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Game presentation for preschoolers. Computer games for preschool children

“Without play, there is and cannot be full-fledged mental development. Play is a huge bright window through which the life stream of ideas and concepts flows into the child's spiritual world. The game is a spark that ignites the spark of inquisitiveness and curiosity. " V. A. Sukhomlinsky

The development of mental abilities of preschoolers through educational games of mathematical content Mental development is quantitative and qualitative changes that occur in the mental activity of a child in connection with age, enrichment of experience and under the influence of educational influences. The main goal is the formation of initial mathematical knowledge and skills in preschool children should be carried out in such a way that learning gives not only an immediate practical result, but also a broad developmental effect.

Tasks: develop memory, thinking, attention, imagination; to form geometric thinking, graphic skills; develop mathematical thinking; to strengthen interest in games that require mental stress, intellectual effort, the desire and need to learn new things; develop children's independence in solving assigned tasks; develop in children variable thinking, the ability to reason their statements, build the simplest inferences.

Signs, stencils, templates; - natural and waste material (buttons, ribbons, laces, threads, etc.); - board - printed games - 2 - 3 sets of cut pictures from 2 - 4, 6 - 8 parts; - various plastic constructors - large mosaics; - games - inserts, puzzles; - sets of geometric shapes, sticks; - games for acquaintance with color, shape, size.

1. Mathematical, educational, logical games -Games for plane modeling ("Tangram", "Leaf", etc.) - games for volumetric modeling ("Corners", "Cubes and color", etc.) - games - movements (building and rebuilding with counting sticks, matches) - developing games ("Domino", "Lotto", etc.) - logic-mathematical games (blocks, sticks, Voskobovich's games). 2. Entertainment - Riddles - tasks - jokes - puzzles - puzzles - questions - jokes 3. Didactic games, exercises - with visual material - verbal

CUISENER'S STICKS Each stick is a number expressed in color and magnitude .. Using "numbers in color" allows children to simultaneously develop a concept of number based on counting and measurement. The set consists of 116 plastic prisms in 10 different colors and shapes. The smallest prism is 10 mm long and is a cube. The choice of color is intended to make the kit easier to use. The class of white numbers forms the number one. Sticks 2,4,8 form a "red family" (2 - pink, 4 - red, 8 - cherry color), 3,6,9 - "blue family" (blue - 3, purple - 6, blue - 9. ) "Family of yellow" are numbers multiples of 5: 5- (yellow) and 10 (orange). The class of black numbers forms the number 7.

Gyenesh logic blocks Logic blocks were invented by the Hungarian mathematician and psychologist Zoltan Gyenesh. Games with blocks are available, on a visual basis, they acquaint children with the shape, color, size and thickness of objects, with mathematical representations and basic knowledge of computer science. They develop mental operations in children (analysis, comparison, classification, generalization), logical thinking, creativity and cognitive Logic blocks of Dienesh are a set of 48 geometric shapes: a) four shapes (circles, triangles, squares, rectangles); b) three colors (red, blue and yellow); c) two sizes (large and small); d) two types of thickness (thick and thin). There are no identical shapes in the set. Each geometric figure is characterized by four features: shape, color, size, thickness.

Games - Puzzles. Tangram One of the first ancient puzzle games. The birthplace of origin is China, the age is more than years. The puzzle is a square cut into 7 parts: 2 large triangles, one medium, 2 small triangles, a square and a parallelogram. The essence of the game is to collect all kinds of figures from these elements according to the principle of a mosaic. In total, there are more different combinations. The most common of them are the figures of animals and humans. The game promotes the development of figurative thinking, imagination, combinatorial abilities, as well as the ability to visually divide the whole into parts.

Sphinx A relatively simple puzzle "Sphinx" includes seven simple geometric shapes: four triangles and three quadrangles with different aspect ratios. The game develops the perception of form, the ability to highlight the figure from the background, highlight the main features of the object, the eye, imagination (reproductive and creative), hand-eye coordination, visual analysis and synthesis, the ability to work according to the rules.

