Home Fruit trees The world's largest aircraft carrier. Heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov": history and characteristics

The world's largest aircraft carrier. Heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov": history and characteristics

Today there are a large number of giant aircraft carriers. The main requirement for a modern army is mobility. It is for this simple reason that there is nothing more effective than aircraft carriers, which can carry dozens or large numbers of people on board. Let's take a look at the largest aircraft carriers in the world. Some of them still perform their function today, while others have long been taken out of service and serve as museum exhibits.

Largest Nimitz-class aircraft carrier

It is safe to say that Nimitz-class aircraft carriers are considered the largest in the world. With a length of 333 meters and a flight deck width of more than 76 meters, these giants can accommodate about 90 aircraft. Among them are 64 fighters and 26 helicopters. The full crew of the Nimitz aircraft carriers is 3,200 people. From here we can allocate 2,800 flight personnel and 70 command personnel. Almost all ships have the same technical characteristics, design solutions and weapons on board. It should be noted that Nimitz aircraft carriers can operate for about 20 years without replacing the power plant's energy carrier. Simply put, he can be sent on a long voyage for 20 years. The first ship of the line was launched in 1975 and had the same name “Nimitz”.

A more detailed description of the Nimitz-class aircraft carriers

A few words need to be said about the ship's power plant. It consists of the main and auxiliary systems. The main one includes two water reactors, each of which powers 2 turbines. The peculiarity of a water reactor is that it uses ordinary water under pressure as a coolant and moderator. Today in the world this type of aircraft carriers is the most popular and effective. If you add up the power of four turbines, the result is a device with 280,000 horsepower. The auxiliary installation is 4 diesel engines with a total capacity of 10,700 horsepower. These largest aircraft carriers in the world are equipped with weapons to protect against airborne enemies and underwater threats. In the first case, 3 anti-aircraft missile systems are installed, as well as 4 anti-aircraft guns of 20 mm caliber. For protection against torpedoes there are two 324 mm torpedo tubes. Currently, 10 Nimitz aircraft carriers have been built, the last of them is the George W. Bush, which we will now consider.

The aircraft carrier George W. Bush is the most powerful warship in the world

This ship is the latest development of the Nimitz project. It has a number of distinctive enhancements that make it truly unique. As you can understand, the naming of this aircraft carrier in honor of the 41st President of the United States of America, George, began in 2003 and cost the US treasury almost 6.5 billion dollars. In 2009, "George Bush" was officially adopted into service. Today it is one of the largest and most powerful aircraft carriers in the world. The length of the giant is 332.8 meters with a displacement of 110 thousand tons. It can reach speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour and carry 90 units of military equipment on board. Many call it a modern-day “Noah's Ark.” Thanks to the fact that the designers managed to move the wheelhouse and antennas to the edge of the deck, they managed to slightly expand the runway, which is very important for a ship of this purpose. Well, now let's look at the other largest aircraft carriers in the world, because there are quite a lot of them.

About Enterprise in detail

Of course, we cannot fail to mention the longest ship in the world, which was launched more than half a century ago. It is the world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier with a crew of almost 5,000 people and a length of 342 meters. The government planned to produce 6 Enterprise ships, but after the first one cost $450 million and significantly impacted the US treasury, the rest were abandoned. For years it has been said that the Enterprise is the pinnacle of military development for the Army. During its service, the aircraft carrier visited many conflicts, ranging from Vietnam to North Korea. Over 52 years of operation, more than 100,000 people served on the Enterprise, so we can safely say that this ship is worthy of attention. It was decommissioned in 2012 and is still being dismantled for scrap; the process is planned to be completed by the beginning of 2015.

The sad story of Shinano

If this Japanese ship cannot be called something ingenious from a design point of view, then it can be considered a giant without a twinge of conscience. While performing her first mission, this cruiser sank; this happened back in 1944. The length of the ship was about 266 meters, and the displacement was almost 70 thousand tons. But the active conduct of hostilities did not allow the constructors to complete the ship 100%, so it was launched and sank 17 hours after leaving the port. It was torpedoed, and since the waterproof partitions were initially installed incorrectly and the crew lacked experience, the ship was at the bottom within 7 hours after the torpedo hit.

