Home Flowers Historical novels: rating of the best books according to Komsomolskaya Pravda. Best Historical Novels Victor Hugo Les Misérables

Historical novels: rating of the best books according to Komsomolskaya Pravda. Best Historical Novels Victor Hugo Les Misérables

The historical novel is a genre of literature that enjoys consistently high relevance among readers and writers. At the same time, this is one of the oldest genres that originated hundreds of years ago. Today, these books include even such works that, being written in their time, were considered modern realism. Historical novels are the key to an interesting story in a believable historical setting. Reading this is interesting to many - and this is a fact.

Features of books in the genre Historical novel

Books in the genre of historical novels are read as actively as they did ten years ago, and a hundred. This direction is quite extensive: it can include military historical books about knights and sailors, about royal intrigues and wars of thrones, and love stories with the rescue of beautiful ladies, and world-famous Russian classics, and non-fiction, adventure literature, action-packed historical detective stories and much more. It is not surprising that with so many different directions, artistic historical books. Special respect is given to the authors here - many of them, before starting to write, carefully studied the topic, raised documents so that the plot turned out not only realistic - but also truly convincing.

They also like to read historical love stories for the fact that in their own way they help to escape from the gray everyday life. After all, reading these books, your mind is carried away to the distant Middle Ages, modern times, the era of the steam engine and diesel, world wars and the first trains, the Roman Empire and many other eras and eras. Keep in mind that when choosing the best historical novels to read online, it's best to figure out in advance what spirit the book is written in so as not to please a pig in a poke. To do this, we have developed a detailed system of genres and subgenres on our portal, which will easily make it clear what topic a particular work or story touches on. Well, then ... just start reading and enjoy a decent pastime with a good book.

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The history of Russia is no less exciting, important and interesting than the history of the world. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin

Why do we study the history of Russia? Who among us in childhood did not ask this question. Finding no answer, we continued to study history. Someone taught her with pleasure, someone - under duress, someone did not teach at all. But there are dates and events that everyone should know about. For example: the October Revolution of 1917 or the Patriotic War of 1812…

Knowing the history of the country in which you were born or live is vital. And it is precisely this subject (history), along with the native language and literature, that should be given as many hours as possible in school education.

sad fact - our children today decide and choose for themselves - what books to read, and often their choice falls on well-promoted brands - literature, which is based on the fruits of Western fantasy - fictional hobbits, Harry Potter and others ...

harsh truth - books and textbooks about the history of Russia are not so promoted, and the circulation is not so huge. Their covers are modest and advertising budgets tend to be non-existent. Publishers have taken the path of maximum benefit from those who still read at least something. And so it turns out from year to year that we read what is inspired by fashion. Reading is fashionable today. This is not a necessity, but a tribute to fashion. The trend of reading in order to learn something new is a forgotten phenomenon.

There is an alternative in this matter - you don’t like the school curriculum and history textbooks, read fiction, historical novels. Truly cool, rich and not boring historical novels, more based on facts and reliable sources, are not so many today. But they are.

I will single out 10, in my opinion, the most interesting historical novels about Russia. It would be interesting to hear your lists of historical books - leave comments. So:

1. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin

  • It is difficult to call it a novel, but I simply could not include it in this list. Many believe that it will be very difficult for a “newcomer” to read Karamzin, but still ...

“The History of the Russian State” is a multi-volume work by N. M. Karamzin, describing Russian history from ancient times to the reign of Ivan the Terrible and the Time of Troubles. The work of N. M. Karamzin was not the first description of the history of Russia, but it was this work, thanks to the high literary merit and scientific scrupulousness of the author, that opened the history of Russia to a wide educated public and most contributed to the formation of national self-consciousness.

Karamzin wrote his "History" until the end of his life, but did not have time to finish it. The text of the manuscript of volume 12 ends at the chapter "Interregnum 1611-1612", although the author intended to bring the presentation to the beginning of the reign of the Romanov dynasty.

