Home Berries The most powerful conspiracy for love is a love spell on church candles. Different types of candle plots

The most powerful conspiracy for love is a love spell on church candles. Different types of candle plots

It is considered one of the most effective and safest money conspiracies. With its help, you can change your life so that you will always have money, and in the amount that you need. If you want to buy something, money will appear. It is not difficult to make a conspiracy, any person can handle it, even if he has never carried out any magic rituals... You have to make a conspiracy on yourself, such conspiracies are not done on another person (there is such a rule in magic: you cannot make wealth for someone - you will go around the world yourself).

In the beginning, about the time of the conspiracy. It is best to start the conspiracy from the third night, after the new moon. The moon begins to grow and this time is just for conspiracies for money - the effectiveness of the ceremonies carried out at the beginning of the moon's growth phase is much higher than if they are carried out closer to the full moon.

The conspiracy must be carried out in three stages, so prepare for three nights in a row at midnight to engage in precisely this conspiracy. In the room where you will do it, you cannot be someone other than you (including a pet). In general, it is not recommended to tell anyone about this conspiracy - you can jinx yourself and you simply will not succeed. By the way, it is generally not worth telling even the closest people about practicing magic, those who share such things with others rarely succeed.

Now about what you need. Go and buy three candles from the church (size and color are not important). And save a ten-ruble coin, one is enough.

Conspiracy on church candles

On the first night, put a candle on a coin, light a candle and say three times following words:

"As I light a candle on a coin, so I will take the first step to wealth. The candle shines with a bright light, my path to money will illuminate, my lack of money will remain in yesterday, and a new day will begin with a new one, as it was not before. help, amen. "

After that, extinguish the candle and put it away somewhere (in some previously prepared case or in a box, put a coin in the same place). And in the morning, as you wake up, put things in order and cleanliness at home so that there is no dirt and dust. Wash all dirty linen, in general, everything should be clean with you.

On the second night, take out the coin and put the second candle on it and light it. And say again three times already different words:

"The candle burns lightly and warmly, it gives me wealth, but it gives me money. I am waiting for wealth, but I am starting to change, I am changing so that money will now be attracted to me. I am changing, and life around me is changing, I will soon live richly, amen. ".

And as before, extinguish the candle and, together with the coin, remove to the first candle. Get up in the morning and take care of yourself. You can go to a hairdresser or dye your hair. In general - you must change into better side... This must be done in order to start the movement of money in your direction.

On the third night, put the candle (third, last) on the coin again, light it and say seven times:

"I open ways-roads to money, I lock myself for poverty. The time has come that now money will be pouring into my doors and windows, and this will never stop, but there will be no end and end to it. I did not live richly, and now I will dwell in luxury, yes about need, and there will be no reason to think. Amen. "

They said seven times. Then extinguish the candle, remove it to the two previous stubs and let them lie there and keep with you all the time. And now always carry this charmed coin with you, hold it in your hand at least once a day. It is also possible for her to lie at home (if you are afraid of losing), the main thing is to take her in your hand every day.

The conspiracy is absolutely no rollback, there is no black magic in it. Your enrichment will begin slowly, but it will go gradually and on an increasing basis.

If you want to get rich very quickly and are not afraid of black magic, I can advise you

Fire is one of the most powerful forces in the Universe. In both European and Eastern esotericism, he is one of the four great elements. On the one hand, fire is capable of destroying everything in its path, but on the other hand, it also warms, and illuminates, and helps to create. In addition, fire has a strong energy, and this determines the fact of its use in many magical rituals.

Strengthening a love spell with the help of the elements of fire

In love spells, lighted candles are often used to enhance magical effect, aimed at attracting love into your life. Performing a ritual by candlelight on your own, you call on the mighty element of fire to help you, which can greatly increase the power of spoken magic words. But one must remember that fire is an element as powerful as it is dangerous, therefore, the rite must be performed extremely carefully and carefully. If possible, it is advisable to consult a professional.

Rites with red candles

You can make a love spell on candles yourself in the following way... Take two red candles and scrawl the name of your chosen one on one of them, and your name on the other.