Leaf A geometric figure of a complex configuration, reminiscent of a schematic representation of a human heart or a leaf of a tree, divided into 9 elements. Silhouettes of different types of transport are especially good from the elements of this puzzle. The resulting images resemble children's drawings (dogs, birds, little men). By constructing simple figurative figures, children learn the perception of form, the ability to select a figure from the background, and highlight the main features of an object. The puzzle develops the eye, analytical and synthetic functions, imagination (reproductive and creative), hand-eye coordination, the ability to work according to the rules.

Pentomino The Pentomino puzzle was patented by Solomon Golomb, a Baltimore resident, mathematician and engineer, professor at the University of Southern California. The game consists of flat figures, each of which consists of five identical squares connected by sides, hence the name. There is another version of the Tetramino puzzles, consisting of four squares, from this game the famous Tetris originated. The Pentomino game set consists of 12 figures. Each figure is designated by a Latin letter, the shape of which it resembles.

Nikitin's system, games and classes A very interesting system of developing games was created by the famous Russian educators-innovators Boris Pavlovich () and Elena Alekseevna (born 1930) Nikitin. Each game is a SET of PROBLEMS that the child solves using cubes, bricks, squares made of cardboard or plastic, parts from a mechanical construction set, etc. Tasks are given to the child in various forms: in the form of a model, a flat drawing in isometric view, a drawing, written or oral instructions, etc., and thus acquaint him with DIFFERENT METHODS OF INFORMATION TRANSMISSION. The problems are arranged approximately in the order of INCREASING DIFFICULTY, that is, they use the principle of folk games: from simple to difficult. Problems have a very WIDE RANGE OF DIFFICULTIES: from sometimes accessible to a 2-3-year-old kid to unbearable for an average adult. Therefore, play can generate interest for many years (until adulthood). Some of the Nikitinsky games are very similar to the Frobel blocks.

The developing games of the Nikitins. Fold the Pattern The game consists of 16 identical cubes. All 6 faces of each cube are colored differently, in 4 colors. This allows you to compose from them 1, 2, 3 - and even 4-color patterns in a huge number of options. In the dice game, children have three different types of tasks. First, they learn to fold exactly the same pattern from cubes using pattern assignments. Then they pose the inverse problem: looking at the cubes, make a drawing of the pattern that they form. And finally, the third is to independently come up with new patterns from 9 or 16 cubes. Unicub A wide range of tasks "Unicub" can fascinate children from 2 to 15 years old. The first impression is that there are no equally colored cubes, all 27 are different, although only three colors are used, and the cube has 6 faces. Then it turns out that, in addition to the only ones, there are 8 triads, according to the number of faces of each color, but are they relative position? The game teaches clarity, attentiveness, precision, accuracy.

Voskobovich's technique. Voskobovich's first games appeared in the early 90s. Geokont, Game Square (now it is Voskobovich Square), Warehouses, and Color Clock immediately attracted attention. Every year there were more and more of them - "Transparent Square", "Transparent Number", "Dominoes", "Planet of Multiplication", a series of "Miracle Puzzles", "Mathematical Baskets". The first methodological tales also appeared. Voskobovich's technology is exactly the path from practice to theory. With the help of one game, you can solve a large number of educational problems. Unbeknownst to himself, the baby learns numbers and letters; recognizes and remembers color, shape; trains fine motor skills of the hands; improves speech, thinking, attention, memory, imagination.

Montessori Methodology She created a pedagogical system that is as close as possible to the ideal situation when the child learns himself. The system consists of three parts: child, environment, teacher. At the center of the entire system is the child. A special environment is created around him, in which he lives and studies independently. In this environment, the child improves his physical condition, forms motor and sensory skills appropriate for age, gains life experience, learns to organize and compare different objects and phenomena, and gains knowledge from his own experience. The teacher, on the other hand, observes the child and helps him when required. The basis of Montessori pedagogy, its motto is "help me do it myself." Such specially created educational aids as "Frames with clasps" "Brown stairs", "Pink tower" contribute to the development of the baby's coordination of movements, fine and general motor skills. Other games can train balance ("Walking the Line"), develop aesthetic taste. What do Montessori manuals develop? ("Flower care"), eye ("Red rods", "Cylinder blocks).

