Home fertilizers How to cook sweet potato at home. Sweet potatoes - what is it, how to cook sweet potatoes. Sweet potato has several varieties, but they are all divided into three groups, each of which contains varieties of similar taste qualities

How to cook sweet potato at home. Sweet potatoes - what is it, how to cook sweet potatoes. Sweet potato has several varieties, but they are all divided into three groups, each of which contains varieties of similar taste qualities

The sweet potato is popularly known as the "sweet potato" for its appearance. However, it has nothing to do with this vegetable. It tastes like pumpkin, only much sweeter and more pleasant. In Russia, they know quite a bit about him, so he cannot be called a "frequent guest" on our tables. But in fact, sweet potato has a wide range of useful properties, and its rich taste and aroma make it possible to include this product in various dishes.

Sweet potato is an annual plant with climbing stems that can reach 3 meters in length. The shrub itself has a height of 15-17 cm. Thickened lateral roots form tubers, which, depending on the variety, can be painted white, cream, pink, orange or purple. The weight of a vegetable varies from 200 g to 4 kg.

Sweet potato is quite high-yielding. It is cultivated mainly in countries with tropical and subtropical climates. This plant is native to Peru and Colombia, from where it was brought to the West Indies and later spread throughout the world.

On a note! To date, the leaders in the cultivation of this root crop are India, Indonesia and China, where it is highly valued for its beneficial qualities and even received the name "longevity fruit".

About the benefits of sweet potatoes

Due to its composition, sweet potato exhibits many useful properties:

  • vitamin B6 helps to reduce the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood, which is the main causative agent of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • has a positive effect on the condition of the walls of arteries, improves blood flow and normalizes water balance;
  • cleanses the blood of cholesterol and normalizes blood pressure;
  • saturating the body with potassium, this root vegetable protects against stress, reduces irritability, relieves fatigue and relieves anxiety;
  • helps to slow down the aging process and cares for the skin, restoring its firmness and elasticity;
  • due to the high content of the natural female hormone - progesterone, increases libido;
  • the use of sweet potato is recommended for people suffering from arthritis and other chronic inflammatory diseases, as it contains beto-cryptoxanthin;
  • this vegetable improves blood clotting, which helps prevent blood loss during injuries and wounds;
  • "Sweet potato" sweet potato has a low glycemic index, so patients with diabetes can include it in their diet;
  • sweet potato tubers contain delicate fiber - it does not injure the intestinal walls, which, in turn, prevents digestive problems;
  • the starch present in this product acts as a coating and emollient.

Sweet potato is rich in vitamins and microelements, carbohydrates and proteins, which are very easily absorbed by the body. Despite the high amount of fiber, this root crop has a low calorie content, which is about 60 calories per 100 g of product.

Caution - there are contraindications!

But remember that in some cases, the benefits of sweet potato border quite closely on the harm to the body. Among the contraindications:

  • peptic ulcers of internal organs;
  • excessive use during pregnancy and lactation.

Sweet potato in cooking

And finally, we got to the main question that many housewives ask - how to cook sweet potato sweet potato. In fact, this process is quite simple and ordinary. This root crop can be baked and fried, added to dishes raw and boiled. Desserts, first courses, stews and cereals are prepared from it.

On a note! In cooking, the sweet potato variety with orange pulp has won the greatest popularity - in its raw form, its taste is similar to carrots, and after heat treatment - to pumpkin.

We can safely say that sweet potato is universal, as it can be included in recipes for preparing a wide variety of dishes.

warm salad

  1. Finely chop 2 onions, chop the garlic with a knife.
  2. Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a frying pan and fry the prepared vegetables in it.
  3. When the onion turns golden, add 3 finely chopped tomatoes, half a teaspoon of ground ginger and cook over low heat for about 2 minutes.
  4. Peel a kilogram of sweet potato, cut into cubes with a side of 2.5 cm and send to the pan.
  5. Add 3 tablespoons chopped cilantro and stir.
  6. Pour the vegetable mass with water (~ 1.5 cups) to half the total volume, salt, add black pepper, simmer for 15 minutes.

Advice! To make sure the dish is ready, you need to try the sweet potato - it should become soft.

mexican salad

This sweet potato salad recipe includes a wider range of ingredients, but the cooking process is just as simple and does not require much time.

