Home Fruit trees Red Dead Redemption 2. Highlights from an interview with Dan Hauser for the American edition of Vulture

Red Dead Redemption 2. Highlights from an interview with Dan Hauser for the American edition of Vulture

The premier game of all time about badly shaven men with a code of honor

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If you are wondering is it good Red dead redemption 2, I will answer right away: yes, this game certainly deserves its place on the shelf next to Gta v, the third " The witcher" and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild... But Rockstar did not release "GTA about the Wild West", as one might think from the trailers. Before us is a much less entertaining project: RDR2 is more of a portrait of the era and an "encyclopedia of American life", if you will. And this positioning is very risky: the audience of such a game will obviously be smaller than that of the fun everyday life of car thieves.

Big shadow from a small tree

In the center of the story is Arthur Morgan, who simultaneously looks like Max Payne from the third game and Michael from GTA V. He is one of the best shooters of the famous Dutch gang, which is going through hard times after an unsuccessful robbery: bandits on the run, Pinkertons are stepping on their heels and competitors. In fact, a gang is a camp that wanders from place to place and tries to make money by all available means: theft, robbery, usury, fraud and, of course, buying and selling stolen goods. And this is not such a rewarding work: half of the earned still goes into the pockets of the leader.

But don't think the tabor is just a social hub: Rockstar really invested colossal resources in the development of the camp, and it is inhabited not by blank NPCs for one quest, but by well-developed characters with their own characters, habits and way of life. It is worth going through the next mission, and everyone will begin to speak out about its results. Or swear on a new occasion. Or discuss a dog that has been beaten. From such background conversations, only songs that the Taboryans love to bawl on long summer evenings are repeated from such background conversations, so wandering around the camp is always interesting.

Not without, of course, the management of the settlement. In the parking lot of the gang there is a box for collecting donations - you can put both money and any valuable items in it, but, of course, except for Arthur, no one is in a hurry to actually replenish this treasury, so he will have to do charity work on an especially large scale. After a significant contribution, everyone will slowly begin to respect the protagonist, and when this money is used to buy something important for everyone for the first time, people's love is guaranteed.

However, it can be achieved without money if you do useful work: carry bags of food around the camp, chop wood, or add water to the sinks. Classes are boring, but they are of great benefit: Arthur's "karma" increases (for example, discounts in stores depend on it) and the key indicator of a well-aimed eye grows.

There are three main characteristics in the game: health, stamina and this very sharp eye. With health, everything is clear, endurance is spent on running and swimming, but an accurate eye - local time dilation. The better the ability is developed, the longer slo-mo works and the more advantages it gives. If at the start you can only mark the points at which the bullets will fly (just like in Hitman: Absolution), then towards the end of the game, vulnerable zones are highlighted at the targets, and you can shoot right away.

The development of each ability is tied to certain actions: health grows in hand-to-hand fights and when using dynamite, endurance - from running (preferably with a heavy load on the shoulders), and "eyes" - from well-aimed shots and everyday work, such as chopping wood and flaying carcasses.

Your grandfather's favorite game

Rockstar are uncompromisingly uncompromising in their desire to show the era. It was a cruel time, and the scenes will be cruel and naturalistic. And also the end of the 19th century - the time is rather unhurried compared to the current one, and RDR2 turned out to be exactly the same: at least half of the gameplay you will spend traveling from one point to another. Looking for ammo for your favorite rifle? Well, let's jump on a horse and ride a few kilometers to the nearest town. For almost any game, this would be a verdict: you must admit, it's very boring to gallop back and forth for hours.

But in Red Dead Redemption 2, the developers solved this problem in several ways at once. Firstly, our camp moves regularly, so we have to ski on different routes. Secondly, nature is so beautiful and diverse that you admire it, regardless of whether you are driving this road for the first time or for the twentieth. Thirdly, there are such an astronomical number of random encounters scattered across the map that any more or less long trip turns into an adventure. Fourth, you are regularly distracted by tracking down game. Fifth, sometimes the game replaces long journeys with atmospheric cutscenes. Damn, not just videos - real clips for the most beautiful country compositions!

In addition to slowness, meticulous realism works for the atmosphere. Weapons must be lubricated, food must be roasted at the stake, horses must be taken care of ... In the world of the game, you are faced with a bunch of routine that is not at all annoying - on the contrary, you experience purely role-playing immersion in what is happening. Red Dead Redemption 2 glances towards RPGs so often that there is even a mission where the saloon owner asks to kill the rats. And I would call the local fishing simulator the best in history: to me, just like in life, never could not catch anything with a spoon. This is realism!

All the slowness, meticulousness and historicity make Red Dead Redemption 2 "your grandfather's favorite game." Of course, when necessary, what is happening explodes into a hurricane action, and the number of killed opponents goes to dozens, but b O Most of the time, the game does not shake something entertaining in front of your nose, but simply allows you to calmly plunge into your world. After all, it is he who is the main treasure of RDR2, the main source of pleasure and what it was all for.

Most Anticipated Game of 2018

The local world is so mobile, described by such a large number of laws, mechanics and rules hidden from the player, that it constantly generates whole stories. Here's an example: I went on a quest to get a debt off a woman. The main part - in the gang's common fund, but fifteen bucks should have migrated to my wallet. But the woman, it turns out, is not with the money: the roommate owed her, from whom they offered me to shake the required amount. The man, of course, got into a fight, I expectedly quickly “calmed” him, and then, at the prompt of the game, I found money in his pockets. The debt has been paid, the quest is closed.

