Home Indoor flowers Amulet doll “Vesnyanka” - DIY master class. Amulet dolls - Herbalist, Plantain, for health and others Do-it-yourself herbalist doll knitting pattern

Amulet doll “Vesnyanka” - DIY master class. Amulet dolls - Herbalist, Plantain, for health and others Do-it-yourself herbalist doll knitting pattern

Beautiful amulet doll “Kubyshka-Travnitsa” served as a faithful companion of the Slavic people. It enveloped the home in the incredible smell of grass fields, the aromas of summer and spring. Filling the house with a special atmosphere, the Herbalist doll had many other meanings. It affected the health of all family members, their relationships, and their mood.

Nowadays, the power of a magnificent home amulet has not changed - its energy is still powerful. It’s not at all difficult to create such a thing. The main thing is that the masters are filled with sincere desire, aspiration and good thoughts.

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The books of ancient masters clearly describe the process of creating a talisman. It also talks about the differences between each of them. Some were necessary for health problems, others helped to find love, and some served as salvation during witchcraft intervention.

History and meaning of the doll “Kubushka-herbalist”

Doll “Herbalist” - how to make it yourself

To create your own personal amulet, you should prepare in advance:

  • fabric scraps of white and red colors - they are used for sewing the main body, chest part, and clothes of the doll;
  • a set of red threads, a skein of cotton wool, various ribbons and laces.

Main stages of work:

  • First, roll up a small cotton circle - it should be placed on top of the white square of fabric.
  • Wrap the square around the cotton wool - try to do it as evenly as possible.
  • To secure the head, tie it with red thread. Important point: using scissors is prohibited, so before starting work, prepare several threads of different lengths.
  • We form the hands of the doll. For this you will need the edges of the fabric. To mark your palms, tie them with thread as well.
  • You should also tighten the waist area.
  • The chest is formed from red tissue. We put small pellets of cotton wool into the cuts and twist them. And firmly fasten the amulet to the body. Hide the ends near the doll's back.
  • We decorate the head with a ribbon and put on a scarf.
  • To make a skirt, create a small one. And then we make several stitches along the edges, with the help of which we tighten the upper part. Herbal infusions are placed inside the skirt.
  • We put our amulet inside the bag and pull it tightly.
  • An apron is a decoration for a doll. Therefore, you can embroider it before creating your personal talisman. It is tied to the skirt.
  • The doll holds a small bottle in each hand. Usually they contain berries (for example, rose hips or rowan). We fasten them with our hands.
  • The amulet is completely ready to serve you faithfully.

You can use the magical power of the talisman yourself, but the protective doll “Herbalist” is also an excellent gift for a loved one.

Step-by-step master class “Herbal Doll”

Protective doll for marriage

Girls always take marriage very seriously. Finding your soulmate is not so easy.

In ancient times, small symbols were made that helped bring the moment of meeting your soulmate closer.

Everyone knows that the husband in the family is associated with the head, which makes all the important decisions, and the wife plays the role of the neck, doing her best to help her husband find the right path and guide him.


Rag dolls perform not only a decorative and playful function, but also protect their owners.

The Slavic folk doll Herbalist is considered a talisman against diseases and a healer. Medicinal herbs have long been used to fill the capsules, and during the making of the dolls they made a wish for health for themselves or loved ones. The healing properties directly depend on which herbs are taken as a basis. Melissa and St. John's wort are suitable for insomnia, thyme and eucalyptus will help with colds, oregano mint and lavender will calm you down and relieve anxiety.

Preparing materials for the Herbalist

To make a rag doll of the Herbalist with your own hands, prepare the materials:

  • a large square of bright floral material 40X40 cm for the skirt;
  • two squares of light thin fabric 10X10 cm for the chest;
  • a piece of white linen or cotton fabric for the head;
  • triangle (with a wide side of 35 cm) of shawl fabric;
  • two pieces 7X7 cm of the same or any other material for egg pods;
  • lace or woven fabric for an apron;
  • belt 20X25 cm long;
  • tape or cord for twining;
  • red strong thread;
  • cotton for a talisman or padding polyester (sintepon).

