Home Indoor flowers Essay for the anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. “We, the young generation, honor the memory of veterans. The young generation honors the memory

Essay for the anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. “We, the young generation, honor the memory of veterans. The young generation honors the memory

Towards the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.

2015 is associated with a significant date for our entire country - the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. Taking into account the world-historical significance of the Victory over fascism in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, our school joined the work on holding events dedicated to the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. All events dedicated to this date are planned and carried out according to plan. These activities are only part of the school's work system for civic, spiritual, moral and patriotic education. Our school strives to educate a person who loves his small homeland, the country in which he was born. The main task that our teachers set themselves today is to preserve the memory of the heroic deed of the people, to convey to the younger generation the value of life and peace on earth, to familiarize young people with important historical events of our state. We help each student to feel their involvement in the Great Victory and have time to say a personal "thank you" to our veterans. Today's youth must remember at what cost our grandfathers and great-grandfathers defended our freedom. The guys must understand that protecting their homeland is the sacred duty of every citizen of our country. Events associated with the Great Patriotic War go deeper and deeper into history. Passing the baton of memory, showing students the greatness and dedication of the feat of the Soviet people who won the Victory is one of the main tasks of civil-patriotic education. We have been living without war for 70 years and must remember this and keep in our hearts a sense of duty to those who gave us peace and freedom. Low bow to our veterans and home front workers!

"We have enough feats and glory for the rest of our lives."

The Second World War is the bloodiest war in world history, which claimed the lives of millions of people.

The victory of the USSR in it is a huge feat and triumph of the Soviet army, which will forever remain in the memory of posterity. Since the beginning of the school year, the school has been actively preparing for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Pobe dy in the Great Patriotic War. The opening is timed to this date thematic exposition "We have enough feats and glory for the rest of our lives ..." This exposition reflects such events as the Battle of Stalingrad , Kursk Bulge, hoisting the banner of victory over the Reichstag, the 1945 parade on Red Square, the liberation of the peoples of Europe and many others. The initial goal of the exhibition is not only to carry out an educational and informational function, but also to provide the maximum possible emotional impact on the children. The exhibition acquaints children with the most important and unforgettable events of the Great Patriotic War, shows what world-historical significance the victory in the Great Patriotic War has in the history of the development of our country, fosters patriotic feelings on the examples of the heroism of the Soviet army, the courage and courage of the Russian people. Especially for the exhibition, the guys created compositions dedicated to this Great Holiday. Making an absentee journey to the battlefield, the children learn about how bravely Soviet soldiers fought for every meter of their native land. The stand "Kashira is a front-line city" is especially interesting information for the children. The exposition will run until the end of the 2014-2015 academic year.

A solemn event dedicated to the presentation of the anniversary medal "70 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945" to veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers.

Every year our people bow to the great date, although 70 years have passed. Time is not
powerfully consign them to oblivion. There is a memory that will never end. In honor of this great date, on February 10, our school hosted a solemn event dedicated to the presentation of anniversary medals in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.
We understand that for everything that we have, we owe all those who fought, died, survived in those hellish conditions when it seemed that it was impossible to survive. And with a feeling of deep gratitude, we turned on this day to the veterans who saved our people. To the great sorry yu, the system of veterans of the Great Patriotic War is thinning from year to year. In the Koltovsky settlement, today there are only 8 participants in those terrible events. But those living today, especially adolescents, young people, must know their history, keep their memory about the heroes who liberatedthem from fascism to humanity and transfer it and sgenerationeniaa generation.War. ... This is the fearlessness of the defenders of Brest, this is the victory at Stalingrad obtained by fire and blood, this isandd heroes of the Kursk Bulge, this is the storming of Berlin, this is the oath of the Panfilovites: "Not a step back, Moscow is behind us", these are 900 days and nights of besieged Leningrad. Since the significant date May 9, 1945, pr it's been 70 years already, but we remember and know the name of the unit.Many sons and daughters of our land gave their lives for the freedom of their country, for the happy future of their tomkov.

The river of time flows. But even today our veterans, home front workers, children in we remember that terrible day when the huge doors of the war were thrown wide open. It was for them that students in grades 5-9 prepared a touching program with poems and songs about the war. To the accompaniment of military newsreels, the guys danced, sang songs, expressed words with poems gratitude to those who, both at the front and in the rear, forged the long-awaited Victory, one for all. A touching speech about war veterans, home front workers, wartime children was made by the director r of our school, Pichugina Irina Nikolaevna. In her speech, she addressed the ri Great Patriotic War, advice to the tragic pages of the heroic deed people, giving who put their lives on the altar of Victory.

We are proud of the inhabitants of our district aion, vet erans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, cat ora e not regretting seb I'm on the front e and in the rear they brought Victory closer, the memory of the war and the generation of n diners will live forever. The combat path of each participant in the war is a real feat for the sake of life and on the Earth! At the end of the meeting, the song "Victory Day" sounded, which everyone should know, like the history of their country.

"We remember your feat!"

In accordance with the work plan of the Education Department of the Kashirsky administration

the municipal district for the 2014 -2015 academic year in our school passed the 1st stage - school, municipal competition of children's drawingand the poster "Your p We remember the odvig! ", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, whichis involved in the formation of a sense of loyalty to the Motherland, citizenship and patriotism in the younger generation, restoration of historical memory, as well as for expanding knowledge of young people about the history of our country and its rolein the Great Patriotic War. Victory Day for each Dogo Russians - more than a holiday, and over the years, its importance only increases. Marking it, we remember people - commanders and soldiers, nurses who gave their lives in terrible, bloody battles, women and old people, children working in the rear. Victory in the Great Patriotic War showed the whole world not only the power of our weapons, but also the power of the Russian spirit. This Victory is a defining milestone in the history of Russia. This Victory is a memory that unites peoples!

It's great that children, think aboutwar and peace and embody their thoughts in drawings. Many None of the works amaze children beyond their years of adult perception of military topics. Pobechildren of the school stage were awarded with certificates of honor and took part in the 2nd stage - the municipal one.

"We want there to be no war"

On April 15, our school hosted "Merry Starts" among senior students. O opening sports competitions, I addressed the participants with words of greeting,
educator vof the highest qualification category Kudryashova Yulia Vyacheslavovna emphasizing that the sports festival is dedicated to a significant event - the anniversary of the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War! These sportsThe languages ​​are dedicated to our dear veterans and to everyone who did not return from the battlefields, who at the cost of their own lives forged this Victory. And to those who today remain in line with us.

Before the start of the event, 5th grade students read poems about howl not. The program included relay races: "Merry Crossing", "Race of balls in columns", "Team of the swift", "Ball-jumpers", "Planting potatoes", "Running in bag ", "Pyramid" and many others. The teams have prepared slogans and with athletic fervor competed in agility, speed and strength. Competitions about went to uv lectually oh and tense fight. Although the starts are fun, the intensity of passions was on tine serious, because there were many competitions, and everyone wanted to become the best. Little athletes pro-demonstrator Were a great desire to winbe. They supported each other in the most difficult, sometimes hopeless n, situations.