However, an unwitting witness to this scene was an old man who ran to report what he had seen to the authorities. This is unnecessary for us, so I run after him, grab him with the help of a lasso, tie him, drag him to a quiet place, start to conduct an educational conversation. But as soon as the ropes are untied, the old man takes a cannon out of his pocket and starts shooting himself! In response, I try to push him in the jaw a couple of times - although I forget that I still hold the knife in my hands, with which I freed him from the bondage. Grandfather immediately goes to the next world, and they put me on the wanted list. It's good that you can pay off the search ... for the same fifteen dollars that I earned on this business.

The game generates such criminal chronicles with enviable consistency: you can be a three-time decent bandit with good karma, but not a single player is immune from accidental breakdowns in fierce tin. At the same time, Red Dead Redemption 2 does not at all encourage senseless violence: he crushed someone by accident with a horse, in a panic he began to shoot back from representatives of the law - and now a good reward has been appointed for you, and bounty hunters are on the heels.

Throwing them off the tail is not easy: fighting off four enemies, being ambushed on a horse, is incomparably more difficult than killing four dozen opponents during a mission. Aiming on horseback is damn inconvenient, and if you are also in an open place, while the hunters are sitting in shelters, the chances of survival tend to zero. In addition, the system with penalties for crimes restrains aggression much more effectively than the wanted stars from GTA, which he simply removed - and that's it, you live happily on. Here, sooner or later, you have to pay the bills, and it is very annoying to part with the money every time.

You can earn extra money in the game in a bunch of ways, but they all open closer to the middle. In the beginning, you have to literally count every cent, because you want to donate a more powerful cannon, a new horse, and money for the arrangement of the camp. And the easiest way is to loot the bodies of fallen opponents, since sometimes after missions they are lying around in dozens.

But even here Red Dead Redemption 2 shows its harsh realism: very often Arthur is asked to get out of the crime scene as soon as possible, leaving no time for collecting trophies. I thought it was ordinary chatter, but no: in place of a big showdown, it is true that a solid group of lawyers can gallop up.

Self-healing scene with gunpowder refers to To the "survivor"

By the way, about galloping: horses are the most important part of Red Dead Redemption 2. They carry your weapon, pull the hero out of trouble, keep company on long journeys, and in return ask only for care and love. The horse needs to be fed, washed, stroked, calmed when it is anxious - in short, it is not just an analogue of a car made of flesh and blood, but your only true friend. You give the name to it yourself, and each trotter has a loyalty scale that fills up while you ride it, take care and, what is especially interesting, when you take a heavy load off the croup.

As they gain new levels of loyalty, horses improve their characteristics and learn new techniques like kicking in battle. Horses even have their own scale of endurance and health: a tired animal has a high chance of stumbling, and an exhausted one does not at all survive the consequences of a fall. On the contrary, a horse full of health will easily endure a head-on collision with a tree or a jump into a ravine.

Horses differ in their purpose, ease of control and even character. At first I came across a heavy draft horse that easily carried loads like criminals or animal carcasses, but regularly broke its legs on the difficult terrain. Then she was replaced by a cavalry mare: she was not even afraid of bears and, thanks to the thickness of her legs, calmly walked over any bumps, although she did not shine with other characteristics. In the end I got on a racehorse: he was both hardy and fast, he could easily go down the talus or gallop on the rocks. One problem is that he is a rare coward: as soon as he sees a predator, he immediately tries to throw off the rider and run away.

"When we drank the first, it was quiet"

Rockstar has been obsessed with small details over the last decade, and this love has been fully manifested in Red Dead Redemption 2. I will not describe what happened to my jaw when I first entered the forest: I have seen a lot of forests in games this year alone. but not one of them has ever looked so alive and real. It is as if there are no two identical trees in it - at all.

Even at the seventieth hour of the game, I bumped into new remarkable representatives of the flora, which I definitely had not seen in the game before. Here the spruce grows a little at an angle. For some reason, this willow tree decided at some point to grow parallel to the ground, and then changed her mind. This spreading tree on the rock can be seen from a distance, from several kilometers. At any new place, you are guaranteed to get new impressions, and when you get to the swamps, you just want to stop and examine each crown from which the lichen hangs: is it really not repeating itself? But you shouldn't slow down too much: the swamps are full of alligators.

In cities, a similar picture: it seems that houses do not have two identical planks, and in forest huts there are no two identical logs. Every damn flower in the meadow, every bottle in the trash heap, every stagecoach on the road - everything in this game is unique and therefore looks extremely real. And what are the effects of the weather! Sunrises, sunsets, fogs, night sky, clouds around mountain caps, torrential rains - by the end of the passage you can rub a corn on your finger with which you take screenshots.

Red Dead Redemption 2, knowing its strengths, constantly invites you to admire a little more: it blurs the line between the game and the interactive video. There is much more dialogue here than shooting, cutscenes on the engine go into gameplay so seamlessly that they seem interchangeable, and the camera angles were clearly worked by people with experience of camera work in real cinema.

