Home Fruit trees The table shows the distribution of the number of inhabitants. Tasks for an independent solution. Population aging rates

The table shows the distribution of the number of inhabitants. Tasks for an independent solution. Population aging rates

The new price for the washing machine is 0.95 from the previous one. By what percentage has the price of a washing machine decreased? There are pears and apple trees in the garden. Pears make up 2/5 of all trees. How many percent of all trees are apple trees? Correlate the fractions that express the fractions of a certain quantity and the corresponding percentages. 1) 50% 2) 80% 3) 75% 4) 8%

During the seasonal sale, a jacket worth 3200r. discounted by 20%. Find a new jacket price. The product was discounted by 20% during the sale, while it began to cost 680 rubles. How much did the item cost before the sale? In January, the price of the product was x rubles. In February, it decreased by 20%. What is the new price of the item?

Several varieties of sweets were brought to the store. Using the table, find out what percentage of all sweets are “Fun” sweets? Sweets variety "Malysh" "Fun" "Lemon" Quantity in kg

In the garden, 3 teams of schoolchildren were picking apples. Using the table, find out what percentage of all apples were collected by the pupils of the 2nd brigade? Brigade number 123 Quantity in kg

Zhenya collects stamps on three themes: "Animals", "Plants", "Monuments of architecture". Using the data in the table below, find out what percentage of the entire collection are stamps with the theme "Animals"? Theme "Plants" "Animals" "Monuments of architecture" Number of stamps

The table shows the distribution of the number of residents of the village "Zvezdny", depending on their gender and age. Determine what percentage of all residents of the village are men under 30? Age and gender of residents Women under 30 Men under 30 Women over 30 Men over 30 Number of residents

In stores A and B, prices were the same in January. Price changes over the next four months are shown in the table. Compare the prices in these stores in May: in which of them the prices are lower and by what percentage? FebruaryMarchAprilMay Auv. 50% reduced by 10% sw. 2.5 times mind. 2 times Wuv. 2 times the mind. 2.5 times the sw. 40% mind. by 20%

The table shows the cost of painting the ceilings. Using the data presented in the table, determine what the cost of work will be if the ceiling area is 90 m2, the color of the ceiling is green and there is a seasonal discount of 10%. " Ceiling color Price in rubles per 1 sq. M (depending on the area of ​​the room) up to 10 sq. M from 11 to 30 from 31 to 60 over 60 White color

Section 1. Statistical study of the size, composition and distribution of the population

Task 1.1

The table shows data on the dynamics of the population of Arkhangelsk and Severodvinsk (at the beginning of the year).

Determine the average annual population of Arkhangelsk and Severodvinsk for the period from 2006 to 2010.

Compare the average absolute growth rates and average growth rates of the population of Arkhangelsk and Severodvinsk.

Task 1.2.

According to the results of the 2010 census, the following data were obtained on the number of urban and rural population in the regions of the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation.

Determine the population density for each region of the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation.

Group and compare the regions of the Northwestern Federal District by urbanization level.

Task 1.3.

According to the 2010 census, the population of the Arkhangelsk region, including the NAO, amounted to 1228 thousand people, while the share of the urban population was 75.6%. Determine the number of urban and rural population, as well as the number of townspeople per 1000 people in rural areas.

Task 1.4.

According to population censuses, the number of men and women in Russia is characterized by the following data:

Define for each year:

Share of men and women in the total population.

The number of women per 1000 men.

Draw conclusions

Task 1.5.

Region -Kholmogorsky district

Task 1.5. With answers

The following table provides data on the distribution of the population by age group for the population censuses.

Region -Kholmogorsky district

2. Determine the dependency ratio for children, for pensioners and the general one. Rate their change.

Task 1.6.

The following table shows data on the distribution of the population of Russia by age groups according to population censuses.

2. Determine the dependency ratio of children, pensioners and the total. Rate their change.

Task 1.7.

Calculate the age structure of the population of each region.

Determine the dependency ratios for each area.

Task 1.8.


Task 1.8.

In the Arkhangelsk region, as of January 1, 2010, the number of pensioners exceeded the number of persons younger than the working age by 62467 people. The share of working age in the total population was 61.5%.

Determine the coefficients of the demographic load if it is known that the total population of the Arkhangelsk region at this date was 1,227,625 people.

Task. 1.9

The table shows the distribution of the population of the Russian Federation by sex and age groups as of January 1, 2010.