Support groups chanted from the stands "Forward! Forward!" The holiday was fun and dynamic. As a result of a stubborn struggle, the score turned out to be equal. Friendship won! Congratulations to the most friendly and athletic! Today everyone has become a little stronger and more united! Culminating in the event was a dance with flags to the song "Victory Day". At the end of the event, the jury congratulated all the participants of the holiday, wishing them further success and new victories, both in sports and in studies.

To know and remember.

Centuries will pass, and the memory of grateful descendants will never forget the great deeds of people who fearlessly fought against the fascist invaders during the Great Patriotic War for the honor, freedom and independence of their beloved Motherland. Feats
the soldiers who laid down their heads for the Fatherland will live forever in the memory of the people. Songs are composed about them
and legends, poems and poems, books are published. Kashirians, like the whole people, participated in the defeat of the Nazi invaders near Moscow and Stalingrad, in the snow-covered Arctic and on the forest slopes of the Caucasus, near the walls of Leningrad and in the very den of the Nazis - Berlin, they liberated the countries of Eastern Europe from the plague, and essentially the whole world. April 19, 2015, on the eve of the Great Victory Day s, educator Uchambrina Vera Nikolaevna organized a visit to the "Alley of Military S la you" for parents and students of general education
boarding school, to once again recall by name the compatriots of the heroes of the Great World War II, whose names are immortalized there. At the obelisk, the children read poems about the war, laid flowers on the pedestals, and honored the memory of the fallen heroes with a minute of silence. Low bow to the veterans, low bow to the home front workers, low bow to all those who defended our homeland in those difficult years.

"Link between generations"

On April 30, students of our school visited the GAUSO MO "Kashirsky CSO" Care ". For veterans and home front workers of the Great Patriotic War, invalids and elderly people, a festive concert was held, timed to coincide with the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The teenagers were preparing for this meeting.

long ago, learning songs, dances and poems. Never before have the legendary songs of the war years sounded so sincere and heartfelt. It is simply impossible to resist not to sing. The veterans immediately picked up familiar melodies. The holiday of youth and soul was organized by our teachers: Yulia Vyacheslavovna Kudryashova and Olga Vyacheslavovna Rayskaya, and students of grades 5-9. With what gratitude and warmth our dear veterans received the guys! Students' performances were accompanied by soft singing of elderly people. The dance with flags to the tune of "Victory Day" aroused special joy and warmth in the eyes of the audience. Students presented postcards and handmade souvenirs to veterans. How old people need such meetings, how our children need such meetings! The guys got the opportunity to add their own little note to the general festive mood, to say "Thank you" to those who gave us peacetime. It is imperative to talk about the war with children. Victory Day for children should be a real holiday. Awareness of the Great Victory as a celebration, as a holy and historical fact is essential for all of us. Only then will everything be in order with our soul and historical memory. There is not a single person in our large, multinational country with the beautiful name Russia who would be indifferent and indifferent to the May 9 holiday.

"They fought for the Motherland"

Currently, there is a constant need to remember the unfading exploits of the Soviet people, examples of civic duty, to familiarize the children with the origins of the heroism of their grandfathers, to strengthen the living connection between times and generations.
All Yes deeper into historythe events associated with the Great Patriotic War are leaving.

Passing the baton of memory, showing students the greatness and dedication of the feat of the Soviet people who won the Victory is one of the tasks of civil-patriotic education.

On the eve of May 9, each class had Lessons of Courage - "They Fought for the Motherland", "Children of War", "Pioneers are Heroes", "We Remember".

Students with a sense of pride and responsibility read poems about the war. Children's speeches were accompanied by multimedia presentations, in which fragments from documentary and feature films dedicated to the war were shown.

Lessons of courage are part of the school's system of civic, moral and patriotic education. The school seeks to educate a person who loves his small homeland, the country in which he was born. The child should know her history, life and customs. The purpose of these events: to attract children to read books about the Great Patriotic War, to show what world-historical significance the victory in the Great Patriotic War has in the history of the development of our country, to educate patriotic feelings on the examples of the heroism of the Soviet army, the courage and courage of the Russian people.

"Everlasting memory"

The day of celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War is approaching. On May 4, students of grades 5-9 of our school, under the guidance of teachers: Olga Vyacheslavovna Rayskaya and Yulia Vyacheslavovna Kudryashova, skiing, rolling up their sleeves, took part in the cleanup of the monument to the Hero of the Soviet Union Morgunov Sergei N Ikolaevich.

The work was in full swing a. Everyone tried. After all, almost all of us have relatives who fought for victory in the Second World War. If they had not fought in this war, not sparing their lives, we probably would not have seen today's bright and peaceful life. And let our little work be gratitude to the warriors - the victors, who laid down their heads for a bright and peaceful life. We must not forget our heroes, because they gave us life.

The guys washed the monument from dust and dirt, collected old foliage, swept and removed the garbage. Such actions are an important element of patriotic education. After such events, children are more interested in history, remember the grandfathers and great-grandfathers who participated in the war. Lessons of courage and conversations with veterans are of great interest to them. Taking a personal part in cleaning, they will no longer litter the streets or damage monuments.

It is necessary to teach a person to do good as early as possible, from childhood. We do not know who today's schoolchildren will become in the future, workers, engineers, doctors, but we are sure of one thing: they will always do good, because they grow up caring people.

At the end, the students laid flowers at the monument.

Action in memory of "Immortal regiment".

On May 5, 2015, in the city of Kashira-2, the rally "Soldier's Halt" was held, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. The best students of our school took part in this promotion. They carried portraits of the participants in those terrible events under the motto "Immortal Regiment".
Participation in the project implies that everyone who remembers and honors their relative - a veteran of the army and navy, a partisan, an underground worker, a Resistance fighter, a home front worker, a prisoner of a concentration camp, a blockade, a child of war, goes to the streets of the city with his photograph to take part in the parade in the column of the "Immortal Regiment". This is a unique action that allows everyone individually and collectively to preserve the memory of the war heroes who defended our Motherland. This is especially important today, when there are attempts to rewrite and falsify history. Several hundred children, accompanied by school teachers held the all-Russian action "Immortal Regiment", passing in a slender column through the whole city, each of the participants in the procession had a standard with a photograph of his grandfather, grandmother, great-grandfather, great-grandmother, fellow villager -
ika of the Great Patriotic War.
During the procession, residents of the city adjoined the column, they shared the military stories of their families, sang military songs in chorus, including the "Victory Day". Everyone who came to support the participants in the procession could not hold back tears, it was so beautiful and touching event. Every family today remembered the fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers who defended our Motherland. They defended our right to live.

This event is another opportunity to help preserve neniyu
memoryvalor and heroism of the people, as well as patriotic education now and future generations. We must always remember that a new war begins when a generation grows up that has forgotten the previous war. It is our duty to preserve and protect the memory of our heroes! We should be worthy of the feat of our fathers, dfood and great-grandfathers.

