Home Indoor flowers I don't dream of dead relatives. Why does the deceased husband not dream? Why does the deceased husband dream

I don't dream of dead relatives. Why does the deceased husband not dream? Why does the deceased husband dream

Sleep is one of the ways to look into the subconscious of a person. Almost all people have dreams with a deceased person. Psychologists explain this from the side of science, and psychics associate dreams with paranormal phenomena. However, there are situations when dreams with a dead person do not appear. All of this has both scientific and psychic interpretations.

Why does a person dream of a deceased

People have already found an explanation for this phenomenon. Often, the dead dream about something. This can be explained with the help of dream books and the opinions of psychics. First of all, the deceased carries a message or warning. These can be messages about an impending disaster, an unpleasant situation, or a sad event. Also, the deceased are able to talk about the upcoming changes in life. To interpret them correctly, you must always write down the information that was in a dream. You can expand your understanding with the help of dream books. There are a lot of them, but there are no significant discrepancies in the information.

Psychologists believe that the dead dream about the fact that, on a subconscious level, a person misses their relatives. It also speaks of the high stress that the tragic event brought. In addition, the dead are people who yearn for change, but are afraid to do something new.

Dreaming and the paranormal world

Psychics believe that the appearance of a deceased person in a dream speaks of the torment of the soul or wandering around the world. However, this is only with those deceased who very often dream. The dead often signal danger. Also psychics recommend paying attention to the lower limbs of the deceased. If instead of legs he has hooves, then this means that evil spirits have penetrated into the dream. In such cases, a person needs to go to church after awakening and read prayers.

There are situations when the deceased does not come to the person. Therefore, many are interested in why the deceased person does not dream. This phenomenon is quite common among humans. After all, the soul of the deceased could find peace.

Why the dead do not dream

Relatives or close friends often come in dreams. But the question "why the deceased mother does not dream" is also quite common among people. There are a lot of explanations from psychics. Common explanations for why the dead do not dream:

  • The soul of the deceased has already found peace. This is the most common reason why the dead do not dream. After all, they come if they are still in the human world. However, they can only be seen in dreams.
  • A person is not in danger. Most dreams signal danger. If it does not threaten the person, then the deceased will not come in a dream. It also suggests that a person will not have dramatic changes in life, because the dead are warned of such events.
  • The man has fulfilled his duty to a relative. If there were good relations between people and they did good to each other, then the deceased will not appear in dreams.
  • The deceased was a good person, the evil spirits cannot use his image for their own purposes. Often, under the guise of the deceased, evil spirits may come, who decided to have fun with a relative of the deceased.

Such reasons fully explain why the dead do not dream. However, these interpretations are not officially recognized and are considered unscientific. Believe in them or not, decide for yourself. A person must first of all think rationally. It is not always possible to rely on the explanations of psychics. However, all explanations have a right to exist.

The opinion of psychologists

Most professionals believe that dreams cannot be trusted. They can only be interpreted and interpreted according to human life. After all, dreams are the work of the subconscious. Many people ask the question: "If mom died, why not dream." There is an explanation for this question. Dreams are a continuation of all human experiences from the real world. Therefore, one should not look for mystical explanations in the question "why the dead do not dream." Often, if the deceased does not come, then this speaks of moral peace. It also means that the experienced stress is forgotten by the body.

Modern man knows practically nothing about the afterlife. At least because it is impossible for people to confirm or deny its existence. Psychologists also believe that excessive enthusiasm for the interpretation of dreams negatively affects the psyche.

Incredible facts

If you have ever lost a loved one, then you know that their loss can be felt throughout your life, until one day there comes a moment when you feel a little relief.

Regardless of our religious or spiritual views, when we experience the death of a loved one, we often think that we see him everywhere, or he comes to us in a dream.

But can a deceased person talk to us through dreams?

When we dream, we open up some nooks and crannies of our subconscious, our memories and emotions, which remain unnoticed by us in a conscious state.

Dreaming with the deceased is a normal part of the experience of loss. Thus, we remember the person and for a short time feel less pain from his loss.

Sometimes a dream is just a dream, which is a memory of a departed person.

But many believe that deceased relatives, loved ones and close friendstrying to contact us through dreams and convey some kind of message ... Here are a few signs that a deceased person wants to contact you in a dream.

