Home Diseases and pests How to make a Christmas tree from fruits for a new one. How to make a fruit tree for the New Year's table. How to make a Christmas tree from fruits with your own hands

How to make a Christmas tree from fruits for a new one. How to make a fruit tree for the New Year's table. How to make a Christmas tree from fruits with your own hands

To create an appetizing and, most importantly, edible Christmas tree, you can use different sets of fruits, even combine fruits, etc. We'll take a look at a couple of simple and delicious options for festively decorated edible Christmas trees. So, to prepare a sweet "miracle" we need the following products:

  • pear - since this fruit will serve as the basis, it must be ripe enough, large and at the same time quite strong, because it will be “spotted” with a large number of “branches” - toothpicks;
  • orange - a couple of medium-sized fruits will be enough;
  • kiwi - the fruit should be ripe, but not too soft (one large piece is enough);
  • white / blue grapes - one large handful will be enough. Since the season is the coldest, accordingly, the berries will be quite large. But we don’t need these, so choose fewer berries, because we need a slender, neat, and not a “pot-bellied” Christmas tree;
  • cherries - a small handful is enough.

Let's start the creative process:

  • We prepare the frame for the Christmas tree. We take a pear that has been thoroughly washed and dried with a towel, cut off about 0.5 cm from the underside to give it stability and about the same amount from the top to create the top.
  • At a distance of about 1 cm from the bottom, insert toothpicks into the pear. Each next row is done at the same distance from the previous one.

Advice. As we move up, we insert the toothpicks deeper so that the outline of the tree evenly tapers upwards.

  • We cut fruit. Let's start with kiwi. We clean the fruit and cut lengthwise into four / eight parts. We cut the resulting slices into slices about 0.5 cm thick. They should be in the form of small triangles. Oranges do not need to be peeled. Cut the fruit into four parts and then into small slices. They should be slightly longer than the nods, as we will use them as the tips of the spruce branches. We separate the cherries and grapes from the cuttings and wash them thoroughly.
  • We proceed to picking up the fruit "puzzle". We start from the bottom row. It should turn out to be the largest, so first we string the kiwi slices with a sharp end towards ourselves, and right on them - slices of orange. The next row - we string "kivinki" and grapes. The third row is orange slices and cherries. Then only grapes (bigger).
  • The final touch is the top. It can be made from a slice of pineapple / carrot about 5 mm thick.

Christmas tree made of fruits - option two

The next option is no less exotic than the first. To create this delicious Christmas tree, we need the following fruits: kiwi, carrot, apple, dark and white grapes, strawberries, melon/carambola slices. And, of course, you can't do without toothpicks.

We cut off part of the bottom of the apple so that it becomes stable. From above we cut out a “funnel” in it, into which we insert the peeled carrots. We prick toothpicks over the entire surface of the apple and carrot, gradually immersing them deeper and deeper into the base of the fruit tree. Unlike the first, this Christmas tree should be very thick.

We prepare the fruit: we remove the stalk from the strawberries, cut the unpeeled kiwi into circles about 5 mm thick, cut out small Christmas trees from the melon. Let's start decorating. We will not observe a special order here, the main thing is to thickly string fruits and berries. We alternate strawberries (we string them with the tip outward), kiwi circles, grapes (they can be pricked both on a toothpick and on kiwi pieces) and figured melon slices. The top can be decorated with either a piece of melon cut in the shape of a star or carambola. The edible tree is ready.

Christmas tree made of fruits - option three

A very unusual version of a fruit tree, for which we need an inedible base. Any flower pot covered with colorful paper is suitable for this. We put a medium-sized plate on the pot, on which we will lay out the levels of the Christmas tree.

So, to create a Christmas tree in a pot, we need: pears, tangerines, apples, kiwi, cherries, strawberries and pineapple. Wash fruit thoroughly and pat dry with paper towels. We don't have to clean and cut anything this time. Spread the bottom layer with whole tangerines.

Along the edge we make a rim of vertically spaced pears. They must also be unpeeled and whole (always with tails). Do not forget that as you move up, the tree should narrow. The second row is again tangerines. The next one is kiwi. Here they need to work a little. Cut them in two halves. On top of each half, we make a curly jagged cut and lay out a row of prepared fruits. In the pits between the tangerine row and the kiwi row, lay out the cherries.

The next row is large strawberries. We put them vertically. Lay out the last row with small apples. It remains the case for small - the tip. Cut out a star from a slice of pineapple. An edible masterpiece is ready!

Our article has come to an end and now you have as many as three original recipes that will help you create simple and delicious fruit masterpieces for the New Year's table. Happy culinary creativity!