Karamzin in 1804 retired from society to the Ostafyevo estate, where he devoted himself entirely to writing a work that was supposed to open national history to Russian society ...

  • His undertaking was supported by Emperor Alexander I himself, who, by decree of October 31, 1803, granted him the official title of Russian historiographer.

2. Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy

"Peter I"

"Peter I" is an unfinished historical novel by A. N. Tolstoy, on which he worked from 1929 until his death. The first two books were published in 1934. Shortly before his death, in 1943, the author began work on the third book, but managed to bring the novel only to the events of 1704.

In this book, there is such a powerful impulse of pride in the country, such a strength of character, such a desire to move forward without succumbing to difficulties, without giving up in front of seemingly insurmountable forces, that you involuntarily imbue his spirit, pour into his mood so that it is impossible to break away.

  • In Soviet times, "Peter I" was positioned as the standard of a historical novel.

In my opinion, Tolstoy did not lay claim to the laurels of a chronicler historian. The novel is magnificent, the correspondence of its historical reality is not a paramount issue. Atmospheric, insanely interesting and addictive. What else do you need for a good book?

3. Valentin Savvich Pikul


"Favorite" is a historical novel by Valentin Pikul. It sets out a chronicle of the times of Catherine II. The novel consists of two volumes: the first volume is "His Empress", the second is "His Taurida".

The novel reflects the most important events in the national history of the second half of the 18th century. In the center of the story is the image of the favorite of Empress Catherine II Alekseevna, commander Grigory Potemkin. Many pages of the novel are also devoted to other major historical figures of that time.

  • The beginning of work on the first volume of the novel dates back to August 1976, the first volume was completed in November 1979. The second volume was written in just one month - in January 1982.

Palace intrigues, the decline of morals at the Russian court, great military victories over Turkey and Sweden, diplomatic victories over almost all of Europe ... the uprising led by Emelyan Pugachev, the founding of new cities in the south (in particular Sevastopol and Odessa) - an exciting and rich plot of this historical novel. Highly recommend.

4. Alexandre Dumas

The fencing teacher Grezier gives Alexandre Dumas his notes made during his trip to Russia. They tell how he went to St. Petersburg and began teaching fencing lessons. All his students are future Decembrists. One of them is Count Annenkov, the husband of an old acquaintance of Grezier, Louise. Soon a rebellion rises, but is immediately suppressed by Nicholas I. All the Decembrists are exiled to Siberia, among them Count Annenkov. Desperate Louise decides to follow her husband and share the hardships of hard labor with him. Grezier agrees to help her.

  • In Russia, the publication of the novel was banned by Nicholas I in connection with the description of the Decembrist uprising in it.

In his memoirs, Dumas recalled what Princess Trubetskaya, a friend of the Empress, told him:

Nicholas entered the room when I was reading a book to the Empress. I quickly hid the book. The Emperor approached and asked the Empress:
- Did you read?
- Yes, my lord.
- Do you want me to tell you what you read?
The Empress was silent.
- You read the novel by Dumas "Fencing Teacher".
How do you know this, sir?
- Here you go! This is not hard to guess. This is the last novel I banned.

The tsarist censorship followed Dumas' novels with particular attention and forbade their publication in Russia, but despite this, the novel was distributed in Russia. The novel was first published in Russia in Russian in 1925.

Imperial Petersburg through the eyes of foreigners ... is a very worthy historical work, especially from such a master storyteller as Dumas. I really liked the novel, it is easy to read - I recommend it.

5. Semenov Vladimir

This book is written by a man of unique destiny. Captain of the second rank Vladimir Ivanovich Semyonov was the only officer of the Russian Imperial Fleet who, during the years of the Russo-Japanese War, had a chance to serve in both the First and Second Pacific squadrons and participate in both major naval battles - in the Yellow Sea and at Tsushima.

