)
Denmark - Danish - ... (Danish)
Spain - Spaniard - ... (Spanish)
Romania - Romanian - ... (Romanian)
Slovakia - Slovak - ... (Slovak)
Slovenia - Slovenian - ... (Slovenian)
Portugal - Portuguese - ... (Portuguese)
Norway - Norwegian - ... (Norwegian)
France - French - ... (French)
Czech Republic - Czech - ... (Czech)
Sweden - Swede - ... (Swedish)
Albania - Albanian - ... (Albanian)
Greece - Greek - ... (Greek)
Cyprus - Cypriot - ... (Cypriot)
3.Chain of words
Let's name a word. At the same time, we begin to write a verbal chain in which each subsequent word must begin with the last letter of the previous one. For example: table - spoon - watermelon - tooth... The team that writes the most words in 3 minutes wins. You need to write the names of the cities.
Summarizing. Team awards

Intellectual game "Gallop across Europe".

Extracurricular activity as part of the week “Getting to know Europe” (grades 9-10)


a) Expanding and consolidating students’ knowledge about Europe: political structure, economic situation.

b) Instilling a tolerant attitude towards representatives of different peoples of Europe, their culture and religion.

c) Fostering the concept of Europe as the common home of all Europeans.

2. Who in the history of Germany was called the Iron Chancellor? (Otto von Bismarck).

3. Where can you see the painting “La Gioconda” by Leonardo da Vinci? (Louvre, France).

4. Malta is a former colony of... (England).

5. Capital of Great Britain. (London).

6. In what country was Nokia founded? (Finland).

7. Native citizens of ancient Rome. (Patricia).

8. Who was called the “Iron Lady” in British history?

9. Founder of German classical philosophy. (Kant).

10. Year of entry of the Czech Republic into the EU. (2004).

11. The fight against the Catholic Church in the 16th century. (Reformation).

12. Unofficial name of the Conservative Party of Great Britain. (Tori).

13. What currency is the prototype of the euro? (Ecu).

14. The first mass production of cars began at the end of the 19th century... (in France).

15. The scooter was first invented in... (Italy).

16. A system in which two strong parties replace each other in power. (Two party system).

17. System of generally binding norms of rules of behavior. (Right).

18. Are complaints submitted anonymously to the European Court accepted? (No, they are not accepted).

19. The highest authority on issues of the rights of Europeans. (European Court).

20. To the son of which Ukrainian hetman did composer Ludwig van Beethoven dedicated the seventh symphony and three preludes? (A. Razumovsky).

21. The birthplace of the waltz. (Austria).

22. The largest automobile plant in Ukraine and Europe. (Lvov, automobile plant)..

23. Where is the center of Europe? (In Rakhiv, Transcarpathia, Ukraine.)

25. The most famous museum in Spain. (El Prado, Madrid).

26. Capital of Greece. (Athens).

27. Symbolism of euro banknotes. (Windows, gates, bridges).

28. Commander of the Allied forces at Waterloo. (Wellington).

29. Which Ukrainian ministry coordinates the Euro-integration program, as well as international technical assistance? (Ministry of Economy and European Integration).

30. French king who received the throne during the Bourbon restoration (Louis XVIII).

31. Who owns the words: “My husband is England, my children are subjects.” (To Elizabeth Tudor).

32. The astronomer who proved that the earth is not the center of the Universe. (N. Copernicus).

33. Which country belongs to the island of Corsica? (France).

34. Which country includes more than a thousand islands? (Greece).

35. Which country on the map resembles a boot? (Italy).

36. What strait separates Europe and Africa? (Gibraltar).

37. Which EU country is considered the native land of Cyril and Methodius, the Slavic enlighteners? (Greece).

38. Name of the Prime Minister of Russia. (D. A. Medvedev.).

39. A typical Danish dish. (Sandwich).

40. On the banks of which river is the capital of Great Britain located? (Thames).

41. Nicolas Sarkozy was the president of which country? (France).

42. How many stars are on the EU flag? (12).

43. How many countries are in the EU? (27).

44. Capital of Bulgaria. (Sofia).

45. Is Romania a member of the EU? (Yes).

47. Swedish scientist, inventor of the thermometer scale. (Anders Celsius).

48. Which EU country ranks second in aircraft production? (Great Britain).

49. Capital of Spain. (Madrid).

50. Which EU country adopted a law on permanent neutrality in 1995? (Austria).

51. Name the countries of the “six”. (Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy).

52. Year of Greece's entry into the EU. (1981).

53. When did Sweden join the EU? (1995).

54.Capital of Italy. (Rome).

