Home Fruit trees Inscriptions on the female body. Beautiful tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation for girls (50 photos) - Original ideas. Philosophical phrases in Latin

Inscriptions on the female body. Beautiful tattoo inscriptions in Latin with translation for girls (50 photos) - Original ideas. Philosophical phrases in Latin

When deciding to make even a small tattoo, it is important not only to think a hundred times whether you will regret it in a few years, but also to decide on the "very" inscription.

One and for life, because the main rule is to decorate and change your body consciously.

Best of all, when this inscription is endured and lived personally - then love for it and its understanding will not weaken over time.

In this article, we have collected 50+ of the best photos and sketches of tattoo inscriptions on the arm for girls with the translation of o, in Latin, English and French.

Of course, it's not worth repeating after others, because the main thing in an image or a phrase is its originality and uniqueness, but perhaps our ideas will help your own to appear.

Tattoo inscriptions on the arm for girls with translation - photos and sketches, how to choose

Arm tattoos can be confidently called the most popular.

“Laugh as much as you breathe. Love as long as you live ”

As a rule, girls choose a shoulder, a hand, or a wrist to apply a pattern or expression.

Not the best option, according to the masters themselves, for tattoos are the palms and lateral surfaces of the finger, since there are many sweat glands in these places and the inscriptions quickly become unusable.

The most popular tattoo-inscriptions on the hands

On these parts of the body, miniature details and short sentences that carry semantic load look great.

A tattoo can consist of one word expressing your essence, your own name or the name of a loved one

However, any good artist will honestly say that tattoos on the wrists are also worn an order of magnitude worse, so you should give preference to other parts of the hand.

Tattoo with names

Going to the salon, it is important not just to "want to get a tattoo."

It is important to take a closer look at the font options in advance, choose sketches in order to understand what you want - today this can be done on the websites of the salons.

"This too shall pass…"

As a rule, girls prefer tattoos in English, French and Latin, so the choice of such fonts is much wider.

"Mom - God in the eyes of the child" (eng.)

Although Latin is a dead language and is used only in the Vatican, it occupies the first place in the inscriptions of tattoos.

"Forever" (Italian)

This language was spoken by the greatest philosophers and scientists in the entire history of mankind.

"Through thorns to the stars" (lat.)

Thanks to them, tens of thousands of winged expressions have appeared that can convey our feelings from love and devotion to decadent moods.

"My life - my rules" (eng.)

In addition, if the meaning of tattoos written in English is understandable to many, then Latin will reveal the true meaning to only a few.

"Lift up hearts" (lat.)

In any inscription, whatever language you choose, the main thing is the semantic load.

By the way, colored tattoos need to be renewed every 10-12 years.

The inscription should convey your life priorities - for example, family and love, worldview, main goals and desires.

"I fly on my own wings" (lat.)

Tip: as a rule, the desire to get a tattoo engulfs us in moments. Don't be led by your emotions - give yourself a few days to think. If the desire to get a tattoo does not pass, then go to the salon.

Tattoo inscriptions on the arm for girls with translation - photos and sketches about love

"Seize the moment" (lat.)

This can be the name of a loved one, children or parents, the date of the wedding, the first date or kiss, expressions about the importance of feelings in our life.

Tattoo with names

Some options for tattoo phrases:

In Latin:

  1. Magna res est amor- "Love is a great thing."
  2. Amor Vincit Omnia- "Love conquers everything."
  3. Amor et honor- "Love and Honor".
  4. Si vis amari ama- "If you want to be loved, love yourself."
  5. Dum spiro, amo atque credo- "I love and believe while I breathe."
  6. Finis vitae, sed non amoris- "Life ends, but not love."

Couple tattoos "One life, one love" (eng.)

In English:

  1. One lifelong love- "One love for life."
  2. The best thing in our life is love- "The best thing in our life is love."
  3. Endless love- "Endless love".
  4. The rose speaks of love silently, in a language known only to the heart- "Rose speaks of love without sound, in a language known only to the heart."
  5. The way to love anything, is to realize it can be lost"The only sure way to love is to understand that you can lose it."
  6. Hile I’m breathing - I love and believe- "As long as I breathe, I love and believe."
  7. The love of my life- "Love of my life".