Light the candles and say the following conspiracy on them nine times:

“The candles are burning with a bright fire, you and I will be united forever. The candles are burning, flaring up, our souls are filled with love. Like this candle with a candle, you will be with me forever. "

As you say these words, burn the candles with each other's flame to soften the wax as much as possible. As you finish speaking, quickly extinguish the candles and press them together as hard as you can. The tighter the candles stick together, the better. In the coming days, you will feel that the chosen one has begun to show a clear interest in you. Store carefully magic candles- this is the talisman of your love, and if someday it seems to you that the effect of the love spell has weakened, and the beloved has cooled to you, then take these candles and pour them over with fire again.

Another love spell on a red candle is carried out only in men's days... On a full moon night, you should strip naked and take a lighted wax candle in your hand.

Several times slowly you need to carry the candle along your entire body, constantly repeating:

“As a candle lights up with fire, so the soul (the name of the chosen one) is illuminated with love. How beautiful I am, tell him, tie his heart to me, so that he sighs out of longing, and wants to hug me as soon as possible. "

Thanks to the magic of fire, the candle receives a powerful charge of energetic information about you, your body, soul and your passion. Under any pretext, make sure that after the ceremony the chosen one takes this stub in his hands at least for a moment, or discreetly toss it into the pocket of your clothes, into your desk, bedroom or other place where he will be close enough and long enough next to your beloved.

Rites with church candles

A love spell with church candles is considered very strong. They must first be purchased in the temple and if you are a believer, then you need to pray near one of the icons and seek help from the Almighty in solving love breakdowns. The ceremony consists in the fact that two church candles are neatly intertwined with each other. Then they start talking.

The conspiracy for a candle sounds like this:

“Church candles are closely intertwined, so I, the Servant of God ( given name) with the Servant of God (name of the chosen one) are forever connected. Church candles are forever retinues and our destinies are forever merged. "

After that, twisted candles should be set on fire at the same time with a match from a new box and the following words should be said:

"The candles are lit, they burn with a bright fire, so our love flares up with you, old grievances are forgotten, and our hearts are inflamed with passion."

After that, the candles must be extinguished with your fingers and stored in a secret place, while you cannot unwind the candles, otherwise the connection with your beloved will be destroyed. A love spell on candles using 40 church candles is considered very strong. They need to be purchased in the church and before using in the ritual, one should read the well-known prayer "Our Father" for each candle. On the same day in the evening, you can proceed directly to the execution of the ceremony. The candles must be installed in separate room and ignite.

“As the church candles burn day after day, so the feelings of the Servant of God (the name of the chosen one) for me, the servant of God (his own name) flare up. Amen!".

After that, the candles must be extinguished and left at the same time. Such actions are repeated for 40 days, but only each time with one candle. Such a magical attribute is placed on a saucer, and after uttering the magic words, the candle should burn out. Thus, the wax from 40 candles will be collected on the saucer within 40 days. Wrap the wax cake in clear sheet paper and bury next to the young tree. Soon, mutual feelings will arise between you and the chosen one.

Love spell on candles refers to a group of fire spells that act quickly. At the bewitched object love feelings wake up suddenly, he lights up with a passion for another person and absolutely cannot manage and control his actions. This state can last for about three years, depending on the power of the energy message. And if during this time there was real love and affection for each other, then the relationship can last a lifetime, and the consequences are bypassed. Otherwise, feelings decline and people diverge. Re-attracting a person's love to oneself using fire magic is not recommended.

The path to happiness is thorny and long, however, to achieve success on all fronts in as soon as possible it is possible with the help of rituals. Strong conspiracies can help you get things right.

