Home Trees and shrubs Calendar planning for the thematic week “Wonderful things around us” in the first junior group. Thematic planning. Topic of the week: “Objective world around us” (cognition) Week in the world around us

Calendar planning for the thematic week “Wonderful things around us” in the first junior group. Thematic planning. Topic of the week: “Objective world around us” (cognition) Week in the world around us

For our homeschooling, we have created lesson planning templates that you candownload for free.

  • They will help you systematize topics, put ideas together, and structure activities with your child.
  • Once you get into the habit of planning your child’s education, you will realize that teaching him on your own is not as difficult as it seemed.
  • You will clearly see what, how and when you will do it.
  • You will be able to select materials in advance and create comfortable learning conditions for your child.
  • You will stop worrying that you are not doing enough with your child or that you are doing the same thing.
  • Systematized learning always gives better results than spontaneous learning.

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Thematic lesson planning

There are 5 templates in the file:

  1. Lesson plan for the week. It is divided into blocks: “Theme of the week”, “Additional topics”, “Ideas”, “Activities”, “Materials”, “Books”, “Crafts, cartoons”, as well as a week by day. All these blocks are made for clarity and convenience. This does not mean at all that you need to fill out each block to the maximum and complete all the tasks. Sit down, for example, on Sunday with a cup of tea and think about the next week. What topic will you touch upon, what needs to be repeated, what story would be nice to read, what material should you pay more attention to, etc. Don't forget about holidays and memorable dates. You can write these in the bottom block with the days of the week, so you don’t forget to do it for grandma’s birthday.
  2. Thematic plan for each season of the year. This template is useful for tying themes into the annual cycle. For example, we talk about berries in the summer, and about vegetables in the fall, about penguins in the winter, and about butterflies in the spring. Plus, again, we fit holidays into the annual plan and your own rhythms of life. For example, during the winter holidays we go to our grandparents, where we can see the winter forest more clearly and also get acquainted with live music (our grandfather plays the guitar). This means that at this time you can deepen the conversation about winter, and also make a separate topic about musical instruments.

Happy planning, interesting activities and great achievements!

Date, day of the week Directly organized educational activities (taking into account the scheme of distribution of educational activities) Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas (forms of work with children) Organization of a developmental environment for independent activities of children Work with parents Group\
subgroup Individual Educational activities in special moments October 10
Monday 1. Motor activity (according to the plan INSTR. ON FC) 2. Visual activity (Modeling)
Topic: “Round cup for Dasha’s doll”
Program content:
-learn to sculpt a cup from a round shape by pressing plasticine or clay, smooth the surface with a wet cloth; instill interest in works of folk art and household items.
(Pavlova p.77)
Cognitive development
Consideration of the thematic album: “Clothes. Shoes. Hats".
Game situation: dress the doll for a walk
Self service:
- dressing - undressing;

Art.development.Reading art. literature:
Reading nursery rhymes about the benefits of sleep.
Goal: to evoke a strong emotional response

Cloud watching.
Goal: to cultivate interest in inanimate natural phenomena
Physical development
Outdoor games
"Sparrows and a car."
Goal: to consolidate knowledge about traffic rules and spatial orientation.
2. “Bird and Chicks”
GOAL: To teach children to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other; teach them to quickly act on the teacher’s signal and help each other.
Social and communicative development

Social.com.development development-
"Didactic game:" Magic bag. Goal: enriching the vocabulary.
P/N: “Do as I do!!!”
with Vika Lebedeva and Nastya BaldinaPhysical development
Practice walking in a straight direction through game tasks.
with Valentin and Yaroslav M
Artistic development
Games - fun with children's pinwheels
Goal: to promote the creation of a joyful atmosphere and good mood. Learn to independently organize your leisure time with Olya and Maxim MolyarenkoPhysical development

Social and communicative development
Situational conversation about the rules of behavior in the group.
Situational conversation “You need to know how to dress yourself.”
Fix the sequence of dressing and undressing.
Role-playing game “Getting ready for a walk”
Goal: to develop in children the ability to select clothes for different seasons, teach them to correctly name items of clothing, consolidate the general concepts of “clothing”, “shoes”, and cultivate a caring attitude towards others.

Drawing with pencils. Goal: to teach children to hold a pencil in their hand correctly
Physical development
– balls, jump ropes, skittles
GCD sports uniform, sneakers
Social developmentGames with your favorite toys
Goal: to develop independence, initiative, and imagination in children.
Place paper, pencils, templates in the drawing corner

Cognitive development

Role-playing games at the request of children.
Productive activity.
Didactic game on FEMP “Big, small”
Goal: To develop the ability to compare objects by size. Use the words “big small” in speech.
Games with external material.