The great "Admiral Kuznetsov"

Among Europe and Asia, there is a ship named after the admiral of the navy, Admiral Kuznetsov, which is one of the largest and most powerful. The development of this giant began back in 1982 in the city of Nikolaev. Judging by the technical characteristics, the Admiral Kuznetsov was supposed to become an advanced aircraft carrier. The deck of the ship was somewhat elongated to allow the Su-25 and Su-27 fighters to take off. It is noteworthy that it was on this cruiser that the Luna optical system and fighter side lifts were first used. The length of the ship is 302 meters, and on board it can accommodate 25 helicopters and the same number of airplanes. If we name the most ambitious aircraft carriers in the world in terms of weapons and radar equipment, then Admiral Kuznetsov will be among the leaders. On its decks there are 12 Granit launchers, 8 Dirk launchers, 6 AK-630M artillery launchers and 4 Kinzhal launchers. Such a large number of weapons, as well as a huge ammunition reserve, allows the ship to conduct continuous fire for a long time. Today, this operational ship is undergoing a complete replacement of Su-33 fighters with MiG-29K, and a major overhaul is planned for 2015.

History of the cruiser "Varyag"

We have already listed many of the largest aircraft carriers in the world, but it is worth mentioning another ship called the Varyag, or Liaoning. It began to be built in Nikolaev in 1986, and was completed in 1988. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the cruiser went to Ukraine. Until 1998, it was only kept afloat and did not invest in development, repairs, etc. Later, it was decided to sell the aircraft carrier for only 20 million dollars, which was simply a ridiculous price. Its length is 304 meters with a displacement of 60 thousand tons. The Chinese private company that bought the Varyag completed and modernized it, so that it still floats and successfully fulfills its tasks.


So we looked at the most famous aircraft carriers in the whole world. Of course, what was said is just a “drop in the ocean.” There are also such famous ships as Theodore Roosevelt with a length of 317 meters, Ronald Reagan with a length of 332 meters and others. Almost every modern country is trying to build the most powerful fleet possible. Many of the world's active aircraft carriers can accommodate a small army of planes and helicopters on board, ready to take off at a moment's notice.

A person is ready to protect his peace by any means. The expanses of the ocean, for example, contain units of incredible size, designed to serve for the benefit of peace and tranquility. The largest aircraft carriers will be discussed below.

1 place

Enterprise. An incredibly sized aircraft carrier worth $451 million. Equipped with a nuclear installation, it is 342 meters long. The project envisaged the production of five more similar structures, however, the cost of building the Enterprise showed that such plans would be too expensive for the US armed forces. First launched in 1961. The total displacement of the ship is 93,400 tons.

2nd place

Nimitz. Another brainchild of America, launched in 1975. A dozen more ships were built according to Nimitz’s design, the last of which was commissioned in 2009. The cost of this type of aircraft carrier turned out to be less than the Enterprise, so serial production was launched. The length of the unit is 333 meters. Total displacement – ​​106 thousand tons.

3rd place

Lincoln . Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, launched in 1988, the fifth ship in the project. Known for being used during combat in Iraq, it was also featured in several films. The length of the vessel is 332.8 m, the ship's displacement is 97 thousand tons. The ship's aviation group consists of 90 airplanes and helicopters.

4th place

Kitty Hawk . Once again, the United States leads the list of producers of the world's most powerful aircraft carriers. Kitty Hawk reaches a length of 327 meters and is equipped with modern electronics and sonar systems. The ship does not have nuclear artillery like its successors. Launched in 1955. The ship's displacement is 93 thousand tons.

5th place

Forrestal . Named after the first US Department of Defense, Forrestal was also the first project after World War II. All the experience gained as a result of combat operations was collected by the best military engineers and embodied in this aircraft carrier. Its length is 325 meters, displacement is 81 thousand tons. Used since 1955. One of the notable incidents associated with this aircraft carrier was a fire that occurred in 1967. The official version says that the fire was the result of an independent launch of a rocket under the influence of a power surge.