Fruit tree for the New Year's table: video

Now imagine a Christmas tree on the festive table, and plus the tree is edible. The Christmas tree is one of the main symbols of the new year! Cool?

A beautiful and tasty Christmas tree made of fruits and vegetables will be an ideal decoration for your New Year's table, and will give everyone a New Year's and cheerful mood. Such an elegant Christmas tree will decorate not only the Christmas or New Year's table, but also any children's, and perhaps even an adult holiday. Since the Christmas tree consists of fruits, it will not be eaten immediately and will have time to please the guests with its appearance.

It is not necessary to limit yourself to the range of products that are in the photos of our culinary recipes. You can diversify this Christmas tree by turning on your imagination.

With the help of special knives, fruits and vegetables can be given almost any shape.
If you do not have the desire to invent something new yourself, then you can use the simple recipes that we have chosen to decorate the New Year's table.

To create edible Christmas trees, you will need the following products and items.

Fruits and vegetables to choose from: fresh and pickled cucumbers, cheese, sweet peppers, sausages, oranges, lemons ... Products for decoration fresh herbs, olives, black olives, various bright vegetables, and most importantly - half a large apple for Christmas tree bases. Wooden, bamboo skewer (about 20-25 cm long), as well as ordinary toothpicks.

Cooking edible Christmas trees

The first thing we should do is prepare the base for the Christmas tree. To do this, take a large apple, mode in half.
Take one half and turn it over onto a plate, and stick a wooden skewer into the center - with the sharp end up.

Such Christmas trees are quite convenient both in moving (only it is important to take by the apple, and not by the stem), and in use. It is enough to remove the top of the Christmas tree, and it is ready for use.

How to make a Christmas tree from fruits and toothpicks

  • Cut off the bottom of the apple, put it on a saucer on the cut part.
  • Peel the carrot, put it on a toothpick with the wide side and stick the other end of this toothpick into the top of the apple in the middle.
  • Poke toothpicks into carrots and apples, on which you will then string fruit.

  • The Christmas tree skeleton is ready.
  • Put the lettuce leaves on a saucer around the apple.
  • Cut fruit into circles, slices, slices.
  • From pineapple circles, you can cut flowers and stars.
  • Use whole berries.
  • String fruits and berries on toothpicks, as your fantasy tells you.
  • At the top of the Christmas tree, place a star cut out of a pineapple circle.

In order not to spoil the appearance of your Christmas tree, sprinkle the chopped fruit with lemon juice.


Christmas tree made of fruits This is the perfect decoration for the New Year's table. It will give incredibly vivid emotions and good mood to everyone who comes to visit you. It can decorate not only the New Year's or Christmas table, it is also perfect for a children's celebration or an adult's birthday.

Since the fruit tree will be made up of fresh cut fruit, it must be eaten on the same day, otherwise they will darken and it will lose its attractiveness. Although you don't have to worry about it! Be sure that your kids and invited guests will immediately "gobble up" this miracle of design thought.

You don't have to stick with the fruits in this recipe. In creating a Christmas tree from fruits, you can fantasize endlessly. It can be supplemented with interesting jelly figurines or fruits made from sweet mastic.

In order to cut different figures from fruits, you will need knives with special nozzles: hearts, stars or circles. Your fruit tree will look amazing! Seeing such a delicious multi-colored miracle, your guests will not even pay attention to the elegant beauty in the room.

It is necessary to collect a Christmas tree from fruits a few hours before the New Year's feast so that the fruits are fresh. In the meantime, carefully study the recipe for how to make an edible "hero of the occasion." Each step of creating a fruit tree is accompanied by a photo, so you will see firsthand what magic can be done on New Year's Eve from ordinary fruits.


  • (1 piece more authentic)

  • (1 PC.)

  • (1 bunch)

  • (1 bunch)

  • (300 g)

  • (1 PC.)

  • (3 pcs.)

  • (3 pcs.)

  • (200 g)

  • (500 g)

Cooking steps

    Prepare fruit. Take all the fruits that you decide to decorate the Christmas tree with, wash them well. Carefully review all berries, set aside damaged ones.

    Fruit needs to be peeled. Peel kiwi, tangerine, pineapple. Divide the mandarin into slices, and cut those fruits that need to be chopped into small squares.

    Use curly knives to make "decorations" for the future Christmas tree. Asterisks and hearts can be cut, for example, from pineapples.

    Arrange all the prepared fruits on different plates. Put fruit figurines in a separate container.

    Now let's move on to making the trunk of our Christmas tree. For this we need an apple, a long carrot and toothpicks. Take an apple and cut it on one side so that the Christmas tree is stable.

    On the other hand, cut a recess of such a diameter that the carrots can climb into it tightly and do not stagger at the same time.

    Place the apple cut side down on the dish and insert the carrot into the top hole.

