Home Grape Always be in the mood. Difficulty being a mayor: how to build your own successful city

Always be in the mood. Difficulty being a mayor: how to build your own successful city

Being engaged in such a laborious activity as building your own city in Minecraft, it is very important to maintain interest and a fresh perspective throughout the entire process. Our article is dedicated to important aspects of this work, which are aimed at accelerating construction without the use of additional assistants, in the form of modifications or third-party applications.

The first helpful solution is to split the entire process into several steps. This will help to achieve certain goals, and at the same time the player will not lose his creative fervor.

We start with planning

The first stage is an important foundation that should form an idea of ​​the future city in Minecraft. As a rule, all the player's efforts are directed to the design of the future construction site, leveling surfaces, as well as setting the boundaries of urban zones and districts.

Sketching roads is another useful touch at this stage. To do this, it is enough to use the schematic designation and approximate markings. This will make the road creation process much easier in later stages.

Choosing a style

Now the user must make a choice of the style of the future city in Minecraft. For a start, you can build several individual buildings(3-4) to decide what works best and what you like best. The resulting buildings will help to better represent the future style of the city and the types of materials needed that will form its basis.

By the way, if the user wants to build a modern metropolis with skyscrapers and towers, then the "clone" command will help him. Her main function is to clone specific areas. it irreplaceable assistant when creating parts of the same type and multi-storey buildings.

Determining the number of districts and zones

At this stage, the construction of each district can be considered a separate stage. What can you advise in this case?

Firstly, inside any city there should be administrative buildings and a main shopping center. Some areas can be made sleeping - they will be filled residential buildings... By the way, it often happens that players forget about the construction of residential buildings and pay attention only to various shops, offices, motels, bars and other public institutions. Homes for ordinary residents are the main component of any real city, so they should not be neglected.

Secondly, the industrial zone should not be overlooked. It can be filled with various factories and other buildings that fit the chosen style. The industrial zone will help make the city in Minecraft more lively and versatile.

And, finally, the third advice is the need to create a suburban area. The player can build it up to his liking, for example, fields, farm houses and livestock farms.

Creativity of other Minecraft users: cities and the apocalypse

It is no secret that there are many talented players with versatile imaginations in the Minecraft community. Some of them have managed to take advantage of the Build Mode to create entertainment areas for other users.

Cities and zombies in Minecraft are one of the most popular examples of this kind of creativity. Players find themselves in locations abandoned by humanity, where, according to the plot, an epidemic of a terrible virus occurred. Now the cities are filled with bloodthirsty zombie mobs, attacking any traveler passing by.

Such maps are created as challenges for all players who want to take part in them. By the way, in such post-apocalyptic cities you can often find ordinary survivors. Usually the creators think over a lot of little things to make their creation as realistic as possible.

This article is more likely aimed not at the process of building a city itself, although we will talk about construction, but about optimizing the process of building a city itself. Because building a city in Minecraft is a very time consuming activity, then interest must be maintained during this work. V this material Topics will be touched upon that will speed up the construction without resorting to any modifications or third-party applications.

To begin with, I would recommend dividing all the work into stages. This allows you to achieve at least some goals in order to keep your inspiration in good shape. City building in Minecraft game can be divided into several main stages.

The first stage of construction is planning.

During this stage, the future construction site is formed, surfaces are leveled, urban zones or districts are marked. Also, during this stage, you can sketch out the roads so that you can more easily navigate in the future city. Let the roads now be approximate and more schematic, but it will be easier to work with them later. Here I would recommend using the "fill" command, which allows you to instantly fill rectangular areas the necessary blocks... It is enough to know the coordinates of the opposite corners and the name of the block. If you need to delete a lot of blocks, then put "air" as a placeholder.

The second stage is the development of a building style.

Here we need to decide in what style we will build buildings. For this we will build several houses. Three or four will be enough. If you have plans building a modern city in Minecraft with high-rise buildings and skyscrapers, where there are typical, repeating floors, you can use the "clone" command, which allows you to clone areas. Thus, you can copy the floors and complete the building as high as you want, while maintaining the overall style and saving a lot of time. When we have several buildings ready, we will already represent the general style of the future city and the main materials from which future buildings will be built.

