Home Indoor flowers Theater artist Victoria Sevryukova. Artist Victoria Sevryukova: “We are a woman-country from which we made a man Beautiful and healthy

Theater artist Victoria Sevryukova. Artist Victoria Sevryukova: “We are a woman-country from which we made a man Beautiful and healthy

In 1983 she graduated from the art and production department of the Moscow Art Theater School. In 1983-85. - artist of the State Children's Musical Theater in Kyiv. In 1985-90 - costume designer of the Moscow Art Theater named after. Gorky, in 1990-2005. - Chief Costume Designer of the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky.

Designer of costumes for more than 350 performances. Among them: “The Cherry Orchard” by A. Chekhov (director S. Danchenko), “Macbeth” by W. Shakespeare (director V. Belyakovich), “The Old Actress for the Role of Dostoevsky’s Wife” by E. Radzinsky (director R. Viktyuk), “Vassa Zheleznov" by M. Gorky (director B. Shchedrin) - Moscow Art Theater named after. Gorky; “Madame Bovary” by G. Flaubert (director Y. Eremin), “Cyrano de Bergerac” by E. Rostand (director P. Chomsky), “Twelfth Night” by W. Shakespeare (director M. Weil), “The Morals of Mrs. Dulskaya” by G. Zapolskaya (director P. Chomsky), “The Dance Teacher” by L. de Vega, “The Kingdom of Father and Son” by A. Tolstoy, “Casting”, “Dangerous Liaisons” by Ch. de Laclos (all directed by Y. Eremin), “ Roman Comedy (Dion)" by L. Zorin, "The Idiot" by F. Dostoevsky (both directed by P. Chomsky) - Mossovet Theater; “Who are you in a tailcoat” by A. Chekhov, “The Seagull” by A. Chekhov, “The Seagull (real operetta)”, “The Seagull” by B. Akunin (director I. Raikhelgauz), “Pas de deux” by T. Moskvina (director S. Govorukhin) - Theater "School of Modern Play"; “Sisters” based on W. Shakespeare (director D. Krymov) - Theater "School of Dramatic Art"; “The True Story of the Lady with the Camellias” by A. Dumas (director Y. Eremin), “Ghosts” by G. Ibsen (director I. Raikhelgauz), “Autumn Sonata” by I. Bergman (director E. Polovtseva) - Sovremennik Theater; “Borrow a Tenor” by K. Ludwig, “Barefoot in the Park” by N. Simon, “Bullets over Broadway” by P. Rosenfeld, “Much Ado About Nothing” by W. Shakespeare, “Talents and the Dead” (“Is He Dead?”) M Twain, “Shakespeare in Love” based on the film script by T. Stoppard (all directed by E. Pisarev), the musical “O. Henry’s Christmas” by P. Ekstrom (directed by A. Frandetti) - Theater named after Pushkin; “The Tricks of Scapin” by J. B. Molière, “Arcadia” by T. Stoppard (director S. Golomazov) - Theater on Malaya Bronnaya; “A Lesson for Wives” by J. B. Molière (director M. Efremov), “Ghosts” by E. de Filippo (director E. Pisarev) - Moscow Art Theater named after. Chekhov; “City of Millionaires” (“Filumena Marturano”) by E. de Filippo (director M. Zakharov), “The Lioness of Aquitaine” (“The Lion in Winter”) by J. Goldman (director G. Panfilov), “White Lies” (“Trees are Dying” standing") by A. Kasony (director G. Panfilov) - Lenkom Theater; “1900” by A. Barrico (director O. Menshikov) - partnership of Oleg Menshikov; “Uncle’s Dream” by F. Dostoevsky (director B. Shchedrin) - Theater "Modern"; “Aladdin's Magic Lamp”, “Mowgli” by R. Kipling, “Sleeping Beauty” by Charles Perrault - Teatrium on Serpukhovka; "Joseph and the Amazing Dreamcoat" by E. Lloyd Webber - St. Petersburg State Musical Theater for children and adults “Carambol”; “Stories of Shukshin” (director A. Hermanis), “Audience” by P. Morgan (director G. Panfilov) - Theater of Nations.

