Home Vegetables Borsch benefits and harms for the body. Can a one-year-old child eat borscht: benefits and harms. Is it possible for children to eat borscht?

Borsch benefits and harms for the body. Can a one-year-old child eat borscht: benefits and harms. Is it possible for children to eat borscht?

The first course occupies an important place in the people's diet. Borscht is one of these dishes. This is the national food of the Eastern Slavs. Borscht is a dish cooked in meat broth. Meat, stewed beets and other vegetables form the basis of this soup. The list of vegetables that are added to borscht includes cabbage, potatoes, onions, tomato paste, carrots and beets. This list is unchanged, but some ingredients can be added or replaced with others. Therefore, borscht has different preparation options. How is the well-known borscht beneficial for the body?

Benefits and harms of borscht:

This dish contains organic acids, B vitamins, vitamins C, K, mineral salts, carotenoids, folic and pantothenic acid, as well as amino acids. Eating borscht helps eliminate toxins, heavy metals, nitrates and nitrites, as well as pesticides. As a result of eating this type of soup, the body receives the beneficial substances, minerals, trace elements and vitamins contained in vegetables, which are in an optimal ratio. Thanks to this, borscht is a balanced dish. The balance of nutrients in this dish is provided by a choleretic agent, and this has a positive effect on the liver, where the blood is purified. Such food is also useful because it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of blood vessels and the heart, controlling blood viscosity. A considerable amount of proteins in borscht provide energy to the entire body, thereby increasing the body’s performance. Once in the body, this soup has a positive effect on metabolic processes and provides a feeling of fullness for a long time. Another positive effect of borscht on the body is that it can help remove toxic substances from the body. This dish should also be consumed to prevent diabetes. With the help of vegetables that are part of borscht, the intestines are gently cleansed, and they are also a source of fiber. And beets added to borscht are involved in the process of hematopoiesis.

This dish can be harmful if it is not prepared or stored correctly. The content of oxalic acid in the soup has a negative effect on the body, which contributes to the occurrence of kidney disease, caries and the development of osteoporosis. And the meat broth in borscht leads to diseases of the joints and blood vessels. This dish is contraindicated for people suffering from pancreatitis.

Millions of people around the world prefer borscht, a traditional dish of Ukrainian cuisine, among all first courses. It is loved for its unsurpassed taste and attractive appearance. Eating it is a pleasure. In addition, even a small portion of borscht can provide the body with the substances necessary for life. However, there are also opponents of the dish who doubt its usefulness. So, Ukrainian borscht: benefit or harm? Here's what nutritionists say about it.

Choose your recipe

About the benefits of Ukrainian borscht

Ukrainian borscht, prepared according to a traditional recipe, is a perfectly balanced dish. The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in it - carriers of energy necessary for the normal functioning of the whole body, as well as minerals, vitamins and enzymes is such that one cannot wish for anything better. The indicator of the optimal ratio of nutrients is not suitable only for supporters of separate nutrition and vegetarians, if we are talking about borscht in meat broth. For other people, the dish is an example of the harmony of products in one plate.

When everything in a dish is balanced, then, for example, fats (vegetable or animal) give a mild choleretic effect, which is beneficial for the liver. Based on this, the entire digestive system begins to work like a clock.

Real Ukrainian meat borscht with lard is a real storehouse of protein, which is an amazing energy drink that guarantees vigor and a high level of performance. Complete protein nourishes, gives a feeling of fullness for a long time, and increases the efficiency of metabolic processes. Vegetables and seasonings supply the body with macro- and microelements, organic acids, fiber, vitamins A, C, K and group B.

It’s worth mentioning separately about fiber. Borscht is an excellent detoxifier that cleanses the body of toxins. It is no coincidence that the mixture of vegetables that go into preparing real, traditional Ukrainian borscht is called the “magnificent seven.” Beets, potatoes, cabbage, onions, carrots, tomatoes, herbs (sometimes garlic) - all together they perfectly complement each other and form that very “magnificent seven”, which, when sauteed and boiled, acts as an excellent sorbent, “brush”. Due to the fiber present in these vegetables - a rather coarse part of them, which is practically not digested by the stomach, the “seven” gently removes the products of decay and putrefaction accumulated in the body.

Even one broth of Ukrainian borscht can claim a high degree of usefulness. It, as the Japanese centenarians would say, sends energy to the fire of digestion and revitalizes the blood, i.e. regulates its viscosity, making it more liquid, which is beneficial for the heart and blood vessels.

