Home Vegetables Outdoor games for children in summer: a large selection. Outdoor games: play with the children for a walk Outdoor games for preschoolers

Outdoor games for children in summer: a large selection. Outdoor games: play with the children for a walk Outdoor games for preschoolers

Card file

outdoor games

for preschoolers.

Prepared by the teacher MBDOU DS No. 40

Davydova Anastasia Gennadievna


Target: learn to stand still for a while, listen carefully.

Game progress: The players are free to sit on the court. To the side (“in the hollow”) the “Owl” sits or stands. The teacher says:"The day comes - everything comes to life." All players move freely around the court, performing various movements, imitating the flight of butterflies, dragonflies, etc. with their hands.

Suddenly he says:"Night comes, everything freezes, the owl flies out." Everyone should immediately stop in the position in which these words found them, and not move. "Owl" slowly walks past the players and inspects them vigilantly. Whoever moves or laughs, the "owl" sends him to the "hollow". After a while, the game stops, and it is calculated how many people the "owl" took to him. After that, a new "owl" is chosen from those who did not get to her. The "owl" wins, which has taken the largest number of players.

"Homeless hare"

Target: run fast; navigate in space.

Game progress: The "hunter" and the "homeless hare" are selected. The rest of the "hares" are in hoops - "houses". The "homeless hare" runs away, and the "hunter" catches up. The "hare" can get into the house, then the "hare" standing there must run away. When the “hunter” has caught the “hare”, he himself becomes one, and the “hare” becomes a “hunter”.

"Fox in the chicken coop"

Target: learn to jump gently, bending your knees; run without touching each other, dodge the catch.

Game progress: On one side of the site, a "chicken coop" is outlined. In it "chickens" are perched (on benches).

On the opposite side of the site is a fox hole. The rest of the place is a courtyard. One of the players is appointed "fox", the rest - "chickens". At the signal, the "chickens" jump from their perches, walk and run around the yard, peck grains, flap their wings. At the signal: "Fox!" - "chickens" run away into the chicken coop and climb to the roost, and the "fox" tries to drag off the "chicken" that did not have time to escape, and takes her into his hole. The rest of the chickens jump off their roost again, and the game resumes. The game ends when the fox catches two or three chickens.

"Run quietly"

Target: teach to move silently.

Game progress: Children are divided into groups of 4-5 people, divided into three groups and line up behind the line. They choose the driver, he sits in the middle of the site and closes his eyes. At the signal, one subgroup silently runs past the driver to the other end of the site. If the driver hears, he says "Stop!" and the runners stop. Without opening his eyes, the driver says which group was running. If he correctly indicated the group, the children step aside. If wrong, they return to their places. This is how all the groups run in turn. The group wins, which ran quietly and which the driver could not find.


Target: to teach ease of movement, to act after the signal.

Game progress: Before the game, you must show all the game movements. Children stand on one side of the playground. The teacher says “Ready to fly. Start the engines! " Children make rotational movements with their hands in front of the chest. After the signal "Fly!" spread their arms to the sides and scatter around the hall. At the signal "Landing!" the players go to their side of the court.

"Hares and the wolf"

Target: learn to jump correctly on two legs; listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the text.

Game progress: One of the players is chosen as a "wolf". The rest are "hares". At the beginning of the game, the "hares" are in their houses, the wolf is on the opposite side. "Hares" come out of the houses, the teacher says:

Hares are jumping gallop, gallop, gallop,

On a green meadow.

They pinch the weed, eat it,

Listen carefully to see if the wolf is coming.

Children jump, perform movements. After these words, the "wolf" comes out of the ravine and runs after the "hares", they run away to their houses. The caught "hares" are taken by the "wolf" into a ravine.

"The Hunter and the Hares"

Target: teach to throw the ball at a moving target.

Game progress: On one side there is a "hunter", on the other, in drawn circles, 2-3 "hares" each. "Hunter" goes around the site, as if looking for traces of "hares", then returns to himself. The teacher says: "The hares ran out into the clearing." "Hares" jump on two legs, moving forward. According to the word "hunter", "hares" stop, turn their backs to him, and he, without leaving his place, throws a ball at them. The "hare" that the "hunter" got into is considered to have been shot, and the "hunter" takes him to himself.


Target: learn to listen to the text attentively; develop coordination in space.

Game progress: The blind man's buff is selected with the help of a rhyme. He is blindfolded, taken to the middle of the site, and turned several times around him. Conversation with him:

- Cat, cat, what are you standing on?

- On the bridge.

- What's in your hands?

- Kvass.

- Catch the mice, not us!

The players scatter, and the blind man's buff catches them. The blind man's buff must recognize the caught player, call him by name, without removing the bandage. He becomes a blind man's buff.

"Fishing rod"

Target: learn to jump correctly: push off and pick up your legs.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle, in the center is a teacher with a rope in his hands, at the end of which a bag is tied. The teacher twists the rope, and the children must jump over.

"Who is most likely to the flag?"


Game progress: Children are divided into several teams. Flags are placed at a distance of 3 m from the original line. At the signal of the educator, you need to jump on two legs to the flag, go around it and run back to the end of your column.

"Birds and a cat"

Target: learn to move on a signal, develop dexterity.

Game progress: In a large circle sits a "cat", behind a circle - "birds". The "cat" falls asleep, and the "birds" jump into the circle and fly there, sit down, peck at the grains. The "cat" wakes up and begins to catch the "birds", and they run away behind the circle. The cat takes the caught "birds" to the middle of the circle. The teacher counts how many there are.

"Don't get caught!"

Target: learn to jump correctly on two legs; develop agility.

Game progress: The cord is laid in the form of a circle. All players stand behind him at a distance of half a step. The driver is selected. He becomes inside the circle. The rest of the children jump in and out of the circle. The driver runs in a circle, trying to touch the players while they are inside. After 30-40 seconds. The teacher stops playing.



Game progress: With the help of a counting board, a trap is selected. He becomes in the center. Children stand to one side. At the signal, the children run across to the other side, and the trap tries to catch them. Caught becomes a trap. At the end of the game, they say which trap is the most agile.

"Run to the named tree"

Purpose: to train in quickly finding the named tree; fix the names of trees; develop fast running.

The course of the game: the driver is selected. He names a tree, all children should carefully listen to which tree is named, and in accordance with this, run from one tree to another. The driver closely monitors the children, who runs to the wrong tree, takes them to the penalty box.

"Find a leaf like on a tree"

Target: teach to classify plants according to a certain characteristic; develop observation skills.

Game progress: The teacher divides the group into several subgroups. Each offers a good look at the leaves on one of the trees, and then find the same ones on the ground. The teacher says: "Let's see which team will find the right leaves faster." The children begin their search. Members of each team, having completed the task, gather around the tree, the leaves of which they were looking for. The team that gathers near the tree first, or the one that collects the most leaves, wins.

"Who will most likely collect?"

Target: teach to group vegetables and fruits; to educate quickness of reaction to words, endurance and discipline.

Game progress: Children are divided into two teams: "Gardeners" and "Gardeners". On the ground lie dummies of vegetables and fruits and two baskets. At the command of the educator, the teams begin to collect vegetables and fruits, each in their own basket. Whoever collects first raises the basket and is the winner.


Target: teach to act on a verbal signal; develop quickness, dexterity; exercise in dialogical speech.

Game progress: All children are bees , they run around the room, flap their wings, buzz: "W-w-w". A bear appears (chosen at will) and says:

The bear bear is walking

The honey will take away from the bees.

Bees answer:

This hive is our house.

Leave us, bear,


Bees flap their wings, buzz, chasing the bear away.


Target: develop coordination of movements; develop orientation in space; exercise in rhythmic, expressive speech.

Game progress: Children-beetles sit in their houses (on the bench) and say: “I am a beetle, I live here, buzz, buzz: ww-ww". At the signal of the teacher, the "beetles" fly into the clearing, bask in the sun and hum, at the signal "rain" they return to the houses.

"Find yourself a mate"

Target: teach to run quickly without interfering with each other; fix color names.

Game progress: The teacher distributes multi-colored flags to the players. At the signal of the teacher, the children run, at the sound of the tambourine they find themselves a pair by the color of the flag and hold hands. An odd number of children must take part in the game so that one is left without a pair. He also leaves the game.

"Such a leaf - fly to me"

Target: develop attention, observation; exercise in finding leaves by similarity; activate the dictionary.

Game progress: The teacher with the children examines the leaves that have fallen from the trees. Describes them, says what tree they are from. After a while, he gives the children leaves from different trees on the site, and asks to listen to him carefully. Shows a leaf from a tree and says: "Whoever has the same leaf, run to me!"

"Wintering and migratory birds" (Russian traditional)

Target: develop motor skills; to consolidate the idea of ​​the behavior of birds in winter.

Game progress: Children put on hats for birds (migratory and wintering). In the middle of the playground, at a distance from each other, there are two children in the caps of the Sun and Snowflakes. "Birds" run scatteringly with the words:

Birds fly, grains are harvested.

Little birds, little birds ».

After these words "migratory birds" run to the Sun, and "wintering" - to the snowflake. Whose circle gets together faster, he won.

"The bees and the swallow" (Russian traditional)

Target: develop dexterity, speed of reaction.

Game progress: The playing bee children are squatting. "Swallow" is in its nest. "Bees" (sitting in the meadow and singing):

Bees fly, honey is collected!

Zoom, zoom, zoom! Zoom, zoom, zoom!

Martin: - The swallow flies, it will catch the bees.

Flies out and catches "bees". Caught becomes a "swallow".

"Dragonfly Song"

Target: develop coordination of movements; exercise in rhythmic, expressive speech.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle, pronounce the words in chorus, accompanying them with movements:

I flew, I flew, I did not know when I was tired.

(Smoothly wave their hands.)

She sat down, sat down, flew again.

(They go down on one knee.)

I found friends for myself, we had fun .

(Smooth hand waves.)

The round dance led around, the sun was shining.

(They lead a round dance.)

"Cat on the Roof"

Target: develop coordination of movements; develop rhythmic, expressive speech.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle. In the center - "cat". The rest of the children are "mice". They quietly approach the "cat" and, shaking their fingers at each other, speak in chorus in an undertone:

Quieter than a mouse, quieter than a mouse ...

The cat is sitting on our roof.

Mouse, mouse, beware.

And don't get caught by the cat!

After these words, the "cat" chases the mice, they run away. It should be noted that the mouse house is a mink, where the "cat" has no right to run.

"Crane and frogs"

Target: develop attention, dexterity; learn to navigate by a signal.

Game progress: A large rectangle is drawn on the ground - a river. At a distance of 50 cm from it, children-"frogs" are sitting on bumps. A crane is sitting in its nest behind the children. The "frogs" sit down on the bumps and begin their concert:

Here from the hatched rot

Frogs flopped into the water.

