Home Diseases and pests Quotes about poker in English. Quotes and aphorisms about poker. "If it wasn't for the luck factor in poker, I would beat everyone all the time"

Quotes about poker in English. Quotes and aphorisms about poker. "If it wasn't for the luck factor in poker, I would beat everyone all the time"

It has long been noticed that poker sooner or later makes players philosophers, forcing them to talk at length about life and fate. Some poker players speak so well and beautifully about the game that others begin to quote their phrases. Here are some examples of such winged poker words:

1. ":There is more to poker than life":

—: the legendary poker player from the “old guard”, a member of the Poker Glory Gallery —: very accurately notices the desire of players to live inside poker, measuring the cyclicity not in hours and days, but in distributions and tables. In this capacious phrase there is an explanation of the tragedy of passion, obsession with it and the inability to live without the game!

2. ": You can cut the wool from a sheep at least a hundred times, and the skin -: only once":

So he brought to the surface the importance of careful and careful handling of fish! And indeed, it is in the interests of any player - not to finish off a weak opponent, but to make sure that he returns to the table. It is better to shear the sheep little by little, but steadily, than to take too much from it, forever killing the desire to play with you or play poker in general. Resenting a fish may turn out to be the most costly mistake a poker player can make in the long run.

3. ": If it wasn't for the luck factor in poker, I'd beat everyone all the time":

Of course, this could only say about himself -: the emperor of poker! Who and what else can prevent him from winning? Only fate! But jokes aside - there is luck and bad luck, no matter how mathematically you calculate outs and odds, no matter what adjustments for variance you make, Fatum will still show his grin. And even he came to terms with it ...

4. “: If you can’t figure out the fish at the poker table, then you are the fish here”:


This apt phrase is a quote from the cult film ": Rounders":. The main idea of ​​the words is true for a hundred pounds - you need to be able to find weak players at the poker table, otherwise who will you take money from! If you haven’t acquired such a skill yet, more experienced poker players will slowly pinch your bankroll. So, learn to count fish!

5. ": If a player perceives a loss with a smile -: he is a loser":

This phrase belongs to a brilliant poker player. The champion quite sincerely believed that sitting at the table, you need to win. Everything else is secondary. Stu never set himself up to lose and believed that one should not look for pluses in a frankly bad thing: defeat.

Like any other professional field, poker has a number of outstanding personalities who, throughout the history of our craft, have spoken smart thoughts in a concise and beautiful way. So, we have collected for some of the best (in our opinion) quotes about poker or gambling per se.

Money won is twice as sweet as money earned. Paul Newman

The first in line will be a quote from American actor Paul Newman in the film “The Color Of Money” (from the English “The Color of Money”). Original quote: Money won is twice as sweet as money earned.

If you are not able to find a sucker in the first half hour at the table, then you yourself are a sucker. Matt Damon (Rounders)

Our selection will not do without Matt Damon's famous phrase in the movie "Rounders" (eng. "Rounders"). Original quote: If you can't spot the sucker in the first half hour at the table, then you ARE the sucker

Texas Hold'em is a game that can be learned in a minute, but takes a lifetime to master. Mike Sexton

Mike Sexton, 66, a professional poker player, member of the Poker Hall of Fame, and now the official representative of PartyPoker once said a phrase that is still popular today. Original quote: The name of the game is no-limit Texas Hold'em, the game that takes a minute to learn but a lifetime to master.

Trust everyone, but always cut the deck. Benny Bignon

The next in line will be some analogue of “Trust, but verify”, only applicable in cards. This phrase was said by Benny Binyon, the founder of the World Series of Poker, without which the game would not have such a scope and popularity as it is now. Original quote: Trust everyone, but always cut the cards

The best thing about poker is that everyone thinks they can play. Chris Moneymaker

Tennessee ordinary accountant Chris Moneymaker is the man who came to the right place at the right time to become the 2003 World Series of Poker Main Event champion. After that fateful evening, his life changed dramatically. Original quote: The beautiful thing about poker is that everybody thinks they can play

To be the best at poker, you need to have a strong bladder. Jack McClelland

Jack McClelland, a man who has worked as a tournament director and sometimes even a commentator on hundreds of tournament series for a good ~ 30 years, really knows all the secrets and subtleties of this craft. Naturally, by virtue of his profession, he talks about live poker. Original quote: To be a poker champion, you must have a strong bladder.