“A regiment is marching, an immortal regiment,
The fallen heroes are walking.
Both general and private
In the same ranks now with me.
There is one regiment kicks grandchildren,

With the feet of human memory.

And we look proudly at the heroes,

For those who did not come home.

On those who fought all the war,

I went through the cold, heat and pain,

So that you and I live in peace,

We went to parades, not to battle.

Do not defeat the people who are so

From year to year, together with the fallen heroes

The world carries the planet.

And the regiment will march for centuries,

As long as the memory in us is alive

As long as we remember the heroes

An invincible regiment.

A regiment is marching, an immortal regiment.

The fallen heroes are silent, but it seems

Risen again - they walk in the same ranks with me. "

"To the native obelisk - the care of the young!"

Every year, the menacing forties are leaving us farther and farther away. New ones grow
generations of boys and girls who know little about the events of one of the terrible tragedies of the 20th century - the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. And the only thing that prevents the changed generation from forgetting about those heroic events is human memory. The great meaning is contained in the word "memory". And he is addressed not only to the past, but above all to the present and future. There are events in the history of our country that are destined to live forever in the memory of generations. The volleys of the Great Patriotic War have died down long ago. Happiness was won at a high price - to live and work under a peaceful sky.
Time passed, but the scars of war remained. Along the roads and river crossings there are
sacred places for us, where heroes who gave their lives for victory, for the freedom of our Motherland sleep in eternal sleep. Memorial complexes, places of
battles are marked with obelisks. Monuments with red stars keep the names of the fallen soldiers. There are many monuments and obelisks on our Kashira land. They urge us not to forget about the tragedy of war. People come here to express their sorrow, love ov,

thanks to the soldiers who protected Homeland. They will remain alive in our memory forever. Our guys have become caring owners of the monument to the soldiers of fellow villagers who died in the battles for the Motherland 1941-1945. in the village of Umryshenko. Monument cleaning, flower care and wreath-laying in memorable dates - several generations of teachers and students of our school have been engaged in all this. With the onset of spring, we plant flowers, water the flower beds, and remove garbage. We do everything in our power. But this is just a small contribution to this honorable cause. We will preserve this good baton of caring for our monument for future generations, because caring for the obelisk to our perished compatriots, which is located at from school is our civic duty and duty. We think that the young generation should be able to sympathize not in words, but in concrete deeds. We, the descendants of those who fought and looked death in the face, we must remember this unfading feat and pass on to the next generations respect for fortitude, courage and selfless love for our Fatherland. On the eve of May 9 - Victory Day, students of our school participated in the solemn laying of flowers at the monuments to the soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War, and honored the memory of the fallen with a minute of silence.

We stand at the obelisk Next to the red star. And sparks sparkle in the sky Like our battle salute. May will be the dawn of victory It will rise above the ground again Our grandfathers gave their lives And our turn comes. Our life is unique But they are for you and me Autumn, summer, spring, winter Forever put into battle. And when we look in faces From photographs of those times Blaze like lightning Millions of their names.

"Let us bow to those great years"

Let's bow to those great years

To those glorious commanders and soldiers,

And to the marshals of the country, and to the rank and file,

Let us bow down to both the dead and the living ...

The anniversary of the Great Victory leaves no one indifferent. The realization of the fact that someone sacrificed youth, sacrificed life makes you look differently at the world around you. And the thought that he is fragile makes us appreciate him with greater force, with great respect for those who have preserved this world at the cost of inhuman efforts ...

By a long tradition warmly and solemnly on May 7, a festive concert was held at our school for veterans, home front workers and all those who, because of this war, did not know a happy childhood, dedicated to Victory Day. On this sunny day, veterans of pedagogical work, who have devoted their entire lives to our school, became the guests of honor of the event. Students greeted witnesses of the brutal war with flowers and warm words of gratitude. For them, teachers and students prepared a literary and musical composition. Poems, ballads, songs and dances of the Great Patriotic War sounded from the stage for dear guests. The concert was accompanied by a slideshow of military events. Moved to tears

the audience, a speech by the educator Kudryashova Yu.V. with a poem by M.V. Isakovsky "Russian Woman", about the great feat of Russian mothers, sisters and wives who remained in the rear during the Great Patriotic War. On this day, an amazing atmosphere of warmth and national unity reigned. Our dear veterans received the performances of the guys with gratitude and warmth. Each song was accompanied by soft singing of elderly people. With tears in their eyes, the veterans recalled everything that had happened many years ago that day. A solemn and painful minute of silence was honored in memory of those who did not live to this day, having given their lives for our peacetime. How old people need such meetings, how our children need such meetings! The guys got the opportunity to add their own little note to the general festive mood, to say "Thank you" to those who gave us peacetime. In conclusion

of the concert, the director of our school Pichugina Irina Nikolaevna congratulated the audience on Victory Day, on behalf of all grateful descendants wished the veterans and children of the war health and long life on a peaceful land, and also thanked them for the feat of Victory and subsequent labor in restoring destroyed cities and villages. She expressed her gratitude to teachers - veterans for their contribution to the education and training of the younger generation in the post-war period and during the revival of the country. The heroes were presented with flowers and small gifts, after which everyone was invited to a tea party. A feeling of gratitude overwhelmed all the participants in the festive concert. Once again, we congratulate our veterans on Victory Day and wish them good health and long life!

Victory Day May 9 - A holiday of peace in the country and spring. On this day we remember the soldiers Those who did not return to their families from the war. On this holiday we honor grandfathers, Who defended their home country To the people who gave Victory
And who returned us peace and spring!

X All-Russian Competition named after Vladimir Mezentsev "Young Journalists of Russia".

Nomination - "Sketch".

Participant - Diana Rakhmangulova.

On May 9, 1945, the Great Patriotic War ended. 1418 unbearably long and terrible days this bloody battle lasted. Our ancestors fought not just for Victory, they fought for the future world in which we now live, for life, past, present and future. We owe this life and freedom to our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers. It is to them that we say thank you not only today, but every day.

Every year there are fewer and fewer veterans who courageously and heroically went through all the hardships and hardships of wartime. The only thing we can do for the heroes of the Great Patriotic War is to honor and sacredly preserve the memory of their truly great Victory. By passing on these bitter memories to our children, we are building a world without war in the future.

On Victory Day, the Immortal Regiment will march through the streets of many Russian cities. Anyone can take part in this solemn event. The Roshchino school did not stand aside. On May 9, a column of people will also be held in Roshchino, who will carry portraits of their relatives, participants in that war. A huge number of photographs have been collected for this action. After all, we must know the faces of the defenders of our Fatherland. Grade 9 "A" became the "record holder" in terms of the number of photographs collected at the Roshchino school. There are 14 portraits in their office. The class teacher Nadezhda Vladimirovna Pakhomchik spent a class hour dedicated to Victory Day, where children proudly talked about the life of their ancestors.