Age, years Total population, thousand people Including urban Including rural
70 and more

Task 1.8.

In the Arkhangelsk region, as of January 1, 2010, the number of pensioners exceeded the number of persons younger than the working age by 62467 people. The share of working age in the total population was 61.5%.

Determine the coefficients of the demographic load if it is known that the total population of the Arkhangelsk region at this date was 1,227,625 people.

Task. 1.9

The table shows the distribution of the population of the Russian Federation by sex and age groups as of January 1, 2010.

Age, years Total population, thousand people Including urban Including rural
70 and more


Task. 1.10

The table shows the distribution of the population of the Arkhangelsk region by sex and age groups as of January 1, 1998.

Age, years Total population, thousand people Including urban Including rural
70 and more


The average age of the entire population, as well as urban and rural.

The coefficient of aging of the urban and rural population and draw a conclusion using the scale of demographic old age by E. Rosset to interpret the data obtained.

Task. 1.11

The table shows the distribution of the resident population of the Arkhangelsk region by age groups.

Age, years Number Population by main groups
1998 year 2010 r.
70 and more


The structure of the population by age groups.

The share of children under 14 years of age in the total population and its dynamics.

Population aging rates

Task 1.12.

The level of education of the population of Russia according to the 2010 census is characterized by the following data.


The proportion of the population with education in the total population aged 15 and over.

Share of the population with vocational and general education in the population with education.

The structure of the population who received vocational education.

How many times the number of people with vocational education exceeds the number of people with general education.

Task 1.13

During the 2010 All-Russian Population Census, the following data on sources of livelihood were obtained:

Sources of livelihood men women
human % human %
Labor activity 34 277 825 32 343 548
Personal subsidiary farm 6 747 128 8 232 246
Scholarships 1 326 069 1 441 579
Pensions (except for disability pensions) 10 717 587 22 757 612
Disability Pensions 2 586 305 2 584 127
Objective Benefits (other than unemployment benefits) 4 253 737 6 517 348
Unemployment benefits 645 709 770 497
Another type of government support 1 213 804 502 777
Savings, dividends, interest 360 611 280 444
Income from the rental or lease of property, from patents, copyrights 176 856 191 819
Dependency, help of others, alimony 17 722 095 20 700 856
Another source of livelihood 73 174 43 433

Compare the structure of livelihoods for men and women.

Excel Spreadsheets - The information you enter is displayed in the formula bar at the same time. If you now click on any cell, the selection is canceled. The term range is used to refer to a group of cells. When working with Excel, it is important not to make any calculations "in your head". Cells in Excel 9x are located at the intersection of columns and rows.

"Tables by Geometry" - Tangent to a circle Central and inscribed angles Inscribed and circumscribed circle The concept of a vector Addition and subtraction of vectors. Contents: Multiplying a vector by a number Axial and central symmetry. Polygons Parallelogram and trapezoid Rectangle, rhombus, square Area of ​​a polygon Area of ​​a triangle, parallelogram and trapezoid Pythagorean theorem Similar triangles Signs of similarity of triangles Relationships between the sides and angles of a right-angled triangle Relative position of a straight line and a circle.

"Table cell" - Execute: Table. Changing the width of the columns 1st way. Here is an example of different text formatting in different cells. The height of the rows can be adjusted in the Table Properties tab. Select the Column tab. Splitting cells. Execute the COPY command. Table - Table properties. Click on the Tables and Borders button.

"Periodic Table" - At the end of 1870 the Periodic Law and the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements by DI Mendeleev. In the "extra-long" version, each period occupies exactly one line. From 1868 - Professor of the Royal Institute, from 1872 - Oxford University. English chemist William Odling was born in Southwark, near London.

"Distribution of budgetary appropriations" - Analytical distribution of budgetary appropriations of the federal budget for 2012-2014 according to the directions of state programs of the Russian Federation *. + Appendix No. 42 - list of uncoordinated issues: state program code. Appendix - analytical distribution for 2011-2013 - updated. * Preliminary data to be revised in accordance with the distribution of the limit volumes of budgetary appropriations by items of classification of budget expenditures.

"MS Excel tables" - Properties of cells. Address field. Microsoft excel - spreadsheets. "Convenient" features of MS Excel. Select the cell that contains the numeric data for the calculation. The types of data in the cells of the spreadsheet. Current cell. Formula bar. Scroll bars. Entering formulas. Background Character color Frame type.

