Home Fruit trees Musa musalaev's real name. Musa Musalaev was shot in Germany. Photo. video. From bodybuilding to the Legion of Honor

Musa musalaev's real name. Musa Musalaev was shot in Germany. Photo. video. From bodybuilding to the Legion of Honor

He was accused of beating, championship titles were questionable

Last week in Germany - the world kickboxing champion. to investigate the case of 25 people. But calls to honored coaches in this sport alerted us - no one knows this. I knew that “the champions of the world, Europe and Russia” - to emphasize - in kickboxing, darkness is dark, but this case went beyond all limits. Musalaev was in the ring, only he was better known among the criminals. And also Mikhail Grigoriev and Musalo Katimovich. It's all one person.

Musa Musalaev

For starters, the famous fighter Alim Nabiev holds the title of "kickboxing world champion".

- Firstly, there are too many organizations in kickboxing. Now everyone wants to make money and hold left-wing tournaments, where they become world champions in different versions. Secondly, in kickboxing you can be the world champion in ... Shadow boxing. Another dance. There are international masters of sports in these disciplines.

- What does it look like?

- It is necessary to show the blows beautifully and correctly. No rival. Combinations to music. For this, whole competitions are held, it spoils the sport. And, yes, in the category book it will be written: MSMK in kickboxing, but what is in shadow boxing is not specified. Because of these, they say that every third world champion is kicked.

- It turns out that it is not at all necessary to enter the ring to become the world champion?

- Exactly. There is also a "light contact" version. You can't hit hard there, they almost beat you with your palms. They hit hard - they begin to cry. The judges make sure that you do not invest in the blow, personally saw it. Such people also become world champions ...

And now let's go back to Musa Musulaev's. In the ring, he seems to have performed. But the fact that the vast majority of coaches and athletes from the world of kickboxing have not heard of him only confirms that Musulaev's titles were more "leftist". The only thing that amazes many is that he had a belt according to the King of Kings (KOK) version, which is very prestigious. But it's worth going back to 2012 and remembering that Mikhail Grigoriev was deprived of this title due to the fact that he refuses to defend it in fights with strong opponents. He repeatedly did not enter the ring for a fight with applicants, for which, as a result, the organization deprived him of his champion title.

Musa Musalaev and Mikhail Grigoriev are one and the same person. He could also be known as Musala Katimovich. Such a number of names, as a rule, can only speak of one thing - connections with criminals. And such are the assets of the "world kickboxing champion".

In 2010, when Musalaev was a trainer in the children's (and not only) section, there was an incident with the beating of one of those who came to class. In that story, Musa's phrases were mentioned such as "They will not do anything to me, because I am untouchable." And the victims in the police station on duty were then allegedly told that "you cannot do anything, he knows everyone here."

And against the background of this story, somehow it is not surprising that he moved to Germany. And the fact that he was not killed by accident is also hardly in doubt. There is much more crime here than sports. Therefore, I would not like that again a boring and in this case not the most truthful phrase flashed in the reports of the "murder" - the world champion in kickboxing.

Musa Musalaev, nicknamed Prince, was the captain of the Tatar kickboxing team "Prince Team". He was appointed Advisor to the President of the Republic of Tatarstan on Physical Culture and Sports, held this position from 2010 to 2013, and then moved to Western Europe
Plenipotentiary Representation of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Russian Federation

In the Bavarian city of Neu-Ulm, police are investigating the murder of the multiple world kickboxing champion, a native of Central Asia, Musa Musalaev, nicknamed the Prince. The 37-year-old athlete, who previously served as an advisor to the plenipotentiary representative of Tatarstan, was shot dead at the entrance of his house at about 18:00 on November 18.

According to eyewitnesses, the killer hid his face under a mask. From the scene of the crime at the house N10 on Breslauer Strasse, he fled in a car driven by his accomplice, writes Augsburger Allgemeine.

According to the head of the Neu-Ulm criminal police, Jurgen Schweizer, evidence has already been found that "allowed the investigation to move forward." Rumors that the murdered could be associated with the "Russian mafia", the police do not comment, reports.