See the deceased in a dream

1. You wake up feeling as if you were being watched.

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Many people feel as if loved ones are watching them after they leave this world. When you wake up after sleeping and feel like someone was in the room with you, it is possible that the deceased was trying to tell you that he was watching you.

Although the feeling of being watched can be alarming, in this case, you feel safe... All this can be a sign that a loved one is making themselves felt.

2. Vivid memories of a loved one were in your dreams.

© KatarzynaBialasiewicz / Getty Images

Sometimes, when we are awake, we remember loved ones, but the memories in dreams are a sign that they may be trying to contact you.

This is especially true when a loved one helps you remember something that you usually did not think about, for example, through a forgotten memory of him.

This memory may contain a message that they would like to draw your attention to.

Seeing the deceased in a dream

3. The loved one did not look the same as usual.

© anyka

If a close relative or friend appears in your dream, but does not look the same as usual, this may be a sign that he is sending you some kind of warning.

Pay attention to the signs you see in your dreams. He may be trying to warn you of a dangerous situation or an impending change.

4. You wake up feeling peaceful.

© boggy22 / Getty Images

What could be more beautiful than a feeling of complete calmness and serenity?

This does not happen very often, and if your loved one is concerned about your health or well-being, they may tries to help you by sending a sound and peaceful sleep.

5. Your dreams seemed very real.

© Motortion / Getty Images

Dreams with the deceased can be vivid and realistic to the point that the person feels as if the deceased was actually there. In a dream, you can smell, touch and hear the deceased.

Also, these dreams can be emotionally intense, and since you strongly feel their presence, this can stir up painful experiences again.

It is likely that the deceased loved one does not want to hurt you, but tries to be there.

A dream about a deceased person

6. The loved one looks younger and better than when he passed away.

© Olga Zarytska

Loved people often appear in dreams healthier and more energized than they were when they passed away.

You see them in the image in which you chose to remember them. So they trying to let you know they didn't suffer when they are dead and able to appear happier and more whole to you.

7. The deceased person says that everything is all right with him, and he is with you.

© Arman Zhenikeyev

In dreams, the deceased sometimes talk to us. You can hear their voice or feel like they are speaking. Very often they know that you are worried about them and appear in a dream to tell them that they are all right where they are.

Usually, those who lose such a relative often want to see her at least in a dream. But the phenomenon does not come and many are wondering why the deceased person does not dream, although in reality you so often think about him. The dream book can rarely give an answer, but in fact, several protections against such information are included here:

  • mental;
  • mystical.

You will learn from this article why mother does not come in a dream, who died recently or, on the contrary, a very long time ago.

Psychological protection from worries

When a mother leaves, especially for a child or teenager, this is a very strong blow to his psyche. Therefore, she tries to protect the suffering person from the experience in a dream, making it impossible to see her during sleep. And, if the son may well dream of the mother many times, then the mother of the daughter or the boy does not see each other for a long time. This is understandable - if at the moment of acute longing for her a woman dreams, then the child can go completely crazy. And, unfortunately, this happens to young children, helpless patients, or those to whom she was unusually dear. And, as soon as the acute state of loss passes, the relative will definitely dream, you just need to wait.

Why doesn't mom dream after the time has passed since the loss? Here another mechanism, mystical, is already activated, when a person simply does not correctly ask a question to higher powers or is not available for an answer.

Mystical protection

It is known that in India it is possible to obtain the necessary information through dreams. Usually, before going to bed, a person formulates a task or experience, and in the morning finds an answer to a question or during a night trip. Sometimes you want your mother to start dreaming, talk to her, consult with her, or just see. But it is not clear why this does not happen and the parents stop appearing in our beautiful dreams.

If, before falling asleep, you wanted your mother to come into a dream, but this did not happen, there will be several reasons. First, you are not ready to perceive such information and communication with it will not be useful at the moment. This can happen if the dreamer or his relatives have not yet recovered from the loss and the deceased in reality occupies almost all their thoughts and daily conversations. At this time, the subconscious is not ready to perceive otherworldly information, so parents are in no hurry to appear in your night dreams. As soon as the suffering fades into the background in reality, he will definitely appear.

The second reason why the deceased husband or relatives do not come is in the changes that the deceased would not approve of during his lifetime. Even if you simply outweighed his favorite carpet from the wall or went to work as a stripper in a nightclub, knowing that now no one will scold the dreamer for this, the deceased knows such information in another world. And, knowing that it is useless to warn, as well as to stop, he simply does not come. This will only happen if the dreamer is ready for new information and internally approaches what the deceased said.

