Home Fruit trees Always be in the mood. It's hard to be a mayor: how to build your own and successful city

Always be in the mood. It's hard to be a mayor: how to build your own and successful city

Minecraft is unique computer game in the sandbox genre. Such an unusual genre means that the player can do whatever he wants in Minecraft: survive, fight monsters, build buildings and engage in “craft” - creating things.

This game is unique in that it has almost endless space for creativity: 30 million game meters in each direction. Physically, the world of Minecraft is eight times larger than our planet, so it is very important to be able to move quickly around it.

For a comfortable game, every user should know how to make a portal to a city in Minecraft. To do this, in the right place in the city you need to dig a line of four blocks in the ground. To build a movement gate, select any two types of blocks, for example, lapis lazuli and a diamond block. In the dug line, install the first type of blocks (for example, diamond) in the two central places. On the sides there is lapis lazuli. Build three more lapis lazuli blocks up from the sides and connect them at the top.

In our example, we get a “frame” of lapis lazuli with a diamond floor. All that remains is to activate the clock from your inventory on the portal. If water flows into the frame, it means everything was built correctly. Now you need to build a portal at any other point on the map, activate it for hours, and they will automatically communicate. Now to move you just need to walk through the frame.

There are a few more nuances you need to know about:

  1. Remember that for construction it is not necessary to use the blocks that we described in the example. The frame can be made from anything: quartz, concrete, wood, bookshelves, sponges, glowstone.
  2. In some versions of Minecraft, it is not necessary to select a floor; the entire frame can be built from one type of block.
  3. On weak computers Portals may be delayed. In this case, it will not be enough to simply walk through the frame; you need to stay in it for a few seconds.
  4. To craft a watch, you need to place red dust in the center of the layout, and gold bars on the top, bottom and sides.
  5. At least one of the portals must be in a village or city.

Portal between cities through Hell

There is another option for making a portal to the city. This method is a little more complicated, but it is suitable for games on servers where many people play.

At the first point we build the same frame as described above, only this time from obsidian - other materials are not suitable. You can save obsidian by not placing blocks in the corners of the frame. After this, set the obsidian on fire using a lighter. The center will glow purple, which means everything was successful.

This is a portal to Hell. Before moving, press F3. Inscriptions will appear in the corner of the screen, from which you need to remember the coordinates along the x, y, z axes. You also need to know the coordinates of the end point where you want to build the second portal. We will need this data a little later.

Now you can go inside and move to Hell. Now it is necessary to carry out some calculations: the entire distance in Hell is reduced by 16 times compared to the upper world. Thanks to this, you can move between the right points. This method is popular on almost all servers, so learning how to calculate coordinates is a must.

Calculate the distance between the first and second points of the upper world, divide it by 16. The calculation must be done along each of the coordinate axes. Now go through Hell with the resulting number of blocks and build another portal from obsidian. You will be transported to the Overworld. Now, to shorten the distance, you just have to travel the distance through Hell.

Calculation example

  1. Let's say we are given coordinates. First point: X – 0, Y – 0, Z – 0. Second point: X – 1595, Y – 0, Z – 8000. In Minecraft, Y means height. For convenience, the coordinates of the first point are zero, since on public servers it is in this place that it is customary to build a “zero portal”.
  2. We reduce all numbers by 16. If the number is not a whole number, we round up: X – 100, Y – 0, Z – 500.
  3. The result was the coordinates in Hell on which the second frame should be built.

There is a common bug: When exiting the Hell Portal, the character bursts into flames. If this happens, you need to pour water in front of the frame so that you have time to put out the fire each time. Other options for fixing the bug are unknown, you can only move the frame to other coordinates.

Another advantage of moving between cities through the Hell portal is that for it to work it is not necessary to install a frame in the settlement. You can build it in any necessary place, regardless of whether there are residents there or not.

All that remains is to add a craft lighter or “flint,” as some call it, which is necessary to activate the frame: put flint in the center of the workbench, and an iron ingot in the left slot.

Rules for setting up the portal

It’s not enough to know how to make a portal to the city, you need to be able to protect it. It is customary for servers to equip their own tunnel between portals in Hell. This is necessary not only for beauty, but also for faster movement. And, most importantly, monsters can climb through the hole in the tunnel, including Ghasts, who, if the opportunity arises, will destroy the entire lobby at coordinate zero.