Considerable forces have been thrown into the investigation of the crime. The investigation team has been increased from 10 to 25 people.

The death of Musalaev is not the first murder of a combat athlete in Germany since the beginning of the year. In April in Bietigheim-Bissingen (Baden-Württemberg), the director of a martial arts sports school was shot dead near his home. For help in solving this crime, a reward of 10 thousand euros was announced.

Musa Musalaev, nicknamed the Prince or Prince of Tatarstan, was the captain of the Tatar kickboxing team "Prince Team". He was appointed advisor to the plenipotentiary representative of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Russian Federation Ravil Akhmetshin on physical culture and sports in 2010-2013. Musalaev was also the official ambassador of the Universiade held in Kazan in 2013.

Later, a native of the Kazakh SSR, Musalaev moved to Western Europe. Since 2013, the Prince and his family (with his wife and three children) have lived permanently in Germany.

Experts were skeptical about Musalaev's sports victories in kickboxing and MMA competitions. "He organizes some of the victorious tournaments ... he himself," said the commentator of the "Fighter" TV channel Georgy Ivanov about Musa. the attacks or sometimes fall from one kick. "

According to Ivanov, recognized world kickboxing stars such as Badr Hari, Sammy Schilt or Daniel Geeta cannot boast of such high efficiency, while Musa Musalaev can. "In my opinion, none of his fights lasted more than one round ... What we observed raises only questions," the commentator added in an interview with Soviet Sport.

Usually the duel with the official Musa Musalaev lasted from five to 30 seconds in the ring.

In 2012, Prince became a three-time world champion, winning K-1 tournaments in Lviv, Donetsk and Leverkusen (Germany). In the same year, he received his fourth champion title at the MMA Verdict FC tournament in Moscow. A year earlier, Musalaev became three times world champion in Lublin and Vilnius, and in Chisinau, Prince won the title of European champion at the BUSHIDO FC competition.

In addition, in 2009 and 2010, Musalaev was declared world champion in Hua Hin (Thailand) and Odintsovo.

The athlete's Wikipedia page says that he "seriously studied the history of the Middle Ages, literature, wrote poetry, fairy tales and lullabies for children." Musalaev received two higher educations - humanitarian and economic.

Russian film director, actor Yuri Spiridonov spoke about his relationship with the kickboxer Musa Musalaev, who was killed in Germany. According to him, they have known each other since the 90s, when they jointly held MMA tournaments in Russia.

We met in the 90s, then he was still Misha. Later, in the course of his sports activities, he took the pseudonym Musa Musalaev for himself, played for Tatarstan, and before that he organized the first tournament of Chuvashia in ultimate fighting. Then we had such a big joint work for the first time. At the end of the tournament, he left for Moscow, where we also organized the eight strongest fights on the Arbat, - said Yuri Spiridonov.

In addition, in Moscow they shot the film "Musa. The Way of a Warrior" together. According to Yuri Spiridonov, since a lot of rumors about the athlete appeared on the Internet, he decided to make a film so that Musa would tell about himself.

We shot a four-part film with director Georgy Stanislavov. The film was later nominated for various film festivals in Russia, where it received a good rating. He was a warrior, a wonderful family man, an esthete in everything: in clothes, in food, and in behavior, he was a leader - he always made decisions and achieved everything on his own, - continues Yuri Spiridonov.

Yuri also said that Musa had big plans for the future.

In May 2017, he planned to participate in battles, he was preparing. He has already changed certain titles in Germany, he was some kind of baron, I can't say for sure. I asked him why you need all this. He said - image. He wanted to grow up there. From an early age, he walked through life on his own. In what his independence and discipline was expressed, it is in the fact that he passed a very serious service in the French Legion. The man was very responsible for life and wanted to live it happily ever after. And for this he did everything! Musa worked 24 hours a day, straining, all in motion, business trips, trips. It was not for nothing that he was the ambassador of Tatarstan at the Youth Universiade. In Chuvashia and for many of my friends, he left a good mark and memories of himself.