Sweet potato chips

This sweet potato dish is very crispy and makes a great snack.
  1. Preheat the oven to 190°C.
  2. Wash the sweet potato tuber, peel and cut into thin slices.
  3. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, brush with olive oil, spread sweet potatoes in a single layer and bake for 20 minutes.
  4. Salt and pepper the chips at the end of cooking, if desired.

cream soup

  1. One medium sweet potato, peeled and cut into cubes.
  2. Put the potatoes on a baking sheet, drizzle with olive oil, salt and bake for 20 minutes at 200°C.
  3. Put a tablespoon of butter in a thick-walled pan, melt.
  4. Chop one onion, carrot and garlic clove with a knife and put in a saucepan.
  5. Saute vegetables over low heat until soft.
  6. Add baked sweet potato, pour in 2 liters of chicken or vegetable broth and cook for half an hour.
  7. Turn off the gas supply, cover the soup with a lid and insist for 10 minutes.
  8. Pour the contents of the saucepan into the bowl of a blender and beat until creamy.
  9. Return the soup to the pan, put a glass of boiled quinoa, season with salt and pepper to taste, warm slightly.
  10. In a frying pan, heat a piece of butter, put half a glass of bread crumbs and 1/3 cup of parmesan, fry.
  11. Pour the soup into portioned bowls, put a tablespoon of crackers with cheese on top.

fragrant pie

  1. Put 13-15 sweet crackers in a blender bowl, add 3 tablespoons of sugar, half a teaspoon of ground ginger, a pinch of salt, beat into crumbs.
  2. Melt 5 tablespoons of butter in a water bath or in a microwave oven, pour into cookies, mix.
  3. Put the resulting mass into a baking dish, level it along the bottom, make low sides.
  4. In a bowl, beat 3 eggs, add half a glass of sugar, beat with a mixer.
  5. Bake the sweet potato tuber in the oven or boil it, mash it into a puree.
  6. Combine potatoes with egg mass, add a tablespoon of lemon juice, 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract and a small whisper of allspice.

    Advice! To make the cake more fragrant, you can add a little cognac or porter to the filling.

  7. Stir the filling and pour over the dough.
  8. Send to the oven preheated to 175 ° and bake for 50 minutes.
  9. Cool the cake, put in the refrigerator and leave for a day.

As you can see, cooking with sweet potatoes is very simple. Be sure to include this vegetable in your diet, and every day it will delight you with its taste and give you a new dose of health.

Sweet potatoes, also known as sweet potatoes, are a type of tuber plant from Central America with a name borrowed from the Arawak language. Despite this, sweet potatoes are only remotely similar to potatoes, and in terms of nutritional properties, here this unusual vegetable of bright orange color will easily give it a head start. We tell you how sweet potato is useful, and we offer five amazingly delicious recipes that everyone will like.

What is useful sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of several vital elements for the body, including calcium, potassium, magnesium and folic acid. At the same time, sweet potatoes boast a high concentration of vitamin C (up to 70% of the daily value per serving) and a low calorie content, which will appeal to those who are on a diet.

By the way, nutritionists call sweet potato one of the most correct vegetable sources of the powerful antioxidant beta-carotene, and this is also worth considering. An additional bonus of sweet potato in the diet will be the fact that the product has a low glycemic index. Therefore, the consumption of sweet potatoes, even in large quantities, does not cause spikes in blood sugar levels - which is why it is indicated for diabetics.

Sweet potato baked with spinach


1 bunch spinach (you can use 200g frozen)

1 chili pepper

1 shallot

Salt, pepper to taste

Olive oil (optional)

Cut the sweet potato in half and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 40-45 minutes. While the sweet potato is baking, prepare the filling: chop or defrost and dry the spinach, chop the hot chili pepper into small cubes, salt and pepper (optionally you can add 1 teaspoon of olive oil). Spread the filling over the potatoes and bake for another 5-7 minutes. Before serving, decorate the dish with chopped onions.

Winter salad with sweet potato, chickpeas and quinoa


8-10 Chinese cabbage leaves

200 g chickpeas

50 g pine nuts

50 g quinoa

For refueling:

200 g olive oil

50 ml wine vinegar

1 tsp sea ​​salt

1 tbsp lemon juice

1/2 tsp ground black pepper

1 garlic clove

Soak and boil the chickpeas, boil the quinoa according to package instructions, preheat the oven to 200 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment. Cut the sweet potato into large cubes, sprinkle with olive oil, sprinkle with a pinch of salt - put on a baking sheet and send to bake for 15-20 minutes. Wash and dry the Beijing cabbage, then chop it in a food processor or chop it yourself. Mix the dressing ingredients in a blender. Now place the chickpeas, quinoa, sweet potato cubes and kale in a large bowl, pour over the sauce and mix thoroughly. Sprinkle the salad with pine nuts on top and serve warm.

Sweet Potato Cream Soup


500 g sweet potato

3 cups chicken broth

2 small onions

2 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp Greek yogurt (can be replaced with low-fat sour cream)

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp ground thyme

A pinch of ground cumin

Ground black pepper (to taste)

Oven to 200 degrees, peel the sweet potato and cut into cubes. Cut the onion into quarters, then combine with the sweet potato in a large bowl, adding olive oil, salt, thyme and cumin. On a baking sheet pre-lined with foil, send the onion and sweet potato - and bake for 25-30 minutes. After that, puree the vegetables in a blender (adding the broth) until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Season the creamy soup with salt and pepper before serving and serve hot with a spoonful of Greek yogurt.