To avoid causing such a disaster, you need to block off the tunnel from the rest of Hell with blocks. To quickly move between cities, you can lay rails and ride on trolleys. Or, if there are not very many people on the server, you can make a path out of ice and move along it on boats. This option is faster, but it is only suitable for small servers, otherwise this method of movement may cause lags.


See how you can make a portal in Minecraft.

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How to make your own city in Minecraft?

Minecraft is famous for its unpredictable twists and endless possibilities. In this game, a person does everything on his own. If you're tired of fighting mobs and looking for minerals, you can think about how to make your own city in Minecraft. This is great entertainment, which will take quite a lot of time, but then you can show off your creation to your friends. You can start with a small building, and later think about building a real metropolis.

How to make a city in Minecraft yourself?

To make a city in Minecraft, you need to select a suitable site for its construction. You can explore the immediate surroundings in search of suitable place. You can build a city on the hills or on the plain, it all depends on your desire.

Once you decide on the construction site, you can begin building your city. It is important to imagine its size and then make a plan construction. Think about how many streets there will be in the city, whether you will place a square, bridges, fountains in it. The city's infrastructure needs to be well planned. As a rule, it includes the following objects:

  • shopping centers;
  • administrative and office buildings;
  • schools;
  • hospitals;
  • kindergartens;
  • stadium.

Once you have drawn up a city plan, you can begin marking it out. It is necessary to designate straight and curved lines within the metropolis and be sure to mark individual areas with contrasting colors.

Construction of fences and structures

Now you can build walls and fences around the perimeter of the city. Then roads should be developed, streets and houses should be illuminated. These measures are needed to protect the city from mob attacks that could destroy your creation.

If the fences are ready, proceed to the most interesting part - the construction of all planned structures and buildings. They can be made in the same style, but it is better to diversify the metropolis with buildings from various materials. Most often this is:

To make buildings individual, you should use materials such as

  • bricks;
  • iron blocks;
  • gold blocks.

It is best to decorate the most significant objects with them. After all, there are not very many of them, thus it will be possible to save expensive material.

There is no need to rush into building a city, do it slowly, then it will turn out really beautiful and elegant. First build the objects planned in advance, and then add whatever your heart desires. Then hang signs on buildings and put signs on the streets.

It is worth noting that there are programs that allow you to make a city in Minecraft for a very a short time. Among them, Mace is the most popular, which you can download from the link. After installing it, you need to go to the menu, fill in certain options, and in 10 minutes the city will be ready. However, the city created by the program will be foreign to you, so it is better to do everything yourself, paying attention to every detail in your metropolis.

Before you decide to build a portal to a city in Minecraft, you will need to search for a settlement. To do this you will need a map, a compass, and provisions to be able to find your way. You can build a city in advance using a map. This can be done by using another method: choose a place and break the local spawn eggs. You need to calculate for the size of the village how many eggs you will need. Later, you can take a break. After the village is built, residents can begin creating a portal.
Of course, for this you need to install mods to gain access to direct movement from your place of residence to your settlement. There is another method, in the case of constructing a portal to the Lower World, the number of portals created and ready for construction does not matter. The transfer from Hell will be precisely there.

How to create a portal to a city in Minecraft?

Construction requires about 20 obsidian blocks, they are found in dungeons. Before filling the source with standing lava, water is poured into it; it is easy to find. You can mine it using a diamond pickaxe, and transport it using buckets made from three ingots made of iron. If you took 10 obsidian blocks, you need to come to the surface of the settlement. To start building a frame from quarried blocks, you need to decide where best to build by choosing the terrain. Then, you need to activate it using flint and an iron ore ingot.

Now in detail. Launch the game and select creative mode. Now just go straight (press the W key) until you come across a city.

Now we need obsidian.

And a lighter or any other source of fire.
We choose a place and start building. We place 4 oxidine blocks at the bottom and 5 blocks at the top and we get a 3 by 2 square.

Then we just set it on fire. We fill all the squares with fire.
And we go straight into this purple part.

How to activate the portal to the city

Activation will be considered successful if the space becomes violet shade. Now the portal is ready for the game, what is required for this: you need to return to the housing, create the same one. We go into the portal and wait a little, then we are transported to the Lower World. To prevent mobs from attacking after teleportation is completed, it is better to think about building a fortification around the portal in hell. Upon completion, we exit, then enter the portal, the starting point from which you exited into the dark world changes. This is how a portal to a city is created in Minecraft without using mobs. The space is filled with water if all operations were carried out correctly, and after that you can begin your journey.