As a costume designer, she took part in the work on films:
“Was there Carotene?” (directed by G. Polok, Mosfilm, 1989) and “Return of the Battleship” (directed by G. Polok, Gorky Film Studio, 1996)
and opera performances:
“Italian in Algeria” by G. Rossini in Musical Theater named after. K.S. Stanislavsky and Vl.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko(director E. Pisarev, conductor F. Korobov, 2013); “The Marriage of Figaro” by V.A. Mozart (director E. Pisarev, conductor W. Lacy, 2015) and “Candide” by L. Bernstein (theatrical concert version, director A. Frandetti, conductor T. Sokhiev, 2018) in Bolshoi Theater.

Designer of the costumes for the closing ceremony of the celebration of the 850th anniversary of Moscow, the opening and closing ceremony of the First Theater Olympiad, the opening ceremony of the Youth Olympic Games, and the anniversary performance-dedication “Chamber Theatre. 100 years" in the theater named after. Pushkin.

As a costume designer, she collaborated with the production company “Stage entertainment” (ice shows “The Snow Queen”, “Sleeping Beauty”, the musical “The Sound of Music”).

Many heroines in theater and cinema love and suffer in the outfits created by Victoria Sevryukova. But today the famous costume designer, winner of the Golden Mask, talks about her passion - her lingerie collection.

There are more than 600 corsets in my collection. Today the price of a good corset starts from a thousand euros and reaches fifteen. I have one incredibly expensive corset from the famous Abramson factory, which in 1900 received a gold medal at the World Exhibition in Paris. It's ugly and smells disgusting because it was used to cover sauerkraut for many years. But I’m afraid to wash it, I keep it wrapped in foil. In Paris, I made a splash with this freak - I was photographed and invited to appear on television.

About fifteen years ago, a sewer system burst at the Pushkin Theater and flooded the entire spare wardrobe. Things could be thrown away. That's how I got Alisa Koonen's stockings and dress. Shirt Lyubov Orlova I exchanged it for epaulettes, and bought the combination and panties from a completely crazy collector. In general, we are all a little crazy (laughs). Here Sasha Vasiliev, in addition to dresses, maniacally collects kokoshniks and headdresses of northern peoples. I give him kokoshniks, and he gives me underwear. With the help of underwear that belonged to actresses and statesmen, I am putting together a huge puzzle of the country's history.

Once, at Mosfilm, an armful of things was carried past me, and I was hit with a chill. It turned out that, under an agreement with the House on the Embankment, relatives of famous people gave unnecessary things to the film studio. On that day, the wardrobe of Mehlis, Stalin’s secretary, was carried to be burned. When I saw the fantastic old-fashioned pink long johns, I couldn’t resist and bought them for three rubles. At home, I found a photo of Mehlis in a book... A man who practically never took off his jacket, wore beautiful long johns with bone buttons! I learned something about the man that he probably would like to hide. In the House on the Embankment they began to pass me from hand to hand. Gradually, my collection included almost all the underwear of the leaders of that time - Beria, Ordzhonikidze, Kaganovich, Budyonny.

By the way, Beria had a stunning nightgown, almost with lace flounces, incredibly funny. I got it from his mistress, who said only good things about him. Once a stranger left a suitcase with me. It was the suitcase of Tukhachevsky’s wife, which was given to her relatives in Lubyanka. No one opened it... Among other underwear there were butterfly panties made of the finest silk with embroidered flowers. Her husband had already been arrested, and then they came for her... This is some kind of touching female logic.

But the beautiful actress Tatiana Okunevskaya nothing survived: “I knew that my daughter would meet me at the station in Moscow. And in February I was driving with only a coat over my naked body - I threw everything out the window so that my daughter wouldn’t even see the trail of this horror.” The myth that the corset cripples the female body was first launched by Roentgen. Having tested his famous device on his wife, he saw that one rib was displaced and all her organs were slightly elevated. Yes, the waist shrinks to 20 centimeters, but a woman’s last rib is movable: during pregnancy it moves apart and then snaps back into place. The corset doesn't break anything. In addition, he is just a godsend from cheating. The fact is that the woman herself could not unfasten it. So all the man had to do was tie a bow and check it in the evening.