Sparing no effort and time, the guys were looking for information about their relatives. So, Anastasia Kushvintseva and her mother approached the Ministry of Defense with a request for information about her mother's great-grandfather. They managed to find out that Nastya's great-grandfather, Khabibulin Gilmitdin Khaibulovich, served as a mortarman on the 1st Belorussian Front. Despite the injury, he reached Berlin. For bravery and courage he was awarded many medals.

Our ancestors possessed tremendous fortitude and courage. Being very young boys and girls, they went to the front without fear. Great grandfather Christina Varfolomeeva Sergachev Alexander Nikitich, and great-grandfather of Arina Kostsova Lyashov Ivan Ivanovich, met the war at the age of 18, and great-grandfather Victoria Okuneva , Yanzakov Galimula Zainulovich, went to the front as a volunteer when he was only 17 years old. By the will of fate, these brave youths spent their young years sitting in the trenches and fleeing from the incessant fire.

Many of those who took part in the hostilities were seriously injured. But they stubbornly rushed to the battlefield to help their comrades, ignoring the bloody bandages. Great grandfather Ekaterina Stolbushkina, Markin Ivan Petrovich, died defending the Brest Fortress when he was 21 years old. Another great-grandfather of Katya, Vlasov Nikolay Andreevich, was mortally wounded by a German shell when he was at a night watch. Great grandfather Anastasia Kokorina , Georgiy Georgievich Nasonov, was wounded three times, was captured, but after all the trials he returned to duty, continuing to carry out military service.

There were also those who did not participate in the battles, but were in constant combat readiness. Tatyanenko Grigory Ivanovich, great grandfather Irina Tatyanenko, twice drafted into the Red Army. He spent the beginning of the Second World War on the "Turkish border", then served in the Far East as the first number of a machine-gun crew.

- My great-grandfathers Stasyuk Petr Sergeevich and Shorsky Timofey Osipovich are for me an example of true resilience, love of life and dedication and, - says Ivan Gromak with great enthusiasm. “Listening to stories about their lives, I understand what courageous people they were, combining amazing courage and extraordinary diligence. To go through the Patriotic War is a huge feat that requires eternal memory and honor. And I remember this!

Another 9th grade student, Daria Ivanova, spoke about her relatives.

- Two of my great-grandfathers took part in the war, Glukhikh Ivan Pavlovich and Bocharov Boris Pavlovich... My ancestors worked and fought for us to live in a free and great country. They are heroes of the Great Patriotic War, they are my heroes, and I am proud of them!

- We live in a peaceful, happy time. If not for their heroism, courage, fortitude, courage, patriotism, then we would not exist. One of these heroic people was my great-grandfather, Sergachev Alexander Nikitich... He fought in tank units. During the battles, my great-grandfather was seriously injured, burned in a tank, so he did not live long after the war, he was only 38 years old. I am proud of my great-grandfather and will always remember him, - says with pride Christina Varfolomeeva remembering him.

After a hundred or even a thousand years, nothing will be forgotten. After all, without memory of the past, there is no future. “War cannot change the world. War is treason to the whole world, ”wrote L.S. Sukhorukov. Indeed, the victims of war will forever remind us of its destructive power, so that we do not try to build our world on the bones of people. Ask your great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers: war is a terrible time that no one likes to talk about. This is probably the worst thing that can happen to humanity. Therefore, the memory of the war remains forever in human hearts in order to protect them from similar mistakes. We will always honor those who won a great Victory for the world.


Municipal general educator new institution

Roshchinskaya secondary general education Naya school, grade 10

The work was prepared Shobanova Daria Valerievna, born in 1992, 2nd year student of VSTGU.

Human memory forever remembers cute

Fathers, husbands, loved ones, sons,

She cannot forget a soldier of war,

That they gave their lives to their homeland.

Once again, a great holiday is approaching - the 67th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. On this day, our hearts will beat in a special way. Let us bow low and pay our respects to the veterans who have survived to this day. First of all, let's remember the fighters who gave their lives in the fight against the enemy. And it is very important that these memories do not disappear into oblivion, but remain forever for us, descendants. I would like to tell you about my grandfather - Dryanov Philip Vasilievich.

His fate, like all life, is interesting, unusual, full of life trials. For me, my grandfather has always been and remains the most dear person. Everyone in the family respected and loved him. Although I do not remember my grandfather at all, I know from the stories of my relatives that he was a good person. He was strict, but not angry. He never raised his voice to his wife, always worried about his children.

Dryanov Philip Vasilievich was born in the village of Urlyk, Kyakhta aimag in 1920. He came to the village of Sugar Factory after the Great Patriotic War. All his life, grandfather had a reputation among the people around him as a hardworking and honest person. A lot of grief and suffering fell to his lot, but he valued life and strove to live. His companion was a simple country girl Domna Prokopyevna. They created a large and friendly family in which six children grew up and were brought up - Elizaveta, Boris, Sergey, Anatoly, Konstantin, Zoya. Boris, unfortunately, is no longer alive. Philip Vasilievich and Domna Prokopyevna tried to help all their children. They were sympathetic people, modest and strict, and it could not be otherwise.

I learned that my grandfather was in captivity when I was still very little. Then I did not attach any importance to it. Now, having already matured, a lot becomes clear to me. Capture and capture of the enemy is an inevitable historical factor in any war. This topic is extremely delicate and subtle. It concerns the honor and dignity of a person who has experienced all the hardships, humiliation and horrors of fascist bondage.

Grandfather's memory did not preserve the names of the camps where merciless fate had thrown him. Three trophy cards, from three camps in which he was, retained few details. The first was a prisoner of war camp in Telny. Since 1942, the grandfather with other prisoners was transferred to the Aachen camp, where he remained until October 1944. After the opening of the second front, grandfather was released and on May 9, 1945, on Victory Day, he was enrolled in the sapper unit No. 708 of the separate sapper battalion, where he served until 1946.

In the post-war years, they even avoided talking about captivity with each other. It was such a delicate topic that some of the war veterans who were in captivity kept this secret for many years, although they were rehabilitated. Grandfather did not always talk about it. This is what my aunt, the eldest daughter Elizaveta Filippovna, recalls: “Father never recalled those terrible years.

Even if they just asked about the war, how it was, the father cried and was silent. The family tried to avoid talking on this topic. It was very difficult for him, it was hard to say anything about that terrible ordeal. And we all not only loved our father, but also respected. We learned that my father had gone through all the hell of captivity from the book by Nelly Dmitrievna Korobenkova "The Black Wing of Captivity." It was necessary to keep and experience everything in secret! Everyone cried, it was a pity for my father. So he died with this pain in his heart.

I remember my father as a strict man, but not evil. He helped almost everyone to build their houses. And it’s not so easy. We decided to build a house in the fall. But there was a hitch: they built the house to the floor, but the master refused. So the father went silently, found another master, and the house was completed on time. I didn’t like to postpone planned cases for a long time ”.