Preschool age is the most fertile for enriching vocabulary, developing thinking and memory of the child. Such games do not require much effort from adults, you just need a desire to be with the child for some time, not only by the fact of presence, but with all your heart, all your thoughts. And if these games also develop the child, teach something new, it's very good!



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Presentation. Topic: "Educational games for preschool children." The presentation was prepared by: teacher of GBDOU No. 52 of the Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg Ustinova Natalya Nikolaevna, consultation for teachers.

Preschool age is the most fertile for enriching vocabulary, developing thinking and memory of a child. Such games do not require much effort from adults, you just need a desire to be with the child for some time, not only by the fact of presence, but with all your heart, with all your thoughts. And if these games also develop the child, teach something new, it's very good!

"Fairyland" What is it? A notion game. The game "Fairyland" develops abstract thinking, teaches you to think freely, avoid clichés and stereotypes. It should be noted that this game is close to the hearts of many adults, because it is an excellent reason to dream out loud, without fear of being accused of frivolity. In addition, this game allows you to inform the child about your wishes in a correct, playful, completely non-edifying form, and it is easier for the child to voice his grievances, fears, telling about an ideal magical land.

How to play? Invite your child to come up with a magical land. To do this, in turn, everyone speaks, starting the phrase in the same way: "In this magical land ..." Preschoolers from 3.5-4 years old willingly play "Magic Land". When practicing "fantasy", children often modernize the rules themselves, complicating them, and they do it perfectly!

"Verbal fun" What is it? Games with words do not just expand the child's vocabulary, acquaint him with such phenomena of the language as synonyms, antonyms, epithets, teach to transform words using linguistic means. The main goal of these games is to give the child the joy of mastering the word, which comes after the first pangs of creativity, when it is difficult to find the right, exact word.

How to play? Invite your child to become a little mouse for whom everything around is huge. And when you say to the mouse: “There are many berries in the forest. I saw a strawberry ", the mouse must answer:" And I saw a strawberry! " "The girl has beautiful eyes" - "She has eyes!" etc. Then the child turns into an elephant, for which everything is small. And now the shoe has become a shoe, the house has become a house, the river has become a rivulet. The next time the child can become a wizard Perevertkin. It is quite possible for older children to gradually introduce a linguistic term, and give the wizard the name Antony.

"Storytellers" What is it? An incredibly creative game that brings adults and children together. How to play? This game is best played by three or four. All in turn will be storytellers. Each participant in the game names a word for the storyteller that must certainly be heard in the fairy tale. Can you imagine how funny a story with a "princess, a crane and a pipe" can turn out to be? There is no need to tell a complex and long tale, everything should be simple and clear. Children will also build a fairy tale on the models of an adult, sometimes surprising you with fresh plots and unexpected twists.

Presentation for classes in the senior, preparatory group of kindergarten. Acquaintance with the most famous and age-appropriate museums of St. Petersburg. Purpose of the lesson: familiarizing preschoolers with the history and culture of their hometown. At the end of the presentation, questions to check the degree of assimilation of the material.

