Home Grape Erogenous zones of a woman. Preparing a girl for sex How to prepare a woman for intercourse

Erogenous zones of a woman. Preparing a girl for sex How to prepare a woman for intercourse

It is no secret that pregnancy is an extremely important stage in the life of every woman, and it is necessary to make sure that the body is truly ready for the process of conception, gestation and childbirth.

This is why future parents often decide to plan a pregnancy. Tests, receiving recommendations from doctors, a complete examination of both spouses - all this is extremely necessary for conceiving and bearing a healthy baby. If you decide to get serious about preparing for pregnancy, start this process with a visit to the reproductive center. Do not forget that this procedure is lengthy, so it is recommended to contact the clinic 4-5 months before the desired conception occurs.

The first step is to make an appointment with such specialists

  • Men visit a urologist.
  • Doctors of other specialties (general practitioner, cardiologist, oncologist) – in the presence of concomitant diseases.

After the initial consultation, laboratory and instrumental examination methods are prescribed. After receiving the results, a second visit to specialists is necessary to receive recommendations and treatment (if necessary).

You can prepare for pregnancy at the AltraVita clinic. Here you have the opportunity to quickly go through all the research and consult with specialists.

Mandatory clinical studies (for women)

  • Complete blood test (hemogram with leukocyte formula and determination of erythrocyte sedimentation rate).
  • Urine examination.
  • Determination of blood glucose levels.
  • Biochemical indicators: blood proteins and enzymes, bilirubin and cholesterol levels.
  • Assessment of blood clotting.
  • Be sure to look at your hormone levels.
  • The degree of vaginal cleanliness (vaginal microflora) is determined.
  • Taking smears for culture (diagnosis of bacterial lesions and determination of sensitivity to antibacterial drugs).
  • Detection of antibodies to viral infections (rubella, herpes, toxoplasmosis).
  • Testing for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B, C.
  • Genetic studies (if indicated).

Calculate dates suitable for taking tests

And make sure to sign up for your first free appointment with a fertility specialist before 02/29/20

Select gynecological ultrasound Progesterone FSH LH Testosterone Estradiol Prolactin T4 TSH Hysterosalpingography (HSG) EchoHSG Ultrasound of the mammary glands Regular smear Smear for latent infections Cultures from the uterine cavity

Men also undergo the necessary tests

  • Hemogram.
  • General urine analysis.
  • Cultures of urethral swabs (to detect infections).
  • Diagnosis of viral diseases.
  • Tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis.
  • Spermogram (to determine the number of sperm and their motility).

In addition, it is mandatory to determine the blood type of both family members, as well as the Rh factor.

In addition to laboratory examination, instrumental methods are used

  • Ultrasound examination of the prostate gland in men.
  • Colposcopy.
  • Salpingography according to indications.
  • In women, an electrocardiogram is taken to assess the state of the heart and blood vessels.

Only after undergoing a full examination, the doctor determines whether a married couple can have children, prescribes the necessary therapy and repeated tests, and gives answers to questions that have arisen.
It is worth mentioning that the doctor should also advise future parents about changes in their lifestyle: both the woman and her husband should stop using tobacco and alcohol products and improve their diet. If necessary, vitamins (or other medications) are prescribed.

You will also receive recommendations regarding proper preparation for pregnancy, which will allow you to conceive a child faster and minimize the possible negative influence of the external environment on it. If you wish, at the AltraVita clinic you can use the pregnancy management service so that it does not end prematurely.

A woman is ready, as they always say! Except for the phrases: “I have a headache, I’m tired.”) But before sex, and in general, a woman should be clean, and a man too! Long live scented soap. Women often use gels for intimate hygiene for washing, and, by the way, you need to wash yourself twice a day, and after sexual intercourse, it is advisable to do this with boiled water and wash your hands with soap, and wipe only with a separate towel and blotting movements, since the skin is delicate. But Napoleon, for example, wrote letters to his Josephine: “I’ll be there soon! Stop washing!” He liked the natural smell of a woman. In principle, one can only guess

whether he took baths at all and bathed as often as he would like. but it’s unlikely that now there will be a man who likes an unwashed girl or woman. So, ideally, a man and a woman should still have a wash :) and enjoy each other’s bodies.

The question “how to cook” sounds funny; you can cook food, not female genitals.

It seems to me that every woman, before going to bed, takes a bath, shower, or simply washes herself, and not because she is preparing for sex, but simply for herself, for hygiene.