Further, the construction of the city depends on the number of districts or zones of the city

Each new area can be considered as a separate stage. What advice can there be? First, the city must have some kind of center with trade, administrative buildings, and so on. Several areas should be dormitory, where mainly residential buildings will be built. We must not forget about residential buildings, as some people often make the mistake that the city is filled with shops, offices, motels, bars and others, and there are almost no residential buildings. Secondly, residential areas can be further distinguished from each other by the level of income of those who will live there. That is, luxury apartments, housing for the middle class and poor streets, where small huts are piled on top of each other. Thirdly, do not forget about the industrial zone, where either factories or other industries will be located, depending on the chosen style. Fourthly, somewhere on the outskirts of the city there must surely be fields and livestock farms that must provide the residents of the city with food. If a river flows near the city, then a fishing camp can be built. Yes, and the port area can be created when there is an exit to the water nearby. And if you remembered about the port area, then how can you not mention the warehouse area, where, apart from warehouses, there should be almost nothing. In general, there are a lot of ideas about what areas should be in the city.

Speaking about specific buildings, it is fashionable to remember the following: central square, a church, a hospital, a gas station, a fire station with a tower from which you can see the entire city or area for which this station operates. Police station, speaking of modern city, or the house of the palace guards for the medieval city. In any city, of course, there should be shops, stalls and markets. A church, temple or other similar place is a frequent feature of almost any city. The post office building, which is usually located in the center. Various monuments, parks, alleys will undoubtedly decorate the adjacent buildings. You can also envisage a cemetery. Of course, it will not be located in the city itself, but somewhere outside it or on the outskirts, but you should not forget about it. Sometimes military corps may be located in cities. Or there may be some kind of military base on the outskirts. Airport for a modern large settlement just a required attribute. Casinos, restaurants, cafes, bars, taverns and other entertainment establishments. Hotels, inns and taverns are also necessary to receive guests. Perhaps your city will have some special structures - architectural monuments or simply unique buildings. An example of this is the pyramids. Ancient egypt or a modern skyscraper in Dubai. You can also insert something from fictional worlds into the city: Tony Stark's tower, Batman's castle with its underground cave and other famous things. Perhaps on their basis you will compose something completely new and your own. Surely I missed a lot when listing the options, but it is enough to look at the map of any big city to see tons of examples of what the city needs.

The last step is to complete unfinished buildings, connect everything with roads as it should, and arrange the roads themselves in a better quality. Maybe add some kind of transport: cars, buses, carriages, carts. In the latter, be sure to harness the horses. Decorate empty spaces with trees, shrubs, lamp posts and flowers. And enjoy the finished city! Now you understand that the answer to the question how to quickly build a city in Minecraft not so simple.

Video: building your city without mods

To whom this is not enough, he may think about underground communications. Or it will be a system of sewerage and water supply, or catacombs and ancient burials, or both combined. And later it will be possible to start building the next settlement. Perhaps you started construction from a small town, and later decide to build an entire capital for your world. Or from a small fantasy town you decide to go to underground city dwarves and elven settlement towering on huge trees. Hope my advice was helpful and you now know how to build a city in minecraft without resorting to third-party apps or mods.

Who among us in childhood did not build cities of sand? Remember how you enjoyed a huge pile of fresh sand in the yard, delightedly digging in the sandbox or on the beach. Towers, castles, city walls, beautiful arches, tunnels, underground garages ... And now you have become older, more mature, and somehow it is not convenient to give free rein to your imagination, picking the sand with a scoop.

For the aspiring mayor

But fortunately, Minecraft is the place where you can feel free to random passers-by and embody your most daring architectural ideas. And even in a company with like-minded people! House, restaurant, shopping center ... Castle? Hmm, yes! But appetites are growing, now I want to build something more. One day you wake up with the thought of own city in Minecraft. It starts to seem to you that the city is exactly what you have always dreamed of. And you "rush into battle", build, build, build ...

We will tell you a little about what kind of pitfalls can lie in wait for you on the way of building your own city.

Immediately understand for yourself - if you decide to build Big city with a lot or even not so much large population, then remember that now you will not be able to play as before. Responsibility will be a heavy burden on you. Having built your city, you will immediately become famous and popular person on any server. The people will reach out to you. Do you like digging in the mine, fishing, hunting? Forget it! Now you have no time left for this. Your personal account on the forum, Skype, VKontakte page, chat in the game will be "hammered" by newcomers' requests for help. Moreover, on a variety of issues - from settlement, construction, architectural style, economics and ending with requests to put in a word to the administrator about unban. Over time, all this makes your head spin, and the population only grows!