Summary of drawing lessons with children of the older group "Still Life"
Work tasks:
1. To develop children's visual skills (sense of color, composition)
2. Encourage children to independently transfer images, using the means of expression available to them (color, shape)
3. Continue to acquaint children with painting genres.
4. Continue to develop fantasy, imagination.
Materials: multimedia presentation, wax crayons, sheets of paper, fruit or fruit dummies.
Course of the lesson:
The teacher, together with the children, examine the fruits brought.
What shape, what color, what to the touch.
The teacher invites the children to listen to one story that happened with these fruits and includes a presentation.
“There were four friends - Yabloko, Apricot and two sisters of Plum. But one day there was a quarrel between them because everyone decided that he was the most beautiful and most delicious.
"I am the most beautiful" - said Apple and moved away from friends. “No, I'm the most beautiful,” said the apricot and also stepped aside. “No, no, we are the tastiest, most elegant and sweetest,” the Plums shouted, but no one heard them anymore, because the friends scattered in different directions. But then Orange came to them and said that each of them is beautiful and tasty in its own way. Orange reconciled friends. "
The teacher asks the children to draw a fragment of this story (two fruits together, one aside, three together, etc.)
After the children finish drawing, the teacher asks the children what the name of the picture is, which depicts flowers, fruits, vegetables, dishes.
After the children's answers, he sums up: “Yes, that's right still life. Today we all painted a still life. See how different they turned out, despite the fact that we depicted the same fruits. It all depends on how we will position the objects on the sheet of paper. This is called composition "
The teacher invites the children to come up with their own fruit story at home and draw a fragment from it.

Target audience: for preschoolers

Presentation for an extracurricular activity for a pre-school class. Objectives of the event: to develop children's knowledge of ordinal counting within 10 (direct and reverse counting). To consolidate and generalize the knowledge of children about the properties of geometric shapes. Develop the ability to compare numbers. Improve the ability of children to navigate in space. Develop attention, thinking, fine motor skills. Develop an interest in mathematics and a desire to work in a team.

Target audience: for preschoolers

This presentation provides material on spring burns. It tells about the dangers of burning grass, about the consequences of fires. The material is presented in an understandable, accessible language for preschool children.

Target audience: for preschoolers

The multimedia didactic manual "MUSICAL COUNTRY GUESS" is an interactive musical and didactic game for the development of auditory perception in older preschool children (5-7 years old).

Dasha, the traveler from the cartoon of the same name, greets the children and informs them that today they are going on a journey through the musical country "Guess" with the help of a magic card.

Purpose of the game: to activate the auditory perception of children.

  • develop the ability to distinguish by ear the nature of music, genres of music, timbres of musical instruments;
  • to form the ability to independently make decisions and make choices;
  • arouse interest in the process of music perception.

It can be used by music directors, educators both in music lessons and during subgroup and individual lessons, as well as by parents.

Target audience: for preschoolers

Interactive coloring "Find the number" is designed for older preschool children and students of the 1st grade. The resource was created with the aim of consolidating the knowledge of numbers, developing attention, memory and perseverance. The resource can be used for individual or frontal work at the stage of consolidating knowledge in mathematics lessons, at extracurricular activities. Consists of 13 slides, the transition to the next slide is carried out only with the correct answer. The work was performed in Microsoft Office Power Point "2007.

Target audience: for preschoolers

The presentation is designed for older preschool children (5-6 years old). This presentation is used as additional material on the development of logical relationships in children in collaboration with a teacher or parents. The purpose of the game is to teach children to classify geometric shapes according to two criteria simultaneously (size, shape), highlighting those figures that correspond to these characteristics

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

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Educator-psychologist: Filatova Irina Nikolaevna Games for the development of visual memory in children 3-4 years old.

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Children love everyone, especially those who love and caress them. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy Carlson was naughty. ◈ How we play: put 3-4 toys on the table. Invite your child to look at them for one minute and remember their locations. Then mix the toys, saying that it was Carlson who was naughty: he mixed everything and flew away. But he promised to return. The child must put all the toys in place as they were at the beginning. ◈ Fix: you can play such a game every day for 5-10 minutes, changing toys. ◈ Complicating: if the child copes with the task, then you can increase the number of toys to 6-8 pieces. You can remove them from the table 1-2 pieces at a time.

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Game "Remember" Lay out 5-6 object pictures in front of the child (for example: an apple, a ball, a basket, a typewriter, a leaf, a carrot). The child examines them, calls them. After 2 minutes, you remove them. The child must list everything that he remembered. Most likely, he will miss something, but do not be upset and praise the child anyway. This will encourage him to play many more times. Do you want your child to remember all the pictures? Come up with a story with him in which they will all be involved. For example: an apple and a carrot are transported by car. Leaves and a pie were put in the basket. We fix: you can play this game at any free time, using any pictures cut from old magazines.

