Home Beneficial properties of fruits Interpretation of hexagrams. Fortune telling without cards From the treatise “Neijing”: Heaven is the substance of yang, and earth is the substance of yin. The Sun is a yang substance and the Moon is a yin substance. The yin substance is peace, and the yang substance is mobility. Substance yang p

Interpretation of hexagrams. Fortune telling without cards From the treatise “Neijing”: Heaven is the substance of yang, and earth is the substance of yin. The Sun is a yang substance and the Moon is a yin substance. The yin substance is peace, and the yang substance is mobility. Substance yang p

Initial accomplishment: Fortitude is favorable.

Diving dragon. - Don't act.
The dragon that appears is on the field. - A date with a great man is favorable.
A noble man is active until the end of the day. In the evening he is cautious, as if in danger. - There will be no blasphemy.
Just like a leap into the abyss. - There will be no blasphemy.
A flying dragon is in the sky. - A date with a great man is favorable.
Proud dragon. - There will be repentance.
When the nines are in effect, make sure that the dragons do not dominate: then there will be happiness.


Qiang (Creativity): spiritual strength, creative energy, forward movement; dynamism, perseverance; strength, stability; activate, inspire; Heaven, masculine, ruler; strong, healthy, tireless; also: exhaust, destroy, drain, clear. The hieroglyph depicts rising energy, the sun and growing trees.

Figurative row

This is the primary spiritual force that creates and destroys. You see it in the sunlight that allows everything to grow and develop, in the fertilizing streams of rain, in the shape-changing energy of the dragon. You face many obstacles. Get started and persist with it. You are in touch with fundamental creative energy. Be dynamic, strong, tireless and persistent. Ride the dragon and rain fertilizing rain on the earth. This will open a new cycle of time. This will bring success, benefit and enlightenment. Great power makes things happen: you can use it to continue what you start without a hitch. The end always contains a new beginning. The path of power lies through the transformation of things. Power brings out the original spirit of all things. Use your power to create ideas that inspire people. In creation lies the source of constant creative renewal.

Outer and Inner worlds

Sky and Sky

Dynamism, persistence and steadfastness characterize this force. It contains enormous creative potential.


Creativity means power.


Six dragons rule the sky.



The sky is constantly moving.

A noble person uses this creative power without delay.

Hexagram lines

First nine

Diving dragon.
Don't act!

Your creative power is in deep waters. You can't use it yet. You are full of energy, but the time is not yet entirely favorable for activity.

Nine second

The dragon that appears is on the field.
A date with a great man is favorable.

Your creative energy appears in the field of activity. Your ability to understand things begins to spread. Meet people who allow you to see great things in the world and in yourself. This will bring benefit and understanding.

Nine three

A noble man is active until the end of the day.
In the evening he is cautious, as if in danger.
There will be no blasphemy.

Time to move to the outside world, energy is transformed. During the transition, a crisis is inevitable, dangerous even for a noble person. It is necessary to turn your back on your old life and surrender to continuous creation, but remain vigilant.

Nine fourth

It's like a leap into the abyss.
There will be no blasphemy.

When transitioning to vigorous activity, the ground may shift from under your feet. Don't allow yourself to stay in one place. Your creative energy must constantly develop.

Nine fifth

A flying dragon is in the sky.
A meeting with a great man is favorable.

Your creative energy is unleashed to the fullest. The dragon opens its wings and soars in the sky. Seek a great man and realize the greatness in yourself. Let your ideas come true. Create, create and gain new knowledge.

Top nine

Proud dragon.
There will be repentance.

There is a difference between creativity and pride. Do not try to forcefully impose your authority, otherwise you will have to repent of it.

All nines

When the nines are in effect, make sure that all the dragons do not dominate, then there will be happiness. The way is open.

Initial fortitude prevents the emergence of a leader. Make peace with it. If you do not impose your ideas, then you will be happy (the path is open).

Associative interpretation

  • A deer on a cloud means a state rank granted by heaven.
  • A sage carving and polishing a piece of shining jade signifies that a man must discipline and educate himself if he is to be a useful citizen to society.
  • A full moon in the sky means light is shining in all directions.
  • An official climbing the stairs to look at the moon means rapid and continuous advancement up the career ladder.

Explanation of the hexagram according to Wen-wan.

  • Sky. The deepest success. It comes through persistence.
  • This hexagram is for April, good in spring and winter, bad in summer.
  • The Qian hexagram is a double Qian trigram. Therefore, they have the same name, image and characteristics. Qian is called a pure or homogeneous (chun) hexagram. There are eight pure hexagrams in the I Ching:

1. Qian - Sky
2. Kun - Earth
29. Kan-Water
30. Li-Fire
51. Zhen - Thunder
52. Gen - Mountain
57. Xun - Wind
58. Dui-Lake

  • When we consult the I Ching about an illness and receive one of the “pure” hexagrams, this means that the patient’s condition is of serious concern.
  • If you are a woman, Qian tells you that you are too yang. You need to be more yin, or feminine. Otherwise, there will be trouble. If you are sick, the disease is related to the brain, lungs or nervous system.

Explanation of individual yao according to Zhou Gong.

First Yao.

Starting nine. The dragon is hidden. Don't act.