Art.est. development
Coloring books, colored pencils

Samples of cups, doll, plasticine or clay, oilcloth or plasticine rolling board, napkin, stack.
- “Praise or scold”
OCTOBER Tuesday 1. Musical activities (according to the plan of the music director)
2.Communicative activities (PP)
Topic: Description of the painting
Program content:
connection r: be able to compose a short story together with the teacher. Answer questions with sentences.
vocabulary: learn to correctly name items of clothing, name actions, use adjectives denoting colors.
sound. cool speech: consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sounds p and p; teach children to pronounce clearly and loudly enough
(O. S. Ushakova. E. M. Strunina
Page 38)Cognitive development
Didactic game: “Who is wearing what?”
Goal: to develop children's powers of observation, visual memory, and to activate their vocabulary on the topic “clothing.”
View illustrations accompanied by the teacher’s story “Who Sews Clothes.” Goal: to acquaint children with the profession of a seamstress, with the items necessary for work.
Social and communicative development
Self service:
- dressing - undressing;
- keeping clothes and shoes in order
Goal: - improving the ability to dress, undress, and neatly fold clothes independently;
- training in the ability to notice problems in clothing and seek help from adults
Art.est.developmentReading poems from I. Tokmakova’s collection “Read to me, mother.” Goal: To develop the ability to listen carefully and develop an interest in reading.
Cognitive/language development
"Looking at an autumn tree"
Goal: to develop knowledge about the main parts of wood, height and thickness.
Physical development
- develop dexterity and determination.
"Birds in nests."

2. “The Mother Hen and the Chicks”
Goal: to develop children’s ability to jump and move actively
Social and communicative development
Labor activity: raking sand into a pile for play. Goals:
teach to maintain cleanliness and order in the area, encourage adults to provide assistance;
Social.com.development development-
Teaching situation “Getting ready for a walk”
Goal: to develop self-service skills in children, teach them to dress independently, in a certain sequence.
With children Maxim Mikhailov and Vanya
Physical development
Practice catching the ball and throwing it to each other with Katya and Sasha Zh.
Artistic development
Learn how to hold and
to draw with a pencil
with Nastya Zhdanova and Mark Physical development
Morning exercises (Complex No. 3);
Gymnastics after sleep (Complex No. 3);
Physical education sessions, finger gymnastics
Goal: To introduce children to a healthy lifestyle, to strengthen the physical health of children.
Social and communicative development
Carrying out the teacher’s instructions (put books in a pile, assemble a pyramid and put it on a shelf, etc.).
"Find your color
Goal: to form orientation in space,
teach to act on a signal, develop dexterity, attention Role-playing game “Dolls for a walk”
Goals: continue to develop interest in playing with dolls and building materials; learn to use acquired skills in the construction of simple buildings; consolidate the ability to play together, share game material; develop children’s desire to establish relationships in play and enrich their vocabulary; cultivate interest and respect for each other, the desire to comply with norms of behavior; consolidate the ability to distribute roles; encourage children's independence.
Art.Es.developmentReading fiction at the request of children
Didactic games “Windows” (children match the depicted silhouette of the figure with the cut out figures and put them on a suitable silhouette).
Physical development

- skittles,
-ring throw,
Display building material.
Update the card index of physical education minutes.
Working with paired pictures “What does it look like? Goal: to develop in children the ability to correlate a shape with a picture.

Dishes, rollers, balls, hoops
Goal: Encourage children to play a variety of games.
Cognitive development
Illustrations depicting autumn.
Independent activity during a walk.
Games with external material.
Watering cans, cubes and molds for each child to play with sand, dolls, cars.
Art.est. development
Coloring books, colored pencils
for productive activities.

