Home Diseases and pests Speech therapy games and exercises aimed at correcting speech deficiencies in primary school students. Speech therapy games and assignments Interesting speech therapist assignments for schoolchildren

Speech therapy games and exercises aimed at correcting speech deficiencies in primary school students. Speech therapy games and assignments Interesting speech therapist assignments for schoolchildren

The manual presents 159 sets of various tasks for students in grades 2 - 3 of a general education school who have violations of written speech of various types or "growth errors", that is, difficulties in mastering the rules of the Russian language.

Tasks are given in a sequence corresponding to educational programs in the Russian language and speech therapy correction programs. Taking into account the age characteristics of children, the author included in the manual useful game tasks based on vocabulary, sentences, texts and illustrative material, as well as fillwords, crosswords, etc. Game exercises, firstly, will be of interest to schoolchildren, and secondly, they will increase the level their independence in solving educational problems and, thirdly, will help them consolidate the material studied in the course of the class.

The book includes long-term planning for working with schoolchildren who have a mixed character of dysgraphia (acoustic, complicated by the underdevelopment of language analysis and synthesis; optical, complicated by the underdevelopment of language analysis and synthesis).

The manual will be useful for teachers-speech therapists of school speech centers and primary care centers, primary school teachers and parents who are interested in the child learning to read and complete the task carefully, make fewer mistakes in dictations and cheating.

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Speech therapy games and exercises aimed at correcting the deficiencies in oral and written speech of primary school students

Methodological guide for parents and teachers.

Explanatory note………………………………………………….……..3

Section I. Development of fine and general motor skills ………………………….… ..5

A set of exercises for the development of fine and general motor skills …… ... ……… ..5

Section II. Development of speech breathing ……………………………………… ..9

A set of exercises for the formation of correct speech breathing ... ... 9

Section III. Development of articulatory motor skills ………………………… 15

The value of articulatory gymnastics for the formation of correct sound pronunciation ……………………………………………………… ..… 15

Articulatory gymnastics rules .... ……………………… 15

A set of exercises for developing articulatory patterns of sound C ... 16

A set of exercises for the development of articulatory patterns of sound P ... 20

A set of exercises for developing articulatory patterns of sounds L, L ………………………………………………………………………………… .22

Section IV... Development of phonemic hearing …………………………… ... 26

Games for the development of phonemic hearing based on non-speech sounds 27

Games for the development of phonemic hearing on speech material ... ... ... ... ... 27

ChapterV. Vocabulary development ……………………………………… 32

A set of exercises and games to enrich and activate the vocabulary of children ……………………………………………………………………… 32

ChapterVI. Development of the grammatical structure of speech ………………………… 37

A set of exercises and games for the development of grammatical skills ……… ..37

ChapterVII. The development of coherent speech ………………………………………… ..41

A set of exercises and games for the development of coherent speech skills …………… 41

List of used literature ……………………………………… ..51

Explanatory note

Speech is one of the most important mental functions of a person. In the process of speech development, the highest forms of cognitive activity are formed, the ability to effectively interact with the outside world.

Violations of oral and written speech among junior schoolchildren have a negative effect on the process of assimilating knowledge, on social adaptation in society. Thus, it becomes obvious the need to correct speech deficiencies, the formation of competent and correct speech of students.

This methodological guide will allow to combine the efforts of teachers and parents in teaching and upbringing of a younger student. Completing the tasks proposed in the methodological manual will allow you to quickly and easily achieve the setting of disturbed sounds, master lexical material, develop coherent speech, and consolidate the skills acquired in speech therapy lesson.

The manual consists of seven sections, which offer a set of games and exercises aimed at correcting and developing speech:

 exercises for the development of fine and general motor skills,

 exercises for the formation of correct speech breathing,

 exercises to form correct articulation,

 exercises for the development of phonemic hearing and perception,

 exercises to enrich and activate the vocabulary of children,

 exercises for the development of grammatical skills,

 Exercises for the development of coherent speech skills.

When using a set of games and exercises aimed at correcting and developing speech, the didactic principles of accessibility, clarity, transition from simple to complex, repetition and exercise are implemented.

The proposed set of games and exercises is intended for use by speech therapists, subject teachers, teachers in the extended day group, parents of students in grades 1-4.

It is important to remember that the lack of repetition and consolidation of the acquired skills at home and at school leads to a significant decrease in the effectiveness of correctional work and lengthening the time frame for correcting speech disorders.

Section I

Development of fine and general motor skills.

It is no longer a secret for anyone that the level of development of a child's speech is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine movements of the fingers of their hands, namely fine motor skills. However, finger gymnastics does not lose its relevance for children 6-7 years old. The fact is that even just holding the handle correctly is very difficult. Not to mention taking out various hooks and sticks.
So, we develop speech, memory and attention in younger students. The following exercises improve mental activity, promote memorization, and improve the writing process.

! You need to deal with the childeveryday at any time, but not before bedtime. Perform all exercises vigorously, with optimal load, large range of motion, otherwise they will not bring a positive effect. Particular attention should be paid to training movements of increased complexity, that is, those that our fingers do not do in everyday life. It is this training of the fingers that gives a visible and quick result.

Games and exercises aimed at developing general and fine motor skills of the hands.

1. "Rings"
Alternately connect the pad of each finger with the thumb, forming a ring. First on the right, then on the left. And at the end of the lesson - synchronous movements on both hands.

Fingers went out for a walk.
One, two, three, four, five,
Let's count our fingers.

2. "Horns"
Close the thumb, middle and ring fingers in a ring. Stretch the rest to the sides as much as possible (make a goat). After that, close the big, ring fingers and little finger in a ring (make "horns"). Repeat these shapes 3 times with each hand.

3. "Fist-rib-palm"
Three positions on the plane of the table. A fist, then an edge-on palm on the table, a straight palm on the table. Do it with the right, left hand, then synchronously.

4. "Tic-tac-toe"
Hook the middle finger over the index finger - a cross. Then connect the pads of the index and thumb - toe. Alternate these movements.

5. "Mirror painting"
Take a pencil in each hand and draw simultaneously mirror-symmetrical figures and letters.

6. "Ear-nose"
Grab the tip of the nose with your left hand, and the opposite ear with your right. Let go, clap your hands and change the position of the hands in reverse.

7. "Fish"
Putting the palms of your hands together is a fish. Move the "fish" in different directions, imitating swimming.

8. "Snake"
Clasping your palms into the lock is the head of the "snake". Press your hands together. Move the "snake" in different directions, imitating crawling.

9. "Castle"
The poem should be read not very quickly, but clearly and rhythmically so that the child's movements coincide with the rhythm. Highlight the final “open” especially so that the child can demonstrate how wide he opened the lock.
Clasp your fingers into the lock and shaking the "lock", rhythmically pronounce:
- There is a lock on the door,
- Who could open it?
- Knocked, knocked, (without unlocking your fingers, knock on each other with the bases of your palms),
- Twisted, circled (without disengaging fingers, pull one hand towards you, the other away from you, alternately changing them),
- Pulled, pulled (pull the handles in different directions, straightening your fingers, but not releasing the lock completely),
- And they opened it! (abruptly disengage your fingers, spread your arms wide to the sides).

10. "Eights"
Draw a figure eight in the air with the index and middle fingers of the left, right hand, then synchronously.

11. Various subject activities that develop fine motor skills: buttoning and unbuttoning buttons, lacing shoes, playing with mosaics, constructors, puzzles; games with beans and peas (put in different boxes).

12. Close your palms in front of your chest. The left palm slides up, the fingers of the left hand clasp the fingers of the right and squeeze them tightly. Do the same with your right hand. Repeat 20 times.

13. Firmly squeeze both hands into fists, and then forcefully spread your fingers to the sides. Repeat 10 times.

14. Put your palms on the table and drum your fingers on the table. Have the child pretend to be playing the piano. Now you need to hit the table with each finger 5 times. The child must learn to control each finger separately.

15. It is easy to squeeze both hands into fists and slowly rotate with the brushes. Then shake with brushes. Repeat 8 times in each direction.

16. Massage each finger from the nail phalanx down the finger and palm along the bones. If it is difficult for a child and his hands get tired quickly, help your child do this exercise. Massage the pens for 1-2 minutes.