Also, prepare juniper shavings, aromatic herbs, a small clove of garlic, and a coin.

When creating any motanka doll, including the Herbalist, you need to use only natural fabrics. It is advisable to take scraps from happy things. While working, try not to use a needle, only to prepare individual parts - an apron, double, belt. Read more about making folk amulets dolls dedicated to this type of needlework.

Step-by-step master class on making

Start your work by making the head of the herbalist doll. Wrap a ball of cotton or synthetic fluff in a flap of linen.

Wrap the red thread around the doll's neck an even number of times and tie it. Try to keep as few wrinkles on your face as possible.

Spread your arms. Tuck the corners inward, tie with red thread - form palms. Form a protective cross on your chest and tie it around your waist.

From squares of light material and synthetic fluff, form two breasts for the Herbalist doll. They should be slightly smaller than the head.

Attach each breast to the neck.

Place a large piece of color wrong side up. By turning the corners, give the flap a rounded shape. Place synthetic fluff and sprinkle juniper wood sawdust.

Place synthetic fluff on top again, then dry mint leaves, synthetic fluff, lavender flowers and synthetic fluff again. Don’t forget to make a wish and think about good things so that the Herbalist doll turns into a talisman!

Using your fingers, gather the skirt into a bag, insert the body inside, making an even number of turns, fasten the skirt around the waist with red thread, and pull it tightly.

Make two knots on the red cord and tie it around the head of the Herbalist amulet doll.

Fold the fabric prepared for the apron in half and insert a red thread inside.

Attach the Herbalist's apron to her waist. Tie a belt on top.

Dress the doll in a scarf.

Now make amulets. Pour aromatic herbs inside, put a clove of garlic to protect against all evil spirits and a coin to attract wealth to the house. Repeat the wish.

Tie knots to your hands.

Straighten out wrinkles and smooth out bumps.

Lightly knead the Herbal Pot with your hands, rub the knots and admire the result of your work.

Please note that the face of the Herbalist doll, like that of the Herbalist, must remain clean. Do not draw eyes on it under any circumstances. According to legend, resemblance to a person can cause harm, so amulets always look impersonal. Some have a protective cross on their faces, but Kubishka’s face is open.

If your goal is to make a talisman, then do not start work on Friday and Sunday. Think about the goal in advance and clearly formulate it during the work process, especially at the time of creating the sacred cross. The doll must be completed in one go - no breaks allowed.

Step-by-step photos and a master class on making a Herbalist doll for readers of the online magazine “Women’s Hobbies” were prepared by Elena Gritsko.

Created with your own hands and filled with fragrant dried plants, the “herbalist” rag doll is a home-made family amulet. The ancient Slavs believed that, depending on the composition of the herbs, the doll would help during illness, protect against negativity, and attract love. It is located in the corners of the room, above the entrance, near the bed, children play with it. The “herbalist” amulet is created with positive thoughts and faith in its magical powers.

Description of the amulet

The “herbalist” talisman doll is a talismanic doll, which is a twist made of linen or canvas material, and its pouch skirt is filled with aromatic healing herbs. Dried herbs are also placed in 2 more knots tied to the wrists and in the chest during production. A doll filled with fragrant medicinal plants should be slightly crushed with your hands to fill the room with herbal spirit. The smell of the filler can last up to 2 years, then it is renewed. Each doll is made in a single copy and has a unique external design.

The meaning of the doll

It is believed that this craft helps those who are sick.

A protective herbalist often serves as an amulet for health. When a person is sick, the amulet is placed near his bed. Ancestors often placed the doll in a hut in places with stagnant air, hung it over a baby’s cradle, and let children play with it. People believed in the beneficial effects of “herbal medicine” on human health. This is explained by the fact that some plants strengthen the immune system, destroy pathogenic bacteria, and have a calming effect. Depending on the plants used, the herbalist doll is also used to protect against negativity and to attract love and prosperity.

What herbs are used?