Conversations “Children’s clothing in the group and on the street”
October 12
1.Cognitive and research activities (MS)
Topic: “As much... as much Program content: learn to compare one group of objects with another, sequentially superimposing one object on another, distinguish between equality and inequality without counting, by the number of objects included in the group.
(Novikova p. 24)
2.Motor activity (according to the plan of instructions for FC)
Cognitive development
Communication: Conversation “Why do we need clothes.” Goal: To expand and concretize ideas about clothing, its purpose, and the details of which it consists.
Social and communicative development
Self service:
- dressing - undressing;
- keeping clothes and shoes in order
Goal: - improving the ability to dress, undress, and neatly fold clothes independently;
- training in the ability to notice problems in clothing and seek help from adults
Art.est.development HYPERLINK "http://baby-scool.narod.ru/media/book/poesiya/pleseev/osen_nastupila_pleseev.html" .
S. Prokofiev “The Tale of the Shoes.” Goal: To develop the ability to listen carefully and develop an interest in reading.
Cognitive/language development
Behind the falling leaves
Goal: to evoke in children an emotional attitude towards natural phenomena, to consolidate the concept (leaf fall). To teach them to admire leaves, to treat them with care. To develop aesthetic taste.
Physical development
"Birds in nests."
learn to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other;
act quickly on the teacher’s signal, help each other.
2. “The Mother Hen and the Chicks”
Goal: to develop in children the ability to jump and move actively.
Social and communicative development
Labor activity: raking sand for play. Goals:
teach to maintain cleanliness and order in the area, encourage adults to provide assistance;
Social.com.development development-
D/i “What will we wear for a walk”
Goal: to teach children to correctly name items of clothing, to use adjectives in speech - definitions, coordinating them with nouns.
with Diana and Mark
Physical development
Practice jumping over obstacles with Angelina and Olya
Artistic development
Drawing with a pencil Purpose: to train how to hold a pencil in your hand correctly
With Nastya Zhulanova and AyarthurPhysical development
Morning exercises (Complex No. 3);
Gymnastics after sleep (Complex No. 3);
Physical education sessions, finger gymnastics
Goal: To introduce children to a healthy lifestyle, to strengthen the physical health of children.
Social and communicative development
“Lunch hour has come, the children sat down at the table”
1. Table setting; familiarization with the menu; attracting children's attention to aesthetic design
tables.2. Attracting children's attention to food; individual work to educate food culture; assessment of children's neatness.
Role-playing game “Family”: “Let’s iron the laundry.” Goal: to expand children’s understanding of care and respect for clothing. Encourage attempts to independently select attributes and organize the game environment
Art.Es.developmentReading fiction at the request of children
A situational conversation about whether it is possible to cross the road when the color is red.
Physical development
Create a game situation for motor activity by preparing:
- skittles,
-ring throw,
Soc.com.developmentCreate a game situation for cognitive activity by preparing:
- designer "Young Architect"
- building material “Baby”
Dishes, rollers, balls, hoops
Goal: Encourage children to play a variety of games.
Cognitive development
Illustrations depicting autumn.
New accessories for home corner
Independent activity during a walk.
Work at the Pochemuchka center: games to develop fine motor skills.
Daisies and bees cut out of cardboard and 2 hoops, counting sticks in a box of 12 pieces.
Games with external material.
Watering cans, cubes and molds for each child to play with sand, dolls, cars.
Art.est. development
Coloring books, colored pencils
for productive activities. .
October 13
1. Visual activity (drawing)
Topic: “Let’s decorate Katya’s doll’s dress.”
Program content:
Continue to develop children's desire to draw. Learn to make patterns on a template. Develop creative imagination and fantasy. To cultivate artistic taste, patience, attention, observation (Lykova p.48)
2. Musical activities (according to the plan of the music director)
Cognitive development
Board-printed games:
"Fold the picture"
Goal: developing the ability to compare, generalize, and correctly name an object
Game situation “Lunch at Masha’s doll”
Goal: to develop children’s work skills, teach them to set the table, and correctly use utensils for setting the table for breakfast. Didactic game “Guess what’s in the bag”
Social and communicative development
Self service:
- dressing - undressing;
- keeping clothes and shoes in order
Goal: - improving the ability to dress, undress, and neatly fold clothes independently;
- training in the ability to notice problems in clothing and seek help from adults
Art.Es.DevelopmentReading riddles about clothes
Cognitive/language development
"Watching the fall of leaves"
Objectives: learn to identify the signs of autumn;
develop observation skills;
to cultivate the ability to enjoy the beautiful, to treat nature with care.
Physical development
Outdoor games:
"Birds in nests."
Goals: -learn to walk and run, scattered, without bumping into each other;
- to teach children to act quickly on the teacher’s signal, to help each other.
"Find your place."
Goal: to teach how to quickly act on a signal and navigate in space.
Social and communicative development
Labor activity: watering sand for play. Goals:
teach to maintain cleanliness and order in the area, encourage adults to provide assistance;
Cognitive development-
“Find the same bag.” Goal: learn to examine bags with different fillings with your hands, develop tactile perception, fine motor skills. with Nastya Loktionova and Valentin
Physical development
"Do as I do!"
Goal: To help improve children's performance of basic walking movements. Develop observation, attention, coordination of movements. Teach children to monitor the actions of the driver. accurately copy movements.
Arthur and Mark
Cognitive development
Game "Find your house." Goal: to teach to distinguish and find certain geometric shapes, to name them correctly.
With Katya and Maxim Mikhailov Physical development

Physical education sessions, finger gymnastics
Goal: To introduce children to a healthy lifestyle, to strengthen the physical health of children.
Social and communicative development
Work assignment: washing doll clothes. Goal: to develop in children the ability to wash small items of doll clothing, to encourage the desire to finish the job.
- exercise “Dressing yourself.” Purpose: to remind children of the sequence of dressing and undressing; cultivate independence.
strengthen the sequence of dressing and undressing
Role-playing game "Clothing Store". Game situation “A new store has opened” Goal: to enrich and systematize children’s gaming experience, to encourage children to use knowledge about items of clothing and their purpose in the game. Continue to introduce children to the work of a salesperson and speech structures.

Productive activity: Working with templates and stencils on the topic “Clothing”. Goal: develop coordination, motor skills, color perception.
Physical development
Create a game situation for motor activity by preparing:
– balls, jump ropes, skittles
Soc.com.developmentIndependent activities for children “Collect beads”, “Long, short”
Dishes, rollers, balls, hoops
Goal: Encourage children to play a variety of games.
attributes for role-playing games: autumn clothes of the Katya doll (blouse, coat, pants, fur coat, cap, mittens, scarf); “Magic chest” with items of clothing for viewing and trying on (hats, skirts, sundress, gloves, scarves).
Cognitive development
Replenish with games “Colors and Paints”, “Find a Pair”, game with colored caps “Put them in order”.
Bring “Teremok” puzzles into the theatrical corner.
Independent activity during a walk.
Art.est.development. Outlines, stencils, coloring pages on the theme “Clothing”.
Talk with parents about the well-being of their children.
Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents
Friday 14 October
1. Cognitive and research activities (Knowledge of the objective and social world, Topic: “Clothing”