A friend of the killed kickboxer associates his death with the business that Musa was doing in Germany.

Recently, we often talked about business, he invited me to Germany to work together. I will not say which one. I will only say that this is a serious business and a serious investment. What happened today is, on the one hand, unexpected, and on the other, expected, because Musa always walked along the edge, always made his own decisions and, perhaps, somewhere there was a clash of businesses and interests. I think today we need to support the family, there is a loss, and the reason is most likely in the business he entered. Serious business, a collision that did not scare him, - says Yuri Spiridonov.

In the German city of Neu-Ulm on November 18, the famous Russian kickboxer Musa was killed. He retired from his professional career in 2012 and moved to Germany with his family in 2013.

The investigation established that in the evening, at about 18.00, an unknown person approached Musalaev and fired several shots at the former athlete.

This happened at the entrance of a multi-storey building in which the athlete lived. Then the offender got into the passenger seat of a running Mercedes car and drove off in an unknown direction.

Musalaev lived in a high-rise apartment with his wife and three children. According to the testimony of neighbors, he was a sociable person and maintained good relations with them. In the basement of the house, in the pantry, the kickboxer kept his numerous trophies and, on occasion, showed them to his neighbors.

The police have not yet been able to find out the reasons for the murder and continue to conduct an active investigation.

The residents of the house where Musalaev lived with his family were interviewed. One of them said that he returned home at 17.45 and a little later heard sharp bangs, but did not attach any importance to them, considering them for fireworks.

“After the murder, we set up an investigation team with 25 employees. We have now received several pieces of evidence, and we are assessing their importance in order of priority. We are actively cooperating with the authorities of the neighboring state of Baden-Württemberg, ”said the city police spokesman Jürgen Krautwald.

The reason for the interaction with the police in the other county is that another former kickboxing world champion was shot dead seven months ago in the town of Beetigheim-Bissingham. The offender was never caught, and a reward of € 10,000 was announced for information about his whereabouts. However, officials are in no hurry to link two similar events.

From 2010 to 2013, Musalaev held the position of Advisor to the Plenipotentiary of Tatarstan on Physical Culture and Sports. And in 2013 he was appointed the official ambassador of the Universiade in Kazan.

For his many merits, the athlete received the nickname Prince of Tatarstan. He was also the captain of the Prince Team he created.

Tatarstan expressed condolences over the tragedy.

“Today, on November 23, 2016, it became known about the death of kickboxer Musa Musalaev. At the age of 37, he was shot dead in the German city of Neu-Ulm last Friday. This man, a multiple world and European champion in kickboxing, was also associated with sports Tatarstan. The captain and leader of the Tatar team Prince Team, a famous fighter in 2013 was the official ambassador of the Universiade in Kazan. Not only an outstanding athlete left us, but also a person with an active life position and high moral principles. The sports community of Tatarstan, the leadership of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports of the Republic of Tatarstan grieve over the death of Musalaev and expresses deep condolences to the relatives and friends of the deceased, ”the ministry's official website says.

Earlier, on November 7, there was news about the murder of a famous kickboxer in the parking lot of one of the shopping centers in Moscow. But as it turned out, the deceased was a complete namesake of the kickboxer and had nothing to do with this type of martial arts. However, he was also an athlete and won the World Combat Sambo title in 2005.

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His fighting career from the first childhood fight to the last one passed without defeat. And he left life undefeated

The "Tatar Prince" was a natural-born puncher fighter. He hit from medium range and did not retreat. And therefore, he ended his fights not just ahead of schedule, but in the first round, sometimes in the first seconds. And immediately it should be noted that Musalaev never left fights, and among his opponents there were always only dangerous rivals with titles and great experience. On the eve it became known that Musa Musalaev was shot dead in the city of Neu-Ulm in southern Germany. According to preliminary data, an unknown person fired several shots at Musalaev at the entrance to the athlete's house, got into the car and fled. The sports editorial staff of Realnoe Vremya says goodbye to the famous countryman and recalls the brightest moments of the fighter's life and sports career.

