Home Potato Creative gifts for the new year. Gifts for the New Year. Interesting and useful New Year gifts

Creative gifts for the new year. Gifts for the New Year. Interesting and useful New Year gifts

When choosing gifts for the New Year for our family and friends, we always try to get something special. However, it so happens that it is possible to allocate a small amount of money for the purchase of presents, or it is necessary to pick up an inexpensive little thing to congratulate a colleague or friend.

What to choose in this case? After all, I want even a small gift to be beautiful, original and memorable.

We suggest strongly discarding options such as elephant figurines, piggy banks and other items designed to collect dust on shelves until the end of the world. Armed with our selection of presents, you can choose inexpensive gifts for the New Year 2019 that will delight your loved ones.

Mini speakers

Small, but very proud ... that is, powerful speakers will be a great addition to your smartphone, tablet or any other gadget with music playback function. They provide excellent sound quality and can perfectly convey the beauty of your favorite tune.

With these speakers, you can have a party anywhere, for example, in the woods, in line to the dentist, or at the bus stop. And if you choose a model with built-in colored LEDs, then you will be provided with a real disco with light and music.

The beauty of mini speakers is that they are very compact and easy to carry around in your bag. They have a standard connector, so they are suitable for any mobile device or computer. In addition, you can pick up speakers that additionally have a USB connector for a flash drive.

Mini speakers are a great option for an inexpensive gift that will definitely appeal to those who do not part with music for a minute.

Original lamp

After a little "digging" in the assortment of gift shops, you can find models of lamps that look original and are inexpensive. A beautiful night lamp in the form of a glass of milk, a jar with a butterfly inside or a flower pot in which colorful mushrooms grow will be a good gift for the New Year.

Do not think that such a presentation is too simple or not creative enough. We are just sure that when you see how unusual and bright lamps are, and how cool they look in the interior, then you will want to purchase one of them for yourself.

At the same time, you should not buy a too pretentious model, because so that your gift does not end up on the far shelf of the cabinet, the lamp must match the rest of the recipient's house.

Unusual flash drive

Modern original flash drives are made in cases of all shapes and colors. This is a versatile gift that will suit a child, colleague, friend or relative. So, for a woman, you can buy a model in the form of lipstick, flower, kitten, cake, etc.

Children will be delighted with the device in the form of a favorite cartoon character or a computer game character, but for men, flash drives in a case that imitate a weapon, a car or, for example, a screwdriver, will do.

If not so long ago a flash drive was an expensive purchase, today you can buy it at an affordable price. Moreover, such a gift is not only beautiful, but also useful, because the memory drive is useful both in school and at work.

Refrigerator marker board

A large marker board, which is attached to the refrigerator door with magnets, will be a good gift for those who like to write notes, leave "reminders" or draw whenever possible. You can also purchase a slate board, not a marker, and complete with multi-colored crayons.

Fridge boards can have the shape of an apple, a house, a cloud, a Christmas tree, and models in the form of dialog boxes in a chat look especially creative. Such a gift combines beauty and practicality, since it looks great in the interior of the kitchen and allows you to quickly write down an important message if you do not have a notebook at hand.

At the same time, as a rule, you cannot buy a board "reminder" for yourself, but it is really nice to receive it as a gift.

Fish in the aquarium

We are sure that such an option did not even occur to you, and it is completely in vain. This present meets all the criteria of our selection: inexpensive, original and useful. We disassemble everything point by point.

The cost of a tropical fish in a small aquarium is not high at all, this is not a huge reservoir for 30 liters of water and several dozen marine inhabitants. At the same time, such a present will be unexpected, bright and will definitely cause a whole storm of emotions in the recipient.

As for the usefulness, psychologists say that contemplation of a fish floating serenely in the water calms the nerves well. In addition, the taciturn inhabitant of the aquarium will become a good friend and an excellent conversationalist, just like the flowerpot in the movie "Leon" - always in a good mood and does not ask unnecessary questions.

When choosing a fish, it is better to give preference to cockerels. They are distinguished by bright colors, large fan-like fins, and unpretentious care. But keep in mind that the cockerel is a tough fighting fish, so it should be the only one in the aquarium.


A small organizer of an unusual shape will decorate your desk, and will also help to keep all writing materials and other useful little things in order. It can be made in the form of a flower, a fruit, a car, a tree, a lawn with grass, a built-in small slate board for notes or a stand for a flower pot or a coffee cup.

An unusual organizer can completely transform the workspace and give it new colors. These are the ones that make our gray everyday life brighter and more interesting, so your friend or colleague will definitely appreciate such a gift.

