Home Indoor flowers How to take stone oil orally. Stone oil: properties and applications. For the heart and blood vessels

How to take stone oil orally. Stone oil: properties and applications. For the heart and blood vessels

Unconventional healing practices often play the role of a last resort, which many of us rely on when the disease has gone too far. In the event that a person loses hope for officially recognized means, the most exotic methods of treatment based on the healing abilities of the natural environment around us can come to the rescue.

Stone oil (KM) is considered one of the sensational natural biostimulants in the Altai Territory. Does this natural substance really have unique healing properties or is it just another "scam" of cunning scammers who seek to cash in on sick people? What do doctors think about this? Let's try to understand this issue.

Stone oil - what is it and what does it heal?

Stone oil (bracsun, mountain resin, or, as it is also poetically called, "tears of the mountains") is a solid substance of a creamy, white or yellowish hue that forms on the walls and crevices of the rocks. By definition, KM is a mineral alum.

The exact mechanism of the origin of this natural substance is still not known to science. However, local residents noticed that mountain goats stubbornly lick the rock surface exactly in those places where this natural formation is located. Apparently from the unshakable faith of man in the ability of the animal world to heal itself, the fame of stone oil was born as a product with exceptional healing qualities.

According to many healers who have flooded the Internet space, oil can cure literally all diseases, from the common cold to oncology. Unfortunately, no real facts of salvation with the help of mineral alum have been recorded, therefore, practicing doctors are very skeptical about this type of another panacea.

The healing properties of stone oil

Nevertheless, adherents of oriental medicine claim that with the help of mountain resin it is possible to cure:

  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • the consequences of iron deficiency anemia;
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • gynecological ailments;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms.

The ability of CM to accelerate the healing process of wounds, postoperative sutures, bruises and bone fractures is also actively promoted.

Methods of using stone oil

Since bracchun belongs to the category of potassium alum, it can contain a large amount of metals - calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, chromium, magnesium. In the correct ratio, these minerals are quite capable of bringing benefits to the body, but their environmental safety and permissible concentration depends solely on the place of extraction of the material, and cannot be thoroughly known to the patient.

In addition, harmful substances may be present in the natural compound - lime, sand, dust. Therefore, it is possible to ingest preparations based on stone oil only under strict control over the quality of the product and with the permission of a specialist.

Externally, stone oil can be used as a base for compresses and medical dressings, as well as for cosmetic purposes for home lifting of the facial skin and maintaining the beauty and health of hair.

The scheme for using stone oil is quite simple - you need to drink a glass of healing solution based on it 3 times a day. To get a natural remedy, follow this recipe:

  • Dissolve 3 g of powder in 3 liters of warm boiled water;
  • stir well and leave to infuse until tender, placing the container with liquid in a cool, dark place;
  • after two days, gently strain the solution through folded gauze.

You need to store the resulting product in the refrigerator, but no more than 10 days. The duration of treatment is 1 month, after which you should take a break. In just a year, you can take up to 4 courses of procedures.

Important! In the process of oral consumption of CM, strict control over the state of one's body is necessary, which consists in regular laboratory examination of blood and urine. With any alarming indicators, it is better to stop experimenting with your health and refuse to use supplements.

Stone oil in cosmetology - for body and face

"Tears of the Mountains" have found their application in home cosmetology. On the basis of this mineral mixture, you can make cleansing masks, it will help relieve redness and puffiness under the eyes, smooth out fine lines of wrinkles, improve the structure of hair and prevent hair loss.

microclysters will help - dissolve a teaspoon (no top!) of stone oil in half a liter of warm water. Introduce 10-15 ml of solution into the rectum, having previously emptied the intestines.

Contraindications and harm

Stone oil, due to its incomplete study, can negatively affect the patient's body. As with the use of any other natural substance, the authenticity of the product, its purity and safety play a huge role.