One day in poker is 90% luck and 10% skill. One year in poker consists of 10% luck and 90% skill. Chris Ferguson

How to do without the famous saying of “poker Jesus” Chris Ferguson. As a reminder, he is a five-time WSOP gold bracelet winner.

Not a "point" usually destroys, but an ace by eleven. Michael Krug

A little sudden, perhaps, will be the appearance of this character in our selection, but nevertheless, his quote carries some meaning. Mikhail Krug, if suddenly someone did not know.

Share your favorite phrases about poker or gambling in the comments, because we have not mentioned everything!

The romance of poker has been exciting the minds of writers, philosophers, scientists and screenwriters for centuries. Some of them didn't know much about the game, but they still managed to clearly see the similarities between poker and life. Others mentioned the game only in passing, but it was obvious that the joys of journeys and the bitterness of journeys were well known to them. Here are 25 of the wisest, funniest, and most famous poker quotes from movies and books from across the ages.

25. Poker is cool. In one evening you can visit the top and the bottom. It's not bad or good cards that matter, it's important to be able to play bad cards. What matters is not what cards you actually have, but what your opponent thinks they are.
Bernard Werber, "Empire of Angels"

24. If not for poker, then your life in Moscow would be completely unbearable.
Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita

23. It's great to meet someone who understands that for a real player, money doesn't mean anything in the end. It's just a tool, like a language for formulating thoughts.

22. Sometimes "nothing" is a very cool card.
Paul Newman in Cool Hand Luke (1967)

21. Learning how to play two pair correctly is as difficult as getting a college education, and just as expensive.
Mark Twain

20. We can't shoot him like that. Then we won't have anyone to play poker with.
James Stewart in Cheyenne Autumn (1964)

19. I'll tell you what's important in this game. You have to make the wrong decisions at the right time.
Edward Jay Robinson in The Cincinnati Kid (1965)

18. Life is very fragile and unpredictable, especially for criminals. It's like playing poker; you think you have a good hand. However, when you turn up the cards, you realize to your horror that someone else's hand is better.
Drexel Deal, "The Fight of My Life is Wrapped Up in My Father"

- I have four aces!
- Me too!
Adriano Celentano in Bluff (1976)

16. The money won is twice as sweet as the money earned!
Paul Newman in The Color of Money (1986)

15. You can't bluff someone who doesn't care what happens at the table.
Joe Mantegna in The Casino (1987)

14. The first mortal sin of a gambler is to confuse his bad game with bad luck.
Ian Fleming, Casino Royale

13. How did it happen to me? Well, I just pretended I was playing with other people's money.
Jodie Foster in Maverick (1994)

12. Avoid people with gold teeth who offer to play cards.
George Carlin is an American comedian, actor, writer and screenwriter.

11. I only complain about the deck being badly mixed until a good card comes along.
Jonathan Swift

10. When your opponent has all the aces, there is only one way out: knock the table over.
Dean Martin in Robin and the 7 Gangsters (1964)

9. Life is not always a matter of good cards. Sometimes it's a good play of a bad hand.
Jack London

8. A poker player who builds his entire game strategy on intuition and an attempt to uncover the opponent's bluff is a potential loser.
Yu Nesbø, "Snowman"

7. What is "poker"? A card game in which more capable liars steal money from less gifted liars, all pretending to be bosom buddies.
David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas

6. War is not poker! It cannot be announced whenever it pleases!
Leonid Armor in the film "The Same Munchausen" (1979)

5. Where the rules of the game do not allow winning, English gentlemen change the rules.
Harold Joseph Lasky, British political scientist and political theorist

4. Gambling, which is called business, looks disapprovingly at the business, which is called gambling.
Ambrose Bierce, American journalist and writer.