“You are in my heart” (Spanish)

In French:

  1. C`est l`amour que vous faut- "Love is all you need."
  2. L'amour fou- "Crazy Love".
  3. La famille est dans mon coeur pour toujours- "Family is always in my heart."
  4. L'amour qui ne ravage pas n'est pas l'amour- "Love that does not devastate is not love."
  5. Un amour, une vie- "One Love - one Life".
  6. Vivre et aimer- "To live and love".
  7. L'amour est la sagesse du fou et la déraison du sage- "Love is the wisdom of a fool and the stupidity of a sage."
  8. De l'amour à la haine, il n'y a qu'un pas- "There is only one step from love to hate."

“Every day, like a small life, seize every moment of it” (fr.)
"Adventure" (irl.)
Love Is Everything

Tattoo inscriptions on the arm for girls with translation - photos and sketches in Latin

Below we give a list of the most interesting, in our opinion, phrases in Latin with translation into Russian, which are perfect for tattoos.

The choice of the phrase should be taken especially seriously.

Perhaps they will push you into their own thoughts.

There are tens of thousands of lettering options, find the one that expresses your thoughts

However, the most correct thing if you want a tattoo in a great, forgotten language is to open a dictionary of Latin phrases and expressions and delve into its study.

"Remember to live!" (lat.)

Latin phrases for tattoos:

  1. Ad impossibilia nemo tenetur- "Nobody is obliged to the impossible."
  2. Amor omnibus idem- "Love is the same for all"
  3. Ad meliora tempore- "Until better times".
  4. Advocatus dei- "God's Advocate".
  5. Agnus dei- "Lamb of God".
  6. Amantium irae amoris integratio- "The anger of lovers is the renewal of love."
  7. Ad vitam aut culpam- "For life or until the first fault."
  8. Aut bibat, aut abeat- "Either let him drink or leave."
  9. Caritas et pax- "Respect and Peace".
  10. Castis omnia casta“Everything seems clean to clean. Or: For the blameless, everything is blameless. "
  11. Debes, ergo potes- "You must, then you can."
  12. Dictum factum- "No sooner said than done".
  13. Ex aequo et.bono- “In fairness and goodness” (and not according to formal law).
  14. Fac fideli sis fidelis- "Be faithful to the one who is faithful."
  15. Gaudeamus igitur!- "Let's have fun!"
  16. Hic et nunc!- "Here and now!"
  17. Imperare sibi maximum imperium est. - "Power over oneself is the highest power."
  18. Juvenes dum sumus- "While we are young".
  19. Lux in tenebris- "Light in the Dark".
  20. Naturae convenienter vive- "Live according to nature."
  21. Nihil habeo, nihil timeo (curo)- “I have nothing, I'm not afraid of anything” (I don't care about anything).
  22. Quot homines tot sententiae- "How many people, so many opinions."
  23. Tempora mutantur, et nos mutamur in illis- “Times change, and we change with them” (in them).

"Love conquers everything!" (lat.)
"Tireless" (lat.) "With God's help!" (lat.)

Tip: if you want to get a tattoo, but don't have the courage to permanently, pay attention to the technique.

Tattoo inscriptions on the arm for girls with translation - photos and sketches with meaning, the most famous star tattoos

As you can see, there are as many options for tattoos as you and your master put in your imagination.

Some, for example, fill portraits of their cats with dates of birth:

Tattoo with cats

Someone confesses their love using a combination of names and the symbol of infinity:

Laconic tattoo with names and the symbol of infinity

And someone makes tattoos in memory of their sister:

"Sister" (eng.)

Some, carried away, can no longer stop:

Having made one tattoo, it is quite possible that you want to continue the business.

The most unusual tattoos can be found on the bodies of star women.

And their choice sometimes leads to a dead end. So, for example, rebel Kelly Osbourne stuffed angel wings on her back with the inscription "I love mommy."

Kelly has a tattoo on her head

American supermodel Chanel Iman - her name and the hanger underneath.

Tattoo supermodel Chanel Iman

Penelope Cruz has numbers "883" on her calf, the secret of the appearance of which she promised to take with her to the grave.

In addition to the numbers on her leg, Penelope has an asterisk on her wrist.

Distinguished and actress Nikki Reed. We do not know if Nikki understands Russian, but the words “There must be more. "It is in such a spelling without a hyphen and a space.

Obviously, Master Nikki was not friends with the Russian either.