And here is what my mother, Zoya Filippovna, remembers: “My father was a very emotional person. I always reasoned: this is why this war? How much grief do wars bring to any person? After all, God alone knows what the Russian people had to go through: soldiers, wives, mothers, old people, children. "

I completely agree with the reasoning of my grandfather. There is no place in human life for fascism and any of its manifestations, this should not be allowed. An example for me is my grandfather, who all this time carried a load of sadness, humiliation, grief. I believe that today's youth are not very well brought up by their parents. The main thing is to teach children to work, take care of them, their health, instill in them love and respect for their parents. And the children themselves need not only to be loved, but also taken care of.

I believe our family is actually unique and simple at the same time. My grandfather and grandmother, aunts and uncles, parents withstood the hardships of life and lack of money. Indeed, in the post-war hard times, they worked for workdays on the collective farm, they did not know how much and what they earned. They were not afraid to work during perestroika, when they were not paid for work and pensions were not paid. They are not afraid of difficulties and at the present time economic crises, they believe that the main thing is to work. Don't sit around.

They will live worthy of their grandfathers in other times, as they are accustomed to work and this work is in the blood of the Dryanov family. All the children in my grandfather's family are hard-working: Elizaveta Filippovna worked all her life on the Rassvet collective farm as a milkmaid, now she is a good housewife, my mother works as a salesman in a store. Sons Konstantin and Anatoly live in Bichura, son Sergei lives in the village of Pokrovka, there was also a son Boris, now deceased. There are six children in total. The family is very large, there are many children and grandchildren. Up to one hundred and fifty relatives gather at significant family holidays. Many grandchildren of my grandfather studied well in our school. Now I'm studying, my granddaughter, Daria Shobanova.

I believe that the main thing in the modern world is to gain knowledge, live like a human being and remain human until the end of life, help people, benefit the state and society. In the meantime, my main task is to study. Now I am in 11th grade, and soon the time will come to choose my own path, my path in life. I will try not to let my relatives down.

Years pass, but the wounds of people somewhere out there, in the chest, do not heal. And they still have the same dreams: how they shoot and kill, how they get wounded, how they are taken prisoner, how they starve. If only it could be erased from memory!

How nice it would be if grandfather was alive now. I would have found many questions for him, the answers to which are interesting not only for me, but also for the history of our village. After all, people who were in captivity are different from people who fought at the front. There is a lot of mystery in them. In such people there is a lot of strict wisdom and at the same time kindness, life experience and fierce intransigence to the unjustified cruelty that my grandfather once experienced on himself.

Philip Vasilievich died on February 21, 1996. I and my family now live in his house. Life goes on.

We, the young generation of Russia, will always remember the heroic deeds of our people during the Great Patriotic War. The names of the heroes who gave their lives for our future will forever remain in our hearts. We will never forget those who, not sparing their lives, won freedom and happiness for future generations. Victory Day is one of the holiest holidays for all of us. It is very important that young people represent the greatness and significance of this Victory.

In this photo, war veterans and home front workers of the Sewing Factory village celebrate the 45th anniversary of the Great Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Dryanov Philip Vasilievich among the participants.

As long as we remember our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, the heroic deed of the heroes will live on ...


teacher of Russian language and literature Kolodezhnaya G.L.

MOU Bichurskaya secondary school №5

The Great Patriotic War will forever remain in the memory of our people as the greatest test of courage, the greatest tragedy. For all the numerous peoples of the former USSR, that harsh war became just, sacred and national. And it was not for nothing that it was called the Great Patriotic War. Imposed on us from the outside, it was a real test for the strength of a multinational state, for the strength of the patriotic spirit of our people. And he passed this difficult test with flying colors.

Literally from the first hours of the war, millions of Soviet people took up arms. Workers, collective farmers, intelligentsia, the population of many cities and villages, including the inhabitants of the Lyubanschina, rose to defend their Motherland. Partisan detachments and underground organizations were created behind enemy lines. On the fronts and on the seas, the Red Army and the Navy put up a worthy rebuff to the Nazis. Along with men, women, old people and even children took part in that harsh battle. Suffering huge losses, the Soviet people courageously confronted the enemy. Their motto was the words "Our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, Victory will be ours!" And therefore, feats were accomplished, equal to which history did not yet know. With unparalleled courage and perseverance, our Luban residents defended Minsk, Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad and other cities of the Soviet Union shoulder to shoulder with representatives of different peoples of our country. They liberated our regional center, expelled the invaders from the Belarusian land, went on a liberation campaign in many Western European countries, and stormed Berlin.

For three years, the flame of a nationwide struggle against the German fascist invaders blazed on our Luban land. The Minsk underground regional committee of the CP (b) B and the OK LKSMB, the Lyuban underground district committee of the KB (b) B and the RK LKSMB, the Lyuban regional executive committee operated on the territory of the district. To organize the fight against the enemy, the chairman of the district executive committee Andrei Stepanovich Luferov, the head of the inter-district department of the NKGB Evstrat Denisovich Gorbachev, the head of the district police department Nikolai Ermakovich, the director of the Zhaly state farm Alexander Kalganov, chairmen of the village councils Stepan Karneev and Afanasy Prushak many other communists.

On the island "Zyslov", where the headquarters of the partisan formation of the Minsk region were located, an airfield was equipped, which received aircraft from the mainland, supplied forest soldiers with weapons, ammunition and medicines, delivered children and the wounded to the rear. In the partisan zone, the republican newspapers "Zvyazda" and "Chyrvonaya Zmena" were printed, the regional newspaper "Klich Radzimy" was published.

The heroic page in the history of the region includes the exploits of the communists, Komsomol members and non-union youth of the Lyuban region, including the glorious combat deeds of the Heroes of the Soviet Union, Sergeant Major Zakhar Grigorievich Lyshchenya, Colonel Dionisy Silvestrovich Narutsky, Private Pavel Romanovich Aleinikov, Knight of the Order of Silentlavovich of all three degrees and Sergeant Karl Stanislavovich Kurkevich.

They bravely fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, defended their land in partisan detachments, worked approximately in the Soviet rear, bringing Victory Day closer, former front-line soldiers and partisans, currently living in the Lubansk region - guard foreman A.A. Bezbarodko, senior lieutenant N.I. Braginets, private A.P. Vorobiev, sergeant N.P. Dorozhko, lieutenant colonel S.I. Isaiko, senior lieutenant L.A. Ioksha, junior sergeant M.T. Kasko, colonel M.I. Morgalov, sergeant V.G. Mohart, captain I.A. Muraveiko, senior sergeant N.F. Svinkovsky, private P. T. Trambitsky, junior sergeant I.A. Trukhan, private N.M. Fedorchuk, major V.N.Shaplyko, private A.M. Khralovich, home front worker V.V.Savina. All of them were awarded numerous orders and medals for their military deeds, they earned the respect and gratitude of their fellow countrymen for the shock and selfless work in the post-war period.

