Home Fertilizers How to make a doll from thick threads. How to make a doll from threads. Master class on how to make a doll from threads for children

How to make a doll from thick threads. How to make a doll from threads. Master class on how to make a doll from threads for children

Thread dolls are simple and fun crafts for kids. This master class will help even the smallest craftsmen master the technique of making them. Stock up on balls of brightly colored yarn and start creating!

Make a whole family of these dolls with your own hands - your child will be interested in playing with them. And they can also be taken as a craft project to school (if something similar was assigned for the summer - why not?). In addition, these dolls can be used to decorate gifts for your loved ones. Place the doll in a bag with a gift or tie a wish card to it. Anyone would appreciate such a sign of attention.

What do we need?

  • several balls of yarn
  • any decorative elements (buttons, beads, ribbons)

How to make a doll?

We take a cardboard whose height is approximately equal to the desired size of the doll. We wind threads on it in several layers: the more, the better.

We intercept the center of the winding with a thread and tie a knot.

Now we form the head and tie it with the same thread.

Using the same method, we make the arms for the doll, and then we grab the waist and tie a knot. The hands can be additionally carefully hemmed so that they do not fidget.

We cut the bottom of the product to make a tassel. We’ll make the doll’s face from a piece of felt (glue it on), and we’ll make her hairstyle from yarn of a different color.

The history of the creation of such crafts goes back more than one century, because the very first of them appeared during the birth of the Slavic tribes. Despite the passing of years, the thread doll, although somewhat improved, has not lost its position to this day. Be sure to involve your children in this creativity. This way you will become closer to your child and will never know what ekaterina-akatova.ru is.

Of course, the goals of creating a toy, manufacturing rules and materials have changed. Previously, only women's hands could touch the dolls, and the first crafts were faceless. The ancestors believed that along with the face, toys receive a soul, which means that through them damage can be brought to the owner.
Some dolls were destined to be burned, which meant renewal and purification, while others were to serve as a talisman for the home and family from evil intentions.

Materials for production

To create a doll from threads you will need:

yarn of medium thickness (wool blend, acrylic, cotton are suitable);
a rectangular solid object for winding;

Weaving stages

1. Threads are wound on the base in an amount of 100-200 revolutions, then the yarn should be cut on one side.
2. Fold the bundle in half and tie it with thread at the top so that the future head does not “fall apart” to the sides. The thread can be either short just for fastening, or long for hanging the finished doll.
3. Form a head of the required size and separate it from the body with a thread.
4. For handles, 80-90 turns of yarn are wound onto the base. A braid is woven from the resulting bun, and the ends are then secured.
5. Next, the lower part must be divided into two equal parts, handles are inserted between them.
6. Underneath them, the body is tightly tied with another thread.

In general, the thread doll is ready, but it can still be decorated. For example, make a face, knit a wreath or bouquet, and also make an elegant dress. For clothes you will need cardboard rolled into a cone, decorated with beads, appliqué or beads. The dress is attached to the toy using glue.

Dear needlewomen. I would like to bring to your attention an interesting master class on making a doll from threads. Craftswomen who are fond of knitting or crocheting probably accumulate various leftover yarn, from which it is difficult to knit something, but it is possible to make such an unusual doll.

So, DIY thread doll.

For work we will need the following materials and tools:

beige acrylic yarn

blue acrylic yarn left over from crocheting a hat

some pink acrylic yarn

some red acrylic yarn

sharp scissors

needle with wide eye

Let's start making our doll by taking beige yarn and folding it all along a length of approximately 40-45 cm.


Then we start making the hair of our future doll, for this we will need a solid base 10-12 cm wide, I took a children's cardboard book for this. We wind the thread on it, doing 50-55 turns.

On one side of the book in the center, we thread a black thread about 10 cm long under the winding and tie it tightly with two knots.

On the other side of the book, cut the wound threads exactly in the middle using sharp scissors.

We get this blank for the doll’s hair.

Then we fold the beige yarn in half and use a beige thread to mark the head of our doll, as shown in the photo below.


On one side of black threads imitating the doll's hair, we braid a three-strand braid.

We fix the braid so that it does not unravel with a pink thread and tie a decorative small bow.

We trim the uneven ends of the braid using scissors.

We do the same with the other braid.

We tie a beige thread at a distance of 1 cm from the edge, thereby denoting the doll’s hand.


We do the same on the second hand.

We also use a beige thread to mark the doll’s waist, as it is shown in the photo below.

Next, we begin making a dress for our doll. To do this, we will again take a dense base, as you remember, in my case it is a children's cardboard book, 12 cm wide, and we will wind blue yarn on it. You should complete 60-70 skeins.

We do the same on the other side of the book.

Now carefully cut the thread from both edges using scissors, as shown in the photo.


We should end up with two identical stacks of blue yarn, one of which we evenly place on the front of the doll (the one where we will have the face), so that the middle of the stack falls on the waist and tie tightly with a blue thread to the waist. See photo


Then we divide the upper part of the blue threads in half and tie them at the base with a pink thread, as shown in the photo below, thereby forming the upper part of the doll’s dress

Using the same pink thread, we tie the upper part of the dress to the doll’s hand at the base and tie a small decorative bow.


We do the same procedure with the second side of the upper part of the dress, not forgetting to tie it to the base of the doll’s second arm, and also form a small pink bow.

Now, let's move on to the back of the dress, to do this we turn the doll face down.

We place a second stack of blue yarn on the back of the doll, just like on the front side, exactly in the middle.