And, inflating like a bubble,

They began to croak out of the water:

"Kva, ke, ke,

Kwa, ke, ke.

It will rain on the river. "

As soon as the frogs utter the last words, the crane flies out of the nest and catches them. "Frogs" jump into the water, where the "crane" is not allowed to catch them. The caught "frog" remains on the hummock until the "crane" flies away and the "frogs" come out of the water.

"Hare hunting"

Target: develop attention, agility, fast running.

Game progress: All the guys are "hares" and 2-3 "hunters". The "hunters" are on the opposite side, where a house is drawn for them.

Educator: -

No one is on the lawn.

Come out, brothers-bunnies,

Jump, somersault! ..

Ride in the snow! ..

"Hunters" run out of the house and hunt hares. The hunters take the caught "hares" into their house, and the game repeats itself.

"Man's buff with a bell"

Target: entertain children, help create a good, joyful mood in them.

Game progress: One of the children is given a bell. The other two children are blind man's buffs. They are blindfolded. The child with the bell runs away, and the blind man's buffs catch up with him. If one of the children succeeds in catching a child with a bell, then they change roles.



Game progress: Children (sparrows) sit on a bench (in nests) and sleep. To the teacher's words: “Sparrows live in the nest and everyone gets up early in the morning ", Children open their eyes, they say loudly:"Tweet-tweak-tweet, tweet-tweak-tweak! They sing so merrily. " After these words, the children scatter around the site. In the words of the teacher:« We flew into the nest! " - return to their places.


Target: develop agility, fast running.

Game progress: 2 children are selected: "bunny" and "wolf". Children form a circle holding hands. Behind the circle - "bunny". In the circle "wolf". Children lead a round dance and recite a poem. And the "bunny" jumps around the circle:

A little bunny gallops near the blockage,

The bunny is galloping fast, you catch him!

The "wolf" tries to run out of the circle and catch the "bunny". When the bunny is caught, the game continues with other players.

"Chanterelle and Chickens"

Target: develop fast running, agility.

Game progress: At one end of the site there are chickens and roosters in the hen house. On the opposite side there is a chanterelle. Chickens and roosters (from three to five players) walk around the site, pretending to peck at various insects, grains, etc. When a chanterelle sneaks up on them, the roosters shout: "Ku-ka-re-ku!" At this signal, everyone runs into the chicken coop, a chanterelle rushes after them, trying to stain any of the players.

If the driver fails to stain any of the players, then he drives again.

"Hares and Bears"

Target: develop dexterity, the ability to transform.

Game progress: The child-"bear" sits on his haunches and dozes. Children-"hares" jump around and tease him:

Brown bear, brown bear,

Why are you so gloomy?

The "bear" gets up and answers:

I didn’t treat myself to a medic

So he got angry with everyone.

1,2,3,4,5 - I'm starting to drive everyone!

After that, the "bear" catches the "hares".

"Where we were"

Target: develop motor skills and abilities; develop observation, attention, quick wits, breathing.

Game progress: The driver is selected by the reader. He walks out of the veranda. The remaining children agree on what movements they will make. Then the driver is invited. He says:"Hello children! Where were you, what were you doing? " Children answer: "Where we were, we will not tell, but what we did we will show!" If the driver guessed the movement performed by the children, then a new driver is selected. If he could not guess, he drives again.

"At the Bear in the Forest"

Target: learn to navigate in space; develop attention.

Game progress: A line is drawn at one end of the site. This is the edge of the forest. Behind the line, at a distance of 2-3 steps, a place for a bear is outlined. At the opposite end, the children's house is indicated by a line. The teacher appoints one of the playing as a bear (you can choose with a counting rhyme). The rest of the players are children, they are at home. The teacher says: "Go for a walk." Children go to the edge of the forest, pick mushrooms, berries, that is, imitate the appropriate movements and speak: "The bear in the forest,

I take mushrooms, berries, And the bear sits and growls at us. "

The bear gets up with a growl, the children run away. The bear tries to catch (touch) them. He takes the caught one to himself. The game resumes. After the bear catches 2-3 players, a new bear is appointed or selected. The game repeats itself.

"Flight of the birds"

Target: learn to move in one direction, quickly run away after the signal.

Game progress: Children stand in one corner of the site - they are birds. There are benches in the other corner. At the signal of the teacher: “The birds are flying away!”, The children, raising their hands, run around the playground. At the signal: "Storm!", They run to the benches and sit on them. At the signal from an adult: “The storm is over!”, The children get off the benches and continue running.

"Cucumber ... cucumber ..."

Target: to form the ability to jump on two legs in a forward direction; run without bumping into each other; perform game actions in accordance with the text.

Game progress: At one end of the hall there is a teacher, at the other end there are children. They approach the trap by jumping on two legs. The teacher says:Cucumber, cucumber do not go to that end, There the mouse lives, it will bite off your tail. " After the end of the chant, the children run away to their home. the teacher pronounces the words in such a rhythm that the children can jump twice for each word. After the children have mastered the game, the role of the mouse can be assigned to the most active children.

"Trap, take the tape!"

Target: develop dexterity, educate honesty, fairness in assessing behavior in the game.

Game progress: The players stand in a circle, choose a trap. Everyone, except for the trap, takes a colored tape and puts it in the back by the belt or by the collar. The trap stands in the center of the circle. At the signal of the teacher "Run!" children scatter around the playground. Trap catches up with them, trying to pull someone's ribbon. The one who has lost the ribbon temporarily moves aside. At the signal of the teacher "" One, two, three. Run into the circle quickly! " the children gather in a circle, the trap counts the number of ribbons and returns them to the children, the game resumes with a new trap.

"Colored cars"

Target: teach in accordance with the color of the flag to perform actions, to navigate in space.

Game progress: Children are placed at the edges of the playground, they are cars. Each has its own colored circle. The teacher is in the center, holding three colored flags. He picks up one, children with a circle of this color scatter in different directions. When the teacher lowers the flag, the children stop. The teacher raises a flag of a different color, etc.

"Potatoes" (Russian folk game)

Target: to acquaint with the folk game; learn to throw the ball.

Game progress: The players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other without catching it. When a player drops the ball, he sits in a circle (becomes a "potato"). From the circle, bouncing from a seated position, the player tries to catch the ball. If he catches, then he again becomes a player, and the player who missed the ball becomes a potato.
The game continues until one player remains or gets bored.

"Birds and the car"

Target: develop motor skills and abilities; develop auditory attention; the ability to move in accordance with the words of the poem.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle. These are "birds" in their nests. On the opposite side is the educator. It depicts a car. After the teacher's words:

Birds galloped, small birds,

They galloped merrily, pecked the grains.

Children - "birds" fly and jump, waving their arms. At the signal of the teacher: “The car is running down the street, puffing, in a hurry, the horn is honking. Tra-ta-ta-ta, beware, step aside. " Children-"birds" run away from the car.


Target: develop dexterity, the ability to act after the signal.

Game progress: The players are divided into two unequal groups. A smaller group of children holding hands form a circle. They represent a mousetrap. The rest of the children (mice) are outside the circle. Those depicting a mousetrap begin to walk in a circle, saying:

Oh, how tired the mice are

Divorced them - just a passion.

They gnawed everything, everyone ate,

They climb everywhere - that's the attack.

Beware, cheats,

We will get to you.

Let's slam the mousetrap

And we'll catch you right away!
Children stop, raise their clasped hands up, forming a gate. Mice run into and out of a mousetrap. At the signal of the teacher "Clap", the children standing in a circle lower their hands, squat down - the mousetrap slams shut. Mice that do not have time to run out of the circle (mousetrap) are considered caught. Those who are caught are in a circle, the mousetrap is enlarged. When most of the children are caught, the children switch roles and play resumes. The game is repeated 4-5 times. After the mousetrap has slammed shut, the mice should not crawl under the arms of those standing in a circle or try to break the clasped hands. The most dexterous children who never fell into a mousetrap should be noted.

"Run and not hit"

Target: develop dexterity of movement.

Game progress: A chain is laid out of large snowballs. The players' task is to run between snowballs and not hit them.

"Snow Woman" (Russian folk game)

Target: develop physical activity.

Game progress: The "Snow Woman" is selected. She squats at the end of the landing. Children go to her, stamping,

Baba Snezhnaya is standing

She sleeps in the morning, sleeps for days.

Waiting quietly in the evenings

At night everyone goes to scare.

At these words "Snow Woman" wakes up and catches the children. Whoever he catches becomes the "Snow Woman".

"Duck and Drake" (Russian folk game)

Target: to acquaint with Russian folk games; develop speed of movement.

Game progress: The two players represent the Duck and the Drake. The rest form a circle and hold hands. The duck is in a circle, and the Drake is behind a circle. Drake tries to slip into the circle and catch the Duck, while everyone sings:

Drake, catching a duck,
Young catches gray.
Go duck home
Go gray home.
You have seven children

Eighth drake.

"Get into the hoop"

Target: develop accuracy, eye.

Game progress: Children throw snowballs into the hoop from a distance of 5-6 m.

"Snowballs and Wind"

Target: develop motor skills.

Game progress: Children stand in a circle holding hands. At the signal of the teacher: “The wind blew out strong, strong. Fly away, snowflakes! " - scatter in different directions around the site, spread their arms to the sides, sway, spin. The teacher says: “The wind has stopped! Come back, snowflakes in a circle! " - children run into a circle and join hands.

"Beware, I will freeze"

Target: develop agility.

Game progress: All the players gather on one side of the playground, the teacher is with them. "Run away, beware, catch up and freeze," says the teacher. Children run to the opposite side of the playground to hide in the house.

"Empty place"

Target: develop responsiveness, dexterity, speed, attention.

Game progress: Children hold the hoop with their right hand and move clockwise, and the leader goes in the opposite direction with the words:

I walk around the house

And I stroke the window

I'll go to one

And I'll knock softly:


All children stop. The player, next to whom the presenter stopped, asks: "Who came?" the presenter calls the name of the child and continues:

With your back to me

Let's run, we'll run.

Which one of us is young

Will she run home quickly?

The leader and the child run in opposite directions. The winner is the one who is the first to take an empty space near the circle.

"Shaggy dog"

Purpose: to develop attention, fast running; to teach in different ways to designate objects in the game.

Course of the game: Children stand on one side of the playground. The driver, the dog, is on the other side. Children quietly approach him with the words:

Here lies a shaggy dog

Burying my nose in my paws.

Quietly, calmly, he lies,

Either asleep, or asleep.

Let's go to him, wake him up,

And let's see something happens !

After these words, the dog jumps up and barks loudly. Children scatter, and the dog tries to catch them.