I personally have never liked sex for which you need to prepare in advance and think through what, how and why. It’s cool to make love when you didn’t expect it at all, in a hurry! It’s only when I’m going on a trip that I think through and analyze how and what to do correctly.

A woman, if she is a woman, must always be in combat readiness so that the “enemy” does not take him by surprise!!

Attention to a woman, gifts, kisses, tender words - all this tunes a woman up and stimulates her desire for intimacy. If she has such a desire, then the genitals begin to prepare - they swell, blood flows to them, they become moisturized, etc.

If for men the desire for intimacy comes quickly and they are ready for it right away, then for many women the state of “wanting” comes slowly. That is why, if a man wants to please her, bring her to orgasm, he must prepare her.

Women are different, they are always ready, they are in a state of readiness, they are slightly aroused. And actually category 4, these are those who are in a state of illness, it is better to stay away from them. There are aphrodisiacs for arousal. Women are aroused by a good mind and a cheerful character. And, in fact, all sexual interest depends on how much you correspond to the stereotypes of her ideal. This could be a literary hero, a film or TV series hero, etc. Sometimes, because you don’t have it in “soap reality (operas),” you have to be like your father. The rest is a matter of technique; there is nothing complicated in physical caresses. Regarding washing and other things, this is simply a hygienic and preventive necessity.

Usually, many women take a shower completely from head to toe, including intimate areas in the morning and evening (In the morning it invigorates and relieves drowsiness, gives freshness, since the body is clean and putting clothes on a clean body is very pleasant, and even if the husband suddenly bothers you, then We seem to be always ready and take a shower in the evening before bed, relax afterwards from various thoughts, remove negativity, find freshness, put on a clean shirt before going to bed, get out of the bath), that is, we can say that a woman is generally always ready for unexpected advances.

There is no need to even talk much about washing - this is a natural, normal process. This can be done using special gels for intimate hygiene. But to prepare the female genital organs for sex, I advise you to try lubricants. Lubricants are different, you can choose the action you need in a specialized store. Their main purpose is to moisturize the genitals, they speed up the process of arousal.

Of course, women (and not only them, men too) need hygiene procedures - several times a day (usually more often in the summer). They create a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. Therefore, before regular, planned sex, most women take a shower. The rules for washing are simple - the stream of water in the perineum should be directed from front to back, and not vice versa.

But I don’t think that this condition is so necessary if a situation has arisen for spontaneous sex. Of course, with a partner you don’t know well, you need to take care of a condom, but in the case of a regular partner, a condom is not necessary.

Well, then - along the well-known path of rapprochement, but do not forget about the foreplay. For a woman, sexual intercourse is especially pleasant when she is very excited. By the way, the body is designed in such a way that women often need visual pictures - I mean erotica. Organs usually react positively to visual objects)))

Prepare female genital organs for sex It’s possible and necessary, but it doesn’t always work out and there’s not always time for it :) Although this is not good.

Female genital organs must be prepared. Before sex, you need to wash them thoroughly, or even syringe them, so that they are clean. You can also lubricate it a little with a special cream to improve the process of sliding the male genital organ into the vagina.


Before talking to your spouse, you need to decide what you really want. Swing is an exchange of partners in established couples. This is not a group sex, not an opportunity to try a threesome, but rather contact with another person who is also in a serious relationship and does not expect anything other than intimacy. At the same time, both you and your spouse have sex with other people. Often at this moment strong outbursts of jealousy occur. Are you ready to see your woman having fun with someone else? Fantasy and reality may not coincide in such experiments.

They have their own rules of behavior, you need to familiarize yourself with them before offering something to your partner. For example, there is an open and closed swing. In the first case, the couples are in front of each other, in the second they retire in separate rooms. Further relationships, issues of protection and possible consequences are also discussed.

The proposal for an experiment must be started carefully so as not to cause a negative reaction. For example, offer to watch a movie about swingers or themed porn. Ask a woman how she feels about such entertainment. It is better to conduct the dialogue in a humorous manner, without first offering anything specific.

In a relaxed atmosphere, tell your spouse that you have always dreamed of seeing her in the arms of another person. Focus on how she felt, how she felt good in these fantasies. Talk about her emotions, not yours. If you start talking to yourself, she may understand it ambiguously. Often a woman begins to look for flaws in herself; she will think that she is tired of you, that she is no longer interesting as a sexual partner. It is unlikely that she will agree after this.