17. Stand up, close your eyes, spread your arms to the sides. Touch the tip of your nose with your right index finger, then your left. Repeat the exercise 10 times, then shake your hands.

18. Stand up, close your eyes, spread your arms to the sides. Touch your left earlobe with your right hand (hand in front of your face), then touch your left earlobe again with your right hand (hand behind your head). Do the same with your left hand. Repeat the exercise 10 times in each direction, then shake your hands.

19. Pencil
it is better to give the child a pencil with edges

I roll a pencil in my hands
I twirl between my fingers.
Certainly every finger
I will teach you to be obedient.

20. Assistant
pour different cereals on the table - let the child try to determine without looking and name the seeds

I'm picking up the groats
I want to help mom
I am with my eyes closed
I can tell the difference between rice and buckwheat.

21. Nuts
take 2 walnuts or similar sized balls

Learned two nuts
Hold between your fingers.
This will help me at school
Write straight letters.

22. Salted cabbage

We chop the cabbage (Movements with straight brushes up and down. We are three carrots, Move your fists towards you and Push. We salt the cabbage Finger movements that mimic salt sprinkling... We are harvesting cabbage. Intense clenching of both hands into fists.)

Section II

Development of speech breathing.

Speech breathing designed to participate in the creation of vocal sounding on a uniform exhalation. It differs from life in that it is a controlled process.

Speech breathing is considered incorrect if breathing is rapid, exhalation is shortened, too much inhalation or air intake is noticeable to others.

Performance breathing exercises promotes the education of correct speech breathing with an extended gradual inhalation, the prevention of respiratory diseases (rhinitis, rhinopharyngitis, sinusitis, chronic bronchitis, etc.).

Correct speech breathing- the basis of normal sound pronunciation, speech in general. Some sounds require an energetic, strong exhalation, a strong jet of air.

! Regular implementation of breathing exercises contributes to the education of correct speech breathing with an elongated, gradual exhalation, which allows you to get a supply of air for pronouncing speech segments of different lengths.

When exercising, the following conditions must be observed:

Do not exercise in a dusty, unventilated or damp room.

Do not exercise after eating.

Classes should be carried out in loose clothing that does not restrict movement.

Do not overwork, postpone classes if you feel unwell.

Dose the amount and pace of exercise.

Exercises and games aimed at the formation of correct speech breathing

Blow out the stubborn candle

Hold colored strips of paper in your right hand; put your left palm on your stomach; inhale with your mouth, inflate your stomach; then inhale for a long time, "extinguish the candle."


Walk around the room, imitating the movements of the wheels of a steam locomotive with bent arms, while pronouncing "chukh-chukh" and changing the speed of movement, volume and frequency of pronunciation.


Sit in Turkish style, hands on the back of the head; inhale calmly (pause 3 s.), lean forward - exhale, return to the starting position - inhale. Repeat 3-4 times.


Imagine yourself with balloons; at the expense of 1, 2, 3, 4, take four deep breaths and hold your breath. Then exhale slowly for a count of 1-5.


Inhale through the nose, while exhaling, pronounce the word "puff". Repeat at least 6 times.

"Roll your pencil"

Inhale through your nose and, exhaling through your mouth, roll a round pencil across the table.

"We warm our hands"

Inhale through your nose and blow on your chilled hands, inhaling smoothly through your mouth, as if warming your hands.

"Firewood saw"

Stand opposite each other in pairs, hold hands and imitate sawing wood: hands on yourself - inhale, hands from yourself - exhale.


Stand straight, legs slightly narrower than shoulders; as you exhale, fold your hands with a hatchet and lift up. Sharply, as if under the weight of an ax, lower your outstretched arms down as you exhale, tilt the body, allowing your hands to “cut through” the space between your legs. Say "uh". Repeat 6-8 times.


Sit down, grab the legs of the chair with your legs, put your hands on your belt. Inhale, slowly turn the body to the side; on the exhale, show how the mosquito rings - "z-z-z"; quickly return to the starting position. A new breath - and a turn in the other direction.


Raise an imaginary pipe to your lips. Imitating the movements of the trumpet player, press the imaginary keys with your fingers, while exhaling, pronounce "tu-tu-tu" (10 - 15 s.).


Sit down, spread your arms to the sides, pulling them back a little - inhale. Exhaling, show how long the big beetle is buzzing - "zh-zh", while lowering his hands down.

"The tire was punctured"

Take a light breath, exhaling, show how slowly the air comes out through the puncture in the tire - "shhhh".

Reading proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters on one breath.

Read proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters on one breath.

Drop and stone hollows.

They build with the right hand - they break with the left.

Whoever lied yesterday will not be believed tomorrow.

On the bench by the house, Toma sobbed all day.

Do not spit in the well - it will be useful to drink water.

There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass: once firewood, two firewood - do not chop wood on the grass of the yard.

Thirty-three Yegorkas lived like a hill on a hillock: one Yegorka, two Yegorka, three Yegorka ...

I wonder how many Egoroks will you get on one exhalation? ;


The child is invited to blow on cotton wool, small pieces of paper, fluff and thus turn an ordinary room into a snow-covered forest. The child's lips should be rounded and slightly extended forward. It is advisable not to puff out your cheeks when performing this exercise.


Fill a basin with water and teach your child how to blow on light objects in the basin, such as boats. You can arrange a competition: whose boat sailed farther. It is very good for these purposes to use plastic eggs from "kinder surprises" or packaging from shoe covers issued by machines.


Build a gate from a constructor or other material, take a ping-pong ball or any other light ball. And play football with your child. The child should blow on the ball, trying to drive it into the gate. You can take two balls and play the game: "Who is faster."


Take two plastic clear cups. Pour a lot of water into one, almost to the brim, and pour a little bit into the other. Encourage your child to play bulbul with the cocktail straws. To do this, into a glass where a lot of water needs to be blown weakly through the tube, and into a glass where there is little water, you can blow strongly. The task of the child is to play "bulbulki" so as not to spill water. Be sure to draw the child's attention to the words: weak, strong, a lot, a little. This game can also be used to reinforce the knowledge of colors. To do this, take multi-colored cups and tubes and invite the child to blow into the green glass through the green tube, etc.

"Magic Bubbles"

Invite your child to play with bubbles. He can blow soap bubbles by himself, but if he cannot blow or he does not want to practice, then you blow the bubbles, directing them to the child. This encourages the baby to blow on the bubbles so they don't get caught in them.


Invite your child to stick his narrow tongue forward, lightly touching the tip of his tongue to the glass bubble. Blow air onto the tip of your tongue so that the bubble whistles like a pipe.

"Flower shop"

Invite your child to breathe in deeply slowly through the nose, smelling an imaginary flower to choose the most fragrant flower for grandma or mom. You can use a variety of scented sachets for this game, however they should not have strong odors, should not be dusty and should not be brought too close to your nose.


Buy large multi-colored candles and play with them. You light candles and ask the child to blow on a blue candle, then a yellow one, etc. You need to blow slowly, inhalation should not be noisy, you should not puff out your cheeks. First, the candle can be brought closer to the child, then gradually remove it.

Blow on the candle (option 2)

Sit on the floor, legs apart, holding an imaginary candle in your hand. For one, two, take a deep breath through your nose and mouth; "Three, four" - long and slow exhalation, imitating blowing out a candle. Repeat 3-4 times.


This exercise can be performed to the sounds of a march: inhale and "pull the scythe" to the side for a weak beat of the melody, exhale and "swing the scythe" for a strong beat.

Mower (option 2)

Stand, legs apart shoulder-width apart, arms slightly bent at the elbows and raised forward, fingers clenched into a fist. Turning to the right and left, imitating the movements of the mower, make sweeping movements with your hands and say: “Wow! wow! " Repeat 7-8 times at an average pace


Several children can participate in the game. We fold airplanes out of paper and put them on the table. On command, the children blow hard on them, releasing the maximum amount of air. The winner is the one whose airplane will fly away further.


Cut out small butterflies from paper and hang them on threads. Offer the child to blow on the butterflies so that they fly.

Section III

Development of articulatory motor skills

The value of articulatory gymnastics for the formation of correct sound pronunciation.

In order for a child to learn to pronounce complex sounds, his lips and tongue must be strong and flexible, hold the required position for a long time, and easily make multiple transitions from one movement to another. All this will help to learn articulatory gymnastics.