"We are funny guys"

Target: develop dexterity, attention.

Game progress: Children stand on one side of the playground outside the line. A line is also drawn on the opposite side - these are houses. There is a trap in the center of the site. The chorus members say:

We are funny guys, we love to run and jump

Well, try to catch up with us.

1,2,3 - catch!

After the word "Catch!" children run across to the other side of the playground, and the trap tries to catch them. The one whom the trap manages to touch to the line are considered caught and move aside, missing one dash. After two runs, another trap is chosen.


Target: learn to move and speak at the same time, to act quickly after the signal.

Game progress: The players stand in a circle. There is a rope on the ground, the ends of which are tied. They come up to the rope, lift it from the ground and, holding on to it with their right (or left) hands, walk in a circle with the words:

Barely, barely, barely, barely

The carousels spun

And then around, around

All running, running, running.

The players move slowly at first, and after the word "run" they run.

At the command of the head "Turn!" they quickly grab the rope with their other hand and run in the opposite direction. In words:

Hush, hush, take your time

Stop the carousel

One and two, one and two

So the game is over.

The carousel movement gradually slows down and stops with the last words. The players put the rope on the ground and run across the court. At the signal, they rush to sit down on the merry-go-round again, that is, grab the rope with their hand, and the game resumes. You can take seats on the carousel only until the third bell (claps). The latecomer does not ride the carousel.

"Kittens and puppies"

Target: learn to move beautifully on toes, combine movement with words; develop agility.

Game progress: The players are divided into two groups. Children of one group represent "kittens", the other - "puppies". "Kittens" are near the bench; "Puppies" - on the other side of the site. The teacher suggests that the "kittens" run around easily, softly. To the teacher's words: "Puppies!" - the second group of children climbs over the benches. They run after the "kittens" and bark: "Av-av-av". "Kittens", meowing, quickly climb onto the bench. The teacher is always there. The "puppies" return to their houses. After 2-3 repetitions, the children switch roles and the game continues.


Target: teach children to form a circle, changing its size depending on the game actions; to form the ability to coordinate actions with the spoken words.

Game progress: Children, together with the teacher, holding hands, form a circle and pronounce the words:

Blow up the bubble, blow up big.

Stay that way and don't burst.

The players, in accordance with the text, step back holding hands until the teacher says, “The bubble has burst!”. Then the players squat down and say "Clap!" And they go to the center of the circle with the sound "shhhh". then they again stand in a circle.

"Vaska the cat"

Target: develop attention, dexterity.

Game progress: Children lead a round dance, a cat "sleeps" in the middle.

Mice dance
The cat is dozing on the couch.
Hush, mice, do not make noise,
Don't wake up Vaska the cat.
How Vaska's cat wakes up
Will break our round dance.

The cat wakes up, catches mice. The mice run away to the houses.

"Cabbage" (Russian folk game)

Target: develop dexterity of movement.

Game progress : The circle is a vegetable garden. In the middle are folded scarves representing cabbage. The "owner" sits down next to the cabbage and says:

I sit on a pebble, amuse pegs with crayons,

I amuse the pegs with small pegs, my garden is my city.

So that the cabbage is not stolen, they do not run to the garden

Wolves and tits, beavers and martens,

The mustachioed hare, the clubfoot bear.

Children try to run into the "vegetable garden", grab the "cabbage" and run away. Whom the "owner" catches - is eliminated from the game.

"Who lives where"

Target: teach to group plants according to their structure; develop attention, memory, orientation in space.

Game progress: Children are divided into two groups: "Squirrels" and "bunnies". "Squirrels" are looking for plants behind which they can hide, and "bunnies" - under which they can hide. "Squirrels" hide behind trees, and "bunnies" - behind bushes. They choose the driver - "fox". "Bunnies" and "squirrels" are running around the clearing. At the signal: "Danger - fox!" - "squirrels" run to the tree, "hares" - to the bushes. Whoever has done the wrong job, those "fox" catches.

"Children and the Wolf"

Target: develop motor skills and abilities; to learn to understand and use verbs of the past tense and verbs of the imperative mood in speech.

Game progress: Children stand on one side of the playground in front of the drawn line. On the opposite side, behind a "tree" (chair or post), sits the "wolf" - the leader. The teacher says:

Children walked in the forest, picked strawberries,
There are many berries everywhere - both on the bumps and in the grass.

Children disperse around the playground, run. The teacher continues:

But then the branches crackled ...

Children, children, don't yawn
The wolf is after the spruce - run away!

Children scatter, the "wolf" catches them. The captured child becomes a "wolf" and the game starts over.

"Butterflies, frogs and herons"

Target: develop physical activity, attention.

Game progress: Children run freely on the playground. At the signal of the teacher, they begin to imitate the movements of butterflies (waving their "wings", circling), frogs (dropping on all fours and jumping), herons (freezing, standing on one leg). As soon as the teacher says: "We ran again!", They again begin to run around the site in arbitrary directions.


Target: develop coordination of movements, orientation in space; exercise in the pronunciation of sounds.

Game progress: Children choose "hawk" and "mistress". The rest of the children are "pigeons". The "hawk" stands aside, and the "mistress" drives the "pigeons": "Shoot, shove!" The "pigeons" fly away, and the "hawk" catches them. Then the “mistress” calls out: “Guli-guli-guli” - and the “doves” flock to the “mistress”. The one whom the "hawk" has caught becomes the "hawk", and the former "hawk" becomes the "mistress".

"Move items"

Target: to develop coordination in space, dexterity, speed of reaction.

Game progress: On the ground on opposite sides, 2-4 circles are drawn. Different objects (pins, cubes, toys) are placed in one circle, the other remains free. Children stand in two ranks (or one column) and, upon a signal from the teacher, begin to carry objects one by one from another circle.

Squat Catch

Target: develop dexterity, speed.

Game progress: The players choose the driver, and they themselves scatter around the site. The driver catches up with them, trying to stain them. The player who is chased by the driver can sit down and touch the ground with his hand. In this position, it cannot be stained. However, the driver can stand two steps away from the crouch and count to five. If the player does not run away when the count is "five", the driver may spot him. The game is played within the area, the border of which is not allowed to leave. The one who breaks this rule becomes the driver. The winner is the one who has never been in the role of a driver. "Who has the ball?" With the help of a count, the driver is selected, who stands in the center of the circle. Children stand in a circle tightly with their shoulders to each other, hands behind their backs. The driver must guess who has the ball. The instructor starts the game with a small ball in his hand. Walking in a circle, the instructor gives the ball into the hand of one of the players, and the children must pass this ball to one side or the other in a circle so that the driver does not notice. "Find and be silent" The physical education instructor starts the game. He shows the children a toy, the children remember it. The instructor invites everyone to squat at the end of the playground, facing the wall, and he quickly hides the toy and warns the children that whoever finds the toy first should not point a finger at it and say aloud where it is hidden. At the instructor's command: “We are looking. "" Children get up, calmly walk and look. Whoever found it first - comes up to the instructor and speaks so that the rest will not hear. The game continues until most of the children - find the toy. The most attentive and resourceful player who was the first to find the toy is noted He hides it next The game is repeated 2 times. "Make a figure" At the signal of the physical education instructor, the players assume the figure or pose of some fairytale hero, animal, insect, etc. The music stops, the instructor marks the most interesting figure. The game is repeated 3-4 times. "Fishing rod" The players stand in a circle, in the center is a physical education instructor. He is holding a rope with a sandbag tied to it. At the command of the instructor: “Start! ”He begins to rotate the rope in a circle above the floor. Players, as they approach the rope, jump over it with two feet together, jump high so that the rope does not touch their feet. Having described 3-4 laps, the instructor stops and counts the number of players hitting the bag. The game continues 2-3 times. "Flies, does not fly" Children stand in a circle or in a line, the instructor stands so that everyone can see and hear him clearly. He begins to name animate and inanimate objects that fly and do not fly. Calls the subject and raises his hands up. Children should raise their hands up if a flying object is named, for example:

Physical education instructor:

Parachutist (raises his hands up).

Children raise their hands up.

Children raise their hands up.

Children raise their hands up.

"Take it quickly" The physical education instructor places cubes, balls, sandbags, small rubber toys, cones all over the playground, which should be 1-2 less than the number of children playing. To the music, children run around, between objects. As soon as the music stops, the children take one object at a time and raise it above their heads. Anyone who did not manage to pick up any object is considered a loser. The game is repeated 2-3 times. "Entertainers" With the help of a counting, an entertainer is selected, who stands in the center of the circle formed by the children. Holding hands, the children walk in a circle to the right, then to the left and say:

In an even circle one after another

We go step by step.

Stand still!

Friendly together

Let's do it like this.

Children stop, give up, and the entertainer shows some movement. Everyone should repeat it. The one who best repeats the movement becomes the new entertainer. The game is repeated 2-3 times. "Don't get caught" 2-3 drivers are selected from those who play with the help of a counting board, they stand in the center of the circle. The rest of the children stand in a circle and, at the signal of the instructor, begin to jump in and out of it with both legs as the drivers approach. The fastest driver, who caught the most of the players, and the dexterous player, who have never been caught, are noted. The game is repeated with a change of drivers 2 times. "Don't stay on the floor" With the help of a counting board, a driver is selected who runs with the children throughout the hall. As soon as the instructor says: “Catch! ", Everyone runs away from the driver and as he approaches they climb some kind of hill (bench, cubes, stairs, chair, and the driver tries to catch the runners. Those whom he touched move aside. At the end of the game, the caught players are counted. The game continues with a new driver, and the driver who has caught the most players is noted. "Swan geese" On one side of the hall, the house in which the "geese" are located is indicated. On the opposite side of the hall there is a "shepherd". On the side of the site is the lair of the "wolf". The rest of the place is a meadow. With the help of a counting-board, “wolf” and “shepherd” are selected, the rest of the children are “geese”. The "shepherd" drives the "geese" out to the "meadow", I run for a walk.

Shepherd: Geese, geese!

Geese (in unison): Ha - ha - ha!

Shepherd: Do you want to eat?

Geese (in unison): Yes, yes, yes!

Shepherd: So fly here!

Geese (in unison): We can't! The gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home.

Shepherd: So fly as you want, only take care of your wings.

The “geese” run home through the “wolf's” den, and the “wolf” runs out of the den and tries to catch the “geese”. "Geese" are noted, which ran away from the "wolf" and returned home safely. The game continues with another "shepherd" and "wolf". "Flies, does not fly" Children stand in a circle or in a line, the physical education instructor stands so that everyone can clearly see and hear him. He begins to name animate and non-animate objects that fly and do not fly. Calls the subject and raises his hands up. Children should raise their hands up if they named a flying object, for example:

Physical education instructor: Parachutist (hands up).