Not a wolf, but a tiger

“Our republic will always be strong! Enemies and rivals will never be compared with us. After all, our ancestors are batyrs, nomads. Our history is worldwide glory! We are proud children of the land of Tatarstan! I said and will not stop singing a song of love for my Tatarstan! "

With these lines Musa Musalaev in his work expressed love for his small homeland, although he was not born in our republic and practically did not even live on its territory. The "Tatar Prince" loved Tataria with the love of a nomad who is far from his homeland, but is ready to fight for it, which he did all his fighting life. Musa was born in the Kazakh city of Atyrau, where at first he was engaged in freestyle wrestling. And after the ninth grade, his family moved to Russia.

I grew up in a disadvantaged area, and in order to stand up for myself, I had to fight on the streets every day, ”Musa told Sportsred 4 years ago. - My wrestling skills helped a lot in fights, but over time I realized the imperfection of wrestling. In order to become a high-class fighter, it is not enough to be able to fight, to defend against painful and suffocating holds. You also need to be able to beat well in a stance. Therefore, I began to intensively study Thai boxing.

During his sports career, Musa Musalaev took almost everything that is possible in kickboxing and a lot in MMA. Photo: sportsreda.ru

Each coach, besides the fact that he works, he is also in search, - shared the first mentor of Musalaev Akhmed Alapaev. - Many years ago a young man came into my room with burning eyes and unreal energy! No wonder they say: "Don't touch the puppy, he will grow up like a wolf." Musa did not grow up as a wolf, he became a tiger.

During his sports career, Musa Musalaev took almost everything that is possible in kickboxing and a lot in MMA. He passed away with titles such as MMA BUSHIDO FC World and European Light Heavyweight Champion, 2011 K-1 KingOfKings World Champion and 2010 WBKF kickboxing champion (among professionals). The holder of the black belt 5 Dan BUSHIDO. And also the holder of the 2012 VFC World Champion in Ultimate Fighting (MMA).

Musalaev won his first world title in 2009 in Thailand, taking part in the professional Thai boxing championship. In 2010, in the fight for the WBKF world kickboxing champion title, he met with the Russian kickboxing star, multiple world, European and Russian champion Gamzat Isalmagomedov. The "Tatar Prince" knocked him out on the 9th second of the first round. Immediately after this fight, Musa received an offer from foreign promoters to fight for the K-1 world title according to KingOfKings. The battle took place in Lithuania, in Vilnius at the Siemens arena, where 10 thousand spectators were present. There was a full house, as MMA and K-1 are very popular in Europe. The opponent was the titled and very ambitious Latvian athlete Zaur Javadov, who was knocked out 24 seconds into the first round.

Take a break to win everything

Musalaev combined his career as a professional K-1 fighter with performances in MMA. Having spent several rating fights and ending them all with knockouts, he received the right to fight for the title of European champion according to BUSHIDO FC. The fight took place in Chisinau in April 2011. The opponents are the Ukrainian pankration world champion. “It's hard to imagine the surprise when I defeated him with a rear naked choke 9 seconds into the first round,” Prince recalled in 2012.

“I don't go out to box, I go out to fight. Defeat is unacceptable for me. When you are declared the winner and don the world champion belt, you realize that grueling training will begin again tomorrow. You need to prove your champion title every time. There is no limit to perfection!"
Musa Musalaev

From the outside, it may seem that all this is easy: to go out and defeat titled fighters in seconds, - the coach Akhmed Alapaev recalled. “But behind those seconds, there are years of exhausting training. Monotonous and exhausting preparation for each fight. Not every athlete can handle it. Many fighters have passed through me. Everyone wanted to be champions. But not everyone is given this. Here I am 17 years ago, after talking with Musa for a few minutes, I realized: a nugget came into my room!