And we tie it to the waist with a blue thread, as in the photo, and lower all the threads down, forming the skirt of the doll’s dress.

From the front of the doll's waist, tie a belt from a pink thread and again form a small bow.

Let's move on to making the legs. To do this, divide all the remaining beige yarn into two equal parts.

And using a beige thread we will tie it, stepping back 1 centimeter from the edge, indicating the doll’s foot.

We do the same with the second leg.

We tie another beige thread on each leg at the top.

Using sharp scissors, carefully trim the ends of the threads, trying to create a triangular shape, as shown in the photo below.

This is the kind of doll we get.

Let's move on to the face. To do this, take a needle with a wide eye, draw a black thread into it and embroider eyes on the face.

Here's ours thread doll, master class which is presented to your attention in detail, is already looking at us.

Also, using a needle and black thread, attach both braids on the sides to the doll’s head.

We embroider a mouth with red thread.

To make the doll’s arms tight, we will tie them with beige thread in two more places, as shown in the photo below.

We carefully cut off all the excess protruding threads with scissors, and our thread doll ready.

If you tie a thread, braid or ribbon from the back of the doll's head, you can hang it anywhere.

For example, as a decorative decoration in a children's room.

Motanka dolls are not just toys created for children to play with. These are amulets. They can be found in every culture in the world. Historians claim that the first ones appeared more than five centuries ago. These dolls differ from ordinary ones in that they do not have a face. According to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, a soul enters a doll through its face, and it can be both good and evil. Motankas were made to protect the home and family members. They protected housing, children, farms, livestock and crops. The material for production was natural. Dolls, as a rule, were decorated with national ornaments and embroidery. People believed that the spirit of their ancestors lived in this amulet, capable of passing on experience from generation to generation. That this apotropaia is capable of bringing good luck and profit. There are many ways to make reels. This master class describes an example of making a doll from yarn.
To make a motanka doll you will need:

Acrylic yarn in two colors;
- hard cardboard or book;
- scissors;
- glue or glue gun;
- cardboard for the base;
- (ribbons, beads, beads, etc.);
- small pieces of fabric for clothing.
Stages of product creation:
Creating the torso
The height of the body depends on the height of the base (cardboard or book). Take a book and wind the yarn.
Having wound a sufficient amount, we cut the threads with scissors on one side and the other of the book.

The hair will be long, so we use the same base for winding the threads. We wind the yarn. Cut on one side.

We tie a bunch of threads tightly in the middle. Fold it in half. We tie it around, as close to the edge as possible.

Around the bundle of yarn for creating hair, we evenly distribute the previously prepared yarn for the doll’s body. We tie it tightly. Carefully trim the edges with scissors. For more secure fixation, you can use glue.

We turn the resulting bundle over and select the hair in one direction and the body in the other. You can tie your hair so it doesn't get in the way. Subsequently, they can be braided or styled in your hair.

We tighten and fix the yarn to form the head and neck.

We wind a slightly smaller amount of yarn of the color of the body onto the base. Cut on both sides. Pull it on one side as tightly as possible. We braid the braid. We fix it.

We divide the yarn of the doll blank into two equal parts. We insert our hands into the middle and secure them tightly with thread around the circumference.
In order for the doll to stand, it must be placed on a rigid base using a glue gun. To do this, we make a cone out of cardboard or plastic.

The doll is ready. All that remains is to dress and decorate her. Your imagination plays a role here. In this case, it is a shiny fabric in the form of a mesh, secured with a canvas of the corresponding color. The hair is styled using a beaded braid. The costume and hairstyle are decorated with flowers. You can dress the doll in a national costume or a modern trend. So that she would not be lonely - create a couple.

Since ancient times, dolls have had an important purpose, not only playful, but also symbolic, fulfilling a certain role in rituals. Our ancestors created dolls with their own hands - amulets of various magical effects from threads, straw, wool, fabric, grass roots, and tree branches.

Today, a doll is one of the most popular children's toys, which every girl dreams of from a very early age. You can swaddle the doll, rock it, take care of it, carry it in a stroller, sew clothes for it, and dress it up. By playing role-playing games, children imitate the adult world, which develops a sense of responsibility in them, preparing them for adult life. Modern stores sell a huge variety of toys, but good quality dolls are quite expensive.

In this article we will tell you how you can make a doll from threads with your own hands. This way, you can not only pamper your child with a new toy, but also have fun doing things together.

Thread doll: master class

For work we will need: dark and light woolen threads, a small book, scissors and cardboard. Let's get started:

  1. We wind light threads along the length of the book and cut them on one side. We do the same with dark threads, but we cut them on both sides.
  2. We fold the light threads into two and evenly distribute the dark ones around them. Then we tie it all tightly with a separate dark thread closer to the top edge.
  3. Separate the dark and light threads. We made the body and hair of a doll from threads.
  4. Now we need to define the head. We tie the doll's body with a dark thread, forming a round shape, as shown in the photo.
  5. Let's start weaving hands for a doll from threads. To do this, we again wind dark threads around a book of the same size, cut them on both sides and braid them.
  6. We insert the “arms” between the threads of the “torso”, right under the doll’s head, and tie it tightly. Now we have hair, head, chest and skirt.
  7. We make a cone out of thick cardboard and coat its tip with glue. We sit the doll on the cone, carefully distributing the skirt in a circle.
  8. Our thread doll is almost ready. All that remains is to do your hair, face and decorate your skirt to your taste!

Such a doll can be an excellent decorative decoration in a child's room or just a new toy for a child. Making reel dolls from threads will take you literally half an hour, and will bring joy to you and your children for a long time!

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