Home Potato Simple speech therapy games and do-it-yourself manuals. Do-it-yourself didactic manuals speech therapist's piggy bank Download tasks for speech therapy classes with pictures

Simple speech therapy games and do-it-yourself manuals. Do-it-yourself didactic manuals speech therapist's piggy bank Download tasks for speech therapy classes with pictures

Elena Zaitseva

In order for children to attend speech therapy classes with pleasure and to fulfill the tasks offered to them with interest, it is necessary to come up with new, interesting didactic games with different pictures, characters, plots and material. For your attention, I offer didactic aids for individual and subgroup speech therapy classes on the automation of different sounds, the formation of intonational expressiveness, the development of hand-eye coordination, and so on. These manuals help to diversify the lesson, to increase the effectiveness of correctional work.

"Magic Cube"

Formation of phonetic-phonemic representations and syllabic structure of the word.

Formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.

Formation of coherent speech.

Formation of cognitive processes.

"Multi-colored daisies"

Formation of phonetic and phonemic representations;

syllabic structure of the word.

Formation of cognitive processes.

"Funny Caps"

Formation of sound analysis skills;

Formation of the syllabic structure of the word;

The development of fine motor skills.

Consolidation of knowledge of primary colors

"Who lives in the house?"

Exercise in the selection of a given sound in a word;

Learn to differentiate sounds;

Form the ability to divide words into syllables;

Develop logical thinking, attention;

To consolidate generalizing concepts in speech;

Develop fine motor skills.


Development of phonemic hearing and perception;

Expansion of children's knowledge, concepts: vowels - consonants; hard-soft.

Didactic game "Collect the beads"

to consolidate the ability to differentiate sounds [Z] - [S] in words;

develop phonemic hearing,

fine motor skills.

This is only a small part of those play tasks that can be given to a child (children using these aids. Depending on the goal and tasks set in the lesson, play tasks can also be changed. Children are happy to study with the aids, they arouse their interest, develop curiosity, memory, attention, and most importantly - speech.

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Speech development is the most important process for every child. Its features determine not only the ability to express one's thoughts, but also the ability to communicate effectively with others, affect the success of schooling. That is why it is so important to conduct speech therapy classes with children of five to six years old. It is good if the parents not only use the help of specialists, but also independently organize classes with the child at home.

Typical speech disorders in children 5-6 years old

Most older preschoolers have difficulty with:

  • mastering sonorous and hissing sounds;
  • sound analysis of words;
  • the development of narrative speech;
  • drawing up a story and descriptions.

Of course, such problems can be minor, only slightly different from the age norm, and serious, up to. Seeing a speech therapist is essential anyway, but supportive parenting work at home is also very important.

It is worth noting that it is useful to conduct regular speech therapy exercises and classes for children 5-6 years old at home for each child, because they help them learn to read and write faster.

Rules for speech therapy classes at home

The success of home lessons depends not only on the availability of the necessary aids and a work plan agreed with the speech therapist. The very organization of the classes is very important. Here are some simple rules to help you get great results:

  • All speech therapy exercises for children should be carried out regularly, but little by little. You should not try to do articulatory gymnastics right away, play speech games, fill out a workbook. It is better to devote a few minutes to each type of exercise, and not to arrange a whole "speech therapy day."
  • Do not force them to perform tasks "out of the way", educational activities for children should resemble a game. Come up with a simple storyline (for example, a trip to the universe of sounds), prepare small prizes (stickers, paper stars), arrange physical minutes.
  • Praise, support the little student if he makes even tiny progress. Focus on achievements, even small ones, gradually progress will become more evident.
  • Find good workbooks for your home workout. They should not only be professional in content, but also bright, colorful and engaging. It is ideal if the tasks contain elements of interactivity (the ability to add something, finish drawing). Such material makes it possible to interest the preschooler, clearly shows him the "traversed path", success.
  • Don't expect instant results, be patient, gentle persistence. The process of setting, consolidating, differentiating sounds is complex, it takes months even for experienced speech therapists. Follow the plan and the results will gradually appear.

Speech therapy exercises for practicing at home

All speech therapy exercises can be divided into three large blocks, each of which needs to be given attention and carried out regularly:

Development of phonemic hearing

It seems natural to be able to distinguish sounds by ear, but if you ask your preschool child to spell a particular word, you will see gaps.

For children 5-6 years old, there are a large number of special games, exercises that help develop. These include:

  • selection of words starting or ending with a given sound;
  • counting sounds in a word, determining the syllable structure;
  • drawing up the sound scheme of the word;
  • coming up with rhymes and short poems;
  • pronouncing phrases and tongue twisters.

Thoughtful speech therapy classes for children 5-6 years old allow you to make all the sounds of the native language obedient and light.

Finger gymnastics

Fine motor skills of the hands help speech activity, so older preschoolers must do it without fail.