Thanks to timely classes in articulatory gymnastics and exercises for the development of speech hearing, some children themselves can learn to speak cleanly and correctly, without the help of a specialist.

    Children with complex pronunciation disorders will be able to overcome their speech defects faster when a speech therapist begins to study with them: their muscles will already be prepared.

    Articulatory gymnastics is also very useful for children with correct, but sluggish sound pronunciation, about whom they say that they have "porridge in their mouth".

    Articulatory gymnastics classes will allow everyone - both children and adults - to learn to speak correctly, clearly and beautifully. It must be remembered that a clear pronunciation of sounds is the basis for teaching writing at the initial stage.

Articulatory gymnastics rules

At first, articulatory gymnastics must be performed in front of a mirror. The child must see what the tongue is doing. We, adults, do not think about where the tongue is at the moment (behind the upper teeth or behind the lower ones). We have articulation - an automated skill, and the child needs to acquire this automatism through visual perception, constantly exercising.

Do not be discouraged if some exercises do not work out the first time, even with you. Try to repeat them with your child, confessing to him: "Look, I can't do it either, let's try together."

    At first, the exercises should be performed slowly, in front of a mirror, since the child needs visual control. After he gets used to a little, the mirror can be removed. It is useful to ask the child leading questions. For example: what are the lips doing? What does the tongue do? Where is it (above or below)?

    Then the pace of the exercises can be increased and performed at the expense. But at the same time, make sure that the exercises are performed accurately and smoothly, otherwise the exercises do not make sense.

    At the age of 6-7 years, children perform exercises at a fast pace and are able to hold the position of the tongue for some time without changes.

    If, during classes, the child's tongue trembles, is too tense, deviates to the side, and the baby cannot hold the desired position even for a short time, you need to choose lighter exercises to relax muscle tone, make a special relaxing massage.

If you identify the violation in a timely manner and start working with the child using articulatory gymnastics, then you can achieve positive results in a shorter time. Correct pronunciation of sounds along with a rich vocabulary and grammatically correct, well-developed, coherent speech is one of the main indicators of a child's readiness for schooling!

A set of exercises for articulatory gymnastics, aimed at the formation of the correct sound pronunciation

A set of exercises for developing articulatory patterns of sound C

Features of the C sound articulation:

The teeth are close together. The lips are slightly stretched. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth, the back is arched. The vocal cords are resting, the throat does not tremble.


Target: strengthen the circular muscles of the mouth, develop the ability to keep the lips in a smile.

Stretch your lips in a smile, exposing the upper and lower teeth, which stand on top of each other, like a fence. Say "I" to yourself. Keep so under the count from 5 to 10.


Target: strengthen the circular muscles of the mouth, develop the ability to pull forward the rounded lips.

Close your teeth by making a "Fence". Round lips and stretch forward, as when pronouncing the sound "O". Keep counting from 1 to 10. Relax your lips and repeat the exercise several times.

Alternate "Fence" - "Tube".

Target: strengthen the circular muscles of the mouth, develop the ability to quickly change the position of the lips.

The teeth are closed. With our lips we imitate the pronunciation of sounds and-oo-oo.

"Slap on the tongue"

Target: develop the ability to relax the muscles of the tongue, keep it spread wide .

Open your mouth a little, calmly put your tongue on your lower lip and, spanking it with your lips, utter the sounds: "five-five-five", and then bite with your teeth: "cha-cha-cha."


Target: develop the ability to make the tongue wide and keep it in a calm, relaxed state.

Smile, the wide tongue lies motionless, does not tremble on the lower lip, touching the corners of the mouth, the upper teeth are visible. Hold for 10 to 15 seconds.

"Let's cool the pancake"

Smile, having made a pancake, blow, uttering the sound "F" for a long time, do not puff out your cheeks.

"Let's clean the lower teeth"

Make a smile, open your mouth, move the tip of your tongue behind the lower teeth to the left - to the right, the lower jaw does not move (teeth can be cleaned both outside and inside).


Target: develop lifting the back of the tongue up, the ability to hold the tip of the tongue at the lower teeth.

Open the mouth slightly, rest the tip of the tongue against the lower teeth, raise the back of the tongue, press the lateral edges to the upper molars. Hold for 15 seconds. Bite the back of your tongue, then roll your teeth down the tongue (ride down a hill).


Target: strengthen the muscles of the tongue, develop the ability to control the tongue, develop the rise of the lateral edges of the tongue upward.

"Blow through the groove"

Target: develop a smooth, long, continuous air stream going down the middle of the tongue.

"Blow through a straw"

Target: develop the ability to direct an air stream in the middle of the tongue.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide tip of the tongue rests against the base of the lower incisors. A cocktail straw is placed in the middle of the tongue, the end of which is dipped into a glass of water. Blow through a straw until the water bubbled up in the glass. Make sure that the cheeks are not puffed out, the lips are motionless.

Now let's think about how the sound C is pronounced.

Remember to check yourself by looking in the mirror.

What is the position of the lips? (In a smile)

Is your mouth open or closed? (Closed)

Are your teeth closed or open? (Teeth clenched)

Where is the tip of the tongue?

(The tip of the tongue rests on the inside of the lower teeth, a groove forms in the middle of the tongue, along which a cool stream of air "flows")

Sound hard or soft? (Sometimes hard and soft)

Is the sound dull or ringing? (Deaf)

Pictures-symbols for sound C

How does the tap water flow? C-C-C

A set of exercises for developing articulatory patterns of sound P

Perform the exercises of this complex daily, for 10-15 minutes, in front of a mirror.

When performing exercises of articulatory gymnastics, you should remember:

    It is necessary to follow a certain sequence - from simple exercises to more complex ones.

    At the initial stage, the exercises are performed at a slow pace and in front of a mirror.

    The number of repetitions of each exercise is from 2 to 15 times. The main thing is that the exercise is performed correctly. You need to accurately perform the movements.

    Try to monitor the even participation of the left and right half of the tongue, lips in the performance of movements.

5. If it is tiring for a child to perform all the exercises in a row, you can break gymnastics into blocks and perform them throughout the day.

Classes will give the best results if they are carried out in a playful way.

Features of the articulation of the sound P:

The tip of the tongue touches the tubercles behind the upper teeth, the lateral edges are pressed against the upper molars. The shape of the tongue resembles a spoon. The tip of the tongue trembles under the pressure of exhaled air. The vocal cords are working, the throat is trembling (there is a voice).

The following exercises contribute to the development of the necessary movements of the tongue and the formation of an air stream.


Target: strengthen the muscles of the tongue, develop a lift of the tongue, develop mobility and flexibility of the tip of the tongue, the ability to control it.

With the tip of the tongue, rest alternately on the upper and then on the lower teeth. Do not move the jaw.


Target: develop upward movement of the tongue, its mobility, the ability to control it.

Smile, open your mouth and with the tip of your tongue "stroke" the palate back and forth (like a brush).

"Let's clean the upper teeth"

Target: develop a lift of the tongue, flexibility and mobility of the tip of the tongue, the ability to control the tip of the tongue.

Smile, open your mouth, move the tip of the tongue to the left - to the right along the upper teeth. Do not move the jaw (teeth can be cleaned both outside and inside).


Target: strengthen the muscles of the tongue, develop upward movement of the tongue., stretch the hyoid frenulum.

Open your mouth, smile, suck your tongue to the palate and hold from 1 to 10, then click (pluck the fungus). Repeat the exercise several times.


Target: strengthen the muscles of the tongue, develop the ability to hold the tongue in an upright position, stretch the hyoid frenulum.

Smile, do "Fungus" and, without lifting your tongue from the sky, strongly pull down the lower jaw, then raise it (like playing the accordion). Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.


Target: strengthen the muscles of the tongue, develop a lift of the tongue.

Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth and click the tip of your tongue (like a horse claps its hooves). Repeat the exercise 5-10 times, lips smile.

"Woodpecker - drummer"

Target: to develop a lift of the tongue, the ability to make the tip of the tongue tense, to develop its mobility.

Smile, pound the tip of your tongue on the tubercles of the upper teeth, saying "D-D-D-D-D-D-D" with your mouth open and the jaw motionless. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.

A set of exercises for the development of articulatory patterns of sounds L, L

Do the exercises of this complex daily, for 10-15 minutes, in front of a mirror

When performing exercises of articulatory gymnastics, you should remember:

It is necessary to follow a certain sequence - from simple exercises to more complex ones.