In the late 1980s, I designed costumes for the first of my fourteen “Seagulls.” To get a corset for Arkadina, I went to the famous Tishinskaya flea market. A drunken man was selling a wonderful “swallow” corset from the time of Ostrovsky. He gloomily named his price: “Three sixty-two” - that’s how much a bottle of vodka cost at that time. I only had three sixty with me. But when I, upset, was about to leave, I saw a two-kopeck coin literally under my feet!

In a corset Lyudmila Gurchenko immediately straightened up, but said: “This is a completely impossible thing, I will not play in it.” Then someone called out to her, and instead of turning around with her whole body, she suddenly turned her head royally. And by the way the men reacted, I realized that the corset would help her. Since then, like a maniac, I have been trying to lace up all the actresses, despite their resistance.

Another time we met with Lyudmila Markovna on the set of Gennady Poloka’s film “Was there Carotene?” and she remembered about that corset. I brought it, and as a result the dress had to be sewn in eighteen centimeters. The dressmakers cursed me. But when we walked along the corridor of Mosfilm - she was in a dress with a huge train, in a stunning hat with a real bird of paradise - everyone parted in admiration. This was our common triumph. But Gurchenko insisted: “This is Victoria Sevryukova. She's a genius, a genius!

Until 1920, trousers were sewn with open seams - this knowledge allows us to take a completely different look at the dancers of the Moulin Rouge and the paintings of Toulouse-Lautrec. Any lingerie with Brussels lace is now very valuable, because there is almost none left. A meter of handmade lace costs from 600 euros.

Stockings were very expensive, although almost no one saw them. Only when the lady got out of the carriage did it reveal about ten centimeters, but they were decorated with all kinds of lace, embroidery, and patterns. This is what won me over. Later I found absolutely stunning stockings from the 1930s made by the Mosbelier Trust - with holes embroidered with flowers. At that time, Lamanova, Rodchenko, and Mukhina were working in fashion. Quite simple panties and bras from that period have some kind of bolts and gears embroidered on them. But it was the end of a wonderful era, the last surge in lingerie fashion in our country.

Luxurious hair and bottomless eyes could not compensate for such a deficiency Lily Brik like a very short torso. She was helped by a corset with two ties, which tightened her waist and hips so that her figure acquired a boyish slenderness. Ira Grineva came to the show with a bad cold. In terms of parameters, she absolutely couldn’t cope with Lilya, but everything suited her perfectly. And a miracle happened - Ira recovered before her eyes. She took some letter and suddenly began to read Mayakovsky’s poems dedicated to Lilya Brik. It was as if Lilya Yuryevna herself told her to do this.

Chief costume designer of the Moscow Art Theater named after. Gorky, Member of the Union of Theater Workers of Russia

Born on July 8, 1960 in Kyiv. Father - Sevryukov Ivan Semenovich (born 1922). Mother - Sevryukova Elizaveta Dmitrievna (born 1928).

She received her higher education at the School-Studio named after. Nemirovich-Danchenko at the Gorky Moscow Art Theater (1978-1983) with a degree in stage artist-technologist.

After graduating from the Studio School, she worked as a production designer at the Children's Musical Theater in Kiev (1983-1985). In 1985 - 1987 under the Ministry of Culture of the USSR, she completed an internship at the Theater. Mossovet. Currently works at the Moscow Academic Art Theater named after Gorky: since 1987 - costume designer, and since 1990 - chief costume designer. The artist's creative work includes more than 100 performances in various theaters across the country. Among them: Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" (Gorky Moscow Art Theater, directed by Danchenko, 1988), Moliere's "A Lesson for Wives" (Chekhov Moscow Art Theater, directed by Efremov, 1989), Flaubert's "Madame Bovary" (Theater named after Mossovet, directed by Eremin, 1993), Fitzgerald "The Great Gatsby" (Pushkin Theatre, 1995), Shakespeare "Macbeth" (Moscow Art Theater named after Gorky, directed by Belyakovich, 1990), Ostrovsky " In a lively place" (Theater of the Russian Army, directed by Kheifets, 1992), a play based on the works of Chekhov "And who are you in a tailcoat" (Theater "School of Modern Play", directed by Reichelgauz, 1992), Brecht "A Bourgeois Wedding" (Theater "Ilkhom" (Tashkent), directed by Weil, 1996), a play based on the work of Cervantes "Greetings, Don Quixote" (Theater "School of Modern Play", directed by Raikhelgauz, 1997 .). As a costume designer, she also took part in the work on the films “Was there Carotene?” (dir. G. Polok, "Mosfilm", 1987) and "Return of the Battleship" (dir. G. Polok, Gorky Film Studio, 1989-1990). During the celebrations of the 850th anniversary of Moscow, as a costume designer, she participated in the preparation of the final Divertimento Performance "Moscow for All Seasons" (September 7, 1997, Luzhniki, Moscow).