Cara Delevingne tattooed the word "bacon" on her foot out of love for it, and Katie Price decided not to take the tattoo with her ex-husband's name. She just crossed it out ...

Cara Delevingne also has a tattoo on her finger.

And you can talk about all Angelina Jolie's tattoos for a very long time.

Among them there is a prayer in Sanskrit, and the Roman numeral XIII, and the coordinates of the birthplaces of children and Brad Pitt ...

All Angelina's tattoos cannot be counted at once

In general, first think over all the arguments for and against tattoos a thousand times, and only then go to the salon.

Some interesting facts about tattoos and how to determine the place of their application, see the video below:

In the search for a suitable tattoo, Latin inscriptions with translation are far from the last place. The fashion for meaningless drawings has passed, and now people deliberately decorate their bodies so that they do not have to get rid of the image in a few years.

Why exactly Latin?

Latin is one of the few languages ​​that has survived from antiquity. Today it is official in the Vatican and accepted by the Catholic Church, but it is considered dead, since it is not used colloquially. The greatest minds of mankind knew this language, therefore, many aphorisms in Latin have been preserved to our time, which are in demand and respect. In Russia, it is used in rare cases, for example, in the designation of medical terms.

People who want to get a tattoo comprehend its meaning so that over the years the image does not get tired. Latin lettering is ideal for hiding the meaning of a tattoo from others.

What to do? Choose an inscription from a variety of existing ones or come up with your own? What handwriting should you use to make your tattoo look beautiful? Which part of the body should be applied? There are answers to all questions.

Tattoo lettering ideas

For Latin inscriptions on the body, the main semantic load. Only a long selection of a meaningful phrase will lead to success. Expression can motivate, remind of significant moments, life goals and priorities, but it should not get bored. By piercing the body, you reveal to the world a part of your soul and moral values. What to choose for yourself?


For many people, the priority in life is love and family. You can imprint on the body in Latin the names of relatives (children, spouse), wedding vows and beautiful aphorisms. Among them, the most popular are:

  • Magna res est amor - "Love is a great thing."
  • Amor Vincit Omnia - "Love conquers all."
  • Amor et honor - Love and Honor.
  • Si vis amari ama - "If you want to be loved, love yourself."
  • Dum spiro, amo atque credo - "I love and believe while I breathe."
  • Finis vitae, sed non amoris - "Life ends, but not love."

Life philosophy

To achieve your goals, you need to follow the rules. The life motto, which you always remember, gives strength to work, the implementation of plans, an eternal struggle. Here are some of the relevant sayings:

  • Suum cuique - "To each his own".
  • Silentium - "Silence".
  • Procul negotiis - Get out of trouble.
  • Per aspera ad astra - "Through hardships to the stars."
  • Vivere militare est - "To live is to fight."
  • Experientia est optima magis - "Experience is the best teacher."

Womens lettering

The tenderness and sensuality of a woman's nature is different from a man's rudeness. You can emphasize your sophistication and love of beauty with the following phrases:

  • Sancta sanctorum - Holy of Holies.
  • Amat victoria curam - "Victory loves care."
  • O fallacem hominum spem! - "How deceiving human hope is!"
  • Abo in pace - "Go in peace."
  • Cantus cycneus - "Swan song".
  • Contra spem spero - "I hope without hope."

Reminders of the transience of life

People who value their life and value it always remember death. Such tattoos give an impetus for constant development, because you need to be in time for everything. Death tattoos are relevant among people whose life hung in the balance:

  • Cave! - "Be careful!"
  • Fatum - "Fate".
  • Jus vitae ac necis - "The right to dispose of life and death."
  • Malo mori quam foedari - "Disgrace is worse than death."
  • Me quoque fata regunt - "Rock has subdued me too."
  • Via sacra - "Holy way".

Thoughts of freedom

Freedom-loving people value rebelliousness and the possibility of independent choice. For them, there is also a selection of Latin inscriptions for tattoos:

  • Homo liber - "Free man".
  • Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro - "It is shameful to sell freedom for gold."
  • Vita sine libertate, nihil - "Life without freedom is nothing."
  • Liberum arbitrium indifferentiae - "Absolute freedom of choice."
  • In arte libertas - “Freedom in art”.

Summing up, we can confidently assert that each person is individual and can find a Latin catchword to his liking. As a tattoo, they look harmonious and are filled with meaning.