At the initial stage, the exercises are performed at a slow pace and in front of a mirror.

The number of repetitions of each exercise is from 2 to 15 times. The main thing is that the exercise is performed correctly.

If it is tiring for a child to perform all the exercises in a row, you can break gymnastics into blocks and perform them throughout the day.

Classes will give the best results if they are carried out in a playful way.

Features of the L sound articulation:

The tip of the tongue rests against the upper teeth or the tubercles behind the upper teeth. The middle part of the back of the tongue is lowered, the back of the back of the tongue is raised, the lateral edges of the tongue are lowered. The shape of the tongue resembles a saddle. Exhaled air flows along the sides of the tongue. The vocal cords are working, the throat is trembling. The sound is clear.

Sound of L

Lips are stretched in a smile. The front of the tongue touches the tubercles behind the upper teeth. The middle part of the back is raised. The back of the back of the tongue is lowered. The tongue is tense. Exhaled air flows along the sides.

Slap on the tongue

Purpose: in To develop the ability to relax the muscles of the tongue, to keep it wide, spread out.
Description: open your mouth a little, calmly put your tongue on your lower lip and, spanking it with your lips, pronounce the sounds "five-five-five ...". Keep a wide tongue in a calm position with an open mouth for a count of one to five to ten.

Methodical instructions.

1. The lower lip should not be twisted and pulled over the lower teeth. 2. The tongue should be wide, its edges touching the corners of the mouth. 3. It is necessary to slap the tongue with your lips several times on one exhalation. Make sure that the child does not hold the exhaled air. You can control the implementation as follows: bring a cotton swab to the child's mouth, if he does the exercise correctly, it will deviate.

Delicious jam

Target: develop a movement of the wide front edge of the tongue upward.
Description: with it is easy to open your mouth and lick the upper lip with the wide front edge of the tongue, making a movement with the tongue from top to bottom, but not from side to side.

Methodical instructions.

1. Make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw does not help, does not "put" the tongue up - it must be motionless (you can hold it with your finger). 2. The tongue should be wide, its lateral edges touching the corners of the mouth. 3. If the exercise does not work out, you need to return to the exercise "Punish the naughty tongue". As soon as the tongue becomes flat, you need to lift it up with a spatula and wrap it over the upper lip.


Target: develop the ability to quickly change the position of the tongue, which is necessary when connecting sound l with vowels a, s, o, y.
Description: smile, show your teeth, open your mouth, put a wide tongue on the lower teeth (from the inside) and hold in this position for a count of one to five. Then raise the wide tongue by the upper teeth (also from the inside) and keep counting from one to five. So, alternately change the position of the tongue 4-6 times.

Purpose: in
To work out lifting the tongue up, the mobility of its front part.
Description: p Open your mouth, put your tongue on the upper lip and make movements with the wide front edge of the tongue along the upper lip back and forth, trying not to pull the tongue away from the lip - as if stroking it. First, make slow movements, then speed up the tempo and add voice until you hear bo-bo(like a turkey chatter).
Methodical instructions... 1. Make sure that the tongue is wide and not narrowed. 2. So that the movements of the tongue were back and forth, and not from side to side. 3. The tongue should "lick" the upper lip, and not protrude forward.

Flick the tip of your tongue

("Let's click the tip of our tongue").
Purpose: have strengthen the muscles of the tongue and develop the lift of the tongue up.
Description: smile, show your teeth, open your mouth and click the tip of your tongue (like a horse claps its hooves).
Methodical instructions.

1. The exercise is performed at a slow pace at first, then faster. 2. The lower jaw should not move; only the language works. 3. If the child fails to click, you need to invite him to perform the exercise "Glue the candy", and then return to this exercise. 4. Make sure that the tip of the tongue does not curl inward, ie. so that the child clicks his tongue, not smacks.

The steamer is humming... S-S-S
: to develop the rise of the back of the tongue upwards.
Description: open your mouth and make a sound for a long time s(as the steamer hums).
Methodical instructions... Make sure that the tip of the tongue is lowered and located in the depths of the mouth, and the back is raised to the sky.

Section IV

Development of phonemic hearing

Formation of grammatically correct, lexically rich and phonetically clear speech in children is one of the most important tasks in the general system of teaching a child a native language. It is only possible to create a foundation for literacy training in the process of serious development work. phonemic perception.

The theory and practice of speech therapy work convincingly prove that the development of phonemic processes has a positive effect on the formation of the entire speech system as a whole. Effective and persistent correction of pronunciation defects (pronunciation, sound filling and syllabic structure of words) can only be possible with the advance formation of phonemic perception.

With systematic work on the development of phonemic hearing, children perceive and distinguish the endings of words, prefixes, common suffixes much better, highlight prepositions in a sentence, etc., which is so important in the formation of reading and writing skills.

In addition, without sufficient formation of the foundations of phonemic perception, it is impossible to form its highest stage - sound analysis, the operation of mental dismemberment into component elements (phonemes) of various sound complexes: combinations of sounds, syllables, words. In turn, without long-term special exercises to form the skills of sound analysis and synthesis (combining sound elements into a single whole), children with speech underdevelopment do not master literate reading and writing.

So what is phonemic hearing? Phonemic hearing it is the ability to perceive by ear and accurately differentiate all sounds of speech, especially those close in sound, and to perform elementary sound analysis. In other words, phonemic hearing is the ability to focus on sound.

How to develop phonemic hearing in a child? This is best done in-game. Many games for the development of phonemic processes are of a combined nature, which is expressed not only in the enrichment of the vocabulary, but also in the activation of higher mental functions (memory, attention, thinking, motor skills).

For the development of phonemic hearing, there are many different play exercises. It is better to use didactic games in stages, in accordance with the sequence of the formation of phonemic processes.

Gamesson the development of phonemic hearing onmaterial of non-speech sounds

Stage I- improving auditory perception, sense of rhythm, auditory-speech memory, based on non-speech sounds, distinguishing the pitch, strength and timbre of the voice.

"What is it?"

Children are invited to listen to recordings of various sounds of nature (the murmur of a stream, the noise of foliage, birdsong, the noise of cars, etc.), then guess what it is.

Children are given pictures of animals and their cubs. The task is to pronounce onomatopoeia in voices of different heights.

Gamesson the development of phonemic hearing on speech material

Stage II - the development of phonemic perception and the formation of clear phonemic representations.

At this stage, you can perform tasks for recognizing vowels and consonants, differentiating consonants in a word, distinguishing words that are similar in sound.

"Repeat, don't be mistaken"

A chain of syllables is pronounced and the child repeats it.

For instance: mi - no - no - mi, ra - la - la - ra, po - bo - bo - on, etc.

"Hard - soft"

The adult throws the ball and pronounces the syllables with a hard sound, and the child returns the ball and pronounces the syllable with a soft sound.

For instance: la - la, om - ohm, zu - zyu, etc.

"Change the word"

An adult pronounces words with a paired voiceless sound, and the child replaces it with a paired voiced one, pronouncing a new word and vice versa.

For instance: ball - heat, awl - vein, sewing - life, etc.

"Funny name"

The child is given two circles - red and green - and is asked to play: if the child hears the correct name of what is shown in the picture, he must pick up the green circle, if the wrong one is red. Then he shows the picture and loudly, slowly, clearly pronounces the sound combinations:

For instance: baman - paman - banana - banam, aybom - album - anbom - avbom, mitanin - phytamin - vitamin - vitalim.

"The fourth extra"

Of the four words clearly pronounced by an adult, the child should name the one that is different from the rest:

For instance: ditch-ditch-cocoa-ditch; com-com-cat-com; duckling-duckling-duckling-kitten, etc.

Stage III - the formation of skills in sound analysis and synthesis.

"The word is a riddle"

Children are invited to guess the word and put it out of the letters.

For instance: In this word, the first sound is the same as in the word duck, the second sound is the first sound of the word house, the third sound is the second sound of the word som, the fourth sound is the third sound of the word water. (Hoopoe.) At the end, a picture is shown, which shows the answer.

"Scattered Word"

Syllables are pronounced and children are invited to make words out of them.

for instance: ka - schu (pike), bash - ka - ru (shirt), ran - dash - ka (pencil).