But all this visual feast would not have produced such a deafening effect if not for the sound. The forest is filled with rustles, the meadows are ringing with birdsong, the roads are filled with the creak of carts and the clatter of hooves, cities with voices and footsteps, swamps with croaking and gurgling. The sounds are varied, believable and perfectly positioned: to the sound of water in the fog, you can go to the river, by the grunt of a turkey, you can figure out where it is sitting, and by the sound of a shot, you can understand where the threat is coming from.

As for the music, it perfectly complements the plot. The compositions are different: there are heroic tracks in the style of Morricone, traditional Indian chants, mellifluous hits, light country music, even a jew's harp is available! But whatever sounds in the background, it always works for the atmosphere of the stage. At the key moments, when "just about, now something will happen!", Music sounds that heightens the atmosphere and does not bode well;

The righteous sinner cannot be caught

You might think that wherever you hit this game, you will surely be amazed, but this is still not the case. Shooting in Red Dead Redemption 2 is usual: a kind of hybrid mechanic from GTA V and Max payne 3 adjusted for the 19th century. The amendment is important, because the barrels take an unusually long time to reload, and most of the weapons at the moment of firing are first cocked and only then fired - in a hot firefight, this greatly interferes, especially if you are trying to catch a moving target in the sight. The arsenal is not very diverse: pistols, revolvers, carbines, rifles, shotguns and a bow. You can use throwing knives, tomahawks, machetes, dynamite, and Molotov cocktails.

Hunting turned out to be much more difficult than ordinary battles. In it, it is important not just to overwhelm the beast - you must first find a suitable victim, and then not spoil her skin. If you spot a good deer, you sneak up to him with a bow through the bushes for ten minutes, and then you have exactly one chance to put an arrow in his eye or neck. That's where time dilation comes in handy!

And how to hunt some bear is a mystery to me: he doesn't give a damn about arrows, and a rifle or shotgun will surely spoil the skin. And yes, perhaps the most nervous episode of the game for me is connected precisely with the hunt: never once did my hands shake so much as when I managed to shoot a white puma from a revolver in a dark cave.

As for the human opponents, they behave quite logically: they throw in a crowd when they feel a numerical advantage, and hide if the situation is not so rosy. It's not worth playing Rambo in RDR2: the five attackers will stuff Arthur with lead in just a couple of seconds, so the ideal tactic is to sit in cover, leaning out for a couple of well-aimed shots. The main thing is to make sure that you are not bypassed from the side: the enemies are not fools either.

However, sometimes they act unconventionally. Once, for example, I was lured into a trap: two bandits attacked Arthur on a forest road, but did not succeed and tried to escape, and when I rushed into the thicket after them, I was surrounded by a whole crowd of their colleagues.

Another time I had to fight off the robbers of the carriage: I was chasing them, I seemed to interrupt everyone, but two targets are still visible on the map, and someone is shooting at me, but not a soul is in sight. Well, one of the allies shouted in time: "They are in the trees!" And the truth: the cunning Indians from this gang have climbed into the dense canopy, where you will not see them. How many hours have been played - and then such a surprise!

“This is America. Here love for murderers borders on insanity. "

Violence is one of the key themes of Red Dead Redemption 2. Usually it has quite ... fine-looking, perhaps, forms: a quick death from a bullet, an almost civilized fist fight, a gallows. But sometimes there are moments shocking in their cruelty. A man half-eaten by a bear in the forest. An eerie sculpture made from fragments of human bodies. A mutilated corpse with a hint where to look for the maniac. Frying the prisoner over low heat. The first skinning of an animal is when you realize that the character is actually skinning it. All this should freeze blood in your veins, and it really does freeze. And this does not seem to be violence for the sake of violence: although in places Red Dead Redemption 2 is very cruel, "gunk" is not the essence of the project, but only one of the tools used by the scriptwriters.

Once I met a wounded man on the road and took him to the doctor. I drag it into the office, put it in, he shoves me money in gratitude - thanks, bro! It would seem that everything, the event is over, you can leave - no one keeps me here. But I hesitated, and for good reason: the doctor examines the patient and says that the arm should be amputated.

And then he gets down to work: he injects morphine, puts his hand on the table, puts on a tourniquet, takes out a saw, and, warning me that the sight will be so-so, starts to saw... Slowly and unhurriedly. With very naturalistic sounds. Saws off - in a minute somewhere - and then carefully puts it in a bucket and begins to sew up the incision. To complete the quest, it was enough to put me out the door, and you wouldn't have to draw a whole bunch of complex animations, sounds alone would be enough. But Rockstar went all the way - and got confused.

To implement all such ideas, the authors had to create a cumbersome control system. The same buttons, depending on the context, have different purposes, so the prompts “where to press to make it feel good” are relevant both at the first hour and at the seventieth hour. Sometimes this gives rise to amusing incidents: once I forgot that my weapon was not removed when I came to the police station to communicate with the chief, and accidentally shot him. Oops, it seems that you won't be able to complete the quest today.

But even such funny cases work for the main feature of the game: Red Dead Redemption 2 is the place where things happen to you. stories... And not only in those places where they were inserted in advance by the scriptwriters, but also simply during travel. The most beautiful thing that this game gives is that you do not know what is hidden there, around the corner. Even if you have passed it ten times already, on the eleventh there may be an ambush, the beginning of a quest, a deer of rare beauty or a traveler who needs help ... However, he may not be needed: there is a chance that he is just pretending to rob you ...