The health doll for diseases is stuffed with plants that have healing properties. It is better to collect and dry the necessary herbs yourself. To create a “herbal” as an amulet for health, the following plants are used:

  • mint;
  • chamomile;
  • sagebrush;
  • lavender;
  • St. John's wort;
  • thyme;
  • hop;
  • Melissa;
  • yarrow;
  • pine buds;
  • garlic seeds;
  • juniper;
  • elecampane;
  • raspberry and currant leaves.

Certain herbal mixtures will help a person sleep normally.

Arranged in different ways into a collection or one plant helps with insomnia, headaches, is effective in strengthening the immune system, and in preventing flu and colds. To protect against evil spirits, the ancient Slavs filled the amulet with fern, nettle, heather, marigolds, wormwood, sunflower, St. John's wort, and tansy. To attract wealth and love, they used mock orange, white lily, chamomile, lilies of the valley, bird cherry, and black-browed flowers, and for good luck - clover, cloves, and ginger.

How to create it yourself?

Materials for making a “herbalist”:

  • Natural threads.
  • Dimensions of flaps (in cm) made of linen or thick cotton fabric to create the components of the doll:
    • body - 17×5;
    • head, arms - 16×16;
    • apron - 3 pcs. 6x10.5, 5x9.5, 4x8.5.
  • Dimensions (in cm) of cotton flaps:
    • chest, bags - 4 pcs. 9x9;
    • skirt - 25×25;
    • vest - 12×5;
    • headband - 2 pcs. 5x15;
    • triangle scarf (height 12 cm, base 32 cm).
  • Ribbon, ribbon for a belt - 30 cm.
  • Tow from sanitary flax, cotton wool for the head.
  • Soft material for backing.
  • Dried plants.
  • Needle.
  • Scissors.

Manufacturing Features:

The body of the figure is created without the use of a sewing needle.
  • When creating a body and attaching a vestment to it, you cannot use a needle.
  • It is allowed to use a needle when creating clothes.
  • The thread turns clockwise.
  • Fixation is carried out with a thread tied with an even number of knots.
  • Additional elements on the motanka doll’s clothing, such as embroidery, are prepared before creating the amulet.


  1. Fold the fabric intended for making the body along the edges inward 4 times. and bend it in half.
  2. Pin at a distance of 2.5 cm from the fold and tie at the back.
  3. Form a head and wrap it with a piece of fabric.
  4. Secure the flap in the neck area by tying it at the back.
  5. Extend 2 corners of the flap located on the sides to create arms.
  6. Fold the elongated ends and longitudinal edges of the flaps inward, fold them in half, and secure them near the wrists.
  7. Bandage the doll's body at waist level and secure it on the back.
  8. Take 2 pieces of shreds for making breasts, putting a pinch of herbs on them. Gather the edges of each flap and tie it with threads, leaving 50 cm of free ends of the threads.
  9. Tie the formed chest to the body with the remaining ends of the threads, wrap the amulets around the neck and waist and secure with a knot on the back.
  10. Make a protective cross on the front side of the doll with red thread.

Description of clothing production

The edge of the selected piece of fabric needs to be gathered onto a thread.
  1. Fold 4 p. fabric for the skirt and cut out a circle with a diameter of 25 cm from it, and 23 cm from soft fabric.
  2. Using a needle, gather the edges of the larger circle onto a thread 1 m long, 0.5 cm from the top edge.
  3. Place a round piece of soft fabric inside.
  4. Pull the thread, leaving 50 cm of its end and forming a bag.
  5. Pour dried plants into the pouch skirt and tighten it, leaving a hole.
  6. Insert the doll's body into the skirt, pull the thread and tie the skirt above the waist and at neck level. Tie the ends of the thread at the waist.
  7. Fold the fabric for the vest in half crosswise, then lengthwise and make a slit for the head.
  8. Cut the workpiece in half lengthwise from the front, forming shelves.
  9. Put on a vest and tie it to the body at the waist.
  10. Starting with the largest one, place the scraps for the apron one on top of the other, leveling the top.
  11. Tie the product to the body at the waist with the wrong side, fix and bend the apron to the front side.
  12. Fold the pieces of fabric for the headband in half lengthwise, place one on top of the other, wrapping the head and securing it around the neck.
  13. Make knotted bags and then tie them to the handles on your wrists.
  14. Fold the top of the scarf 1 cm and place it on the doll’s head.
  15. Wrap the belt around your waist and tie it to the left.