Children raise their hands up.

Physical education instructor: Airplane (hands up).

Children raise their hands up.

Physical education instructor: Helicopter (hands up).

Children raise their hands up.

Physical education instructor: Home (hands up).

Children do not raise their hands up, etc.

At the end, the instructor counts those players who never made a mistake and were attentive.

"Firefighters in training" Children are built in two columns at the starting line at a distance of 4-5 m from the gymnastic staircase. A bell is suspended on the gymnastic staircase at the top. At the command of the instructor: “March! "The first children run, climb the stairs, ring the bell, go down, run back, passing the baton on the shoulder to the next" fireman ". The winner is the team of "firefighters" that will cope with the task faster. "Edible - inedible" Children stand in a circle or in a line. In the center of the circle or in front of the line, there is a physical education instructor with a large ball in his hands. This game can also be played by one of the children. The driver throws the ball, naming edible-inedible, for example: Physical education instructor: Pasta with meat. The child catches the ball and throws it back. Physical education instructor: Cake. The child catches the ball and throws it back. Physical education instructor: Ice cream. The child catches the ball and throws it back. Physical education instructor: House. The child does not catch the ball. Physical education instructor: TV. The child does not catch the ball. Physical education instructor: Machine. The child does not catch the ball, etc. "Third wheel" Children are divided into pairs, standing in the back of the head one after the other, while forming a large circle. Two drivers remain outside the circle, and at the instructor's command: “Run! "One catches up to the other, running in a circle after all the standing pairs. In this case, the evader can at any time stand in front of any pair, and the third in this pair runs away from the catching one. If the catch-up catches the evader, then they switch roles. "Tops, roots" Children stand in a circle or in a row. In the center of the circle or in front of the line, an instructor stands with a large ball in his hands. This game can also be played by one of the children. The driver throws the ball, calling tops or roots, for example:

Physical Education Instructor: Eggplant.

Child; Tops (catches the ball and throws it back).

Physical education instructor: Radish.

Child: Roots (catches the ball and throws it back).

Child: Roots (catches the ball and throws it back).

Physical education instructor: Strawberry.

Child: Tops (catches the ball and throws it back).

Physical Education Instructor: Garlic.

Child: Roots (catches the ball and throws it back).

Child: Tops (catches the ball and throws it back), etc.

Children are noted who have never made a mistake.

"Frost - Red Nose" With the help of a counting board, the driver is selected - "frost", who stands in the center of the site, and his house is on the side. The rest of the players stand on the same side of the court with a line.

Frost: I am Frost - Red nose, Which of you will decide On the path, the path will start.

Children (in unison): We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost!

After the words, the children should run across to the opposite side of the site beyond the line "where" frost "has no right to run across. The distance from the starting line to the finish line is 3-4 m. Whoever is caught by the "frost" during the dash leads to his house. Those "frosts" are noted, which in one dash caught a larger number of players. The game is repeated with a different "frost". "Vegetables and fruits" Children stand in a circle or in a row. In the center of the circle or in front of the line, an instructor stands with a large ball in his hands. This game can also be played by one of the children. The driver throws the ball, naming a vegetable or fruit, for example:

Physical education instructor: Carrots.

Physical education instructor: Cabbage.

Child: Vegetable (catches the ball and throws it back).

Physical education instructor: Orange.

Physical education instructor: Grapes.

Child: Fruit (catches the ball and throws it back).

Physical education instructor: Pineapple.

Child: Fruit (catches the ball and throws it back).

Physical education instructor: Cucumbers.

Child: Vegetables (catches the ball and throws it back).

Physical education instructor: Potatoes.

Child: Vegetable (catches the ball and throws it back).

Physical education instructor: Pear.

Child: Fruit (catches the ball and throws it back).

Children are noted who have never made a mistake.

"Hunters and Hares" The “hunter” is selected with the help of the counting-rack, the rest of the children are “hares”. On one side of the hall is the house of the "hunter", on the other - the house of the "hares". At the beginning of the music, a "hunter" comes out and looks for traces of "hares", then returns to himself. "Hares" jump out of their house and jump across the entire clearing on two legs in different fixes. At the instructor's command: “Hunter! "The" hares "run away to their house, and the" hunter "throws small balls at the" hares ", as if shooting from a gun. The one who was hit by the ball by the "hunter" is considered killed and goes to the house of the "hunter". The game is repeated with a new "hunter". The most accurate "hunter" is noted, with the majority of the killed "hares". "Counting" Children for the preparatory group know a lot of counting-check. All the players stand in a circle, one of the guys, the driver, who is standing behind the circle, begins to pronounce the counting rhyme, pointing - in turn to each player. On whom the counting ended, he becomes the next driver. One of the children is noted who correctly divides words into syllables, who has a good memory and who told a lot of counting rhymes. The funniest and most interesting rhyme is also celebrated.


The grandmother was sowing peas.

He was born thick,

We'll rush - you're empty!

A bunny is running along the road

Yes, my legs were very tired.

The bunny wanted to sleep

Come out - look for you!

A heron walks through the swamp

Will not find a job.

She sat on the stumps,

She ate five frogs at once.

One, two, three, four, five,

Come out - look for you!

Our Tom wanted to eat,

He climbed into the refrigerator.

Sour cream in the fridge

Meat, fish, eggplant,

Cucumbers and grapes.

Zucchini and lemonade.

If you want to eat too,

So come out soon!

Jerry has a fun life

Jerry sings songs!

One, two, three, four, five,

Come on Jerry, sing it again!

"Witch" With the help of the counting board, a "sorcerer" is selected, who stands in the center of the circle built by the rest of the players. The players walk in a circle with the words:

We are funny guys

We love to jump and jump,

Well, try to catch up with us!

All the children run away. Anyone touched by the "sorcerer" is considered bewitched. The child who has been bewitched stands in place, feet shoulder-width apart. Other children can disenchant him if they crawl on all fours between the legs of the bewitched. Enchanted children are not allowed to stand close to the wall. The game continues with the change of the "sorcerer" 3 times. Those children who ran away from the "sorcerer" and those who bewitched the most children are noted. "Whoever was named, he catches" One driver is selected, who stands in a hoop lying on the floor in the center of the site. At the command of the instructor: “Start! »Children run, jump, walk. The driver throws the ball up, loudly speaking someone's name, for example Vasya, and runs away. Vasya runs, catches the ball, gets into the hoop, also calls out his name. Throws the ball, runs away, etc. "Mice and houses" With the help of a counting board, the driver is selected. The rest of the children stand in rings or circles drawn on the floor and take places in them - "mice in houses". The driver comes up to some house and says: “Mouse, mouse, sell the house! "She refuses. Then the driver goes to the other "mouse". At this time, the "mouse", who refused to sell the house, summons one of the players and changes place with him. The driver seeks to take the place of one of the runners. If he succeeds, then the one left without a place becomes a driver. Beli fails, then he goes from house to house with a request to sell the house. If the driver says: “The cat is coming! ", Then everyone should change places, and the driver seeks to occupy someone's house. "Guess by touch" With the help of a counting, the driver is selected, he stands in the center of the circle with a blindfold. The rest of the children stand in a circle. The instructor slowly turns the driver, who approaches the player and determines who it is by touch. The most attentive driver is celebrated. The game continues with another driver 3-4 times. "Four forces" Players stand in a circle. The physical education instructor explains that there are 4 elements: water, air, earth, fire. For example, fish, frogs, crayfish live in water, people, animals, insects, etc. live on the ground, but no one lives in fire. If the driver throws the ball and says: "Water", "Earth" or "Air", then the player to whom the ball was thrown must catch him, name the one who lives in this element, and throw the ball back to the driver. If the driver says: “Fire! ", Then the ball cannot be caught. For an incorrect answer or a ball caught on the word "fire" the player is out of the game. Play until the last remaining participant. "Crucian carp and pike" On opposite sides of the playground, the "carp" houses are marked with lines. The driver is chosen by the counting tool - "pike". All other children are “crucians”. "Karasi" are divided into two teams and go to their homes, and "pike" is in the middle of the site. At the instructor's signal, all "crucians" run (swim) to the opposite side. "Pike" catches running across. The one who is caught stands to the side. After 2-3 runs, when the caught "carp" will be 5-6, they form a network: they stand in one line in the middle of the site and hold each other's hands. Now, at the instructor's signal, the "crucians" run to the other side through the net (under their arms, and the "pike" stands behind the net and catches those who run out of it. The caught "crucians" also join the net. The game ends when all the "crucians" are overfished. Then a new driver is selected, or the last caught “crucian” becomes the “pike.” The instructor can, after 2-3 runs, appoint one of the children as the “pike”. "Season, months and days of the week" Children stand in a large circle. The phase-culture instructor gives, for example, Olya a big ball and asks her to name the months of summer. Olya takes the ball, goes to the center of the circle, hits it on the floor with both hands and calls: June, July, August and passes the ball to whoever she wants, for example, Andrey. The instructor asks him to name the days of the week. Yura - 4 seasons, Alina - the months of spring, Katya - how many days in a week, Pavlik - what time of year it is, etc. Those who incorrectly answered the question or those who think for a long time leave the game. The one who remains the last wins. "Shander-mander" All players stand in a large circle. With the help of a counting board, the driver is selected, who stands in the center of the circle with a large ball in his hands. The driver beats the si on the floor with two or one hand and says:

Shander-mander lippopander (children run and stop at the end of the words).

I twist, twirl, whoever I want, It will be. (player's name)

The driver speaks loudly how many steps are to the one whom he named, for example, to Sasha. There are 3 giant steps before him (large, wide steps, 5 ordinary, 7 ant (mincing steps) and 2 hare steps (jumping on two legs). The driver performs these steps and reaches Sasha. Throws him a ball, Sasha catches and starts the game again. If Sasha does not catch, then the same child remains the driver.You can name 2 or 3 types of walking, all 4 are possible. "What changed?" The physical education instructor puts small rubber toys in front of the children, invites them to look carefully and remember them. On command: “Close your eyes! »Children close their eyes and the instructor quickly swaps toys or removes one. On command: “We opened our eyes! »Children open their eyes and answer what has changed or what has not become. The most attentive children are noted. The game is repeated 2-3 times. "Defense of the fortification" Children stand in a circle. With the help of a counting board, a defender is selected who protects the pin, which stands in a small drawn circle in the center of a large one. The players try to knock the pin down with the ball. The ball can be thrown, but the thrower cannot go out and change his place from the common circle. The one who manages to knock down the pin takes the place of the defender. "Stream" Children become pairs, holding hands, stand with each other and form a long "corridor", hands raised up. One child, left without a pair, begins to move the stream. He goes into the brook from the end of the "corridor" and goes to the beginning of the stream, taking the hand of your comrade from the pair, whom he wants. The child left without a pair | away from the stream to the end of the "corridor", then enters the stream, taking whoever he wants by the hand, and so on. Thus, the stream slowly flows, moving forward. "Horses and Runners" A playground is outlined for 3x3 or 5x5 m. Children are divided into two teams: racers and runners. On one side of the site is the horse house. Runners run across the playing area within its boundaries. The horses send one of their team to the field (to the court). The horse catches the runners by jumping on one leg. The physical education instructor calls the horse: “Home! ". He returns, and instead of him the next player in turn jumps out into the field. And so the horses change all the time. Captured runners are captured by the horses. The game ends when all players in the field are overfished. Then the teams switch roles. The game repeats itself. "Sweet words" Children stand in a circle and, passing the ball in any direction, say affectionate words, for example Sasha says: "Darling" and passes the ball to Katya, she says: "Sunny" and passes the ball to Christina, etc. Those who repeat the words, are considered to be losers and are out of the game. The winner is the one who utters the most affectionate words.