To please your loved one, it is not at all necessary to spend a large amount of money on a present. An inexpensive gift can also be extraordinary and exclusive, and by adding to it a colorful postcard, packaging of your favorite sweets and, of course, sincere wishes for happiness in the new year, you will create a truly festive mood for the recipient.

It is not known exactly when people came up with the idea of ​​exchanging things with the onset of the new year. But there is evidence that 3,000 years ago the Egyptians congratulated each other on this holiday. Fortunately, today it is much easier to buy gifts for the New Year in Moscow than it was once for the Egyptians under Tutankhamen. On this bright and long-awaited holiday, please your loved ones with something really special and original! You can find an unusual present for colleagues or friends here.

Gift Ideas for New Year of the Mouse 2020

The online store PichShop offers to choose from hundreds of items and order goods with delivery. Perhaps you will find suitable gifts for the New Year 2020 in accordance with the theme of the corporate party. For example, if you are invited to an employee awards ceremony, be sure to grab an Oscar and present it to your boss in return. Or if you want to make a nice and original gift for the holiday for your soul mate, then present a fragrant set for growing lavender or a soft pillow with an interesting print. What should please you even more is the price for New Year's gifts 2020, absolutely honest in our online store.

Tips on how to give gifts for the New Year of the Rat

Naturally, for the person you are giving, not only the present itself is important, but also the form in which you give it. Choose one of the presentation methods that best suits your situation. This could be:

  • Filling a Santa Claus bag or stocking hanging over the fireplace.
  • A playful guessing game, during which the gifted person asks questions about the gift and gradually guesses its properties;
  • Quest with a game card that will lead to a "treasure", that is, a present you have prepared;
  • Just leave a nice bundle under the tree. After all, no one canceled the classics!

Time passes quickly. Every year, which seemed long at an early age, months and seasons follow each other with great speed and, now again, the long-awaited New Year holiday is on the doorstep.

It was said a long time ago that, of course, it is nice to receive gifts, but it is no less pleasant to give them, because when we give gifts, then together with this gift we give a piece of ourselves, and in return we receive joyful moments of our loved ones from the present we liked.

The new coming 2017 is a wonderful and fabulous holiday in which both children and adults are waiting for miracles. And first of all we give these miracles to each other in the form of compliments, coziness, comfort, and gifts.

For the celebration of the celebration, appropriate outfits are selected, traditional New Year's dishes are prepared, and special dishes and setting of the festive table, gifts are prepared for relatives, as well as friends and colleagues. The symbol of the upcoming 2017 is the Red Fire Rooster. The rooster is a proud, independent bird, but its character is peaceful and friendly. What to give loved ones and relatives for the New Year of the Rooster, and at the same time what to buy in the house in order to attract good luck - we will try to figure it out now.

You can buy on our website, in a special section dedicated only to the New Year's theme. We have selected a unique assortment for you, where you will find the most original and funny gifts. "Gift Fair" is an excellent New Year's gifts that will give you and your loved ones the most positive emotions for the whole 2017!

It's no secret that the most dear and close to each person are his family. And on New Year's Eve, everyone tries to be with their relatives by preparing special gifts. It's so commonplace to buy a gift in a store. Therefore, they try not to do with the usual gift. They make mixes, compositions from gifts, bringing their ideas into this, combining them into one gift, but already made with their own hands.

Also, many stock up on a lot of so-to-say symbolic gifts, these are decorative napkins with the symbol of the year, coasters for tea bags, mugs, gift candles, as well as ceramic, porcelain, polystone figurines of chickens and cockerels.

Gifts for the family are obliged to show your love in every form and meaning. It is very difficult to choose a suitable New Year's gift for a child, so that the presented toy does not turn out to be abandoned the next day after the holidays, but pleases the baby as much as possible.

A gift presented from the heart will certainly delight parents and children, the boss and colleagues at work. If you find it difficult to choose a gift, contact our consultants, tell us the age, hobbies and interests of the person - we will select an excellent option for an individual gift that will definitely be appreciated.

New Year is a wonderful occasion to be a bit of a wizard yourself. Fulfill the cherished desires of your family and friends in order to ignite the sparks of happiness in their eyes and give a lot of positive emotions. You don't have to learn magic to do this, just choose the right New Year's gifts 2020, which in themselves are a real miracle!

In this section you will find an unimaginable number of positive, necessary, useful gifts for every important person in your life. Only when choosing, do not forget that magic works only in the case of a sincere desire to bring joy with a pleasant surprise.