Member of the Union of Theater Workers of Russia since 1992.

The main hobby is one of the most complete collections of lingerie of the 19th-20th centuries. In Russia, numbering more than 1000 items, as well as collections of swimwear, accessories and hats. In his free time from his main job, he studies the history of underwear and consults with theaters and film studios. She organized viewings and shows of antique underwear with the participation of actresses from Moscow theaters in the House of Actors (1996) and the Yusupov Palace in St. Petersburg (1997). Of particular interest are the collection's exhibits that belonged to real people - the underwear of Lidina (Stanislavsky's wife), the underwear from the families of the merchants Shchukin and Mamontov, the underwear of the Moscow Art Theater actresses Koreneva and Tarasova, as well as modern underwear from the Tukhachevsky and Beria families.

Lives and works in Moscow.

During the celebrations of the 850th anniversary of Moscow, as a costume designer, she participated in the preparation of the final Divertimento Performance "Moscow for All Seasons" (September 7, 1997, Luzhniki, Moscow).

Born on July 8, 1960 in Kyiv. Father - Sevryukov Ivan Semenovich (born 1922). Mother - Sevryukova Elizaveta Dmitrievna (born 1928).

She received her higher education at the School-Studio named after. Nemirovich-Danchenko at the Gorky Moscow Art Theater (1978-1983) with a degree in stage artist-technologist.

After graduating from the Studio School, she worked as a production designer at the Children's Musical Theater in Kiev (1983-1985). In 1985 - 1987 under the Ministry of Culture of the USSR, she completed an internship at the Theater. Mossovet. Currently works at the Moscow Academic Art Theater named after Gorky: since 1987 - costume designer, and since 1990 - chief costume designer. The artist's creative work includes more than 100 performances in various theaters across the country. Among them: Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" (Gorky Moscow Art Theater, directed by Danchenko, 1988), Moliere's "A Lesson for Wives" (Chekhov Moscow Art Theater, directed by Efremov, 1989), Flaubert's "Madame Bovary" (Theater named after Mossovet, directed by Eremin, 1993), Fitzgerald "The Great Gatsby" (Pushkin Theatre, 1995), Shakespeare "Macbeth" (Moscow Art Theater named after Gorky, directed by Belyakovich, 1990), Ostrovsky " In a lively place" (Theater of the Russian Army, directed by Kheifets, 1992), a play based on the works of Chekhov "And who are you in a tailcoat" (Theater "School of Modern Play", directed by Reichelgauz, 1992), Brecht "A Bourgeois Wedding" (Theater "Ilkhom" (Tashkent), directed by Weil, 1996), a play based on the work of Cervantes "Greetings, Don Quixote" (Theater "School of Modern Play", directed by Raikhelgauz, 1997 .). As a costume designer, she also took part in the work on the films “Was there Carotene?” (dir. G. Polok, "Mosfilm", 1987) and "Return of the Battleship" (dir. G. Polok, Gorky Film Studio, 1989-1990). During the celebrations of the 850th anniversary of Moscow, as a costume designer, she participated in the preparation of the final Divertimento Performance "Moscow for All Seasons" (September 7, 1997, Luzhniki, Moscow).

Member of the Union of Theater Workers of Russia since 1992.