6th place

John Kennedy . The aircraft carrier is 320 meters long and again made in the USA. The fourth follower of Kitty Hawk, named after the 35th President of America. Initially, it was planned to equip it with a nuclear installation, but later the project was revised, deciding in favor of gas turbine generators. In operation since 1968. The vessel's displacement is 82 thousand tons.

7th place

Midway . The discoverer of heavy American aircraft carriers, 306 meters long. The ship has a rich history, having been actively used during the bombing of Vietnam and Operation Desert Storm. Today it has already been withdrawn from the fleet, but continues to function in a different way - as a museum ship.

8th place

Admiral Kuznetsov . Built in the USSR, from the Black Sea Shipbuilding Plant. Named in honor of the Admiral of the USSR Fleet, it was intended for attacks against large targets and protection of maritime space. The aircraft carrier houses fighter jets and helicopters during cruises. The length of the ship is 302 meters, released in 1990. Displacement – ​​59 thousand tons.

9th place

Lexington . The 271-meter-long aircraft carrier is one of the historical ones in the United States. Launched in 1929, it was equipped with a superstructure and nuclear installations, as well as an armored hull. Total displacement - 47,700 tons.

10th place

Shinano . The representative of Japan is among the largest aircraft carriers in the world, has a length of 266 m. Launched in 1944. It is noteworthy that by the beginning of the war the ship was only half ready and was built according to the design of a battleship. However, after the defeat of the Japanese army at Midway, it was decided to rebuild the ship into an aircraft carrier. The thickness of the armor of the newly-made aircraft carrier was 178 mm, equipped with tanks for storing aviation fuel with a volume of 718 tons. The total displacement of the ship is 71,890 tons.

In the world. They amaze with their size and functionality. The deck of such a ship can accommodate several dozen units of aircraft, among which there may be attack aircraft, fighters, anti-submarine aircraft, helicopters, etc. In addition, all modern offshore structures have a powerful power plant and can sail without refueling for several years.

At the moment, only 10 countries in the world have aircraft-carrying sea vessels. Most of them belong to the US Navy.

The TOP 10 includes the largest aircraft carriers in the world in service.

183 meters

"(Thailand) - a light aircraft carrier opens the list of the ten largest ships in the world in service. It is also the smallest modern aircraft carrier. The main tasks of the Thai vessel are search and rescue operations and providing air support. The ship's low combat effectiveness is due to a lack of funding and infrequent trips to sea. The length of “Chakri Narubet” is 183 meters. The ship can accommodate more than 600 crew members. Since the aircraft carrier is inactive most of the time, it can be visited by visiting tourists. In addition, “Chakri Narubet” is nicknamed the world’s largest royal yacht, since during trips to sea, the royal family is very often present on it.

244 meters

"(Italy) - the largest aircraft carrier of the Italian Navy. It received its name in honor of the Italian statesman Count C. Cavour. It was introduced into the fleet in 2009. The length of the vessel is 244 meters. The deck accommodated 8 AV-8B Harrier aircraft and 12 helicopters. In addition to flying vehicles, it can accommodate more than 500 people, 24 tanks or 50 units of heavy combat vehicles.

261 meters

"(France) is a large aircraft carrier that is part of the French Navy. The Charles de Gaulle replaced the outdated Clemenceau-class aircraft carriers and is the most combat-ready aircraft-carrying ship in the world, after the American Nimitz and the Russian Admiral Kuznetsov. The vessel, with a length of 261.5 meters, is designed for 40 air units and more than 1,500 crew members, including the air group. The ship actively participated in military operations around the world, including the Afghan war against the Taliban in the 90s of the 20th century.

265 meters

"(Brazil) is the only aircraft carrier of the Brazilian Navy. Until 2000, it belonged to France and belonged to the Clemenceau type of ship. Its former name was “Foch”. The length of the vessel is 265 meters. On board the Sao Paulo can accommodate over 1,500 people, including flight crew, as well as more than 30 aircraft. While still part of the French Navy, the aircraft carrier participated in military operations that took place in Bosnia, the Persian Gulf, Lebanon and others.

283 meters

"(India) is a large aircraft carrier of India, part of the Navy. Previously, the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser belonged to Russia and was called “Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov.” The ship was completely modernized and handed over to the Indian Navy. The length of the vessel is 283.4 meters. On its deck, Vikramaditya can carry up to 40 aircraft and more than 1,500 crew members.