Determine the average annual population of Arkhangelsk and Severodvinsk for the period from 2006 to 2010.

Compare the average absolute growth rates and average growth rates of the population of Arkhangelsk and Severodvinsk.

Task 1.2.

According to the results of the 2010 census, the following data were obtained on the number of urban and rural population in the regions of the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation.

Determine the population density for each region of the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation.

Group and compare the regions of the Northwestern Federal District by urbanization level.

Task 1.3.

According to the 2010 census, the population of the Arkhangelsk region, including the NAO, amounted to 1228 thousand people, while the share of the urban population was 75.6%. Determine the number of urban and rural population, as well as the number of townspeople per 1000 people in rural areas.

Task 1.4.

According to population censuses, the number of men and women in Russia is characterized by the following data:

Define for each year:

Share of men and women in the total population.

The number of women per 1000 men.

Draw conclusions

Task 1.5.

Region -Kholmogorsky district

Task 1.5. With answers

The following table provides data on the distribution of the population by age group for the population censuses.

Region -Kholmogorsky district

2. Determine the dependency ratio for children, for pensioners and the general one. Rate their change.

Task 1.6.

The following table shows data on the distribution of the population of Russia by age groups according to population censuses.

2. Determine the dependency ratio of children, pensioners and the total. Rate their change.

Task 1.7.

Calculate the age structure of the population of each region.

Determine the dependency ratios for each area.

Task 1.8.


Task 1.8.

In the Arkhangelsk region, as of January 1, 2010, the number of pensioners exceeded the number of persons younger than the working age by 62467 people. The share of working age in the total population was 61.5%.

Determine the coefficients of the demographic load if it is known that the total population of the Arkhangelsk region at this date was 1,227,625 people.

Task. 1.9

The table shows the distribution of the population of the Russian Federation by sex and age groups as of January 1, 2010.

Age, years Total population, thousand people Including urban Including rural
70 and more


Task. 1.10

The table shows the distribution of the population of the Arkhangelsk region by sex and age groups as of January 1, 1998.

Age, years Total population, thousand people Including urban Including rural
70 and more


The average age of the entire population, as well as urban and rural.

The coefficient of aging of the urban and rural population and draw a conclusion using the scale of demographic old age by E. Rosset to interpret the data obtained.

Task. 1.11

The table shows the distribution of the resident population of the Arkhangelsk region by age groups.

Age, years Number Population by main groups
1998 year 2010 r.
70 and more


The structure of the population by age groups.

The share of children under 14 years of age in the total population and its dynamics.

Population aging rates

Task 1.12.

The level of education of the population of Russia according to the 2010 census is characterized by the following data.


The proportion of the population with education in the total population aged 15 and over.

Share of the population with vocational and general education in the population with education.

The structure of the population who received vocational education.

How many times the number of people with vocational education exceeds the number of people with general education.

Task 1.13

During the 2010 All-Russian Population Census, the following data on sources of livelihood were obtained:

Sources of livelihood men women
human % human %
Labor activity 34 277 825 32 343 548
Personal subsidiary farm 6 747 128 8 232 246
Scholarships 1 326 069 1 441 579
Pensions (except for disability pensions) 10 717 587 22 757 612
Disability Pensions 2 586 305 2 584 127
Objective Benefits (other than unemployment benefits) 4 253 737 6 517 348
Unemployment benefits 645 709 770 497
Another type of government support 1 213 804 502 777
Savings, dividends, interest 360 611 280 444
Income from the rental or lease of property, from patents, copyrights 176 856 191 819
Dependency, help of others, alimony 17 722 095 20 700 856
Another source of livelihood 73 174 43 433

Compare the structure of livelihoods for men and women.

Highlight three main sources of livelihood.

Target 1.14

The population of China from January 1, 2009 to January 1, 2011 increased by 0.7%, while the proportion of the male population increased from 51.1% to 51.4%.

Determine the growth rate of the male and female population of China during this period.

Task 1.15.

Using the data in the table, determine in which city (A, B, C, D) the share of the working-age population is greater by gender.

Task 1.16.

Using the data in the table, determine in which region A, B, or C the proportion of elderly people in the age structure of the population is the smallest.

State the reason for the lower proportion of older age in the area.

Demographic indicators

Task 1.17.

Using the data in the table, calculate the 1998 population growth rate for the Konosha District of the Arkhangelsk Region.

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