  • patients with obstructive jaundice;
  • people who have sudden changes in blood pressure (especially those who are prone to hypotension);
  • suffering from irregular bowel movements (with frequent constipation);
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children and adolescents up to 14 years old;
  • those who have an individual intolerance to one or more components of the drug.

With extreme caution, the oil can be used by people who have problems with blood flow, weak blood vessels, the risk of developing a blood clot, congenital or acquired pathologies of the heart muscle.

In addition, during CM therapy, one should completely abandon alcoholic beverages, limit oneself in the consumption of meat, fatty poultry, strong coffee and tea, radishes, radishes, and natural chocolate. Mountain resin is incompatible with taking antibiotics.

Since ancient times, man has been trying to find a remedy for all diseases, effectively raising immunity and prolonging life. Healers and alchemists on all continents were engaged in the search for such a miracle cure, and after all, everything that is needed for longevity and health promotion has long existed in nature.

We are talking about an amazing substance called "stone oil" - it is also called "white mummy" or "brakeshun", which in Tibetan dialect means "flowed out of the rock." Its extraordinary healing properties, almost complete absence of contraindications and its unique composition were known in ancient times - for more than 4000 years, stone oil has been used in different parts of the world for medicinal purposes.

The history of medicinal use of stone oil

Brakshun, or stone oil, was known in ancient China. There it was valued more than gold and was used only by members of the imperial family.

In Russia, this healing remedy has also been used since ancient times, but officially began to be used in 1777. Then Peter the Great issued a decree on the extraction of stone oil in Siberia and its delivery to St. Petersburg, where this natural balm began to be sold in pharmacies.

Official studies of the composition and healing properties of this amazing natural substance were carried out in the USSR in the 60s. At the same time, traditional medicine recognized the usefulness of stone oil, which was given the official name "geomalin", on its basis, a variety of drugs were prepared and sold through a network of pharmacy stores for the treatment of all kinds of diseases.

What is stone oil, its composition

Stone oil is an exceptionally natural product, it is potassium alum, it contains 65 elements and minerals, including magnesium sulfate, as well as water-soluble salts - they are formed during the leaching of rocks, as a result, precious stone oil appears on the surface.

The composition of stone oil includes:

  • Potassium - vital for the effective functioning of the heart, stabilization of blood pressure, also participates in the regulation of water-salt balance,
  • Magnesium is also necessary for the heart, is important for the good functioning of the nervous system, regulates sugar levels, it is a structural element of tooth enamel, bones, the deficiency of which affects the work of the whole body, causing the development of diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis and other diseases,
  • Calcium, which is rich in stone oil, is especially well absorbed and is necessary for the full formation and restoration of fractures of cartilaginous and bone tissues, affects blood clotting, the functioning of the muscular and nervous systems,
  • Zinc, which is contained in a significant amount in brashun, plays a huge role in almost all metabolism, and is also necessary for the normal functioning of the brain, the entire musculoskeletal system, as well as the reproductive system.
  • In addition, the composition of stone oil contains phosphorus, iron, copper, manganese, iodine, nickel, cobalt, selenium, chromium, etc. All trace elements that make up stone oil are indicated in the laboratory research section.

Most often, stone oil can be found in remote mountainous areas - in crevices of rocks, grottoes and caves, it looks like amorphous drips of different colors: usually it is a combination of white, yellowish, red, gray and brown colors. There are five types of stone oil: silver, gold, copper, iron and pewter, depending on the geographical location.

Our stone oil from the Chemal gorge, the Altai Republic, is a four-day walk from the village of Chemal.

Stone oil is mined in Russia mainly in Khamar-Daban, Sayany, Altai.

The substance dissolves easily in water, but much worse - in any other liquids. You can buy stone oil both unrefined and refined, and the second option is much more preferable, because cleaning at home is problematic and tiring.

The purified substance is a beige or yellowish powder and has a sour astringent taste.

Are stone oil and mummy the same thing?

Often, stone oil is mistaken for a mummy, but these are two completely different, dissimilar substances, both in appearance and in composition and origin.