  1. Be prudent in your speech and careful in your behavior. Otherwise there will be trouble.
  2. If you are a pregnant woman, the time for childbirth is approaching.
  3. You may emerge victorious from the competitive challenge.
  4. Your friend is too yangish or tough.

Second Yao.
Nine second. The dragon appears in the field. Burden to meet an influential person.

  1. Get guidance from influential people to start and grow your business.
  2. The patient is in danger.
  3. Beware of fire and other disasters from your neighbor.

Third Yao.
Nine three. A person is active all day, and at night he reviews everything with anxiety. There is danger, but he is doing the right thing.

  1. Rain pours on a dry field. Good time to work.
  2. Don't miss your chance: it will soon disappear without leaving a trace.
  3. Your friend is good and reliable, but too yangish.

Fourth Yao.
Nine fourth. Flight over the abyss. Everything is fine.

  1. If you don't know what to do, you will lose your chance.
  2. Don't underestimate yourself.
  3. If you are sick, it is not serious.

Fifth Yao.
Nine five. The dragon flies in the sky. Burden to meet an influential person.

  1. Everything goes well.
  2. Heaven helps a good man.
  3. The patient's condition will improve dramatically.

Sixth Yao.
Top nine. The dragon became proud and will come to repentance.

  1. Too much is just as bad as too little.
  2. It's a good time to retire.
  3. You have to stop at the right moment.
  4. Remind yourself that things could be much worse. All features are movable.
  5. The use of nines. Flight of a headless dragon. There will be luck.

General interpretation according to Yu. Shutsky

Here creativity is seen in its purest form. This is, first of all, an accident of the sky as the personification of the creative force that lies at the beginning of everything that exists. It, as a universal force, in principle cannot have any obstacles in its development, which is favored by the fact that this force is completely stable. A perfect person can fully demonstrate in his activities such creativity, which has a beneficial effect on his entire environment. That's why the text says: Creativity. Persistence is favored in initial development.


In general, active activity is given preference over simple, passive being. Therefore, special vigilance is needed to ensure that this activity leads to a positive result. The moment it begins is one of the most crucial moments. Activity is still inappropriate in it, but only closed and concentrated preparation is needed. A person may be full of strength, but the time is still unfavorable for his activities. Such a person is depicted in the image of a diving dragon, that is, a powerful creature that has hidden and is not yet acting. It should not be thought that this can apply only to some special people, for it is not at all in the spirit of the Book to limit the warnings given in it to their suitability only for certain people. Therefore, it is said about the first moment of all creativity: In the beginning there is a strong feature. Diving dragon, don't act.


The next moment, expressed by the second feature, which in symbolism is called the field, i.e. the surface of the earth, is characterized by the fact that a person, full of creative power, encrypted in the image of a dragon, can already emerge from his solitude: he, having appeared, is already in the field . His creativity can already manifest itself, he is visible to everyone, and this situation is favorable for everyone to meet such a great man. In addition, in the system of graphic relationships between the symbols of the Books, it is generally accepted that there is a certain resonance, “correspondence” between the features of the symbols, namely: the first feature corresponds to the fourth, the second to the fifth, the third to the sixth. But in the symbolism of the social hierarchy, the fifth line designates the sovereign. Therefore, in the second position, which is in accordance with the fifth, a meeting with a great person is favorable. That's why the text for this trait reads: Strong trait comes second. The dragon that appears is on the field. A meeting with a great man is favorable.


The first wave of the creative act in the second position has already reached its highest point. But all this still exists only internally, for the first three features denote the inner world, and the second three - the outer world. All this has not yet been realized externally. You need to get out of yourself for this realization. It is symbolized by the third line. With such a transition, a certain crisis naturally arises, making this situation dangerous even for a noble person, who throughout the entire first period of creativity - “all day” - devoted himself to continuous creation. Only full vigilance at the end of this period - “in the evening” - can lead to the fact that there will be no blasphemy. This is also stated in the text: The strong trait is in third place. A noble person creates continuously until the end of the day. In the evening he is alert. Danger. But there will be no blasphemy.


When entering active activity outside, a person who has prepared it internally has the ground pulled out from under his feet, but it is precisely this preliminary preparedness that makes a favorable outcome possible. This is expressed with sufficient clarity in the image of the text: A strong trait is in fourth place. Just like a leap into the abyss. There will be no blasphemy.


Only in the fifth position does the creative process appear in its full strength. He has fully manifested himself outside and, having sufficient power within himself, does not need any support. He, like a dragon full of strength, flies in the sky. From such a height, the creator can easily notice a great man, no matter where he is. But he himself is a great man, who has developed his activities to such an extent that it is not difficult for anyone to see him. Here's how it's expressed in the text: The strong trait is in fifth place. A flying dragon is in the sky. A meeting with a great man is favorable.


This, in fact, ends the creative process. Everything further is just unnecessary overdevelopment. Since creativity has already reached its fullest manifestation and nothing more can be created, then anyone who in this situation would still want to “create” even further would only show his excessive pride, as a result of which he would have to repent. This is what this text says about it: There is a strong line at the top. Proud dragon. There will be repentance.