This is how, in my opinion, correct open worlds should work. That is why they are so difficult and expensive to make. Indeed, even in those moments where the game deliberately leads by the handle, we are left with room for decision-making. Let's take, for example, one of the first training missions: on the way we meet a bear with a companion. The game says: "Stop, this creature is very dangerous, let's slowly go around it in a wide arc." I answered: "Well, no, I want to shoot her." I take out my gun, make a few shots - the beast runs away. Wow, are they really not rails with one correct answer and the inscription "DEAD" in all the wrong ones ?! A little later in the same training I try to catch a horse, they advise me: "Lure and calm down." "And why lasso?" - I think and take out the rope. It works! Not rails! A living working world!

“You are like a brother to me. And brothers sometimes make mistakes. "

Red Dead Redemption 2 has one purely revolutionary achievement: when you start a quest, you don't know where it will take you. Seriously. You can go on a binge and get caught up in an epic firefight with a bunch of corpses. Go rob the train and at the end sit down to drive it. Go on a robbery of the year and end up grazing sheep. Start communicating with one character and, as a result, be shamelessly interrupted by another. You can just wander around the camp and the quest will start by itself.

At Rockstar, even the most mundane activities turn into interesting quests. For example, on assignment, you have to get drunk with a friend at a bar. Well, what's wrong with that? Then fight some enemy in a drunken shop? No, too easy. How about the character grunts to the point where he sees his bottle buddy instead of other people's faces, and you had to look for him among all these clones? Or, say, the fact that in the morning he will not leave the city along the main street, because literally every dog in the course, what a brawl you made yesterday, and ready to break you on the first number?

The plot is too good to retell the details: there is simply not a single walkthrough mission here - each one stands out with something that will stick in your memory for a long time. The story cuts to the bone, the characters are voluminous, and their problems are close and understandable. The dialogues are excellent: they would no doubt be a decoration and "Dollar Trilogy", and Westerns by Quentin Tarantino.

Together with the hero, you begin to doubt Dutch, worry about the others, feel depressed during failures and a strange devastation after victories. The game is full of existential questions: can you count on redemption if you make a living by shooting people? How long can you trust your commander if he betrays his own ideals in front of your eyes? And, in the end, what kind of freedom of choice is there if your life necessarily rests on one of the scales?

Fistful of dollars

Rockstar's Red Dead Redemption 2 is likely to be one of the major releases of the year.

Another gameplay trailer has recently appeared.

Below is everything you need to know about your next favorite Rockstar game.

Latest news

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Switching Between Characters?

Rockstar has confirmed that there will be no character swapping like in GTA 5.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Art Director Josh Bass arranged for an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, in which he confirmed that players will only control Arthur Morgan throughout the game.

“Attachment to one character was more suited to the structure and narrative of the western,” he explained.

“Arthur lives and fights alongside other members of the Van der Linde gang, and this is a group of fully formed characters who interact with each other and with Arthur, but this story is about Arthur, and we only put the player in Arthur's skin while he and his gang trying to keep up with the rapidly changing world. "

Red Dead Redemption II will only be playable as one character

“We think the players will really enjoy the feeling of being in a gang. We have never done anything like this. "

Rockstar has been pumping hype around the upcoming release of Red Dead Redemption 2 by releasing new posters of its epic western characters.

Periodic updates across all media networks revealed character portraits as well as associated quotes, giving us a hint of how they might relate to the main story of the game.

So far, about 6 characters have received at least some disclosure, and we are sure that their number will increase further.

Their set is eclectic - some are returning, while others are being introduced to us for the first time.

Brief overview

Publisher: Rockstar Games;

The developer: Rockstar Games;

Platforms: Xbox One, PS4;

Genre: Adventure action game.

So far, we know that the game is built on the RAGE engine, which uses character rendering technologies similar to those in GTA 5 - a big step up from the first Red Dead Redemption.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is an upcoming Western-style action adventure developed and published by Rockstar Games, and will be the prequel to 2010's Red Dead Redemption.

Digital Foundry says the engine uses more sophisticated technologies to render in-game characters and effects, which means that players will have a better gaming experience in the end.

The player will control Arthur Morgan, a criminal and member of the Van der Linde gang, from a third (and potentially first) person.

Outlaw Essentials Ocllection

Rockstar has announced a series of new real-world items ahead of the release of Red Dead Redemption 2.

It's called the Red Dead Redemption 2 Outlaw Essentials Collection and will include a number of limited-edition items inspired by the game.

From assorted T-shirts to one-of-a-kind items like a foldable alcohol glass, a Pendleton duvet with the Van der Linde gang and a John Derian decorated glass tray, to name a few.

Rockstar has announced that it will be giving away items through the Rockstar Games Social Club too - so check back there too.

PC release

Red Dead Redemption2 - PC release news?

New rumors have surfaced suggesting that Red Dead Redemption 2 may arrive on PC.

The anonymous Rockstar employee's Linkedin profile previously contained information that Red Dead Redemption 2 was coming to PC.

According to VG247 , the developer has updated their Linkedin with information stating that they are working on a version of the game that will appear on the PC platform.

Last year, when asked if Red Dead Redemption 2 is coming to PC, Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnik told PC Gamer, "Any information about any of our games will come from us only."

But that's not no, is it? More information should be expected before the game launches in October.


Perhaps Red Dead Redemption 2 will have a Battle Royale mode following the insane success of the biggest hits of recent years - PUBG and Fortnite: Battle Royale.