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Love childhood; encourage his games, his fun, his cute instinct. Who of you has not sometimes regretted this age, when there is always laughter on your lips, and there is always peace in your soul? Jean-Jacques Rousseau Game "Hiding" Required inventory: 4-6 plastic cups from yogurt or sour cream. How we play: in front of the child's eyes, put any small toy or beans, a button, etc. under one of the overturned glasses. After 15 seconds, ask the child to find a glass with a toy. First, he will pick up all the glasses in a row, after a while he will find the toy, having made only two attempts. And then he will immediately pick up the glass under which the toy lies. Take your time, he will succeed. We fix it: while walking, you can put 1-2 pebbles under the inverted molds. To complicate matters: Increase the number of cups and hidden toys. You can switch roles, let the child hide toys, you are looking for them. And if you do not find them, then the child will be happy to help you.

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You will never be able to create wise men if you kill the mischievous children. Jean-Jacques Rousseau “Wonderful Bag” Put several items with different properties in a linen bag, for example, a matchbox, button, cube, ball of thread. The child needs to determine by touch what these objects are. For better memorization, small children can put things in a bag on their own. Older kids are given bags with items inside.

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Game "Pattern of buttons" Required inventory: buttons, counting sticks. ◈ How we play: lay out a simple pattern from buttons. Give your child time to look at it, then cover the image with a piece of paper. Invite your child to lay out the same pattern. If he finds it difficult, then help him. ◈ Open your pattern and compare both images. Remember to praise your child. ◈ Fixing: you can also lay out patterns from counting sticks on the table, on the floor, paying attention to how they alternate in color. For example, one red, one blue, etc.

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Game "Repeat" ◈ How we play: draw a simple pattern, for example: wavy line, broken line, wavy, broken line, etc. The child should look at the pattern for 1-2 minutes, then you hide the picture, and the child from memory draws exactly the same. ◈ Fix: change patterns. For example: two wavy lines, one broken line, two wavy, one broken line, etc. ◈ To complicate things: build a house from cubes: the base is a cube, the walls are cubes of different colors, the prism is the roof. Cover your house with something, for example a newspaper, and the child will build such a thing from memory. A parent who is trying to change his child without starting with himself is not just wasting time, but is taking a very cruel risk. (V. Levy)

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Introduction A pronounced trend in the development of modern society is its informatization, accompanied by an ever wider and more intensive introduction of information technologies in various spheres of human activity. Just three decades ago, it seemed that the computer is a complex and mysterious device of the distant future, which is accessible only to a select few. And today, thanks to its versatility, it is useful to a person of any profession. It is the versatility of computer tools that determines their developmental effect in education.

The computer can be used as a means of expanding the possibilities of the upbringing and educational process in all educational institutions from kindergarten to school. The interest of children in the computer is enormous, and it is up to adults to create conditions for its maintenance and expansion in order to develop and improve the cognitive abilities of the child.

Computer games are capable of influencing the formation of the following mental cognitive processes, personal qualities and skills: - earlier formation of the most important thinking operations, such as generalization and classification; - early development of the sign function of consciousness; - facilitating the process of transition of mental action from the external to the internal; - development of memory and attention of children; formation of motor coordination and coordination of joint activity of the visual and motor analyzers; - development of small muscles and hand motility; - easier assimilation of some mathematical concepts, for example, shape, color, size, number and set; - development of sensory abilities; - faster development of the ability to orientate on the plane and in space, which usually presents certain difficulties for preschool children; - education of perseverance, dedication and concentration; - active development of imagination and creativity; - more active vocabulary replenishment.