284 meters

Aircraft carriers of the class (England) are known under the code name CVF. English naval vessels are being built to replace Invisible-class aircraft carriers. The two ships are the largest ever built for the Royal Navy. It is planned that one of them will enter service this year, the other will be introduced into the fleet only in 2018. The Queen Elizabeth deck, which covers an area of ​​13,000 square meters, can accommodate over 40 aircraft and helicopters. Aircraft will be able to simultaneously take off and land on the deck. The crew capacity is 1,500 people, including the air group. The length of the sea vessel is 284 meters.

304 meter

"(China) is a Chinese aircraft carrier, which is the first and only one in the PLA Navy. It was built in the USSR and belonged to the aircraft carriers of the Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov type. In 2012, it was purchased by China and reconstructed. The size of the modernized vessel is 304.5 meters in length. The Liaoning deck can accommodate 40 aircraft and more than 2,000 people. The Navy uses the aircraft carrier primarily to train pilots for subsequent service on the ship.

305 meters

"(Russia) is the only aircraft-carrying cruiser in the Russian Navy. It received its name in honor of Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsova. Unlike its domestic predecessors, the cruiser is capable of providing take-off and landing of aircraft. The flight deck area is more than 14,000 sq.m. The ship's aviation group can include up to 30 airplanes and 10 helicopters. The crew is designed for 2000 people. The length of the aircraft carrier is 305.1 meters.

332 meters

Aircraft carriers of the "" type (USA) are the largest warships in the world in service with the US Navy. A total of 10 such aircraft carriers were built. These are also the most expensive sea vessels: each costs about 4.5 billion dollars. On its deck, the Nimitz is ready to receive up to 90 airplanes and helicopters - this is the maximum capacity among existing maritime transport. In addition, more than 5,000 crew members, including the air group, can be accommodated on board. The length of one such offshore structure is 332.8 meters. Aircraft carriers actively participate in military operations (Yugoslavia, Iraq), and also provide humanitarian support to countries affected by natural disasters (tsunami in Indonesia - 2004; earthquake in Haiti - 2010). The average lifespan of such a vessel is 50 years.

337 meters

"(USA) is the largest modern aircraft carrier, which has been under construction since 2009. The size of the colossus is 337 meters in length. It was planned that the Gerald Ford would replace the giant Enterprise. But the latter was already removed from the squad in 2012. The operation of the new ship is projected to cost 4 billion less than the Enterprise due to a reduction in the number of crew. A modern aircraft carrier will be able to accommodate about 4,660 people. In 2013, a ceremony to launch the vessel took place. It is planned to be introduced into the American fleet in November of this year. The aviation group will consist of more than 75 airplanes, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

The Navy is one of the most effective instruments of geopolitics. American Admiral Alfred Mahan, in his book “The Influence of Sea Power on History,” stated that the fleet influences politics by the very fact of its existence. It's hard to argue with that. For more than two centuries, the boundaries of the British Empire were defined by the pennants of its warships, and in the last century, hegemony in the world's oceans passed to the US Navy. The main striking force of the American fleet are aircraft carriers - huge floating airfields, with the help of which the United States firmly and confidently imposes its interests on the whole world.

What about Russia? Currently, the Russian Navy has in service one ship capable of ensuring the takeoff and landing of aircraft of the classical aerodynamic design - this is the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser (TAKR or TAVKR) Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov.

Admiral Kuznetsov was designed and built back in the Soviet Union, it became the first true Soviet aircraft carrier and a further development of the Project 1143 Krechet heavy aircraft-carrying cruisers. The main difference between the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier and most aircraft carriers is the presence of missile weapons (Granit anti-ship missiles).

For many years, disputes have not subsided as to whether such a ship is necessary for the Russian Navy, does Russia even need aircraft-carrying ships?

After launching in 1989, this heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser spent almost most of its time not on cruises, but at the quay walls of repair docks. Due to the low reliability of ship mechanisms, the only Russian aircraft carrier on voyages is always accompanied by a tug, which can come to the rescue if something happens. The Russian military industry has never been able to provide this ship with a sufficient number of combat aircraft, and even fewer have trained pilots capable of taking off and landing on the ship’s deck.