The entire creative process is expressed by strong light features. These are, of course, beneficial forces, but for a truly good result it is necessary to completely control them and not allow them to dominate. Only then can activity proceed in harmonious relation to all world events and be happy. Therefore, in the text, where the forces of light are expressed in the image of dragons, it is said: When strong traits act, be careful that all dragons do not dominate. Then there will be happiness.

Comment by A.V. Shvetsa

Both internal and external are characterized by the trigram Creativity. Unpredictable changes in external conditions are combined with internal strength, which is a property of this trigram. Your decisions do not depend on anyone or anything, your choice of tasks is also not determined, and even the very method of solving them is constantly changing. But your environment has the same properties. The changes taking place around you are unpredictable, the processes are surprising, and how they are completed depends on random events. You do not influence the external, but it does not subordinate you to itself.

This situation is the maximum manifestation of Creativity and Yang. However, for a person with a low energy level it is dangerous - it is better not to act. The bottom line characterizes a person whose consciousness is least ready to perceive the manifestations of the Absolute and to be creative. Therefore, in this line the I Ching warns him against acting in the current situation.

For a more developed consciousness, it is favorable to meet with a great person who would not allow so much Yang to destroy the consciousness. At the next stage, a person no longer needs such care, but, despite active activity, some caution will not hurt him. For an even more prepared consciousness, this is a leap into the abyss, which is fraught with both great danger and unprecedented opportunities at the same time. At the fifth stage of consciousness development, this situation promises flight in the sky, that is, in the Absolute. And here again a meeting with a great man is favorable, but not so that he can protect you from the Absolute, but in order to help you comprehend it.

For the perfectly sage, this situation means complete merging with the absolute and the loss of humanity, but if complete dissolution of one’s “I” is not achieved, then there will be repentance.

Hayslip's interpretation

Good, good sign. This hexagram is masculine and means the month of April and spring hopes. But be careful! Now you are at the top of the mountain, and there is no way for you to go down yet. While at the top, be vigilant and judicious. Expect major changes in no later than six months. Time favors your endeavors. There is a certain uncertainty in your personal life, it is necessary to clarify it. Your wish will certainly come true if it is reasonable and modest. Someone is opposing you, but if you are determined and adamant, success awaits you. The test you are put to, you will survive.

Modern multidimensional interpretation - Evgeniy Kitanin


Both in manifested reality and in the subconscious, the sky is everywhere. The sky is a symbol that personifies God himself. God is everywhere! Double creativity, double original fulfillment with a divine spark within. This is the beginning of a great deed. This is pure divine potential on a manifest and subconscious level. YANG POWER is the original energy of the creator in its pure form. Active creative force corresponding to the masculine principle. The situation for accomplishments is simply fabulous (God is everywhere) and at the same time absolutely meaningless: God needs to create for someone, but he is not here. Creativity and any achievements are not in demand if there is no one to perceive them, no one to give them to. This is a loop, this is a dead end. Here creativity replaces creativity, heaven replaces heaven, God replaces God. There can be no further development in this direction, since all this is already maximally manifested. Life will die without change, so there will definitely be change. Only the development of the situation will go exactly in the opposite direction, towards increasing the female vibrations of the YIN POWER, towards perception and following.

Everything is possible here if you can find someone who really needs it. Maybe this someone is you? It is necessary to find an area for application of such powerful creative potential, otherwise the situation will be lost.

This is a situation when you need to show the maximum of male vibration - all the power of Yang, but the result of achievements should be the manifestation of powerful Yin energy.




Here the opposite vibration is dominant! That is, the development of the situation will go towards strengthening the POWER OF YIN. This always happens when some property is overly manifested. The powerful creative energy Yang needs, like air, the no less powerful Yin.

From the treatise “Neijing”: Heaven is the substance of yang, and earth is the substance of yin. The Sun is a yang substance and the Moon is a yin substance. The yin substance is peace, and the yang substance is mobility. The yang substance gives birth, and the yin substance nurtures.

Positions for awareness:

  1. Don’t let anyone lead you, always lead and guide others, and don’t follow anyone yourself. If you allow yourself to be controlled, you will lose yourself!
  2. The fastest degradation is the desire to live under the guidance of your own mind, that is, under the guidance of your ego.
  3. Yang energy, masculine energy, is the primary energy of creation. It is not for nothing that God, the creator, is active yang energy. In the Book of Changes, yang is more correlated with light, yin with darkness.
  4. God and creative energy correlate more with the feminine yin energy, according to many tantric texts and the teachings of the Pleiades.
  5. Yang and yin, male and female energies are different manifestations of the single energy of the creator. Therefore, it is completely pointless to try to compare them in order to identify any advantages of one energy over another.
  6. Yang is a powerful creative, constructive energy. By connecting with yin, yang loses its strength, just as “+” connecting with “-” disappears and is neutralized. There will be no nightingale songs if he is with the nightingale.
  7. Yang creativity is inspired by the muse - yin energy. Without yin, no significant manifestation of yang is possible.
  8. The division into yin and yang is conditional and created for understanding the processes of the Universe by the dual consciousness of man. In fact, there is not a single phenomenon in nature that could be attributed entirely to one energy. Thus, any woman in relation to her child shows many yang qualities: leader, educator, creator. Any man in relation to the Supreme, to God, to the flow of events is in a state of acceptance and following, and, therefore, directly manifests Yin vibrations.
  9. “Know the masculine, but hold on to the feminine - and be a river valley for the world. If you accept the whole world, Tao will never leave you and you will become like a little child. Know the white, but stick to the black - and be an example to the world,” Lao Tzu “Tao Te Ching.”
  10. “All things contain Yin and carry Yang. They mix their vital breath to create harmony,” Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching.
  11. The condition for the realization of a real man is the presence of a true woman nearby!
  12. In nature, natural energy exchange is as follows: a man transfers his energy to a woman, and a woman to a child. A harmonious man receives energy from the Supreme when he lovingly sends it to a woman or nature, so at these moments he not only does not feel a breakdown, but on the contrary, he is also filled with beautiful Higher energy, and that is why it is easier for a man to merge with God, with the Supreme.
  13. “The weight of the world lies on men’s shoulders. If men’s shoulders refuse to bear this burden, the world slides and it is in danger of falling... We must raise men who are strong, consistent, and responsible. Otherwise, only beer, football, a sagging sofa and jokes about what is below the belt will remain in their area of ​​interest. Women will feel this catastrophe the most... women. They will have no one to listen to, no one to hide behind, in fact, nowhere to go. And they will be brave in public, put a good face on a bad game. They will, in a word, depict the pleasure of freedom and independence. But the best friend, the priest in confession, and the tear-stained pillow will know that these women are deeply and incurably unhappy...” - Archpriest Andrei Tkachev.
  14. “A woman in love with you can inspire you to heights that you never even dreamed of. And she doesn't ask for anything in return. She just needs love, and this is her natural right,” Osho.
  15. “A man suffers from a big inferiority complex because he cannot give birth to a child. This is one of the deepest unconscious deficiencies in a man. He knows that woman is superior because there can be nothing higher in life than the birth of life,” Osho.



1.Qian. Creation. (The force that develops the situation)
A good hexagram, a symbol of hope. However, be careful: someone is opposing the fulfillment of your desires. However, if you show the will, success is guaranteed. Try to understand yourself, your life and decide for yourself the question of its goal and how to achieve it. This time is very favorable for you; changes will occur no later than in half a year. Now you should eliminate uncertainty in your personal life. If your wishes are reasonable and modest, they will certainly come true, although serious difficulties may arise. To a large extent, success will depend on your tact and ability to understand people.


The symbol consists of six yang traits. A good sign. This is a masculine hexagram, meaning the month of April and spring hopes. But be careful! You are at the top of the mountain, and you have no way to go down. So be vigilant and smart while you're up there. Expect major changes no later than six months later. Time favors your endeavors. There is a certain amount of uncertainty in your personal life; it is necessary to clarify it. If your desire is reasonable and modest, it will certainly come true. Someone is opposing you, but if you are determined and adamant, success awaits you. You will pass the test. This is the primary spiritual force that creates and destroys. You see it in the sunlight that allows everything to grow and develop, in the fertilizing streams of rain, in the shape-changing energy of the dragon. You face many obstacles. Get started and persist with it. Be dynamic, strong, tireless and persistent. Great power makes things happen: you can use it to continue what you start without a hitch. The end always contains a new beginning. The path of power lies through the transformation of things. Power brings out the original spirit of all things. Use your power to create ideas that inspire people. In creation lies the source of constant creative renewal.


Force. It manifests itself both inside you and outside, in your environment and environment. This situation was the result of tireless activity in the direction of the issue and high responsibility for the consequences. 9/10 percent of talent consists of work, and only a truly talented person can maintain the creative impulse. However, the best results can be expected from the pursuit of universal, imperishable values. All actions must be consistent with the traditions of society, personal ethics and the ethics of the cause to which you are selflessly devoted.


If this hexagram appears, you can count on success. Serious achievement is possible, provided that you have worthwhile and not too selfish goals. The time has come when it is necessary to act decisively. Take the initiative to implement plans. Those around you will see you as a leader. Confidence in your actions will give you strength. Use your energy for the benefit of others. You can solve problems creatively and realize ambitious plans. Be forward-thinking and prudent. Manage your time wisely. You should not act prematurely. Avoiding thoughtless waste of energy on insignificant events will strengthen your position. Clearly define your goals, don’t get carried away with the little things. This is the most favorable time for you. Make the most of it.

Opportunity for personal growth.

If high energy is not used wisely, it can become destructive. The more energy you have, the more attention it takes to cope with it. In the current situation, you have significant influence. Direct it towards noble goals and you will become a source of inspiration for others. Use it negatively and create chaos around you. Take responsibility for your actions. Support others. Don't let pride get the better of you. Be extremely sensitive to the opinions and moods of others. Be kind and tolerant. If things don't go quite according to plan, be patient. Beware of arrogance and look for opportunities for development.



Nine at the beginning. Be patient. It's not time to act yet. You don't quite understand what you're getting into yet. Wait until the circumstances are clarified, and in the meantime, do not try to demonstrate force.

Nine three. You have received new opportunities. Guided by your main goals, make informed decisions based on intuition. Don't try to impress anyone or try to satisfy other people's interests. Remember your priorities and don't let yourself be led astray, but don't be overly ambitious.