The parent names the word (start with short words, consisting of no more than 3 letters. For example: CAT. The child's task is to pronounce this word backwards: TOK. Then the number of letters can be increased, but this must be done very slowly. If the child and has difficulties with short words, "turn over" the syllables first: TA - AT, IR - RI, etc.

When choosing words, do not try to find words, when turned over, you get something meaningful, as in words like CAT-TOK, NOS-SON. There are few such words in the language. Even if the flipping turns out to be nonsense, the main thing in the game is to turn the word over correctly. Do not use words with a soft or hard sign in your composition.

Change the letter

In this game, the parent names the word (use short words), and the child must change one letter in the word to get another word: sleep - son, house - smoke, Masha - Misha or Masha - Dasha.

The last letter

This is a variant of the Cities game.

The game is simple, at the same time it expands the vocabulary. The game begins with naming a word. The child must name the next word, which begins with the last letter of the first. And so along the chain. For example: pipeA - pineapple - juice - porridge ...

You can complicate the task: name only words that denote living things, or, conversely, inanimate.

Three letter word

In this game, you are asked to alternately name words with a given number of letters: three, four or five.

Words with the letter….(for the development of auditory differentiation)

1. It is proposed to select any letter and in turn name the words on, this letter. Who will name more words.

2. Name as many words as possible that end with the sound P "(I, O, S, L, etc.).

3. Name as many words as possible, in the middle of which there is the sound L "(N, E, G, B, F, etc.).

Finish the word

In this game, it is proposed to name the initial syllable of the word or the first few letters of the word, for example, CAR, the child must complete the word: POTATO or CAR - POINT, or CAR - MAN.


"Clap-clap" (teaching the sound analysis of a word)

This exercise also has several options for the task.
1. "Now I will tell you words, and you, as soon as you hear a word that begins with the sound C (B, O, G, D, Shi, etc.), immediately clap your hands."
Option: the child must "catch" the sound at which the word ends, or the sound in the middle of the word.

(Summer cottage, cat, hat, fox, road, beetle, window, lump, plate, bread, rain, linden, lamp, river, hair, etc.)

2. "Now I will call you words, and you, as soon as you hear a word that contains the sound K, clap your hands 1 time. If you hear the sound G in the word, clap 2 times."

It is best to start the exercise at a slow pace, gradually increasing the speed.

(Cow, jelly, mountain, mink, guitar, boot, bitch, hand, caught up, pushed, etc.)

This exercise will also help you test how your child is reacting.

"Playing with the word" (learning the sound of the word)

1. "Think of a word that begins / ends with the same sound as in the word frog, flag, table etc.".

2. "What is the first / last sound in the word "beam", "force", "sofa" etc.".

3. "Name all the sounds in order in the word" sky "," cloud "," roof ", etc.".

4. "What sound in the word" fish "is the second, fourth, first, third? (chair, carpet, shell, cloud) etc.".


A game for developing sound discrimination

"Listen carefully to the poem

Ask the child: "What words are messed up? Why? How are these words similar to each other? How are they different?"

You can give the child a little hint, but the main thing is to lead him to the idea that one sound can completely change the meaning of a word.

The Russian beauty is famous for her goat.

He drags the mouse into the burrow a huge grain slide.

The poet finished the line, at the end he put his daughter.

Ask a child what the poet confused? What words should you use instead of these?

"Come up with a new word."

1. "I will now tell you a word, and you try to change the second sound in it so that you get a new word.

For instance: house is smoke. "

Words for Change: sleep, juice, drank, chalk.

Words for changing the first sound: point, bow, varnish, day, pedal, layout.

Words for changing the last sound: cheese, sleep, bitch, poppy, stop.


This exercise is useful if your child is not yet able to write.
1. "Now we will write a few words, but not in letters, but in circles. How many sounds in a word, how many circles you will draw. Say the word" poppy ".

How many circles should you draw? Three".
Sample: MAK - 000

Attention: When choosing words for the exercise, try to match the number of sounds in them with the number of letters. So, in the word "horse" there are 4 letters, and there are three sounds - [k - o - n. "] Such words can cause difficulties for a child.

(Words for dictation: grass, paper, pen, roll, stick, chamomile, star, pine, telephone, tablet).

"Longer - Shorter"

“Now we are going to compare words. I will speak two words at a time, and you will decide which one is longer. Just remember that you need to compare words, not the things they mean. "

Comparison words: table - table, pencil - pencil, antennae - mustache, dog - dog, tail - tail, snake - snake, worm - worm.


Vocabulary development

The quality and quantity of a child's vocabulary largely determines the level of speech development in general. It is very important to pay attention to both passive (that is, those words that are stored in the stock of memory) and active (words that are constantly used) vocabulary. It is important for the child to know what meanings a word has, to be able to use it correctly in independent speech. The proposed exercises will help you to do this.

Exercises to enrich and activate the vocabulary of children

Exercise 1. "Word game".

1. "Name as many words as possible for fruits" (vegetables, trees, flowers, wild and domestic animals and birds, toys, tools, furniture, professions, etc.).

2. "Now I will tell you words, and you will tell me what this object can do.

A blizzard - sweeping, and thunder - ..., wind - ..., and snow - ..., rain - ..., and the sun - ... ".
Do not forget to ask each time you answer: "What else does the sun do, does it not only shine?" Have the child choose as many words as possible for action.

Then you can repeat the same game in reverse: "Who flies? Who swims? Who hammers nails? Who catches mice?"

Exercise 2. "Sign".

1. "Tell me, if an object is made of iron, what is it called, what is it?"

iron -

paper -

tree -

2. "Name another object as white as snow."
(As narrow as a ribbon; as fast as a river; as round as a ball; as yellow as a melon.)

3. "Compare:
to taste - lemon and honey, onion and apple;

by color - carnation and chamomile, pear and plum;

strength - rope and thread, stone and clay;

in width - a road and a path, a river and a stream;

in height - a bush and a tree, a mountain and a hill ".

Exercise 3. "Guess".

1. "Guess a riddle:

Flies, squeaks,

Long legs are dragging,

The chance will not miss -

Will sit down and bite.

Round, striped,

Taken from the garden.

Sugar and scarlet became -

Please eat.

How did you guess what this is about? Try to describe something to me yourself, and I will try to guess who or what it is. "

Exercise 4."Buddy Words" (synonym exercise).

1. "How do you think there is another way to say about a sad person?" (Sad)
"Valuable is what? Hard is what?"

2. "What word can replace the word" horse "? The word" doctor "," cup "," food "?"

3. "What word is superfluous, does not fit other words? Why?"

Sad, sad, dull, deep

Brave, voiced, brave, brave

Weak, brittle long, fragile

Strong, far, durable, reliable

If the child does not understand the meaning of a word, explain it.

Exercise 5. "Enemy words" (exercise on antonyms).
Say the opposite:

cold, clean, hard, thick;

dull, wet, senior, light;

spacious, enemy, top, lose;

raise, day, morning, spring;

winter, tomorrow, early, close;

low, rarely, slowly, joyfully;

dark, sat down, took, found;

forgot, dropped, rubbed, straightened.

Exercise 6. "One and many" (changing words by numbers).

1. "Now we are going to play this game: I will name one object with a word, and you name the word so that you get many objects. For example, I will say" pencil ", and you have to say" pencils. "

book, pen, lamp;

city, chair, ear;

child, person, glass;

name, spring, friend.

2. “Now let's try the other way around. I’ll say a word for many things, and you’re one.”

claws, clouds, warriors, leaves;

flowers, saws, fellows, stems.

Exercise 7. "Decrease".

Exercise: "Tell me what the small object will be called? A small ball is a ball, and a small table is ...".

grass, hand, shoulder, sun, bank;

chair, book, flag, cup, hat.

Exercise 8. "Finish the word."

Exercise: "Guess what word I want to say? By ..." (Pillow)
The syllables with which words can begin: for, mi, mu, lo, pri, ku, zo, che, etc.

Exercise 9. "Explain the word."

The purpose of this exercise is to teach the child not only to learn new words through explanation, but also to clearly express a thought, indicating the main type of use of the object, describing its signs.

Exercise: "I want to find out how many words you know. Tell me, what is a bicycle?"

knife, hat, ball, letter;

umbrella, pillow, nail, donkey;

fur, diamond, join, shovel;

sword, trouble, brave, hero;

poem, gambling.

