Home Indoor flowers Photos in loft style. Loft style bedroom interior - rugged appeal and sophistication. Classic brick walls

Photos in loft style. Loft style bedroom interior - rugged appeal and sophistication. Classic brick walls

Creative individuals always have something that could be learned if they had a little more free time. But there is one extremely important talent, which you want to adopt without shelving, here and now: this is the ability to turn disadvantages into advantages. If there are shortcomings in the interior of a creative and constructive home - sloppy finishing of walls or ceilings, slight chaos in the arrangement of things, communications not properly hidden from the eyes of guests, lack of zoning, lack of proper repairs - they are not saved by camouflage, but, on the contrary, emphasize that , which the average person would consider a cause for embarrassment. Demonstrate the magical transformation of minus as clearly as possible interior decoration bold style is an undeniable plus loft in the interior.

Loft style in the interior: origin

The name of the loft style comes from the English loft - “attic”. Where did the idea come from to equip a home as a place that is traditionally suitable only for storing old things, but not for cozy living? The history of the avant-garde loft dates back to the 20s of the 20th century, when the established economic situation forced people to expand their “habitat.” It is believed that New Yorkers were the first to rush to use the buildings of abandoned warehouses, factories and factories for apartments. It should be noted that they managed this very successfully.

And the residents of secluded apartments who came to visit the “Carlsons” liked this innovation - and they decided to bring some of the details from what they saw to their nest. What successful trends can you borrow? to modern man from the loft style?

Harmony of antiquity and innovation

Loft allows you to expand your consciousness and combine diametrically opposed motives. He is no stranger to the variety of combinations of antiquity and innovation. A progressive telescope aimed at the sky from the window will fit very organically into the bone-deep classic finish with reflections of negligence characteristic of the “attic” style. Why not? In addition, the loft boldly draws ideas from golden antiquity: Roman columns in a decoration bordering on modernism look extremely successful.

Pristine walls

Aesthetic mosaic bit by bit

Beauty does not fall from the sky, but is created step by step. The loft also teaches this: every little thing is important. Having decided to decorate the interior in such a freedom-loving progressive style, pay special attention to accessories. Mind-blowing chandeliers that look like gifts from aliens will become more relevant than ever. posters, lifebuoys as wall decoration.

...And also a favorite motorbike or bicycle that embodies complete freedom of spirit, which will certainly find a secluded corner within a non-standard loft. Leave the worries about formalities to strict classics.

Who said mirrors belong on the wall? In the loft you can relax and line up reflective surfaces in a long row right on the floor. Looks amazing! Good news for photographers and artists: an arsenal of professional accessories - a set of lenses, reflectors or an easel, forgotten by you at the scene of the muse's attack, in the atmosphere of a loft will look like decoration, and not evidence of forgetfulness or sloppiness of the creator of beauty.

Loft style in the interior: functionality above all

Everything must have and justify its purpose. Therefore, when choosing furniture in the “attic” spirit of modernity, first of all pay attention to its strength, durability and ease of care, and only then you can take a closer look at its compliance with high fashion trends.

A bathroom created from a MAERSK shipping company container at the entrance to a three-level penthouse in Kyiv, Ukraine. Design: studio 2B Group

Home is the place where a person spends 80% of his time, so it should not only be functional, but also pleasant and attractive. appearance. There is a huge variety of styles that include how to design interior decoration, so and . And some of these are the loft and country trends. They have unobtrusive but attractive interior features that make the house not only comfortable, but also beautiful.

Loft style house: features

The name of the style itself comes from English word“loft”, which means “attic”. It originated somewhere in the 40s of the 20th century, when people first came up with the idea of ​​using warehouse space as housing. Now the loft direction has acquired completely new features and is radically different from the old “garage” type.

A loft-style house always has a facade, which, when viewed from a frontal angle, stands out with a rectangular geometric shape. But in a side view it immediately becomes clear that the structure itself has a fairly large number of square kinks, protrusions and niches. This style is also characterized by an asymmetrical placement of elements, that is, the windows of the second floor are not necessarily located above the windows of the first.

loft style house
loft interior

Their somewhat chaotic position makes the building original and interesting. In terms of finishing, natural materials are most often used, but the main thing is their combinations. In such houses it is common to use different color and texture solutions. Their resonant combination creates the effect of scale and fusion of several style directions.

The interior decoration of a loft-style house also has its own characteristics:

  • Absolute freedom. There are practically no partitions inside the house - all functional areas are distinguished by color zoning, accent light, etc.
  • "Factory" features. Pipes, rough plaster, brick - all this is an integral part of the interior. If it is not possible to use such materials, wallpaper that imitates them is selected.
  • Airiness and lightness. Especially in the loft style, high ceilings and abundant lighting in every area of ​​the premises are appreciated.
  • Outdoor accessories. Graffiti, road signs, signs, stickers and other elements that can be found on the street - all this complements the style and makes it more expressive.

graffiti in a loft style interior
facades of loft-style houses

The loft direction is suitable for creative, freedom-loving and dreamy people. They will be able to realize their dreams and unleash their potential.