So, stone oil belongs to minerals, and mummy belongs to humic acids, it is a brown-black mass, reminiscent of resin, which has an organic-mineral origin.

The only similarities between mummy and stone oil are that they are both powerful natural stimulants, increase immunity and body resistance, and are also used in the complex treatment of many diseases. In addition, both stone oil and mummy are mined in similar places - in the mountains.

What is the purpose of using stone oil

An amazingly wide range of applications of stone oil is due to its unique composition and a minimum of contraindications, which include only obstructive jaundice - with it, drugs with a choleretic effect are contraindicated.

The following properties of medicinal stone oil are known:

  • Increases the body's resistance to a variety of adverse environmental factors,
  • Significantly accelerates tissue healing,
  • Improves protein, lipid, carbohydrate and water-salt metabolism,
  • Has an immunomodulatory effect,

It has bactericidal, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, choleretic and analgesic effects.

Stone oil is used both internally (in the form of oil, water solutions, alcoholic tincture, collection with herbs, and also in the form of solutions for microclysters and douching), and externally (in the form of trays, as part of balms, creams, ointments) in the following cases :

  • Gastrointestinal diseases
  • Wound, burn therapy,
  • Liver disease
  • Purulent, trophic ulcers,
  • Oncology (stone oil prevents the formation of metastases, stops the growth of tumors),
  • Diseases of the endocrine system, especially with diseases of the pancreas,
  • Restoration of sexual activity and rejuvenation of the body.

To obtain a stable result, the course of taking stone oil should be 30-95 days, and the effectiveness (according to studies conducted in the USSR on the basis of 237 clinical cases) was more than 85%.

How and where can you buy stone oil

This effective natural medicine must be collected in ecologically clean areas and properly purified. Therefore, it is best to buy stone oil from those who understand its value, know and know how to properly collect, purify and store it.

Today you can buy stone oil collected in the ecologically clean mountains of Altai, and in Moscow - for this it is enough to call 8 499 390 98 79 or 8 925 314 31 91. You can also leave a request in the contacts section.

A universal way of using stone oil:

5 grams of stone oil (1 teaspoon with a small slide), dissolve in 3 liters of boiled water (cooled to room temperature), leave in a dark place for 2-3 days. Then, carefully pour into another container without affecting the sediment at the bottom of the jar. Apply for 30-90 days, 20 minutes before meals and not earlier than 60 minutes after meals. The first 3 days, ½ glass 2 times a day, the subsequent days, 1 glass 2 times a day. For cancer, the dosage must be doubled. TIP: Before using stone mala, it is advisable to undergo 1 course of mummy treatment.

Why spend money on pharmaceuticals with many contraindications and side effects, if nature already has everything that is needed to heal and heal the body? Stone oil is your ally in the fight against ailments!

Sincerely, Sergey Plotnikov.


Active ingredients: potassium alum, extracts of white willow, marsh cinquefoil, burdock root, bird mountaineers


The balm has a pronounced healing, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates metabolic processes in tissues. It contains natural components: potassium alum, extracts of white willow, marsh cinquefoil, burdock root, bird knotweed. It is the complex of these biologically active components that helps to facilitate the work of the affected joints, nourishes them.

The main component of the balm, which gave it its name - stone oil - is a whitish-yellow formation found in rock crevices. This unique preparation, created by nature, is a natural potassium alum containing a significant amount of impurities of soluble salts of the rocks on which they were formed.

Stone oil contains a unique set of trace elements vital for the human body. Since ancient times, it has helped people fight a variety of ailments. In folk medicine, it was used for fractures, bruises, salt deposits, cuts, burns, inflamed and problem skin.

Extracts of medicinal plants (white willow, marsh cinquefoil, burdock root, bird knotweed) have a stimulating, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, enhancing the effect of alum. The specially developed composition of the "Stone Oil" balm helps the bioactive components penetrate deeply into the tissues, enhance microcirculation in the problem area, and reduce pain in the joints and muscles.