Military sailors call this ship “Kuzya”, and it is very difficult to say whether this nickname is affectionate or contemptuous.

History of the creation of the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier

The first aircraft carriers appeared at the dawn of the 20th century, almost immediately after the emergence of military aviation. At first, they were considered as auxiliary ships that should ensure the effective operation of the main striking force of the naval forces of that time - battleships.

However, everything changed radically on December 7, 1941. On this day, Japanese aircraft sank most of the American battleships in the harbor of the Pearl Harbor base. Almost immediately after this, the United States laid down 24 Essex-class aircraft carriers. It was these ships that essentially allowed the Americans to win the war in the Pacific.

The most powerful battleship of the Japanese Navy, Yamato, was destroyed by American aircraft without causing any serious damage to the enemy.

After the end of World War II, it became clear that aircraft carriers are the new rulers of the World Ocean, and the leading maritime powers actively began building such ships. In 1961, the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier was launched in the United States.

In the USSR, relatively little attention was paid to aircraft-carrying ships. Stalin preferred huge, powerful battleships, and few people dared to argue with him. An ardent supporter of the construction of aircraft carriers in the Soviet Union was Admiral Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov. Largely thanks to his efforts, the first projects of aircraft-carrying ships appeared in the pre-war years, but then they did not go beyond sketches and drawings. Projects for two aircraft carriers were developed at once: a large one (for 72 aircraft) and a small one (for 32 aircraft), but they were crossed out from the post-war fleet development plans. Admiral Gorshkov finally closed the Soviet aircraft carrier projects.

Soviet propaganda portrayed aircraft carriers as a weapon of aggressive war inherent in imperialism. The efficiency and combat power of these ships was underestimated, while the capabilities of Soviet missile cruisers, on the contrary, were extolled and overstated. Khrushchev was an ardent fan of missile weapons and the submarine fleet, so under him the main resources of the Soviet Union were devoted to the creation of strategic submarines.

After Brezhnev came to power, the USSR resumed the development of aircraft-carrying ships. In the late 60s, Yakovlev's design bureau designed the Yak-38 vertical take-off and landing aircraft, which Yakovlev wanted to put into the fleet. The aircraft-carrying cruiser Kiev was built specifically for this vehicle in 1972, which, in addition to aircraft, was also armed with P-500 Basalt anti-ship missiles.

In total, four Project 1143 ships were launched: Kyiv, Minsk, Novorossiysk and Baku. However, the Soviet Navy was in for a serious disappointment: the Yak-38 turned out to be a very unsuccessful machine, it could not take off with full fuel and weapons, and in the tropics the aircraft’s engines refused to start at all. Despite numerous modifications, it was not possible to turn this aircraft into a reliable and effective combat vehicle.

The heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov is, in fact, a continuation of Project 1143. They planned to produce three ships, the main difference of which was the ability to take off and land on the deck of aircraft with a traditional design. The Admiral Kuznetsov was laid down in 1981, the cruiser Varyag in 1985, and the Ulyanovsk in 1988.

The birth of the new ship was very difficult; the developers were hampered by conflicting requirements for the appearance of the aircraft carrier coming from the Ministry of Defense and the leadership of the Navy. The development of the project was carried out by the Leningrad Design Bureau; the designers offered customers five projects for a new ship, one of which included equipping it with a nuclear power plant. Only in 1982 the project was officially approved, and construction began at the Black Sea Shipyard (Nikolaev).

During construction, progressive technology was used, which consisted of forming the ship’s hull from ready-made large blocks. At the same time, the “Nitka” ground complex was created in Crimea (Saki), where pilots practiced their skills in taking off and landing on a ship’s deck. Initially, the aircraft-carrying cruiser was named "Riga", but already in November 1982 (after the death of the Secretary General) it was renamed "Leonid Brezhnev". In 1987, the ship received a new name - “Tbilisi”, and in 1990 - “Admiral Kuznetsov”.

Instead of the Basalt anti-ship missiles, the cruiser was armed with more modern Granit missiles, the length of the flight deck was significantly increased, and instead of a steam catapult, the ship received a springboard in the bow.