Country style house: nuances and design principles

The house, designed in a country style, has some similarities with a country farm. The very name of this direction comes from the English “country” (village, country). The facade of such a house is often made of rough, unhewn stone in combination with wooden elements. In terms of external decor, the country style is very minimalist - its slight ugliness and neglect are the main decoration. Wide terraces with many ornate plants and sprouts breaking through the tiles also look very original.

country style house interiors
loft style house interiors

In terms of interior, a country-style house also has its own characteristics that set it apart from other design trends:

Naturalness in everything. Country music does not allow the use of synthetic materials. When arranging premises, you need to focus only on natural products: stone, wood, natural wool and skins.

Simplicity is the key to success. For decoration, decoration and other interior decoration, it is necessary to use simple and somewhat vintage elements. For example, thin paper wallpaper in a delicate beige color with a barely noticeable print in the form of flowers is suitable for the walls, and ordinary whitewash or plaster is suitable for the ceiling.

how to decorate a house in country style
country style house facades

Warmer than warm. Warm and unobtrusive colors should prevail in all interior elements.

Compactness. A country-style house can even be “clogged” big amount interior items. Lots of accessories, small rooms, massive furniture, large lighting fixtures - all this will look very warm and cozy.

"Home" accessories. The main decorative elements of country style are various tablecloths, carpets and napkins. Also very interesting in the frame of this style are homemade decorative items: embroidered towels, figurines carved from wood. To highlight decorations against the background of other furniture, you can place them on the fireplace, which, by the way, will be very relevant.

Our article on how to design a living room in country house and in the apartment.

Country is a very calm and cozy design direction. It is suitable for those who like to spend time at home, read a book, or knit something warm. In addition, it conveys some atmosphere of measured village life.

The variety of styles in interior design, clothing and accessories can confuse anyone. Many of us get confused when we hear unknown words and terms.

We are accustomed to certain standards, quite recently we were frightened by such words as “high-tech”, “shabby chic”, “fusion” and “loft”, but now almost each of us can say with confidence what kind of style he would like see in your interior.

In our article we will pay attention loft style in the interior, the main concept of which is a minimum of partitions and a maximum fresh air" Loft is a laconic and sophisticated style that combines decorative elements such as brick, metal, genuine leather, parquet and oil painting. A loft is the magic of space and light, exclusivity and uniqueness, a combination of retro style and high-tech, as well as the opportunity to realize your cherished desires.

Based on the concept of the style, it becomes clear that it is most suitable for owners of apartments and houses with an open layout, with high ceilings, large windows and the absence of partitions. The presence of wooden beams and support pillars will give the room additional charm and volume and help divide the room into zones.
Lovers of originality and freedom, artists and designers are people who appreciated this style and loved it.

Advantage loft style in the interior is its availability - minimum costs for decoration and furniture. A loft-style room does not involve the use of expensive furniture and accessories.

To decorate loft-style ceilings, it is enough to apply a layer of plaster on them and paint it in White light, and unplastered and uneven walls and floors will only make the process of decorating the room easier.

Loft style kitchen

This style goes very harmoniously with spacious rooms with sufficient light, high ceilings and wooden beams. Using the loft style when decorating a kitchen will create a cozy room that you won’t want to leave.

Use of natural finishing materials- wood, stone, brick will help to divide the room into zones and create several functional areas.

When decorating small spaces, designers recommend using surfaces that imitate natural materials - brickwork, plaster, masonry.

Kitchen means good artificial lighting- it is recommended to use a variety of lamps and spotlights, the shape and style of which must be selected based on the style of the room.

Kitchen furniture in style the loft should be laconic and functional, and its color palette should be combined with the overall palette of the room. Furniture should not be too bulky or bulky; it is welcome to have large quantity open cabinets and shelves.

Living room in loft style

A living room in a loft style implies high ceilings and large, wide windows. The materials used for decoration should be associated with warehouse or attic spaces; wood or concrete materials are best suited for this purpose.

Special attention when creating a loft-style living room, you need to pay attention to furniture and decorative elements. It would be relevant to use a leather sofa and a pair of armchairs of a similar design, several wooden or glass shelves, a dark wood coffee table, bright and interesting lamps, paintings and large indoor plants in pots from natural materials, antique figurines and clocks, glass vases and lantern-shaped lamps.

When decorating a living room in a loft style, a combination of high-tech and vintage elements is acceptable, unusual color design. Traditional colors of the loft style are white, gray, beige and brown. In moderate proportions, the use of black, blue, silver and burgundy colors is acceptable.

Loft style in the interior - photo

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