Conspiracy on candles: we attract money, love and good luck

To carry out this ceremony, you need to do what will contribute to your maximum relaxation and distract from all problems. For a magic ritual, seven candles are required. different color, it is better if it is the colors of the rainbow. In the evening on the Full Moon (if you want to attract good luck in everything, do not forget to follow the cycle lunar phases) place the candles on the table. A prerequisite: you need to light them from one match. Allow yourself to completely relax, get distracted from unnecessary thoughts, troubles and hectic everyday life. For each candle you need to read your conspiracy:

  • Red:“The light from the red flame will help you become much more attractive in the eyes of other people. May bright light and warmth fill my heart, my dear home and my whole life ";
  • Orange: “The bright, fiery fire will strengthen my courage and self-confidence”;
  • Yellow: "The flame of a yellow candle will give health";
  • Green: “The color of green will attract my money enrichment and prosperity to my life”;
  • Blue: "Blue light to inner harmony will lead me ";
  • Blue:"With the help of the blue flame, I will be able to make the right decisions, and luck will always be with me along the way.";
  • Purple: "Fire purple, help me get the strength you need to achieve your goals. "

The candles must burn out to the end, only after that the conspiracy can be called completely finished. While the candles are burning out, it is recommended to take a bath or watch your favorite movie. The main thing is to do something that will help you relax and tune in to a positive wave. The candle ends should be wrapped in a small piece of red cloth and left under your favorite living tree.

Strong candlestick conspiracy

This rite it is not recommended to carry out several times, since it comes from a very strong impact per person. To attract love material wealth, good luck and success, you should guess the time when you can be alone with yourself. A person who is not involved in a conspiracy can disrupt energy vibrations, which will lead to the opposite effect.

You will need a white candle to symbolize lightness and purity; green - color material world, which will help you tune in to achieve success, and blue is a symbol of good luck. You can choose the time of the ritual yourself. Arrange the candles on the table in a triangle shape. White must be in the center, in right side from her - blue, and green - by left side... The candle in the center should be lit first, and all others from it. After that, read the words of the conspiracy:

“There is no self-interest and anger in my thoughts. I wish you enormous wealth, but without taking away anything from others. The power of good luck in the world is enormous, so let the Higher Forces be generous and give me success and good luck. Let the money be sent to me, so as not to stray me from the right path for the sake of small earnings. Happiness is at my feet, but I do not see it. I read a conspiracy on myself, so that luck surrounds me, and my gaze is clear, so that there is no turning back. All bad smoke from candles will carry away. "

Reading the plot, carefully peer into the flame of the candles. If they burn evenly, without smoke, then the Higher Forces have heard your request, if the flame is blazing, then you have chosen not the most the right time for a conspiracy. In this case, it can be repeated. If there are no problems, then blow out the candles, but before they go out, you need to shout out: "No sooner said than done!".

Most often conspiracies - effective method solve life problems. Special conspiracies that have great power and energy will help you become lucky. However, when conducting magical rituals, it is important to remember that this is only help that cannot radically change your life. The final word is always yours, so take action. We wish you great mood, success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Conspiracies Pechora healer Maria Fedorovskaya for good luck and wealth Smorodova Irina


Go to church and buy ten candles: nine thin and one thick, the largest one you can buy. Put three thin ones for the peace of your loved ones or friends of the dead, put three thin ones for the health of your older family members, pray to the Lord for them.

Take the remaining four candles home. You need to speak them separately.

The first taper should be burned at dawn. Put it on a white saucer without gold patterns, set it on fire, look at the flame without looking up, and say:

The candle burns brightly and loudly,

It burns for a long time and evenly,

A candle burns through my poverty and thinness,

A candle burns my blackness and malice.

Candle, burn and help me!


After that, put out the candle, and put the cinder in a secluded box. Wash the floor and say: "I wash the floor, wash out the need".

The second taper should be burned on next night... Put it on an inverted white saucer, say:

Sister candle

Light up the house

Help us

Find whatever we want

Day and night.

Call coins to our house

So that many years are enough!


Extinguish the candle, and put the cinder to the first cinder. Dust off the entire house and say: "I wipe the dust, I wash it hard".

Wash yourself three times with running water, cross yourself and go to bed.

The third taper should be burned at noon. You need to put a candle on a clay saucer, on which there is no drawing, and say:

Denyuzhka after denyuzhka,

Paper by paper

Have rolled

Ran away

On the candlelight

Warm greetings.

Come to the house,

Bring with you

Any friends

Kopecks and rubles.

How many stars are shining in the sky

So much money will come to me.

My word is strong as Alatyr-stone.