Selling features

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An effective product specially developed for people with joint and spinal problems, provides nutrition and protection of cartilage and bone tissue, has a wound healing and cosmetic effect

Rock oil is a potassium alum containing magnesium sulfate and water-soluble salts formed as a result of the leaching of rocks, on the surface of which rock oil is formed.

In nature, stone oil is found in highland areas - in grottoes, caves or crevices of rocks in the form of amorphous incrustations, the color range of which varies depending on the content of zinc in the stone oil (in the growths of stone oil, shades of white, gray, red, yellow and brown).

Purified from foreign inclusions (fragments of limestone and other rocks) high-quality stone oil, as a rule, is a fine powder of a white-yellow or beige shade with an acid-astringent taste. Mineral rock oil is readily soluble in water, and poorly soluble in alcohol, glycerin or ether.

It is worth noting that stone oil is often confused with mummy. But in reality, mummy and stone oil are completely different in composition, natural substances (unlike the organo-mineral mummy, stone oil is a mineral product that does not contain any impurities of organic origin). The similarity between mummy and stone oil is, perhaps, only in the fact that the deposits of these products are mainly concentrated in hard-to-reach high mountain areas and that both of these natural balms have adaptogenic properties and a very wide range of therapeutic and prophylactic effects.

Stone oil composition

As part of stone oil contains about 49 macro- and microelements necessary for the human body (including sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, silicon, chromium, selenium, iodine, cobalt, nickel). Moreover, the mineral composition of rock oil largely depends on the age of this unique natural substance and on the geological characteristics of its deposit.

Potassium, the high concentration of which is characterized by stone oil, plays an important role in the regulation of water-salt metabolism and acid-base balance of blood, has a beneficial effect on the functional state of the heart, helps to normalize blood pressure in hypertension (by exerting a diuretic effect, it helps to remove excess sodium).

Present in stone oil magnesium, as well as potassium, is necessary for the full and well-coordinated work of the heart muscle. This macroelement, essential for human health, is a structural component of bones and tooth enamel, takes part in the transmission of nerve impulses and in the regulation of blood sugar, has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, sedative, antispasmodic and choleretic effects. Deficiency of magnesium in the human body is often the cause of constipation, frequent headache, insomnia, irritability or apathy, and also often provokes the development of gallstone and urolithiasis, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, prostate diseases.

The mineral composition of the stone oil is also characterized by a high content of calcium- a macronutrient with antiallergic properties, necessary for the formation and regeneration of bone and cartilage tissue, which plays an important role in blood clotting, the functioning of the nervous and muscular systems, has an anti-stress effect, and also helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Stone oil is also a rich source of zinc- a trace element that plays an important role in many processes occurring in the human body (in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, in the synthesis of insulin and digestive enzymes, in the processes of hematopoiesis, spermatogenesis and embryonic development). Taking part in the formation of immunity, zinc is necessary for the full functioning of the reproductive system, brain and musculoskeletal system. A lack of zinc in the human body often leads to disturbances in the brain, memory impairment and decreased mental abilities, to depression and delayed sexual development in children, to the development of eye diseases, diseases of the pancreas and thyroid glands, and is also often the cause of male and female infertility. ...