3. It doesn't matter if you win or lose; All that matters is whether I win or lose.
Darrin Weinberg, writer, sociologist.

2. The passion for the game is the strongest of the passions.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

1. If in half an hour of the game you could not figure out the fish at the table, then you are this fish.
Matt Damon in Rounders (1998)

Another hit parade from Card Player magazine. This time, let's take a look at the Top 10 Poker Sayings magazine readers voted. If you know interesting statements that are not included in this list, write them in the comments, everyone will be interested to read!

10. "Poker is not limited to life"- Tom McAvoy

Wait a second. Read this phrase again, you must have read it backwards! No, there is no mistake, Tom McAvoy paraphrased the well-known turn "Life is not exhausted ..."(“There is more to life than” - approx. per.). Poker players too often read this phrase backwards, allowing the game to fill their lives without a trace. In this statement, the four-time WSOP bracelet winner and 1983 World Series Main Event winner poked fun at the trend.

9. "Limit poker is a science, no-limit poker is an art! In the first one you just shoot at the targets, in the second the targets come to life and start shooting back!"- Crandell Addington

This statement would be better suited to some young online pro than Crandell Addington, who played poker in the days when no-limit poker was just gaining momentum. Addington finished second in the World Series main events twice and made the final table seven times back in the 70s, making his statement prophetic.

8. "It doesn't matter if you win or lose, the main thing is how many bad beat stories you have accumulated!"- Grantland Rice

"I want to tell the world about him..."

Grantland Rice was a famous sports journalist in the past. He always very accurately noticed the smallest features of game psychology. The truth is that the vast majority of us will not be able to get rich playing poker. We can lose everything, but we still have a couple of heartbreaking stories about terrible moving.

7. "Trust everyone and everyone, but always cut the deck!"- Benny Bignon

Benny Bignon

Benny Bignon is the great romantic of poker. The founding of the World Series of Poker back in 1970 is associated with his name. He is also notorious for having once been accused of killing a table opponent, but later stated that it was only self-defense. Amarillo Slim Preston, whose quote you will read below, said of Benny:"This is the noblest of the bad guys, and the worst of all the good guys I've ever seen.".

6. "You can shear a sheep as much as you like, but you only need to skin it once!"- Amarillo Slim Preston

This statement preceded the famous "Don't knock on the glass of the aquarium." Amarillo Slim knew that it was not enough to leave the opponent without money, it was more important to make him come back again.

5. "Poker is like sex. Everyone thinks he's the best, but most don't even know what they're doing!"- Dutch Boyd

Dutch Boyd once again pointed out that most poker players have delusional illusions about their playing abilities. Walk up to a typical $1/2 table and ask which player considers himself a winner at poker. Everyone will raise their hands. And they don't lie, they just don't want to face the truth. It is very easy to forget five lost sessions and brag about the one that was"... just the other day...".

4. "If there was no place for luck in poker, I would win all the time!"- Phil Hellmuth


Phil Hellmuth is a poker saying machine. What is worth only one phrase that he can dodge bullets. But the poignancy of this statement is hard to ignore. Luck makes the chances of poker players more commensurate. That's why Phil Ivey doesn't win every tournament, and that's why any of you can make it to the WSOP Main Event. ;)

3. "If in the first half hour of the game you could not determine who is a weakling, then you are a weakling!"- Matt Damon's character from Rounders

This phrase in one form or another is constantly repeated by many players in different contexts, but it is precisely the reason why many of us are so passionate about this game. The Rounders movie is charming, and Matt Damon's character made many people believe that they would be the next Johnny Chen.