Program content:
To train children in the ability to identify and distinguish clothes, to highlight the main characteristics of items of clothing (color, shape, structure, size); group objects according to characteristics.
(O.V. Dybina “Acquaintance with the subject and social environment”, p. 23)
2.Motor activity (according to the physical training plan)
Cognitive development
Conversation about the world around us: what the child saw along the way; natural, weather changes. Goal: to develop children’s coherent speech and observation skills.
"Looking at an Autumn Tree"
Goal: to form knowledge about the main parts of a tree, their height and thickness; To develop the ability to enjoy beauty, to treat nature with care.
Social and communicative development
Self service:
- dressing - undressing;
- keeping clothes and shoes in order
Goal: - improving the ability to dress, undress, and neatly fold clothes independently;
- training in the ability to notice problems in clothing and seek help from adults
Artistic development Reading E. Moshkovskaya “Mitya-sam”, “I will not be afraid”, “Greedy” Purpose: To teach children to listen and perceive the work. When listening again, finish the words in the text.
Cognitive development
""Observation of the spruce"
-form an idea of ​​the characteristics of spruce by which it can be distinguished from other trees;
- cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.
Physical development
Outdoor games
“From hummock to hummock.” Goal: to develop in children the ability to jump on two legs moving forward.
GOAL: to develop in children the ability to crawl under an arc; agility; orientationSocial and communicative development
Labor activity: watering sand for play. Goals:
teach to maintain cleanliness and order in the area.
Cognitive development-
sensory development “Assemble a pyramid”
C: teach children to assemble a pyramid for pain. rings to small s Nastya Zhd. and Yarik
Physical development
Looking at pictures
Topic: “Hygiene rules”
Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about personal hygiene items (soap) with Nadya and Sasha Z.
Speech development
Didactic game: “What has changed?” Goal: Develop memory, observation, attention with Vanya and Katya Physical development
Morning exercises (Complex No. 3); Gymnastics after sleep (Complex No. 3);
Physical education sessions, finger gymnastics
Goal: To introduce children to a healthy lifestyle, to strengthen the physical health of children.
Social and communicative development
Self-care during dressing and undressing. Didactic game “Help the little bunny put his clothes in the closet.” Goals: To learn how to neatly fold and hang clothes, put shoes away. Cultivate neatness, careful handling of things, and independence. Teach to follow basic rules of behavior in the locker room (don’t make noise, don’t run, don’t bang cabinet doors loudly, don’t litter, help your comrades, don’t disturb others).
Role-playing game
Role-playing game: “An ambulance takes Katya to the hospital.”
Goal: To develop the ability to choose a role and perform several interrelated actions with toys. Develop the ability to interact in a story with two characters
Art.Es.developmentReading fiction at the request of children
Final event:
Selection of doll clothes (according to the season) in the play corner. Games with dolls “Getting ready for a walk.” Physical development
Create a game situation for motor activity by preparing:
– balls, jump ropes, skittles
Soc.com.developmentCreate a game situation for cognitive activity by preparing:
Working with paired pictures “What does it look like? Goal: to develop in children the ability to correlate a shape with a picture
Independent activity for children “Collect beads”, “Long, short”
Dishes, rollers, balls, hoops
Goal: Encourage children to play a variety of games.
Cognitive development
Illustrations depicting clothes
Independent activity during a walk.
Games with external material.
scoops and molds for each child for playing with sand, dolls, cars.
Art.est. development
Coloring books, colored pencils
Cardboard dress, gouache paints, brushes. Cups of water, markers, glue, napkins,...
Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents

Nadezhda Belenko
Fragment of the work program in the senior group. Week “The Object World Around Us”

from 28.11 to 2.12 (1st week of December)

Goal: - expand children's horizons through acquaintance with the objective world; to form in children an idea of ​​objects in their immediate environment.

Objectives: teach to distinguish and name dishes; introduce its purpose; consolidate knowledge about pieces of furniture and clothing; maintain and develop interest in examining objects jointly with adults and independently; compare objects according to basic properties (color, shape, size, establishing identity and difference; develop skills of safe behavior in everyday life.

1. Days of the week. 2. Priority activities. 3. Direct educational activities for children and adults. 4. Educational activities in special moments to implement the educational topic based on the integration of various types of activities. 5. Individual direct educational activities of children. 6. Design of teaching staff as part of the implementation of the educational program.

7. Interaction with parents and social partners.

Monday 28.11 Cognitive-researcher. activity (mathematics) in integration with elements of work activity. Motor activity with play activities (according to the plan of the physical education director). “Quantity and counting. Number and figure 7. Composition of number 7. Far - close" R. P. Novikova p. 30, P. A. Falkovich p. 111. "We are inventors." Volchkova V. N. p. 100.

4. Developmental educational situation based on a game “Room for Katya’s doll.”

Review illustrations of furniture. (use of adjectives and verbs in speech).

Watching migratory birds.

Labor: shovel snow onto perennial plants.

P/n: “Take care of the object”, “Tracks”.

Low mobility games

“Big cord” (jumping over the cord, crawling under the cord).

5. Individual work during a walk (according to the psychologist’s plan).

Circle "Mukosolka" DDT.

Club “Fitball-gymnastics” (according to the plan of the physical education worker). Individual work with Andrey, Sasha, Matvey on the topic: “Name the objects in your house.”