Outdoor play is not only good for your health, it also builds communication skills in children. Children begin to understand what mutual assistance is, how sometimes it is important to subordinate their desires to common interests, and all this will be useful to them in adult life.

Active games in the fresh air saturate the child's body with oxygen, and this improves both muscle work and brain activity. You can play on the playground in the yard, as well as in parks and recreation areas. So that children do not get tired quickly, it is better to alternate outdoor games with more calm ones.

1. Touch the ball

Children stand in a circle, their task is to pass the ball on outstretched arms so that the driver behind the circle does not get the ball. Whoever has the ball "stained" in his hands becomes the driver instead. According to the rule: the ball cannot be thrown to each other, and if someone drops the ball, then it is out of the game.

2. The locomotive

Children stand behind each other, hold on to the one in front. At the head of the locomotive, the leader is the driver, who leads him along his route. Children should follow the leader, repeat his movements. If he jumps, then the guys standing behind him should jump one after the other, too, if he turns around the tree, then the "locomotive" follows him. According to the rule: children should not unhook from each other, the leader is not allowed to run fast.

3. Bees

The kids are in a line, a line is drawn in front of them 15-20 meters with chalk. This is a bee house. Two or three people (bees) stand behind the line and at the command of the leader begin to slowly move towards the guys with the words: “We went to the forest lawn, raising our legs higher, through bushes and bumps, through branches and stumps. Look - the hollow of a tall tree. Evil bees are flying out! " The bees begin to spin. At this time, the players say the words: "We are not afraid of the swarm of bees, let's run home now" and try to run behind the line behind the bees. They are trying to catch the guys, "sting". Whom the bee "stung", in the next round it takes its place.

4. Into the forest for berries

The driver is chosen - a bear. He "sleeps" in a designated place - a den. Children go out of the house (outline a circle) into the forest for berries (instead of berries, you can use any light objects). They say: The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries. The bear is hateful, froze on the stove. " At a sign from the leader, the bear suddenly wakes up and rushes to catch the children in the clearing. The winner is not only the one who ran away from the bear, but also brought home more berries. Whom the driver caught first takes his place in the next round.

5. Cat and mouse

Children stand in a circle, hold hands, in the center - "mouse". There is a "cat" behind the circle at a short distance. The hands of children are raised up, when the cat approaches, the hands are lowered - the gate closes. If the cat tries to get through the bottom, then the children squat, preventing the cat from climbing into the circle. If she manages to run through the screen, the opposite side quickly releases the mouse from the circle, then closing the passage for the cat. This game is for attention and quick reaction.

6. Sparrows

A circle is outlined - with a diameter of 3-4 m, inside it there is a driver - a "falcon". The rest of the children are "little sparrows". Their task is to "peck the grains" that are inside the circle. Therefore, they jump in and out of the circle in such a way that the falcon does not stain them. Whom the falcon touches becomes the driver in the next round.

7. The quieter you go, the further you will be

Two lines are drawn at a distance of about 5 m. The driver is selected. In one feature, the player becomes, in the second, the driver with his back to the player. The driver says: “The quieter you go, the farther you will be. Stop "and turns around abruptly. At this time, the player moving in his direction must stop. If he did not have time to "freeze", then he becomes instead of the driver. Several people can take part in the game.

8. Lions and Zebras

A place is chosen - the steppe, where zebras graze, the river is indicated by the lines. Children are zebras. A leader is chosen - a lion, who stands on a dais (his lair) and says: “A lion went out hunting, his anger is very terrible! One, two, three, start the game. " The lion is trying to catch the "prey", the zebras run away. They can "jump" over the river, there is a safe place where the lion cannot reach them. If a lion catches a zebra, he takes it to his den.

9. "The King Loves"

The driver is chosen - the king. A line is drawn, on it the king stands with his back to the players and says two phrases: "The king loves ..." and "The king does not love ...", while naming two colors. For example, if the king says: "The king loves the color blue," then children in blue clothes pass by the king calmly. If he says: "The king does not like red," then the guys in clothes with red inserts or drawings should run past the king behind the line so that he does not touch them.

Outdoor games

for older preschool children

"Quickly to places"

The players line up in a column one at a time and stretch their arms forward, lightly touching the shoulders of the one in front of them. At the command of the educator (leader) “Run away!”, Everyone should scatter in different directions. On the command: "Quickly to places!", Everyone should line up in and. etc., putting your hands on the shoulders in front of the one standing. The one who took the place last loses.


1. You can't push, but you need to quickly find your place.

2. Hands must be placed in front of the player standing.

"Stick-hands on the wall"

The driver is chosen, who stands in the middle. All others are in no particular order. A large area needs to be limited. The driver - "tag" - raises his hands and says loudly: "I am a tag!" After that, everyone scatters within the site, and the "tag" tries to catch up with one of the fleeing. A player who has been touched by the hand is considered salted and becomes a tag.


1. The driver can catch only after he says “I’m a tag!”.

2. The new driver has no right to immediately catch the former driver.

3. You can’t grease someone who has time to put both palms on the wall.

"Animal Seller"

At one end of the site, the place for the house in which the buyer "lives" is designated. A place for the seller is indicated 14-20 steps from the house. The starting line is drawn even further, 3-5 steps from the seller's location. In front of it, players line up who take the names of animals, for example: dog, rooster, chicken, cat, cow, horse, sheep, goat, etc. The names are known to the seller, but unknown to the buyer who is in his house. The buyer approaches the seller and asks: "Can I buy a horse from you?" The seller replies: “Yes, you can. It costs 10 rubles. " With these words, a player called "horse" runs to the buyer's house, and from there back to the original place. The buyer pays the price for the "horse" according to this price by the number of blows to the seller's outstretched hand and then runs after his animal. If the buyer catches up, then the animal becomes him, if not, it returns to its original place and gets a new place (new name of the animal). After the buyer has captured all the animals, the game ends.


1. You cannot set a price higher than 10 rubles.

2. If the player reaches the buyer's house before him, then the buyer must run to the house before he is allowed to catch the returning player.

"Team fishing rod"

The game requires a rope with a ribbon at the end or just a jump rope. The players are divided into 2 teams. All players stand in a circle, and the driver with a rope - in the middle of the circle. The driver, standing in the middle of the circle, rotates the rope so that the end of the rope (rope) slides under the feet of the jumping players. The participants in the game carefully monitor the movement of the rope and jump up at the moment when the rope is near their feet. The one who touched loses the rope loses a point. After each mistake, the score is announced loudly. The team that made the fewest mistakes wins, that is, with the fewest points.


1.Caught is the one whose leg is touched by the rope no higher than the ankle.

2.When rotating the rope, it is not allowed to leave its place from it. If this rule is violated, the score is increased by 1 point.

"Relay of animals"

The players are divided into 2-4 teams of equal teams and line up in columns one by one, one parallel to the other. The players on the teams accept the names of the beasts. Let's say: 1-bears, 2-wolves, 3-foxes, etc. Everyone remembers what kind of animal he portrays. The leader calls out loudly any beast. Players bearing the name of this beast run forward, run around the object in front of them and return to their place. The one who runs back first wins a point for his team. The head of the beasts is broken down, on your own. Some may be summoned several times. The players who have come running fall into their places every time. The team that earns the most points wins.


1. If both (all) players come running at the same time, no point will be awarded to anyone.

2. If the player does not reach the final destination, the point is earned by his partner from the other team.

"Jumping Sparrows"

A circle with a diameter of 4-6 meters is drawn on the floor (asphalt). The driver is chosen - "cat", which crouches or stands in the middle of the circle. The rest of the sparrows are outside the circle. At the signal from the head, the "sparrows" begin to jump in and out of the circle. The "cat" tries to catch the "sparrow" who did not have time to jump out of the circle. Caught crouches or sits down in the center of the circle. You can put those caught on a bench next to the circle. When the "cat" catches 3-4 "sparrows", a new "cat" is selected from the uncaught "sparrows". Caught, they become "sparrows" and come into play. The winner is the one who has never been caught.


1. A cat can catch "sparrows" only in a circle.

2. A sparrow is considered caught if the cat touches with its hand at least one leg, which is in the circle. Anyone who has run through the circle is considered caught.

Outdoor games are of great importance in a child's life, as they are an irreplaceable means for a child to gain knowledge and ideas about the world around him. They also affect the development of thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, moral and volitional qualities. Outdoor games for children strengthen physical health, teach life situations, help the child to get the correct development.

Outdoor games for preschoolers

Outdoor games for a younger preschooler

Younger preschoolers in play tend to imitate whatever they see. In the outdoor games of children, as a rule, it is not communication with peers that is manifested, but a reflection of the life that adults or animals live. Children at this age happily fly like sparrows, jump like bunnies, flap their wings like butterflies. Due to the developed ability to imitate, most of the outdoor games of children of primary preschool age have a plot character.

  • Outdoor game "Mice dance in a circle"

Purpose: to develop physical activity

Description: before starting the game, you must select the driver - "cat". The cat chooses a “stove” for itself (it can be a bench or a chair), sits on it and closes its eyes. All other participants join hands and begin to dance around the cat with the words:

The mice are dancing
A cat is dozing on the stove.
Hush the mouse, do not make noise,
Don't wake up the cat Vaska,
Vaska's cat will wake up -
Will break our round dance! "

While pronouncing the last words, the cat stretches, opens his eyes and starts chasing mice. The caught participant becomes a cat, and the game starts over.

  • The game "Sun and Rain"

Tasks: to teach children to find their place in the game, to navigate in space, to develop the ability to perform actions at the signal of the teacher.