If you decide to build a real city in the game, take your time and read about how to make a city in Minecraft. Our tips will help you start the construction process correctly, without mistakes. You will save your energy and personal time.

To begin with, you should choose a suitable site for the construction of the city. This must be done immediately, since all further actions related to city planning depend on the selected territory and its landscape. It’s not a fact that a perfectly flat area will look better than a city on the hills. Here it is important to maintain the correct proportions, then you will get not just a city, but a dream city.

Once you have decided on the location of future construction, feel free to begin organizing the city. You can use your imagination and draw a plan on paper, or you can plan on a computer using one of the graphic programs.

Imagine the approximate size of the future city, determine whether it will be a metropolis or a small town, how many streets, squares, and houses it will have. Don't forget to decorate your city with architectural monuments, fountains, bridges, alleys.

Be sure to think through the entire city infrastructure: administrative and office buildings, shopping centers, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, stadiums and smaller sports grounds, etc. A pre-drawn plan will help speed up the construction of the city in the future.

Now start marking, i.e. clearly mark all straight and curved lines within the city, and also mark individual areas with contrasting colors.

The most difficult stage of the work has been completed, now you can proceed directly to the construction of walls and fences around the perimeter of the city, the construction of roads and the lighting of streets and houses. Such measures are necessary to protect your city from destructive mob attacks.

The next stage will be the actual construction of all planned buildings and structures. You can be creative and choose different types stone and wood. Bricks, iron and gold blocks can be used to decorate the most significant objects. As a rule, their number is limited.

Try to work slowly, and do not focus on one building for a long time - build all the planned objects, and you can decorate them later, in free time. Little things like signs, signs, flowers, interior design can wait.

Remembering how to properly start building a city in Minecraft, you can avoid many mistakes, and as a result you will get a city that will take your breath away when you look at it.

How to make a huge city in Minecraft in 5 minutes using the MACE program! Let's watch the video!

When engaged in such a labor-intensive occupation as construction own city in Minecraft, it is very important to maintain interest and a fresh perspective during the entire process. Our article is dedicated to important aspects of this work, which are aimed at speeding up construction without the use of additional assistants, in the form of modifications or third-party applications.

The first useful solution is to divide the entire process into several stages. This will help achieve certain goals, and at the same time the player will not lose his creative passion.

Let's start with the layout

The first stage is an important basis that should form an idea of ​​​​the future city in Minecraft. As a rule, all the player’s efforts are directed towards designing the future construction site, leveling the surfaces, as well as setting the boundaries of urban zones and districts.

Another useful touch at this stage will be a sketch of the roads. To do this, it is enough to use a schematic designation and approximate markings. This will make the process of creating roads much easier in subsequent stages.

Choosing a style

Now the user must make a choice of the style of the future city in Minecraft. To begin with, you can build several individual buildings(3-4) to decide what works best and what you like best. The resulting buildings will help to better imagine the future style of the city and the necessary types of materials that will form its basis.

By the way, if the user wants to build a modern metropolis with high-rise buildings and towers, then the “clone” command will help him. Her main function consists of cloning specific areas. This indispensable assistant when creating similar parts and multi-story buildings.

Deciding on the number of districts and zones

At this stage, the construction of each district can be considered a separate stage. What can be advised in this case?

Firstly, inside any city there must be administrative buildings and a main shopping mall. Some areas can be turned into sleeping areas - they will fill up residential buildings. By the way, it often happens that players forget about the construction of residential buildings and pay attention only to various shops, offices, motels, bars and other public establishments. Houses for ordinary residents are the main component of any real city, so you should not neglect them.

Secondly, the industrial zone should not be overlooked. It can be filled with various factories and other buildings that match the chosen style. An industrial zone will help make the city in Minecraft more vibrant and multifaceted.

And finally, the third piece of advice is the need to create a peri-urban zone. The player can build it up to his liking, for example, with fields, farmhouses and livestock farms.

Creativity of other Minecraft users: cities and apocalypse

It's no secret that the Minecraft community has many talented players with varied imaginations. Some of them managed to use the construction mode to create entertainment areas for other users.

Cities and zombies in Minecraft are one of the popular examples of such creativity. Players find themselves in locations abandoned by humanity, where, according to the plot, an epidemic of a terrible virus occurred. Now the cities are filled with bloodthirsty zombie mobs that attack any traveler passing by.

Maps like these are created as challenges for all players who want to take part in them. By the way, you can often find ordinary surviving residents in such post-apocalyptic cities. Usually creators think through a lot of little things to make their creation as realistic as possible.

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