2. "Show me a player who doesn't care about his losses and I'll show you who the real loser is!"- Stu Ungar

Young Stu Ungar

Only eighteen words, but this phrase perfectly reflects the essence of the great Stu Ungar! A three-time world champion, he treated losses with contempt and could never put up with them.

1. "The money won is twice as sweet as the money earned!"- Paul Newman's character in The Color of Money

If you haven't seen this movie, you are missing out on a lot. No, this movie isn't about poker, or even about cards, but that doesn't detract from the power of that statement. We could earn a decent living by hard work, but the reality is that many want to turn to the "easier path." And only much later we understand how hard money is given in poker.

Other famous quotes that didn't make the hit parade:

"Try to understand how good your hand is in this particular situation! Nothing else matters!"- Doyle Brunson

"Hold'em is no more like stud and draws than chess is like checkers"- Johnny Moss

"The main bad beat for the player is the loss of health. All other failures are temporary"- Benny Bignon

"Losing is like smoking. It becomes a habit..."- Puggy Pearson

"They say that poker is a game with zero expectation. Perhaps they are right, because I always get up from the table with a zero in my pocket…"- Max Shapiro

"Learning to play two pair is as important as going to college! And just as expensive..."- Mark Twain

"There are two things to master in poker - learn to fold and... never play your own!"- David "Devilfish" Ulliott

"Last night I sat up with the company, we played poker with tarot cards. I got a full house, and four opponents fell dead ... "— Stephen Wright

"I have a pair of corollas, you have a pair of aces. Coinflip!"- some kind of fish with full tilt ...

Quotes and statuses in poker are not very common, there is simply nowhere to put them, except perhaps in social networks. Altered quotes from famous sayings will help to cheer you up. So, let's begin!

Happy to check-raise! Check-folding is sickening!

Better top pair in hand than a flush draw on the flop!

In moments of high tension, your stack grows most noticeably.

There are 2 ways to apply strength: raise and fuck all-in!

And again Kerzhakov plays badly! He misses the flop!

When Chuck Norris raises, opponents fold themselves.

Poker is a mountain: go up slowly, go down quickly

While the chip leader dries, the short stack will die!

Three times the killer is the one who runs over the set!

Nothing conquers, softens a man's heart like a plus session.

Blondes don't play poker because all the ladies in the deck are either brunettes or redheads.

All ins for no reason is a sign of a fool!

Love poker in yourself, not yourself in poker!

Don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 notes for fish!

The happiness of a poker player is somewhere between freedom and discipline.

In any tournament, the most important factor is the belief in success. Without faith, success is impossible!

Smart players are smart enough to understand complicated things...

You can't even steal the blinds from a fish without difficulty!

You can’t understand coinflips with your mind, you can’t measure them with a common arshin ... They have a special way of becoming: you can only believe in coinflips!

Thinking is the hardest job. That's probably why so few poker players do it.

The poker player is created in such a way that he rests from one rink, only by taking on another.

My uncle had the most honest rules, when he seriously fell ill, he bet all-in with 72 offsets...

Tell me, uncle, it's not for nothing that Full Tilt, burned by the FBI, was given to Sarsam, huh?

I remember an alien moment, in front of me are 2 aces. 4 a.m., Sunday, I'm at the computer in my shorts...

Bet or not bet? That is the question!

Measure seven times, one allyn!

And it’s boring and sad, and I don’t have anyone to play poker with in a moment of spiritual adversity ...

The fear of moving is the more terrible, the more unlikely it is.

Fifth ace on the sleeve, wish me luck in the hand!

Three girls on the flop, the river became quads.

Moving happens when you love a fish that hates you.

I like that a couple of kings. I like that there is no ace on the flop.

If I were Tom Dwan, I would have 5 wives, play aggressively at the 6-max table.

A failed bluff is half a successful move.

Good players are not born, good players are made. Or they don't...

Some players are so poor that all they have is their bankrolls.