In 1989, sea trials of the ship began, at the same time the first successful landings and takeoffs of aircraft from the ship's deck were made. The aircraft-carrying cruiser showed good performance characteristics. On January 20, 1991, Admiral Kuznetsov was accepted into the Russian Northern Fleet.

Design of the cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov"

The heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov is a continuation of the Project 1143 ships, but in a number of its characteristics it differs significantly from them. In appearance, the cruiser is more similar to classic aircraft carriers; it has a so-called through take-off deck and a springboard in the bow of the ship. Its tilt angle is 14.3°. Deck area - 14,800 m2. The cruiser is equipped with an aircraft finisher and an emergency barrier.

On the Admiral Kuznetsov, underwater structural protection (SSP) was used for the first time.

To lift aircraft from hangars, two lifts are installed on the Admiral Kuznetsov, capable of lifting weights of up to 40 tons. The ship's superstructure (“island”) has 13 tiers, it is shifted to the right, which made it possible to increase the width of the runway. The deck has a special heat-resistant Omega coating that can withstand temperatures up to 450°C.

The hull is welded, it has seven decks and two platforms. The bottom is double along the entire length. The hangar for aircraft occupies 50% of the length and 70% of the width of the aircraft carrier. In addition to the aircraft, it houses tractors, fire trucks, as well as equipment for the repair and maintenance of aircraft and helicopters. In addition, the hangar is equipped with an aircraft transportation system, so that tractors are only needed for work on the upper deck. Airplanes are placed in a hangar with their wings folded, and helicopters with their main rotors removed.

The Granit anti-ship missile launchers are located at the base of the springboard; they are covered with armored covers on top. The Kinzhal air defense systems are located in sponsons at the bow and stern of the ship.

The Svetlana-2 aircraft finisher is a system of several cables stretched over the deck. They are connected to a hydraulic system that absorbs the energy of aircraft landing on the deck.

An aircraft-carrying cruiser has several navigation systems that help pilots land on the ship. A unique Luna optical system was also installed, allowing pilots to visually determine the correctness of the landing approach.

In addition to combat aircraft, the main armament of the heavy cruiser is the Granit anti-ship missile. Twelve missiles are placed in silo-type launchers located in the bow of the ship. To protect the ship from the air, the Kinzhal air defense system (24 launchers, 192 missiles) and the Kortik air defense missile system (8 launchers, 256 missiles) and six AK-630M rapid-fire launchers can be used. The aircraft carrier is also armed with two RBU-12000 “Boas” (60 depth charges).

However, the main armament of the ship is the combat aircraft that are on board. These are 50 aircraft: 26 carrier-based fighters and 24 helicopters.

The radio-electronic equipment of Admiral Kuznetsov is very diverse and includes 58 different items. Among them:

  • BIUS "Lumberjack";
  • Complex "Mars-Passat" with phased array;
  • Fregat-MA three-dimensional radar;
  • Radar for detecting low-flying targets “Podkat”;
  • Communication complex "Buran-2";
  • Electronic warfare complex "Sozvezdie-BR".

The power plant almost completely repeats the design used on other ships of Project 1143. It is a steam turbine, four-shaft, with a power of 20 thousand hp. With. The main power plant allows the ship to develop a full speed of 29 knots and cover 8 thousand miles at an 18-knot speed.

The installation consists of eight boilers; there is no auxiliary power plant.

The movement is carried out by the rotation of four bronze screws.

Operation of the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier

Until 1994, various tests were carried out on the ship, and it received new aircraft. At the beginning of 1995, the ship's boilers were repaired. At the end of 1995, as part of the ship group “Admiral Kuznetsov”, he went on a cruise to the Mediterranean Sea. The ship visited Tunisia, Crete, Syria and Malta. At the end of the cruise, the cruiser took part in large-scale exercises. They practiced repelling air attacks, detecting enemy submarines, and carried out missile and artillery firing.

From 1996 to 1998 the ship was under repair. In 2000, Admiral Kuznetsov took part in exercises during which the Kursk submarine suffered a disaster. From 2001 to 2004, the ship was under repair.