Qiang (Creativity): spiritual strength, creative energy, forward movement; dynamism, perseverance; strength, stability; activate, inspire; Heaven, masculine, ruler; strong, healthy, tireless; also: exhaust, destroy, drain, clear. The hieroglyph depicts rising energy, the sun and growing trees.

The original accomplishment; durability is favorable.

This is the primary spiritual force that creates and destroys. You see it in the sunlight that allows everything to grow and develop, in the fertilizing streams of rain, in the shape-changing energy of the dragon. You face many obstacles. Get started and persist with it. You are in touch with fundamental creative energy. Be dynamic, strong, tireless and persistent. Ride the dragon and rain fertilizing rain on the earth. This will open a new cycle of time. This will bring success, benefit and enlightenment. Great power makes things happen: you can use it to continue what you start without a hitch. The end always contains a new beginning. The path of power lies through the transformation of things. Power brings out the original spirit of all things. Use your power to create ideas that inspire people. In creation lies the source of constant creative renewal.

Here creativity is seen in its purest form. This is, first of all, an accident of the sky as the personification of the creative force that lies at the beginning of everything that exists. It, as a universal force, in principle cannot have any obstacles in its development, which is favored by the fact that this force is completely stable. A perfect person can fully demonstrate in his activities such creativity, which has a beneficial effect on his entire environment.

Outer and inner worlds: sky and sky
Dynamism, persistence and steadfastness characterize this force. It contains enormous creative potential.


Creativity means power.


The sky is constantly moving.
A noble person uses this creative power without delay.

Hexagram lines

Line 1

First nine

Diving dragon.
Don't act!

Your creative power is in deep waters. You can't use it yet. You are full of energy, but the time is not yet entirely favorable for activity.

In general, active activity is given preference over simple, passive being. Therefore, special vigilance is needed to ensure that this activity leads to a positive result. The moment it begins is one of the most crucial moments. Activity is still inappropriate in it, but only closed and concentrated preparation is needed. A person may be full of strength, but the time is still unfavorable for his activities. Such a person is depicted in the image of a diving dragon, that is, a powerful creature that has hidden and is not yet acting. It should not be thought that this can apply only to some special people, for it is not at all in the spirit of the Book to limit the warnings given in it to their suitability only for certain people.

Line 2

Nine second

The dragon that appears is on the field.
A date with a great man is favorable.

Your creative energy appears in the field of activity. Your ability to understand things begins to spread. Meet people who allow you to see great things in the world and in yourself. This will bring benefit and understanding.

The next moment, expressed by the second feature, which in symbolism is called the field, i.e. the surface of the earth, is characterized by the fact that a person, full of creative power, encrypted in the image of a dragon, can already emerge from his solitude: he, having appeared, is already in the field . His creativity can already manifest itself, he is visible to everyone, and this situation is favorable for everyone to meet such a great man.

In addition, in the system of graphic relationships between the symbols of the Books, it is generally accepted that there is a certain resonance, “correspondence” between the features of the symbols, namely: the first feature corresponds to the fourth, the second to the fifth, the third to the sixth. But in the symbolism of the social hierarchy, the fifth line designates the sovereign. Therefore, in the second position, which is in accordance with the fifth, a meeting with a great person is favorable.

Line 3

Nine three

A noble man is active until the end of the day.
In the evening he is cautious, as if in danger.
There will be no blasphemy.

Time to move to the outside world, energy is transformed. During the transition, a crisis is inevitable, dangerous even for a noble person. It is necessary to turn your back on your old life and surrender to continuous creation, but remain vigilant.

The first wave of the creative act in the second position has already reached its highest point. But all this still exists only internally, for the first three features denote the inner world, and the second three – the outer world. All this has not yet been realized externally. You need to get out of yourself for this realization. It is symbolized by the third line. With such a transition, a certain crisis naturally arises, making this situation dangerous even for a noble person, who throughout the entire first period of creativity - “all day” - devoted himself to continuous creation. Only full vigilance at the end of this period - “in the evening” - can lead to the fact that there will be no blasphemy.

Line 4

Nine fourth

It's like a leap into the abyss.
There will be no blasphemy.

When transitioning to vigorous activity, the ground may shift from under your feet. Don't allow yourself to stay in one place. Your creative energy must constantly develop.

When entering active activity outside, a person who has prepared it internally has the ground pulled out from under his feet, but it is precisely this preliminary preparedness that makes a favorable outcome possible.

Line 5

Nine fifth

A flying dragon is in the sky.
A meeting with a great man is favorable.

Your creative energy is unleashed to the fullest. The dragon opens its wings and soars in the sky. Seek a great man and realize the greatness in yourself. Let your ideas come true. Create, create and gain new knowledge.

Only in the fifth position does the creative process appear in its full strength. He has fully manifested himself outside and, having sufficient power within himself, does not need any support. He, like a dragon full of strength, flies in the sky. From such a height, the creator can easily notice a great man, no matter where he is. But he himself is a great man, who has developed his activities to such an extent that it is not difficult for anyone to see him.

Line 6

Top nine

Proud dragon.
There will be repentance.

There is a difference between creativity and pride. Do not try to forcefully impose your authority, otherwise you will have to repent of it.

This, in fact, ends the creative process. Everything further is just unnecessary overdevelopment. Since creativity has already reached its fullest manifestation and nothing more can be created, then anyone who in this situation would still want to “create” even further would only show his excessive pride, as a result of which he would have to repent.