Individual work with Sonya, Kostya, Matvey, strengthening the sounds “A”, “O”. Riddles. Children guess familiar sounds in riddles

D/I “What has changed?” (reinforce the concepts of big, small, knowledge of basic colors and shapes of objects)

Labyrinths "My Home".

6. In the corner of the Fine Art, using a geometric stencil, depict pieces of furniture.

In the mini-library reading K. Chukovsky “Telephone”.

In the Furniture Store play corner.

In math. build a house from cubes in a corner, divide it into rooms, furnish it with furniture.

Physical education corner (according to the plan of the physical education director)

7. Consultation “How to properly dress a child for a walk.”

(logorithm of dressing and undressing).

Tuesday 29.11 Cognitive and research activities (cognitive development)

Visual activities (modeling). Musical activities (as planned by the music director). “Artificial materials are necessary” Volchkova V.N. art. 98 “What animals live in the winter forest?” Bondarenko T. M. senior 186

4. Conversation on the topic: “Tools.”

Making riddles about tools.

Experience: “Steam is also water.”

Animal observation. (cat).

The work of putting things in order in the gym corner.

D/i: “Who is doing what?”, “Describe, we will guess.”

Outdoor games: “Run to what I name”, “Fox and chickens”.

Musical activities during a walk (according to the music director’s plan)

Communicative dancing while walking (according to the plan of the physical education worker)

School of thinking (according to the plan of a psychologist)

5. Individual work with Zakhar, Ilya, Maxim, compiling a story about dad’s tools, what kind of help the children provide to dad, what they repaired together.

Individual work with Andrey and Nikita to name inanimate objects.

Ecological games: “Seasons”, “When does this happen?”

Music during routine moments (putting oneself to bed during the day).

6. In the corner of the IZO painted. instrumental

In the corner of math. Exercise “Connect the numbers in order”, “The numbers are lost”.

D.I. “Find the sound”, “Name it in one word.”

To sports. corner – motor exercise: “Red fox”.

Pal. games: “Flag”, “Car”, “Flower”.

S/R. game: "In the auto repair shop."

Leisure health.

Circle work with parents “Family living room”.

Wednesday 30.11 Communicative activities (speech development). Visual activities

(drawing). Motor activity (according to the plan of the physical education director).

Open day for parents and legal guardians. NOD “Journey to the Flower of Friendship”. Drawing flower petals in different ways NTR.

4. Conversation “Safety rules when using electrical objects.”

Examination of illustrations of electrical appliances.

Weather observation. (windy, clear, cloudy, temperature).

Experience: “Water is liquid, can flow, takes the shape of an object.”

The work of putting things in order in a corner of nature.

D.I. “Find out by description”, “Name your neighbors”.

Outdoor games “Hares and cabbage”, “Polar bears”, “Traps”.

Musical living room (according to the plan of the music director).

5. Individual work with Vadim, Misha, Kostya, Kirill, compiling the story “What objects surround us in the group?”

D. game “Magic clothespins”, “Who is doing what?”

Articulation gymnastics “Tube”, “Shovel”.

Finger game “Where are our hands?”

6. Color electrical appliances in the art corner.

In the corner of speech development: asking riddles about electrical appliances.

In math. corner - making numbers and figures from counting sticks.

Finger game "Our Helpers".

Games for attention: “Go through the numbers”, “Who left?”. “Which object is the odd one in the picture?”

7. Open day. GCD screening: “Journey to the Flower of Friendship.”

Thursday 1.12. Cognitive and research activities (ecology) “Animals are our helpers” Volchkova V. N. p. 44 Motor activity (physical development in the fresh air.

4. Conversation: “Household items in our house.”

Discussion of "Rules of conduct on the road."

Looking at pictures of different traffic situations.

Monitoring traffic on the street.

Individual work with Kostya, Kirill on the topic: “Name the objects on the street.”

Labor: feed the birds.

D.I. “Find the mistakes”, “Choose the right items.”

Outdoor games: “Planes”, “Train”.

5. Individual work with Zhenya, Kostya, Maxim, Andrey on the topic “Seasonal changes in nature.”

Didactic game “Guess the object by description”, “What’s extra?”

Finger gymnastics “Grinders”, “Two Sisters”.

Communication on the topic: “How should you dress in winter?”

6. In the Fine Art corner, drawing everyday items in the house.

In the mini-library reading the poem: “What surrounds us?”

In the "Izba" museum, viewing household items in the hut.

In the “Car Garage” construction corner.

In the center of speech development: “Continue the sentence.”

Kruzhkov. work: “Flour salt” DDT,

“Mystery balls” theme: “Snowman”

Work in the music corner.

Working with gifted children.

7. Consultation “Individual approach to education for girls and boys.”

Friday 2.12. Communicative activities (literacy training). (according to plan

speech therapist). Visual activity applique “Christmas trees in the snow” by I. A. Lykov p. 68.

Musical activities (as planned by the music director).

4. Conversation on the topic: “What is needed to be healthy?”

Explain the phrase: “I love vitamins, I want to be healthy.”

Looking at pictures “Types of sports”.

Observing children doing physical activity in the fresh air.

Making riddles about sports.

D.I. “Swims, rides, jumps.”

Games of low mobility: “Remember the pose”, “Healthy - sick”.