Each element of the “herbalist” amulet has a sacred meaning: color, additional signs, accuracy of execution.

Of course, in our time, not everyone takes magic, witchcraft, and similar superstitions, as well as all sorts of “paranormal” phenomena seriously. Although…

But, nevertheless, fortunately, and maybe for some unfortunately (this already depends on the worldview, or religion, or the complete or partial absence of it for each individual person), what remains is that which relates to national cultural heritage. And this cultural heritage includes the production of a very interesting thing, such as folk amulet doll Herbal Pot. This was previously made at home, it did not require any special expenses, so even the poorest families could afford such a “luxury” (except perhaps from the brightest beautiful fabrics, and every housewife could collect all kinds of herbs, if only she could spend some time for highlight this purpose).

Most often, the herbalist was hung near the cradle of small children, and this was not done for beauty at all. Protective magical properties were attributed to such a doll; they believed that in this way no evil spirit would be able to approach the child, no evil eye would take it.

Nowadays, it is far from common to make herbal dolls with your own hands, because now our housewives are already modern, and they do not believe in the protective magic of some dolls. But, nevertheless, even today there are grandmothers and mothers who still make herbal capsules with their own hands. And there are even housewives who believe in the special protection of good forces from evil ones with the help of these amulet dolls. However, this is precisely the reason that is not at all the main one when making a talisman doll! Herbal Egg Dolls are our native ethnic heritage! The reason for their renewed popularity is also that these amulets dolls dear to our hearts, and also evoke special national feelings. But the real reason that forces some individuals to start making these dolls is that it is simply interesting, entertaining and educational. But there are also “future” doll creators who are interested in this topic, but they still don’t know how to make it with their own hands, this Herbal Egg, and what is needed for this.

Firstly, on a beautiful summer day, you need to be in a good mood and dress (first of all, comfortable, not beautiful). You can also take a fellow traveler with you, or even a company, but under one condition: the company must be pleasant to the heart; if, nevertheless, one of the fellow travelers is annoying and creates a conflict atmosphere, then this person must be taken somewhere along the way “ lose". Take with you a pot, cereal (raw - otherwise some people manage to go outdoors with pre-cooked porridge), be sure to have lard (and a lot of it), and green stuff. And while the male half of the company was being “plowed” to make a fire, you yourself (not necessarily “for a nap”) went away and began to collect all kinds of fragrant, aromatic, pleasant-to-smell herbs.

Mint, oregano, sage, and lemon balm are suitable here, and if you suddenly meet private sectors along the way, then quickly, before the “evil dog in the yard” bites you, climb over the fence, and “byrik-style” pick currant leaves and raspberries Just pick a lot of herbs, since many herbs are not only healthy and aromatic, but also pleasant to the taste (mint, currant leaves, raspberries) and your “nice company”, which has already put the porridge on the coals while you are somewhere there tinkered with your “potion”, maybe take away some of the collected aromas in order to also boil some tea on the coals, but you need to have some left over for the doll!

So, the company has had its fun and gone home, and the herbs have already been collected and ready for use. You can, of course, use store-bought ones, but it’s always more interesting.

1. To make our beauty’s cute head, it is necessary to take a square-shaped fabric about 20-22cm. It is desirable that the fabric be white, at least a light tone. Although, if you want the herbalist to be black, you can use black fabric.
2. Well, what about our aunt without breasts? Here, select the appropriate size fabric.
3. For the dress, choose a fabric that is brighter and more beautiful. Orient yourself so that this square is twice as large as that intended for the head.
4. And the doll needs a handkerchief. For this, it is also advisable to find an appropriate, beautiful triangular-shaped fabric.
5. You can also choose a beautiful and colorful fabric for your apron.
6. We will also need two beautiful squares in order to make knots with grass.
7. Be sure to stock up on cotton wool or rags. After all, we need something to rearrange our herbs and fill our heads (instead of our brains).
8. Also take a red ribbon or braid. We will need it to tie it on our head.
9. All kinds of red strings will also be useful to you.
10. By the way, don’t forget to grab beautiful multi-colored threads. After all, our cutie will need a belt too.