Actively playing mayors always have an active population growth.

A little advice. Find a few people right away you can rely on. In other words, create a team. In the future, they will become your deputies, head the city blocks or. It becomes especially difficult when the urban population approaches 50 inhabitants.

Don't forget about leisure and entertainment for the townspeople. Arrange regular contests, events, boss trips or create an amusement park. This will not only attract a new population to the city, but also reliably rally the veterans.

Haven't you changed your mind yet? After all, not everyone likes this increased attention and the overload of community work. Someone prefers a quiet contemplation of nature, a small house on the seashore, surrounded on the other side by a forest ... In general, all the delights of the life of a hermit of the Minecraft game. If after reading what you have read you still have a strong desire to build a city, then - build. Build and do not stop, do not abandon what you started. Submit your future city, organize a team, inspire those around you with your example!

  1. Choosing a suitable area for the city. The landscape does not have to be flat, on the contrary, the elevation changes can be interesting to beat, the city will look more realistic.
  2. City planning on paper. Take a pen and a piece of paper in a box and figure out where and what you will have, what sizes. Where there will be streets, shopping centers, houses, parks, fountains, squares, attractions, public buildings.
  3. Mark the terrain according to the plan - some bright material. For example, red wool. It would be nice to make a scaled-down city plan right in the game to show the team members what the city will look like.
  4. When planning a city in its central part, designate the mayor's office, in front of it the area. Somewhere in the center are functional public buildings - a library, a church, a smithy, a city court, a bank, or a market. Several expensive mansions are a must. Streets will already run from the center. A common mistake is to cut plots and sell / build all of them. Don't do that. Dilute the city rows of buildings with parks, fountains, squares with sculptures. More greenery!
  5. If external walls are supposed, then take care of convenient exits from the city.
  6. Make roads. You can make several trial options roads of different widths and materials, then choose the one you like. It is better to use the width of 5 or more blocks, because a lot of people will move around the city - the residents themselves and also guests.
  7. Build bridges. Through rivers, ravines. Bridges always look beautiful in Minecraft. Illumination of piles and railings of bridges plays a special role here.
  8. Construction of a fishing base on the reservoir. Fishing is always fun!
  9. Light up the area. This will keep you safe from monsters. It is worth inventing your own unique city lanterns: how high, from what materials, at what distance they should be placed from each other. Do not use lamps with switches - you will get tired of turning them on after the hooligan guests. Remember: a dark city is bad, so be sure to light up buildings.
  10. When building a city as a team, provide everyone with a sample city style. Tip: choose simple materials for construction - cobblestone, stone, logs, planks, gravel, sand. Save the rest, more rare and difficult to obtain, for the decoration of special buildings (churches, cathedrals, city hall, libraries, etc.).
  11. Come up with street names and house numbers - with signs. It is convenient and good in terms of navigation.
  12. In parallel with the construction, you populate the players. Think about what to occupy residents in addition to the construction site.
  13. Sell ​​already ready houses and building plots. Also sell places for vegetable gardens. This will add to the city's budget. The more expensive the house is bought, the more likely it is that the settler will become a permanent resident and bring his friends to the city.
  14. If you are selling building plots, then set building standards for materials and sizes of buildings.
  15. Metro is supposed to - limit the depth of basements on lots.
  16. Be sure to draw up a city charter, for violations of which indicate reasonable fines. The charter itself must be posted on a bulletin board in the city center.
  17. If the server provides teleports, then be sure to purchase one or more for the entire city. This will make it easier for players to enter the city and give new stream population.

On the Tau server of the Ru-Craft project for creating cities, the Towny plugin is installed, which allows you to make private chunks. The plug-in gives the mayor room to choose the commands to manage the city, and its residents the opportunity to buy a plot and get protection from the vulture.

Good luck in construction! Build everything that you did not have time to, what you dreamed of, but could not. Burn with an idea, charge others with your energy, and you will definitely succeed!

Creating a city in Minecraft is a rather long and painstaking process. It takes a lot of time, resources and, of course, a clear and consistent plan. So that the efforts spent are not in vain, it is important to know the nuances of how to make a city in Minecraft.