5. Individual work with Sofia, Ilya, Lera, Anya on the topic “Why is it important to be able to tie your shoelaces?”

Game “Confusion” (development of visual perception, clarification of the shape of an object)

D/i “What’s missing?” (assimilation of Gender. Case of noun. Singular).

Complete the sentences by adding words with sounds (b) and (b).

6. In the Fine Art corner, drawing with colored chalks on the topic “Items in our group.”

Reading poetry in the mini-library. S. Mikhalkova “Like our Lyuba.”

Finger game “Healthy Brothers”.

In the mummers' corner there is a role-playing game: "In the hospital."

Round dance game: “These are the miracles.”

Relay games: “Bring the pin”, “Catch up with the couple”.

In the design corner “Building a multi-story house.”

Peri Tadzhibovna Shikhsaidova
Comprehensive thematic planning for the week “The world around us (what is made of what?)”

Comprehensive thematic plan. Situation (subject): "World around us(what from what and for what) » Senior group 01/30/2017 -02/03/2017

Target: Continue to introduce children to objects in their immediate environment, their purpose and the properties of materials. Tasks: Continue to expand and clarify children’s ideas about the objective world of their immediate environment.

Deepen your understanding of the essential characteristics of objects, the properties and qualities of various materials.

Systematize knowledge about types of furniture, dishes, and their purposes.

Expand children's understanding of materials, tools, their properties, and their purpose.

To form in children the knowledge that experiment is one of the ways to understand the world around them; foster a culture of experimental work.

Expand ideas about folk toys (matryoshka dolls – Gorodets, Bogorodskaya, spillikins).

To instill in children a sense of respect for working people, a caring attitude towards everything that made by human hands.

Develop dialogical speech: learn to participate in a conversation, answer questions. Learn to solve riddles.

Develop imagination, memory, artistic and creative abilities.

expand and activate children's vocabulary on the topic.

Final event – ​​Quiz “Objects that surround us. What from what has been done?».

Introductory and motivational stage. Draw the children's attention to what's new in the group.

Educator: Can you guess what we're going to talk about? A small paper boat sailed on the waves. The sail was rushing towards the clouds. The captain is brave. I was not afraid of stormy waves. The wind blew from all directions. After all, in a spring stream. He floated as if on a river. The boat was very happy. He became a friend of all the guys. I could no longer swim fast. After all, the boat was all wet.

I make thin dishes (S. Sirena) Gently white and sonorous. They have been burning for a long time. I call myself... (porcelain).

Day weeks Joint activities of adults and children Organization of a educational environment for independent activities of children in activity centers

Interaction with parents/social partners

Direct educational activities Educational activities in special moments


Subject: "Objects that surround us"

Target done



Morning gathering. Talk to children about the topic weeks"World around us» . Target: consolidate knowledge about the purpose of objects, the names of the materials from which they are made done; expand ideas about the history of the creation of objects by man, about the functions of objects; to cultivate a respectful attitude towards working people, a caring attitude towards everything that surrounds them.

Work assignments in a corner of nature. Caring for indoor plants. Help the teacher water the indoor flowers.

Working on sound pronunciation (individual work).Didactic game "What from what has been done» .


Observing the sky and clouds.

Goals: consolidate the signs of winter;

develop observation and memory.

P/game "Don't stay on the floor". Target: consolidate the ability to act on a signal, consolidate jumping, not bump into each other. Games and activities initiated by children in activity centers.

Examination of plot and subject pictures on the topic.

Games with external materials, games with snow, with balls.

Outdoor material for outdoor games.

Posting information for parents on the topic weeks

Talk with parents about children's safety at home.

friend; develop attention and speed. Individual work Exercises in running in all directions, like a snake. Target: learn to run after each other.

Work order: cleaning the area.

Afternoon. Wake up, walking on mats. Di "Say it differently"- develop figurative speech. Walk: Observation. Continue watching the sky and clouds in the evening. Outdoor game “Run to the named object”, games at the request of children.

Individual work on speech development (call it affectionately).

Games with mosaics, lotto, couples.

Independent activity in the creativity center. We draw with a stencil.

Different types of children's games (director's, role-playing)

Ask parents to help collect material on the topic weeks.

Subject: Compiling a story based on a set of toys. Target: to develop children’s interest in writing stories.


learn to compose a plot story by choosing appropriate characters for this; give descriptions and characteristics of characters, introduce dialogue into the narrative; learn to select definitions for these words; learn to compose sentences from a set of suggested words; learn to distinguish the sounds –s, -s, -sch by ear, and clearly pronounce words with these sounds

Modeling/applique (935- 1000)

Subject: "Dishes for dolls".


consolidate the ability to sculpt a variety of dishes: saucers, cups, jugs, etc. from a whole piece, adding details; practice smoothing the surface with your fingers dipped in water.

Physical training (1140- 1205)

Club hour (1550- 1650)

Morning gathering. Conversation "How People Use Wood and Leather". Target: introduce children to the properties of leather and wood. Sound pronunciation work (individual work). Conversation "Why do they say hello". Introduce polite forms of greeting into everyday speech.

Didactic game: “Which one, which one? (cup, plate, spoon, etc.)» Target: consolidate children's knowledge about cutlery, from what are they made of. Organizing the work of canteen attendants (help set the table).


Watching the wind.

Goals: continue to introduce natural phenomena, develop interest in inanimate objects of nature.