In the tragic battle of Tsushima, while on the flagship of the Russian squadron, Semyonov received five wounds and, after returning from Japanese captivity, did not live long, but managed to supplement his diaries, which he kept during the hostilities, and publish them in three books: "Payback", "Fight under Tsushima”, “The price of blood”.

Even during the life of the author, these books were translated into nine languages, they were quoted by the triumphant Tsushima himself - Admiral Togo. And at home, Semyonov’s memoirs caused a loud scandal - Vladimir Ivanovich was the first to dare to write that the battleship Petropavlovsk, on which Admiral Makarov died, was blown up not by a Japanese, but by a Russian mine, and contrary to public opinion, he highly appreciated the activities of Admiral Rozhestvensky.

After the early death of V. I. Semenov (he died at the age of 43), his books were undeservedly forgotten and are now known only to specialists. This novel is one of the best memoirs about the Russo-Japanese War.

6. Vasily Grigorievich Yan

"Genghis Khan"

“In order to become strong, one must surround oneself with mystery… boldly follow the path of great daring… make no mistakes… and mercilessly destroy one’s enemies!” - so said Batu and so he acted, the great leader of the Mongolian steppes.

His warriors knew no mercy, and the world choked with blood. But the iron order that the Mongols brought was stronger than horror. For many centuries he fettered the life of the conquered countries. Until then, until Russia gathered strength ...

The novel by Vasily Yan "Batu" not only gives a broad idea of ​​the historical events of the distant past, but also captures with a fascinating story about the fate of different people, including princes, khans, and simple nomads, and Russian warriors.

The cycle "Invasion of the Mongols" by Vasily Yan for me is the standard of historical epic. Well, Genghis Khan is a brilliant start to the trilogy.

The personality of Genghis Khan is incredibly attractive to the historical novelist. One of the many Mongol princelings, who was a slave in his youth, created a powerful empire - from the Pacific Ocean to the Caspian Sea ... But is it possible to consider a great man who ruined hundreds of thousands of lives? We must immediately make a reservation that the author is of little interest in the formation of the Mongolian statehood. Yes, and Genghis Khan himself appears in the novel somewhere after the 100th page. And he is, of course, a man, and not a Dark Lord from fantasy. He loves his young wife Kulan-Khatun in his own way. Like most people, he is afraid of senile infirmity and death. If he can be called a great man, then he, of course, is a genius of evil and a destroyer.

But by and large, Vasily Yan wrote a novel not about a great tyrant, but about time, about people who had to live in an era of great upheavals. This book contains many colorful characters, grandiose battle scenes, an amazing atmosphere of the East, reminiscent of the fairy tales of 1001 Nights. There are enough bloody and even naturalistic episodes here, but there is also hope, age-old wisdom that allows you to believe in the best. Empires are built on blood, but sooner or later they fall apart. And even the one who considers himself the ruler of the world will not be able to escape from death...

7. Ivan Ivanovich Lazhechnikov

"Ice House"

I.I. Lazhechnikov (1792–1869) is one of our best historical novelists. A.S. Pushkin said this about the novel "Ice House": "... poetry will always remain poetry, and many pages of your novel will live until the Russian language is forgotten."

The Ice House by I. I. Lazhechnikov is rightfully considered one of the best Russian historical novels. The novel was published in 1835 - the success was extraordinary. V. G. Belinsky called its author "the first Russian novelist."

Turning to the era of the reign of Anna Ioannovna - more precisely, to the events of the last year of her reign - Lazhechnikov was the first of the novelists who told his contemporaries about this time. In a compelling storytelling in the spirit of Walter Scott...

8. Yuri German

"Young Russia"

“Young Russia” is a novel by Y. German, which tells about the beginning of changes in the era of Peter the Great. The time described in the book is devoted to the struggle of a young power for access to the Baltic Sea. The novel was first published in 1952.