Of course, for children 5-6 years old, exercises need to be used complex, with a script, in verse. It is useful to select sets of exercises for two hands at the same time, synchronous. Don't forget to use "helpers":

  • small massagers (rubber balls, rollers, bumps);
  • scissors for cutting;
  • plasticine;
  • origami paper.

Also remember that all types of needlework, construction, any creativity are excellent outside of individual lessons.

Articulation gymnastics

On the letter L

Hard is also often difficult for children 5-6 years old. If the baby has already learned to pronounce it alone, in isolation, then it's time to start working on automation in speech. The following exercises are suitable for this:

1. "Say beautifully"

Offer your child several pictures of words starting with L. Ask him to pronounce the words beautifully, highlighting the sound with his voice.

2. "Toys for Larisa"

Ask your child to collect gifts for Larisa's doll. Tell her that she only loves what begins with L. For this exercise, you need to select small objects or pictures in advance, all words should not begin with only L.

3. "One-many"

Invite your child to name words with L in the singular and plural. In the workbook for the sound Л (by Kostyuk A.V.) there is a whole table with pictures for this exercise (lesson 20).

4. "Find the Sound"

Invite your child to draw up a word diagram and mark the place L. on it. If it is still difficult for your child to independently determine the number of sounds, then for a start you can perform several similar exercises from a workbook.

5. "Tongue twisters and nursery rhymes"

Use nursery rhymes, tongue twisters and poems with words that include L.

Recently I took my daughter from speech therapy classes and saw there the game of my childhood "collect a daisy", memories flooded over me - I had exactly the same one, I adored bright pictures with flowers and animals! Therefore, I was not at all surprised when my daughter asked me to buy such a game. Over the years, there is no such game for sale, there was nothing on the Internet either. I had to go ask a speech therapist. I scanned it and realized that it makes no sense to print it, the image is very gray and "tired". And than to clean it, it is easier to create a new one by analogy, which was done.
This is what the scanned original looked like:

And so I did:

All pictures used in the game are taken in the public domain on the Internet.
The game includes 6 playing fields, 54 petal cards, rules. In the original there were 9 playing fields and 54 petals, but I decided that 5 was enough for us. The rules offer 3 options for the game, but in fact there are much more options, besides, you can use separate cards for a bunch of other games. All files for printing on A4 format. I recommend inkjet printing on heavyweight coated paper.
Link on Yandex disk https://yadi.sk/d/t3Xstz3Iwj6zN

And this is what our game looks like "live"

Hope it will be helpful to someone

I will add the essence of the game - you need to collect a flower from 6 petals on the playing field. How these petals are selected are variations of the game: it is possible by color, it is possible by some attribute (flowers, animals, birds, etc.), you can find pictures with a certain sound. in general there are many options.
I am attaching the rules that came with the original:

Creativity in the work of a teacher-defectologist is an integral factor in the success of correctional work.

Probably, in any profession, a creative approach to work is desirable, but in the work of a teacher-defectologist, it is simply necessary. Children, with whom the teacher-defectologist of the correctional-pedagogical assistance point of the preschool education institution works, due to their age, do not understand why the speech therapist takes them to classes.

In addition, in addition to speech impairment, they may have features of attention, memory, thinking, children may not have enough fine motor skills. Just like all children, they can be active, restless or passive, absent-minded. And the teacher must find an approach to everyone, because the result of his correctional work depends on this.

Special attentionteacher-defectologist must pay attention to visibility and games.

The didactic material used by the teacher-defectologist (games, exercises) should be colorful and interesting for the child.

The preschooler wants to play - let him play, and the teacher must organize his work so that the main task in the game is to correct the existing violation.

Each teacher-defectologist has in his arsenal his own set of games and exercises - computer or paper, purchased or made by hand. There are a lot of games.

But no matter how many manuals and didactic games are published, each defectologist will have in his arsenal something of his own, made with his own hands, some original game that is unlike other games. And if he also owns a computer, the possibilities of which are simply endless, then there is a lot of room for imagination.

I offer several samples of simple games made with the help of a computer that can be used in working with children with speech disorders for the automation and differentiation of sounds, the development of sound-letter analysis, phonemic hearing, correction of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, the ability to compose simple and complex (complex ) suggestions.

I compose games in a program for composing Power Point presentations: I insert the selected background image (track, snail, snake, caterpillar, table, etc.) and overlay pictures with the desired sound on it. It is better to make the background of pictures transparent.

This can be done in Adobe Photoshop, Point.net or some other program - the one owned by the teacher. Further, if desired, you can make the background of the manual.

The plot of a speech therapy game is a matter of the speech therapist's imagination.

Speech therapy walkers

Production of the manual. Choose an adventure picture, overlay pictures with the desired sound on it, and, if necessary, arrange a background.

Purpose of the game:

The course of the game.

The child "walks" with his fingers along the path, clearly pronouncing the fixed or differentiated sounds.