You already know that next year is the year of the rat. Therefore, we have prepared a large number of souvenirs and gifts with a charming hostess of the year:

  • Bright keychains and designer flash drives for congratulating colleagues
  • Bags for sweets, pillows, soft toys for the little ones
  • Covers for heating pads and blankets as a gift to grandparents
  • Chopping boards for hostesses
  • Stylish designer figurines and panels for the boss in the office
  • Sweet gifts: lollipops, chocolate, marmalade, jam and honey

Gifts-souvenirs this year, more than ever, are beautiful and unusual. Just what is a bright mandarin candle, a Christmas tree ball-box, a Christmas tree-shaped photo frame and a New Year's mug in a warm fur coat.

A real winter fairy tale awaits the smallest customers of our internet boutique! You will give your kid the best vacation of his life if you don’t pass by such gifts:

  • Snezhkolep - a super gadget for winter battles
  • Valenok for gifts, in which it is so interesting to look for surprises
  • Bright mittens for warmth and beauty
  • Homemade toy kits are a great way to keep your baby busy on winter evenings.

Gifts for the New Year for the whole family are those magical things for decorating the interior that delight both the owners and their guests:

  • Fancy Champagne Cases
  • Garland on the monitor
  • Christmas decorations and glass balls
  • Original candlesticks and candles

Employees will also not be left without your attention, because we have prepared the necessary and relevant gifts for them:

  • Diaries and original notebooks
  • Christmas sticks and anti-stress souvenirs
  • Colorful mugs
  • 3D handmade cards

Your favorite boss will love this exquisite champagne set.

To the main gift that you have prepared for your significant other, add a stylish accessory in the form of a jewelry Christmas tree pendant to your mobile phone or a New Year's keychain.

To calmly enjoy the sweet anticipation of the winter holidays, order an exclusive magic as a gift to your family and friends right now, while there is an opportunity to choose what you have decided to give to a particular person. Happy New Year!

Greetings to my readers! Probably the question: "What to give for the New Year inexpensively by 2020?" relevant these days for many Russians. And this is understandable, because the holiday is big and the costs are high. We all want to present not an ordinary gift, but something really memorable and original. How can you save money? Look for inexpensive gifts.

Let's go this way, although personally I doubt that it will be possible to save a lot of money. The costs in general, in my opinion, will turn out to be the same. We are people of a wide soul - if we manage to find interesting and not too costly presents, then we will definitely put the “earned” money into circulation, expanding the number of candidates for our “New Year's promotion”. Although, this is also a big plus.

As for the market for inexpensive goods, then I would attribute them to that golden mean that lies between luxurious expensive gifts and frank trinkets. There are a lot of options here, moreover, no less worthy and original than expensive counterparts.

Here you need to proceed from what practical benefit a person will receive, and what kind of joy he will bring him. Therefore, when choosing a budget presentation, approach the matter with your heart. And you will definitely find an inexpensive but welcome gift!

Children - Santa Claus

Our relatives are waiting for this fabulous holiday, so under any circumstances, no matter how difficult the financial situation is, we are obliged to give an unforgettable experience. The memory of the New Year's celebrations lasts for a long time, which means that there is no need to spoil the traditions.

  1. It is quite affordable to organize visit to the apartment of Santa Claus... Little children dream of the arrival of this wonderful old man with a bag of gifts. Therefore, first agree with friends for a small role of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden (it is possible on mutual terms). Then run for hire, take a costume of a fabulous grandfather and granddaughter, and on the way back buy fruits, inexpensive sweets and various toys, souvenirs for a bag of gifts. I guarantee that the children will get impressions for the year ahead.
  2. An excellent option is visiting children's attractions... For a relatively small fee, your kid runs up, jumps with his peers, rolls off slides, plays enough of various exciting games.
  3. Finally, soft cock... If you are doing needlework, then you do not have to buy - you will sew it yourself.
  4. And, of course, the eternal hit of the New Year celebrations are sweet gifts... Moreover, you do not have to spend money on the purchase of expensive varieties in sparkling candy wrappers. You can arrange quite affordable sweets in such a way that they will definitely not look worse. It is in the design method that the originality of budget presentations lies.
  5. The most suitable solution is themed candy sets... For example, edible Christmas tree decorations will do - each one represents a single type of chocolate or has a different filling. Confectioners can custom-make sets of chocolates with different logos.
  6. There is a great demand today for sets of sweets, designed like a first aid kit and called "Ambulance"... They contain sweets with special marks for what "diseases" to take them.

Sweet gifts are one of the most versatile and correct solutions that can be given without fear to most people, moreover, both to children and husbands, and to other relatives and friends!