You can do all of these exercises several times, complementing the rows of words yourself.

10. "Holochvotiki"

Target: improve vocabulary in the process of competition.
The 2 teams playing in turn pronounce the chain of words in such a way that the last syllable of the previous word serves as the beginning of the next (winter machine). The winner is the one who calls the word last.

11. Fairy tale "Fair of words" - acquaintance with the polysemy of words.

In the thirty-ninth kingdom, in the thirty-tenth state, there was a special fair - the fair of words. It sold a variety of words - who needs what. There were many words, so they sold them in whole lots.

- to whom, to whom needles? (porcupines, hedgehogs, cacti, pines, fir trees and of course tailors).

- And the language? (people, animals, birds, bonfire, bell)

- word nose(boats, ships, people ...)

- and here is the word hats! Who has hats? (women, mushrooms and nails).

- only with us and only now - legs... (tables, chairs, wardrobes, beds, sofas, mushrooms) ...


Development of the grammatical structure of speech

The next block of exercises is aimed at developing the grammatical structure of speech. Training tasks will help the child learn how to correctly compose simple sentences, correctly associate speech constructions, and understand the sequence of events in the text.

A set of exercises and games to develop grammatical skills.

Exercise 1

"Who what?" (drawing up proposals for different models)

"Try to make a sentence that says Who? What is he doing? What?

For instance: "The cat licks milk."

Who? What is he doing? What? How? (The gardener waters the flowers with water)
Who? What is he doing? What? To whom? (The girl sews a dress for the doll)

Exercise 2

"Complete the sentence"

"Try to guess the end of the phrase."
The children ate ka .... There are paper and edges on the table ... Gris grow in the forest ... Flowers grow in the garden ... We have a rooster and .... In winter, it happens ...

Exercise # 3

"Add words" (distribution of sentences)

“Now I’ll say a sentence. For example,“ Mom sews a dress. ”What do you think can be said about the dress, what is it (silk, summer, light, orange)? If we add these words, how will the phrase change?”

The girl is feeding the dog. Thunder rumbles in the sky. The boy is drinking juice.

Exercise 4

"Make a phrase" (the formation of sentences from words)

1. "Come up with sentences using the following words:
funny puppy, full basket, ripe berry, funny song, thorny bush, forest lake. "

2. "The words in the sentence are messed up. Try to put them in their place. What happens?"
1. Smoke goes, pipes, out.

2. Loves, teddy bear, honey.

3. Stand, vase, flowers, v.

4. Nuts, in, squirrel, hollow, hides.

Exercise # 5

"Missing words"

"Now I'm going to read you a story. But some of the words are lost in it. Try to guess which ones."

1. Silence reigns in the dense _____. Black ________ covered the sun. The birds fell silent. ________ is about to go.

2. Winter. All tracks are covered with fluffy _______. The river dressed smoothly _______. The guys built a high __________. _______ sledges are racing fast. Harsh _______ hits children ______. Frost stings ______. ________ are not afraid of frost. Their ________ burns with fun.

3. The weather is hot: the sky is _______, the sun is shining _______. Kolya and Olya go for a walk in the field ______. They listen to the singing of little ________ there. They collect ________. Suddenly the sky becomes dark, it is covered with large ________. Young children are in a hurry to return ____. But before they could arrive, ______ burst out. The children were scared by the ________ thunder. They knocked on one ______ to hide from the strong _______, since they do not have ________ with them and their clothes are completely _______.

Exercise 6

"Find the mistake"

1. "Listen to the sentences and tell me if everything is correct."

In winter, apple trees bloomed in the garden.

Below them lay the icy desert.

In response, I nod to him.

The plane is here to help people.

Soon I succeeded in the car.

The boy smashed the ball with glass.

After the mushrooms there will be rains.

In the spring, the meadows flooded the river.

Snow fell asleep in a lush forest.

2. "How should the sentence be corrected?"

Exercise 7


Listen to the phrase:

The dog goes to the kitchen. She drinks the cat's milk. The cat is unhappy.

Explain why the cat is unhappy.

Petya went to the cinema after finishing the book.

What did Petya do before: read a book or went to the cinema? Explain.

Vanya painted Sasha. Sasha painted the house.

Who drew what? Explain. "

Exercise # 8

"What is meant?" (training in understanding figurative meaning)

"Tell me how you understand these expressions:

iron ax - iron man

golden arrow - golden hands

venomous bite - venomous look

a sharp knife is a sharp word

low table - low deed

stale bread is a stale person. "

Exercise 9

"Right or wrong?"

Assignment: "Do you think it is possible to say so?"

Mom puts a vase of flowers on the table.

When they want to buy something, they lose money.

Grandmother and grandfather live under the house on the edge.

There is a beautiful carpet in the floor.

Ask the child, "Why are the sentences inaccurate?"

The exercise 10

"Pick a rhyme"

First, check if the child knows what rhyme is. Explain that two words rhyme with each other if they end in the same way, for example, ox - gol.

Invite your child to independently choose a rhyme for the words:

porridge, howl, pillow, juice;

snow, cat, circle, bowl;

river, cloud, barrel.

The child needs to choose at least three rhymes for each word.

Exercise 11

"Make a proposal"

We are now going to put together a few sentences. For example, I say the sentence: "It is raining in the forest. Thunder is thundering." These sentences can be connected using the small bridge word "and", then the two will turn out to be one. "It is raining in the forest and thunder is thundering."

Now try it yourself. "

The sun shines brightly. Birds are singing.

There is another possible version of this exercise: ask the child to finish the phrase.

The children went out for a walk and ...

Using the same scheme, you can train a child to write sentences with the conjunctions "a", "but", "though", "but", "if, ... then."

ChapterVII. Development of coherent speech

Speech development games

1. Game "Interview"

First, introduce the children to new words.
Interview - a conversation intended to be broadcast on radio, television, or in a newspaper.
The reporter- the one who asks the questions.
Respondent- the one who answers the questions.

Teach children to speak boldly into the microphone. To do this, ask them in turn to say something into the microphone, at least count up to 10 in direct and reverse counting. Then roles are assigned between the children. Possible topics are discussed. The tape recorder is being configured.

Reporters start asking questions. Then the conversation is collectively listened to and discussed.

Possible topics: discussion of going to the theater and watching a play; discussion of a holiday, an exhibition of drawings, an interesting book, the most interesting event of the week.

Game options:

1) the teacher interviews the children;

2) children interview a teacher;

3) the parents are interviewing the child;

4) the child interviews the parents.

2. The game "Bridge".

The facilitator shows one card on which the object is drawn, then another. The task of the game is to come up with a word that is between the two conceived objects and serves as a kind of "bridge" between them. Each participant answers in turn. The answer must necessarily be substantiated.

For example, two words are given: "goose" and "tree". "Transitional bridges" can be the following words: "fly" (a goose flew up a tree), "cut" (a goose was cut out of a tree), "hide" (a goose hid behind a tree), etc.

Note: the game is also suitable for individual lessons with a child.

3. "What does the expression mean?" or "Proverbs".

It is impossible to learn the secrets of the language, its richness and expressiveness without understanding the meanings of stable phrases: phraseological units, proverbs, sayings.

The sources of phraseological expressions are different. Some arose as a result of human observation of social and natural phenomena, others are associated with real historical events, and still others came from mythology, fairy tales, literary works.

The peculiarity of these expressions is that in our speech they are used in a constant, as if forever frozen form. As a rule, they have the same word order, you cannot introduce a new component into them.

Phraseologisms are used figuratively. However, children often perceive such expressions in their own way, replacing words with synonyms. The meaning of expressions does not change with such replacements, but its so-called internal form is lost.

For instance:

The child said: Adults say:
get better get better
where the eyes see where the eyes look
soul in a soles gone soul in heels gone
free bird free bird
discover Africa discover America
count in the head count in the head
an eye fell on a book a glance fell on something
fresh mind fresh head
nerves scandal nerves are naughty
not suitable for heels, not suitable for soles

Completing the task "What does the expression mean?" will help the child to use phraseological units correctly in their own speech.

1. "The work of the master is afraid."

2. "Every master in his own way."

3. "Jack of all trades".

4. "The tailor spoils it - the iron will smooth it."

5. "The potatoes are ripe - get down to business."

6. "Without labor and in the garden there is no fruit."