Now let’s start making our own amulet!

1. To prevent our doll from being without a head, we need to put cotton wool in the fabric (which we specially prepared for the head). And then all these edges need to be folded diagonally. This is our wise little head.

2. We carefully tie all this up with a scarlet thread. And if you want the doll to be younger, it is important to try to do everything possible to ensure that there are as few folds as possible.

3. Now we need to make handles. To do this, we need to take a corner, bend it, and bend all the remaining edges inward. Then you need to fold it all in half and, of course, tie it with a red thread.

6. We also put cotton wool or rags in the squares for the chest, and tie them again with red thread, and separately tie them to the body of the doll.

By the way, the size of the squares may depend on the preferences of the creator of the breasts: either they will be like “cream”, or like “peaches”, or maybe like “spaniel ears”, or they should be two “cans of milk”.

7. Remember how we prepared a beautiful handkerchief for our herbalist in advance? So we put it on the head and tie it at the back.

8. But our “potion” came in handy for us. Now we take the largest (and maybe the most beautiful) fabric (the one for the dress), and in its center we lay out the collected herbs “by the sweat of our brow.”

10. We put the beautiful figure of our lady herbalist into the sundress. And you definitely need to tie everything up with a thread, and make sure that everything is tied perfectly, tightly.

11. In order to make a belt for a cute grass, you need to attach it inside out: we make a cross at the back, and tie it in front with a beautiful knot on top of the apron.

So, here she is - our most adorable Herbal Pot!

Take it in your hands, lightly remember it, and you will feel the disconcerting aroma of fragrant herbs; and it’s simply pleasing to the eye to look at this self-made herbalist, regardless of whether you believe in magic or sorcery or not. GOOD LUCK!!!

The protective doll Kubyshka-Travnitsa is a guardian of good health. In ancient times, it was used to treat and prevent various diseases. They still remember the magic doll.

Kubyshka-Herbalist - guardian of health

The history of Kubyshka-Travnitsa begins in times far from our modern technologies, including medicine. The ancestors were famous for their incredible good spirits and good health. From them, to this day, the ability to make a doll-amulet from rags has been passed on, saving from negative energy and all sorts of diseases. Such a healer strengthened the health of the inhabitants of the house. They called her the Herbal Pot. The doll helped everyone: from young to old, it created a pleasant fragrance, calmed, strengthening the strength and spirit to accomplish new important things.

The Kubyshka doll was an indispensable assistant in every housewife’s house. It was made from special herbs. This composition protected against illnesses and strengthened the immune system. When someone in the family was sick, the Herbalist was placed at the head of the bed where that person was lying. People believed that this way the doll helped to heal faster.

Mothers gave a small rag doll to their children to play with. With a pleasant smell, it purified the air, calmed, and brought good dreams at night. People believed that this way the babies would grow up healthy and strong.

The herbalist protected the hearth from evil forces, improved mood, and with a pleasant smell set up good and kind thoughts.

The Kubyshka-Herbalist doll protects the health of the whole family

Variations of amulets dolls

Previously, housewives made several Herbal Eggs for their home. Each had a special place and purpose. You can do the same.

Hang one doll near the child’s crib. While he sleeps, the Herbalist will guard the health of all family members, not allowing illnesses to walk around the house and send illnesses to its inhabitants. In the old days they believed that the enchanted herb protected against evil spirits and protected sleep.

Another Herbal Pot emanates a wonderful aroma of peace. It helps household members sleep peacefully at night. The doll is placed under the pillow, the essential oils of medicinal herbs (mint, lavender, thyme, motherwort, oregano) soothe, relieve insomnia and nightmares. With such an assistant in the morning, household members wake up rested, full of energy and in a good mood.

The Herbalist doll, depending on the herbs with which it is filled, can protect against colds, give sound sleep and even repel rodents

The third one can be placed in the kitchen. For it, you should choose herbs that stimulate a good appetite (dill, dandelion, rue). Additionally, the Herbal Pot purifies the air, eliminates unpleasant odors, and also enhances the atmosphere of home comfort.