Therapeutic and prophylactic effect of stone oil

  • It increases the resistance of the human body to the adverse effects of environmental factors, improves protein, carbohydrate, lipid and water-salt metabolism, activates the regeneration of damaged tissues, has an immunomodulatory, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antiviral, antitumor, antispasmodic, choleretic and pain-relieving effect recommended for use as part of prophylaxis and complex treatment:
  • Diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, cholecystocholangitis, viral and alcoholic hepatitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis), food poisoning and diarrhea. With regular use, stone oil helps to accelerate the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines affected by the inflammatory or erosive-ulcerative process. Magnesium contained in stone oil, improving the processes of bile formation and bile secretion, prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder, liver and bile ducts.
  • Dermatological diseases and traumatic skin injuries (cuts, burns, purulent wounds and ulcers, insect bites, psoriasis, seborrhea, eczema, acne, boils, urticaria, bedsores, trophic ulcers, etc.). The stone oil contains a complex of macro- and microelements that have an anti-inflammatory effect, contribute to the elimination of itching and pain, and activate the processes of granulation and epithelialization of damaged skin areas (among such "wound healing" mineral components of stone oil - calcium, zinc, manganese, magnesium, silicon, copper, selenium, sulfur, cobalt).
  • Diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system (fractures, bruises, dislocations, osteochondrosis, arthritis (including gouty and rheumatoid arthritis), arthrosis, etc.), as well as associated neuralgia (sciatica, etc.). Stone oil is a rich source of substances necessary for the formation and regeneration of bone and cartilage (such substances include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, as well as silicon, zinc, copper and sulfur that stimulate the natural production of collagen). Potassium, present in a significant amount in stone oil, improves water-salt metabolism, and thereby prevents the deposition of uric acid salts in the joints. In the treatment of injuries and diseases of the spine, muscles and joints (as well as in the treatment of injuries and skin diseases), the most effective combination of external use of stone oil with its regular internal use.
  • Diseases of the urinary system (urolithiasis, cystitis, pyelocystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, nephrosis, etc.)
  • Cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, arterial hypertension, cardiomyopathy, heart attack, stroke, diabetic angiopathy, varicose veins, inflammatory diseases of the heart and blood vessels (vasculitis, pericarditis, endocarditis, myocarditis, etc.). and the strength of blood vessels, reducing the permeability and fragility of capillaries, and also prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the cardiovascular system and lowers blood cholesterol, thereby preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of arteries. Magnesium present in stone oil helps to eliminate spasms of blood vessels and reduction of high blood pressure in hypertensive disease Potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus, which are part of the stone oil, are necessary for the full functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland
  • Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems (poliomyelitis, polyneuropathy, discirculatory encephalopathy, neuralgia, neuritis, plexitis, epilepsy, paralysis, etc.), as well as frequent headache. Magnesium contained in stone oil, having a sedative effect, helps to reduce the increased excitability of the central nervous system. Zinc and iodine present in stone oil have an antidepressant effect, improve memory and mental abilities. Copper, magnesium and manganese, which are part of the stone oil, are involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters (substances through which electrical impulses are transmitted between the cells of the central nervous system (neurons).
  • Respiratory diseases (pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, pleurisy, bronchial asthma, acute respiratory infections (ARVI), etc.)
  • Iron deficiency anemia. Stone oil contains in its composition iron, manganese, copper, zinc, silicon, sulfur, cobalt, nickel and other macro- and microelements that stimulate the natural production of hemoglobin red blood cell protein.

Cosmetic application of stone oil

Rich in macro- and microelements that have antioxidant activity, prevent premature skin aging and play an important role in the natural synthesis of fibrillar collagen protein (the complex of such macro- and microelements includes calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, silicon, copper, sulfur, selenium, chrome), and also characterized by a high content of zinc, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the skin, stone oil is excellent for cosmetic care of dry, aging and problem skin.

When used regularly in hair care, stone oil prevents the appearance of gray hair, improves hair structure, stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss.


Individual intolerance, pregnancy, breastfeeding, childhood, obstructive jaundice, chronic constipation. Use with caution in combination with hormonal drugs, with arterial hypotension, heart defects, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, cholelithiasis, increased blood clotting. Before starting the regular use of stone oil, you should consult your doctor. During the course of taking stone oil, it is prohibited to use antibacterial drugs, alcohol, as well as food products that provoke the development or exacerbation of gout or urolithiasis (such as any type of meat (with the exception of lean chicken), coffee, cocoa, chocolate, strong tea, radish ).