The action of the novel takes place in Arkhangelsk, Belozerye, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Moscow. The author describes historical events through the life of the main characters - Ivan Ryabov and Sylvester Ievlev, reveals the relationship between the state and the church, shows the nature of the era through detailed descriptions of the life and way of life of the Russian North and the capital.

A very historical and very relevant novel for all patriots of Russia.

9. Sergei Petrovich Borodin

"Dmitry Donskoy"

One of the best novels by Sergei Borodin.

"Dmitry Donskoy" is the first work from a series of historical novels on the history of medieval Moscow about the struggle of the Russian principalities under the leadership of the Moscow prince Dmitry Ivanovich against the yoke of the Tatar Golden Horde, the end of which was marked by the decisive battle on the Kulikovo field in 1380.

One of those historical books that I read as a child, anticipating game battles on relevant topics. Of course, now it is hardly possible to find out how it really was there, history is not an exact science, but, nevertheless, the aesthetic and artistic value of the book in question cannot be taken away. One of the distinguishing features of this work, stylized as Old Russian, is the language of narration and, in particular, the language of the dialogues of the characters. This ingenuous technique helps the author create the effect of a more complete and deeper immersion of the reader into the historical context of what is happening.

10. Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov

"Alive and Dead"

The novel by K.M.Simonov "The Living and the Dead" is one of the most famous works about the Great Patriotic War.

The work is written in the genre of an epic novel, the storyline covers the time interval from June 1941 to July 1944. One of the main characters is General Fedor Fedorovich Serpilin (according to the novel, he lived in Moscow at Pirogovskaya st., 16, apt. 4).

I enjoyed reading this masterpiece. The book is easy to read and leaves a lasting impression. This is an undeniably brilliant work that teaches you to be honest, believe in yourself, and love your Motherland ...

My list of historical fiction is not that great. Nevertheless, I chose some of the brightest and most memorable works that I personally liked. History will always be the most interesting genre of fiction, and historical novels will always be the most interesting bookshelf in my library. I look forward to your lists in the comments. Love the history of your country, read the right books.

I stumbled upon this collection, it seemed interesting. I myself love this genre very much, I read a lot from this list and for a long time, in principle, I agree with the authors of the TOP. And in general, I think that reading a novel based on historical events, you get a double benefit: pleasure and additional knowledge of history. For example, when we were studying the history of France at school, I just read Maurice Druon and it helped me so much, every lesson I added juicy details from palace life to what had already been told by the teacher. By doing this, I not only increased my grades, but also ensured that half of the class ran to the library to take these books for reading :)

The writer, like the historian, can recreate the events and appearance of the past, although this artistic recreation differs from the scientific one. Based on historical data, the writer at the same time always follows the path of creative fiction, without which art is impossible; he depicts not only what was, but also what could be. I bring to your attention the ten best historical novels.

10. Pillars of the Earth

Ken Follett has long been known as the master of the thriller. All his books immediately became bestsellers in America, England, Germany. His book "The Pillars of the Earth" is the first historical novel, after the publication of which the writer woke up literally super famous.

England, XII century. King Henry IV has died. The time of the decline of morals, cruelty, blood, violence. A grand panorama of the darkest years of English history. Fatal passions, sublime love, hatred and the struggle of vanities. Good and evil change places and sometimes they can not be distinguished from each other.

9. Fifteen-year-old captain

The novel by the famous French writer Jules Verne "The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain" tells about the adventures of the young captain of the whaling schooner "Pilgrim" Dick Sand.

8. Favorite

The novel `Favorite` is a multifaceted work, in which a huge layer of historical reality is raised, a wide canvas of life in Russia in the second half of the 18th century is given. The author depicts the era through the prism of the actions of the protagonist - His Serene Highness Prince Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin-Tavrichesky, a favorite of Catherine II: a complex man, in many respects contradictory, but, of course, talented and intelligent, who resolutely interfered in state affairs and saw his duty in serving Russia.