Another doll can be sent to serve as a kind of disinfectant in a cellar or barn. The intense smell of herbs (blackroot, wormwood, mint, tansy, chamomile) repels pests, especially rodents, which like to feast on easy prey during times of hunger.

How to make a Herbal Pot with your own hands

For a long time there has been a traditional method of making the Egg Cup, but each housewife used her own imagination to give her doll uniqueness. Some people liked to embroider bright flowers on clothes, others liked to make braids out of twine and weave ribbons into them. Someone created a doll with a scarf on her head and an apron with beautiful patterns tied over her sundress. Rowan necklaces were hung around the neck.

Collection of herbs

Now all the necessary herbs can be bought at the nearest pharmacy or from old women at the market, but it is always more pleasant when the potion is collected with your own hands - the way it was done in the old days.

First you need to wake up on a beautiful summer morning, always with a smile and a wonderful mood. Wear something comfortable and non-staining, and most importantly, something that you like. Leave the house and hit the road. If you want, get together with good comrades. It is important that your travel companions are after your heart. If one of them falls out of favor, it is better to make sure that he lags behind your cheerful company somewhere along the way.

Folk craftsmen say that the most powerful dolls are those whose fabric was taken from the owner’s old things: in this way the amulet will already be saturated with the energy of the owner

On the spot, while the men are busy making a fire and catching fish, the women can take their baskets and scatter in all directions in search of a better clearing to collect fragrant herbs.

Plants were chosen for different purposes:

  • for a restful sleep - a mixture of motherwort, chamomile, lemon balm, oregano and hops;
  • for colds - sage, wormwood, pine needles, St. John's wort flowers, pine cones;
  • for freshness and comfort - with a pronounced smell: juniper twigs, thyme, garlic seeds.

At your summer cottage you can also find many useful and fragrant herbs, such as mint, raspberry leaves, currants, and cherry twigs.

After the fun festivities are over, the housewives tie the herbs into bunches and lay them out to dry in the sun. Then they are hung in the house for further use: from something you can brew tasty and healthy tea, and from something you can make a talisman doll. This activity fascinated not only adults, but also children.

Photo gallery: examples of plants for creating a pupa

Mint improves mental activity and has an antimicrobial effect Lavender soothes, relieves headaches, lowers blood pressure Thyme has an antiseptic, antispasmodic and mild hypnotic effect Oregano soothes and clears germs from sore throats and colds St. John's wort is excellent for insomnia and neurasthenia Melissa harmonizes the heart rhythm and calms , lowers blood pressure

Materials for making a talisman

For the Herbal Pot, you need to choose scraps made from natural fibers: linen, cotton. The brighter the better.

Necessary materials:

  • to make our beauty’s head you need to take square scraps of approximately 20–22 cm; it is desirable that the fabric be white; light colors represent a clean face and a clear mind;
  • How about a red girl without breasts - she will need two scraps and two lumps of cotton wool;
  • for the dress, we’ll take a brighter and more elegant material, the flap should be a little larger than for the Herbalist’s head;
  • we will make a handkerchief from a bright rag in the shape of a triangle;
  • you can make an apron for the doll, another addition to the decoration of our fashionista;
  • we also need two squares of fabric for the bags, where we will put the mixture of herbs that we collected and dried;
  • to fill the voids of the amulet, stock up on rags or cotton wool;
  • to decorate the product, you can take colored ribbons or ribbons - we will tie the head with them;
  • you will need a lot of bright threads to give the shape of the Herbalist;
  • Our charming lady should have a waist, so we need to prepare a belt.

For the Herbal Pot, it is better to choose natural materials

Creation process: step-by-step instructions with photos

Under no circumstances should the amulet be pierced with a needle. All parts of the doll are wrapped with threads and ribbons, only the clothes can be hemmed. Each craftswoman puts her love and warmth into her work, thinking about the person for whom the doll is intended.

  1. You need to shape the head. You can use rags or cotton wool to make it voluminous and proportional to the body. Fold the folds to form a frame for the face. There should be two folds on the sides. We wrap it all with red thread.