Having won and taking that title, the Tatar fighter took the last, such coveted height - he won the world championship, where he did not leave a single chance to the German rival, inflicting several hard low-kicks and finishing the fight with a finish on the ground 10 seconds of the first round.

After that, he decided to take a six-month break to rest, recover physically and spiritually, rethink everything and spend time with his family. Having rested and well prepared, in February 2012 Musa went out to fight for the title of the world champion in ultimate fighting (Verdict FC) in the weight category up to 93 kg against seven-time world champion in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Cornel Zapadka. Musalaev has never met fighters of this level, but this did not prevent the "Tatar Prince" from knocking out Cornel in the 30th second of the first round. Having won the main battle for himself, the Prince promised to defeat absolutely any fighter who wishes to fight him.

Thanks to those who did not believe in me. You made me stronger, - he said in the press, referring to his opponents. - By the next fight I will be even stronger. Thank you for criticizing me. You made me powerful. Thanks to those who hated me. You have made me invincible. I will meet anyone who wants to fight me. From any country. Make an agreement with my promoters. I'll rip anyone off. I'm waiting, - said Musalaev.

Tatarstan in spirit

Musalaev practically never lived in Tatarstan. But always, in every battle, he went out with the flag of his beloved republic. And at the decisive battle with Cornelo Zapadka, a large tattoo "Tatarstan" was already flaunted on his back.

Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the leadership of the republic also could not ignore their pride. He was also offered to act as the captain of the Tatarstan team "PrinceTeam" from Kazan at the beginning of the "2000s". Musa was appointed physical culture and sports advisor to the Plenipotentiary the representative of the Republic of Tatarstan in Russia Ravil Kalimullovich in 2010-2013.

“When a harsh nomad enters the battle, it doesn't matter who the opponent will be. The name of the clan does not matter, the fighter of Tatarstan takes the fight! "
Musa Musalaev (on the air of Ukrainian TV after the victory over Yuri Logvinchuk in Lviv)

And in 2011, by the decree of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, Musa was appointed the Official Ambassador of the Universiade in Kazan in 2013.

In 2013, we offered Musalaev to become the ambassador of the Universiade in Kazan, and he agreed, - TASS Minister of Youth and Sports Vladimir Leonov commented to TASS. - He was a real athlete with the correct life guidelines, strong enough in his convictions. We express our condolences.

Himself a seven-time champion at that time Ira was very flattered by such trustand did not hide that it was a great honor for him.

This is a very honorable mission for every athlete, - said Musalaev in Kazakhstan in 2012 before the next fights in mixed martial arts. - I am very proud that Tatarstan approved my candidacy, and I am currently the ambassador. I would also like to thank the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Nurgalievich Minnikhanov and Mintimer Sharipovich Shaimiev. These are great and selfless people who do everything for the good of the Tatar people!

In 2011, by the decree of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, Musa was appointed the Official Ambassador of the Universiade in Kazan in 2013. Photo vesti.kz

Lived up to my name

“A talented person is talented in everything” - this is definitely about Musa. In addition to his lightning victories over everyone who met him in the ring, he did not forget about self-development. The family, which he started at the age of 16, has two formations - humanitarian and economic. And in his free time from training, he studied the history of the Middle Ages and literature. And of course, as befits a person with that name, Musa wrote poetry, fairy tales and lullabies for children. And often, when he won important battles, he quoted his work.

“I am very proud of him! - this was said by his coach Akhmed Alapaev. - His charisma and energy is universal in all positions! A poet (all the great samurai of ancient Japan were not only skillful warriors, but also wrote poetry), a good family man, a loyal friend and support for loved ones. "

In 2012, Musalaev ended his career and since 2013 has been living with his family in Germany. And when he died, he was 37 years old. He fought 17 kickboxing fights and 15 more MMA fights. And he did not suffer one defeat!

You know, the most important thing in the life of an athlete or a person is a dream. Since childhood, I dreamed of becoming a world champion. I really wanted to, - said Musa four years ago.

He became a champion. And he passed away as an undefeated Tatar fighter.

Eric Dobrolyubov

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