Process of creation

To make the city really interesting, you need to sketch out a sketch. You can draw it on plain paper or in graphic editor... It is important to think over the scale, location of streets, their number, harmoniously place attractions between residential areas. If you plan to build a personal architectural masterpiece, it is quite possible to implement this in single mode, but if you want other players to live in the settlement, you need to do it on the server.

Those who are interested in the question of how to build a beautiful and unusual city in Minecraft should choose a non-standard landscape for development, other than a simple flat field. In this case, it will look more interesting, but it will be more difficult to organically fit the streets and houses into such an area. The area will be small enough, later the settlement can be expanded. Houses should be located on short distance apart. The average size of one house is 15x15. Houses can be fenced off, paths can be built between them (5 cubes wide enough) and lighting can be installed (it can be placed at intervals of 15 cubes). Infrastructure is very important, so you have to take care of the construction shopping centers, squares, clubs, beaches, fountains.

After the settlement plan is ready, you can start building it. Blocks such as sheep wool or sand are suitable for marking. Before starting to build structures, you should think about protecting the settlement from hostile mobs. So, first of all, it is worth building roads, lighting and erecting walls. Wood and stone are perfect for creating houses. It is not difficult to get them, and the possibility of alternating their different types and varieties will make the houses more attractive in appearance.

Every city should have cozy houses, fully prepared for life. Therefore, it will be useful to know:

City generator

If you come up with a unique and interesting city there is no time, there is a way to make a city in Minecraft quickly. Perhaps this is when using a generator that is able to make them randomly or according to your settings. The generated streets can have names and houses can be numbered. The entire creation process can take as little as 10 minutes.

Portal creation

If there is already a ready-made city, many players are interested in the question of how to make a portal to the city in Minecraft. In fact, the process of creating it is no more difficult than building any other portal and consists of the following steps:

  1. Take any two blocks and a clock.
  2. Remove 4 blocks from the floor.
  3. Now you need to build a 4x4 portal from any type of stone, but it is important to use only one of its types.
  4. In any other place, create the same exact portal.
  5. Take the watch, move it to the lower blocks. After pressing the right mouse button, the portal will fill with water.
  6. Similar actions should be done with the second portal.

The portal is now ready and running. You can freely move back and forth any number of times.

Design your cities in Minecraft, embody them in the game, make them unique and completely different from others. This will help diversify the game and make it rich and even more fun.

Before you decide to build a portal to a city in Minecraft, you will need to search for a settlement. To do this, you need a map, compass, and provisions to be able to find your way. You can build a city in advance using a map. This can be done using another method: select a location and break the local spawn eggs. You need to calculate for the size of the village how many eggs you need. Later, you can take a break. After the village is built, residents can start creating a portal.
Necessarily, for this you need to install mods to gain access to direct movement from the place of residence to the settlement. There is one more method, in the case of erecting a portal to the Lower World, it does not matter how many of them are created in and ready for erection. The transfer from Hell will be exactly there.

How to create a portal to the city in minecraft?

It takes about 20 obsidian blocks to build, they can be found in dungeons. Before filling the source with standing lava, water is poured into it, it is easy to find it. You can get it with a diamond pickaxe, transport it using buckets made from three ingots made of iron. If you took 10 blocks of obsidian, you need to come to the surface of the settlement. To start building a frame from mined blocks, you need to decide where it is best to build by choosing a terrain. Then, you need to activate it using a flint and an iron ore ingot.

Now in detail. Launch the game and select Creative Mode. Now just go straight (press the W key) until you meet a city.

Now we need obsidian.

And a lighter or any other source of fire.
Choosing a place and starting to build. We expose 4 blocks of Oxydian from the bottom and 5 blocks upwards and we get a 3 by 2 square.

Then we just set it on fire. We fill all the squares with fire.
And right into this purple part we enter.

How to activate the portal to the city

The activation will be considered successful if the space becomes purple hue... Now the portal is ready to play, which is required for this: you need to return to housing, create the same. We go into the portal and wait a bit, we are transferred to the Lower World. In order to prevent the mobs from attacking, upon completion of teleportation, it is better to think about building a fortification around the portal in hell. Upon completion, we leave, then we go into the portal, the starting point from which you entered the dark world changes. This is how a portal to the city in Minecraft is created without using mobs. The space is filled with water, if all operations were carried out correctly, and after that you can start your journey.

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