Today 203 veterans of the Great Patriotic War live in the region. Unfortunately, every year there are fewer and fewer of them. Just 14 years ago, there were almost fifteen hundred veterans in the Lyuban region. But the years, injuries, illness and age make themselves felt. So those who defended the Motherland leave our lives forever, leaving behind their descendants the fruits of their selfless labor and the military glory gained on the battlefields. Among these heroic people are our respected fellow countrymen, Heroes of Socialist Labor, honorary citizens, participants in the parade on Red Square in Moscow, heads of enterprises, collective farms, state farms, teachers, professional soldiers and people of various other professions.

Today we also proudly remember those who will never return: a participant in the partisan movement in the Lubansk region and front-line soldier A.A. Klyubko, awarded the Order of Glory of the third degree, medals "For Courage", "For the capture of Berlin", "For victory over Germany ”, And in peacetime awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor; participant in the defense of the cities of Bobruisk, Mogilev, Kharkov, Varonezh and Moscow, senior sergeant S.R. »And others, who later became a participant in the Victory Day parade on Red Square in Moscow; a participant in battles on the Leningrad, Stalingrad, steppe, first, second, third and fourth Ukrainian fronts, Major S.S.Raschenyu, awarded the Orders of the Patriotic War of the first and second degree, the Red Star, the Badge of Honor and others; member of the defense of Moscow, the liberator of such Belarusian cities as Krichev and Mogilev FN Statkevich, awarded with medals "For Courage", "For Military Merit", "For the capture of Konigsberg", and in 1950 he was awarded the highest labor award - the title of Hero of the Socialist Labor; Chevalier of the Hammer and Sickle gold medal, three Orders of Lenin and three Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, the Orders of the October Revolution, the Badge of Honor, the Red Star, the Great Patriotic War of the second degree and the medal For Courage, the chairman of the famous collective farm "Red Zmena" Kuzm Ivanovich Shaplyk and many others.

Over the years, the echo of the terrible war years is getting more and more distant. But the fact that we return again and again to those 1418 most tragic and greatest days and nights that the Soviet people had to go through is the invariable joy of the victory they won. And that sorrow, that immeasurable bitterness of loss, which was paid for it. For more than 27 million Soviet people gave their lives for the happiness of living under a peaceful sky.

But nowhere was there so much destruction and misfortune as in the Belarusian land. In the fight against the Nazi invaders, every third inhabitant of pre-war Belarus died. Our Lubanschina lost about nine thousand defenders of the Fatherland as dead and missing. In addition, 27 villages were burned down. Many children were left orphans and women were widows. Today it is difficult to imagine what would have happened if it had not been possible then to protect our land from the brown plague of fascism.

Every year on May 9, in the region, in the city of Lyuban and on the famous island of Zyslov, solemn events dedicated to the Great Victory Day are held. On this day, the administrative and executive authorities, together with the public, honor the war and labor veterans, pay them tribute and respect. Dozens of garlands, wreaths and fresh flowers are placed on this day on the pedestals of the monuments and obelisks of those who laid down their lives on the altar of the Fatherland.

Glory to you, brave, glory, fearless,

The people are singing eternal glory to you,

Those who lived valiantly, who crushed death,

Your memory will never die.

Yes, it is rightly sung in the song that Victory Day is a holiday with tears in our eyes. To a pain in our hearts we understand the tears in the eyes of soldiers' mothers, widows, prisoners of fascist concentration camps, former soldiers, underground fighters and partisans. And therefore, the perpetuation of the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland and the victims of the war, the improvement of military graves is a sacred duty and a matter of conscience of the current government and each of us. In the region, the certification of all known military graves has already been carried out, work continues on their improvement. In 2008, a military grave on the Zyslov Island was reconstructed, during which new tombstones were installed and the adjacent territory was equipped.

And in the current 2009, the leadership of the regional executive committee allocated funds for the further improvement of this burial. Subbotniks are being held to streamline the places of military burials on the territory of village councils with the active involvement of labor collectives and school students. In total, in recent years, 133 military graves have been taken into account in the Lyuban region, in which 2350 defenders of the Fatherland are buried. The largest of them, where the ashes of 296 soldiers and partisans are buried, is located on the island of Zyslov.

Our task is to continue our search work, to protect the places of eternal rest of the heroes, to prevent the facts of vandalism, to honor the bright memory of those who died defending our Motherland. And the participants in the wars and the families of the dead servicemen need to be provided with constant moral and financial assistance.

Over the years of peaceful creative labor, our land has been renewed and prettier, new cities and villages have arisen from ruins and ashes. Our Lyuban has also changed beyond recognition. From year to year it becomes more beautiful and attractive. Monuments were erected to A.F. Bragin, internationalist soldiers who died in the Republic of Afghanistan, war veteran, Hero of Socialist Labor K.I. Shaplyko.

A new generation of youth has grown up under a peaceful sky. It did not know the hardships and hardships of the war years, did not hear the whistle of bullets and the roar of artillery cannonade, although it also does not live in a simple time, a time of changes, economic crises. Unfortunately, many young people are less and less interested in and remember the deeds performed by their grandfathers and great-grandfathers in the name of the living. In the West, and in some places in the countries of the former USSR, it has already become fashionable to openly falsify facts and events concerning the Second World War, to throw mud at the Soviet period of the development of society. Falsifiers direct their informational blow primarily at young people. It is not surprising that conscripts have appeared who are taking the path of evading the appearance at the recruiting station to undergo a medical commission and be drafted into the ranks of the Armed Forces, which has never happened before.

Patriotism is the foundation of courage, valor and glory. Today one of the main tasks is to educate young people in the spirit of loyalty to the combat and labor traditions of the older generations. The population of our area has always had a strong patriotic spirit. This was shown by the Great Patriotic War, as well as the post-war period of the economic development of society. Only in the Lubansk region, the title of Hero of Socialist Labor was awarded to 18 people. And one became a full Knight of the Order of Labor Glory. Soldiers-internationalists, who have fulfilled their military duty with dignity, serve as an example. A great deal of work in the patriotic education of the population and youth is carried out by the collectives of workers of the Luban State Museum of People's Glory, the editorial office of the newspaper "Golas of Lyubanshchyna", the district military commissariat, state educational institutions, etc.

Belarus is a peaceful country. She does not rattle her weapons and is not going to attack anyone. This is evident from the constant statements of the President. Our country is an independent state, the main goal of which is to ensure progressive development, stability, security, building a strong and prosperous Belarus.

Our fathers and grandfathers gave their lives for the freedom and happiness of future generations. In the year of the 64th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War and the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders, we must remember this, honor the memory of our heroes and do everything so that the war on our native land will never happen again.

F. RASHENYA, former chief specialist in social protection of the Luban district military enlistment office. Golas Lyubanshchyny. 2009 No. 70

On the Day of Memory and Grief, deputies of the Moscow City Duma laid wreaths and flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Alexander Garden and at the monument to Marshal G.K. Zhukov. The ceremony was attended by veterans of the Great Patriotic War, members of the Moscow Government, representatives of public organizations, youth associations and patriotic clubs.