Internal contradiction and insincerity

The late dad or husband will never dream of those who resist their appearance. Moreover, if he was hated and his death caused only a feeling of relief. It is for this reason that the deceased never comes to those who secretly rejoiced at their death and the fact that the worries and difficulties associated with him are in the past. This is the most important reason why deceased parents, dad or husband, do not dream.

But those who sincerely loved a relative may not see him because he does not consider it necessary. For example, if you ask him a question about a difficult situation and dad or mom do not dream, it means that they consider you independent and spiritually strong people who will find the answer to all questions themselves. But in the case of a truly difficult life situation, they may necessarily appear in a dream to warn you about a risky step or its consequences. Usually they speak directly about danger or that a person is in for grief.

author User deleted asked a question in the section Horoscopes, Magic, Divination

I never dream of my deceased relatives, so they did not love me during their lifetime and do not love THERE? and got the best answer

Answer from Lana [guru]
This is confirmation that they do not hold grudges against you, there are no debts, and they simply do not want to disturb, they understand that you are more impressionable than your mother and brother. I do not agree that the phenomenon of deceased relatives is to death, they can dream all their lives. It’s bad when these are nagging nightmares, after which you do not come to your senses for a long time.

Answer from Kolya Nikolaev[newbie]
I have the same difficulty.
Dad stayed with me for two weeks before leaving. When the time came, I held his hand and stroked his head. For a few seconds before leaving, he opened his eyes, looked at me. Until now, this look is before my eyes ... unwillingness to leave, farewell, understanding of hopelessness. But in a dream I have never come.
Everyone dreamed ... but I didn't, despite the fact that I asked him to come and talk. I still cannot understand whether this is good or bad.

Answer from Lyalka Ischo times Lyalka[guru]
they just don't want to scare you.
and it also means that nothing bothers them and they are doing well.

Answer from Olga[newbie]
The appearance in a dream of deceased relatives is generally considered not a good sign.
They say this portends a quick death.
In general, you better not bother with it. You can also remember that a very small percentage of dreams we remember after waking up.

Answer from Lito[guru]
I also never dream of my dead relatives! But I am sure that my grandmother loved me very much during her lifetime, so I think that your deceased relatives loved you very much too! They just don't want to disturb you! And as mentioned above, we don't even remember most of our dreams!

Answer from Julia Kagarlichenko[guru]
Our relatives, having finished their earthly journey, go home to rest. They have tasks there that are so different from you and me that it’s even difficult to imagine! But we persistently continue to think that they have nothing else to do there, but to think about how to contact us! In the place where they are now, there is a completely different perspective, and everything looks from a completely different angle of view. It's as if you have been blindfolded all your life, and then the blindfold has been removed from your eyes. What can you tell your former brothers who, just like you before, continue to walk with a blindfold on their eyes! Offer them to take off the bandage? To do this, they, at least, must be aware of its presence. This is a voluntary step for every person, and there is no way it will be possible to influence from the outside. Therefore, our relatives have no reason to try to contact us. But in our egoism we sometimes bind them to ourselves with our emotions so strongly that they cannot free themselves from the bonds and are attracted to us at night. If they could shout to us, the only thing they would ask would be to leave them alone! Be merciful! Don't call them! And do not advise others. Take care of your life. Only this should be done.
Good luck!

Answer from Olga Slavinskaya[newbie]
It means that they loved you very much during their lifetime and do not invite you, wishing you to do as much as possible. Daddy doesn't dream of me either ...

Answer from Evgueny poliakhov[active]
The dead appear when it is necessary to warn about something, but after all, everything is fine

Answer from Yoalnikova Ruslana[guru]
dream of those who need help or advice ... or they forget to remember someone ... or there is a common task that has not been completed and must be done to the end ... and of course they love you ... And secondly, it may change the weather ... It also happens that some people cannot let go of the soul of the deceased, they torment themselves, and the deceased ... so they dream because their soul is looking for peace ... after all, it is between our two worlds and the afterlife ... do not trust God ... love yourself too much ... this is a sin ... stop feeling sorry ... these words addressed to mother and sister ... We must let go of them with consciousness and subconsciousness and soul ... they have nothing to do here ... their place is there ... if you need help they will find how to contact the swami ...

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