About the dangers of Ukrainian borscht

Here are the claims its opponents make about Ukrainian borscht:
- meat broth is harmful, it causes diseases of blood vessels, joints, kidneys -
- carrots and cabbage are leaders in the absorption of nitrates -
- borscht contains oxalic acid and dangerous compounds that lead to caries, osteoporosis and other diseases -
- frying, an essential element of Ukrainian borscht, causes the development of gastritis, stomach ulcers, and also carries cholesterol, which affects blood vessels and the heart.

What can you say to this? Broth cooked with the “wrong” meat can cause some harm. That is, obtained from an animal whose diet was supplemented with growth hormones or antibiotics. There is only one way out - buy meat from trusted producers and you will have nothing to fear.

There is a good way to keep your broth safe. As soon as the meat in the pan comes to a boil, remove it from the heat and drain the liquid. Rinse the meat, add fresh water, add a whole onion, and put it back on the fire. Then discard the onion.

Regarding nitrates: the opinion that a large amount of them enters the body along with cabbage and carrots is contradicted by another opinion based on research. According to the conclusions of scientific research, heat-treated vegetables, unlike fresh ones, ensure easy transit of nitrates through the intestines and their safe removal from the body.

Regarding oxalic acid: yes, it is present in borscht, but in a concentration that is not hazardous to health. In addition, it is easily neutralized by sour cream, which is required when serving Ukrainian borscht.

Roasting. The process of frying onions and carrots does not take long, only until a light golden color appears. Carcinogenic substances with a high carbon content are known to form only in burnt foods that have been fried in oil or fat at high temperatures for a long time. Just avoid this when preparing frying, and then it will not be dangerous to your health.

So what harm does Ukrainian borscht bring? Yes, in general, none. This is nothing more than a far-fetched and unsubstantiated myth. The benefits of this dish have been proven by the thousand-year culinary history of its use and many objective studies. It is only important to use high-quality products and know the rules for preparing real traditional Ukrainian borscht.

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Borscht is considered one of the most favorite types of first courses for most people. This is a universal dish that fits perfectly into any diet. Modern cooking has many recipes for its preparation. Borscht can be hearty and rich, or it can also be light dietary. There are no exact definitions of the country and time of appearance of borscht. According to some opinions, this dish was first prepared by cooks in Rus'. Another version calls borscht an original Ukrainian dish.

Calorie content of borscht

Depending on the many recipes for preparing this type of soup, calculating its exact calorie content is quite problematic. This indicator is influenced not only by the technology of its preparation, but also by the products used. On average, the energy value of such soup is 50 - 65 kcal. Moscow is considered the most high-calorie - 116 kcal.

The average nutritional value of a finished dish is:

  • Carbohydrates - 4.8 g.
  • Fat - 3.1 g.
  • Proteins - 2.5 g.

Benefits of borscht

Regardless of the method of preparation, borscht, due to its high content of various vegetables, which are quite balanced among themselves, has a positive effect on the body. Promotes rapid saturation of the body, gentle cleansing of the intestines and body from toxic substances and metals. It has a good choleretic effect, unloading the liver and accelerating metabolic processes in the body. Improves the biochemical composition of blood and stimulates hematopoietic processes.

Harm of borscht

Borscht can have a negative effect on the body if it is improperly prepared or stored for a long time. It is also worth noting that the oxalic acids contained in its composition contribute to the development of dental caries, kidney pathologies, and osteoporosis. Abuse of fatty, rich borscht can provoke diseases of the heart muscle and blood vessels.

Product Kcal Proteins, g Fats, g Angle, g
Cold borscht with radish 32,3 0,9 2 2,9
Lithuanian cold borscht 63,8 2,9 2,2 8,6
Mushroom borscht 27,1 0,7 2,1 1,4
Cold borscht 27,1 1,1 1,3 3
Borsch with prunes and mushrooms 74 4,6 3,1 7,4
Borscht with cabbage and potatoes 61,6 3,8 2,9 5,4
Vegetarian borscht 34,7 0,5 2,7 2,2
Moscow borscht 115,5 8,3 7,2 4,6
Summer borscht (with beet tops) 69 3,9 3,2 6,6
Kuban borscht with zucchini 88,2 4,9 5,7 4,7

Reading time for this article: 9 minutes.

Such a dish as borscht is well known to many residents of our country. The ingredients included in its composition provide the body with useful substances and elements. Therefore, it is recommended to include it in the diet. However, beets, on the basis of which borscht is cooked, are a red vegetable. It is considered an allergen for young children. That is why many mothers are interested in whether a one-year-old child can have borscht and how to prepare it correctly so as not to harm the baby’s health.

The basis of this first course is several vegetables:

  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • cabbage;
  • potato tubers;
  • pepper;
  • tomato.

They can be cooked in bone or meat broth. Sometimes meat is not added to the soup, for example, if it is dietary or vegetarian.