Description: Children sit on high chairs in the hall. Chairs are their "home". After the teacher's words: “What good weather, go for a walk!”, The guys get up and start moving in an arbitrary direction. As soon as the teacher says: "It's raining, run home!", The children should run to the chairs and take their place. The teacher says "Cap - Cap - Cap!" The rain gradually dies down and the teacher says: “Go for a walk. The rain is over! "

  • The game "Sparrows and a cat"

Tasks: teach children to jump gently, bending their knees, run, dodge the driver, run away, find their place.

Description: Circles - "nests" are drawn on the ground. Sparrow children sit in their nests on one side of the playground. On the other side of the site is the "cat". As soon as the "cat" slumbers, the "sparrows" fly out onto the road, fly from place to place, looking for crumbs, grains. The "cat" wakes up, meows, runs after the sparrows, which must fly to their nests.

First, the role of the "cat" is performed by the educator, then by one of the children.

  • An outdoor game "Sparrows and a car"

Another game for children 3-5 years old about sparrows.

Tasks: teach children to run in different directions, start moving or change it at the signal of the leader, find their place.

Description: Children are "sparrows" sitting in their "nests" (on a bench). The teacher portrays a "car". As soon as the teacher says: "The sparrows flew to the path", the children get up from the bench and start running around the playground. At the signal of the teacher: "The car is going, fly the sparrows to their nests!" - the "car" leaves the "garage", and the children must return to the "nests" (sit on the bench). The "car" returns to the "garage".

  • Game "Cat and Mice"

There are many games for kids with cats and mice as participants. Here is one of them.

Objectives: This outdoor game helps children develop the ability to perform movement on a signal. Exercise in different directions while running.

Description: Children - "mice" sit in burrows (on chairs along the wall). In one of the corners of the playground there is a "cat" - a teacher. The cat falls asleep, and the mice scatter around the room. The cat wakes up, meows, begins to catch mice that run into their burrows and take their places. When all the mice return to their burrows, the cat walks through the hall again, then returns to its place and falls asleep.

  • An outdoor game for preschoolers "A bear in the forest"

Tasks: develop the speed of reaction to a verbal signal, exercise children in running, develop attention.

Description: One driver is chosen from among the participants, who will be the "bear". Draw two circles on the playground. The first circle is the bear's den, the second circle is the house for the rest of the game participants. The game begins with the children leaving the house with the words:

The bear in the forest
I take mushrooms and berries.
And the bear does not sleep
And growls at us.

As soon as the children uttered these words, the "bear" runs out of the den and catches the children. The one who did not manage to reach the house and was caught by the "bear" becomes the driver ("bear").

  • Through a brook (outdoor game with jumping)

Tasks: Teach you to jump correctly, walk along a narrow path, keep balance.

Description: On the site, two lines are drawn at a distance of 1.5 - 2 meters from one another. At this distance, pebbles are drawn at a certain distance from each other.

The players stand at the edge - on the bank of the stream, they must cross (jump) it over the pebbles without getting their feet wet. Those who stumbled - wet their feet, go to dry them in the sun - sit on a bench. Then they re-enter the game.

  • Game "Birds and a cat"

Objectives: To teach to follow the rules of the game. React to the signal.

Description: for the game you will need a mask of a cat and birds, a large circle drawn.

Children stand in a circle from the outside. One child stands in the center of the circle (cat), falls asleep (closes his eyes), and the birds jump into the circle and fly there, pecking grains. The cat wakes up and begins to catch the birds, and they run away around the circle.

  • Game "Snowflakes and Wind"

Objectives: To exercise in running in different directions, without bumping into each other, to act on a signal.

Description: At the signal "Wind!" children - "snowflakes" - run around the playground in different directions, whirl ("the wind swirls snowflakes in the air"). At the signal "No wind!" - squat ("snowflakes fell to the ground").

    Outdoor game "Find yourself a match"

Tasks: develop in children the ability to perform actions on a signal, quickly build up in pairs.

Description: Participants stand along the wall. Each of them gets a checkbox. As soon as the teacher gives a signal, the children scatter around the playground. After the command "Find yourself a mate", participants with flags of the same color are combined into pairs. An odd number of children must participate in the game and at the end of the game one is left without a pair.

All these outdoor games can be successfully used for playing in kindergarten in a group or for a walk. Children of different ages: from toddlers of 3 years old to children of the middle group of 4-5 years old play them with pleasure.

  • Outdoor games for children 5-7 years old

In children 5-6, 6-7 years old, the nature of play activity changes somewhat. Now they are already beginning to be interested in the result of an outdoor game, they strive to express their feelings, desires, to carry out their plans. However, imitation and imitation do not disappear and continue to play an important role in the life of an older preschooler. These games can also be played in kindergarten.

  • The game "Bear and bees"

Tasks: exercise in running, follow the rules of the game.

Description: the participants are divided into two teams - "bears" and "bees". Before the start of the game, the "bees" take places in their "hives" (benches, ladders can serve as hives). At the command of the host, the "bees" fly to the meadow for honey, while the "bears" climb into the "hives" and feast on honey. Having heard the signal "Bears!", All the "bees" return to the "hives" and "sting" (salat) the "bears" who did not have time to escape. The next time the stung "bear" does not go out for honey, but remains in the den.

    Burners game

Tasks: exercise in running, respond to a signal, follow the rules of the game.

Description: An odd number of children take part in the game, they become pairs and hold hands. In front of the column is the driver who looks forward. Children repeat the words in chorus:

Burn, burn clearly
So that it does not go out
Look at the sky -
The birds are flying
The bells are ringing!
Once! Two! Three! Run!

As soon as the participants say the word "Run!", Those standing in the last pair in the column let go of their hands and run along the column forward, one on the right side, the other on the left. Their task is to run forward, stand in front of the driver and again join hands. The driver, in turn, must catch someone from this pair before they join hands. If you succeed in catching, then the driver with the caught will form a new pair, and the participant left without a pair will now drive.

  • Outdoor game "Two frosts"

A well-known game for preschoolers with simple rules. Tasks: to develop inhibition in children, the ability to act on a signal, to exercise in running.

Description: On opposite sides of the site there are two houses, indicated by lines. Players are placed on one side of the court. The teacher chooses two people who will become the drivers. They are located in the middle of the area between the houses, facing the children. These are two Frosts - Frost Red nose and Frost Blue nose. At the signal of the educator "Start!" both Frosts say the words: “We are two young brothers, two daring frosts. I am Frost Red Nose. I am Frost Blue Nose. Which of you will dare to set off on a path-path? " All the players answer: "We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost" and run into the house on the opposite side of the site, and Frosts try to freeze them, that is. touch with your hand. Those of the guys who were touched by Frost freeze in place and remain so until the end of the dash. The frozen ones are counted, after which they join the players.

  • The game "Sly Fox"

Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed, coordination.

Description: A line is drawn on one side of the site, thus marking the "Fox House". The teacher asks to close the eyes of the children who are located in a circle. The teacher walks around the educated circle behind the children, touches one of the participants, who from that moment becomes a "sly fox".

After that, the teacher invites the children to open their eyes and, looking around, try to determine who is the cunning fox. Then the children ask 3 times: "Sly fox, where are you?" At the same time, the questioners look at each other. After the children have asked the third time, the sly fox jumps to the middle of the circle, raises his hands up and shouts: "I am here!" All participants scatter around the site in all directions, and the cunning fox is trying to catch someone. After 2-3 people are caught, the teacher says: "Into the circle!" and the game starts again.

  • Deer Catching Game

Objectives: to exercise in running in different directions, agility.

Description: Two shepherds are selected from among the participants. The rest of the players are deer located inside the outlined circle. The shepherds are in a circle, opposite each other. At the signal from the host, the shepherds take turns throwing the ball at the deer, and they try to dodge the ball. A deer hit by the ball is considered caught and leaves the circle. After several repetitions, he counts the number of deer caught.

Poem about playing ball at recess(written by Svetlana Vetryakova specially for the site)

To make it fun to play
You need to pump up the ball.
And boys and girls
The ball will be hit loudly.

Real athletes
They will run to recess.
Will jump and jump
And catch up with each other.

We will inflate the ball deftly
You just need to have a knack.
Press harder
Run away quickly!

Different ball games
We will definitely start.
And in "Frog", and in "Dog",
In the "Stream", and in the "Quick Ball".

I ran to the turn
Rolled through the gate.
Jumped over the yard
Escaped over the fence.

Spins fast, flies!
Who will catch him now?
Catch up quickly
And tell your neighbor.

Colorful bright ball
Rides briskly without hesitation.
Stop running, have fun
We need to go learn!

We inflated a huge ball
We played and rested.
It's time for us to get back to class
We have classes there.

    Fishing rod game

Tasks: to develop dexterity, attention, speed of reaction.

Description: The participants are arranged in a circle. In the center is the driver - the educator. He is holding a string in his hands, at the end of which is tied a small bag of sand. The driver rotates the rope in a circle above the ground itself. Children jump in such a way that the rope does not touch their feet. Those participants who are touched by the rope on their legs are eliminated from the game.

  • Game "Hunters and Falcons"

Objectives: Exercise in running.

Description: All participants - falcons are on one side of the hall. There are two hunters in the middle of the hall. As soon as the teacher gives a signal: "Falcons, fly!" participants must run across to the opposite side of the hall. The task of the hunters is to catch (stain) as many falcons as possible before they manage to cross the conditional line. Repeat the game 2-3 times, then change the drivers.

    Spider and flies game

Description: in one of the corners of the hall, a spider web is indicated in a circle, in which there is a driving spider. All the other guys are flies. All flies "fly" around the hall, buzz. At the signal of the host "Spider!" flies freeze. The spider comes out of hiding and carefully examines all the flies. Those who move, he takes into his web. After two to three repetitions, the number of flies caught is counted.

    Outdoor game "Mousetrap"

Objectives: to develop in children the ability to perform actions on a signal.

Description: Two participants face each other, join their hands and raise them higher. After that, both of them say in unison:

“How tired we are of the mice, they gnawed everything, ate everything!
We will put the mousetrap and then we will catch the mice! "

While the participants say these words, the rest of the guys should run under their clasped hands. At the last words, the presenters sharply lower their hands and catch one of the participants. The caught one joins the catchers and now there are three of them. So the mousetrap gradually grows. The last competitor is the winner.

Outdoor games for schoolchildren 7-9, 10-12 years old

Pupils also love to play games during breaks or walks. We have selected games that you can play on walks in the extended session or in physical education classes in grades 1-4. The rules of the game are becoming a little more complicated, but the main tasks of the games are: training dexterity, reaction, quickness, general physical development and the ability to cooperate with the guys.

Many outdoor games are universal: both boys and girls can play them. You can divide children into groups of girls and boys or according to another principle.

    Game "Homeless Hare"

Purpose: to develop attentiveness, thinking, speed and endurance.