All nines

When the nines are in effect, make sure that all the dragons do not dominate, then there will be happiness. The way is open.

Initial fortitude prevents the emergence of a leader. Make peace with it. If you do not impose your ideas, then you will be happy (the path is open).

As I promised, today, in continuation of the topic of fortune telling on the Chinese book of changes - I Ching, I have prepared for you a table with the meaning of all 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes, so that it is more convenient for you to find everything you need on our learning and self-development portal: what is required for fortune telling , study and correct interpretation of the I Ching and hexagrams.

What is a hexagram?

Let me remind those who haven’t read the last one. The hexagram is the visual side of the prediction, consisting of six features (yao). The lines can be solid (“nines”, sometimes drawn in white). Such traits represent yang, masculine active energy, creativity, search, light, odd number.

Also, the features can be intermittent (“sixes”, sometimes drawn in black). They symbolize yin, feminine energy, peace, darkness, passive state, even number.

Hexagrams from the Book of Changes I Ching can be considered as three digrams (symbolizing the triads “Heaven - Man - Earth”) or as two trigrams.

What is the meaning of the hexagrams of the Book of Changes (1-30)

Hexagram 1 – Qian (Creativity)

The first hexagram of the book of changes is of great importance in fortune telling - this is a very good sign, you are at the stage of creative upsurge, now the male Yang energy predominates in you. But even though this is a positive energy of doing, you should not trust it completely. Try to control it (and not let it control you).

Be reasonable and careful. Only such behavior will bring you happiness in this situation. A test awaits you, but you will pass it. In six months, significant changes are possible in your life.

Hexagram 2 – Kun (Execution)

Unlike the first hexagram, the meaning of this one is the personification of feminine energy, hard work and expectation. This is a sign of submission, in this case – submission to circumstances.

Don't try to actively fight them, just continue what you started and work hard without paying attention to the problems. Be persistent - and you will become happy, although not immediately. A trip awaits you in the near future, and a person will appear in your life who will be very interested in you.

Hexagram 3 – Zhun (Initial difficulty)

The beginning is always difficult - the main meaning of this hexagram. It combines yang in the form of solid lines and yin in the form of broken lines. Yin predominates. This suggests that no matter how much you would like to express yourself actively, don’t do it yet.

There is a hidden danger, be careful. Trust fate and circumstances. Do not strive for independence - on the contrary, seek support from others. It is necessary to join forces to confront the dangers. You need to be patient - a favorable period is just around the corner.

Hexagram 4 – Myn (Underdevelopment)

You feel tired, you don’t yet have the strength to change the situation. Don’t strain yourself - after some time you will get stronger and be able to act, but for now just relax and think more, meditate, listen to those around you and your own inner voice. Spend more time with your family and children. So far, no positive changes are expected in my personal life.

Hexagram 5 – Xu (The need to wait)

The book does not advise active action at this stage. Over the next month, start planning your actions and visualizing what you want to achieve. Waiting should not be passive, but creative.

This kind of anticipation and preparation will ensure that whatever you undertake, you will succeed. Your creative powers will return, your desire will be fulfilled. Perhaps a person older than you will appear in your life in whom you will be interested. Be careful!

Hexagram 6 – Sun (Judgment)

There is a lot of strength (yang), but at the same time there is a hidden danger (yin). The forces of sky and water come into conflict, but this is not just a conflict: the sky is reflected in the water. There is a lack of harmony in your life; you feel a conflicting interaction between yang and yin.

We must weather this difficult period with fortitude and dignity. Do not take active actions, avoid extremes, do not enter into conflict with anyone. Wait until everything balances out. You will be able to learn a lesson from your life problems.

Hexagram 7 – Shi (Army)

The book advises you to concentrate - soon you will have to take active action (lead your army into battle), but only at a favorable time. Call on all your restraint and prudence to help, do not take rash steps. Be carefull. News awaits you. This is a favorable time for your personal life.

Hexagram 8 – Bi (Approach)

You have overcome external difficulties, but internal difficulties still remain, you have to overcome them. Show understanding towards your subordinates (wife, children), listen to their advice and wishes. Now is the best moment for cooperation in any area. There is no luck in gambling during this period.

Hexagram 9 – Hsiao-chu (Raising the Little Ones)

The hexagram shows how weakness obstructs strength. This characterizes your current situation - you are not very lucky. However, do not despair - soon you will be able to overcome unfavorable circumstances, and this will bring you useful experience. This will also affect your financial situation, which will improve in 2-3 months.

Hexagram 10 – Li (Advance)

Throw away all stereotypes and prejudices, look at the root of the situation. You must behave gently and carefully. People around you are friendly and will support you. Be welcoming and friendly too. Moderate your ambitions. Women are advised to be careful when communicating with unfamiliar men. A joyful event awaits you.

Hexagram 11 – Tai (Flourishing)

Here the forces of yang (lower trigram) most fully come into interaction with the forces of yin (upper trigram). Yang (the forces of light) tends upward, yin (the forces of darkness) - downward. Creative forces and the ability to fulfill plans are in perfect balance.

In this situation, happiness accompanies you in your professional career, but strive to balance it with luck in other areas. Think about friends and family. Take time for self-development. There is no need to go into big financial expenses.