7. Coming soon

The famous historical novel by Henryk Sienkiewicz tells about great and almost mythical events. The first century of our era, imperial Rome of the times of the half-mad hypocrite Nero, obsessed with megalomania. The flaming Eternal City, animals tearing the bodies of slaves in the circus arena, unimaginable orgies and mass executions. On this land soaked in blood and tears, the tragic story of the first Christians unfolds, the apostles Peter and Paul are martyred. In the fabric of his truly epic narrative, the author weaves stories about the dramatic fate of Petronius, a refined aesthete and skeptic, and about the fiery love of the Roman patrician Mark Vinicius for the Christian Lygia. all-conquering love, sanctified by true faith, forcing the reader to think about the freedom of choice granted to man.

6. Thais of Athens

The historical novel by Ivan Efremov is a hymn to a woman, her beauty, intelligence, wisdom, the gift of love. All these best qualities were embodied in the main character of the novel, the Athenian hetaera Thais, who went through the paths of war with the army of the great commander Alexander the Great. Thais's life is full of amazing adventures and serious trials, from which she comes out even more beautiful.

5. Shogun

The historical novel by an American writer, based on a popular television series, tells the story of an English sailor who was the first of his compatriots to end up in Japan.

4. Iron King

And at the beginning of the XIV century, King Philip IV the Handsome was the unlimited ruler of France. For this he was nicknamed the Iron King. He subdued the warlike ardor of the powerful barons, subjugated the rebellious Flemings, defeated England in Aquitaine, carried out a successful struggle with the papacy, which ended in the Avignon captivity of the popes that began in this way.

Only one force dared to oppose Philip - the Knights Templar.

Too independent position of the Templars worried the king, and their incalculable wealth aroused his greed. He started a lawsuit against them. And there was no such baseness that the judges in this trial would not have resorted to ...

3. Outcasts

One of the best novels of the classic of world literature. Jean Valjean, Cosette, Gavroche - the names of the heroes of the novel have long become household names, the number of its readers for a century and a half since the publication of the book has not decreased, the novel has not lost its popularity. A kaleidoscope of faces from all sectors of French society in the first half of the 19th century, vivid, memorable characters, grotesque and romance, sentimentality and realism, a tense, exciting plot are the main reasons for the success of Hugo's book and they are also the main reasons for the frequent reference to it by world cinema.

2. Countess de Monsoreau

The action of the novel by the famous French writer Alexandre Dumas takes place during the era of the Huguenot wars, during the reign of Henry III. But historical events - described vividly and convincingly - are only the background of a complex love affair. The author contrasts the nobility, sincerity and loyalty of the fearless Comte de Bussy and his beloved Diana to the deceit, depravity and hypocrisy of the royal court.

1. Gone with the wind

The novel Gone with the Wind (1936) by the American writer Margaret Mitchell (1900–1949) is a fascinating, sharply social work, the main problem of which is the fate of human values ​​in the world of buying and selling. The book is set in one of the most difficult periods in US history and covers the years of the Civil War (1861-1865) and the subsequent Reconstruction.

FROM THE REVIEW OF THE STORY "TWO SIDES OF THE COIN" AUTHOR A. KAKHOVSKAYA "A bright, intriguing plot that provokes the reader's curiosity, makes you want to know what will happen next. Actual problems that the author dresses in an emotional and memorable form, thereby forcing the reader not only think, but also feel. "https://www.site/bd/?b=668727