Description: A hunter and a homeless hare are chosen from all the participants. The remaining players are hares, they draw a circle for themselves and stand in it. The hunter is trying to catch up with the fleeing homeless hare.

The hare can escape from the hunter by running into any circle. At the same time, the participant who stands in this circle must immediately run away, since now he becomes a homeless hare, and the hunter now catches him.

If the hunter caught a hare, then the caught one becomes a hunter.

  • Outdoor game "Feet off the ground"

Objectives: Learn to follow the rules of the game.

Description: The driver walks around the hall with other guys. As soon as the teacher says: "Catch!", All participants scatter, trying to climb any elevation where you can raise your legs above the ground. You can only burn those with feet on the ground. At the end of the game, the number of losers is counted and a new driver is selected.

    Game "Empty space"

Tasks: develop reaction speed, agility, attentiveness, help improve running skills.

Description: the participants form a circle, and the driver is located behind the circle. By touching the shoulder of one of the players, he thereby calls him to the competition. After that, the driver and the participant whom he has chosen run along the circle in opposite directions. The one who first takes the empty space left by the selected player remains in the circle. The one left without a place becomes the driver.

  • Outdoor game "Third extra"

Objectives: to develop dexterity, speed, to foster a sense of collectivism.

Description: Participants walk in a circle in pairs holding hands. The distance between pairs is 1.5 - 2 meters. Two drivers, one of whom runs away, the other catches up. The escaping player can stand in front of any pair at any time. In this case, the rear player of the pair he stood in front of becomes the one being caught up. If, nevertheless, the player managed to catch up and beat him down, then the drivers change their roles.

  • Shootout game

Tasks: to develop dexterity, attentiveness, speed of reaction.

Description: A game is played on a volleyball court. Having retreated 1.5 meters from the front line into the hall, a line parallel to it is drawn to form something like a corridor. An additional line is also drawn on the other side.

Participants are divided into two teams, each of which is placed on its own half of the area from the center line of the lineout. In both teams, a captain must be selected. You cannot enter the opponent's territory. Each player who has the ball tries to hit his opponent with it, without going over the middle line. A greasy player is sent prisoner and stays there until the players of his team throw the ball into his hands. After that, the player returns to the team.

Outdoor games for a walk

Walking with children in kindergarten or on an extended day in elementary school, the teacher needs something to keep the children busy: an excellent solution is to organize outdoor games during a walk. First, the teacher introduces children to various games, and later the children themselves, dividing into groups, will be able to decide which game they want to play. Outdoor games have a beneficial effect on the development of the child's body and strengthening the immune system. And the time of the walk flies unnoticed.

Before starting the game, the teacher needs to pay attention to the state of the playing field: are there any unnecessary objects, fragments and everything that can prevent children from playing and create a traumatic environment - unfortunately, not only on the street, but also on the school or kindergarten site can be found a lot of trash.

  • Train game

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a sound signal, to consolidate the skill of building in a column. Exercise in walking, running one after another.

Description: Children form a column. The first child in the column is a steam locomotive, the rest of the participants are carriages. After the teacher beeps, the children begin to move forward (without clutch). Slowly at first, then faster, gradually switching to a run, they say "Chu - chu - chu!". “The train is pulling up to the station,” says the teacher. Children gradually slow down and stop. The teacher gives the beep again, the movement of the train resumes.

  • An outdoor game "Zhmurki"

Tasks: education of dexterity, development of the ability to navigate in space, observation.

Description: Free space is required for the game. A driver is chosen, who is blindfolded and taken to the middle of the site. The driver is turned several times around his own axis, after which he must catch any player. Caught becomes a driver.

  • Game "Day and Night"

Objectives: to exercise in running in different directions, to act on a signal.

Description: All participants are divided into two teams. One team is "day", the other is "night". A line is drawn or a cord is put in the middle of the hall. At a distance of two steps from the drawn line, teams stand with their backs to each other. At the command of the host, for example, "Day!" the team with the appropriate name starts to catch up. Children from the "night" team must have time to escape beyond the conditional line before their rivals can stain them. The team that has time to tarnish more players from the opposing team wins.

  • Game "Baskets"

Tasks: to exercise in running one after another, to develop speed, quickness of reaction, attentiveness.

Description: Two presenters are selected. One of them will be a fisherman, the other will be a fugitive. All the remaining participants are divided into pairs and join hands, creating something like a basket. The players scatter in different directions, and the leaders are separated, the catcher is trying to catch up with the fugitive. The fugitive must run between pairs. The baskets should not catch the fugitive, but for this he names the names of the participants in the basket to which he runs up.

  • The game "Grab, run away"

Objectives: to develop in children the ability to perform actions on a signal.

Description: The teacher is in the center of the circle. Throws the ball to the child and says his name. This kid catches the ball and throws it back to the adult. When an adult throws the ball up, all children should run to their "own" place. The adult's task is to try to hit the fleeing children.

In this article, we have given 29 outdoor games with a detailed description of the rules of the games. We hope that this material will help organize the games of children at school during breaks and physical education lessons, for a walk in the preschool educational institution and the GPA.

Compiled by: Oksana Gennadievna Borshch, primary school teacher, deputy director for educational work.

Summer vacation is in full swing and you need to inspire your child to play outside. After all, this is much more useful than sitting at a computer, TV or lying on the couch with a phone. For inspiration, I found on the Internet the most interesting outdoor games for children on the street in the summer in the fresh air, and you choose the options that are suitable for your age and character.

At the end there is a selection of games that the child can play alone. If suddenly friends have left and there is no company.

Outdoor games for children outdoors in summer

Rubber bands

It will take: 3-4 people, elastic band.

How to play: take a rubber band to make it fit for this game, tie the ends together to make a ring. 2 children stand opposite each other, and an elastic band pulls between them.

How to jump: first you need to stand on one side of the rubber band (for example, on the right), JUMP - legs are on both sides of the right rubber band, JUMP, legs are on both sides of the left rubber band, JUMP, both legs are to the left of the rubber band. Watch the video to make it clearer, and show the child by example.

The rubber level gradually rises. At the first stage - between the ankles, after each successfully passed level, the elastic is lifted higher: knees, hips, waist, chest, armpits and even the neck! The girls take turns jumping over the rubber bands, and if a mistake is made, the next player replaces the participant. The loser gets up to "hold the rubber bands."

The game develops: coordination, attentiveness and vestibular apparatus. Teaches the child to jump well, train and overcome difficulties.


It will take: chalk, asphalt flat area, stone. The number of players can be any - from 1 to 10 or more.

How to play: on a flat surface, draw 10 cells with chalk and enter numbers in them. The player throws a stone so as to get into some kind of cell. After that, you need to jump on one or two legs to the stone through the cells, and return back in the same way. The ideal walkthrough is to collect all the numbers from 1 to 10.

However, there are more complex versions of this game, and you can see the more complicated rules in the video below:

The game develops: Accuracy, agility, ability to concentrate, ability to jump on one or two legs. Kids playfully study the numbers.


It will take: more than 8 people, an even number of players.

How to play: Participants are divided into 2 equal teams, which become opposite to each other by a line - there should be 10-15 m between the teams. Players hold hands tightly. During the game, you need to read certain speeches:

The first team shouts: “Chains, chains, who do you want? Choose one! "
The second command answers: "My friend."
First: "What is his name?"
The second team confers and selects someone from the opposite team.

The selected player must scatter and try to break the opposing team's chain.

  • If this works out, he can choose any participant and bring him to his room.
  • If it fails to break through, the participant joins the opposing team, becoming their chain.

In the next round, everything repeats, and the losing team chooses a "friend". The team that has more participants wins.

The game develops: team qualities, stick together, try to break through in a “one against all” situation.


It will take: more than 4-5 participants and free running space.

How to play: This is one of the varieties of salochka. The driving player must catch up with one of the participants in the game, and touch him (batter). The seized participant puts his hands to the sides, and other players must touch him to "disenchant". The goal of the leader is to enchant (touch) all the participants in the game, and they must help each other out and defrost.

The game develops: ability to run quickly, agility, teaches mutual assistance.

This game can be played with water pistols in the summer - even more fun and interesting.

Black horse

How to play: everything is the same as in the last game, but only the hardened participant shouts "Disenchant me, black horse!"

Robber Cossacks

It will take: even number of participants (more than 4), chalk.

How to play: players are divided into two equal teams - "Cossacks" and "robbers". The territory within which the game is played is stipulated. The robbers need to agree on a secret word, and the Cossacks must find out it.

The Cossacks close their eyes and wait a few minutes, while the Robbers run away and mark in which direction they ran. They must run through a given territory, from time to time leaving chalk arrows on the walls, asphalt, trees, curbs.

The Cossacks must hunt down the Rogues along the arrows, and stain them. If one Rogue is tainted, the Cossack must take him to the Prison. So far, the Cossack holds his hand on the Rogue, he cannot escape, but if he loosened his grip and moved his hand away, the Rogue can escape. Other Rogues can rescue a friend if they taint the Cossack leading the captive. Or this Cossack can tarnish the player who is trying to help the prisoner, and there will be 2 captured Rogues.

In prison, the Cossack must find out a secret word by tickling or other friendly "torture". The robbers can make their way to the prison, touch the prisoner and then he can escape.

Purpose of the game: catch all the Rogues or find out their secret word.

The game develops: to track down in the footsteps of a person, the ability to hide and navigate the terrain, not to surrender their own.

12 sticks (hide and seek)

It will take: a lever (a board and a brick or stone under it), 12 ice cream sticks or twigs.

How to play: put the lever on the stone so that one third of it hangs in the air. On the larger half (rests on the ground), put 12 sticks or twigs. The driver must step on the short tip with force so that 12 sticks fly around. While he collects and puts them back, the players must have time to quickly hide.

Now the driver must find the player when he notices shouting "tuki-ta Name" and runs to the lever. If he manages to run ahead of the found player and step on the lever, then the loser becomes the leader - collects sticks and looks for players.

If the spotted player manages to reach the lever ahead of the driver, he steps on it and scatters the sticks. The driver starts all over again and continues to search for players.

You can play the game indefinitely.

The game develops: attentiveness, reaction, the ability to hide quickly and competently, to run quickly if necessary.


It will take: blindfold, more than 3 players.

How to play: the driver is blindfolded, spun in place and scattered in all directions. The driver must, without peeping, find other players who clap their location. When it smothers, I have to recognize it by touch. It turned out - the caught player drives in the next round.

The game develops: ability to navigate by sounds, reactions.

Bell ringer

It will take: bell and bandages for all players (minus one).