Hexagram 12 – Pi (Decline)

Unfavorable situation. If the previous hexagram united the forces of Heaven and Earth, here they are completely separated and multidirectional. Your ill-wishers have become more animated, incomprehensible, confusing situations often arise in your life, and chaos reigns.

Connections with friends are weakening, and quarrels may await you. Your ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood may fail you. Be patient and don't take any important steps. Try to choose the company of worthy people. The situation should change soon.

Hexagram 13 – Tun ren (Like-minded people)

A new period begins in your life. Feel free to take on any task, the forces of cosmic energy will accompany and help you. Wherever you go, you will meet noble, worthy people who will support you in any situation. Good luck will be with you. Try to take into account the interests of other people, and this will bring you happiness.

Hexagram 14 – Da-yu (Possession of the great)

Having overcome temporary difficulties, you find yourself in a state of harmony, your affairs begin to go well. You succeed in everything. You and your like-minded people have achieved alignment with global forces, so continue to join forces and focus on a common goal while keeping your interests in mind. You are quite rich spiritually and materially.

Hexagram 15 – Qian (Humility)

The balance of yang and yin in the world is constantly changing, so no situation can last forever. Now your luck is slowly leaving you, and you should humbly accept it and be at peace.

The situation will soon change for the better again, but for now you have the opportunity to take a break from active activities and reflect on the work done. Don’t let the financial manifestation of stagnation scare you – this is the calm before changes for the better. Accept help from other people and don't be proud.

Hexagram 16 – Yu (Liberty)

The period of stagnation is ending, you are on the threshold of happiness. Get ready to be active, but do not forget about moderation and restraint, otherwise your creativity will turn into chaos and you will lose everything you have gained. It is possible to have luck in gambling, but you should not get carried away.

Hexagram 17 – Sui (Succession)

Learn to control yourself, do not let your own desires rule your life. Follow the world energy, subordinate yourself to it, do not swim against the current. Take small steps and you will achieve significant results. There's no hurry. Be prepared for possible significant life changes.

Hexagram 18 – Gu (Correction (damage)

Don't go with the flow for too long. Water that does not move is prone to stagnation and decay (spoilage). Get ready to act proactively to become the master of the situation.

Be vigilant three days before and three days after the start of an important task. Perhaps you will do something unexpected for those around you, with whom your relationship has temporarily gone wrong. Be frugal.

Hexagram 19 – Lin (Visitation)

A favorable situation for important things; the more effort you put in, the more you succeed. However, be careful: getting closer can unexpectedly turn into flight and failure. There may be envy and anger on the part of friends. Maybe one of them will make you change your attitude towards him.

Hexagram 20 – Guan (Contemplation)

Be impartial and calm. Troubles may be in store for you, but don't let them make you angry. Look at things from a distance.

Subject everything that happens to a thorough analysis in order to draw appropriate conclusions. You may have to move. Do not lose confidence in yourself - this will allow you to maintain control over the situation. Be at peace with those around you.

Hexagram 21 – Shi-ho (Clenched Teeth)

Get rid of everything that prevents you from moving forward or drawing the right conclusions. Clear your perception of alien elements, outdated thoughts and concepts. They make you unhappy, they make you stand still.

Learn the lesson you need from your failures. Decisive actions will lead you to success. Don’t complain about fate, remain calm, and changes for the better will not keep you waiting!

Hexagram 22 – Bi (Décor)

Confucius evaluates this hexagram negatively. “Decoration” is external; it’s better not to do any really important things right now. Small things can be successful. Problems are possible in your personal life. Luck follows in any media field. Try to take off the mask, be sincere.

Hexagram 23 – Bo (Destruction)

Temporarily unfavorable stage, friends and loved ones may let you down. Bad time for new things. However, any destruction is necessary to make way for something new. Don't be passive, stay in a state of active anticipation, get ready for the upcoming changes. Get rid of everything non-essential in your life.

Hexagram 24 – Fu (Return)

Destruction cleared the way for a new beginning. You are temporarily under stress and feel confused. However, this is not the case: new opportunities for development will be offered to you, and the book advises you to respond to them.

Be hardworking and persistent and it will lead you to success. You return to the light, to your path of development. Start saving money.

Hexagram 25 – U-Wan (Immaculateness)

The time has come for clarity and purity in your life, many events have finally become clear to you. It is not yet time for great activity and important matters. Prepare for them internally. Free yourself from empty passions and obsessive states that torment you. Be patient - everything has its time. This also applies to personal life.

Hexagram 26 – Da-chu (Raising Great)

There has been a pause in your life. Try to go beyond your own narrow interests and look at the situation from a global point of view. The ford across the great river is favorable.

Summarize your life experience, learn the necessary lessons, concentrate on the main idea in life. Don't try to forcefully change the situation, don't set the bar too high.

Hexagram 27 – I (Nutrition)

Be persistent and independent, the situation expects balanced, responsible decisions from you. You shouldn't count on anyone's help. There is no need to complain about fate. Don’t be selfish, you can’t just take, you also have to give. Look at what kind of food – spiritual and material – you eat.