Due to its composition, borscht is a source of many microelements, vitamins, minerals and organic acids. In addition to amino acids and antioxidants, borscht also contains:

  • carotenoids;
  • iron;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamins belonging to group B.

The large amount of fiber present in this dish improves the functioning of the intestines and other digestive organs. As a result, constipation is eliminated and its recurrence is prevented.

Beetroot, which is rightfully the main component of the soup, is characterized by a hepatoprotective effect. Also, the root vegetable can strengthen blood vessels and normalize a person’s nervous state. In addition, eating beets stimulates hematopoietic function. This allows people to avoid the occurrence of such an unpleasant disease as diabetes.

If you regularly eat beets, you can cleanse the body of a large number of toxic substances - nitrates, pesticides, heavy metals.

But, despite all the positive properties of borscht, you need to remember about its contraindications. First of all, this dish is not recommended for those who are intolerant to any of the components included in its composition. As a rule, allergy to beets can occur. But, fortunately, this happens quite rarely. Therefore, when asked whether a one-year-old child can have borscht, one can rarely hear a negative answer.

The following diseases are contraindications to the use of this dish: diarrhea and pancreatitis. And for small children, borscht will be harmful if the technology for its preparation has been violated.

At what age can beets be given to small children?

Beets can be introduced into the diet of infants from 8 months, the main thing is that the vegetable is well cooked and soft. Before cooking beets, you need to wash them thoroughly to remove dirt - as a result, the water when washing the vegetable should be clean.

If your baby experiences frequent constipation, then you can give him beets even earlier, from 7 months. The main thing is that the baby does not have any allergies. To do this, you need to give the baby a small amount of complementary foods for the first time in the form of an independent dish.

Since vegetables for infants should be ground, you can add a little oil to it, which will make the dish less dry. If there are no negative reactions from the body during the day (diarrhea, colic, flatulence, redness of the skin), then the baby can be fed beets and food prepared on its basis.

At the age of 1 year, the norm of beets is 100 g per day. You can use this product daily, the main thing is not to increase the recommended amounts. For children who often have a negative body reaction to foods, it is recommended to give borscht from 10-11 months.

Those who are interested in whether borscht can be given to an 8-month-old baby should know that if the baby does not have a negative body reaction to its components, and the dish is cooked according to the rules, then parents can give it to their baby. At the same time, you need to remember that sour cream cannot be added to borscht before 1.5-2 years.

How to cook borscht for babies

To prevent this first dish from harming the baby’s body, you should follow certain rules when preparing it:

  • The borscht should contain only those components that the baby has already tried;
  • When preparing soup for babies, you should not use seasonings or add too much salt;
  • It is not recommended to fry vegetables; it is better to immerse them in water raw;
  • if borscht is cooked with meat, it should have a minimum amount of fat (secondary broth);
  • Children under 3 years of age should not cook with bone broth;
  • vegetables that are used to prepare soup are washed and then poured with boiling water;
  • after the peel is peeled, the products are cut very finely, and some of them are grated (especially for children who do not yet have teeth)
  • If the borscht is simply cooked in water, then after cooking you can add boiled meat to the dish.

Borscht is given to a one-year-old child without any danger to his health if he has 4 or more teeth with which he can chew food. Otherwise, when preparing borscht, you should grind its components more thoroughly.

Borscht recipe for young children

There are a wide variety of borscht recipes for young children, which differ in ingredients, cutting method and the order in which the products are placed in the pan. However, there are general rules that, if followed, will make it possible to make a healthy and tasty dish for young children:

  • In the saucepan where the soup will be prepared, you need to pour about 1 liter of water, and then wait for it to boil.
  • then the potatoes are placed in the water and cut into small cubes.
  • After 15 minutes, you need to add grated vegetables into the water. These are carrots and beets, which should be fully ripe and bright.
  • When the water boils again (after 5-10 minutes), you will need to put finely shredded cabbage into the saucepan.
  • after all the ingredients are completely cooked, you can add pre-boiled meat, cut into small pieces.
  • After this, you need to cook the soup for another 10 minutes.

Before the baby turns 1 year old, it is not recommended to add salt and pepper to the dish. To avoid having to store it for a long time, it is better to cook the soup in a small saucepan. A freshly prepared dish has the greatest benefit on the body. After all, when reheated, it loses almost all useful substances.

As the child grows up and new foods are introduced into his diet, they can be gradually added to the borscht:

  • before adding potatoes (10 minutes before), you need to put finely chopped onion in water;
  • chopped or squeezed tomato juice should be placed in a pan along with cabbage;
  • finely chopped sweet pepper is placed at the very end (a child is gradually introduced to it from the age of 1.5 years);
  • When the baby is one year old, the borscht can be lightly salted and fresh dill added.