Outdoor game

"Ball Trap". Target: practice the ability to run without bumping into each other; develop agility and endurance.

Individual work.

"Throwing a ball at a target".

Target: learn to throw a ball at a target; develop accuracy and attention.

Labor activity: cleaning the area. Afternoon.

Wake up, walking along the paths. Work in a creative workshop "Riddles and guesses". Target: teach children to use knowledge about natural objects and objects of the man-made world, their properties and qualities when solving riddles. Reading the story by S. Marshak “Where did the table come from?” Walk:

Ball games. Sports game bandy. Target: teach children to stop a moving ball with a stick and throw the ball at the goal. Individual work (jumping rope).

Observations of the evening sky and weather conditions.

Children's viewing of plot pictures on the topic. Children's activities in the center of the theater. Game actions with theatrical attributes.

Take-out materials for games in the kindergarten area.

Children's activities with board-printed games.

Offer to talk with children about behavior at the table.

Talk to Renat's parents about their child's posture.


"Games in between"

(literacy training)

Subject: Sound analysis of words "Linen".

Target: teach children to conduct sound analysis of words;

consolidate the ability to name the first sound in a word;

learn to name words with a given sound.

Strengthen children's ability to divide words into syllables.

Drawing (1010-1035)

Music (1545- 1610)

Morning gathering. Di. "Solve the Riddle".

Target: teach children to create descriptions of objects according to a specific plan, promote the development of coherent speech. Remind children of good manners (don’t forget to say hello to adults and children). Individual Job: "Name the Sound"- ex. in distinguishing by ear the sounds s, -s, sh, clearly pronounce words with these sounds. Small game mobility: "House". Walk Observation of wintering birds. Comparison of a magpie and a crow.

Work order: clearing paths to feeders.

Outdoor game "To the named subject". Develop running, agility, attention.

Afternoon Games with large building materials - teach thinking and to plan practical actions, reasoning, justifying your idea. Telling a fairy tale by V. Oseev "Magic needle", story by N. Nosov "Patch"

S/i "Tea Party" Evening riddles: guessing riddles about objects around us. Walk Observation of the evening sky, the stars.

Sports exercise: sliding along icy paths. Target: exercise children in sliding along ice paths, along an inclined path in a half-squat. Nurture positive traits personalities: courage, determination, self-confidence. P/i at the initiative of children. Children playing snowballs, sledding. Work: wrapping trees in snow. Target: teach children to select equipment, negotiate interactions, and use their work skills to solve a practical problem. Enrich ideas about people’s agricultural work in winter. AND/ R: throwing a ball at a vertical target (Danil, Masha, Sasha)– consolidate the technique of throwing a ball at a vertical target at a distance.

Games and independent activities initiated by children in activity centers

Games with external material.

Games with paper dolls

Games initiated by children.

Consultation for parents on topic: “A book is your best friend and helper”.

Physical training (900- 925)

Cognitive development (cognitive, research and constructive activities)

(935 – 1000)

Subject: "Paper boat" (using origami technique). Target: help generalize children’s ideas about water and paper. Tasks: deepen knowledge about the properties of paper; improve children's research and productive abilities, thinking, fine motor skills of the hands; continue to cultivate the ability to listen to comrades, complement them and ask questions, as well as curiosity and thrift.

Rhythmic mosaic (1015- 1040)

Morning gathering. Reading a fairy tale by D. Rodari "Magic Drum"

Target: develop the ability to emotionally perceive the figurative content of a fairy tale; understand the characters of fairy tale characters; form figurative speech

Di "Please". Target: to develop in children the skill of using words of gratitude in speech. Individual work on sound pronunciation, articulatory gymnastics. Labor order: help water indoor flowers. Games of low mobility. Walk Watching the snow. Hood. word: poems, riddles about natural phenomena. Target: teach children to observe, draw conclusions, solve riddles. Mobile a game: "Run - don't hurt". Target: learn to act on a signal, develop running, play, following the rules. Labor order: collect large debris from the site. Afternoon Guessing riddles. S/r. "Workshop". Experiments: “It wrinkles - it doesn’t wrinkle”

Didactic games: “Determine by touch”

Walk. Continue monitoring the weather conditions. Outdoor games initiated by children with large balls. Sports game bandy. Target: teach children to stop a moving ball with a stick and throw the ball at the goal. Sledding each other. I/r. Throwing a ball up and catching it with both hands.

Didactic games for classification (dinnerware and kitchenware)

Child-initiated games (tabletop - printed, mosaic, lego, puzzles.)

Visual material for artistic and creative activities in the creativity center.

Children's play activities with external materials.

Construction from snow

Individual conversations with parents as needed.

Creating Collections "Beauty around us» (any beautiful objects).

Music (900- 925)

Cognitive development

(REMP) (935- 1000)

"Quantity and Counting" Tasks: quantity and count T: numbers and figures 4,5, 6,7 8;9 signs greater than, less than, equal to; independence of number from the arrangement of objects; consolidate knowledge of days weeks. Goals: solve mathematical riddles; establish a correspondence between the number of objects and the number; laying out triangles and squares from sticks (house); draw triangles and squares in a checkered notebook; understand and complete the learning task; develop skills of self-control and self-esteem.