The main hobby is one of the most complete collections of lingerie of the 19th-20th centuries. In Russia, numbering more than 1000 items, as well as collections of swimwear, accessories and hats. In his free time from his main job, he studies the history of underwear and consults with theaters and film studios. She organized viewings and shows of antique underwear with the participation of actresses from Moscow theaters in the House of Actors (1996) and the Yusupov Palace in St. Petersburg (1997). Of particular interest are the collection's exhibits that belonged to real people - the underwear of Lidina (Stanislavsky's wife), the underwear from the families of the merchants Shchukin and Mamontov, the underwear of the Moscow Art Theater actresses Koreneva and Tarasova, as well as modern underwear from the Tukhachevsky and Beria families.

Lives and works in Moscow.

Victoria Sevrukova Viktoria Sevrukova Career: Artist
Birth: Russia, 8.7.1960
During the celebrations of the 850th anniversary of Moscow, as a costume designer, she participated in the preparation of the final Divertimento Performance "Moscow for All Seasons" (September 7, 1997, Luzhniki, Moscow).

Born on July 8, 1960 in Kyiv. Father - Sevryukov Ivan Semenovich (born 1922). Mother - Sevryukova Elizaveta Dmitrievna (born 1928).

She received her higher education at the School-Studio named after. Nemirovich-Danchenko at the Gorky Moscow Art Theater (1978-1983) with a degree in stage artist-technologist.

After graduating from the Studio School, she worked as a production designer at the Children's Musical Theater in Kiev (1983-1985). In 1985 - 1987 under the Ministry of Culture of the USSR, she completed an internship at the Theater. Mossovet. Currently works at the Moscow Academic Art Theater named after Gorky: since 1987 - costume designer, and since 1990 - chief costume designer. The artist's creative credits include more than 100 performances in various theaters across the country. Among them: Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" (Gorky Moscow Art Theater, directed by Danchenko, 1988), Moliere's "A Lesson for Wives" (Chekhov Moscow Art Theater, directed by Efremov, 1989), Flaubert's "Madame Bovary" (Theater named after Mossovet, directed by Eremin, 1993), Fitzgerald "The Great Gatsby" (Pushkin Theatre, 1995), Shakespeare "Macbeth" (Moscow Art Theater named after Gorky, directed by Belyakovich, 1990), Ostrovsky " In a lively place" (Theater of the Russian Army, directed by Kheifets, 1992), a play based on the works of Chekhov "And who are you in a tailcoat" (Theater "School of Modern Play", directed by Reichelgauz, 1992), Brecht "A Bourgeois Wedding" (Theater "Ilkhom" (Tashkent), directed by Weil, 1996), a play based on the work of Cervantes "Greetings, Don Quixote" (Theater "School of Modern Play", directed by Raikhelgauz, 1997 .). As a costume designer, she also took part in the work on the films “Was there Carotene?” (dir. G. Polok, "Mosfilm", 1987) and "Return of the Battleship" (dir. G. Polok, Gorky Film Studio, 1989-1990). During the celebrations of the 850th anniversary of Moscow, as a costume designer, she participated in the preparation of the final Divertimento Performance "Moscow for All Seasons" (September 7, 1997, Luzhniki, Moscow).

Member of the Union of Theater Workers of Russia since 1992.

The main hobby is one of the most complete collections of lingerie of the 19th-20th centuries. In Russia, there are more than 1000 items, as well as collections of swimwear, accessories and hats. In his spare time from his main job, he studies the history of underwear and consults with theaters and film studios. She organized viewings and shows of antique underwear with the participation of actresses from Moscow theaters in the House of Actors (1996) and the Yusupov Palace in St. Petersburg (1997). Of particular interest are the collection's exhibits that belonged to real people - the underwear of Lidina (Stanislavsky's wife), the underwear from the families of the merchants Shchukin and Mamontov, the underwear of the Moscow Art Theater actresses Koreneva and Tarasova, and also modern underwear from the Tukhachevsky and Beria families.

Lives and works in Moscow.

Address: Russia, Moscow, Tverskoy Boulevard, 22, Gorky Moscow Art Theater.

Phone: (+7-095) 203-60-94.

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