According to leaks received by Trusted Reviews, it looks like Red Dead Redemption 2 will have a Battle Royale mode that has become wildly popular around the world.

According to the files rumored to have received Trusted Reviews last year in August, online Red Dead Redemption 2 will include Battle Royale, Revive and Survive, and Grab the Money modes.

Trusted Reviews word:

Revive and Survive pits two teams against each other as they try to survive. You will have limited time to revive an ally before he dies.

In Grab the Money, two teams fight over bags of money to be picked up from the center of the location. You need to grab them and deliver them to your base as quickly as possible.

Less is known about Battle Royale so far, but given that PUBG-inspired mode kicked off in GTA Online last year, we wouldn't be surprised to see the same western style in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Multiplayer

Another leak from Trusted Reviews also hints that players will be able to explore the open world in multiplayer, which will be much more active and lively than the sandbox of GTA Online.

According to the information, the NPCs will "decorate their shops and leave at nightfall."

Rockstar will reward players for completing certain tasks, something like medals: you can get a reward for passing a certain distance or killing with a bow from a distance of 100 meters, for example.

Players will also be able to create their own modes, and there will be a number of stores offering themselves to players, just like in GTA Online.

Trusted Reviews also reports that a mini-game of poker is likely to be, as well as a mobile app that can run in parallel with Red Dead Redemption 2. It is already under development.

Further leaks received by trusted Reviews claim that the entire campaign and online mode will be available for first-person play (which, again, is logical if you remember that the update for PS4 / Xbox One versions already adds such functionality).

"Eagle Eye will return, with improved abilities, including tracking targets at a distance and determining which fish and animals are available nearby," reports Trusted Reviews.

"The note also talks about Random Events, which will continue the idea of ​​'Oddballs and Other Strangers' from GTA 5. Details are still unclear, but there will be assassination quests, and treasure hunt, and adventure by a mysterious stranger."

The game will have a wanted level, the same as in GTA 5. Trusted Reviews says:

"Attacking passers-by is not considered a felony, while hijacking a saloon and killing will be taken much more seriously."

There is a lot more information available on Trusted Reviews, so if you want to know as much as possible about Red Dead Redemption 2 (including details about the campaign, the world, and more), take a look at their detailed report.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Extraordinary Online Update

So far, we know very little about the online portion of Red Dead Redemption 2, but that doesn't stop Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnik from raving about how gorgeous it will be.

During an investor meeting in August (footage provided by Seeking Alpha), Zelnik, when asked, called the gaming experience "extraordinary" and "unexpected."

“We attribute long-term successGta5 to the fact that the game just captured the minds of the public and set new standards not only for our company, but for the entire industry of what a great game really should be. And it has such a massive online experience. It allows you to do so many different things and it captivates people for so long. And laterRockstar Games continues to add amazingly unexpected content to the game.

So you are right, she exceeded our expectations. Partly due to the fact that when we first releasedGta5 and only cookedGta Online, this was the first time. We,Take- Two, And we,Rockstar Games, have never done anything like this before. We didn't know what to expect. And the pace of this lasting incredible success is new to us, too.

Does this change the way we look at our future projects? Well, of course, yes. But our collective approach, and especially the approachRockstar Gamesis to never steal from others and always exceed expectations. And I believe thatRed Dead Redemption2 will exceed expectations and her online experience will also be extraordinary and unexpected at the same time. And in general, I think all great hits are, by their very nature, unexpected.

So that's the goal. There is a certain level of expectation, both fromRockstar Gamesand from consumers. But our job is to exceed those expectations. And with our fingers crossed, that's exactly what we're going to do. At one time, we could not expect this fromGta5, and now we do not expect the same fromRed Dead Redemption2. So we just work hard and do our best. "

Red Dead Redemption 2 - 5 Things We Want

  1. Online

After the overwhelming success of GTA Online (the multiplayer part of GTA 5), you should have expected Rockstar to at least announce their plans online in Red Dead Redemption 2. We expect something similar to GTA Online: a hand-crafted character separate from the main game character. Expect huge open worlds and tons of multiplayer content.

  1. Plot details

All we currently know about the story is that you will return to the American West and cinematically traverse cities, prairies, forests, and more. Very little is known about the plot itself.

Most likely, the plot will show us the picture even before the events of the original Red Dead Redemption

There is a theory that we will go back in time - before the events of the original Red Dead Redemption 2 - and we will play as John Marston in the days when he was still in the gang (before the donkey with his family). We really want to know more.

  1. Map

When Rockstar released the first trailer for Red Dead Redemption 2, an alleged game map was leaked. It shows the Blackwater zone from the original, heavily modified, including with new zones. There are no railway tracks on the map to the zones from the old game, which hints that the action will take place earlier in time. We would like to know how much larger this version of the world is, and what will be in the new zones added to the game.

  1. Mechanics

Many speculated that thanks to the whole series of characters that were present in the original trailer as a gang, the game will have a mechanic similar to GTA 5 for switching between characters.

It is possible that switching between characters will be available, as in GTA V

Perhaps with the help of the cross, you can choose which of the seven cowboys to play for - and they will all be present in the game at the same time. Sounds logical, as Rockstar has successfully used this mechanic once before.