Introducing such a healthy dish as borscht into your baby’s diet will benefit not only the baby’s health, but also adults. After all, they are also recommended to eat soups that use non-fried foods. Therefore, soon after the birth of a baby, many should reconsider their views on nutrition and use only healthy culinary recipes.

Many rumors and myths on the topic of the benefits and harms of soups create misconceptions about the need for first (liquid) courses in the human diet.

Let's start with the benefits of soups for losing weight and maintaining weight.

Research by scientists proves that those who eat first courses every day lose weight more easily and effectively than people who do not have soups in their diet. However, the results of these studies can be questioned if it turns out that the people who took part in them drank little water, and the soups simply replenished the body's fluid needs. In any case, soup is a very good food product for creating a feeling of fullness. First courses allow you not to increase your caloric intake. In this case, food density (saturation) can be reduced: the amount of nutrients will not be very large, but the volume of food will be sufficient. With the help of soup, you can arrange fasting days, unless, of course, it is a meat soup and it does not contain a large amount of fat.

To be fair, we can say that you can increase the volume of food intake and reduce its calorie content with the help of salads, fiber and bran (cabbage, carrots, apples, persimmons, bananas, bread with bran, adding fiber to food).

The health benefits of soups seem questionable.

You can often hear that people with stomach diseases (gastritis, ulcers) simply need to eat liquid. In fact, they require frequent, small and fractional feeding. In addition, at some stages of such diseases you should not eat raw vegetables and fruits, because their juice has an irritating effect. Therefore, for some diseases of the stomach and intestines, soups are recommended, although, for example, you can bake an apple, stew carrots and cabbage.

Harm of soups (borscht, cabbage soup)

1. Liquid during meals dilutes gastric juice, which significantly impairs digestion.

2. Heat treatment dramatically reduces the amount of nutrients in food. All vitamins and biologically active substances die at a temperature of 57 degrees.

3. Warm meat or chicken broth, entering the body, is very quickly absorbed by the intestines, and the liver, due to its capacity, does not have time to process the large quantities of meat extracts contained in the broth. As a result, extracts in the form of unsplit poisons bypass the liver and begin their “journey” throughout the body, causing harm to many internal organs.

4. When cooking meat, various harmful chemicals pass into the broth, the main ones being creatine and creatinine. In addition, in our time, when raising animals for slaughter, to increase their weight, unpious farmers use various chemicals that accumulate in the meat and also harm the consumer. For the sake of example, we can cite the results of one interesting experiment: a chicken carcass, in the cultivation of which the antibiotic tetracycline was used, was cooked for 30 minutes, as a result, traces of this chemical substance appeared on the muscles of the broiler, and after the next 30 minutes of cooking, the substance completely passed into bouillon.

For reference:

Probably, now no one will tell the meaning of the word “restaurant” other than a place where they eat. But even before the Middle Ages, bones were boiled overnight in French taverns. The masters and masters ate meat and gave the bones to the servants. And from these bones they made a very rich broth, which, on the advice of doctors of that time, was given to wounded soldiers and people exhausted after illness.

In French the verb to restore is restaurant. And the restorative broth is a restaurant. After this, taverns that cooked bones and fed the poor and sick began to be called restaurants. Thus, initially a restaurant is not a place where gourmet food is eaten, but a place where the poor are fed.

From this historical background the following conclusions follow:

1. Bone broth was given to poor people, and it actually restores strength, but if you drink it every day for a long time, then it will do much more harm than good.

2. Bones were boiled and broth was made in those days when there were no animal feeds or antibiotics.

So, the dry residue: it is not advisable to eat soups, but if you really want to and not often, and even from vegetables, then you can.

1. You can cook soups (cabbage soup, borscht) using the second broth. The meat is cut into pieces of 100 grams and placed in cold water. Then bring to a boil and cook for about five minutes. Then this primary broth is drained and new cold water is poured in, which is brought to a boil, and in which you cook the meat and prepare the soup.

2. Cook meat or chicken broth. Then it cools, visible fat is removed from it and diluted with water in a ratio of two to one. The so-called weak broth. The content of fat and extractives will be significantly less.

3. You can cook vegetable soup and add separately cooked meat to it.

A couple of recipes:

1. Three radishes on a coarse grater. Place rye crackers or diced and dried bread on a plate. Add greens: parsley, dill, celery, green onions. Mix everything and pour kvass. You can use classic or beet kvass. You can also add beetroot broth or water. Grate horseradish. Add salt to taste.

2. From rare meat you can prepare such a first dish as okroshka. You need to grate the radish, add boiled peeled potatoes, cut into cubes. Add salt and leave for an hour. After an hour, pour kvass or beetroot broth. Add greens.

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