Variants of the game (this and subsequent):

1. Invite the child to find more objects in the picture with a given sound and count them: one tree, two trees, three trees, four trees, five trees. In this case, the child learns to coordinate numbers with nouns. To exercise in aligning adjectives with nouns, we add a sign - a green tree. The child will need to say: one green tree, two green trees, ... five green trees.

2. Invite the child to choose five pictures he liked (for example, a bicycle, a fish) and make sentences with them (“Mom bought a bicycle”, “A fish is swimming in the river”).

3. Invite the child to choose five pictures he liked and play the game "Greedy": "My bike, my pig, my hat", etc. Or the game "Not greedy": "I gave everything to you, and now I have no bike, no pig, no hat." So we train the child in the correct use of case endings of nouns.

4. Invite the child to choose five pictures he liked and play the game "One-Many": a tree - Christmas trees, a pig - pigs, a bicycle - bicycles.

On the basis of one picture from the proposed games, many variants of games can be realized, realizing the main goal - the correction of speech disorders.

Speech therapy labyrinths

Production of the manual.

Choose a labyrinth picture, insert it into the presentation slide, overlay pictures with the desired sound, and, if necessary, arrange the background.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, the development of fine motor skills.

The course of the game.

The child calls the pictures of the labyrinth, clearly pronouncing the sounds.

This game can be played by a child with a speech therapist, or you can organize it with a subgroup of children who have the same sound being automated. In this case, you need a dice and chips. The players roll the die. How many points fell, the player can make moves, clearly pronouncing words with a fixed sound (or with differentiated sounds). In this game, there is a danger of going into a dead end, so the child needs to be careful and make sure that this does not happen. In addition to automating sounds, visual attention also develops in this game, and by answering the question-name of the game, the child learns to make sentences with prepositions.

In addition to fixing sounds, in the games of this series and in the games presented below, you can also offer the same options for correcting the lexical and grammatical side of speech, as in the games-walkers.

Speech therapy caterpillars

Production of the manual. Select a caterpillar picture, insert it into the slide, overlay pictures with the desired sound, and, if necessary, arrange the background.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, the development of fine motor skills.

The course of the game.

The child moves the chip along the caterpillar, clearly articulating the sounds.

On this material, in addition to consolidating sounds, you can also work out the coordination of numerals and adjectives with nouns, singular and plural nouns, the ability to make sentences.

Speech therapy tracks

Production of the manual. In the "Insert" function, select "Shapes", insert a suitable shape, duplicate it and make a path out of it. Then overlay pictures with the desired sound on the track, and, if necessary, arrange the background.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, the development of fine motor skills.

The course of the game.

The child "walks" with his fingers along the path, clearly articulating the sound. Then the child, answering a question (for example, "Who is the goat calling?"), Makes a simple sentence ("The goat is calling the kid").

On the material of the games of this series, you can also work out the coordination of words in a sentence, the selection of signs for an object, singular and plural nouns, etc.

Speech therapy collectors

Production of the manual. Insert a picture into the file (for example, a mushroom, strawberries), multiply it and make a track out of it (you can take pictures of different mushrooms), then overlay pictures with the desired sound on them, and, if necessary, arrange a background. You will need a die and chips.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, the development of fine motor skills.

The course of the game.

The players take turns throwing the dice - how many points fell on the dice, for so many pictures you need to move the chip, clearly pronouncing the name of the pictures.

Speech therapy snakes

Production of the manual. Choose a snake picture, overlay pictures with the desired sound, and, if necessary, arrange a background.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, the development of fine motor skills.

The course of the game.

The players take turns throwing the dice - how many points fell on the dice, as many moves the player can make, clearly naming the words with a fixed sound. And here you can also choose three to five pictures, make sentences with them, count them, agreeing the numbers with nouns. Then you can close or remove the pictures and give the child the task: "Remember what pictures were on this snake" (development of visual memory).

Speech therapy dominoes

Production of the manual. In the "Insert" function, select a table, insert it into the slide, fill the table with the color you like, overlay pictures with the desired sound.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds.

Cut the picture material horizontally, then vertically between the same pictures (you can laminate it) and play like a regular domino. The only difference is that instead of dots on dominoes there are pictures, and you need to name them, agreeing the numeral with the noun.

Speech therapy snails

Production of the manual. Choose a snail picture, overlay pictures with the desired sound, and, if necessary, arrange the background.

Purpose of the game: automation (differentiation) of sounds, the development of fine motor skills.

You will need a die and chips to play. A child with a speech therapist can play, or you can organize a game with a subgroup of children, with whom the pronunciation of the same sound is reinforced.

The course of the game.

The players take turns throwing a dice - how many points fell, the player can make moves, clearly naming words with a fixed sound.

The goal of the game for a child is to get to the prize (it can be a chip, a picture, a sticker or some other prize), and for a speech therapist - to fix the set sound in the child.

The options for using the game in this series may be the same as in the games of other series, or there may be your own - this is a matter of the teacher's imagination.

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