Sweet Potato with Orange Ginger Sauce


1 kg sweet potato

25 g butter

1 cup orange juice (100% or freshly squeezed)

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 tsp grated ginger

1 tsp cinnamon

Salt to taste

Boil the sweet potato right in the peel, dropping it into boiling salted water and leaving it there for 15-17 minutes (until half cooked). After that, cut the sweet potatoes into large circles, and place on a baking sheet. In a separate container, mix all the remaining ingredients, then thoroughly pour the sweet potato with orange-ginger sauce - and send it to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 40-50 minutes. Serve hot with cool homemade lemonade (lemon + mint + honey + water + ice cubes).

Sweet potato slices with hot spices


2 sweet potatoes

2 tbsp olive oil

2 tsp salt

1 tsp ground chili pepper

1 tsp pepper mixes

1 tsp paprika

1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

1 tsp black pepper

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, cut the sweet potato into thin sticks and pour over with olive oil. Mix the spices in a small bowl, sprinkle the sweet potatoes with the mixture, then put them on a baking sheet - and send to bake. Cook the sweet potatoes in the bottom of the oven for 15-20 minutes, then turn the sticks over and cook for another 10-15 minutes. Serve hot with fresh sour cream or cold as an appetizer.

Sweet potato is an amazing root crop native to South America. Bright sweetish taste and a bouquet of valuable properties have earned him fame all over the world. We offer you a closer look at this interesting vegetable, and at the same time find out what can be cooked from sweet potato.

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We hope that acquaintance with it was not in vain for you and dishes from it will replenish the piggy bank of your favorite recipes. Do you know how to cook sweet potatoes? Share interesting variations and unusual culinary ideas.

I told you about my new favorite - this is sweet potato, we learned about its beneficial properties for health, now it's time to talk about how it is best to use it. So, sweet potato recipes for every taste!

Sweet potato cooking recipes

Sweet potato, which is very useful for us, can be consumed in various ways:

Raw , many note its fresh similarity to ordinary carrots, which means that salads and snacks can be prepared from it, in which all the benefits of this wonderful product will be preserved.

Dried , sliced ​​sweet potatoes can be dried in a dehydrator, in this form it will retain most of the vitamins. The resulting chips can be eaten as an independent dish, or can be added to vegetable salads.

Baked , this is the most useful way to cook sweet potatoes using heat treatment. By itself, it has an amazing taste: sweet, velvety, and if cooked correctly, you can get an amazing dessert. At the same time, such a delicacy will cheer you up without raising blood sugar levels. You can cook sweet potatoes as follows: dip the cut pieces in honey, sprinkle with cinnamon and put in the oven for 10 minutes. The resulting caramels can be not only a homemade treat, but also one that you can take with you to work.

in boiled form , sweet potato can act as a side dish, or it can serve as an excellent basis for a puree soup, which is very easy to prepare at home. Now I will tell you how to do it.

sweet potato soup recipe

First you need to boil the sweet potato and prepare the coconut milk.

We puree the finished soft sweet potato until smooth using a blender.

Add coconut milk, tasting occasionally. Sweet potatoes and coconut milk have a sweet taste, so we choose their ratio according to our own taste, given the fact that coconut milk makes the soup puree fatter and therefore more nutritious.

Ready sweet potato soup turns out to be very tender and sweet, you can eat it just like that, or you can add it with crispy croutons.

As a hot drink this is a very unusual way of eating sweet potatoes, however, it is very popular in some countries. Pieces of sweet potato are dried in the oven (as if fried), and then ground in a coffee grinder. The resulting powder is brewed with hot water like regular coffee. This is a healthy and unusual alternative to a not-so-healthy drink! - read my article.

Sweet potato recipes from it are very numerous and varied. I think that each of you will be able to choose for yourself your own way of preparing this miracle root crop and make friends with it for many years to come. Personally, for myself, I put sweet potato in my list of useful products that may be present in my kitchen. I will only add that sweet potato is not compatible with persimmons and bananas, so keep this in mind when preparing it.

The hero of our today's article will be potatoes - sweet potatoes. Recipes from this vegetable, unfortunately, are not very popular in our country, but in vain! After all, it is not only very tasty, but also a very useful product. We bring to your attention several recipes for cooking this vegetable.

What is a batat?