7. "As is the care, so is the fruit."

8. "More action - less words."

9. "Every man is known by work."

10. "There is grief - grieve, there is work - work."

11. "Without discipline to live - there is no good."

12. "The earned bread is sweet."

13. "He who is dexterous, he acts dexterously."

14. "There is no end without beginning."

15. "There is no sense without order."

16. "You can't buy gingerbread without work."

17. "The eyes are afraid - the hands are doing."

18. "In order not to be mistaken, there is no need to rush."

19. "There is no good without labor."

20. "Labor is the best medicine."

21. "Patience and work will grind everything."

23. "A house without a book, which is without windows."

24. "Bread nourishes the body, and the book nourishes the mind."

25. "Where learning, there is skill."

4. Game "Steps. (Who will get to ... faster)"

With the help of this simple game with elements of competition, you can engage with the child to expand his vocabulary, and the development of speech in general.

The players stand side by side, agree on where the finish line will be (at a distance of 8-10 steps). And they discuss the topic of steps. For example "Polite words". Every child can take a step just by using a polite word. We give a minute to think and "Start!"

Other themes: "Everything is round", "everything is hot", "everything is wet". "Affectionate words for mom". "Words of comfort," etc.

Option: Children stand in pairs against each other and take steps towards each other. The conditions of the game are the same: a step can be taken only by saying the right word.

5. Attention! Search! (We develop coherent speech, attention and observation)

This game is played by at least 5 people. Otherwise it’s not interesting. The host says: I am looking for a girlfriend (friend). She has blue eyes, dark long hair, loves cats and hates milk.
The one who is the first to guess which of the children is in question becomes the leader.

When playing with small children, it is allowed to describe clothes.

6. Supplement the proposal.

Asking the child to complete sentences: "Children water flowers in flower beds, because ...". "There is not a single leaf left on the trees, because ..." "In winter, the bear sleeps, because ...", etc.

7. "I was in the circus ..."

To play you will need cards with letters and syllables. You can play both together and with a company. The participants in the game are given cards with letters, or all the cards are in a pile on the table and the players take them in turn.

The first player takes a card with a letter or syllable and says: "I was in the circus and saw ..." He must name something starting with a letter on his card. You can name not only nouns. For example, the letter "K" can be used to name a clown, a tumbling gymnast, and a red curtain.

If you use cards with syllables, then it is not necessary that this syllable appears at the beginning of a word.
Options: "I was at sea ...", "I was in the forest ...", "I was in the theater ...", etc.

8. Prepositions.

Take a disposable cardboard plate, line it into sectors. In each sector, write prepositions - "on", "in", "under", "above", "s", etc.

You can play like roulette - throwing a ball on a plate. Or you can make an arrow in the center of the plate and rotate it. The meaning remains the same - on which preposition the ball or arrow will fall, with that preposition you need to make a sentence.

9. Who is friends with what letters.

The game is not only for memorizing letters and developing speech, but also very cognitive. Each player must have a picture of an animal. It can be different. For example, mom has an elephant, dad has a crocodile, a child has a hedgehog. Mom says: "My elephant is friends with the letter" X "because it has a trunk." Dad says: "And my crocodile is friends with the letter" R "because he lives in the river." The child says: "My hedgehog is friends with the letter" I "because he has needles.

10. . Snowball.

Players take turns adding words to the suggested start of the phrase.

Game options:

1. "Getting ready for the road."

Host: "I'm going on a trip and put it in a suitcase ...".

Child: "I'm going on a trip and put soap in my suitcase."

Other situations are played up according to the same principle.

For instance:

2. "Cooking breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner."

Host: "We are preparing breakfast, let's make a menu."
Child: "I usually have a sandwich for breakfast."
Next player: "I don't eat a sandwich for breakfast, I prefer ...". Next "" I do not like, neither a sandwich, nor ..., I prefer ... "etc.

3. "Setting the table".

Host: "Let's set the table for dinner. I'll put a bread bin on the table."

Child: "Let's set the table for dinner. I will put a bread bin on the table, a napkin holder."
The next player repeats the phrase and adds what he still considers necessary, etc.

4. "We are going for a walk."

Host: "We are going to the forest. I will put on rubber boots."
Child: "We're going to the forest. I'll put on rubber boots, take a basket."

The next player repeats the phrase and adds what he still considers necessary, etc.

5. "We are waiting for guests."

Host: "Guests will come to us today. Let's make an entertainment program. You can arrange rides."
Child: "Guests will come to us today. Let's make an entertainment program. You can arrange rides, show tricks."

The next player repeats the phrase and adds what he still considers necessary, etc.

11. What are the words.

Read the poem by M. Plyatskovsky "What words are" to your child.

There is a sweet word - candy.

There is a quick word - rocket.

There is a sour word - lemon.

There is a word with a window - a carriage.

There is a word prickly - hedgehog.

There is a word wet - rain.

There is a stubborn word - a goal.

There is a word green - spruce.

There is a book word - page.

There is a word for forest - tit.

There is a fluffy word - snow.

There is a word funny - laughter.

Then you name the word (for example, house, thunderstorm, joy) and ask what it can be. Each player comes up with his own definition.

12. On the contrary (antonyms).

Many words can be matched with words with the opposite meaning.
An adult begins a phrase and a child ends it, for example:
sweet sugar, and pepper ...,

the road is wide, and the path ...,

plasticine is soft, and stone ...,

hot tea, and ice cream ...,

thick jelly, and fruit drink ...,

a sheet of emery is rough, and a sheet of paper ...

the hare runs fast, and the turtle crawls ...

It is light during the day, and at night ...

Another variant:

The porridge is boiled thick and ... (liquid). Beasts can be brave and ... (cowardly). Carrots can be eaten raw and ... (boiled). Apples can be small and ... (large).

13. "Similar words" are synonyms.

The selection of synonyms helps to learn different meanings of the same word, teaches you to choose the most accurate words, to avoid repeating the same words.

The adult explains that the same thing can be said in different words. Such words are called close in meaning.

Adult: "I'll start, and you continue. Winnie the Pooh is funny (funny, funny, amusing, comical ...).
Eeyore's donkey is sad (sad, unhappy, distressed ...) ".
Adult: The hare is cowardly. How else can you say? (Fearful, timid, timid ..)

Adult: "The hare is running away from the fox. How else can you say?" (Runs away, rushes, flees, flies at full speed, carries away his feet).

14 . Ambiguous words.

Adult: "Sometimes we use the same word for different things. For example, onions are vegetables, onions are weapons.

What are the meanings of the word needle? (Sewing needles, needles for conifers, needles for a hedgehog).
Discuss what meanings the words can have: pen, spout, tongue; stroking, running, flying, rushing; ruddy, expensive, strong, fresh.

A. Usachev. Noses.

Cranes have noses

The ships have noses

The teapot has a spout, Only very small.

Unusual Beast - Nosuha,

Nosuha has a nose to ear.

And the huge Rhino

Instead of a nose, he wears a horn.

The nose of the goblin bitch,

And the pig has a piglet.

But also the pig and the sailor

You must wipe your nose!

M. Yasnov. Who carries what.

Semyon carries a briefcase in his hand,

Pavlusha - a deuce in his diary.

Seryozha got on a steamer -

He is on watch.

Andryusha walks in strong men -

He carries the backpack on his shoulders.

Petr beat the bully Misha -

Mikhail is suffering losses.

Stepan does not close his mouth:

He's been talking nonsense all day!

V. Orlov. Clock.

They say: the clock is standing
They say the clock is ticking
They say the clock is ticking
But they are a little behind.
We watched with Mishka together,

And the clock stands still.

15. A game of rhymes - suggest a word.

By realizing the rhythm and rhyme of a given line, children begin to better understand poetic speech.

An adult suggests: "I will read you a poem, but I will not say some words on purpose, and you try to tell me them." An adult reads a poem and does not finish one word per line. The child prompts the rhyme. In case of difficulty, the words in the line are finished off by an adult. The poem should be read until the child learns to independently correctly spell out the words.

Daniil Kharms. A very scary story.

Eating a bun with butter,

The brothers walked down the alley.

Suddenly on them from the back street

The big dog barked loudly.

The younger said: - Here's the attack,

He wants to attack us ... to attack.

So that we don't get into trouble,

To the dog, we will throw a loaf into ... the mouth.