Games for preschoolers Computer games are special computer programs that display a picture on the screen, thereby turning this screen into a field of play. It's kind of a board game, but impressive and challenging enough. A truly gigantic number of games, the range of which is updated almost monthly (if not weekly), can confuse any of us. And knowledge of the genre classification of games will help us in this matter. Conventionally, the whole variety of computer games can be classified as follows:

Arcade games Arcade games (arcade) are the most popular children's flash games with a fairly simple game plot. Children need to react quickly enough to changes in the environment. Children play, earn points, gradually move to new levels. If a child completes the levels on time, bonuses in the form of points, weapons and other options are awarded to him for passing. Also, a young player, in case of excellent passage of all levels, gets into the gallery of the best participants in the game, where he can enter his own name. Arcade games develop the speed of the thought process and reaction.

Creative games Creative games include numerous educational computer games in which the child needs to complete all sorts of creative tasks: decorate objects, find several identical objects, find several differences between two, at first glance, pictures, solve other interesting tasks. Such games provide an opportunity to reveal the creative potential of a child at a very early age. The programmers of the most famous software companies are working on new games.

Role-playing games In games of this genre, the player has a small squad of characters, each of which performs its own separate role or function. The goal of the heroes is to jointly explore the virtual world and complete the task. The task may be to find a certain treasure, treasure or spell. The path to achieving the intended goal is usually blocked by various obstacles and pests of different stripes, which must be overcome by force or cunning. This is where the main principle of role-playing comes into play - using the right character at the right time and in the right place.

Quests The quest genre involves performing significant mental tasks during the game. Through logical thinking, the child plays out certain game situations. In order to successfully complete mental work, the child must concentrate and remember the elementary mathematical rules: multiplication, addition, subtraction, division. By alternately completing the corresponding tasks during the game, the child gradually moves to the end of the game, where bonuses or an interesting cartoon await him for successfully completing the game.

Logic Most older preschool children are interested in puzzles, if, of course, they are available to them. The usefulness of logic games is that they develop the skills of logical thinking. Most often, such a game is a single task or a set of several puzzles that must be solved. Typical representatives of this genre are various tasks of rearranging figures or drawing up a drawing. Recently, Russian manufacturing firms have been producing many high-quality and varied logic games designed for preschool age, with the aim of teaching children counting, reading, writing and other subjects.

There is also another classification of children's games: developing logical thinking and memory of the child; improving coordination of movements (fine motor skills of the hands); developing skills in counting and reading; developing imagination and volumetric perception; developing the child's artistic taste and ear for music.

Games for preschoolers: what to look for? Why is it important? Is the selected game suitable for age parameters? It is possible that games for preschoolers 5-6 years old can be suitable for a 4-year-old - and vice versa. Try to review the game yourself before recommending it to your child. What skills and abilities will this game contribute to the development of preschoolers? Games for preschoolers can contribute to the development of fine motor skills, observation, eye; logical, spatial, creative thinking. At the same time, the graphic and musical design of games for the development of preschoolers can be in no way inferior to computer games - "entertainment". Will the child be able to play this game together with other children? Online games for children usually include multiplayer games and opportunities for communication. How long will the chosen game be relevant to the child? Children's curiosity needs constant nourishment. But the educational games installed on the computer do not update themselves. In children's online games, new educational games for preschoolers are usually added by the developers themselves.

Conclusion The use of computer games in pedagogical practice is a way to improve the entire pedagogical process, increase the education of a child, it is help in diagnosing development, solving problems of correctional and developmental education, developing children's initiative and curiosity; expanding the possibilities of creating elements of the developing environment, expanding the possibility of implementing an individually differentiated approach to the child and creating a positive emotional background.

Used literature 1) Bespalko V.P. Education and training with the participation of computers (pedagogy of the third millennium). M .: MPSI,) Glushkova E.K., Leonova L.A. and other Hygienic requirements for preschoolers. // Computer science and education. - c) Zaitsev V.V., Shaidulina A.F. How to get rid of your gambling addiction. - SP-b, Electronic resources 1) "Buka" -company-publisher of computer games - 1993 [Electronic resource]. URL: 2) "Rulimony" online children's game - 2010 [Electronic resource]. URL: 3) Panina S. Educational computer games for children // Site "Moscow Mama" [Electronic resource] URL: Thank you for your attention!

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