  1. Exclusive content forPlaystation

There is something about Red Dead Redemption 2 that we know for sure: there is an agreement with Sony for some exclusive online content that will be available to PS4 owners. Most likely it is associated with the online part, which will be similar to the situation with GTA Online - specific Sony and PlayStation symbols are present in the marketing of the game and on its website.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Single Player DLC

In the midst of heated debate on the "death" of singles after EA decided to ditch the idea by shutting down Visceral Games in the process, 2K and Rockstar came out in defense of singles.

“Our company loves single-player games more than anything else, and we believe that multiplayer games cannot be compared to single-player games in terms of storytelling and immersion,” Rockstar Design Director Imran Sarvat told Game Informer.

"In GTA 5, the single player game was just huge and very, very fulfilling."

Sarvar confirmed that the studio would like to work on a wide variety of DLCs for Red Dead Redemption 2. This could also mean that the developer is informing us that despite the insane amount of money GTA Online is making, the studio still wants to make single player games.

This is good news, as Rockstar is known for making some of the best stories: GTA, RDR, and has been praised for their singles.

It could also mean that Red Dead Redemption 2 - which will have an online component, but probably won't claim the same profitability as GTA Online - will receive story DLCs upon release.

On October 26, after eight years of development and a couple of years of waiting for players (Red Dead Redemption 2 was announced in 2016), a monumental Western from Rockstar went on sale. If you are even a little fond of video games and everything related to them, then Red Dead Redemption 2 is absolutely impossible for you to miss. And that's why.

Rockstar - The Beatles from the gaming industry

And this is not an exaggeration. The company, run by the Houser brothers, is best known for the super popular Grand Theft Auto gang series. Their main quality is perfectionism in everything and thorough, meticulous elaboration of the virtual world of their games to the smallest detail. Released five years ago, Grand Theft Auto V seemed like the pinnacle of the gaming industry (it was at the time), but RDR 2 goes further.

In this game, Rockstar lovingly recreated the Wild West of the late 19th century - with prairies, naughty horses, charismatic semi-automatic weapons, noisy saloons and much more. The number of details and trifles is amazing - the main characters hardly overcome the snowdrifts, horses are afraid of shots, every decision during an adventure can lead to consequences in the future. It seems that there has never been such a powerful open world in modern video games.

Rockstar has such an unshakable reputation in the gaming industry that each of their games is a true global event. They, like The Beatles once in music or James Cameron in modern cinema, do not misfire.

Red Dead Redemption 2 will gobble up all your time

We live in an era when it is not customary in the entertainment industries to take care of the free time of the common man. It's hard to find a noisy blockbuster shorter than two and a half hours now, and today's standard for a video game with a single company is 20-30 hours, but maybe much more. Red Dead Redemption 2 is coming 70. Be patient, take time off from work, or just stretch out the fun. The leisurely pace of a Rockstar Western could easily drag on until the end of the year.

The press, which has already passed the game, writes that Rockstar does not even think to follow the player's lead, but constructs the plot and adventures of the main characters according to its own, pre-written script. Red Dead Redemption 2 has a very slow start, a lot of dialogue, a lot of fuss in the open world - from the usual chatter and gunfights to multi-figure tasks and mini-games (there is even washing in the bathroom, fishing and poker!) - and the plot that emerges from gameplay, then the clock is hidden in it. It seems like Rockstar has made the most expensive authoring game ever. But it will definitely appeal to both aesthetes and ordinary players - because it happens with all the games of the company.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is still the premier Wild West game

If you have not played the first Red Dead Redemption, which was released eight years ago, with which the sequel is plotted, then it's okay. The sequel is a completely independent game, in which, of course, there are references to the original, but not excessive ones.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is the story of Arthur Morgan, who is a member of the so-called Dutch gang, which, as befits in the real Wild West, is not afraid to engage in shootouts, easily steals trains and rob banks, and also meets beautiful young ladies in saloons for a glass of bourbon. Rockstar, like many Hollywood directors more than half a century ago, when Western was still one of the main genres of cinema, created not just a game about the Wild West, but a portrait of a passing era. The events of RDR 2 unfold at the very end of the 19th century, which means that an industrial boom has already begun in many US cities, and soon a new era will reach Frontier. The main characters are not afraid to admit this and call themselves the last savages of America.

Of course, Red Dead Redemption 2 is a must-have game for everyone who loves the Wild West, its harsh manners and lawlessness, husky men in hats on a horse with a Colt in their bosom, John Ford Westerns and Sergio Leone's spaghetti westerns. And, despite the fact that today westerns are far from the main genre even in American cinema, Red Dead Redemption 2 is not afraid to look again into a bygone era. After all, there was so much beauty and attractiveness in her.

The plot isn't everything

The current version of Red Dead Redemption 2, which went on sale on October 26, is not all that Rockstar has prepared for players. As in the case of Grand Theft Auto V, soon (there is no exact date yet) the company will launch an online mode in which it will be possible to rob banks and trains in the company of friends.

This move is understandable. Rockstar allows players to fully enjoy the single player company of the game, without haste to go somewhere, collect achievements, save money, feel the game, so that later, with a sense of accomplishment, move online. And there Rockstar promises an unprecedented scale: gang-on-gang skirmishes, shootouts, team missions and much more. Of course, Red Dead Redemption 2 will also have its own "battle royale" - with cowboys and horses. In short, if you think that your relationship with the game will end at the end credits of Red Dead Redemption 2, then you are wrong.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is arguably the best game of 2018, but it's not on PC

Red Dead Redemption 2 is currently the most highly rated game of 2018 in the global press. On review aggregator Metacritic, she has an average score of 97 out of 100 possible. This is one of the highest scores in the history of video games. And, knowing about the achievements and talent of Rockstar, you understand: it could not be otherwise.