    Take the toothpicks and insert them into the apple not too close to each other so that the fruits that we will string on them are freely located on the Christmas tree and do not interfere with each other.

    Break half of them in half: we will insert short toothpicks into carrots.

    Here we have such a blank for stringing fruit.

    Fruits prepared earlier begin to string on the future Christmas tree from the bottom up. Arrange large fruits first, and voids can be filled with grapes or kiwi slices. Make sure that the color palette is evenly spaced throughout the tree. No need to sculpt three strawberries next to each other or only white grapes. The tips of the toothpicks that stick out of the fruit can be hidden behind a currant or blueberry.

    Take a melon, cut it in half and use a metal mold to cut out stars or other shapes that you have. Set the star on top of the fruit tree.

    Here's a beauty you should get! Under the Christmas tree, you can put mini-gifts for guests and kids. There will be no limit to the admiration of such an edible Christmas tree. Happy New Year holidays to you!

    Bon appetit!

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It's all the fault of ordinary human greed and the desire for easy money. And if there are naive people who believe in wonderful and easy ways to earn money, then there are enterprising people who are ready to make money on naive simpletons. Moreover, the scheme used by scammers is very simple: an advertisement is placed for the purchase of completely useless nonsense such as cigarette ash, or some other tempting offer, in general, the main goal is to interest a person in something.

Surely, almost every active user of Runet knows about the network legend about incredibly expensive coins, which, nevertheless, can be in everyone's pocket. Of course, I want to write about the legendary 10 kopeck coin of 2001.
As befits a modern legend, despite numerous denials, a rumor of this kind stubbornly circulates: "Market the cost of a coin of 10 kopecks in 2001 is from 29,000 to 40,000 rubles. The price depends on the safety of the coin. For example, 10 kopecks in 2001 at the auction went for 50 thousand rubles! And one has only to imagine how much it will cost in a few years! The number of coins is decreasing, the price of the remaining ones will increase every month, so hurry up!!!"

What if there is no corkscrew at hand, but you need to open a bottle of wine? There are different ways to solve this problem, below I will talk about them:
Method number 1. The simplest and most effective. In order to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew in this way, you just need to hold the bottle horizontally with one hand, and gently tap the bottom of the bottle with the palm of your other hand.
If possible, wrap the bottom of the bottle with a towel (otherwise the bottle may break!), and lightly tap on the wall. With a successful combination of circumstances, in minutes the wine can already be poured into glasses. It is extremely rare, but it happens that this method takes too much time, so we move on to the next method. Once again I warn you! No need to apply excessive force and knock hard objects on the bottom of the bottle, otherwise the bottle will break.

Method number 2. You can simply push the cork inside the bottle with any object, such as the back of a fork or spoon, marker, pen, pencil. Attention! Kill…


    First, prepare all the ingredients and tools needed for the step-by-step photo recipe. Without them, creating a Christmas tree at home is unlikely to succeed.

    Now it's time for the pineapple. Cut off the ends from the fruit (as in the photo).

    From one end of the pineapple, cut a circle up to one centimeter thick. Take a cookie cutter (ideally metal) to cut out the dough and use it to make a neat star shape. In her absence, one must act with a sharp knife.

    Place the wider end of the pineapple on a cutting board. It is necessary to cut off a little pulp from the top so that the pineapple takes the shape of a cone. Do not throw away the pieces, we will attach them to our Christmas tree a little later.

    Take a pear and wash it well. Dry the vegetable and cut off the bottom (as in the photo). Then pull out the tail.

    Use a wooden skewer to attach the pear to the narrower part of the pineapple.

    Now, using toothpicks, you need to attach a pineapple star to the top of the pear. Next, insert toothpicks into both the pineapple and the pear. We will later hang "Christmas toys" on them.

    Now you need to take care of the ingredients for toys. Peel tangerines and kiwi, wash and dry. Cut the kiwi into cubes, and divide the tangerines into slices. Strawberries need to be washed, dried, get rid of the tips. Cut the berries into two or four pieces depending on the size. Raspberries, blackberries and blueberries should be washed and dried. Now everything is ready for decoration.

    It remains to string the "toys" on the base for the Christmas tree. Try to make the Christmas tree bright and spectacular. It will turn out very nice. As you can see, making an original DIY decoration for the New Year's table at home is quite simple if you follow the recommendations of a step-by-step photo recipe. It turned out a wonderful beautiful Christmas tree made of fruits, which will pleasantly surprise both guests and household members. Bon appetit!

To create a delicious fruit tree, you will definitely need a pineapple and a pear. All other ingredients are a matter of taste. You can give preference to the options proposed in the step-by-step photo recipe or use others that your household loves.

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