Good poker coaches won't get rid of your losses, but at least they will get rid of bad poker coaches.

The sun is shining and the grass is growing, but you don't need it. Everything is wrong and everything is not the same when they distribute one havno ..

Carry me hand to NL 2k tables...

Don't raise my blinds, they're mine anyway.

King, father, father King. You didn't hide your heart behind the backs of the Jacks.

Bluff while you're young, boy. Bluff while you're young!

I don't care if I get sick, I'll still be able to put a vabank!

If you got moved, don't think how they did it. Think about why you let them do it.

Listen, if they play freerolls with kilofields, then someone needs it?

The quieter you raise, the more you win.

I was sucked into the final part of the tournament, and life is my eternal game.

A man walks, staggers, sighing as he goes. The whole monthly profit was flooded by a man fish ...

Like it or not, bad beats happen.

Catch fish big and small.

Playing poker in the workplace develops peripheral vision, hearing and vigilance in general!

No bankroll - no problem.

The soul of a fish is darkness

As you add variety to your game, make sure you can bring it out.

There are two ways to outplay Phil Ivey, but no one knows them.

Hard to learn, easy to WSOP Main Event.

Whatever the regular would not amuse himself, if only not with my bankroll.

If there was a sea of ​​fish, I would win beautifully. If there was a sea of ​​regs, I would run away from them on tilt.

Whoever gets up early, waits for the Americans at the tables.

The chips are not far from the table.

Freeroll is the most accurate way to account for the number of optimists...

If you can't find a weak player at your table, then the weak player is you!

Do you like to play poker, love and make money.

Bad hands do not give rest to the stack ...

One Ace is good, but two is better!

How to feed a poker player? Undress and serve a bottle of beer!

Gamblers spend money wisely. In the end, no money, no mind ...

How do you feel about the fact that the Olympic champions moved to poker? I'm talking about Phelps now ... I could still swim and swim.

I met the nuts and all the past in the obsolete heart came to life ...

The fish is not the wolf. He won’t run away into the forest, but he can swim away according to the limits ...

If you want to be healthy, forget the two aces...

That player is worse, whose nickname is more colorful ...

The love of poker is measured by the pots won.

Never play with idiots, otherwise you will sink to their level... and then they will crush you with their experience!

Hand over, Jim, for luck I have a full house!

Fish swears at everyone in the chat, Twisting the chips with his fingers, then, like a beast, he will howl a pancake, Then he will cry like a child ...

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can win today!

Business time, and pass the fun!

A poker player is a vain creature...

Who does not work is a poker player.

Patience and work will bring to ITM.

Bubble with a cart, the tournament is easier.

Friendship is friendship, but the chips are apart.

There would be no happiness, but it helped on the river.

All can be kings, all can be kings. But only if there's no ace on the flop...

With whom you lead, you will lose in poker ...

Save your chips from a young age.

Aces do not win in every game.

The game is a drug. Excitement is a needle.

Man is a gambling creature. He is not good enough. Give him the best.

The hardest thing for a player to endure is not that he lost, but that he has to stop playing.

The player is a thief who steals without risking being sued.

There is no person who would get only winnings in the lottery of life.

Poker player to poker player friend, comrade and "borrow 1 dollar on Stars"

Success at the poker table is associated with integrity and honesty. If you do not have these qualities, success is guaranteed.

If someone cries loudly, it means that he lost a lot.

I'm waiting for a 3bet like the nightingale of summer.

Where the rules of the game do not allow you to win, English gentlemen change the rules.

Don't sit down to play without a king in your head and an ace up your sleeve.

Marriage is the only game of chance blessed by the church.

If winning the hand doesn't lift your spirits, it can definitely ruin it for others.

Did the job - cash out boldly.

I am difficult to collect, it is impossible to lose with me and it is easy to raise all-in. Royal Flush...

Nature doesn't have bad weather if you can play poker.

Should I stop playing poker, I thought. And didn't stop...

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