Everything ended beautifully.

It immediately became clear to the brothers ...

What's for every walk

We must take ... a roll with us.

16. Work with literary texts.

Literary texts - an invaluable assistant in the development of speech abilities of schoolchildren. Talk about good and bad characters, discuss their speech. Let the child express their point of view. This will enrich his speech with new words, phrases, syntactic constructions.

Be creative when retelling the text you have read. Invite your child to retell the text from the perspective of one of the characters. You can tell in turn, include elements of the dramatization.

The advantage of the proposed exercises is that they do not require material costs and special training.

List of used literature:

Anisimova N.P., Vinakova E.D. Educational and developmental exercises. Moscow: September 1, 2008.

Besschastnaya E.I. How I work on my students' reading technique. M .: Liszt 2005.

Bogomolova A.I. Violation of pronunciation in children: a guide for speech therapists. - M .: Education, 1979.

Kalinina T.V., Nikolaeva S.V., Pavlova O.V., Smirnova I.G. "Finger exercises for children from 2-7 years old."

Speech therapy. / Ed. L.S. Volkova and S.N. Shakhovskoy. - M .: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2002.

Maksakov A.I., Tumakova G.A. "Learn by playing." Moscow: Education, 1983.

Nechaeva N.V., Tasks for the development of speech. M .: Chistye Prudy. 2009.

E.L. Novikova Health-preserving orientation in the development of speech activity of preschoolers. Moscow: 1999.

Shvaiko G.S. "Games and game exercises for the development of speech." Moscow: Education, 1983.

Shchetinin M.N. Strelnikovskaya breathing exercises for children. Moscow: 2007.

Yazykanova E.V., Developing activities for primary schoolchildren. M .: Chistye Prudy. 2008.

Yastrebova, A.V., Bessonova, T.P. Instructional and methodological letter on the work of a teacher at a general education school (The main directions of the formation of prerequisites for the productive assimilation of the program of teaching the mother tongue in children with speech pathology) M .: "Kogito-Center", 1996.






How can you help your child become attentive?

Attention is not a quality given once and for all. Attention can and should be developed! Of course, the school provides for attention tasks in almost all lessons. But it should be noted that no matter how hard teachers try to use these assignments in their pedagogical activities, they can only maintain the level of attention development that students have at this stage. There are certain reasons for this: firstly, the volume of educational material is quite large; secondly, there must be a certain system of tasks and the work, as a rule, must be individual, which is difficult to carry out in the classroom.

However, the student needs to be helped to learn how to manage his attention. It is still difficult for the youngest student to do this. And the parents can become the main helper of the child.

To help a child, we must know what to do and how.

What is attention? Attention is a person's ability to focus on certain objects and phenomena. A large number of information sources simultaneously affect us from the surrounding world. It is impossible and unnecessary to assimilate all the incoming information. But it is absolutely necessary to isolate from it what is useful, meaningful at the moment, important for making the right decisions. This function of mental activity is performed by attention.

When a teacher talks about a lack of attention at all, it is very generalized. Attention has such basic properties as concentration, volume, stability, distribution and switching. And a child can have well developed one of the named properties of attention and completely absent another, which just requires correction.

Therefore, before embarking on lessons on the development of attention, you need to know which properties are poorly developed in your child, because each property is very important for successful learning activity.

Concentration of attention- the ability to focus on the desired object, its parts, the ability to delve into the task. A child with a good concentration of attention is distinguished by good observation and organization. And vice versa, the one who has not developed this property is scattered and uncollected.

Attention volume- this is the number of objects simultaneously perceived and held in consciousness. For children of 7 years old, the number of such objects ranges from 3 to 5. With a good amount of attention, it is easier for a child to perform operations of comparison, analysis, generalization, and classification. The ability to perform these operations speaks of the development of logical thinking.

Stability of attention- this is the possibility of long-term concentration on the same object. A child with steady attention can work for a long time without being distracted, he likes long-term hard work (interest in tasks of increased difficulty).

Distribution of attention- this is the simultaneous attention to two or more objects while performing actions with them. The peculiarities of the distribution of attention are judged by whether it is easy or with difficulty a child manages to do several things at the same time: to do work and observe the environment (whether additional explanations and cursory remarks of the teacher are easily perceived).

Switching attention- this is a shift of attention from one object to another or from one activity to another in connection with the setting of a new task.

The individual characteristics of switching attention can be judged by how quickly the child moves from one activity to another, whether it is easy to start a new business, whether he can quickly finish some activity or constantly return to it in his thoughts and actions (they continue to decide when everyone finished; everyone counts orally, and some are trying at this time to write down what they did not have time to do).

When you study your child's attention and identify which property is least developed, you can start classes.

Among the effective means of developing attention are games and play exercises, which can be included in any, even very serious, activity.

Examples of games and play exercises

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As long-term observations show, one of the common reasons for the failure of primary schoolchildren is a variety of disorders in oral and written speech. These violations make it difficult to master the skills of reading and writing, since the degree of formation of phonetic-phonemic processes and the lexical-grammatical structure of the child's speech is essential for mastering written speech. The disadvantages of sound pronunciation, phonemic and lexical-grammatical development are expressed in writing in the form of mixing letters, distortion of the syllable structure of words, errors in word formation, coordination and management, in the poverty of syntactic constructions.

It is no secret that from year to year the number of children with various developmental disabilities is growing, and the number of children with speech disorders is also growing. According to the results of the September survey of the speech of primary school students in our school, their number has not dropped below 60 people over the past 5 years. In the current academic year, there are 67 students with severe speech impairments per 10 primary grades. Moreover, some first-graders who received speech therapy assistance at a preschool educational institution now give a "erased" picture of a speech defect, and by the end of the school year, among them, as a rule, dysgraphics and dyslexics "appear".

According to statistics, more than 1/3 of students with speech impairments are underachieving or poorly performing in Russian language and reading. Most elementary school teachers are sufficiently qualified and well-oriented in this problem, therefore they do not refer to the inattention, absent-mindedness or dishonesty of schoolchildren, but directly link academic performance in the Russian language and reading with the children's speech developmental deficiencies. At the same time, not all students with speech disorders need training in a special "speech" school.

Many can study quite successfully in a mass school, provided that speech therapy assistance is provided in a timely manner and a qualified teacher works. But the maximum occupancy of the speech center is 25-30 people, and the duration of the child's stay at the speech center, as a rule, is not less than a year. Obviously (and this is indicated by the well-known defectologists A.V. Yastrebova and L.F. Spirova in the book "To the Teacher about Children with Speech Disorders") that the speech therapist is not able to cover all those in need, new forms of joint work of the teacher and the speech therapist are needed. to prevent the possible appearance of defects in written language and the correction of mild manifestations of dysgraphia and dyslexia.

As one of the aspects of this work, a complex of "speech therapy minutes" was conceived (and is currently being developed) in the lessons of the Russian language. "Speech therapy minutes" are short-term (3-4 minutes) tasks aimed at improving speech and finger motor skills, forming full-fledged phonemic representations, developing the skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis, clarifying the vocabulary and enriching it based on mastering various ways of word formation and inflection, elimination of gaps in the ability to build certain syntactic constructions.

Among the correctional and educational tasks that help to solve the "speech therapy minutes" - the education of motivation for educational activities, the development of observation to linguistic phenomena, auditory and visual memory, purposefulness, self-control.

"Speech therapy minutes" can be associated with the Russian language program. So, when studying the topic "Soft Sign" in class, it is appropriate to conduct a cycle of "speech therapy minutes" to differentiate hard and soft consonants. When studying the topic "Combination of zhi-shi, cha-shcha" it is useful, within the framework of "speech therapy minutes", to work on the differentiation of these sounds and letters in syllables and words.

In the structure of the lesson, logos can take different places.

Conducted at the beginning of the lesson, they act as a fun task that quickly organizes students, activating visual and auditory attention. The logotype held in the middle of the lesson, especially designed in the form of a game, competition, etc., gives the children a little respite, switching their attention, using other analyzers.

So, if the main work in the lesson is related to writing by ear, it is useful to give a logotype designed for visual perception, and vice versa. You can also hold a logotype at the end of the lesson, when the main educational work is completed. Children will be happy to “play” without even thinking that from lesson to lesson these “games” serve an important goal of preventing and correcting violations of written language.

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