55. In ancient times this country was called Hellas, and its inhabitants were called Hellenes. (Greece).

56. Capital of Poland. (Warsaw).

57. Which countries are not part of the eurozone? (Sweden, UK, Denmark).

58. European concern, the main manufacturer of civil aircraft. (Airbus).

59. Name of the current Queen of Great Britain. (Elizabeth).

60. Moscow is the capital of Austria? (No).

62. Which Scandinavian country applied to join the EU and then refused? (Norway).

63. Capital of Hungary. (Budapest).

64. Name the denominations of euro banknotes. (5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500).

65. Which European country is the leader in agricultural exports? (France).

66. Which country was Otto von Bismarck representing? (Germany).

67. Name the denomination of euro coins. (1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 cents, 1, 2 euros).

68. Who is the head of state in Spain? (King).

69. Which country has been an applicant to join the EU since 1963, but is still not a member of the EU? (Türkiye).

70. The name of the former Prime Minister of Italy. (Silvio Berlusconi).

71. When did the first wave of EU enlargement take place? (May 2004).

72. Which EU country is on the verge of default? (Greece).

73. Nationality of the famous football player Andrei Shevchenko (Ukraine).

74. Capital of Luxembourg. (Luxembourg).

75 The city where the events of “Romeo and Juliet” by W. Shakespeare took place (Verona).

77. Agatha Christie’s character Hercule Poirot was a citizen of what country? (Belgium).

78. The phenomenon known in history as "enclosure" existed in... (England).

79. Founder of the reformist Christian movement Lutheranism. (Martin Luther).

80. Swiss company, manufacturer of aircraft and cars. (Caab).

81. Capital of Portugal. (Lisbon).

82. National currency of Great Britain. (Pound sterling).

83. National currency of Italy. (Lyra).

84. A chocolate bar cost £3 on December 31, 2001 in London. How many euros will you pay for it now? (You will pay in pounds since the UK is not part of the eurozone).

85." Father" of world history. (Herodotus, Greece).

87. Birthplace of the Olympic Games. (Ancient Greece).

88. How many rings are on the Olympic flag? (Five).

89. A country that is famous for its watches. (Switzerland).

90. The official language of Greece is Greek, the official language of Italy is Italian, and the official language of Austria? (German).

91. Capital of Belgium. (Brussels).

92. Which country adopted the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen in 1789?

94. The process of a sharp increase in population. (Population explosion).

95. Birthplace of Ferdinand Magellan. (Portugal).

96. Who brought coffee to Europe and when? (Turks, in 1453).

97. The name of a Danish children's writer whose birthday is celebrated as Children's Book Day. (Hans Christian Andersen).

98. Which European cities host the three largest film festivals in the world? (Cannes, Venice, Berlin).

99. In which country did the first fire truck appear? (Germany).

100. Which city can claim the title of “Ukrainian Venice”? (Kyiv, 60 bridges, 6 across the Dnieper).

101. Which work of T. Shevchenko was translated the most? (“Testament”, translated into 147 languages).

102. The first icon painter in Rus'. (Alympius).

103. The third largest river in Europe by length and basin area after the Volga and Danube (Dnieper).

104. The first stone structure in Kievan Rus. (Tithe Church).

105. Where and when was the first girls’ school in Europe founded? (At the St. Andrew's Monastery, in Kyiv, in 1086, it was founded by the granddaughter of Yaroslav the Wise).

106. Name one of the EU countries that has a constitutional monarchy. (Great Britain, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden, Luxembourg).

107. The most famous museum in Spain. (El Prado, Madrid).

108. The name of the prince who united Rus' Oleg).

109. Founder of international law. (Hugo Grotius).

110. When was the Berlin Wall destroyed? (1989).

111. The name of the princely center of Chernigov in the 12th century.. (Detinets).

113. The largest aircraft of the Antonov Kyiv Design Bureau is called...

115. Genre of Aeschylus's works. (Tragedy).

117. Joan of Arc is a folk heroine... (France).

118. The Tudors are a royal dynasty... (England).

119. Sigismund II – king... (of Poland in the 16th century).

120. Giuseppe Garibaldi - folk hero... (Italy).

121. The fourth president of Russia... (D. A. Medvedev).

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