Stone oil is one of the most effective therapeutic and prophylactic agents used in folk medicine. This unique natural product has a huge number of medicinal properties. It has a healing, immunomodulatory, restorative effect on the body. It provides relief from almost any disease, while also being an effective analgesic and antiseptic.

Stone oil (bracsun, white mummy) is a mineral of natural origin, which is obtained by scraping off various rocks. Stone oil is collected mainly in the Western and Eastern Sayan Mountains, as well as in the mountains of China, Eastern Siberia and Mongolia.

Scientifically, the medicine Stone Oil is magnesium aluminum alum. The color of the preparation depends on the composition of the supporting rock. It can be reddish white, yellow white, or cream.

In folk medicine of China, Tibet, Mongolia, as well as Eastern Siberia and Burma, the stone oil preparation is widely used for treatment, as well as various diseases. It is deservedly called the source of health and longevity.

Indications for use

  • inflammatory processes;
  • burns;
  • severe bleeding;
  • bone fractures;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • neoplasms, oncological processes;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • acute, life-threatening conditions - trauma, frostbite, poisoning;
  • preoperative period;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions (radiation, poor quality food, air and water pollution).


The preparation Stone oil has a regenerating, healing, tonic and healing effect on the body. Its use is useful before excessive mental, physical and mental stress. Stone oil will prepare your body for the upcoming stresses and accelerate recovery after them. The use of this drug is useful for all people who want to increase their vitality, strengthen their health and preserve it for a long time.


Stone oil powder.

Mode of application

Compresses, douching, tamponing, microclysters are made with stone oil. It is also used for internal use.

  • Internal use. The finished preparation in the amount of 3 grams is poured with 3 liters of warm water (boiled), after which it is left to infuse for several days. Then the liquid is drained and the precipitate is discarded. The resulting solution is ready for use.

    Before starting treatment, you should check if there is any allergy to this drug. At first, the solution used should be weakly concentrated (for three liters of water - one gram of powder), it should be drunk no more than a glass per day. If no allergic reactions occur, the concentration and dose of the solution must be gradually increased.

    Cancer patients take this drug in a highly concentrated form, but not more than three grams per half liter of water. The duration of such a course of treatment is 10 days. At the end of this period, the concentration of the drug is reduced to 1 g per day.

    When taking the drug for the purpose of prophylaxis, 1 g of oil is diluted in a liter of water and drunk three times a day, half a glass before meals (half an hour). The course of treatment is a month.

  • External use. The preparation Stone oil is used to treat wounds, skin and mucous membranes. To prepare a solution, three grams of powder should be dissolved in three hundred milliliters of boiled warm water. In the resulting treatment solution, you need to moisten the tissue, which should then be applied as a compress to the affected area. Leave the compress on the skin for 1-3 hours. You can do no more than one compress per day, 3-5 compresses per week.

    In case of purulent and inflammatory processes, white mummy is used to irrigate wounds, as well as mucous membranes.

    Also, this remedy helps to rejuvenate the skin and get rid of stretch marks. For this, stone oil powder is added to the night cream. The resulting product allows you to supply the skin with the necessary microelements, increase its firmness and elasticity, and make it look younger.

Application during pregnancy

Stone oil should not be taken during pregnancy.


Due to the pronounced choleretic effect, the intake of stone oil is contraindicated for people with obstructive jaundice. In addition, it cannot be used for individual intolerance, during pregnancy, and breastfeeding.

Please note that you should not consume antibiotics and alcohol while taking this remedy, and you should also cut down on tea and coffee. In addition, it is recommended to stop eating goose and duck meat, pork, lamb, radish and radish for the duration of treatment.

Where can I buy?

You can buy stone oil in the Russian Roots online store. Delivery by couriers in Moscow, Moscow region, and to all other regions - by mail. You can also buy the drug Stone Oil in the network of our Moscow phyto-pharmacies "Russian roots".

Attention! All materials published on our website are protected by copyright. When republishing, an indication of authorship and a link to the original source are required.

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