Hexagram 28 – Yes-go (Redevelopment of the great)

You feel very happy, but be careful - overconfidence can lead you into a trap. In your situation, the beginning of decay, decay, as in any stagnation, lies hidden. The situation is rather unfavorable, try to get out of it as soon as possible. Take action and don't be scared by change.

Hexagram 29 – Si-kan (Repeated danger)

The situation is unfavorable, you are haunted by failures. However, be calm and do not lose heart - in just two months everything will change for the better. In the meantime, be patient, overcome your inertia and inertia, and strive for inner truth.

Do not be afraid of danger, it has its own meaning: you must learn a lesson, abandon the usual stereotypes of your life. Then your actions will be harmonious with the life of the Universe.

Hexagram 30 – Li (Radiance)

The situation contributes to your enlightenment, a clear view of things. Stay on the path of truth, do not let habits cloud your perception. Don't trust your sense of luck; you could be wrong. Perhaps something completely new and hitherto unseen awaits you.

This is the meaning of the first 30 hexagrams in the Book of Changes I Ching, and the end of the first part with their description. Since the article has been delayed, the remaining 34 hexagrams of the I Ching, their interpretation and meaning, and also return to my recommendations not on the computer, but in real life, putting your thoughts and desires there, which is what I recommend to you.

Select hexagram number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 and see its interpretation below

Book of Changes - interpretation of hexagram No. 1

Qian. Creation

Here creativity is seen in its purest form. This is, first of all, an accident of the sky as the personification of the creative force that lies at the beginning of everything that exists. As a universal force, in principle it cannot have any obstacles in its development, which is favored by the fact that this force is completely stable.

A perfect person can fully demonstrate in his activities such creativity, which has a beneficial effect on his entire environment. That's why the text says:


Perseverance favors initial development

1. In general, active activity is given preference over simple, passive being. Therefore, special vigilance is needed to ensure that this activity leads to a positive result. The moment it begins is one of the most crucial moments. Activity is not yet appropriate in it, but only closed and concentrated preparation is needed. A person may be full of strength, but the time is not yet favorable for his activities. In the form of a diving dragon, i.e. such a person is depicted as a powerful being who has hidden and is not yet acting. It should not be thought that this can apply only to some special people, for it is not at all in the spirit of the Book to limit the warnings given in it to their suitability only for certain people.

Therefore, about the first moment of all creativity it is said:

The beginning is a strong trait.
Diving dragon, don't act.

2. The next moment, expressed by the second feature, which in symbolism is called a field, i.e. the surface of the earth, is characterized by the fact that a person, full of creative power, encrypted in the image of a dragon, can already emerge from his solitude: he, having appeared, is already in the field. His creativity can already manifest itself, he is visible to everyone, and this situation is favorable for everyone to meet such a great man.

In addition, in the system of graphic relationships of the “Book” symbols, it is generally accepted that there is a certain resonance, “correspondence” between the features of the symbols, namely: the first feature corresponds to the fourth, the second to the fifth, the third to the sixth. But in the symbolism of the social hierarchy, the fifth line designates the sovereign. Therefore, in the second position, which is in accordance with the fifth, a meeting with a great person is favorable. That's why the text of this trait reads:

The strongest feature is in second [place].
The dragon that appears is on the field.

3. The first wave of the creative act in the second position has already reached its highest point. But all this still exists only internally, for the first three features denote the inner world, and the second three – the outer world. All this has not yet been realized externally. You need to get out of yourself for this realization. It is symbolized by the third line. With such a transition, a certain crisis naturally arises, making this situation dangerous even for a noble person, who throughout the entire first period of creativity - “all day” - devoted himself to continuous creation. Only full vigilance at the end of this period - “in the evening” - can lead to the fact that there will be no blasphemy. This is what the text says about it:

The strong point is in third [place].

A noble person creates continuously until the end of the day.
In the evening he is alert.
[But] there will be no blasphemy

4. When entering active activity outside, a person who has prepared it internally has the ground pulled out from under his feet, but it is precisely this preliminary preparedness that makes a favorable outcome possible. This is expressed quite clearly in the image of the text:

The strong point is in fourth [place].
Just like a leap into the abyss.
There will be no blasphemy.

5. Only in the fifth position does the creative process appear in its full strength. He has fully manifested himself outside, and, having sufficient power within himself, does not need any support. He, like a dragon full of strength, flies in the sky. From such a height, the creator can easily notice a great man, no matter where he is. But he himself is a great man, who has developed his activities to such an extent that it is not difficult for anyone to see him. This is how it is expressed in the text:

The strong point is in fifth [place].
A flying dragon is in the sky.
A meeting with a great man is favorable.

6. This, in fact, ends the creative process. Everything further is just unnecessary overdevelopment. Since creativity has already reached its fullest manifestation and nothing more can be created, then anyone who in this situation would still want to “create” even further would only show his excessive pride, as a result of which he would have to repent. This is what this text says:

There is a strong feature at the top.
Proud dragon.
There will be repentance.


The entire creative process is expressed by strong light features. These are, of course, beneficial forces, but for a truly good result it is necessary to completely control them and not allow them to dominate. Only then can activity proceed in harmonious relation to all world events and be happy. Therefore, in the text where the forces of light are expressed in the image of dragons, it is said:

When acting with strong traits, make sure that all dragons do not dominate.
[Then there will be] happiness.

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