The best gift for adults

This is the one that you make with your own hands. In addition, it, as a rule, turns out to be budget-friendly. And do not say that you do not have the ability and creative talent! In any case, the man-made surprise will touch the relatives to the core.

Tie socks, make origami, any craft, print a joint photo on a cup, pillow, clothes, or hand in a collage of pictures.

Such simple gifts make you and me feel like little children who believe in a New Year's fairy tale. These things will bring dad and mom closer together and further strengthen their family life.

  • , as in childhood, a beautiful postcard.
  • Bake a pie or cake - they will be very happy. Or make a gingerbread cookie that is recognized as a gift from heart and soul. Cooking takes a little time. In addition, you can draw New Year's pictures on it with multi-colored glaze.

When looking for an inexpensive New Year's gift for a man, you can stop at some stereotyped, time-tested and generational option. It seems to me that such expected gifts still have a peculiar zest with a considerable amount of originality:

  • alcoholic beverage- today it is not just a bottle of strong drink, but a decent present in a beautiful package. Now they sell accompanying glasses, a corkscrew, a small coffee set, i.e. you can not only take "on the chest", but also drink coffee;
  • keychain- also from the expected and positively perceived. Nowadays, this simple object has acquired originality and even some kind of sophistication, therefore it is not at all a shame to give it. And in terms of price, you can choose what suits your budget. It is better, of course, to dwell on the models with the symbol of the coming year, because there is a belief that they have a mystical power that brings good luck;
  • USB stick- will delight every guy.

The list of traditional budget in the new version goes on and on. But, I think, you understand my train of thought.

As for inexpensive gifts for girls, here it will be more difficult for us to please. Although in general, the assortment allows you to choose from hundreds of options. The main thing for her is that the New Year's surprise will bring maximum pleasure.

Of course, we know that all girls love gold. However, alternatives have emerged today.

  • So, high quality jewelry won great popularity among our contemporaries. They learned to make such gold-like jewelry so efficiently that only an experienced jeweler can distinguish it from real jewelry made of precious metal.
  • You will give the girl positive emotions if you buy something from traditional souvenirs- a soft toy, a jewelry box and the same costume jewelry.
  • Do not forget that for you a huge field of opportunities to choose a successful gift for your girlfriend or girlfriend is fashionable accessories... Find something simple for your kitchen or bathroom. It is important that the donated item contains the symbols of the year - itself or its packaging. This is a practical gift that captivates with its reliability.

Best Inexpensive Gifts for Close Friends

Give your friends gifts that are simple and interesting at the same time.

  • Bake magic cookie with predictions.
  • Add another one to your friends collection unique magnet on the refrigerator - today, many are passionate about this. In general, it doesn't matter how much a gift costs if it is presented with sincere wishes and from the heart. Having handed over a New Year's present, you yourself will feel happy and meet 2020 with a great mood. Therefore, create a winter fairy tale with your own hands.
  • Buy for friends addicting board game- provide your noisy company with a fun pastime. Such a New Year's gift is not only budgetary - it will definitely not become covered with a layer of dust lying on the closet.

It is appropriate to give such things even to relatives and loved ones. After all, these games, above all, unite us. There is nothing better than to arrange with your family or a duel between intellectuals or real conquerors of lands. The options for such a presentation are above the roof today. From the diverse assortment, it is easy to choose specifically for the desired interest.

The rules are very simple. For example, in a fun game "Five Seconds" you can test the ability of players to think quickly in emergency situations, as well as their knowledge in different areas. Players, one by one, draw cards with tasks. If someone does not answer the question in five seconds, then he (his counter) does not move forward. The winner comes up with interesting punishments for the losers.

Such New Year's surprises can bring truly vivid impressions with their novelty!

Gifts for colleagues for 2020

Interesting fact

In the land of the rising sun, feasts are organized in each team twice a week. And at the expense of the institution. In Japan, such events are believed to contribute to a friendly atmosphere and help to work.

I do not urge to completely follow the example of the Japanese, but I consider it necessary to use the New Year's celebrations to strengthen the "atmosphere". But let's even make corporate parties a mandatory element of presenting mutual - they can be collective or personal. For the first case, the following are suitable:

  • gift set for tea- cups with cockerels, coffee and tea, sweets;
  • new cooler- this familiar device for drinking water is now offered in an original design, even a joke one;
  • digital photo frame- after a corporate celebration, upload photos of the joint meeting of the Year of the Rooster into it and admire from time to time. In my opinion, inexpensive and very original.

The search for budget New Year's presents is becoming an exciting experience. The main thing here is not to be lazy! Well, with these wishes I will finish today's post.

Best regards, Anastasia Skoreeva

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