Anfisa Kakhovskaya. TWO SIDES OF THE COIN EXTRACT All the ill-fated travelers were placed near a large stone of a bizarre shape. Ascalon was depressed, Oleh was gloomy, Willow did not let go of her father's hand. Only a young sailor - the same one with a mole that came to the captain in the morning - did not lose his presence of mind. He kept turning his head. And under his cheekbones there were nodules, betraying the work of thought. Virineya stood in front of them, folded her hands on her hood, and for some time, with a satisfied look, looked at each one in turn, as a painter examines a just finished picture. Then she said quietly: - Well, now we can talk. You had questions for me. Who I am, I think you already guessed. There is too much talk about me and my people lately. What we need? Well, it's quite simple, - and she looked at the sea, where the silhouette of the "Dawn" could be seen. These were questions that you yourself could answer. There is a harder question. What will happen to you? And she paused, then continued with a grin. However, you also know the answer. Willow swallowed noisily and snuggled closer to her father. - You won't kill us, will you? - Bazhan decided to vote. We spent three days together! Virineya did not answer. She stood motionless, and Ascalon felt a chill creep into his heart. Olekh gritted his teeth. - Well, if you are interested in whether we will kill you, - Virineya said languidly, - I can reassure you. No. But if something happens to you here, we are not responsible for this. - You bastard! - Suddenly shouted a sailor with a mole and, pulling a knife out of his boot, rushed at the villainess. What happened next is hard to describe in words. Nobody understood what happened. Virineya didn’t move, didn’t even change her face, but a second before the knife was supposed to touch her chest, a huge snake sprang up from behind her and, spreading a wide bright hood, released a jet of orange flame towards the sailor. In an instant, the unfortunate man turned into a heap of ashes. A second later everything was as before. Only the breeze stirred up the ashes under Virineya's feet. Willow screamed piercingly, she was shaking. Virineya grimaced: - Does anyone else have a desire to measure strength with me? The captives couldn't take their eyes off what had just been their companion. Nobody answered. - Wonderful. Then we'll wait until the boat returns and say goodbye. And please be quiet, I can't stand the noise. She walked away and, sitting on the coastal sand, began to thoughtfully throw pebbles into the water. https://www.site/bd/?b=668727

Anfisa Kakhovskaya. A DEEPLY DECENT PERSONLeev was a deeply decent person. So deep that there would be no one who could accuse him of dishonesty even once. Therefore, when he heard some strange scream from the side of the lake, followed by a splash, his impeccable conscience suggested that he should change the route. Someone was floundering in the water, waving his arms creating a cloud of spray around. Aleev approached and waited to see if someone would ask for help, after all, you really can’t ask for it. But he just sobbed convulsively and continued to randomly drum his hands on the water. - Do you need help? Aleev asked. But the stranger ignored his polite question and continued his senseless occupation. “Excuse me,” Aleev considered it his duty to repeat, “maybe I can help you?” impoliteness, but innate tact and an irresistible sense of philanthropy did not allow him to turn around and leave. He waited a couple more minutes and again turned to the stranger: - I ask you, do you need help or not? Maybe his question sounded somewhat annoyed, but anyone could understand him: he was wasting his precious time, and the to help, did not pay any attention to him. Moreover, an ill-mannered person began to plunge into the water every now and then, and when he surfaced again, instead of having a cultural conversation with a caring passer-by, he only gurgled unpleasantly. Aleev shrugged his shoulders. God knows, he wholeheartedly wanted to help. His conscience was numbered. He turned around and went his own way. Aleev was a deeply decent person.

How good it is when reading fiction, you learn many unknown historical facts. How much work, scrupulousness and talent does an author need to write a beautiful, readable text and not misrepresent history. It seems to me that historical novels are the most difficult literary genre. And we have a unique opportunity to combine business with pleasure. And enjoy the book, and learn some history.

1. “Kamo come”, Henryk Sienkiewicz

The historical novel by the Polish writer was completed in 1896. Then it was published in full, and before that it was published in parts in magazines. The work was translated into 50 languages ​​of the world and contributed to the author's receiving the Nobel Prize in 1905. In Russian translation, the work is known as "Where are you going." Successfully filmed by Hollywood in 1951 and Poland in 2001.

The events of the novel take place in the Roman Empire of the 1st century during the reign of Nero. The history of the reign of this historical character is interesting in itself. Madness, mania, mental disorders, complexes, orgies, massacres, poisonings - and many other horrors that occur during this period. It's amazing that such a person ruled almost half the world. Against this background, the tragedy of the martyrdom of the most devoted Apostles of Christ, Peter and Paul, unfolds.