A woman will undertake such an experiment only if she knows that there is no chance of losing her man. She needs to know that she is loved and that she is not replaced or compared to anyone else. It is necessary to remove the fear that it will be unnecessary. And this can only be done by constantly repeating that there is no better person in the world. And here sincerity is important, not flattery.

Don't put pressure on her. Just drop hints at first, then talk about the possibility in the distant future, and after a few weeks, start discussing the possibility in more detail. A woman sometimes needs to think things over and realize all the nuances. She may start looking for information online or in magazines. Give her this opportunity, because after this she will feel much more confident.

The first swing should be offered with people who are familiar to her. These could be good friends, old friends. Perhaps you know an old friend of hers with whom she is on friendly terms. This option will not be so scary, since everyone knows each other. But remember that if things don’t work out, you can forever lose these people from your social circle.

Many experts call this phase a stage, others - the majority of them today - consider it a legal and integral part of sexual intercourse. The fact is that, although at this stage there is no penetration, no woman - even a fantastically temperamental one - can enter into intimacy without words, caresses, stroking and touching. Of course, there are women so excitable that a minimum of words and affection is enough for them, but this is still necessary. Therefore, the expression “foreplay”, common 20-30 years ago, is practically not used by specialists today, and the beginning of sexual intercourse is counted precisely from the arousal phase.

Most men don’t need words, touches or strokes - just the sight of a naked (or better half-naked!) partner gives us an erection. But this is the interaction between a man and a woman, and we know that beautiful ladies need 3-5, or even 10-15 minutes of the first stage. We men carry out this stage mainly for our partners (what can we do - that’s how they, these women, are designed!), although after 40 years, as a rule, we ourselves need it.

At this stage, the woman is adequately stimulated, as a result of which her sexual arousal awakens, forms and increases. By adequate stimulation we mean words, caresses, touches, stroking and other actions that this particular woman needs in a given situation. The range of sexual influences here is unusually wide: most representatives of the fair sex need gentle words about love for her and her beauty, touching, stroking and kisses.

For the minority - tight hugs, passionate expressions of desire to possess her rather than love, strong kisses that leave marks on the skin. A very minority (but this, by the way, is every eighth woman!) need remarks that are not at all censored (but at the same time sexy!) and caresses that outwardly resemble aggression. It is important to keep in mind that both the one and the other, and the third way to excite a woman can be called adequate if it matches the sexual style of a particular partner. Thus, the most gentle stroking with the most affectionate speeches (You are my good one... You are my sweetheart... You are my beloved girl...) will not become adequate stimulating actions for a woman who feels the need for strong, painful, compression of the chest and sharp passionate words.

Girls are mysterious creatures, they have their own quirks. Yesterday your significant other was all upset, today she is already having fun, and tomorrow - who knows what she will be like tomorrow.

However, no matter what happens in a woman’s head, her mistress still remains a tender, sentimental, vulnerable person. If any event/activity is planned, you need to know how to prepare a girl to such a plot twist that there are no unpleasant surprises.

Take your time

It’s better not to put things off until the last moment, but you shouldn’t rush, so as not to make people laugh, as one famous proverb says. First, think about how the girl might react to your decision/news, be it a statement that you need to break off the relationship, or the news that your mother is coming to your home to stay. In this case, does something depend on it or are there some external forces that it cannot influence? Will she cope on her own? Will she need help? You definitely need to answer these questions for yourself, and then draw the appropriate conclusions.

Explain from a rational position

For girls, feelings usually play the “first fiddle”; they easily succumb to them, so it is necessary to explain how significant this or that event is from a rational position. This way there will be a greater chance that your listener’s mind will override her feelings. Put everything on your shelves for her: what, how, where, when and why.

Put pressure on feelings

If your reasoning does not prevail over your feelings, then you need to act differently. Pressure on feelings Women do it best, but what can you do - you should learn this technique too. If this is not useful in life, then it will not be superfluous either. Show what pain the current situation can bring, and also tell how you want to get out of it.

How to prepare a girl for first sex

If we are talking about how to prepare a girl for first sex, we must remember that any pressure is contraindicated, since the effect can be the opposite. The guy should do the opposite - Provide every possible support to the girl, be as delicate as possible. She may be stopped from first intimacy by fear of pain. I must say that a lot depends on you. Be as gentle and restrained as possible - then your partner will only enjoy the first sex. AND don't forget about trust V

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