This vegetable is a sweet variety of potato. He came to us from distant America, where for many decades he has enjoyed well-deserved popularity. Its taste is both sweet and spicy, so it goes well with meats that require a sweet accompaniment (eg pork or turkey). So, traditional Americans regularly cook turkey with sweet potatoes. In addition, sweet potatoes go well with various sour foods (orange juice, etc.), as well as with spicy seasonings (pepper, sweet potato, the recipes of which we will tell you today include not only the first and second, but also a variety of desserts (for example, puddings) By the way, the sweet taste of this vegetable in its homeland is enhanced by adding yellow sugar or maple syrup.

Cooking stuffed sweet potato: recipes with photos

To pamper your household with this interesting dish, you first need to take care of the following products in the kitchen: a kilogram of sweet potato, 150 grams of sour cream, half a lemon (we will use not only juice, but also zest), a tablespoon of canned green pepper grains, butter, olive oil and some salt.

We wash the sweet potatoes, prick them with a fork, put them on a wire rack, on which we will subsequently bake in the oven. Grease a little with olive oil. From each vegetable, cut off a small piece in the form of a cap and extract the pulp. In a separate bowl, mix it with sour cream, lemon juice and grated zest, canned green pepper grains and salt. Mix all the ingredients and fill with this mass of sweet potatoes. Place a small dollop of butter on top of each vegetable. Preheat the oven and bake the sweet potatoes until tender. Stuffed sweet potato, the recipe of which we have just told, will become a real decoration of your table. This dish can be prepared for a daily lunch or dinner, as well as for a festive banquet. Bon appetit!

Sweet Potato Soup Recipe

To prepare this dish, we need to stock up on the following products: sweet potato - five pieces, butter - a tablespoon, the same amount of flour, one and a half teaspoons of salt, a little ginger, cinnamon, thyme, brown sugar - a tablespoon, one and a half glasses of meat broth and a glass of milk .

Peel the sweet potatoes, wash and boil until tender for about half an hour. Drain the water and put all the prepared ingredients into the pan, except for the milk. Using a mixer, mix all the products to a puree consistency. Add milk and put on fire. When the mass boils, continue to cook for about 7-10 minutes. Delicious sweet potato soup is ready! It must be served hot on the table. Bon appetit!

Glazed Sweet Potato

Sweet potato, the recipe of which we want to bring to your attention, will go well with a variety of meat dishes, such as lamb roast. In order to prepare such a side dish, we need to stock up on the following products: 800 grams of sweet potato, a teaspoon of salt, maple syrup - 125 ml, 1 teaspoon of bitter angostura, the same amount of lemon juice and three tablespoons of butter.

We wash the sweet potatoes with a brush under running water, then transfer to a saucepan, cover with water and cook for about half an hour. We check the readiness of the vegetable with the tip of a knife. Drain the water, let the sweet potato cool slightly, cut each tuber into four slices and sprinkle with salt. Mix in a small saucepan with lemon juice, bitter angostura and butter. Put on fire and heat up, stirring constantly. Then glaze the sweet potatoes in the resulting mass. The sweet potato prepared in this way is very juicy and fragrant. Bon appetit!

How to cook chestnuts with sweet potatoes

Sweet potato, the recipe of which we offer you, is a great dessert. The exquisite taste and delicate aroma of this dish will surprise and captivate both your family members and guests. So, to prepare this dessert, we need to take care of the following products: 400 grams of canned chestnuts, a kilogram of sweet potato, 1.3 cups of granulated sugar, dessert wine - 4 tablespoons, two-thirds of a cup of chestnut syrup and a little honey.

Sweet potatoes are peeled, washed, boiled until tender and dried. Put it in a blender and grind until a homogeneous consistency. We shift the sweet potato into a small saucepan, add sugar, syrup, honey, wine and, stirring constantly, cook over low heat for about a quarter of an hour. Then pour the chestnuts, mix and cook for a couple more minutes. A delicious sweet potato dessert with chestnuts is ready! You can serve it on the table!

Sweet potato recipe with minced meat and tomatoes

This dish, combined with a side dish of rice, is perfect for a hearty and tasty lunch or dinner. To prepare it, we need the following ingredients: a kilogram of sweet potatoes, 4 tomatoes, a pound of minced meat, an onion, a little vegetable oil, as well as spices and salt to your taste.

We wash the sweet potato well, cut it into several pieces and dry it. Put in a frying pan and fry with vegetable oil until dark. Peel the onion and chop finely. In a separate pan, fry it until golden brown. After that, add the minced meat, spices, salt and fry until the meat is ready. My tomatoes, remove the skin, cut into small pieces and spread to the minced meat. Stir and cook for another 10 minutes. Place sweet potatoes in a bowl. Spread the minced meat on top and pour the remaining sauce from frying. Turn on the heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. This dish must be served hot on the table.

Today we learned better what sweet potato is, the recipes for which are quite simple and affordable, and the dishes from it are delicious, fragrant and delicious.

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