Extinguish the candle, take out the first two cinders, put everything in a copper saucepan, heat so that the candle wax melts all. When doing this, say: "I will melt wax, I will blind wealth"... Throw two coins into this hot wax: one yellow and the other white. Pour the wax and coins into a deep bowl of water. When the wax hardens, take it out, and put the last, thick, candle in the plate.

Light it up and say:

Get away from me

Woe, poverty and need,

Forget the road

To my house.

Woe, poverty and need

I don't expect to go back to my place.

Leave for good, leave at all.

So that I do not know grief

The candle burns out

And poverty leaves my home!

To be prosperous in my house

From sunrise to sunset

From dawn to dawn

Day and night.

Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me!

Ever sincerely Mary, give me reason!

My word cannot be broken, not changed.

Forever and ever. Amen!

Let the candle burn out completely, then take wax with coins from the water, blow on it three times, say: "I blow away misfortunes, I blow out happiness" hide it under your pillow, don't take it out for a week, so that all the money that goes into the house passes through your hands and thanks you.

When the last candle burns out, be sure to mark it in the house, saying: “I sweep, I sweep, I sweep the need out of the house! I live in purity and wealth! "


Take a harsh thread, thread it into a needle, slobbering the end of the thread three times, sweep the hem of the skirt and say:

The skirt would be the slaves of God (name) chalk-sweeping,

She made money and clung to herself.

There is no stronger agreement.

Forever and ever. Amen.

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Unrequited love often gives a person the greatest pain and takes away all mental strength. To achieve reciprocity, to find personal happiness and to feel the joy of life again will help quick conspiracies for love.

Conspiracies were used by our ancestors. Of all the magical rituals, they are the least simple, but very effective. In order to achieve what you want, it is enough to say a few words, concentrating as much as possible on your goal. A love conspiracy will help to attract the attention of a man and kindle mutual feelings in him.

Love conspiracy on a thread

For a conspiracy, you need a red thread about twenty centimeters long. It has long been believed that red accumulates love energy in itself, therefore such a conspiracy is highly effective.

It is necessary to pronounce a love conspiracy immediately after midnight. Apart from threads, no other attributes are required: it is enough just to be in silence and solitude. The thread is alternately wound on the index and thumb left hand in such a way that visually it becomes like an eight - a symbol of infinity. As you tie the thread, say the following words:

I tie the thread - I tie you to me. As two fingers are connected by it, so we will become inseparable. As the thread is strong and red, so your love will be strong and bright. The sun will rise - your love for me will flare up. Amen.

After that, remove the knotted thread from your hand, but do not unravel it: let it remain in the shape of a figure eight. Place some thread under your pillow and go to bed. Soon, the object of love will begin to show signs of attention.

A quick love conspiracy on a candle

A love plot on a candle is read five minutes before midnight. It is best to use a church candle - it has a light energy.

Light a candle and gaze at the flame, pronouncing the text of the conspiracy:

I lit a candle - lit your love. The candle will not burn for long, but your love - all your life. The flame shines brightly, and your love shines even brighter. Be as midnight arrives. Amen.

After reading the plot, put out the candle. Try to date the man you feel for the next day. You will immediately notice the change in his attitude towards you.

Love conspiracy from photography

A photograph for a conspiracy can be taken from social networks... It is not necessary to have a printed version of it: a conspiracy uttered in front of a photograph on the screen will be no less effective. Keep in mind that only the man for whom you are reading the conspiracy should be in the photo. Otherwise, you run the risk of awakening feelings in someone else.

The ritual should be performed after twelve o'clock in the morning. Sit in front of the photo so that your face is level with it. Look the object of love directly in the eyes and say the following text:

I can't take my eyes off you, and you won't take your eyes off me. I am sitting in front of your photograph, you will be sitting in front of me. I give you my love, and you give me yours. As the sun rises, the senses will wake up. Amen.

After that, go to bed, holding the image of the person in the photo in your head for some time. Imagine that a reciprocal feeling has awakened in him, and fall asleep with this thought. After a while, what you want will come true.

They do not require serious skills and abilities, but they have high strength... Before resorting to them, think carefully whether you need the love of this person, because he will be strong and long. We wish you happiness and reciprocity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

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