Cultivate aesthetics and accuracy in the work process.

Bottom line:

Quiz “Objects that surround us. What from what has been done?».

Morning gathering. Conversation with children about toys. Clarify with children the names of toys and ways to play with them; teach to identify components, shape, color, material. Activate the dictionary. Cultural and hygienic skills: how to properly set the table before eating. Games of low mobility. Walk Observing seasonal changes in nature. Ice. Reinforce the signs of winter. P/n. “My cheerful, ringing ball”, Target: develop the ability to run quickly, act on a signal. Individual work. I/u «» "Right on target"- improve the ability to throw bags at a horizontal target. Collective labor activity - garbage collection at the site. Target: teach to maintain order in the area; cultivate a desire to help others. Games initiated by children. Afternoon: Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths. Conversation “Where did the book come to us from?” Repair of books and boxes of non-games. Walk. Watching the evening sky and the stars. Games initiated by children.

Children's activities in the center creativity: draw "kitchen helpers"

Game - lotto "Transport".

Di “Name what I’ll show you”, “Call it in one word”, "What from what

Children's activities with board games.

Activities in various centers for children's interests

Labor equipment: shovels, rakes, stretchers, garbage bags.

Individual conversations with children's parents as necessary.

Ask parents to help collect material on the topic of the following weeks

Selection of subject and plot pictures, illustrations, children's books, educational games, attributes for educational games, etc. on the topic.

Vera Polkunova
Planning for the day on the topic of the week “Objects around us”

Subject weeks: « Objects around us»

Target: Expand ideas about surrounding objects and objects that help a person. Final event: « "Visiting grandma""Age group: second youngest

Day of the week

date Direct educational activities

Educational activities

in regime moments Creation substantively-spacious development environment

educational for children’s independent activities and support for children’s initiative Involving families in educational activities

Type of children's activity: "Perception of Fiction"»

To visit grandma."

Integration of educational regions: « "Cognitive Development", "Speech development". "Physical development", "Social-communicative""artistically - aesthetically."

Tasks: O. region “Cognitive speech development”: -To evoke a desire, with the help of the teacher, to stage and dramatize small passages from folk tales. -Promote the development of all components of children’s oral speech, free communication with adults and children.

Ensure the development of the ability to generalize and draw conclusions. Arouse children's interest in fiction - Continue to introduce children to the traditional everyday culture of the Russian people (hut, household utensils).

"Sots kommun development" Build social skills. - Create a desire to help the heroes of the fairy tale.

To promote the development of the ability to follow basic rules during the game.

“Hood. Esthete development"-Promote the development of children's creativity in the process of productive activities.

Promote the development of musical imagination.

O. o "Fiz razv"»:

Contribute to the preservation of children's health through the use of health-saving technologies.

Ensure optimal motor activity of children during ECD.

Methods and techniques:

- visual: looking at illustrations;

- verbal: conversation.

Materials and equipment: illustrations for fairy tales. ICT.

Logic of educational activities

(abstract attached)

Musical activities.

(By plan musical director) Morning

Morning exercises. Complex No. 1 on a week

D/i “Wonderful bag?” to develop the ability to recognize objects to the touch.

Individual work with Grisha, Sofia, Dima to compose a short story together with the teacher about subject. Cut-out pictures and puzzles based on the fairy tale "Turnip". Outdoor games. "Bubble"

Walk 1

Looking at the autumn landscape.

Ind. Job: with Masha, Katya - throwing the ball to each other.

Games with external material. Outdoor game "The gray bunny is sitting".Work on clearing paths from fallen leaves - developing hard work skills

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep.

Observing the work of a teacher caring for indoor plants (loosening).

Did. a game "Find your color".Circle "The Wonderful World of Napkins"

Walk 2

Playing with sand.

Ind. working with Olya and Alfina to consolidate knowledge of primary colors.

Independent games for children with external materials

Outdoor game "Run to me". Didactic game "Find by description item"

Adding illustrations of household items items.

Introducing a large rubber ball.

Didactic game "Find your color".

Examples of children's clothing

Sand sets.

Cars, balls.

Colored cubes. Offer parents talk to their children about safe handling of household items objects.

Report daily on the progress and health of children

Consultation with Rod Katya. S and Grisha. Sh. “Independence of children 3-4 years old”

Publications on the topic:

“Everyone is glad and everyone is happy when everything is beautiful in the summer.” Consultation for parents on organizing summer holidays“Everyone is happy and everyone is happy when everything is beautiful in the summer.” Summer is the most wonderful time of the year for a family vacation. As you know, the majority.

I, an educational psychologist, on the eve of the All-Russian holiday "Psychologist's Day" organized a psychological living room for teachers called.

Every day with fun“Every day with a nursery rhyme” (Consultation for parents) Dear parents. Have you ever wondered why your children are so happy when...

Summary of GCD in the second junior group “Objects around us (toys)” Abstract of GCD in the second junior group on the topic: Objects around us (toys) Program content: - consolidate children's ideas about.

Summary of entertainment in the first junior group on life safety “Dangerous objects around us” Goal: to strengthen children’s understanding of objects that are dangerous to life and health that they encounter in everyday life, and their necessity.

This school year, our group recruited stupid kids, and we learned to dress and undress, wash and eat on our own.

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