In 2018, the aircraft carrier went to the Mediterranean Sea to lead the Russian Navy group there.

Evaluation of the aircraft carrier project "Admiral Kuznetsov"

The aircraft-carrying cruiser “Admiral Kuznetsov” can with full confidence be called a full-fledged aircraft carrier. However, the abandonment of steam catapults significantly complicated the use of carrier-based aircraft. The springboard seemed to the developers a good (and cheap) alternative to catapults, but it could not completely replace them. Su-33 aircraft are capable of solving only air defense tasks, but they cannot effectively strike ground targets or enemy ships. Moreover, taking off using a ski-jump imposes restrictions on the take-off weight of aircraft, which means a reduction in their fuel reserves and the weight of weapons.

According to unofficial information, aircraft takeoffs are carried out only against the wind in windy weather. Pilots prefer not to use the ship's navigation systems, but to fly only in good visibility. Of the entire air squadron, only 6-7 aircraft are usually ready for flights.

The ship's energy system causes a lot of criticism. Almost every trip to sea is accompanied by a more or less serious emergency situation related to the operation of the power plant. It should be noted that on every long voyage the Admiral Kuznetsov is accompanied by a tug. Several cases of complete loss of speed by a ship, which almost ended in disaster, are described. Several serious fires occurred on the cruiser, which led to casualties.

Some experts believe that the Admiral Kuznetsov is not of serious value as a combat unit. Moreover, its operation is dangerous and very expensive for the Russian budget. They propose mothballing the ship.

If Russia plans to develop its Navy, then it cannot do without aircraft-carrying ships. "Admiral Kuznetsov", like other ships of Project 1143, can be called one of the stages of development in this direction. The Project 1143 aircraft carrier cruisers allowed the Russian fleet to accumulate the necessary experience, learn how to manage and properly use these huge and very complex ships.

Not long ago, information appeared that a large-scale modernization of the Admiral Kuznetsov is planned, during which the ship’s outdated radio-electronic equipment, power plant and some weapons systems will be replaced.

Technical characteristics of the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier

(including Ka-27PS)
Main characteristics
Displacement, t:
Main dimensions, m:
longest length (along the design waterline)306,45 (270)
maximum width (according to the vertical line)71,96 (33,41)
average draft (Dst/Dnorm/Dfull)8,05/8,97/9,76
maximum draft10,4
Main power plantboiler-turbine, 8 KVG-4 boilers in 4 autonomous groups
Power, hp (kW):
total 4 GTZA TV-4200000
turbogenerators TD-15006x1500
Diesel generators DGR-15004x1500
Number of shafts, pcs4
Number of screws, pcs4
Travel speed, knots:18 (2)
PercussionPKRP "Granit-NK"
P-700 missiles, pcs.12
Vertical launch units SM-233, pcs.12
Anti-aircraft missileSAM "Dagger"
Vertical launch units SM-9, pcs.24x8
SAM 9M330-2, pcs.192
Anti-aircraft missile and artilleryZRAK "Dirk"
Number of installations, pcs8
SAM 9M311-1, pcs.256
30 mm shells, pcs.48000
ArtilleryZAK AK-630M
Number of installations, pcs6
Anti-submarine/anti-torpedoRBU-12000 "Boa Constrictor-1"
Electronic weapons
General detection radarPLC "Mars-Passat", 4 PAR
NLC detection radar2хМР-360 "Podkat"
NC detection radar3xMP-212 “Vaigach”
GASGAS MGK-355 "Polynom-T", GAS MGK-365 "Zvezda-M1", anti-sabotage GAS MG-717 "Amulet", GAS "Altyn", ZPS MG-35 "Shtil", GAS MG-355TA
Electronic warfare equipment"Constellation-RB"
Complexes of fired interference2x2 PK-2 launchers (ZiF-121), 4x10 PK-10 “Brave” launchers
Fire control radar2x “Coral-BN”, 4 control radars for the Kinzhal 3R95 air defense missile system, 4 control podules for the 3R86 “Kortik” air defense missile system
Navigation complex"Beysur"
Radio navigation aids"Resistor K-4", "Lawn"
Means of communicationBuran-2 complex, Kristall-BK space communications complex

Video about the aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov"

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