    For the head of the Egg-Herbalist it is better to take a light fabric

  2. We make handles. You need to take a corner of the fabric, bend it a little inward and wrap it with red thread. We got one handle, we do the same with the second corner.

    The hands of the Egg-Herbalist are made from corners of matter

  3. Under the arms we form the waist of our beauty. We take a thread and wrap it under the hands of the future Herbalist.

    The waist of the Egg-Herbalist is formed immediately under her arms

  4. From pre-prepared squares we make the young woman’s breasts. We take cotton wool and make two knots, wrap them with threads. Each housewife will choose the size at her own discretion, as she likes best. It is better to have larger breasts - this is a symbol of fertility and abundance. The knots are ready. We wrap them with threads to the body of the doll.

    We form the chest of the Egg-Herbalist from scraps and cotton wool

  5. Finally it came to the forbs, the same ones that we had so painstakingly collected, dried and sorted. You will need the largest piece of scrap that was left for the outfit of the Herbalist doll. In the middle we place a collection of pleasantly smelling herbs, spreading the remaining cotton wool. Taking the corners, we tie our potion into a bag.

    For the skirt of Kubyshka-Travnitsa we take the largest and brightest piece of fabric

  6. We place the remaining grass in the middle of two small square rags and tie the bags. We attach the knots to the handles.

    Herbs are not only in Kubyshka the Herbalist’s skirt, but also in two little knots that she holds tightly

  7. Making a headdress. We tie a pre-prepared triangle onto the finished head and hide the tails, tying them together at the back.

    The scarf is an important element of the outfit of the Kubyshka-Travnitsa

  8. We dress our beregina in the outfit that you came up with for her. Be sure to bandage everything carefully. Don’t skimp on threads, the main thing is that everything is tightly connected to each other.
  9. To make our doll look more neat, we tie a belt over the apron to the beautiful Grass, covering all the ends. We cross the threads and tie them in front with a beautiful bow.

    An apron will help cover the ends of all the threads at the waist

  10. The doll is ready. It turned out so pretty, you just can’t take your eyes off it, bright and elegant Herbal Pot!

    The Herbal Pot is ready for activation

When creating a talisman, all rules must be followed. You cannot cut, prick the product with a needle, or shake an empty doll while working.

Video: master class on making Herbal Eggs

Other ideas for creating: examples in the photo

Lace braid is often used for an apron. The traditional version is in red tones. An interesting idea is to use satin in the work. Needles are used only to create decor on the doll’s clothes. A multi-layered apron made of bright shreds attracts abundance to the house. It is allowed to use any bright colors.

Activation of the amulet

Our amulet will gain strength only when the needlewoman finishes her ritual and talks to the doll. First, say hello to her. Tell the Little Herbalist everything that you expect from her: protection of your family, good health for your household, recovery for a sick person, etc. Thank the doll for now having it in your home, and if you made it for another person - because it will bring him prosperity and longevity.

A sincere conversation with a talisman doll will activate it and put it in a good mood. Now you can place the Herbal Pot in the place that you have designated for it, or give it as a gift.

If a doll is being created for a girl who cannot get pregnant for a long time, it is important that during the work the husband is not near the craftswoman, and after production, the guardian-assistant is hidden from prying eyes until conception occurs. Only the owner herself was allowed to look at the doll, play and talk to her.

How to use it correctly

To return the former aroma to a somewhat stale amulet, you need to lightly crush it. Then the essential oils will interact with the air again. This can be done every evening before going to bed, but very carefully, because the dry herbs inside the rag doll can quickly turn into dust if not handled carefully.

The Herbalist rag doll can serve its owner for a long time. The mixture of dry herbs does not deteriorate and does not lose its wonderful properties over the years. When you consider it necessary, the contents of the doll can be changed; the amulet should not be a carrier of dust in the house.

The same goes for the doll's outfit. If for some reason it has deteriorated, the parts can be replaced using the same techniques described above. Just remember: no cuts or punctures, that is, do not use needles or scissors!

Made with love and enchanted, the doll Kubishka the Herbalist always dutifully fulfills her duty. It serves people for the good, gives peace, good health and family well-being.

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