Unfortunately for many domestic PC owners, Red Dead Redemption 2 (so far) was released only on game consoles - PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. But, given the history of previous Rockstar releases, the game will definitely appear on the PC, most likely next year. And in the maximum technical splendor - in full 4K, with super-high resolution textures, and possibly with some kind of game bonuses. But if you don't have a game console and don't want to wait, then Red Dead Redemption 2 is just one of those games for which you can buy it or at least borrow it from a friend for a while. And play this outstanding game in tune with the rest of the world.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is out now on PS4 and Xbox One.

No one loves the Westworld more than Rockstar. Just review the trailer below. Golden prairies that stretch far beyond the horizon. The widest valleys, where eagles dominate the sky. Hot deserts, because of which the legendary views of the Valley of Monuments immediately pop up in memory. Rockstar's open worlds have always been packed with great lighting and an incredible focus on detail, and their latest creation looks the best it has ever released.

Red Dead 2 also has a pretty solid foundation underneath. If you are the person who can run GTA V on PC in 4K, then you should know that it is one of the most visually beautiful games of all time. Now think about the fact that this engine has been constantly improving over the years, so to speak, insisted like a good wine, and you will get every chance that Red Dead Redemption 2 will be one of the nicest games when it comes out at the end of 2017. of the year. For now, at least, the trailers point us to a luscious sandbox filled with epic canyons, dense forests and wonderful vistas of the Wild West.

The story of Red Dead Redemption 2 revolves around the gang

If you take a closer look at the infamous art for Red Dead Redemption 2, you will realize that Rockstar did not follow the style of the previous game, which featured mostly only Marston. Instead, Rockstar may point out to us that Red Dead Redemption 2 is focusing on a whole gang of heroes. Rockstar North was able to do a great job with the three main characters, so why would RDR2 not be able to accommodate the seven characters featured in this promo.

Everything that we were able to observe during this time, that is, some scenes in the trailer and all the same promo art, indicates to us that the number of heroes in Red Dead Redemption 2 will be quite large. This will not be unexplored territory for the franchise, since in Red Dead Revolver, which was released back in 2004, we could play half a dozen characters.

Of course, RDR2 won't necessarily let you play for all the "criminals" that are present in this stylized promo art. But at least it looks like the game story will give each of these heroes enough screen time. It would be a real treat for players to be able to switch between this “Magnificent Seven”.

Red Dead Redemption 2 map has already been leaked to the network

This statement looks quite reliable. Earlier this year, the so-called Red Dead Redemption 2 world map was leaked on NeoGaf. Based on the design of the map and the peculiarities of the names of its sections indicated on it, we can assume that this image is in fact a blueprint of the Wild West world, the release of which we expect at the end of 2017.

Take a closer look at the merged image and you can see a place called “The Great Plains”. This particular piece of land was one of the most visually stunning locations in the first Redemption.

The location of the islands and halts shown in the merged map is also quite an interesting topic. Combine them with the canoe image from the trailer and you have the possibility of boating in Red Dead Redemption 2. Inclusion on the map in the form of halts can be mistaken for the fact that the scene of Red Dead Redemption 2 will be much less populated than in the original Redemption. Again, RDR 2 takes place before the adventures of Marston, at a time when the American frontier was still being explored by European settlers.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a prequel ... maybe

The original Red Dead Redemption was literally a sweet love letter for the dying Old West, so it would be strange if the events of Red Dead Redemption 2 took place after the adventures of Marston. In the last game, events took place in 1911-1915, and even during this period, modern civilization began to invade the life of the Wild West; rumors began to circulate of flying cars, or of early cars cruising the cobbled streets of Blackwater.

Based on footage from the trailer for Red Dead Redemption 2, it looks like the world in the game is less advanced than it was in Marston's time. Footage of shabby streets shows old shops and horse-drawn carriages passing by. So it can be assumed that the story will take place before 1911.

If Red Dead Redemption 2 is a prequel, it is possible that we can meet young Marston in it. Since the game's storyline takes its place in the 19th century, it will also allow developers to focus on events that truly solidified the legacy of the Wild West, such as the American Gold Rush of the 1850s. Regardless of the theme, it is unlikely that the events of Red Dead Redemption 2 will take place after 1915. This fact will give Rockstar more leeway to create new content.

Red Dead Redemption 2's multiplayer is definitely inspired by GTA Online

Little is known about Red Dead Redemption 2's multiplayer at this time. On the official site, there is only a statement that a completely new multiplayer experience awaits us. But let's admit that Rockstar simply cannot fail to include developments from GTA Online in RDR2, since this product helped the studio earn more than half a billion dollars in just three years through the constant purchases of game currency by players. GTA Online is an incredible success, something of a money-making machine, so it's unthinkable that Rockstar would not try something similar for Red Dead Redemption 2.

The original Redemption has already been blessed with an awesome multiplayer mode. He was really good, but he was nothing special. What the multiplayer experience for Red Dead Redemption 2 will be remains to be seen. It is possible that it will be the same separate mode as GTA Online. Regardless of his final form, he will be a big deal for RDR2. Half a billion dollars is simply impossible to ignore.