Advice! Before getting a tattoo, answer the questions: what values ​​in life do you have, aspirations, what situation do you want to capture in what language and body part. After talking to yourself, it becomes clear whether a tattoo is needed or whether it is dictated by fashion trends.

How to choose a font?

It is not enough to choose a meaningful saying for the image on the body. The tattoo should look beautiful and attract attention.

Tattoo masters offer Latin fonts 2-3 times more than Russian ones, because they are more popular. Chooses tattooed: an ancient or modern font, print or script, pretentiousness and roundness or austerity and angularity, Gothic, Middle Ages and other fonts conquer with a variety.

Modern tattoo parlors on sites offer to choose a font for a tattoo in Latin online. To use the service, you need to enter an inscription in Latin in a special field. After that, a palette of fonts will appear that you can try on a dictum.

If you decide to get a tattoo in the salon, on the website of which you select the font, you can immediately send the completed form to the master. If there is another salon in the city, just print the image for clarity.

Advice! Spend at least as much time choosing a font as lettering. For outsiders, the form is more important than the content, so the tattoo needs to look stylish and harmonious.

I will tattoo myself on this and that

When the inscription for the tattoo is chosen, a fair question arises: where will it look best? Hide or not? How do I arrange long text to be beautiful?

In the case of a tattoo, you always need to choose a part of the body on which the inscription will look harmonious. It also depends on the pain threshold of the person and the ability to withstand the effects of the tattoo machine.

  • The hands are the most popular for tattooing. Shoulder, palm, wrist, fingers - where to fill the inscription? Masters do not recommend placing a large inscription on these parts of the body. If the Latin aphorism can be read even in the photo, it is better to abandon the idea, since the employer may be confused by the fact of having a tattoo.
  • Tattoos on the wrists are not worn well, so it is better to abandon the idea.
  • The back becomes a real tattoo board. Among the advantages, tattooed people distinguish mild pain and the simple ability to hide the inscription. The zone is suitable for tattooing long and large phrases.
  • The belly as a place for a tattoo is not the best solution. During pregnancy or when gaining weight, the inscription may be distorted. The rule also applies to the femoral area.
  • The leg is also open to the tattoo artist's creativity. On the top of the foot, the image does not look vulgar, it can be easily hidden from others. On the lower leg, the pain sensations are intensified, since there are many nerve endings.
  • It is also important to take into account that tattoos do not stick on the surface of the foot, which is in contact with the floor, and on the palms.
  • Very painful parts of the body - chest and chest (in girls), sacrum (in guys), shoulder blades, elbows, armpits and perineum.

Advice! Choose a portfolio master. He may be a drawing genius, but he can't work with fonts. Look for someone who does their job amazingly, as the tattoo will last a lifetime.

Star tattoo lettering

Music and film stars follow fashion trends and also adorn the body with meaningful Latin inscriptions. Thus, they attract the attention of the public, deciphering the meaning of the sayings, and also emphasize their own individuality.

Ksenia Borodina, after the birth of her first daughter, pricked her name on her arm. The idea was spied on by Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie, who did not get a single unconscious tattoo. Even their location on the body is symbolic.

Lera Kudryavtseva has an inscription on her back, which means, in translation, "Both in body and soul", and on the wrist - "The main thing in life is love."

The advantage of tattoo inscriptions is that they are endowed with meaning. They look stylish, original and beautiful if you choose the right font. As a minus, one can single out the illiteracy of the tattoo master, who can make a mistake in writing the Latin letter.

Advice! Check the spelling of each letter carefully. The master can make a mistake, and the meaning of the inscription will be spoiled.

What do the tattooed people think?

The decisive factor in applying the first tattoo is the feedback from the owners of Latin inscriptions on the body.

Alina, 25 years old: I have the inscription Gaudeamus igitur, juvenes dum sumus on my shin. Translated, it means "Have fun while you are young." Many who know the meaning of words ask what will happen when I grow old. I will remember my reckless youth and be proud of myself. Although, I think, even at 70, I will feel like 20. For three years the tattoo has not bothered.

Elvira, 32: At 22, I was hit by a car, and I was on the verge of death. Long-term rehabilitation, the love of my family and the desire to live put me on my feet. Since then, I have had the inscription Memento mori on my shoulder. When it's hard for me, a tattoo reminds me of the value of life and gives me strength to pull myself together. Literal translation: "Remember death."