Chairman of the Moscow City Duma, UNITED RUSSIA faction:

“Dear Muscovites, dear veterans!

On this tragic day for our history, we pay tribute to the memory of the soldiers who died for their Motherland during the Great Patriotic War. Deep sorrow for the lost fills our hearts ...

Today we, grateful descendants, are proud of the heroism of the brave, courageous sons, devoted to their Fatherland, who saved our country and the whole world from fascism.

Our sacred duty is to preserve and pass on from generation to generation the truth about the most terrible war XX century, about the courage and selfless service to our Motherland of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, about the great feat of the people. Everlasting memory. Low bow. "

Deputy Chairman of the Moscow City Duma, UNITED RUSSIA faction:

“Today we bow our heads before the blessed memory of those who died in battles, tortured in concentration camps, who died during the bombing and shelling of compatriots, people of all nationalities and countries that suffered from the fascist aggressor. Our people withstood terrible trials, showed heroism and fortitude, so that peace would come to the whole earth, so that future generations would live happily in a free and powerful country. This day personifies the power and greatness of ordinary people, who rallied and defended their homeland in a difficult hour. We grieve for everyone who did not live to see the Great Victory Day. Eternal glory and eternal memory to those who died during the Great Patriotic War! "

Deputy Chairman of the Moscow City Duma, KPRF faction:

“This day is a reminder of all the victims, including my parents. According to official figures, the war claimed the lives of 27 million Soviet citizens. Those killed at the front and in the rear, tortured in captivity and died of hunger, cold and hardship - no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. Low bow and eternal memory to our compatriots, who gave their own lives for their country, for freedom and peace, for each of us. We must remember history and must not allow such bloodshed again.

Unfortunately, children and young people today know very little about this war. It is unacceptable. I believe that at the state level it is necessary to pay as much attention as possible to the theme of the Great Patriotic War, the history of the heroic deeds of our country.

The theater "Commonwealth of Taganka Actors", which I head, constantly hosts performances on a military theme. This is our personal contribution to the moral and patriotic education of the younger generation. Especially for this date, we have timed the showing of the play "4 Toasts to Victory". This one of the few productions based on poems, songs and letters of the war years.

For me, June 22 is not only the Day of Remembrance and Mourning, but also a warning against the return of Nazism. In connection with the events taking place in Ukraine, this date acquires special significance today. "

Representative of the Moscow City Duma in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member of the Moscow State Duma Commission on Culture and Mass Communications, UNITED RUSSIA faction:

“June 22 is a tragic and sacred day in the history of our country. As our veterans say, he marked the border between love and blood. There is a unique edition - "Children's Book of War", made up of heartbreaking children's records of the war years. Open it, and you will come closer to understanding this "border". The book contains the following lines: "A war is easy to start, but difficult to stop." The values ​​of freedom, faith in our country, love for the Motherland, for which the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War fought, unite us today. They will always be our spiritual and moral support, the guarantee of the power and prosperity of Russia.

Low bow to the front-line soldiers, home front workers for their heroic deed. Eternal memory to the departed defenders of the Fatherland and good health to our dear veterans. "

Chairman of the MHD Commission on Social Policy and Labor Relations, Chairman of the Moscow Federation of Trade Unions, UNITED RUSSIA faction:

“Let the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow remind everyone once again how important it is to keep the peace that our ancestors inherited so hard, and how dear those people who are with us today. Low bow and eternal memory to the heroes, defenders, fathers and mothers who paid with their lives for the peace and salvation of the Motherland! We love, we remember, we grieve.

On the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, together with fellow deputies MHD, members of the Moscow Government, representatives of veteran, children's, youth and public organizations laid wreaths and flowers at the Eternal Flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Alexandrovsky garden at. We honored the memory of millions of those who died with a minute of silence ...

Years and decades will pass. But the memory of those who defended our country, our beloved city, our fallen compatriots who defended the eternal fire of life will forever be alive! "

Chairman of the MHD Commission on Legislation, Regulations, Rules and Procedures, UNITED RUSSIA Faction:

“In the life of many nations, as well as of individuals, there are days that seem to freeze time, make them postpone everything of the moment and think not only about their personal fate. This is the day of June 22 for us - the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow. There are few witnesses of that tragic Sunday of 1941 left among us, but we, who were born and raised under a peaceful sky, remember and feel everything that the "black fascist power" brought to our land ...

Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky wrote the poem "I was killed near Rzhev" after the war, with tremendous force passing on the brotherhood of all the living and the dead. And this amazing feeling lives in us to this day, and as long as it lives on, our memory and sorrow for the departed will be the source of our strength and our truth. Moreover, right now, more than ever, we need both strength and truth. "

Chairman of the MHD Commission on Urban Economy and Housing Policy, UNITED RUSSIA faction:

“As long as Russia lives, June 22 will always be the Day of Memory and Mourning, there will be minutes of silence and candles, wreaths and flowers at the monuments Great Patriotic War.

This day does not allow us to forget about the death of millions of people, about destroyed plans and hopes. But at the same time, we always remember about the courage and heroism shown on the battlefields and in the distant rear, about dedication, about the strength of the spirit, about the great faith in our coming Victory.

It is necessary that the generations who grew up under a peaceful sky keep the memory of the Great Patriotic War. After all, this is necessary in order to know for what and thanks to whom we live ”.

Chairman of the MHD Commission on Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy, UNITED RUSSIA faction:

“On June 22, 1941, fascist Germany, without declaring war, treacherously attacked the Soviet Union. The war brought grief to every home. Today, on the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, we remember everyone who, at the cost of inhuman efforts and with their lives, managed to defend the Motherland, defended our right to freedom and independence, and presented subsequent generations with their future.

The whole country stood up to fight the fascists. And we must worthily preserve the memory of courage, fortitude and brotherhood, sealed by the blood shed on the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War.

No matter how many years have passed since that distant time, the memory of military events will always live in the hearts of people. We remember. "

Chairman of the MHD Commission on State Construction and Local Self-Government, UNITED RUSSIA Faction:

“On June 22, we bow our heads before the great feat of soldiers of the front and rear, adults and children, men and women - everyone who stood up to defend the Motherland in a terrible bloody war against fascism and won the Great Victory. The further the most terrible war goes in history, the higher the greatness of the feat of those who, not sparing blood and life itself, broke the back of the fascist reptile, defended the freedom of our Motherland! An earthly bow to our fathers and grandfathers, who defended the world, who preserved to us and our descendants the faith in the bright tomorrow of our Motherland. "

Chairman of the MHD Commission on Public Associations and Religious Organizations, UNITED RUSSIA faction:

“June 22, 1941 was an ordinary warm summer day, serene and cloudless. For only four hours that day, people in our country slept and lived peacefully. Then everything turned upside down. The most difficult test for our native land has begun. Black haze covered everyone. On June 22, 2017, we remember and feel that the hour of eternal memory, endless sorrow and untimely loss of eternally living heroes has struck. Our memory, like a flame burns and shines in their honor and for their peace! "

Deputy Chairman of the MHD Commission on Security, faction "Motherland":

“June 22, 1941 is one of the saddest days in the history of our country, the day of a great tragedy and a great feat inseparable from it. Every hour of that terrible war showed the world an example of heroism, fearlessness of a Soviet soldier, self-sacrifice of those who worked in the rear, helping to forge Victory.