2. "Tais of Athens", Ivan Efremov

The historical work of 1972 is based on real events. Tells about the life of the favorite of Alexander the Great, hetaera Thais from Athens. Time - 300s BC. Thais accompanied Alexander in all his campaigns and was famous for her great intelligence and female wisdom for her time.

The reader will get acquainted not only with interesting facts of pre-Christian history, but will be carried away by adventures, learn the philosophical views of the science fiction author about the person as a whole.

3. "Peter I", Alexei Tolstoy

The best historical novel that has its long history of writing. The author began working on it in 1929. In 1934, the first 2 volumes were already ready. Tolstoy began writing his third book in 1943, but did not have time to finish it. The events of the novel end in 1704. The all-encompassing energy of Emperor Peter was enough to “cut a window to Europe” and to radically rebuild Russia itself. The work is filled with many accurate historical facts. The novel is superbly filmed.

4. "The Other Boleyn Girl" by Phillip Gregory

This is the most famous novel by the English writer. Mary Boleyn, a noble, beautiful lady, becomes the favorite of King Henry VIII, thanks to court intrigues. Relatives of the royal mistress insist on the birth of an illegitimate child in order to strengthen their secular position. However, Mary's sister, Anna, enters the scene. She has far greater ambitions - she hopes to eventually become a queen. In the course are intrigues and a subtle game.
The novel has been filmed.

5. "Iron King", Maurice Druon

This is a historical novel from the series "Cursed Kings" by a French publicist, writer, public figure. In his works, Druon adhered to a very accurate presentation of historical facts. However, this did not stop him from making the story exciting and exciting. The Iron King is based on the legend that all the disasters in France happened because of the death curse of King Philip the Handsome by the Grand Master of the Knights Templar. In the novel, one can trace how curses come true over a long period of time: from the beginning of the 14th century to the beginning of the Anglo-French 100 Years' War.

6. "Queen Margo", Alexandre Dumas

Historical work of 1845 from the trilogy on the Huguenot wars. Events unfold in 1572 with the wedding of the Catholic Margaret and the Protestant Henry of Navvarre. Involuntarily, Queen Margot was drawn into sophisticated court intrigues and political male games.

7. "Unclean Force", Valentin Pikul

According to the author, this book is his main literary success. I don’t know Pikul’s uninteresting books at all, but this one is really special. The novel will introduce you to the adventures of the most odious, controversial, interesting personality in Russian history - Grigory Rasputin. It is difficult to find a more fascinating and detailed description of the life and death of the favorite of women, the savior of Tsarevich Alexei, a person close to the emperor. Valentin Savvich processed a lot of historical materials, newspapers, magazines to write such a large-scale work. For which he was the first to be awarded the prize. M. A. Sholokhova (posthumously).

8. Feather and Sword, Valentin Pikul

A multifaceted novel in five acts is a classic of historical Russian literature. The plot covers the Seven Years' War during the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna. And reveals the secrets of secret diplomacy during this war: political games, blackmail, court intrigues. The protagonist, who was considered a woman, was actually a man ...

9. Battle of the Iron Chancellors, Valentin Pikul

The novel was first published in the USSR in 1977. The author introduces the reader to the history of Russia's diplomatic relations with European empires: Austria, Prussia, Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy. Events take place from 1850 to 1870. - a period of revolutions, acute crises, wars.

10. "Pharaoh", Boleslav Prus

The historical work of the famous Polish writer was first published back in 1897 (and was previously published in newspapers). The last of the author's great novels. We get acquainted with Ancient Egypt of the 11th century BC. Why did the most powerful state in the world collapse? The author is looking for an answer to this question on the example of the struggle of the fictional historical figure Ramesses XIII with the untouchable caste of priests.

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