Margarita, 28 years old: I always thought that I was lucky in life. Therefore, under my chest I have a small meaningful for me inscription Audaces fortuna juvat - luck accompanies the brave. I have never regretted a tattoo. Rather than stuffing a drawing on the floor of the body, it is better to choose a short but accurate saying that characterizes a person.

Alexandra, 30: I've been tattooing for about five years. Recently, Latin inscriptions are in great demand, and I understand why. Their meaning is important to the owner. He becomes a real talisman for a person.

Summarizing what has been said, we can conclude that people put inscriptions on the body that tell about the character of a person.

Do you have a tattoo?We look forward to your comments!

Currently, tattoos made in the form of a phrase in English are very popular. This trend is not accidental, because the English language has a rich history, unique features and characteristics, and it is also widespread and understandable anywhere in the world.

Modern English was formed over 1000 years ago by the fusion of two languages ​​(ancient Anglo-Saxon and Norman French). Over the past millennium, this language has conquered the whole world. Now it is used as a native or second language by about 700 million people on earth, and it is also the official language in 67 countries. It is impossible to imagine any corner of the planet where an English-speaking person could remain incomprehensible.

Without a doubt, people who choose phrases in English for a tattoo are bright and open personalities who boldly declare their beliefs and principles to the whole world.

The meaning and meaning of tattoos done in English

Today, English is one of the richest languages ​​in the world, with approximately 800,000 words, four times more than Russian.

An incredible number of synonyms makes this language very informative, allowing you to fit your favorite philosophical thought or life credo into a very precise and succinct phrase. However, you need to be careful when choosing an inscription for a tattoo; when translating an expression, it is best to turn to reliable and trusted sources.

A feature of English speech is a large number of polysemous words, the wrong translation of which can radically change the original meaning of a favorite phrase.

It is interesting! The most polysemous word in the English language is the word “set”, it can be used as a noun, adjective and verb and has more than 50 meanings, depending on the context and form of use.

Themes for lettering in English

A lively and flexible English language is constantly in development, having been born many centuries ago, it has absorbed the styles and forms of every era experienced.

Having set the goal of choosing a phrase in English with translation, you can easily find a beautiful saying you like, belonging to Shakespeare's pen or Winston Churchill's sarcastic thought, John Lennon's call for peace, or a dark aphorism from Tim Burton's films. The choice of topics and styles of statements is endless, everyone can find something that reflects precisely his inner world.

Did you know? William Shakespeare introduced many of the words used in everyday speech to this day. The words "addiction" (dependence), "eventful" (filled with events), "cold-blooded" (cold-blooded) belong to the writer's fantasy. In addition, the word "eyeball" has become an anatomical term and is actively used in modern medicine.

Styles of tattoo design in English

A large selection of phrases and expressions belonging to people from different countries, eras, estates belonging to various fields of science, politics, culture, art and pop, opens up inexhaustible possibilities of stylistic tattoo design.

Fancy monograms or simple graceful lines, good old gothic or simple typography, sophisticated floral designs or modern graffiti. Which style to use is best suggested by the chosen phrase in English.

You can come up with your own philosophical thought, and a professional tattoo artist will help in choosing a font and decorative design, you can use ready-made templates from the catalog, you can supplement the saying with any image.

The location of the tattoo-lettering on the body

The location of the tattoo primarily depends on the wishes of the customer himself. Some people like to have tattoo images on the most visible and open places: on the forearm, wrist, neck, chest. Others prefer to apply the image in such a way that, if desired, it can always be hidden under clothes: on the shoulder blades, on the back, feet, in the lumbar region.

It happens that the application of any inscription in English is more of a sacred meaning, in this case people choose images that are small in volume and place them on the body in such a way that tattoos are invisible even in summer open clothes. Before starting to apply a tattoo, its stylistic solution, volume and location are discussed with the master. A professional in his field will always select and suggest the best accommodation option.

A tattoo on the body is a very important and responsible decision. A beautiful and high-quality image will delight its owner for many years, while an unsuccessful tattoo is very difficult to remove from the body. To achieve the best result and excellent image quality, there are some rules to follow.

Subject to all these rules, your favorite phrase in English will delight the eye for a long time with deep meaning and good quality of performance.

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