Every year, on the Day of Memory and Mourning, we remember all those who died, bow our heads to the generation of Soviet people who brought us the Great Victory! We must carry this memory through time, pass it on to our children and grandchildren, so that the horror of that war, which shook the whole world, will never again be repeated. Low bow and great gratitude to the veterans and all those who fell in the battles for our great Motherland! And may no one be forgotten, and nothing will be forgotten. "

Chairman of the MHD Commission for Control over the Reliability of Information on Income, Property and Property Liabilities Submitted by Deputies of the Moscow City Duma, President of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, UNITED RUSSIA Faction:

“June 22, 1941 is a terrible date in the history of our country. This is truly the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow. It was then that a difficult, bloody war began, which in the very first days brought huge losses and a lot of grief.

But from that day began the difficult path to the Great Victory. A lot of efforts have been made, many victims have been made by people of all ages, professions, and nationalities. The main hardships of wartime fell to the lot of the Soviet people.

This date has been celebrated for many years already. Schoolchildren take part in the celebrations - they come to the Eternal Flame. The search movement continues to work: its participants search for the unburied remains of war heroes, identify them and inform their relatives about where their missing relative is buried. All this allows us to hope that the memory of those terrible and heroic years will be preserved. "

Chairman of the MHD Commission on Environmental Policy, UNITED RUSSIA faction:

“On the Day of Memory and Sorrow, we honor the memory of all those who, at the front and in the rear, forged the Great Victory. Their courage, unparalleled heroism and dedication teach us the most important human values. The great sacrifice of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, their feat - will forever remain in our hearts. Eternal glory to them! It is our duty to keep the memory of this feat, to respect perseverance, courage, selfless love for our Fatherland and pass it on to the next generations. "

Deputy Chairman of the MHD Commission on Healthcare and Public Health ,

“The Day of Remembrance and Sorrow is a special day that does not allow all people on earth to forget that evil cannot be destroyed by evil, that no goals justify human sacrifice, and life is the most valuable gift and no one has the right to take it away. A deep bow to those who did not lose heart in front of a huge danger, did not spare themselves, every second during these difficult years gave their strength to the front, rear and the desired victory, which went to our Fatherland at an incredible price. We remember..."

Deputy Chairman of the MHD Commission on Public Associations and Religious Organizations, the "Communist Party" faction:

“Today we remember the first days of the war, when the country rallied and rebuffed the enemy. There are 1418 days of courage ahead. Victory is ahead. But today it is important to remember the millions of our Soviet people who gave their lives for the sake of a brighter future. We will honor the feat of soldiers, home front workers and children of war. Let's punish our children to remember the past! "

Member of the MHD Education Commission, fraction "UNITED RUSSIA":

“Get up, a huge country ... At dawn on June 22, 1941, fascist Germany, treacherously violating the non-aggression pact, suddenly, without declaring war, unleashed a huge blow on the Soviet Union. The Soviet people were forced to interrupt peaceful creative work and engage in mortal combat with a strong and insidious enemy. The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union began against Nazi Germany and her European accomplices. Overnight, the hopes of millions of families were destroyed, the destinies of entire generations were broken ... The memory of that tragic day, like the unabated sorrow, will forever remain in our hearts. Eternal memory to the soldiers who died for the freedom of our Motherland! Eternal glory to the Heroes! "

Deputy Chairman of the MHD Commission on Social Policy and Labor Relations, UNITED RUSSIA faction:

“76 years have passed since that tragic night, so much has happened in our history, life has changed beyond recognition. But nothing erased that pain. And I, like all of us, acutely feel these wounds and inescapable grief. Sorrow does not go away. We remember, remember our children and grandchildren at some genetic level ... I don’t know if one day June 22 will just become a summer day for our people. And I think this is important. As long as the memory lives, we understand that such a terrible disaster must not be allowed. Low bow to the veterans! Eternal memory to the fallen! "

Member of the MHD Education Commission, Communist Party faction:

“June 22 is the day when the Great Patriotic War began. Outrageous rabid politicians, reflecting the interests of big business, headed by Adolf Hitler, decided that they were the chosen ones and could decide the fate of not only people, but entire nations. In a brisk march to the shouts of "Heil!" All the invaders who appeared on our land stumbled over Moscow! It was from Moscow that the path of the oppressors, who had lost their sense of reality, began to their collapse. Thanks to the Soviet people, the peoples of Europe brought freedom in hot, sunny May.

Russians visiting Vienna should bow to the monument to the Soviet soldier located in the very center of the city; when in Berlin, visit Treptow Park with an outstanding work by Yevgeny Vuchetich - a soldier carrying a girl in his arms; if you find yourself in Poland, come to the former concentration camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau near the ancient Polish city of Auschwitz, and while walking around Warsaw, go to the memorial where 21,468 Red Army soldiers are buried, who gave their lives for its liberation; visiting Prague, to lay flowers at the Olshansky cemetery, where 437 Red Army soldiers who died and died from wounds in the last days of World War II are buried. Only in this case will the historical memory and the truth about the role of the Soviet soldier and our country in the victory over the brown plague of the 20th century be preserved. "

Deputy Association "My Moscow":

“June 22 ... The citizens of Russia greet this date with sorrow in their hearts. On this day 76 years ago, Soviet people, gathering at the loudspeakers, silently listened to the terrible news about the beginning of the war. And then no one knew that four tragic years lay ahead. Our fathers and grandfathers showed unparalleled stamina, valor, and self-sacrifice. Their names are forever inscribed in the history of the country. They paid with their lives, their blood for the Victory, for our future, our happiness and the peaceful sky over our heads. We will never forget about their great feat! "

Member of the MHD Commission on Health Care and Protection of Public Health, UNITED RUSSIA faction:

“Today is one of the most tragic days in the history of our country, and not only ours. Millions of lives were cut short in a matter of hours, millions of lives were crushed, broken, distorted ... This day is necessary for us - children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those who went through those terrible years and those who did not return home. We must understand how fragile the world is, how valuable is everything that we can see and feel every minute of our life. Take care of this memory, remember those who died, those who did not spare themselves for our sake. "

Member of the MHD Commission on Healthcare and Public Health, deputy association "My Moscow":

“June 22, 1941 is perhaps the saddest day in the history of our country. The blow was taken not only by the Soviet army, women, children, the elderly entered the mortal battle in the name of the Fatherland, in the name of the survival of their families. For four years, day after day at the front, in the rear, each in his place, they performed feats, great and unknown, overcoming fear, pain, exhaustion. On the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, we remember the beginning of the great tragedy, which should never be repeated in our native land. "

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