How to play: like blind man's buff, just the opposite. All the players except one are blindfolded, and a bell is hung around his neck and his hands are tied behind him (so as not to interfere with the ringing of the bell). And his task is to slip between the players, and they must catch him, focusing on the sound of the bell. For the game, it is better to choose a not very large space to make it more interesting.

The game develops: resourcefulness, ability to navigate by sounds.

Higher feet off the ground

It will take: a playground with different places where you can climb (benches, horizontal bar, trees, stumps, etc.).

How to play: the driver must catch up with other players and try to touch them, as in any catch-up. But there is one rule - the player becomes inviolable if his feet do not touch the ground. To do this, you can climb a tree or hang on a horizontal bar. It is impossible to rise above the ground for a very long time, as soon as the driver leaves, you need to return to the game.

The game develops: reaction, the ability to run quickly, look for hills.

The quieter you go, the further you'll get

It will take: a playground with dimensions of 20 meters.

How to play: you need to draw 2 lines, between them the distance should be 20 meters (not less). The driver stands behind one of them, with his back to the other players. The rest are "at the start" next to another. The driver with different speeds should say the phrase “the quieter you go, the further you will be. STOP! ”, And immediately turns around.

While this phrase is being spoken, participants can move from the starting line towards the water. When the word "stop" is heard, everyone should freeze in place and not move. If the driver notices any movement, points to the participant and he is eliminated.

The goal of the game is to get to the finish line and touch the driver, then you yourself take his place.

The game develops: reaction, the ability to run quickly and stop at a signal.

Hot potato

It will take: ball and at least 3 players.

How to play: participants stood in a circle and threw a ball to each other. If someone dropped or did not hit the ball, he sits in the center. From there, you can try to catch the ball flying over your head, but without getting up from your squatting position. If he managed, all the prisoners leave the circle, and the thrower sits down in their place.

The game develops


It will take: ball and wall, preferably chalk.

How to play: Draw a chalk line on the wall at the level of the players' knee-belt. You cannot throw the ball below it, otherwise you will lose. In turn, you need to throw the ball so that it bounces off the wall and flies towards the players. The throwing participant must have time to jump over it. If it did not work out, the letters "frog" are assigned in turn. I made a mistake 7 times - I became a frog.

The game develops: accuracy, reaction, coordination.


It will take: ball, company of 4 or more players.

How to play: "Bouncers" stand on both sides of the playing court at a distance of 8-10 meters. Other players are located between them. Bouncers should throw the ball to each other and try to hit one of the players between them. Those, in turn, must dodge the ball. If the ball reaches the goal, the player is out of the game.

The remaining center players can catch the ball with their hands (if it did not touch the ground) and return the eliminated player to play. If you catch a ball bouncing off the ground, then you yourself are eliminated.

Sooner or later, one player remains on the court, and then he needs to dodge the sword as many times as he is. It turned out - all the players return to their places and the game continues. If not, then he takes the place of one of the bouncers.

The game develops: accuracy, dexterity, ability to dodge, mutual assistance.

Outdoor games for children in summer

This section contains games that are not very active, but still very interesting and will appeal to children. You can play them when you no longer have the strength to run, but the desire to play remains. Then calmer and less active games will come in handy.

I know 5 names

It will take: ball, company of at least 3 players.

How to play: the player picks up the ball, says “I know five names of girls,” hits the ball with his hand so that it bounces off the ground, and calls: Tanya - one, Katya - two, and so on until 5. Then he uses other versions of this phrase: I know five ... names of boys, flowers, animals, cities ... All these topics are usually discussed before the start of the game or come up after a successfully completed stage.

When a player does not have time to say the right word while hitting the ball or it flies to the side, the ball goes to another participant. All other players make their mistakes, and then it goes back to the first player. He starts the game with the phrase on which he made a mistake.

The game develops: erudition, multitasking, agility, the ability to accept their mistakes and move on.


It will take: ball and at least 2 players.

How to play: the players need to stand in a row, and the driver throws the ball to the first of them. Before the throw, he says a word, and the player's task is to quickly navigate. If the named item can be eaten (edible), it catches the ball. If it cannot be eaten (inedible), it beats off. The driver must confuse the player, first naming edible products, and then suddenly inedible. If the player catches the ball on an inedible object or throws away the edible, he becomes the driver.

The game develops: attentiveness, quick reaction, a sense of humor.


It will take: knife

How to play: players draw a circle on sand or ground, divide into equal shares according to the number of participants. After that, they try to throw a knife so that its tip stuck into the ground in the enemy's area. If possible, the player cuts off a part of the neighbor from the place where the knife fell, erases the border and "conquers" the land. The goal of the game is to capture as much territory as possible, preferably the entire one.

You can throw in different ways: the usual, from the palm, from the fist, from the elbow, etc. It is advisable to play under the supervision of an adult so that children do not get hurt and keep their distance.

The game develops: attentiveness, accuracy, caution, learn to handle cold weapons.


It will take: small item (coin, button, ring), more than 4 players.

How to play: participants sit in a row, they fold their palms in a boat in front of them. The presenter holds the "ring" with his palms folded in a boat, and in turn puts his palms into the players' boat. At the same time, he reads out a little count “I wear-wear a ring and will give it to someone”. At some point, he must attach a small item to one of the players. When he bypasses all the players in the row, he says "Ring-ring, go out on the porch!"

At this moment, the player who has a ring placed in his palms must quickly get up and run to the leader. The rest of the participants sitting in the row must stop him.

The game develops: quick reaction, agility, attentiveness, ability to follow the manipulations of other players.

Will you go to the ball?

It will take: more than 2 players.

How to play: the driver is selected, who at the beginning of the game reads out a counting-out with the rules "don't say yes and no, don't name black and white, will you go to the ball?" The participant answers "probably", and the presenter bombards him with various questions, asking about the details of the trip. What will he ride with, with whom, the colors of dresses or suits, the color of some object at the holiday, etc. The presenter is trying with all his might to force the player to say the forbidden words: yes, no, black, white. The player needs to answer all questions, but not using these words.

The game develops: think quickly and outside the box, control your speech.

Kitty scatter meow

It will take: boys and girls, preferably in equal amounts.

How to play: players line up, the leader stands facing them, and chooses one participant, who turns his back to everyone. The presenter points to all the seated players and asks the question "kitty?" The participant, standing with his back, can answer "scatter", then the leader shows another player, if he answers "meow", then the leader asks "what color?" Each color has its own meaning:

  • White - 5 minutes alone at the entrance.
  • Green - the participant is asked any three questions, and he can only answer "yes". For example, "do you love him?"
  • Red - you need to kiss on the lips.
  • Pink is a kiss on the cheek.
  • Yellow - players retire and you can ask any 3 questions, getting honest answers.
  • Orange - walk down the street hand in hand for everyone to see.
  • Blue - you need to kiss your hand.
  • Purple - make a small dirty trick (pull the tail or pick up the hairpin).
  • Black - to give a "pendel in the ass", but girls are usually offended by such a choice.

The game develops: teaches you to communicate with the other sex

Ocean is shaking

It will take: a small group of cheerful children

How to play: the presenter must turn away from the players and read the rhyme

The sea is worried once
The sea is worried two,
The sea waves three,
Sea figure freeze!

During it was considered, participants should randomly move their hands, depicting waves with their hands. When the counting is over, you need to freeze in a certain position. The presenter chooses any player, touches him and the participant must depict his figure in motion. The leader must guess what the participant is depicting, and if it does not work out, the one who showed the figure becomes the leader.

The game develops: imagination, artistry, spontaneity.

Solitary interesting games for children outdoors in summer

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to recruit the required number of participants for some games. And in some situations, you need to teach your child to have fun on their own, independently of other people. It is for this that I have highlighted the separate points of games that you can safely play alone or with your mother.

For a start, you can simply give bike, rollers, skate and other similar equipment that will allow you to have a fun and active day outdoors in the summer. Even alone, such an activity will bring a charge of positive emotions.

Tennis with a wall

It will take: racket, tennis ball and wall.

How to play: throw a ball in front of you, and hit it with a racket so that it hits the wall. The ball will bounce off it and fly back, the player needs to hit the ball so that it hits the wall again. Play continues until the ball hits the ground or the player misses.

The game develops: coordination, accuracy, reaction.

If there are two players, you can play tennis with each other or play badminton, replacing the tennis ball with a shuttlecock.

Ball game

It will take: wall and bouncing ball.

How to play: you need to stand a few steps from the wall (the distance is determined by eye, depending on the skills of the child). You need to throw the ball against the wall and catch it, every 10 moves the game becomes more difficult:

  • Just throw and catch with both hands.
  • Clap - you need to have time to clap your hands.
  • Criss-cross - cross your arms over your chest.
  • On the side - slap your palms on the sides.
  • Knee - slap yourself on the knees.
  • Log - have time to fold your hands as if you were sitting at a desk.
  • Squirrels - jump in place.
  • Arrows - sit down and rise.
  • Plates - spin around in place.
  • Two candles - catch the ball while holding the hands with the "class" sign (thumbs up).
  • Bricks - Catch with your fists.
  • Sticks - with straight palms.
  • Boys - clap their hands at the seams.
  • Girls - grab the hem of the dress (or pretend).
  • Front and back - clap your hands first in front of you, then behind your back.
  • Behind and in front - on the contrary, first behind the back, then in front of you.
  • The point is to clap your palms over your head.

You can invent your own figures to make the game more difficult: slap 3 times, stomp 5 times, jump and make a turn around the axis.

The game develops: coordination, agility, accuracy.

Treasure hunt

It will take: help of a mother who will hide the "treasure"

How to play: parents need to hide the treasure in a certain place, and then draw a map of the area and mark the place with the treasure with a cross. You can depict a tree schematically, and from it indicate a landmark with an arrow to the next schematic object. Following the prompts, the child gets to the treasure and rejoices at the find.

You can change the game a little and replace the "treasure map" with notes with tips. Write the first note indicating where the second is hidden. And so the child will find them in turn, and at the end will reach the destination.

It is advisable to stipulate the search area in advance so that the child does not get lost in search of treasures.

The game develops: teaches you to navigate the terrain, purposefulness, attentiveness.


It will take: water balls, ropes and "bit" (you can use a stick).

How to play: parents or the player himself fills balls with water, ties them with ropes and a tree. The child takes a bat and hits the air bombs, enjoying the water spray.

The game develops: accuracy, coordination.

There are many interesting outdoor games for children outside in the summer outdoors, I have listed only those that I remembered and found a description on the Internet. I found the item “the game develops” especially interesting, because as a child I didn’t even think that such games teach anything. Therefore, teach your children not to sit at home in the summer, but to play with friends on the street! And parents can connect too - it's nice to plunge into these carefree games.

In the comments add the games that you played with your friends) It is very interesting to remember them, as if you are reliving all these amazing impressions)

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