Characters in Red Dead Redemption 2 can be swappable like in GTA 5

The character shot at the end of the trailer for Red Dead Redemption 2 strongly hints that the story will revolve around the gang. If this game turns out to be a prequel to the first Redemption, then the gang could turn out to be Dutch van der Lind's gang. This group is frequently mentioned during many of Marston's reflections. Regardless of your connection with Dutch, it would not be surprising to see the ability to change characters during different missions.

Controlling and switching between multiple characters worked great in Blaine, and the potential of this mechanic fits perfectly into Red Dead Redemption 2. Will Rockstar be strong enough to let you control each of the seven characters featured at the end of the Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer? Purely mechanically, it will be quite difficult. Switching between more than five characters would be just a logical nightmare, but Rockstar might come up with something.

Even if we play as one hero - this character will most likely be the person we saw standing in front of a burning oil field in the trailer for the game, which further hints at the theme of the gang. Remembering those great missions in which you had to switch between Michael, Trevor and Franklin, it would be nice if Rockstar introduced something similar to Red Dead Redemption 2 and we could switch between other cowboys.

Games from Rockstar Games have always been famous for large and detailed worlds. A huge region of the Wild West is available, which, among other things, includes all the locations from the first part of the series. In this guide, you will find a complete high definition map of the game's world, as well as a short summary of the most important locations.

Red Dead Redemption 2 World Map

Even before the game was released, fans were building theories about where Red Dead Redemption 2 would take place. Tellingly, some of them turned out to be true: the world map in the new game really covers the locations from the original, and also gives an opportunity to look at the adjacent areas. Nostalgic people will surely be happy to visit familiar places.

You can download the full high-resolution map of the world of Red Dead Redemption 2 at.

  • Ax - butcher;
  • Cross Bag - Doctor;
  • Sign with a cross - fence merchant;
  • Blank sign - common goods store;
  • Pistol - weapon shop;
  • Bed - hotel;
  • Paper - newspaper seller;
  • Photo camera - photography studio;
  • Letter - mail;
  • Doors - saloon;
  • Mask - show;
  • Horseshoe - stable;
  • Jacket - tailor;
  • The trail of the animal is the hunter.

By default, everything around the player's icon is hidden by fog, so many locations at the beginning of the game are not visible on the map. It will take at least 5-6 hours of real time to open the map completely in Red Dead Redemption. That is why it is useful to have at hand a complete map, which can be found in the file archive of the site.

The game world turned out to be very large, and it covers 5 large regions:

  • Lemoyne;
  • New Hanover
  • Ambarino;
  • West Elizabeth;
  • New Austin.

To help players navigate, Rockstar Games even has a companion mobile app. In it, the player can track the current position of his character, as well as study in-game notes in the journal. Of course, the map is also available in the game menu, but owners of powerful tablets and phones will find the application useful.

Settlements Red Dead Redemption 2

Next, we will consider the most interesting cities, villages and other settlements that the main characters of Red Dead Redemption 2 will visit. For them, you can check the map above, but be prepared that some locations may be blocked until you advance forward along the storyline.

Valentine, New Hampshire: A small town that attracts the attention of all kinds of people. Among them are merchants, farmers, cowboys, gamblers, criminals, prostitutes. Get ready for challenges!

Annesburg Coal mining is a dangerous business, especially when you consider the wages in Annesburg and especially the death rate among workers.

Saint Denis, Louisiana: A key trade route passes through this settlement, followed by thousands of different people. However, it could have been safer here.

Mount Hagen, Massachussets: Snow-covered city located next to the strategically important mountain pass (Beartooth Beck) and the Dakota River. The choice of the location could not have been an accident.

Rhodes: At first glance, this is a peaceful town, but if you look closely, it is difficult not to notice the fierce confrontation between the two families of planters. Be sure that you will definitely become a member of the many intrigues and provocations.

Strawberry: The new mayor is determined to make Strawberry a tourist mecca. The locals, however, do not particularly support the liberal conclusions of their new official. Quite the opposite.

Lagras: You will find this settlement in the Bayou Swamps. People here lead a simple life and try not to get into trouble, which from time to time are arranged by alien bandits.

Dinosaur bones, dream catchers and cigarette cards

Of course, there are many other interesting locations in the world of Red Dead Redemption 2. As always, Rockstar Games filled the environment with various places and even secrets to overflowing.

For example, Dinosaur Bones, Dreamcathers, and Cigarette Cards can be found here and there. For all of them, read the guides on VGTimes!

The article is being supplemented, stay with us.

Other guides

  • Where to find animals and birds in Red Dead Redemption 2 - maps for hunting
  • How to get the best horse in Red Dead Redemption 2: horse breeds, prices, characteristics, how to clean, tame, resurrect and pump a horse
  • Hunting in Red Dead Redemption 2 - how to get the perfect hide, choose weapons for hunting, where to store the skins, where to look for different animals
  • All weapons in Red Dead Redemption 2 - where to find the best revolver, pistol, rifle, carbine, shotgun, sniper, knife and stone hatchet
  • How to improve the camp in Red Dead Redemption 2: how to raise the morale of the gang, increase the capacity of the bag and the supply of food
  • Red Dead Redemption 2 100% Walkthrough - Complete Game Checklist
  • Where to find a pen for Mary Beth, lipstick for Bill, a comic for Jack, and other items for gang members in Red Dead Redemption 2

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